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The North Atlantic margins are archetypally passive, yet they have experienced post-rift vertical movements of up to kilometre scale. The Cenozoic history of such movements along the NW European margin, from Ireland to mid-Norway, is examined by integrating published analyses of uplift and subsidence with higher resolution tectono-stratigraphic indicators of relative movements (including results from the STRATAGEM project). Three episodes of epeirogenic movement are identified, in the early, mid- and late Cenozoic, distinct from at least one phase of compressive tectonism. Two forms of epeirogenic movement are recognised, referred to as tilting (coeval subsidence and uplift, rotations <1° over distances of 100s of Kilometres) and sagging (strongly differential subsidence, rotations up to 4° over distances <100 km). Each epeirogenic episode involved relatively rapid (<10 Ma) km-scale tectonic movements that drove major changes in patterns of sedimentation to find expression in regional unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units. Early Cenozoic tilting (late Paleocene to early Eocene, c. 60–50 Ma) caused the basinward progradation of shelf-slope wedges from elongate uplifts along the inner continental margin and from offshore highs. Mid-Cenozoic sagging (late Eocene to early Oligocene, c. 35–25 Ma) ended wedge progradation and caused the onset of contourite deposition in deep-water basins. Late Cenozoic tilting (early Pliocene to present, <4±0.5 Ma) again caused the basinward progradation of shelf-slope wedges, from uplifts along the inner margin (including broad dome-like features) and from offshore highs. The early, mid- and late Cenozoic epeirogenic episodes coincided with Atlantic plate reorganisations, but the observed km-scale tectonic movements are too large to be accounted for as flexural deflections due to intra-plate stress variations. Mantle–lithosphere interactions are implied, but the succession of epeirogenic episodes, of differing form, are difficult to reconcile with the various syn-to post-rift mechanisms of permanent and/or transient movements proposed in the hypothetical context of a plume beneath Iceland. The epeirogenic movements can be explained as dynamic topographic responses to changing forms of small-scale convective flow in the upper mantle: tilting as coeval upwelling and downwelling above an edge-driven convection cell, sagging as a loss of dynamic support above a former upwelling. The inferred Cenozoic succession of epeirogenic tilting, sagging and tilting is proposed to record the episodic evolution of upper mantle convection during ocean opening, a process that may also be the underlying cause of plate reorganisations. The postulated episodes of flow reorganisation in the NE Atlantic region have testable implications for epeirogenic movements along the adjacent oceanic spreading ridge and conjugate continental margin, as well as on other Atlantic-type ‘passive’ margins.  相似文献   

我国硬式护岸、渔港工程和人工岛等3类典型海岸工程对相邻海滩有显著影响.本研究以泉州青山湾护岸、泉州崇武中心渔港、海口南海明珠人工岛等建设前后海滩变化为例,开展对海滩岸线形态及部分典型剖面形态的对比分析.结果表明,临海硬式护岸岸前海滩发生明显下蚀,护岸下游海滩岸线侵蚀后退,发育侵蚀热点,剖面伴有下蚀;渔港工程拦沙堤附近岸线局部淤涨,下游海滩岸线大范围侵蚀后退,出现侵蚀热点,侵蚀热点处剖面明显下蚀;人工岛后波影区内海滩淤积,形成沙岬或连岛沙坝突出体,突出体两侧岸线均发生不同程度侵蚀后退.通过分析典型工程案例,探讨了3类海岸工程对相邻海滩的影响方式、影响尺度和原因,对比分析不同类型海岸工程对相邻海滩的负面影响,可为海岸工程建设管理和海滩保护提供参考.  相似文献   

蓬莱A油田目前面临产量递减速度快、层间干扰突出、主力层水淹严重等一系列生产问题,为改善蓬莱A油田馆陶组上段(馆上段)Ⅰ油组的开发效果,明确剩余油的分布特征,开展了蓬莱A油田馆上段Ⅰ油组储层非均质性及其对注水开发的影响研究。结果表明:渗透率非均质性以及分层系数综合反映了Ⅰ油组强层间非均质性,强烈的层间差异导致I油组主力层形成高渗通道,导致综合含水快速上升,非主力层动用程度差;平面非均质性研究发现,平面高渗透率区与渗透率突进系数、渗透率级差高值区以及剩余油饱和度低值区有明显的对应关系,舌进现象严重,方向性强,平面矛盾明显;层内韵律性表明,馆上段Ⅰ油组以正韵律为主,其次是均质韵律,反韵律发育较少,正韵律易形成底部水淹,均质韵律的驱油效果较好。储层非均质性是影响油田开发效果最关键的地质因素,该研究成果为油田分层系开发和井网调整提供了直接的地质依据。  相似文献   

This discussion identifies and presents recent data which show that suspended sediment concentrations in the macrotidal Humber–Trent–Ouse system are much higher, and extend further upstream, than originally presented. The importance of a link between tidal range, fresh water flow and recorded suspended sediment concentrations, is illustrated by reference to data collected under the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Land–Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) initiative (1992–1998). Data recorded at Burringham, on the River Trent upstream of Trent Falls show a clear link between tidal range and suspended sediment concentrations which is strongly influenced by the downstream flushing effects of high fresh water flow events. While the arguments presented in this discussion do not contradict the main findings in the original paper it is proposed that a better understanding of siltation in the Humber system may be promoted by understanding the behaviour of the turbidity maximum in this system and its related mobile sediment population. It is suggested that the rapid reduction in suspended sediment concentration brought about by sudden increases in fresh water flow is probably indicative of the highly canalised nature of the tidal reaches of the Trent and Ouse.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of ergodicity of stochastic processes starting from a theoretical point of view, with the aim of obtaining a deeper understanding for practical applications. The problem is tackled bearing in mind the concept of ‘practical ergodicity’, that is, the possibility of obtaining reliable information about ensemble averages by using temporal averages. Some general analytical tools are given to address the problem of accuracy of temporal averages and an example of their use in a possible design of experiments is given. A series of Monte Carlo numerical simulations are performed by means of an analytical non-linear 1.5-DOF model of parametrically excited roll motion. The outcomes of such simulations are analysed to show the effect of ship speed and sea spectrum shape. The effect of wave grouping phenomenon is discussed with particular attention to the Doppler effect. Qualitative indications given by the numerical simulations are then compared with experimental tests showing a good agreement. Practical ergodicity of generated sea in towing tank is also briefly addressed.  相似文献   

Chalk is exposed in the Heidestrasse quarry at Lägerdorf, at the top of the NE-SW trending Krempe salt ridge. Structural data indicate the presence of two joint sets, striking almost parallel and perpendicular to the salt ridge, respectively, and of a set of conjugate extensional faults and fault zones striking NW-SE, i.e. almost perpendicular to the salt ridge. Within the overall NW-SE trend of joints and faults, strike variations occur from the massive chalk exposed in the lower half of the quarry, to the overlying layered chalk. A large variability characterizes the normalized spacing of both joint sets, which does not show any clear trend with layer dip. In situ measurements indicate that the cross-sectional permeability of tight joints increases 1-2 orders of magnitude with respect to the undeformed chalk. We propose that joint and fault azimuthal variability resulted from changes through time of the stress ellipsoid at the top of the salt ridge, while joint spacing variability is associated with the weak mechanical influence of bedding in chalk. Azimuthal variability improves fracture connectivity and, hence, permeability and fluid flow.  相似文献   

This paper describes the response of two fish species, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the common dab (Limanda limanda) to the oil spilled from the Braer tanker which grounded on the southern tip of Shetland, Scotland, on 5 January 1993. Both the immediate sublethal effects and the long-term response to the oil which accumulated in sediments around the Shetland Isles, Scotland, are examined. The primary response measured was the induction of detoxification enzymes and the relationship of the levels or activities of these enzymes to the concentration and distribution of aromatic hydrocarbons measured in sediments, water and fish. The results show that, immediately following the spill, there was a marked induction of Cytochrome P4501A enzymes in salmon, indicative of exposure to bioavailable aromatics. In dab there was evidence of induction at some sites in January 1993 immediately following the spill but, subsequently, no induction has been observed in fish caught in the vicinity of Shetland despite the very high concentrations of oil measured in sediments at some locations. This would indicate that the polyaromatic hydrocarbons in these sediments are unlikely to be directly bioavailable to fish. The effect of the oil spill on hepatic pathology in dab was investigated and shows that pathology predictive of neoplasia, such as basophilic foci and vacuolation, were observed in fish from the most contaminated sites in 1994 but not in 1993. The incidence of this pathology appeared to correlate with the degree of contamination at the sites, but additional studies are required to establish whether this was a consequence of the initial impact and exposure from waterborne oil at the time of the spill or whether it was due to the continued exposure to oil from the sediments.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic seismic stratigraphy and geological development of the south Vøring margin are analyzed to understand their relation to fluid flow and margin stability. The regional stratigraphy and palaeomorphology of the Møre and Vøring basins indicate gradual changes in depositional environment and tectonic compression between 55 Ma to 2.8 Ma during Brygge and Kai periods, and abrupt changes associated with glacial/interglacial cycles from last 2.8 Ma during Naust period. These changes resulted in deposition of various types of sediments and led to processes such as polygonal faulting and dewatering, inter-fingering of contouritic, stratified and glacigenic sediments, and margin progradation.A gas hydrate related bottom simulating reflector (BSR) occurs at Nyegga and within the central Vøring Basin while pockmarks are observed at Nyegga only. Diagentic reflectors due to Opal A - Opal CT conversion (DBSRs) occur along a wider area beyond the shelf edge. The DBSRs are located in oozes within the Kai and late Brygge Formations. The gas hydrate BSR occurrence is concentrated above Eocene depocenters in hemipelagic and contouritic sediments deposited during Late Plio-Pleistocene. The BSR overlies polygonal faults and DBSRs but are confined to the slope of anticlines indicating its formation being related to fluid pathways from methanogenic rocks through focused fluid flow. Microbial gas production in Kai, Brygge and deeper formations may have supplied the gas for gas hydrate formation. Fluid expulsion due to DBSR formation and polygonal faulting in oozes may have created overpressure development in permeable layers belonging to the overlying Naust Formation. Slide headwalls are also located close to the anticlines in the study area, implying that over pressured oozes and focussed fluid flow may have been important in creating weak surfaces in the overlying Naust sediments, promoting conditions for failures to occur.  相似文献   

Samples of argillaceous source rocks from three sub-members of the Shahejie Formation (Es) in the Dongying Depression, China, were collected to investigate the differences in hydrocarbon generation among the sub-members, which developed in fresh (Es32, Es33) and saline (Es41) water environments. Pyrolysis, XRD and thermo-XRD analyses were used to compare the characteristics of organic matter (OM), clay minerals and OM occurrences. Total organic carbon and hydrocarbon potential proxies suggest that the samples from Es33 were much better than the other two intervals, which agrees with previous studies. The characteristics of clay minerals suggest that the samples from Es41 have the most abundant illite, with a maximum illite percentage in mixed-layer illite-smectite (ISm), and the best crystallinity of ISm with a main stacking mode of R1.5. However, the stacking modes of ISm in Es32 and Es33 were primarily R0 and R1, respectively, and the crystallinity was relatively poor. Thus, the smectite illitization process was faster in Es41 than in the other two intervals, and a saline environment was a primary cause for the acceleration of the process. Moreover, OM occurrence indicates that the samples from Es41 had the lowest amount of interlayer OM, whereas Es33 had the largest amount. Therefore, the rapid illitization in Es41 caused abundant interlayer OM to be desorbed and discharged, which in turn caused the amount of residual interlayer OM in Es41 to be less than that in the other two intervals. Thus, the source rocks of Es41 made a more significant contribution to hydrocarbon generation than those of the other two units. In conclusion, the inconsistent illitization among these intervals was a major cause of the differences in hydrocarbon generation.  相似文献   

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