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As more aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems are employed for management of water resources, the skillful operation of multiwell ASR systems has become very important to improve their performance. In this study, we developed MODFLOW and MT3DMS models to simulate a multiwell ASR system in a synthetic aquifer to assess effects of hydrogeological and operational factors on the performance of the multiwell ASR system. We evaluated a simplified (dual well) ASR system in comparison with complex system (three-, four-, five-, and seven-well systems). Recovery and energy efficiencies were calculated using the model simulations. Factors such as higher hydraulic conductivity and longitudinal dispersivity significantly reduced the recovery and energy efficiencies of the system. In contrast, increasing the volume of recharged water increased the recovery efficiency; however, the energy efficiency was reduced. Recovery and energy efficiencies also plummet when there is an increase in the underlying regional gradient and the designed storage duration. Operating the system multiple times can yield higher volume of potable water, but the energy efficiency may not vary significantly after the second operating cycle. Single-well systems and multiwell systems exhibit similar responses to changes in physical factors, although operational factors have a more pronounced effect on the multiwell systems. One of the major findings was that fewer wells in a multiwell ASR system can yield higher volume of potable water and better output with respect to the electrical power being consumed. The results provide design engineers with guidelines for optimizing performance of the multiwell ASR systems.  相似文献   

Hydrogeophysical methods are presented that support the siting and monitoring of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems. These methods are presented as numerical simulations in the context of a proposed ASR experiment in Kuwait, although the techniques are applicable to numerous ASR projects. Bulk geophysical properties are calculated directly from ASR flow and solute transport simulations using standard petrophysical relationships and are used to simulate the dynamic geophysical response to ASR. This strategy provides a quantitative framework for determining site‐specific geophysical methods and data acquisition geometries that can provide the most useful information about the ASR implementation. An axisymmetric, coupled fluid flow and solute transport model simulates injection, storage, and withdrawal of fresh water (salinity ~500 ppm) into the Dammam aquifer, a tertiary carbonate formation with native salinity approximately 6000 ppm. Sensitivity of the flow simulations to the correlation length of aquifer heterogeneity, aquifer dispersivity, and hydraulic permeability of the confining layer are investigated. The geophysical response using electrical resistivity, time‐domain electromagnetic (TEM), and seismic methods is computed at regular intervals during the ASR simulation to investigate the sensitivity of these different techniques to changes in subsurface properties. For the electrical and electromagnetic methods, fluid electric conductivity is derived from the modeled salinity and is combined with an assumed porosity model to compute a bulk electrical resistivity structure. The seismic response is computed from the porosity model and changes in effective stress due to fluid pressure variations during injection/recovery, while changes in fluid properties are introduced through Gassmann fluid substitution.  相似文献   

Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) can provide a means of storing water for irrigation in agricultural areas where water availability is limited. A concern, however, is that the injected water may lead to a degradation of groundwater quality. In many agricultural areas, nitrate is a limiting factor. In the Umatilla Basin in north central Oregon, shallow alluvial groundwater with elevated nitrate‐nitrogen of <3 mg/L to >9 mg/L is injected into the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG), a transmissive confined aquifer(s) with low natural recharge rates. Once recovery of the injected water begins, however, NO3‐N in the recovered water decreases quickly to <3 mg/L (Eaton et al. 2009), suggesting that NO3‐N may not persist within the CRBG during ASR storage. In contrast to NO3‐N, other constituents in the recovered water show little variation, inconsistent with migration or simple mixing as an explanation of the NO3‐N decrease. Nitrogen isotopic ratios (δ15N) increase markedly, ranging from +3.5 to > +50, and correlate inversely with NO3‐N concentrations. This variation occurs in <3 weeks and recovery of <10% of the originally injected volume. TOC is low in the basalt aquifer, averaging <1.5 mg/L, but high in the injected source water, averaging >3.0 mg/L. Similar to nitrate concentrations, TOC drops in the recovered water, consistent with this component contributing to the denitrification of nitrate during storage.  相似文献   

Implementation of aquifer storage recovery (ASR) for water resource management in Florida is impeded by arsenic mobilization. Arsenic, released by pyrite oxidation during the recharge phase, sometimes results in groundwater concentrations that exceed the 10 µg/L criterion defined in the Safe Drinking Water Act. ASR was proposed as a major storage component for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), in which excess surface water is stored during the wet season, and then distributed during the dry season for ecosystem restoration. To evaluate ASR system performance for CERP goals, three cycle tests were conducted, with extensive water‐quality monitoring in the Upper Floridan Aquifer (UFA) at the Kissimmee River ASR (KRASR) pilot system. During each cycle test, redox evolution from sub‐oxic to sulfate‐reducing conditions occurs in the UFA storage zone, as indicated by decreasing Fe2+/H2S mass ratios. Arsenic, released by pyrite oxidation during recharge, is sequestered during storage and recovery by co‐precipitation with iron sulfide. Mineral saturation indices indicate that amorphous iron oxide (a sorption surface for arsenic) is stable only during oxic and sub‐oxic conditions of the recharge phase, but iron sulfide (which co‐precipitates arsenic) is stable during the sulfate‐reducing conditions of the storage and recovery phases. Resultant arsenic concentrations in recovered water are below the 10 µg/L regulatory criterion during cycle tests 2 and 3. The arsenic sequestration process is appropriate for other ASR systems that recharge treated surface water into a sulfate‐reducing aquifer.  相似文献   

Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is a valuable tool for managing variations in the supply and demand of freshwater, but system performance is highly dependent upon system-specific hydrogeological conditions including the salinity of the storage-zone native groundwater. ASR systems using storage zones containing saline (>10,000 mg/L of total dissolved solids) groundwater tend to have relatively low recovery efficiencies (REs). However, the drawbacks of low REs may be offset by lesser treatment requirements and may be of secondary importance where the stored water (e.g., excess reclaimed, surface, and storm waters) would otherwise go to waste and pose disposal costs. Density-dependent, solute-transport modeling results demonstrate that the RE of ASR systems using a saline storage zone is most strongly controlled by parameters controlling free convection (e.g., horizontal hydraulic conductivity) and mixing of recharged and native groundwater (e.g., dispersivity and aquifer heterogeneity). Preferred storage zone conditions are moderate hydraulic conductivities (5 to 20 m/d), low degrees of aquifer heterogeneity, and primary porosity-dominated siliclastic and limestones lithologies with effective porosities greater than 5%. Where hydrogeological conditions are less favorable, operational options are available to improve RE, such as preferential recovery from the top of the storage zone. Injection of large volumes of excess water currently not needed into saline aquifers could create valuable water resources that could be tapped in the future during times of greater need.  相似文献   

Continuous observations of beach groundwater salinity over a 35‐d period from a monitoring well established in the intertidal zone of a coastal harbor provided intriguing data on the interaction in the intertidal zone between the salt and fresh groundwater. During the monitoring period of the study, both semidiurnal variations and longer temporal trends in groundwater salinity were observed. The semidiurnal salinity variations were observed to occur nearly synchronously, but inconsistently with the tides. However, the salinity relationship with the tides was more complex, switching back and forth from being in‐sync (higher salinities at high tide) to out‐of‐sync (higher salinities at low tide) a total of four times during the 35‐d test period. The longer temporal trends showed chloride concentration (representing salinity) varying from as low as 50 mg/L to as high as 3600 mg/L over a period of between 9 to 12 d. The observations from the monitoring well reveal a complex pattern likely resulting from a combination of tidal pumping, density‐induced convection, and changes in the terrestrial hydraulic gradient. However, these observations are based upon data from only one monitoring well, and are speculative at this point. A more thorough study of the complex fresh water‐saline water relationship in the intertidal zone seems to have merit.  相似文献   

Excessive groundwater withdrawal has caused severe land subsidence worldwide. The pore water pressure and the deformation of pumped hydrostratigraphic units are complex. A fully coupled three-dimensional numerical simulation was carried out for different pumping plans in this paper. When groundwater is pumped from a confined aquifer, the great compaction occurs in the pumped aquifer and its upper and lower adjacent aquitard units. Land subsidence is smaller and the area affected by land subsidence is greater when groundwater is pumped from the deeper confined aquifer. The pore water pressure in the pumped confined aquifer changes immediately with pumpage. In the adjacent aquitard units, however, the pore water pressure increases in the early pumping time and decreases in the early recharging time. The decrease in the pore water pressure vertically spreads from the interface between aquitard and pumped aquifer to the other surface of the aquitard. The pumped aquifer compacts and rebounds immediately with pumping and non-pumping or recharging actions, while the compaction and rebounding of the aquitard units clearly lag behind. The compaction of the adjacent aquitard unit first occurs near the interface between aquitard and pumped aquifer units, and the compaction zone spreads outward as the pumping goes on. The aquitards may expand vertically within some zones. Due to the inelastic deformation of soil skeleton, different pumping plans result in different land subsidence. For the same net pumpage, maximal land subsidence and horizontal displacement are the smallest for constant discharge and the greatest for recharge-discharge cycle.  相似文献   

Groundwater constitutes the main source of freshwater in Shalatein, on the western coast of the Red Sea, in Egypt. The fresh aquifer of Shalatein is intensively dissected by shallow and deep faults associated with the occurrence of dykes and/or dyke swarms. In this context, synthesis of electrical resistivity, ground magnetics, and borehole data was implemented to investigate the freshwater aquifer condition, locate the intrusive dykes and/or dyke swarms, and demarcate the potential freshwater zones. Nine Schlumberger VES’s with maximum current electrode half-spacing (AB/2) of 682 m were conducted. The subsurface was successfully delineated by general four layers. The fresh aquifer of the Quaternary and Pre-Quaternary alluvium sediments was effectively demarcated with true resistivities ranged from 30 to 105 Ωm and thickness ranged between 20 and 60 m. A ground magnetic survey comprised 35 magnetic profiles, each 7 km in length. Magnetic data interpretation of the vertical derivatives (first and second order), downward continuation (100 m), apparent susceptibility (depth of 100 m), and wavelength filters (Butterworth high-pass of wavelengths <100 m and Band-Pass of wavelengths 30–100 m) successfully distinguished the near surface structure with five major clusters of dyke swarms, whereas filters of the upward continuation (300 m) and Butterworth low-pass (wavelengths >300 m) clearly reflected the deep-seated structure. The computed depth by the 3D Euler deconvolution for geological contacts and faults (SI = 0) ranged from 14 to 545 m, whereas for dyke and sill (SI = 1), it ranged from 10 to 1,095 m. The western part of the study area is recommended as a potential freshwater zone as it is characterized by depths >100 m to the top of the dykes, higher thickness of the fresh aquifer (45–60 m), depths to the top of the fresh aquifer ranging from 25 to 40 m, and higher resistivities reflecting better freshwater quality (70–105 Ωm).  相似文献   

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