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华夏地块显生宙的变质作用期次和特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
华夏地块主要存在四期变质作用。加里东期变质作用呈北东向展布于华夏的大部分地区,变质作用可达麻粒岩相,且麻粒岩断续分布平行于造山带,此期变质作用是在挤压造山构造背景下发生,很可能与扬子地块向冈瓦那大陆北缘聚合–碰撞,造成大陆边缘沉积物变形–变质有关。根据粤东梅县片麻岩和兴宁混合岩的LA–ICPMS锆石U–Pb定年以及邻区独居石U–Pb年代学的研究,海西的变质作用主要发生在260~280 Ma,年轻于欧洲典型的海西期造山时代。华夏地块的海西期变质作用分布局限,它们可能形成于拉张构造背景。印支期变质岩在华夏有较广泛的分布,西南端大容山—十万大山的印支期变质作用可达麻粒岩相,其他地区的变质作用具有中低压相系的特征,记录了造山后期伸展构造背景。LA–ICPMS锆石U–Pb定年指示华夏中部粤中地区的印支期变质作用发生在231~232 Ma。燕山期变质岩主要分布于东南沿海和台湾中央山脉,显示了双变质带的特点,表明与太平洋板块向东南沿海俯冲作用密切相关。从印支期到燕山期,变质带的方向发生了转变,说明影响华夏地块变质作用的构造域发生了改变。  相似文献   

伊犁地块是中亚造山带西南缘的主要大陆块体之一,记录了新元古代‒古生代多期岩浆活动、复杂构造变形和高级变质作用,是研究天山乃至中亚造山带构造演化的理想场所。本文对位于伊犁地块北缘的温泉地区托克赛岩组中石榴角闪岩、花岗片麻岩、云母片岩、石英片岩和侵入其中的未变形花岗岩脉进行了详细的野外构造分析和岩相学观察,发现石榴角闪岩主要分布在一条近EW走向的韧性剪切带中,与其共生的花岗片麻岩、云母片岩和石英片岩均发生了强烈韧性变形,发育一致的陡立面理和近水平线理,运动学指示右旋走滑剪切变形。锆石U-Pb年代学研究显示,韧性变形的角闪岩中变质重结晶锆石具有453±4 Ma和414±4 Ma两个主要年龄值,其中前者与云母片岩中热液改造成因的锆石年龄(465±7 Ma)基本一致,代表这些岩石经历了高角闪岩相变质作用,该变质事件与温泉地区中奥陶世陆缘弧岩浆作用同期。角闪岩中较年轻的年龄峰值与石英片岩(408±3 Ma)和花岗片麻岩(399±7 Ma)中热液成因的锆石生长边,以及花岗岩脉(394±5 Ma)的年龄在误差范围内基本一致,代表了岩浆热液作用的时代,该事件与伊犁北缘泥盆纪岩浆弧花岗岩的侵入时代相当。同时,在角闪岩和花岗片麻岩中均获得了~900 Ma和~780 Ma两个年龄峰值,分别代表花岗片麻岩和角闪岩的原岩结晶时代。此外,石英片岩和云母片岩中锆石的核部还给出了~1135 Ma、~1286 Ma、~1517 Ma和~1725 Ma共4个中元古代的年龄峰值,代表其原岩物源区的岩浆事件。结合前人研究结果,笔者认为伊犁北缘温泉地区在463~443 Ma和423~395 Ma期间分别经历了两期俯冲相关的岩浆‒变质和岩浆‒热液事件,是认识准噶尔洋早古生代向伊犁地块俯冲作用的重要依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原各陆块的前寒武纪演化历史及其在冈瓦纳大陆聚合过程中所处的构造位置目前不清楚。通过青藏高原中部北拉萨地块念青唐古拉岩群中变质辉长岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年和锆石Hf同位素组成研究,锆石U-Pb定年结果为663±7Ma,相当于新元古代中期,代表变质辉长岩的原岩形成时代,这是北拉萨地块首次报道该时代的基性岩浆记录。变质辉长岩中锆石具有较低的εHf(t)值(-1.5~+2.3),表明其原岩的岩浆来自富集的地幔源区。结合北拉萨地块已有的变质记录可知,变质辉长岩的原岩可能形成于造山环境。目前定义的"念青唐古拉岩群"实际上是由时代不同、成因不同,甚至来源不同的构造岩片组成,随着工作的深入,有必要对其进行解体。念青唐古拉岩群中的前寒武纪岩浆和变质记录与东非造山带的活动时限较一致,因而北拉萨地块可能与东非造山带具有亲缘性。  相似文献   

周建波  王斌  曾维顺  曹嘉麟 《岩石学报》2014,30(7):1879-1888
兴安地块位于额尔古纳和松辽地块之间,长期存在着是稳定陆块和造山带等不同的认识。本文针对兴安地块南部扎兰屯地区出露的原兴华渡口群进行了专项研究,结合前人的研究成果,对该变质杂岩的形成时代、碎屑锆石年龄谱进行了研究,研究成果对该地块的大地构造属性具有重要的制约作用。(1)扎兰屯地区变质杂岩主要为绿片岩-低角闪岩相变质的碎屑岩-火山碎屑岩系,其形成时代晚于481Ma,为早古生代晚期。岩石组合、变质程度与年代学研究表明其与北部的典型兴华渡口群不同,两者不能作为同一地层单元,应该予以解体。(2)扎兰屯变质杂岩碎屑锆石年龄谱主要分为三期:481~580Ma,峰期年龄为529Ma;699~998Ma,峰期年龄为833Ma和1213~3200Ma峰期年龄为2000Ma,分别记录了泛非期Gondwana、新元古Rodinia两期重大地质事件和变质基底的年龄信息。(3)兴安地块以发育兴华渡口群为标志,存在时代为新元古代甚至为太古代的变质结晶基底,因此兴安地块应为一稳定的微陆块,而非夹持于额尔古纳和松辽地块之间的造山带。  相似文献   

佳木斯地块中部桦南隆起区广泛发育古生代-中生代岩浆岩,这些岩石的成因对深入探讨中亚造山带的形成演化具有重要的指示意义。LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和地球化学测试分析结果表明,研究区广泛分布的片麻状花岗闪长岩形成于中二叠世(267±2Ma),具有I型花岗岩的地球化学特征,表明其岩浆起源可能和俯冲板片产生的熔体有关,形成于岛弧构造环境。而正长花岗岩形成于中三叠世(244±2Ma),地球化学揭示其岩浆起源于下部陆壳物质的部分熔融,具有同碰撞花岗岩的地球化学特点。上述特征表明,研究区在中二叠世处于大陆边缘的构造背景,与古亚洲洋板块俯冲于佳木斯板块之下的构造作用相关,而中三叠世处于同碰撞的构造环境,俯冲此时已经消失,古亚洲洋已经最终闭合,因此三叠纪应该为中亚造山带重要的地质转折期。  相似文献   

王信水  江拓  高俊  高强  李继磊  张喜 《岩石学报》2019,35(10):3233-3261
中天山地块是位于中亚造山带西南缘的西天山造山带的重要组成块体,其基底演化和构造亲缘性对恢复西天山的增生造山方式和大地构造格局具有重要意义。混合岩在中天山地块的高级变质地体中广泛分布,是揭示中天山地块基底演化和构造属性的窗口。本文通过开展锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素及岩石地球化学研究,确定了中天山地块南缘乌瓦门杂岩的两类条带状混合岩的原岩性质和形成时代以及混合岩化作用时代和成因机制。第一类条带状混合岩的原岩为中基性岩屑砂岩,混合岩化时代为~1. 8Ga,是在同期角闪岩相变质过程中通过变质分异形成的。第二类条带状混合岩的古成体包括黑云角闪斜长片麻岩和黑云斜长角闪片麻岩,原岩均形成于~2. 5Ga,并叠加~1. 8Ga角闪岩相变质作用,是洋陆俯冲背景下由俯冲洋壳或岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成。侵入古成体的变基性岩墙形成于~1. 72Ga,具有Fe-Ti玄武岩的地球化学特征,起源于后碰撞伸展背景下的软流圈地幔。该类混合岩的浅色体同时穿插古成体和变基性岩墙,呈现突变的野外接触关系,与区域内约787~785Ma混合岩化同期,即混合岩化作用是外来岩浆注入的结果,可能是造山带垮塌引发地壳深熔作用的产物。乌瓦门杂岩记录的~2. 5Ga岩浆活动、~1. 8Ga变质作用和~790Ma混合岩化作用可以和塔里木北缘进行对比,暗示中天山地块是一个具有确切新太古代-古元古代结晶基底的微陆块,并且和塔里木克拉通存在构造亲缘性。  相似文献   

太华杂岩在华北中部造山带南缘舞钢地区存在出露,本文选取该地3个变泥质片麻岩为研究对象,对其进行了岩石学、相平衡模拟和锆石U-Pb年龄分析等综合研究。结果显示其普遍保留了三个变质阶段的矿物组合:进变质阶段(M1)矿物组合主要以矿物包裹体保存在石榴子石变斑晶之中,峰期变质阶段(M2)矿物组合主要保存在基质中,退变质阶段(M3)矿物组合以石榴子石变斑晶周围的后成合晶矿物组合为代表。石榴镁铁闪石黑云二长片麻岩M1矿物组合为Bt1+Pl1+Ilm1+Qz1±Amp1,M2矿物组合为Grt2+Bt2+Pl2+Amp2+Qz2+Mt2±Ilm2,其P-T条件为810~855℃、0.8~1.0GPa, M3矿物组...  相似文献   

林山岩群是华北克拉通中部造山带南缘前寒武纪结晶基底的一部分,它对于探讨中部造山带碰撞时代及其在克拉通南缘的分布具有重要意义.选择林山岩群主体的变基性岩(斜长角闪片岩)为主要研究对象,利用锆石U-Pb定年和岩石地球化学方法,获得的结果表明斜长角闪片岩样品锆石多呈长柱状,且外形不规则,具弱分带、斑杂状分带和扇形分带结构,其中少量锆石保留有早期原岩残留的岩浆核.锆石核部具岩浆振荡环带特征,大部分Th/U比值范围为0.10~9.24,且外形不规则,边部具溶蚀结构;绝大部分锆石具弱分带、斑杂状分带和扇形分带结构,以及低Th/U比值范围为0~0.09,个别比值为0.12,显示为典型的变质锆石特征.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明该斜长角闪片岩的核部残留加权平均年龄为2 528±43 Ma(MSWD=1.5,n=10),经历变质作用的加权平均时限为2 474±22 Ma(MSWD=1.3,n=21).全岩地球化学结果显示林山岩群变基性岩贫硅(47.70%~50.77%,平均值为48.90%)和低钾(0.56%~1.78%,平均值为1.13%),轻、重稀土分异较弱,亏损微量元素Nb、Th、Ti、Zr等高场强元素,且具有低的微量元素Zr含量(<130×10-6)和Zr/Y比值(<4).这些特征表明林山岩群形成于俯冲作用背景下的岛弧环境.因此,上述证据共同反映了华北克拉通东、西陆块碰撞产物的中部造山带经历了新太古代晚期-古元古代早期的俯冲碰撞造山作用.   相似文献   

李佳斌  吕增  陈振宇  刘小辉 《岩石学报》2023,39(9):2636-2650

基性麻粒岩作为高温变质作用产物, 其矿物组合能够较好地记录区域地壳热流的峰值范围, 是揭示造山带演化历史的重要窗口。本文报道了在东昆仑造山带东段大格勒地区金水口岩群副片麻岩中发现的基性二辉麻粒岩露头, 它们呈块状-片麻状构造, 斑状变晶-细粒变晶结构, 主要矿物为斜长石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石、黑云母和普通角闪石。斜方辉石与单斜辉石和高钙斜长石(An=74~81)的平衡结构以及斜方辉石中包裹残余普通角闪石和黑云母的结构表明这些岩石经历了较充分的麻粒岩相结晶作用。填隙状生长的普通角闪石和黑云母可能代表了冷却至固相线附近矿物-残余熔体发生反应的产物。根据二辉石温度计和相平衡模拟计算, 获得在0.4~0.7GPa压力条件下的麻粒岩相变质温度为840~910℃。详细的变斑晶斜长石和钛铁矿包体研究表明, 麻粒岩相变质之前可能存在一期低温高压变质作用, 形成的矿物组合为斜黝帘石+金红石+榍石+普通角闪石±阳起石+黑云母+石英, 相平衡模拟确定该阶段的温压条件为0.85~1.2GPa、500~640℃。斜黝帘石在减压阶段的早期转变为低钙斜长石(An=46-51), 同时角闪石转变为单斜辉石, 可能代表了低压角闪岩相阶段。通过LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb测年以及锆石包体分析, 确定麻粒岩相变质年龄为411.4±2.9Ma(MSWD=1.05)。这些二辉麻粒岩是在金水口以外的东昆仑地区发现的首例晚古生代低压高温变基性岩, 其与围岩片麻岩构成一个麻粒岩地体。它们反映了泥盆纪早期东昆仑造山带的异常高温事件, 与后碰撞伸展阶段软流圈地幔上涌带来的区域高温热流有关。本研究对解析东昆仑造山带高级变质地体的精细结构以及古特提斯洋形成过程的深部动力学机制具有重要意义。


桐柏-大别南缘变质流体变质-变形特征及构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前人研究认为桐柏山主要是由桐柏核部杂岩单元组成,它是一个早白垩世花岗质片麻岩杂岩体,其中包含一定的三叠纪中高级变质岩石,后期一起经历相同的构造变形过程,在南北两侧形成剪切旋向完全相反的两条大型韧性剪切带,殷店-马垅剪切带就是南边的华南板块由SSE→NNW挤压作用下,在斜切大别造山带的方向上产生的右行平移断裂带。在野外进行地质考察的过程中,发现在该地区变质流体的分布具有一定的规律。因此,本文通过对殷店-马垅剪切带地质特征、走滑性质、糜棱岩及糜棱岩化岩石的变质变形,剪切带内长英质脉体物质组成、变形特征及物质来源等方面研究,探讨剪切带中变质流体的分布规律以及变质变形与变质流体之间的关系。  相似文献   

Amphibolites in the Shuixiakou area of the southern Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), occur as lenses within hornblende-biotite-plagioclase gneiss or pelitic schist, exhibiting block-in-matrix feature of tectonic mélange. Three generations of metamorphic mineral assemblages (M1, M2, and M3) have been recognized in the garnet-bearing amphibolite lenses. The metamorphic prograde assemblage (M1) is documented with inclusion trails (hornblende + plagioclase + quartz) within garnet porphyroblasts, and are estimated to be formed under 610–690 °C and 6.5–10.2 kbar. The metamorphic peak assemblage (M2) consists of garnet + hornblende + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz in the matrix and records metamorphic peak P-T conditions of 720–750 °C and 13.4–14.7 kbar. The retrograde assemblage (M3) is represented by the symplectic assemblage (hornblende + plagioclase + quartz ± biotite ± magnetite) rimming the garnet porphyroblast, formed in the decompression stage under P-T conditions of 630–730 °C and 3.8–7.2 kbar. The derived metamorphic P-T paths show similar tight clockwise loops including nearly isothermal decompression processes, typical of orogenic metamorphism. SIMS dating of metamorphic zircons from the amphibolites confirm that the high-pressure metamorphism (M2) occurred at ca. 438–398 Ma.  相似文献   

林彦蒿  张泽明  董昕 《岩石学报》2013,29(6):1962-1976
本文对位于青藏高原拉萨地体东南缘林芝杂岩中的片麻岩进行了岩石学和锆石U-Pb年代学研究.所研究的样品包括正片麻岩和副片麻岩,它们经历了中压角闪岩相变质作用.岩石地球化学分析结果表明,所研究的正片麻岩的原岩具有钙碱性岛弧岩浆岩的特征.锆石U-Pb年代学分析结果表明,副片麻岩中的碎屑锆石核部为岩浆成因,它们给出的206Pb/238U年龄范围为3012~ 522Ma,其锆石的增生边给出了~51Ma的变质年龄.在正片麻岩中,黑云母片麻岩给出了~67Ma的原岩结晶年龄和~ 55 Ma的变质年龄;石榴石角闪黑云斜长片麻岩给出了~58Ma的原岩结晶年龄和~54Ma的变质年龄.因此,所研究的林芝杂岩并不能代表拉萨地体中的前寒武纪变质基底,而是古生代的沉积岩和晚白垩纪至早新生代的岩浆岩在始新世早期变质而成.这一时期,表壳岩和侵入岩一起经历的中压角闪岩相变质作用很可能跟新特提斯洋俯冲导致的地壳增生、加厚有关.  相似文献   

桐柏-大别造山带南缘大洪山地区出露一套变质辉长辉绿岩脉,该岩脉沿襄樊-广济断裂带侵入到大洪山造山带增生杂岩之中,本文采用锆石U-Pb LA-ICP-MS定年方法,获得了该变质辉长辉绿岩脉的岩浆锆石年龄为163±3 Ma,代表岩脉的侵位结晶年龄,是目前桐柏-大别造山带已知最早的造山后晚中生代岩浆活动记录之一,表明桐柏-大别造山带南缘晚中生代岩浆活动开始于中侏罗世晚期,与北大别地区初始深融作用时间相当,比早白垩世大规模岩浆活动的峰期(~130 Ma)早约30 Ma。锆石Hf同位素分析结果显示eHf(t)值为+5.8~+10.8(平均值为+9.7±0.7),对应的单阶段Hf模式年龄t_(DM1)为387~595Ma(平均值为434±29Ma),明显大于岩脉成岩年龄,表明岩浆源区主要来自于亏损地幔,亏损地幔为早古生代伸展过程的产物。结合区域研究资料,163±3 Ma是桐柏-大别碰撞造山带南缘中生代陆-陆碰撞后最古老的岩浆岩年龄之一,与大别造山带山根软化的时代一致,可能代表桐柏-大别造山带由挤压环境向伸展环境的初始转换时间,据此认为桐柏-大别造山带从山根软化到大规模伸展垮塌间隔-30Ma,地幔经历了亏损-富集的转化过程。  相似文献   

The early to mid-Paleozoic subduction-induced terrane accretion along the northern margin of the North China Craton is not well understood. To address this issue, we investigate the magmatic and sedimentary records, including both new and previously published geochemical, Sr–Nd isotopic, and zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic data from the Bainaimiao Arc. The collected gabbro–diorites and granitoids have been dated to 431–453 Ma. The gabbro–diorites have high Mg/(Mg + Fe) molar ratios (44.41–73.39); depleted Nb, Ta and Ti; and negative εNd(t) values (-9.43–-6.80). They were derived from a mantle wedge metasomatized by subduction-derived fluids with crustal contamination. The granitoids are characterized by high silica, low to high K, low Fe and Mg contents, strong fractionation of rare earth elements, and positive εHf(t) values (+1.42–+8.19). They were derived from crustal melts with juvenile additions. The clastic rocks from the Baoerhantu Group and Xibiehe Formation are dominated by early Paleozoic zircons, whereas those from the Bainaimiao Group are dominated by early Paleozoic and Precambrian zircons. Detrital zircon geochronology and field geology confirm their deposition in early to mid-Paleozoic. The U–Pb ages and petrographic and geochemical analyses indicate that the clastic rocks were deposited in arc-related basins with felsic sources from the Bainaimiao Arc. The xenocrystic and detrital zircons in the magmatic and clastic rocks, respectively, imply a Precambrian basement for the Bainaimiao Arc. The early Paleozoic magmatic rocks of the Bainaimiao Arc show secular changes with decreasing age: increasing K2O contents and Sr/Y ratios and decreasing Fe2O3T + MgO contents and εHf(t) and εNd(t) values. This is likely in response to advancing subduction and related crustal thickening. Accordingly, the following tectono-paleogeographic model was proposed for the Bainaimiao Arc: (a) ∼500–455 Ma initial subduction and juvenile arc development, (b) ∼455–415 Ma continuous subduction with mature arc development, and (c) ∼415–400 Ma accretion to the North China Craton.  相似文献   

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) was built up through protracted accretion and collision of a variety of terranes/micro-continents during Neoproterozoic–Mesozoic time. To understand potential links among Paleozoic subduction and accretionary processes that were operative during the development of the southeastern CAOB, we conducted a combined U-Pb and Hf-isotope analysis of detrital zircons from previously defined Devonian, Carboniferous and Early Permian strata in the Bengbatu area, Inner Mongolia. Detrital zircons from (meta-) sandstones in these strata commonly yield major Paleozoic age populations at ca. 300–261 Ma, 351–300 Ma and 517–419 Ma, and also give several Precambrian ages that range from 2687 Ma to 544 Ma. The youngest ages redefine the deposition of all these strata to be in the Middle Permian (Wordian–Capitanian) or later, much younger than previously considered. These ages, coupled with regional magmatic records, support an interpretation of most surrounding areas as possible detritus sources, including the Mongolian arcs to the north, the Northern Accretionary Orogen to the south, and the intervening Erenhot–Hegenshan Ophiolite Belt. Zircons with magmatic ages of ca. 500–350 Ma and ca. 300–261 Ma display a large range of εHf(t) values (?13.97 to +15.31), whereas ca. 350–300 Ma zircons are dominated by positive εHf(t) values (+0.14 to +16.00). These results support the occurrence of two significant shifts of the zircon εHf(t) values, which has tectonic implications for the understanding of the Carboniferous–Permian evolution of the southeastern CAOB. A marked shift from mixed to positive zircon εHf(t) values at 350–330 Ma likely manifests the incipient opening of the Hegenshan Ocean, due to the slab rollback of the subducting Paleo-Asian Oceanic lithosphere. Another shift from positive to mixed zircon εHf(t) values at ca. 300 Ma likely corresponds to a tectonic switch from syn-orogenic subduction-related to post-orogenic extensional setting, genetically related to the tectonic collapse of a formerly overthickened crust.  相似文献   

北疆及邻区石炭-二叠纪花岗岩时空分布特征及其构造意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
北疆及邻区发育大量的花岗岩,其中石炭-二叠纪花岗岩较为突出。本文总结了该期花岗岩的时空分布特征。北疆及邻区不同构造单元石炭-二叠纪花岗岩特征不同,形成时代峰期也不一致。在阿尔泰,该期花岗岩主要集中在早二叠世(289~266Ma),晚石炭世出现一个明显的岩浆宁静期;西准噶尔可以分为早石炭世(340~320Ma)和晚石炭世—早二叠世(310~290Ma)两期,后一期较强,铝质A型花岗岩分布广泛是该地区的一个重要特征,形成时代集中在300Ma左右;东准噶尔地区石炭-二叠纪花岗岩多沿断裂带展布,岩浆活动从晚石炭世一直延续到早二叠世(320~270Ma),该地区最大的特点是发育多条碱性(A型)花岗岩带,在晚石炭世—早二叠世连续产出。西天山大致可以分为3期:早石炭世(355~345Ma)、早石炭世晚期—晚石炭世(335~305Ma)和二叠纪(300~255Ma)。早石炭世花岗岩主要集中在北天山,早二叠世花岗岩浆活动最为强烈,其中的碱性(A型)花岗岩不仅在南天山呈带状大面积分布,在北天山也有发育;东天山—北山是区内石炭-二叠纪花岗岩最为发育的地区,岩体数量多,分布面积广,锆石年龄主要集中在335~310Ma和300~270Ma,相对来说来东天山石炭纪花岗岩较多,北山二叠纪花岗岩较多。总体而言,北疆及邻区石炭-二叠纪花岗岩时代主要集中在晚石炭世—早二叠世,特别是早二叠世,整体展现出同步性,这个时期碱性岩最发育,可能揭示了不同构造背景下的伸展特点。这是整个中亚造山带及邻区大量的酸性和基性-超基性岩浆活动及暗示的伸展环境的一个缩影。  相似文献   

The metamorphic belt in the Dongjiu area is located in the eastern segment of the Lhasa terrane in South Tibet. The Dongjiu metamorphic rocks are primarily composed of schist and gneiss, with minor amounts of marble, and the protoliths are sedimentary rocks with Precambrian and early Palaeozoic zircons probably deposited during the Palaeozoic or late Neoproterozoic. On the basis of petrology and phase equilibria modelling, this study shows that the Dongjiu metamorphic belt has experienced a kyanite-grade metamorphism, which is characterized by a decompressional vector with slight cooling from a peak of 9.6 kbar and 745°C to medium-pressure amphibolite-facies metamorphic overprinting at 5–6 kbar and 600–630°C. This P–T path was well recorded and recovered by garnet zoning profiles. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in situ U–Pb analyses on metamorphic zircons and zircon rims yielded concordant 206Pb/238U ages of c. 194–192 Ma, suggesting that the Dongjiu metamorphic rocks were formed during the Early Jurassic. Therefore, the Dongjiu metamorphic belt, together with the western Nyainqentanglha, Basongco, and Zhala metamorphic belts, constitutes a nearly continuous tectonic unit with an E–W extension of at least 500 km between the northern and southern Lhasa terranes. The metamorphic ages of these belts, ranging from 230 to 192 Ma, show a younger trend from west to east, indicating that the central segment of the Lhasa terrane experienced an eastward asynchronous collisional orogeny during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

王景丽  张宏福 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3819-3834



Abstract In the Adirondack Highlands of New York State, the effect of granulite facies metamorphism on the physical and isotopic characteristics of zircon from anorogenic plutonic rocks has a distinct geographical pattern. The location of zircon populations which appear to have been altered describes a roughly circular area where metamorphic palaeotemperatures have been determined to be in excess of 750° C. Zircons from anorogenic plutonic rocks outside this area were undisturbed during metamorphism and yield well constrained ages. Granitic, charnockitic and mangeritic anorogenic plutonic rocks peripheral to the Marcy anorthosite massif have large, euhedral, prismatic zircons that display fine, internal, magmatic growth zonations and abundant, randomly orientated, mineral inclusions. Co-genetic zircon fractions yield linear discordant arrays and well constrained upper intercepts of 1125–1157 Ma. Metamorphic zircon is limited to sporadically developed and volumetrically insignificant, clear, low-U overgrowths or protuberances. In marked contrast, zircons from petrographically and geochemically identical rocks adjacent to, or within, the Marcy anorthosite massif are typically large, limpid, anhedral to subhedral crystals or crystal fragments lacking internal features except for tubular cavities and CO-2-rich inclusions. Co-genetic zircon fractions yield nearly concordant, non-linear clusters with 207Pb/206Pb minimum ages of 1073–1095 Ma. Metamorphic overgrowths cannot be readily identified by optical or cathodoluminscence techniques; however, many grains show complex and unusual external boundaries suggestive of post-crystallization modification. These data indicate that temperatures as low as 750° C, in combination with other factors, may have been sufficient to facilitate recrystallization, and diffusion of radiogenic Pb from the zircon crystal structure, during the complex, protracted metamorphism of the Adirondack Highlands.  相似文献   

The metamorphic belt in the Basongco area, the eastern segment of Lhasa terrane, south Tibet, occurs as the tectonic blocks in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. The Basongco metamorphic rocks are mainly composed of paragneiss and schist, with minor marble and orthogneiss, and considered previously to be the Precambrian basement of the Lhasa terrane. This study shows that the Basongco metamorphic belt experienced medium-pressure amphibolite-facies metamorphism under the conditions of T = 640–705 °C and P = 6.0–8.0 kbar. The inherited detrital zircon of the metasedimentary rocks yielded widely variable 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 3105 Ma to 500 Ma, with two main age populations at 1150 Ma and 580 Ma. The magmatic cores of zircons from the orthogneiss constrain the protolith age as ca. 203 Ma. The metamorphic zircons from all rocks yielded the consistent metamorphic ages of 192–204 Ma. The magmatic cores of zircons in the orthogneiss yielded old Hf model ages (TDM2 = 1.5–2.1 Ga). The magmatic zircons from the mylonitized granite yielded a crystallization age of ca. 198 Ma. These results indicate that the high-grade metamorphic rocks from the Basongco area were formed at early Jurassic and associated with coeval magmatism derived from the thickening crust. The Basongco metamorphic belt, together with the western and coeval Sumdo and Nyainqentanglha metamorphic belts, formed a 400-km-long tectonic unit, indicating that the central segment of the Lhasa terrane experienced the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic collisional orogeny.  相似文献   

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