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This paper describes a method for interpreting the lateral changes in the geological structure of the lithosphere by iteratively calculating the spatial variation of a bottom-to-top loading ratio. We use Forsyth’s coherence method, based on multi-taper spectral analysis on overlapping window areas. We discuss the geological findings and their comparison with existing geological interpretations for the Sri Lankan region. The low thickness of the elastic plate in the Sri Lankan region suggests a high geothermal gradient. The lithospheric geological structure beneath the Sri Lankan region is consistent with the main crustal units of Sri Lanka, which belong to different ancient plates. Together with interpretations based on metamorphic rock units, our findings support the existence of thrust contact in the central highlands of Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Resistivity and self‐potential tomography can be used to investigate anomalous seepage inside heterogeneous earthen dams. The self‐potential (SP) signals provide a unique signature to groundwater flow because the source current density responsible for the SP signals is proportional to the Darcy velocity. The distribution of the SP signals is also influenced by the distribution of the resistivity; therefore, resistivity and SP need to be used in concert to elucidate groundwater flow pathways. In this study, a survey is conducted at a small earthen dam in Colorado where anomalous seepage is observed on the downstream face at the dam toe. The data reveal SP and direct current resistivity anomalies that are used to delineate three anomalous seepage zones within the dam and to estimate the source of the localized seepage discharge. The SP data are inverted in two dimensions using the resistivity distribution to determine the distribution of the Darcy velocity responsible for the observed seepage. The inverted Darcy velocity agrees with an estimation of the Darcy velocity from the hydraulic conductivity obtained from a slug test and the observed head gradient.  相似文献   

Variations in lake seepage were studied along a 130 m shoreline of Mirror Lake NH. Seepage was downward from the lake to groundwater; rates measured from 28 seepage meters varied from 0 to ?282 cm/d. Causes of this variation were investigated using electrical resistivity surveys and lakebed sediment characterization. Two‐dimensional (2D) resistivity surveys showed a transition in lakebed sediments from outwash to till that correlated with high‐ and low‐seepage zones, respectively. However, the 2D survey was not able to predict smaller scale variations within these facies. In the outwash, fast seepage was associated with permeability variations in a thin (2 cm) layer of sediments at the top of the lakebed. In the till, where seepage was slower than that in the outwash, a three‐dimensional resistivity survey mapped a point of high seepage associated with heterogeneity (lower resistivity and likely higher permeability). Points of focused flow across the sediment–water interface are difficult to detect and can transmit a large percentage of total exchange. Using a series of electrical resistivity geophysical methods in combination with hydrologic data to locate heterogeneities that affect seepage rates can help guide seepage meter placement. Improving our understanding of the causes and types of heterogeneity in lake seepage will provide better data for lake budgets and prediction of mass transfer of solutes or contaminants between lakes and groundwater.  相似文献   

2006年7月24—27日在北京召开了2006年西太平洋地球物理会议,本文简介了这次会议的概况,介绍了东亚地震各向异性专题中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

陈勇  ;汤用泉 《地震学刊》2014,(6):731-735
无基坑振冲加密施工是一种比较先进的土石坝建筑方法。以海南省三亚市西部的宁远河中下游河段的大隆水利枢纽工程土石坝为研究对象,对其进行准确分区,以饱和-非饱和渗流理论为基础,通过三维有限元数值方法,模拟库水下降作用下的土石坝渗流场,并对各级水位下的孔压、流速及流向进行分析,评价大坝的渗流安全。研究结果表明:采用无基坑振冲加密施工方法后,坝体内填砂砾振冲层形成上游排水通道,在坝前水位骤降工况下,防渗土料内有效流速方向和渗透压力的方向由近水平的指向坝面变为竖直向下指向填砂砾振冲层,而且有效流速明显变大,利于渗透水通过填砂砾振冲层排到下游,有利于上游坝体稳定。  相似文献   

赵鑫  周阳 《地震工程学报》2018,40(4):867-872
土石坝坝体在坝前水位作用下极易产生渗流,为研究坝体加固对渗透水压的影响,针对具体水库实例,采用有限元法对除险加固前/后的坝体进行渗透坡降、单宽渗流量、准流网等计算,分析3种工况下的渗流过程,为土石坝的除险加固设计提供参考。结果表明:加固后上游坡各工况下的安全系数明显提高,其中单宽渗流量最大,可达0.636m~3/d,远大于规范允许值。  相似文献   

Geophysical benefits from an improved seismic vibrator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seismic vibrator has become a very important source for land data acquisition and there have been dramatic improvements in recent times in the application of the vibroseis technique. These improvements have led to much increased productivity and in many cases much denser source sampling. At the same time, the vibrator itself has seen little improvement over the last couple of decades. There are needs in a few areas where an improvement in the vibrator itself can bring benefits to the quality of the seismic data acquired. This paper describes progress in four such areas, low‐frequency performance, high‐frequency performance, an improved estimate of the vibrator groundforce and source signature consistency over variable ground conditions. Each of these vibrator characteristics will be discussed in turn. Meanwhile, two field test results in which the performance of two different vibrators in these four areas are compared.  相似文献   

Water exchange between surface water and groundwater can modulate or generate ecologically important fluxes of solutes across the sediment‐water interface. Seepage meters can directly measure fluid flux, but mechanical resistance and surface water dynamics may lead to inaccurate measurements. Tank experiments were conducted to determine effects of mechanical resistance on measurement efficiency and occurrence of directional asymmetry that could lead to erroneous net flux measurements. Seepage meter efficiency was high (average of 93%) and consistent for inflow and outflow under steady flow conditions. Wave effects on seepage meter measurements were investigated in a wave flume. Seepage meter net flux measurements averaged 0.08 cm/h—greater than the expected net‐zero flux, but significantly less than theoretical wave‐driven unidirectional discharge or recharge. Calculations of unidirectional flux from pressure measurements (Darcy flux) and theory matched well for a ratio of wave length to water depth less than 5, but not when this ratio was greater. Both were higher than seepage meter measurements of unidirectional flux made with one‐way valves. Discharge averaged 23% greater than recharge in both seepage meter measurements and Darcy calculations of unidirectional flux. Removal of the collection bag reduced this net discharge. The presence of a seepage meter reduced the amplitude of pressure signals at the bed and resulted in a nearly uniform pressure distribution beneath the seepage meter. These results show that seepage meters may provide accurate measurements of both discharge and recharge under steady flow conditions and illustrate the potential measurement errors associated with dynamic wave environments.  相似文献   

近年来高密度电法被广泛应用于重大水利工程场地的工程地质调查、坝基及桥墩选址、采空区及地裂缝探测等诸多工程勘察领域。本文利用高密度电法对某水库大坝坝址区的覆盖层厚度、隐伏断层等地质结构进行探测,并在结合钻探资料和区域地质资料综合分析的基础上,取得了理想的勘察结果。查明水库区存在隐伏的断层和覆盖层厚度,为水库坝址选择提供重要的地球物理依据。  相似文献   

The latent impact of the Ghab pull-apart basin tectonic setting and associated deformations resulting from active tectonics on the Qastoon Dam in northern Ghab in Syria have been evaluated. This was achieved by applying an appropriate methodology essentially based on morphotectonic mapping and integrated geophysical surveys consisting of electrical resistivity profiling, vertical electrical sounding and self-potential. The integrated interpretation of the acquired morphotectonic and geophysical data allowed the detection of subsurface deformed structures, either underlying the Qastoon Dam lake floor, or close to it. It is believed that these active structures were developed through the ongoing active tectonic processes occurring in the Northern Arabian plate. The tectonic survey proved that the N66.5°E striking Wadi Al Mashta fault, extending beneath the Qastoon Dam lake floor, is one of the youngest active structures, and that the intersection of the fault with the Qastoon Dam prism is a water-leaking point. Dam supporting measures, continuous monitoring and precautious disaster management are therefore recommended to be urgently adopted and practiced.  相似文献   

Topographic, magnetic and gravity surveys have been made over an extinct volcano in the Afar Depression. Previous work showed that this volcano was formed under water. Gravity measurements over the volcano indicate that a positive mass contrast of 1 gm. cm?3 is required below the volcano, which could be explained by the density contrast between a basalt plug and surrounding sediments. There is no observable magnetic anomaly over the volcano. The hyaloclastites of which the volcano is mainly composed have magnetization which is small in intensity but consistent in direction with the Earth’s magnetic field. Basalt cobbles which are present in small quantities have a fairly high intensity of magnetization but directions which bear no relationship to the direction of the Earth’s field. The absence of a magnetic anomaly suggests that the basalt plug below the volcano must have been sufficiently brecciated so that random rotations of portions of the plug have occurred, thus reducing the mean magnetization, and explaining the absence of a magnetic anomaly.  相似文献   

针对地震(或静力)液化作用对尾矿坝渗流场和孔压分布的影响进行研究,基于多孔介质渗流理论,考虑到尾矿坝渗流特性,编写分析程序SAFTD。根据程序假设的初始浸润面,通过调整浸润面处网格迭代求解最终浸润面的位置,选取一个经典算例验证程序的可靠性。针对典型的上游法尾矿库,采用SAFTD程序分析液化前后尾矿坝的渗流场与孔压分布特征。数值模拟结果表明,液化后尾矿坝的浸润面中间部分发生明显抬升,而在入渗点处和出渗点附近变化不大;液化后尾矿坝的孔压明显增加,坝体内部孔压增大约18%~280%,最大的孔压增量发生在初期坝的右下部,数值模拟结果与Ishihara对Mochikoshi 2号坝的分析结果相似。  相似文献   

岩溶水电站坝基受岩体中发育的溶洞、溶蚀裂隙带及构造破碎带等岩体缺陷的控制,容易产生塌陷、渗漏,导致电站工程变形、失稳。岩溶发育与碳酸盐岩的岩体结构改变关系十分密切,因此,对水电站坝基岩体缺陷的准确诊断意义重大。本文利用孔间电磁波透视及CT成像技术,对地下隐伏碳酸盐岩岩体结构的非均匀性,溶蚀裂隙带分界面,裂隙结构体、裂隙充填物性质及几何空间形态等进行了数字描述和刻画。并结合广西某水电站坝基碳酸盐岩岩体结构的自然特性,岩体结构变化特征的实测数据,进一步分析在工程作用下应力分布状态,岩体变形破坏规律,预测和判定坝基渗漏和稳定性,进而合理制定有效处治措施。  相似文献   

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