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The Lower Pliocene volcanic rocks occurring in the Gölcük area of SW Turkey exhibit alkaline major element trends with a general potassic character. The development of volcanism can be divided into 2 major stages such as trachytic ancient lavas/domes and tephriphonolitic, trachyandesitic to trachytic Gölcük eruptions (ignimbrites, lava/dome extrusions, phreatomagmatic deposits, and finally, young domes). Volcanic rocks consist primarily of plagioclase, clinopyroxene (which ranges in composition from diopside to augite and are commonly zoned), biotite, and phlogopite. Amphibole phenocrysts are restricted to the pyroclastic deposits. Pseudoleucites are also seen only in the lava/dome extrusions. Oxides and apatites are common accessory phenocryst phases. As would be expected from their potassic–alkaline nature, the volcanic rocks of the Gölcük area contain high amounts of LILE (Ba, Sr, Rb and K), LREE, and Zr. Concentrations of compatible elements such as Cr, Ni and V are very low, possibly indicating fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene. Correlation of SiO2, Rb/Sr and MgO with 87Sr/86Sr (0.703506–0.704142) exhibit an increasing trend in the direction of crustal contamination. However, the isotopic compositions of Sr are not as high to indicate a high level of crustal contamination. Geochemical data are consistent with the derivation of Gölcük volcanic rocks from a metasomatized and/or enriched lithospheric mantle source during crustal extension in the area. This metasomatism was probably occurred by fluids released from the northward subduction between African and Eurasian plates during Tertiary, as the Gölcük volcanic rocks display features of island-arc magmas with having high Ba/Nb (>28) ratios, and Nb and Ti depletions. Lower Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük was response to extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

West Yunnan is made of the Yangtze Craton, theSouth China Block, the Indochina Block and severalother micro-terranes formed at different times. It iscross-cut by the NW-SE-trending Ailao Shan-RedRiver (ASRR) fault, which runs over 1000 km fromthe eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,through Vietnam and to the North Gulf (fig. 1). TheASRR fault is an important geological and topog-raphic boundary in East Asia. The sinistral movementof the Indochina Block along this fault ev…  相似文献   

Western Anatolia, largely affected by extensional tectonics, witnessed widespread volcanic activity since the Early Miocene. The volcanic vents of the region are represented by epicontinental calderas, stratovolcanoes and monogenetic vents which are associated with small-scale intrusions as sills and dykes. The volcanic activity began with an explosive character producing a large ignimbritic plateau all over the region, indicating the initiation of the crustal extension event. These rhyolitic magmas are nearly contemporaneous with granitic intrusions in western Anatolia. The ignimbrites, emplaced approximately contemporaneous with alluvial fan and braided river deposits, flowed over the basement rocks prior to extensional basin formation. The lacustrine deposits overlie the ignimbrites. The potassic and ultrapotassic lavas with lamprophyric affinities were emplaced during the Late Miocene–Pliocene. The volcanic activities have continued with alkali basalts during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

New geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar age data are presented from the Neogene volcanic units of the Karaburun Peninsula, the westernmost part of Western Anatolia. The volcanic rocks in the region are associated with Neogene lacustrine deposition and are characterized by (1) olivine-bearing basaltic-andesites to shoshonites (Karaburun volcanics), high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and latites (Yaylaköy, Arma?anda? and Kocada? volcanics) of ~ 16–18 Ma, and (2) mildly-alkaline basalts (Ovac?k basalt) and rhyolites (Urla volcanics) of ~ 11–12 Ma. The first group of rocks is enriched in LILE and LREE with respect to the HREE and HFSE on N-MORB-normalised REE and multi-element spider diagrams. They are comparable geochemically with volcanic rocks in the surrounding regions such as Chios Island and other localities in Western Anatolia. The Ovac?k basalt is geochemically similar to the first stage early–middle Miocene volcanic rocks but differs from NW Anatolian late Miocene alkali basalts.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the morphotectonic evolution of the axial portion of the Southern Apennine chain between the lower Calore River valley and the northern Camposauro mountain front (Campania Region). A multidisciplinary approach was used, including geomorphological, field‐geology, stratigraphical, morphotectonic, structural, 40Ar/39Ar and tephrostratigraphical data. Results indicate that, from the Lower Pleistocene onwards, this sector of the chain was affected by extensional tectonics responsible for the onset of the sedimentation of Quaternary fluvial, alluvial fan and slope deposits. Fault systems are mainly composed of NW‐SE, NE–SW and W‐E trending strike‐slip and normal faults, associated to NW‐SE and NE–SW oriented extensions. Fault scarps, stratigraphical and structural data and morphotectonic indicators suggest that these faults affected the wide piedmont area of the northern Camposauro mountain front in the Lower Pleistocene–Upper Pleistocene time span. Faults affected both the oldest Quaternary slope deposits (Laiano Synthem, Lower Pleistocene) and the overlying alluvial fan system deposits constrained between the late Middle Pleistocene and the Holocene. The latter are geomorphologically and chrono‐stratigraphically grouped into four generations, I generation: late Middle Pleistocene–early Upper Pleistocene, with tephra layers 40Ar/39Ar dated to 158±6 and 113±7 ka; II generation: Upper Pleistocene, with tephra layers correlated with the Campanian Ignimbrite (39 ka) and with the slightly older Campi Flegrei activity (40Ar/39Ar age 48±7 ka); III generation: late Upper Pleistocene–Lower Holocene, with tephra layers correlated with the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (~15 ka); IV generation: Holocene in age. The evolution of the first three generations was controlled by Middle Pleistocene extensional tectonics, while Holocene fans do not show evidence of tectonic activity. Nevertheless, considering the moderate to high magnitude historical seismicity of the study area, we cannot rule out that some of the recognized faults may still be active. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Hasan Dagi volcano is one of the two large Plio-Quaternary volcanoes in Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Three stages of edifice construction have been identified for this volcano: Paleovolcano, Mesovolcano and Neovolcano. Most samples from Hasan Dagi volcano are calc-alkaline and define an almost complete trend from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. However, the more recent (Neovolcano) mafic samples are alkaline basalts. The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi (13 Ma) and Paleo-Hasan Dagi (7 Ma)) are significantly different from those of the younger lavas (Meso- and Neo-Hasan Dagi (<1 Ma)). Calcic plagioclase and pigeonite are typically observed in these older lavas. The Paleovolcano basalts are depleted in alkalis and display a tholeiitic tendency whereas the differentiated lavas are depleted in Na2O but enriched in K2O compared to younger lavas. There is an evolution through time towards higher TiO2, Fe2O3*, MgO, Na2O and K2O and lower Al2O3 and SiO2 which is reflected in the basalt compositions. All the basalts display multi-element patterns typical of continental margin magmas with a significant enrichment in LILE (K, Rb, Ba and Th) and LREE and strong (Paleovolcano) to moderate (Meso- and Neovolcano) negative Nb, Zr and Ti anomalies. However, the younger basalts are the most enriched in incompatible elements, in agreement with their alkaline affinities and do not systematically display negative HFSE anomalies. REE data suggest an hydrous amphibole-bearing crystallization history for both Meso- and Neovolcano lavas. The distinction between the older and younger lavas is also apparent in trace element ratios such as Nb/Y, Ti/Y and Th/Y. These ratios indicate the role of a subducted component±crustal contamination in the genesis of the Hasan Dagi lavas, particularly for the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi and Paleo-Hasan Dagi). The decreasing influence of this component through time, over the last 6–7 m.y., has been accompanied by an increasing contribution of melt-enriched lithosphere. Although the range of variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios is small (0.70457–0.70515; 0.51262–0.51273; 18.80–18.94; 15.64–15.69; 38.87–39.10), it also reflects the evolution of the magma sources through time. Indeed, the youngest (Neovolcano) and most primitive basalts display significantly lower 87Sr/86Sr than the Paleo- and Mesovolcano basalts, whereas the Mesovolcano basalts display more radiogenic Pb than Paleovolcano samples. Magma mixing processes between initially heterogeneous and/or variably contaminated magmas may account for the genesis of the less differentiated and intermediate lavas (48–57% SiO2). Meso- and Neovolcano differentiated lavas (60–68% SiO2) are either derived from the analyzed basalts or from more primitive and more depleted magmas by fractional crystallization±some crustal contamination (AFC). Furthermore, the highly differentiated samples (72–75% SiO2) are not strongly contaminated. The strong calc-alkaline character of Hasan Dagi lavas, in the absence of contemporaneous subduction, must reflect the heritage of the early subduction of the Afro–Arabian plate under the Eurasian plate. The evolution towards alkaline compositions through time is clearly related to the development of extensional tectonics in Central Anatolia in the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Single grain OSL has become a widely used approach in Quaternary geochronology. However, the origins of De distributions and the sources of variation in individual dose estimates are still poorly understood. The amount of scatter in these distributions on top of the known uncertainties in measurement and analysis is defined by overdispersion and this quantity is generally used for weighting individual De values to calculate a central equivalent dose. In this study, we address the nature and amount of different sources of dispersion in quartz single grain De estimates, by (i) using appropriate statistical tools to characterize De populations and (ii) modelling, with a specifically designed Geant4 code, dose rate distributions arising from the presence of potassium feldspar grains in well-sorted sands. The model uses Monte Carlo simulations of beta emissions and interactions in a random close packing of quartz and feldspar spheres representing a sand sample. Based on the simulation results, we explain the discrepancy between intrinsic and natural overdispersion values in a well-bleached sample, thus validating the model. The three parameters having the most influence on dispersion in dose rate distributions, and modelled in this study, appear to be grain size, potassium content and total dose rate.Finally an analysis of measurement uncertainties and other sources of variations in equivalent dose estimates lead us to conclude that all age models (both logged and unlogged) which include an overdispersion value to weight individual De values rely mainly on unknown parameters; this ignorance may lead to an inadvertent bias in De estimates. Assuming counting statistics make a small contribution to dispersion (as is often the case), we suggest that in some cases it is most appropriate to use unweighted averages of equivalent doses when dividing by commonly measured average dose rates.  相似文献   

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