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Oxygen transfer in the capillary fringe (CF) is of primary importance for a wide variety of biogeochemical processes occurring in shallow groundwater systems. In case of a fluctuating groundwater table two distinct mechanisms of oxygen transfer within the capillary zone can be identified: vertical predominantly diffusive mass flux of oxygen, and mass transfer between entrapped gas and groundwater. In this study, we perform a systematic experimental sensitivity analysis in order to assess the influence of different parameters on oxygen transfer from entrapped air within the CF to underlying anoxic groundwater. We carry out quasi two‐dimensional flow‐through experiments focusing on the transient phase following imbibition to investigate the influence of the horizontal flow velocity, the average grain diameter of the porous medium, as well as the magnitude and the speed of the water table rise. We present a numerical flow and transport model that quantitatively represents the main mechanisms governing oxygen transfer. Assuming local equilibrium between the aqueous and the gaseous phase, the partitioning process from entrapped air can be satisfactorily simulated. The different experiments are monitored by measuring vertical oxygen concentration profiles at high spatial resolution with a noninvasive optode technique as well as by determining oxygen fluxes at the outlet of the flow‐through chamber. The results show that all parameters investigated have a significant effect and determine different amounts of oxygen transferred to the oxygen‐depleted groundwater. Particularly relevant are the magnitude of the water table rise and the grain size of the porous medium.  相似文献   

The point velocity probe (PVP) is a device that can measure groundwater velocity at the centimeter scale, and unlike devices that measure velocity within well screens, the PVP operates while in direct contact with the porous medium. Because of this feature, it was postulated that the PVP could be effective in measuring velocity within the capillary fringe. This hypothesis was tested using a laboratory flow-through cell filled with a medium-fine sand from Canadian Forces Base Borden. The cell was constructed to simulate conditions such that the PVP was positioned from 2.5 cm below the water table to 79 cm above the water table. As the water table was lowered, the PVP gave highly consistent values of velocity over the range equivalent to 2.5 cm below the water table to 44 cm above the water table, the approximate extent of the capillary fringe. The average measured velocity was 11.3 cm/d ± 11.6%, somewhat higher than that calculated based on the measured discharge through the cell (7.5 cm/d ± 5.5%). With a further decline in the water table there was a progressive decrease in the measured velocity values, consistent with the declining hydraulic conductivity as the sand material drained. Readings could not be made beyond about 57 cm, where the water content was approximately 75% of saturation. These experiments showed that the PVP is capable of measuring groundwater velocity within the saturated zone above the water table and possibly into the unsaturated zone. Currently, this is the only instrument available with this capability.  相似文献   

A model for the diffusion of gases through polymeric tubing was derived which predicts that the amount of gas transferred is proportional to the tubing length and inversely proportional to the pumping rate. The model was experimentally tested and confirmed for oxygen transfer through fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer (FEP) tubing using tubing lengths and flow rates typical of ground water sampling. Diffusion can introduce measurable concentrations of oxygen into initially anoxic water. Diffusive loss of carbon dioxide from water that is oversaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 does not measurably affect pH under similar usage conditions.  相似文献   

The presence and extent of small scale vertical structure in dissolved oxygen were investigated in a tropical Australian lake. At a 9 m deep site an extremely high oxygen patch appeared near the bottom boundary. Light levels reaching the bottom boundary during the life of the patch exceeded 10 µEinst m–2 s–1. The patch remained for 1.5 h before gradually reaching ambient oxygen levels. The patch's disappearance coincided with decreasing light levels during the late afternoon. Differences in the extent of oxygen vertical patchiness between deep (16 m) and shallow (9 m) sites were also observed. At the deep site, the distribution of oxygen steps over the water column coincided largely with the distribution of temperature steps. This indicates the dominance of physical processes at that site. At the shallow site, marked vertical patchiness in oxygen was observed with no similar patchiness in temperature. This indicates the prevalence of biological and chemical processes.  相似文献   

Groundwater elevation fluctuation has been recognized as one mechanism causing temporal indoor air volatile organic chemical (VOC) impacts in vapor intrusion risk assessment guidance. For dissolved VOC sources, groundwater table fluctuation shortens/lengthens the transport pathway, and delivers dissolved contaminants to soils that are alternating between water saturated and variably saturated conditions, thereby enhancing volatilization potential. To date, this mechanism has not been assessed with field data, but enhanced VOC emission flux has been observed in lab-scale and modeling studies. This work evaluates the impact of groundwater elevation changes on VOC emission flux from a dissolved VOC plume into a house, supplemented with modeling results for cyclic groundwater elevation changes. Indoor air concentrations, air exchange rates, and depth to groundwater (DTW) were collected at the study house during an 86-d constant building underpressurization test. These data were used to calculate changes in trichloroethylene (TCE) emission flux to indoor air, during a period when DTW varied daily and seasonally from about 3.1 to 3.4 m below the building foundation (BF). Overall, TCE flux to indoor air varied by about 50% of the average, without any clear correlation to changes in DTW or its change rate. To complement the field study, TCE surface emission fluxes were simulated using a one-dimensional model (HYDRUS 1D) for conditions similar to the field site. Simulation results showed time-averaged surface TCE fluxes for cyclic water-table elevations were greater than for stationary water-table conditions at an equivalent time-averaged water-table position. The magnitudes of temporal TCE emission flux changes were generally less than 50% of the time-averaged flux, consistent with the field site observations. Simulation results also suggested that TCE emission flux changes due to groundwater fluctuation are likely to be significant at sites with shallow groundwater (e.g., < 0.5 m BF) and permeable soil types (e.g., sand).  相似文献   

au un¶rt;a umu ¶rt;a na nu nauuu ¶rt;a uam mmu amm na aa. amau aa auum m mnam u mu ¶rt;a, m unam ¶rt; ¶rt;uamuu u na.  相似文献   

利用ANSYS作为分析平台数值模拟了观测系统距河道不同距离情况下,由河水涨落引起的浅层局部电性非均匀性对地电观测数据的影响,总结了观测系统距河道远近与观测数据误差大小的关系。分析结果对地电观测台站选址、及其观测数据误差校正具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Deposits of open‐framework gravel occurring in gravelly streambeds can exert a significant influence on hyporheic flow. The influence was quantified using a numerical model of the hyporheic zone. The model included open‐framework gravel stratasets represented with commonly observed characteristics including a volume fraction of about one‐third of the streambed sediment, a hydraulic conductivity two orders of magnitude greater than other strata present, and a spatial connectivity forming preferential‐flow pathways. The influence of open‐framework gravel stratasets on hyporheic flow was much greater than the influence of the channel morphology including meanders, point bars, dunes, and ripples. Seventy percent of the total hyporheic exchange occurred across 30% of the channel boundary at locations of open‐framework gravel stratasets. The maximum local interfacial flux rates occurred at these locations, and were orders of magnitude greater than those at other locations. The local flux rates varied by six orders of magnitude over the channel boundary. The composite flow rate through the model with open‐framework gravel stratsets was an order of magnitude greater than that through an equivalent but homogeneous model.  相似文献   

First-principles electronic structure calculations based on DFT have been used to study the thermodynamic, structural and transport properties of solid solutions and liquid alloys of iron and oxygen at Earth's core conditions. Aims of the work are to determine the oxygen concentration needed to account for the inferred density in the outer core, to probe the stability of the liquid against phase separation, to interpret the bonding in the liquid, and to find out whether the viscosity differs significantly from that of pure liquid iron at the same conditions. It is shown that the required concentration of oxygen is in the region 25–30 mol%, and evidence is presented for phase stability at these conditions. The Fe/O bonding is partly ionic, but with a strong covalent component. The viscosity is lower than that of pure liquid iron at Earth's core conditions. It is shown that earlier first-principles calculations indicating very large enthalpies of formation of solid solutions may need reinterpretation, since the assumed crystal structures are not the most stable at the oxygen concentration of interest.  相似文献   

The development of electricity generating stations around Biscayne Bay, Florida, has resulted in a considerable discharge of cooling water into this subtropical sea. The impact of this on the biology of the area has been studied for the last four years by a team of scientists; this report summarizes their general conclusions.  相似文献   

Direct-push sampling was conducted at a site previously characterized with conventional monitoring wells. Hydrogeological and chemical heterogeneities not represented in the original site conceptual model were detected by direct-push sampling. These heterogeneities were important in terms of their impact on the assessment of monitored natural attenuation at the site. This research suggests that additional sampling efforts could be attempted at some sites to test the accuracy of site conceptual models. The leading edge of a contaminant plume must be examined closely, because conceptual errors in this area could easily allow impacts to receptors to remain undetected.  相似文献   

Natural beaver ponds help connect the stream to the floodplain, maintain late summer low flows and reduce peak flow during high flow events by offering temporary surface water (SW) storage. When beavers are extirpated from the landscape, stream degradation often ensues. This study assesses the impact of beaver dam analogues (BDA) as a stream restoration technique to help maintain low flow water levels and enhance stream-floodplain interactions on a seasonal basis in Red Canyon Creek, Lander, WY. BDAs increased SW and groundwater (GW) levels, favoured the occurrence of flow reversals (i.e., stream-to-floodplain GW flow) during high flow events associated with mid-winter and early-spring thaw events, and reduced the groundwater-to-stream hydraulic gradient on an annual basis. Although GW temperatures varied seasonally, relatively cooler GW temperatures were observed in the BDA impacted reach compared to the control reach away from BDA influence. BDAs however did not significantly impact stream temperatures. Overall, results suggest that when installed in sequence, BDA complexes can successfully reconnect the stream to its floodplain, and ultimately increase SW-GW exchange at the floodplain scale by allowing flow reversals to occur and by reducing the GW to stream hydraulic gradient. Although BDAs built with fence posts, willow branches, sediments and small boulders are naturally porous and require regular maintenance, this study also highlights the viability of small BDAs as a restoration practice to enhance landscape resilience to drought and high flow events in deeply incised channels where beavers would not come back naturally.  相似文献   

Xing Fang  John W. Pomeroy 《水文研究》2016,30(16):2754-2772
A devastating flood struck Southern Alberta in late June 2013, with much of its streamflow generation in the Front Ranges of the Rocky Mountains, west of Calgary. To better understand streamflow generation processes and their sensitivity to initial conditions, a physically based hydrological model was developed using the Cold Regions Hydrological Modelling platform (CRHM) to simulate the flood for the Marmot Creek Research Basin (~9.4 km2). The modular model includes major cold and warm season hydrological processes including snow redistribution, sublimation, melt, runoff over frozen and unfrozen soils, evapotranspiration, subsurface runoff on hillslopes, groundwater recharge and discharge and streamflow routing. Uncalibrated simulations were conducted for eight hydrological years and generally matched streamflow observations well, with a NRMSD of 52%, small model bias (?3%) and a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.71. The model was then used to diagnose the responses of hydrological processes in 2013 flood from different ecozones in Marmot Creek: alpine, treeline, montane forest and large and small forest clearings to better understand spatial variations in the flood runoff generation mechanisms. To examine the sensitivity to antecedent conditions, ‘virtual’ flood simulations were conducted using a week (17 to 24 June 2013) of flood meteorology imposed on the meteorology of the same period in other years (2005 to 2012), or switched with the meteorology of one week in different months (May to July) of 2013. Sensitivity to changing precipitation and land cover was assessed by varying the precipitation amount during the flood and forest cover and soil storage capacity in forest ecozone. The results show that runoff efficiency increases rapidly with antecedent snowpack and soil moisture storage with the highest runoff response to rainfall from locations in the basin where there are recently melted or actively melting snowpacks and resulting high soil moisture or frozen soils. The impact of forest canopy on flooding is negligible, but flood peak doubles if forest canopy removal is accompanied by 50% reduction in water storage capacity in the basin. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A bulk O2 budget for Lake Hoare, Antarctica, is presented. Five years of seasonal data show the lake to be persistently supersaturated with O2. Oxygen is carried into the lake in glacial meltstreams and is left behind when this water is removed as ice by ablation and sublimation. A diffusive loss of O2 from the lake through the summer moat is suggested. Measured values of the total O2 in the water column indicate that the time scale of O2 turnover is much longer than a year. Based on these results we suggest that the amount of O2 in the water does not change significantly throughout the year and that the lake is also supersaturated with N2.  相似文献   

In this study, various amounts of oxygen were added to the anaerobic phase of an anaerobic‐aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) receiving azo dye remazol brilliant violet 5R to mimic the input of oxygen into the anaerobic zones of biological textile wastewater treatment plants. The effect of oxygen on the anaerobic biodegradative capability of the mixed microbial culture for remazol brilliant violet 5R was investigated. To investigate the effect of oxygen on anaerobic azo dye biodegradation, the anaerobic phase of the SBR cultures were exposed to a very low limited amount of oxygen for various air flow rates. Initially, an air flow rate of 20 mL/min was applied, further on the air flow rate in the anaerobic phase was increased up to 40 mL/min. System performance was determined by monitoring chemical oxygen demand, color removal rate, activities of anaerobic (azo reductase) and aerobic enzymes (catechol 2,3‐dioxygenase, catechol 1,2‐dioxygenase). The results of percentage COD reduction at each stage were similar for all runs, giving an overall reduction of 96%. Anaerobic color removal efficiency and azo reductase activity of anaerobic microorganisms were adversely affected by the addition of oxygen. Color removal efficiencies of the anaerobic phases decreased from 80% down to 42 and 38% for the limited oxygen conditions of 20 mL/min and 40 mL/min, respectively. It was observed that the activity of catechol 2,3‐dioxygenase and catechol 1,2‐dioxygenase, involved in breakage of aromatic rings, increased after they are exposed to oxygen limited conditions compared to fully anaerobic conditions. It was also observed that catechol 1,2‐dioxygenase enzyme activity increased by increasing the oxygen level on oxygen limited conditions in the anaerobic zone.  相似文献   

Impact of a low-permeability lens on dune-induced hyporheic exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyporheic exchange induced by dunes is a key process controlling water fluxes and biogeochemical processes in river networks. Owing to the limitations of instrumental detection at small spatial scales, previous studies have focused mainly on dune-induced hyporheic exchange in homogeneous systems. A low-permeability lens is a natural, widespread heterogeneity in stream beds, and probably affects the processes of water flow and contaminant transportation significantly. To quantitatively analyse the response mechanism of hyporheic exchange to a low-permeability lens, a two-dimensional dune-generated hyporheic exchange model was developed using the VS2DH model. The results indicate a lens in a stream bed can hinder or enhance hyporheic exchange processes, depending on its relative spatial location to dunes. Both the increase in length and thickness of the lens could strengthen its impacts on hyporheic exchange. Regional groundwater–surface water interactions of higher intensity suppress the flow of hyporheic exchange in a stream bed with a low-permeability lens.  相似文献   

Riparian areas are diverse systems where flooding creates new sites for establishment of vegetation. Symbioses with soil microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi, affect vascular plant growth and community composition. It is unknown, however, how mycorrhizal fungi are dispersed along rivers and what potential they have to inoculate roots of plants establishing on recently deposited sedimentary surfaces of flood plains. We measured AMF inocula in sediment deposited by an average spring flood along an expansive riverine flood plain in Montana, USA, to determine whether AMF inocula were present in sediments and what types of propagules (spores, hyphae, or colonized root fragments) contribute to AMF infectivity. Flood-deposited sediments contained sufficient inocula for AMF to colonize host plants (Sorghum sudanense) grown in a greenhouse, and both AMF hyphal lengths and spore densities were correlated with infectivity. Availability of mycorrhizal inocula, which is patchily distributed in this system, may lead to microsites that differ in ability to support establishment and growth of early-successional plants.  相似文献   

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