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Flow and form in rehabilitation of large-river ecosystems: An example from the Lower Missouri River 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
On large, intensively engineered rivers like the Lower Missouri, the template of the physical habitat is determined by the nearly independent interaction of channel form and flow regime. We evaluated the interaction between flow and form by modeling four combinations of modern and historical channel form and modern and historical flow regimes. The analysis used shallow, slow water (shallow-water habitat, SWH, defined as depths between 0 and 1.5 m, and current velocities between 0 and 0.75 m/s) as an indicator of habitat that has been lost on many intensively engineered rivers and one that is thought to be especially important in rearing of young fishes. Two-dimensional hydrodynamic models for modern and historical channels of the Lower Missouri River at Hermann, Missouri, indicate substantial differences between the two channels in total availability and spatial characteristics of SWH. In the modern channel, SWH is maximized at extremely low flows and in overbank flows, whereas the historical channel had substantially more SWH at all discharges and SWH increased with increasing discharge. The historical channel form produced 3–7 times the SWH area of the modern channel regardless of flow regime. The effect of flow regime is evident in increased within-year SWH variability with the natural flow regime, including significant seasonal peaks of SWH associated with spring flooding. Comparison with other reaches along the Lower Missouri River indicates that a) channel form is the dominant control of the availability of habitat even in reaches where the hydrograph is more intensively altered, and b) rehabilitation projects that move toward the historical condition can be successful in increasing topographic diversity and thereby decreasing sensitivity of the availability of habitat to flow regime. The relative efficacy of managing flow and form in creating SWH is useful information toward achieving socially acceptable rehabilitation of the ecosystem in large river systems. 相似文献
渭北高原土地利用变化对土壤剖面发育的影响——以洛川-长武塬区耕地转为苹果园为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在对渭北高原地区土地利用调研的基础上,选择6个耕作土壤剖面和8个苹果园土壤剖面为研究对象,通过对这些剖面的构型、质地、元素组成、理化性质和微形态的研究,分析了土地利用变化对土壤演化的影响和机理。结果表明,耕地转为苹果园后,土壤构型从Ap-Bc-A-Ck-C逐渐变为AB-(Bc)-A-Ck-C;土壤表层(0~35cm)的磁化率、有机质、常量元素(Si、Al、Fe、K、Mg、Ca、Na)和微量元素(Cu、Co、Ni、Zn、V、Cr、Pb、As)含量趋于增加,CaCO3含量和pH趋于降低;35~90cm,CaCO3含量趋于增加,而磁化率、有机质、常量元素和微量元素含量趋于降低;90cm深度以下土壤性质变化不大;土壤孔隙的数量减少而平均孔径和孔隙率增加,粘土矿物总含量增加,而残积粘土/淀积粘土比值降低,次生碳酸盐的空间位置从主要出现在0~35cm深度变为在0~90cm范围内普遍出现。这些表明土地利用方式从耕地改为苹果园,土壤剖面构型发生了明显分异,土壤性质的变化主要发生在90cm以上,土壤表层(0~35cm)的变化大于土壤下层(35~90cm)。 相似文献
汶川地震区绵远河流域泥石流形成区的崩塌滑坡特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2008年汶川地震以后,四川省绵竹市清平乡表面覆盖了大量松散堆积物,这些物源在震后的几年中易受到暴雨激发,导致大量浅层崩塌、滑坡的形成,尤其在泥石流形成区。研究泥石流形成区崩塌、滑坡特征,有助于分析滑坡向泥石流转化的特点。2010-08-13绵远河流域发生强降雨致使数十条沟暴发泥石流,在统计了研究区内20条沟泥石流形成区内的386个崩塌、滑坡后,利用野外调查及高精度遥感影像,将386个崩塌、滑坡全部解译,并利用GIS分析统计出崩塌、滑坡在坡度、坡向、高程、沟道纵坡降、地层岩性、沟壑密度因子上的分布特征,得出在海拔1 700~2 400 m范围内崩塌、滑坡密度最大;坡度是影响崩塌、滑坡分布的重要因素,随着坡度的增加密度也越来越大,>70°时极易失稳;滑坡的方向垂直于发震断层明显多于平行于发震断层;纵坡降在500‰~600‰的区间内崩塌、滑坡大量分布;石炭系灰岩出露的地层容易产生大量崩塌、滑坡,尤其在下硬上软的岩层上面;在微度水土流失的区域,崩塌、滑坡分布集中,因此要加强该区域的监测预警。 相似文献
两汉时期黄河水患与中游土地利用之关系 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
对史料重新进行了综合分析和解读,结合现代水文、地貌、土壤侵蚀的观测研究成果,就两汉黄河下游水患和中游土地利用方式的环境后果,提出了新的观点:(1)《后汉书》有关水患的记载简单笼统,但对伊洛河洪灾记载相对详细。当时伊洛河曾多次发生大水,甚至发生淹及洛阳城门和皇家园林的特大洪水,这些洪水涌入黄河干流同样可能导致下游水患;(2)自AD11河决魏郡后,一直到AD69王景治河的58年间,下游既未堵塞决口也未大规模治理,洪水来时任由泛滥。显然《后汉书》中没有具体记载是有意或无意漏记;(3) 对史籍中东汉大水、水出等记载逐年逐次排查,发现东汉水患频率高于西汉,灾情也更为严重。王景新河仅使下游安定了36年而非过去认为的800年或83年;(4) 东汉时期中游农耕人口比西汉减少近3/4,而河口镇至龙门间农耕人口减少九成以上,同时迁入大量游牧民族。原始游牧对天然植被破坏极大,是造成东汉黄河下游水患加剧的主要原因。 相似文献
This article explores the dimensions of rapid urbanization in the Phoenix Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) over the past thirty years with respect to land use change. We devote primary attention to developing an understanding of what land transformations took place, the extent to which they occurred, and where they occurred. Our findings indicate that 32 percent of the Phoenix SMSA changed between 1970 and 2000. More than half of the overall change was from agriculture to some form of urban land use, and although a large percentage of the region remains open desert the parcels of desert are increasingly fragmented. This has significant implications for urban ecology and biodiversity. The growth indicates that rather than a pattern that reflects the agglomeration effects of a polycentric metropolis, the central business district of the City of Phoenix dominates the region. This has implications with respect to employment patterns, traffic congestion, and urban air quality and climate. 相似文献
汾河上游土地利用变化对生态经济协调发展的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
汾河上游流域是黄土高原生态脆弱区独立的流域单元,是山西省太原市惟一的供水之源,也是重要水源涵养区,其土地利用方式直接影响着流域乃至山西省的生态安全。参照Costanza生态系统服务价值计算方法及生态经济协调度模式,定量分析汾河上游1990-2008年土地利用变化引起的生态系统服务价值和生态经济协调度的变化趋势。结果表明,近20 a间,汾河上游流域生态系统服务价值呈现出先减少后增加的趋势;其中林地面积的增加对生态系统服务价值贡献较大,但水域面积的减少带来生态服务功能价值减少,生态环境存在潜在危机;总体上,流域内生态经济协调度有所改善,但仍处于低协调度的边缘,尤其是流域范围内的宁武县、岚县和静乐县。 相似文献
潮白河上游土地利用的时空变化特征与驱动力分析 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
本文以1990年和2000年两期土地利用数据和社会经济数据为基础,采用变化率、土地利用转移矩阵、动态度等指数分析方法,对潮白河上游1990~2000年间土地利用的变化及驱动因子进行了分析。结果表明,在1990年到2000年10年间,由于生态保护和植树造林,潮白河上游土地利用发生了很大变化,突出表现为草地与耕地往林地的转移。从变化的空间差异看,赤城县以及几个县的交界地区土地利用变化最剧烈。从土地利用变化的原因看,生态建设和农业结构调整对土地利用影响深刻,是区域土地利用变化最重要的驱动因子。 相似文献
1956~2004年长江源区河川径流量的变化特征 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
利用1956~2004年长江源区水文和气象台站观测的流量、气温、降水资料,用气候诊断方法分析了该地区径流量的季节和年代际变化特征以及突变特点。结果表明:近50 a来长江源区月平均最大、最小和雨季、年及年较差流量均呈减小的趋势,月平均最小和最大流量分别出现在2月和7~8月,20世纪60和80年代的单峰峰值出现在7月,1970年代、1990年代的单峰峰值出现在8月,近14 a直门达水文站年径流共减少了96×108m3。雨季平均流量的距平基本经历了一个"正-负-正-负"的历史变化过程,雨季和过渡季节降水量、季节积雪融水量和高山冰雪融水量所形成的总流量呈下降趋势。枯季和雨季平均流量均经历了3次明显的转折,并具有10~12 a、6~8 a和3 a的共同变化周期。 相似文献
以参考历史文献、实地调查和访问当地居民的方法,研究了石羊河中下游流域的植被演替。结果表明,该流域2000多年前为湖泊、沼泽和平原景观,后来由于气候和水文演化、人类活动加强和干旱加剧,导致湖泊与河流逐渐消失、绿洲因水系的变迁而向东南移动、早期的绿洲农田逐渐沙漠化,也使植被从水生、沼泽、草甸植物向沙旱生、强旱生、超旱生方向演替,物种大量消失,已演化成现在的沙漠、戈壁与绿洲景观。目前, 该流域红崖山水库以南的一些河道中尚有常年流水,河漫滩和湿地中还有水生、沼泽、草甸和中生植物种类,物种相对丰富;而水库以北的古河床及广大荒漠区植被稀疏,且多为沙旱生和强旱生植物种类,生物多样性低,稳定性差,沙漠化过程加强。要恢复流域植被、遏制土地沙漠化,应当采用调水、引水和节约用水的方法,加强绿洲保护,使地下水位恢复至植物可吸收利用状态。 相似文献
全新世中后期开封西郊黄泛沉积序列的孢粉记录 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
历史时期以来,黄河在开封市附近多次泛滥形成了相对完整的沉积序列。选取开封市西郊25 m岩芯(ZKjm)为研究对象,通过孢粉分析,结合地层沉积旋回和历史文献资料,探讨了全新世中后期以来大洪水事件的孢粉记录。结果表明:黄泛地层中的孢粉含量及其组成很好地记录了大洪水事件,洪水沉积期的木本植物花粉含量高于其间断期,而人工禾本科花粉含量低于间断期。每个粒度旋回基本上都有与之对应的孢粉亚带,且其上下界限的吻合度较高,表明孢粉可作为划分沉积旋回的代用指标。岩芯孢粉亚带的数目(12个)多于粒度旋回数目(9个),孢粉组合特征可以识别出规模较小的洪水或者一次洪水事件出现的多个短期洪水间歇期所形成的沉积,孢粉指标划分沉积旋回的精度高于粒度指标。 相似文献
塔里木河下游地下水位对植被的影响 总被引:128,自引:5,他引:128
对塔里木河下游断流河道2000~2002年9个地下水监测断面和18个植被样地的实地监测资料分析表明,地下水埋深对天然植被的组成、分布及长势有直接关系。地下水位的不断下降和土壤含水率大大丧失是引起塔里木河下游植被退化的主导因子。塔里木河下游的四次输水对其下游地下水位抬升起到了积极作用,河道附近地下水位呈逐级抬升过程,横向影响范围达1000 m左右,纵向上,表现为上段地下水抬升幅度较大 (达84%),下段抬升幅度较小 (6%)。随着地下水位的抬升,天然植被的响应范围由第一次输水后的200~250 m,扩展到第四次输水的800 m。 相似文献
黄淮海平原水土资源利用的可持续性评价、开发潜力及对策 总被引:16,自引:11,他引:16
黄淮海平原耕地顷均水资源量仅及全国平均水平的1/4,目前缺水率为19.3%,水资源利用可持续性综合评价指标属于中等偏下水平,为我国较为严重的缺水区,尤其是海河低平原区。土地资源利用对种植业而言,属于临界可持续状态,山前平原区指数值最低,有使耕地进一步向非农用方面转化的可能。2010年,本区水资源可供水量将比2000年增长22.4%,耕地面积仍能维持1998年水平。本区水土资源的区域匹配有明显的地区差异:山前平原区与海河低平原区水资源开发潜力不大,土地利用受缺水制约,水资源利用率已超过86%,平均可利用水资源量不足2500m^3/hm^2;但黄淮平原区和滨海低平原区水土资源均有较大的开发潜力,水资源利用率低于50%,平均可利用水资源量分别为3330m^3/hm^2和7020m^3/hm^2。本区水土资源利用的对策应为:积极开辟灌溉新水源(2010年外流域调水量和污水处理回用与微咸水利用量分别占可供水量的20.2%和4.9%),积极发展节水灌溉新技术,加快中低产地改造与高产农田的建设(中低产地改造后每公顷可增产粮食1950kg)以及实施稳定北部、提高中部、发展南部粮食生产的重点区域发展布局,以促进其农业和农村的可持续发展。 相似文献
Roel Plant Jeremy Walker Scott Rayburg Jacqueline Gothe Teresa Leung 《The Australian geographer》2012,43(1):75-91
Agricultural chemicals are a notoriously intractable source of environmental pollution. Offering enhanced agricultural productivity, they simultaneously risk degrading the ecological basis upon which agriculture depends. This paper considers chemicalisation as a cause of the erosion of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, focusing on the Hawkesbury-Nepean River and the small-scale horticulturalists who supply the city's fresh vegetable markets, working under the pressure of urbanisation, retail monopolies, indifferent land-use planning, and often without access to information about pesticide use in the languages they understand. Arguing that standard practices of ‘risk management’ are unable to adequately control chemical contamination, the paper presents findings from interviews with actors within the ‘assemblage’ of institutions with responsibility for agriculture, water quality, and environmental protection, in order to assess the effectiveness of pesticide governance in the Greater Sydney Basin. It appears that pesticide pollution is far from being tamed: it is rarely measured nor monitored, neither is it a priority of any particular agency. Arguing that public health, the long-term viability of local farming and the ecological well-being of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River are mutually consistent goals, we conclude that these vital elements of the common-weal are currently subject to a system of ‘organised irresponsibility’. The paper concludes by proposing several ways forward. 相似文献
The Rio Negro has responded significantly in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene to lagged environmental changes largely associated with activity during the last glacial in the Amazon basin. On the basis of geological structure, the Rio Negro can be divided into six distinct reaches that each reflects very marked differential processes and geomorphological styles. No deposits of the Upper Pleniglacial were recognized in the field. The oldest recognizable Late Pleistocene alluvial unit is the Upper Terrace of Middle Pleniglacial age (ca. 65–25 ka) (reach I), tentatively correlated with the oldest terrace identified on the left bank of reach III. At that time, the river was mainly an aggradational bed load system carrying abundant quartz sand, a product of more seasonal conditions in the upper catchment. The late glacial (14–10 ka) is represented by a lower finer-grained terrace along the upper basin (reach I), which was recognized in the Tiquié, Curicuriarí, and Vaupes rivers. At that time, the river carried abundant suspended load as a response to climatic changes associated with deglaciation.Since about 14 ka, the river has behaved as a progradational system, infilling in downstream series a sequence of structurally controlled sedimentary basins or ‘compartments,’ creating alluvial floodplains and associated anabranching channel systems. Reach II was the first to be filled, then reach III, both accumulating mainly sand. Fine deposits increase downstream in reach III and become predominant in some anabranch islands of the distal reach. The lowermost reaches of the Negro (V and VI) have been greatly affected by a rising base level and associated backwater effect from aggradation of the Amazon during late glacial and recent times. Reach V has acted almost entirely as a fine sediment trap. The remarkable Anavilhanas archipelago is the product of Holocene deposition in the upper part of this sedimentary basin; however, suspended sediment load declined about 1.5 ka, prior to the lower part of this basin becoming infilled.The progradational behavior of the Rio Negro, filling tectonic basins as successive sediment traps with sand in the upper basins and fines in the downstream ones, illustrates how a large river system responses to profound changes in Late Quaternary base level and sediment supply. The most stable equilibrium conditions have been achieved in the Holocene in reaches IIb and IIIa, where an anabranching channel and erosional–relictual island system relatively efficiently convey water and sediment downstream. Reaches IIIb and V never achieved equilibrium conditions during the Holocene, characterised as they are today with incomplete floodplains and open water. 相似文献
基于路径依赖视角,采集长江经济带108个地级市的2003-2015年面板数据,运用皮尔逊相关系数、回归分析等方法,刻画长江经济带生态文明建设的路径依赖格局和演化,并初步探讨了影响因素与关系变化。结果表明:① 生态文明建设是一个长期且循序渐进的过程,短期内生态文明建设存在着较强路径依赖,80%以上的城市在相邻阶段内结构相似度的相关系数在中等相关以上,各地区应当具有生态文明建设的战略定力。② 生态文明建设要求新型良性互动关系的建立,出现结构锁定的地区在构建自然系统与其他系统的互动关系上要显著落后。在第二阶段与第三阶段,整个长江经济带的自然状态增长率对经济系统增长和社会系统增长的回归系数分别为0.139和0.061,而在结构锁定地区,回归系数则不显著。③ 在不同阶段自然响应(表征资源利用)、经济压力(表征经济增长)、社会响应(表征教育与社会保障)的增长率与结构相似度呈现显著负相关,表明资源利用效率、资金、教育与社会保障的提升可从手段、资金和意识三方面推动形成新型的良性互动关系,有利于突破当前的区域结构锁定。 相似文献
分析了采自北极新奥尔松(Ny-lesund)(78°55′N,11°56′E)煤矿开采区水平剖面12个点位上的三种苔原植物Dicranumangustum(苔藓类植物)、Puccinelliaphryganodes(穗状植物)和Salixpolaris(管状植物)及土壤中10种重金属(Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Ni、Fe、Mn、As、Se)及S、TOC的含量。结果显示采矿过程中煤层的暴露是本地区的Hg、Cd、S污染的主要来源。三种分布最广泛、数量最多的苔原植物中苔藓植物Dicranumangustum对重金属元素具有最大的富集能力,位于矿区的Dicranumangustu体内污染元素含量显著高于非矿区部分,这也说明该水平剖面上的元素污染是由当地煤矿开采导致的。同时发现,Dicranumangustum体内元素积累和土壤中元素浓度之间沿水平剖面的变化趋势较一致,能较好地反映本地区的污染状况,可以作为污染监测和指示植物。从全球区域对比来看,北极新奥尔松苔藓体内污染水平显著低于邻近的北欧等工业区,但却是北极地区Hg、Cd和S污染最严重地区,同时也比南极地区高。 相似文献
以苏州金庭镇居民为研究对象,利用问卷及访谈数据,通过结构方程模型甄别场域认知、地方依恋和传承途径的维度差异,验证彼此的影响路径和作用关系.研究表明:1)居民对乡村文化记忆的场域认知包括纪念性场地、村落型场地、自然型场地和软记忆场等维度,其中,前三者对软记忆场有着正向显著影响;2)乡村文化记忆场域认知是居民地方依恋构建的... 相似文献