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文章阐述利用某地浸矿山采区弥散试验资料及MODFLOW软件,通过对该采区水动力场的三维模拟,并对模拟进行了拟合与校正,提高了模型的仿真性.反演获得了场区各项水文地质参数,为地浸工艺设计与生产提供了技术支持. 相似文献
应用Virtual Globe技术和面向服务的软件构架SOA模型.通过综合分析地质灾害的空间数据和业务数据的特点,确定了不同数据类型之间的联系与服务方式.构建了一个地质灾害监测预警三维可视化数据集成框架,实现地质灾害空间数据和业务数据的集成和地质灾害相关信息的三维可视化显示.开发了基于B/S模式的华蓥山地质灾害监测预警... 相似文献
首先,基于考虑衬砌和注浆圈的解析解,利用MATLAB软件编制了计算与自动绘图程序,研究水头、隧道半径、围岩渗透特性与衬砌渗透系数和隧道涌水量、外水压力的相互关系;其次,基于FLAC3D软件平台,通过数值解与理论解的对比,验证了数值模拟方法在隧道渗流场中应用的正确性。在此基础上,结合青岛地铁典型区间隧道,分析了隧道开挖阶段以及运营期的渗流场,并研究了在不同注浆圈厚度以及注浆圈渗透系数下隧道注浆圈的涌水量和外水压力。结果表明,在隧道周围施作注浆圈的方法来减少隧道的涌水量是可行的。注浆圈厚度越大,其渗透系数越小,隧道涌水量就越小,而外水压力变化规律与涌水量恰恰相反。研究成果为地铁隧道衬砌的设计和注浆圈范围的初步确定提供了参考依据。 相似文献
The Virtual Worlds Project is a UK collaboration between the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, and the Leeds College of Art, to build a virtual environment in which to learn and practice basic geological mapping skills. Using the Unity game engine, a virtual landscape populated by rock outcrops with associated notebook entries has been created. This approach is not a replacement for field map work. Rather, it represents an in‐class tool with the appearance of a computer game with which to enhance basic mapping skills taught in the field in a virtual environment. 相似文献
TEM responses in an inhomogeneous medium are modeled in 3D using the vector finite element method for induction logging in petroleum wells. The algorithm is applied to HFIL diagrams obtained in wells that tap thinly laminated formations with regard to the true position of logging tools. 相似文献
对三维有限元位移场的插值问题进行了研究,提出基于Delaunay三角剖分的二次细分网格法。该法首先建立2个模型--整体模型和局部二次细分模型,对整体模型进行有限元计算和反分析得到初始地应力场和位移场;然后,基于Delaunay三角剖分,对整体模型的三维有限元位移场进行插值,插值结果作为局部模型的边界位移,局部二次细分模型再在此基础上进行有限元分析。最后,将该方法应用于工程实践,证明能提高计算效率,是切实可行的。 相似文献
非稳定温度场的边界往往是温度梯度较大的区域,需要划分较密的网格。但在三维温度应力的计算中太密的网格往往使得计算成本很高。将p型阶谱有限元方法引入温度场的计算,则可以开拓一条解决这类问题的有效途径。研究了p型有限元中的温度边界条件和初值,编制了有关程序,对同一个算例,采用不同网格密度的常规有限元法和p型有限元法进行了温度场计算分析和对比。研究结果表明,用p型有限元进行非稳定温度场计算,在网格稀疏的条件下能够达到较高的精度。 相似文献
The regional thermal field of the NE-German basin is modeled by a three-dimensional finite-element approach and is compared to classical one-dimensional extrapolations. Two alternative boundary conditions are assumed at the approximate depth of the Moho: a constant temperature distribution and a constant heat flow. Surprisingly, both results are almost identical down to approximately 10?km depth. Based on the models presented, the results are due to a complex interaction of different strata and the related regional variability of conductivities. In addition, the available temperature maps for different depths (Hurtig et al. 1992) indicate a relative high heat flow at the basin margins especially at the southern and eastern boundary. The models are able to reproduce the generalized pattern by regarding only a conductive heat flow. However, because both models are successful at shallow depth, we conclude that the current techniques of thermal modeling require improvement, even on the theoretical aspects of depth continuation and inversion. 相似文献
磁总场三方位梯度数据相对于总场数据包含更丰富的异常信息,将梯度数据应用于三维磁化率反演中,可以更准确地描述异常体。本文采用最小模型结构反演方法进行三维磁化率反演成像,并采用对数障碍法对磁化率的反演取值范围进行约束。通过模型试验,对磁总场异常数据及其三轴梯度数据进行单独反演、联合反演,结果表明三轴梯度联合反演结果可以更好地刻画异常体形态,更有效地分辨邻近异常体,反演物性更合乎实际。将此反演技术应用于大冶铁矿高精度航磁数据反演解释,取得了较好的应用效果。 相似文献
本文从物理学"场论"的角度介绍了地球化学场的概念,并从场源、场作用及地球化学指标分布三个基本要素出发阐述了地球化学场的扩散、对流-扩散的动力学机制。首先,按照采样介质,将地球化学场分为原生的岩石地球化学场,以及次生的土壤、水系沉积物、水文和气体地球化学场,描述了组成各类地球化学场的要素。其次,将地球化学场的分析方法概括为静态的空间结构分析和动态的时空结构分析两种,提出要以场的动力学机制为基础,利用地球物理学中的正、反演理论来研究四维时空中地球化学场的发展和演化。最后,探讨了地球化学场时空结构分析与三维地学模拟两者之间彼此补充和相互验证的关系,三维地学模拟构建的场源及空间介质模型,为地球化学场的正、反演提供了初始条件,地球化学场反演的结果又可用来修正三维地质模型;探讨了地球化学场与大数据分析技术间的关系,即采用大数据的"数据驱动"的思路来挖掘其与多元地学数据之间的隐性联系,探索其与成矿过程的关联性。地球化学场与三维地学模拟、大数据分析技术的结合将为隐伏矿体三维预测中地下成矿物质的分布和演化提供依据。 相似文献
Seismic modeling plays an important role in geophysics and seismology for estimating the response of seismic sources in a given medium. In this work, we present a MATLAB-based package, FDwave3D, for synthetic wavefield and seismogram modeling in 3D anisotropic media. The seismic simulation is carried out using the finite-difference method over the staggered grid, and it is applicable to both active and passive surveys. The code package allows the incorporation of arbitrary source mechanisms and offers spatial derivative operators of accuracy up to tenth-order along with different types of boundary conditions. First, the methodological aspects of finite-difference method are briefly introduced. Then, the code has been tested and verified against the analytical solutions obtained for the homogeneous model. Further, the numerical examples of layered and overthrust models are presented to demonstrate its reliability. 相似文献
从苏锡常地区地面沉降研究实际需要出发,介绍了利用虚拟现实技术构建地面沉降地质结构三维可视化模型虚拟现实系统的设计思路、开发模式、实现方法和功能特点。该系统真实表达了研究区三维地层结构特征,逼真再现了地面沉降模型所预测的地下水流场、地面沉降发展变化过程,并虚拟表现出地面沉降可能造成的后果,为苏锡常地区地面沉降机理及预测研究提供了一个全新的三维可视化平台。 相似文献
锦屏二级水电站是雅砻江干流上重要的梯级电站。电站厂址区域山体雄伟,地形陡倾,为一个典型“V”型河谷地貌。受印支、燕山和喜马拉雅等区域构造运动作用,该区域地层中赋存有较大的构造应力,而新生代以来的雅砻江侵蚀下切作用又使得地层中的构造应力得到一定程度的释放。为全面研究内外动力地质作用对厂址区域现今地应力场的影响并获得该区域地应力分布,提出结合地层剥蚀模拟、弹塑性计算和进化神经网络的地应力非线性反演方法。该方法一定程度上考虑了远古构造的先后顺序,并可模拟了河流侵蚀下切过程对现今应力场的影响。将地应力的实测值与反演值对比、现场洞室围岩破坏特征两方面分析都表明该方法具有较好的可靠性。 相似文献
Current physical science students and researchers are becoming ever more diverse in their learning needs and styles, in their ways of learning and indeed their scientific backgrounds in the subjects that they study. Current schools, colleges and Higher Education students are increasingly ‘digital natives’, connected 24/7 through mobile devices, generally goal‐orientated and responding well to digitally‐based activities and tasks. Whilst the structured nature of classrooms, traditional lectures and laboratory practicals obviously still dominate geoscience teaching, and core outdoor field trips and independent mapping/research are of paramount importance, more innovative complementary learning, teaching and research technologies are being developed by a wide variety of computer software developers, practitioners and educationalists. 相似文献
断层构造是制约地下工程设计与施工的关键因素。综合考虑复杂地质构造与地下洞室群结构的耦合关系,采用三维地质建模方法建立实现了地层体、断层体与地下洞室群结构的统一模型。基于三维模型提出了断层复杂度的概念,为水利水电工程地下厂房洞室群的选址方案分析提供了一种新的手段。针对地下围岩稳定性问题,提出基于断层与断层、断层与开挖面相互切割的曲面块体识别方法,搜索地下厂房洞室群内可能的失稳区域。上述方法已成功应用在某水电工程地下厂房洞室群分析中,在设计方案优化分析中取得了良好的效果。 相似文献
基于小湾水电站坝址区工程地质地形条件,研究分析了影响工程考察域初始地应力场的基本因素及其空间分布,建立了坝址区三维有限元计算模型和初始地应力场参数空间分布模型;利用大型通用有限元软件MSC.Marc和地应力实测资料,借助最小二乘法原理,以回归精度为目标函数,优化了构造挤压荷载的模拟和作用组合,实现了初始应力场空间分布模型的参数估计。计算结果表明,改进后的方法较传统方法回归精度有了较大提高,能较为合理地模拟小湾坝址区三维初始地应力场。 相似文献
Oil was first discovered in the Masila area of Yemen in the late 1990s, with about 90% of the reserves found in the Lower Qishn Clastic Member of the Qishn Formation. The porosity determinations of the Lower Qishn Clastic are relatively high and the permeability ranges from 103 to 374?md. This paper tries to evaluate the hydrocarbons in the porous zones encountered in the Lower Cretaceous formations, which were penetrated by the eight wells in the study area. The water saturation shows low values, while the hydrocarbon saturation is in a reverse relation, i.e., the hydrocarbon increases where the water saturation decreases. Different cross-plots such as Rho-PHIN, Rho-DTN, and M-N were used in lithological identification for the two studied formations (Saar and Qishn) in the studied wells. Formation evaluation and presentation forms of the obtained petrophysical parameters have frequently proven that the formations have high hydrocarbon saturation in this area and contain many pay zones. On of the main targets of this paper is to build a detailed 3D geological modeling of the Lower Cretaceous Sequence conducted through an integrated study. 相似文献
The paper describes a multivariable statistical regression technique for computing the 3D stress tensor applied to the shut-in pressure data obtained on fractures during in-situ stress measurement by hydraulic fracturing in a short borehole. This method computes the mean value of components of the 3D stress tensor and their confidence intervals at a desired confidence level. This has been applied to the data of shut-in pressure from Narwapahar mine, India and Kamaishi mine, Japan. The computed in-situ stress tensor is corroborated with that obtained by other methods. 相似文献