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沉箱式防波堤静力与动力稳定性设计体型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将沉箱式防波堤滑移和倾覆稳定性设计方法分为三类:静力设计方法、不允许沉箱出现滑移和摇摆角的动力设计方法、控制沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的动力设计方法。建立了满足给定抗滑和抗倾安全系数条件下,按静力设计方法确定沉箱尺度的控制方程,研究了波浪条件和安全系数取值对沉箱长宽比的影响。通过动力数值计算分析了沉箱长宽比对沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的影响,并与传统静力设计理论进行了比较,讨论了控制沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的动力设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

通过断面物理模型试验,获得了圆形沉箱结构直立堤在各种工况组合下,承受水平波压力、底部浮托力的大量数据信息。对这些数据进行了分析总结,得出了有关圆形沉箱直立堤波浪力的分布规律。  相似文献   

针对现阶段深水软黏土地基防波堤建设的设计理论和稳定性分析方法尚不成熟,结合实际工程,采用三维弹塑性有限元数值分析方法,研究在水平或竖直单一方向荷载以及复合加载条件下软黏土地基上沉箱防波堤的失稳模式,提出破坏包络线的稳定性判别方法。在波浪水平荷载作用下,深水软基上沉箱防波堤发生倾覆失稳破坏,失稳转动点为沉箱底面以下中轴线偏右的某点,不同于规范中规定的岩石或砂质地基沉箱倾覆转动点为其后踵点;在重力等竖向荷载作用下,沉箱的失稳模式为结构整体下陷,抛石基床及地基形成连贯的塑性区域,呈现较明显地冲剪破坏形式;在水平、竖向复合荷载作用下,软基上沉箱防波堤的破坏包络线由结构倾覆破坏线和地基承载力破坏线组成,包络线将荷载组合区分成稳定区、仅发生水平承载力不足倾覆破坏区、仅发生地基竖向承载力不足破坏区、同时发生水平承载力和地基竖向承载力不足破坏区4个区域。研究成果为深水软基沉箱防波堤建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

为研究矩形开孔沉箱防波堤的可靠性,本文提出了一种新的直立式防波堤结构可靠性计算方法,考虑波高同周期的相关性,将波高、周期和抗力作为随机变量处理,构造隐式功能函数,采用直接抽样法生成随机样本进行模拟,作为中间变量的波浪荷载不做统计分析处理,根据功能函数的响应直接判断是否滑移或倾覆失效,计算失效概率和可靠指标。计算结果表明:新的计算方法与传统直接抽样法相比结果数值非常接近,验证了新方法的有效性;同传统JC法相比,新方法相对保守。本计算方法在波浪要素资料充足时可为矩形开孔沉箱防波堤的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

首次将列率谱分析的两种谱估计方法,并矢周期图法和并矢相关法引入到随机海浪的研究,文中就不同环境条件下实验室资料,对两种谱估计方法进行了比较,结果表明:两种谱估计方法所得结果非常吻合。  相似文献   

海浪的视景仿真有重要的应用背景与军事意义。文中围绕如何解决海浪的实时视景仿真问题,讨论了基于海浪谱的不同浪级波面的仿真模型,并讨论了海浪的实时视景仿真实现技术。这些模型与技术对于提高海浪仿真实时性与真实性有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

海浪谱折绕射联合模型在障碍物后水域的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

防波堤与岸式OWC波能装置一直是被独立研究,从未产生交叉,但二者设施布置的条件显然具有关联性。本文根据二者关联的特点,设计出沉箱防波堤兼作岸式OWC波能装置,并通过物理模型试验验证了其可行性。  相似文献   

基于Hasselmanns提出的SAR反演海浪方向谱的MPI算法,对2003-2012年间的中国海Envisat ASAR波模式数据进行了海浪方向谱反演。统计由反演的海浪方向谱得到的海浪有效波高数据,依据海浪浪级的划分,分析了中国海海浪浪级的分布特点,获得一些有参考价值的结果:(1)中国海3-4级海况的年出现概率最高,达85%;(2)中国海累月不同浪级的海浪出现概率分布符合高斯分布函数:f(x)=a*exp(-((x-1-b)/c)^2);(3)分析上述高斯分布函数的拟合系数a、b、c,发现其分布也有一定规律性。同时应用反演得到的海浪有效波高、平均波周期、平均波向等数据,分析了中国海的海浪时空分布特性,得到一些可供参考的结果。  相似文献   

随机波浪作用下座床式大直径薄壁圆筒防波堤的动力运动过程分为:摇摆、摇摆—小滑移运动和摇摆—大滑移运动三种运动模态,引入了控制侧向滑移的阻滑板—弹簧—阻尼器运动模型,建立了相应的动力分析空间模型。在大型有限元软件ANSYS中利用参数化设计语言APDL进行二次开发实现其空间模型,并把此空间模型计算结果与文献[1]中建立的平面模型计算结果比较,获得了一些有价值的结论,表明了本模型和方法对随机波浪荷载作用下大直径薄壁圆筒防波堤动力响应的数值模拟的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

对近破波作用下沉箱式防波堤的运动特性进行了模型实验研究。实验中测量了沉箱模型与基床的摩擦系数、基床刚度和阻尼系数;不同水位情况下作用于沉箱模型上的近破波波压力时程;近破波作用下沉箱模型的位移和转角响应时程等,并与数学模型计算结果进行了比较分析。实验结果表明,若沉箱的滑移力大于沉箱与基床间的摩擦力,在连续波浪作用下,沉箱将连续出现间歇式滑移运动,数学模型可较好地模拟这一运动过程。  相似文献   

An impedance analytical method (IAM) is developed to study the interaction between regular waves and a perforated-wall caisson breakwater that consists of a front perforated-wall and a chamber with a rigid impermeable back wall. The boundary conditions at the perforated-wall are established in terms of the flow resistances of the fluid passing through the holes. As a result, explicit algebraic expressions are obtained for reflection coefficients and wave loads. In the formulae, all of the parameters are known a priori. The predicted reflection coefficients and the wave forces are compared with the experimental data of other authors.  相似文献   

In the dynamic stability analysis of a caisson breakwater, most of current studies pay attention to the motion characteristics of caisson breakwaters under a single periodical breaking wave excitation. And in the lifetime stability analysis of caisson breakwater, it is assumed that the caisson breakwater suffers storm wave excitation once annually in the design lifetime. However, the number of annual severe storm occurrence is a random variable. In this paper, a series of random waves are generated by the Wen Sheng-chang wave spectrum, and the histories of successive and long-term random wave forces are built up by using the improved Goda wave force model. It is assumed that the number of annual severe storm occurrence is in the Poisson distribution over the 50-year design lifetime, and the history of random wave excitation is generated for each storm by the wave spectrum. The response histories of the caisson breakwater to the random waves over 50-year design lifetime are calculated and taken as a set of samples. On the basis of the Monte Carlo simulation technique, a large number of samples can be obtained, and the probability assessment of the safety of the breakwater during the complete design lifetime is obtained by statistical analysis of a large number of samples. Finally, the procedure of probability assessment of the breakwater safety is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

In conventional marine seismic exploration data processing, the sea surface is usually treated as a horizontal free boundary. However, the sea surface is affected by wind and waves and there often exists dynamic small-range fluctuations. These dynamic fluctuations will change the energy propagation path and affect the final imaging results. In theoretical research, different sea surface conditions need to be described, so it is necessary to study the modeling method of dynamic undulating sea surface. Starting from the commonly used sea surface mathematical simulation methods, this paper mainly studies the realization process of simple harmonic wave and Gerstner wave sea surface simulation methods based on ocean wave spectrum, and compares their advantages and disadvantages. Aiming at the shortcomings of the simple harmonic method and Gerstner method in calculational speed and sea surface simulation effect, a method based on wave equation and using dynamic boundary conditions for sea surface simulation is proposed. The calculational speed of this method is much faster than the commonly used simple harmonic method and Gerstner wave method. In addition, this paper also compares the new method with the more commonly used higher-order spectral methods to show the characteristics of the improved wave equation method.  相似文献   

波浪反射系数谱的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
应用斜向不规则波反射系数的改进两点法(MTPM),用模型试验研究了混凝土护面堤和块石护面堤波浪反射系数的频率谱和方向谱,结果表明,分析的反射系数随入射波频率的增加、结构坡度的减小和入射角的加大而减小.给出了波浪反射系数频率谱及其随Iribarren数变化的规律,提出了反射系数三维谱的经验公式,由此可定量地描述斜向不规则波的反射系数随无量纲特征参数Iribarren数和入射波角度的变化规律.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of wave overtopping of rubble mound breakwaters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper describes the results of a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical modelling investigation of the functionality of rubble mound breakwaters with special attention focused on wave overtopping processes. The model, COBRAS-UC, is a new version of the COBRAS (Cornell Breaking Waves and Structures) based on the Volume Averaged Reynolds Average Navier–Stokes (VARANS) equations and uses a Volume of Fluid Technique (VOF) method to capture the free surface. The nature of the model equations and solving technique provides a means to simulate wave reflection, run-up, wave breaking on the slope, transmission through rubble mounds, overtopping and agitation at the protected side due to the combined effect of wave transmission and overtopping. Also, two-dimensional experimental studies are carried out to investigate the performance of the model. The computations of the free surface and pressure time series and spectra under regular and irregular waves, are compared with the experimental data reaching a very good agreement. The model is also used to reproduce instantaneous and average wave overtopping discharge. Comparisons with existing semi-empirical formulae and experimental data show a very good performance. The present model is expected to become in the near future an excellent tool for practical applications.  相似文献   

In this study, the total horizontal and vertical forces as well as the phase differences of irregular waves on a partially perforated caisson breakwater are investigated. The partially perforated caisson is located on a rubble fill foundation and filled with rock. Based on linear potential theory, a simple semi-analytical solution of the present problem is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method and the finite element method. Experimental tests are also conducted to validate the theoretical model and examine the wave forces acting on the perforated caisson. The effects of some of the main factors on the total wave forces and the phase difference are examined. Theoretical and experimental studies show that when the total horizontal force reaches its peak, the simultaneous total vertical (upward) force is rather small or even becomes downwards. This is due to the existence of an obvious phase difference between the time histories of the total horizontal and vertical forces, which is an important advantage of perforated caissons over traditional structures.  相似文献   

The reflection coefficient and the total horizontal forces of regular waves acting on theperforated caisson are experimentally investigated. The empirical relationship between reflection coefficient and the ratio of the total horizontal forces acting on the perforated caisson to those on solid vertical walls with the relative chamber width, relative water depth and porosity of perforated wall, etc. are given. Moreover, the results of the ratio of the total horizontal forces are also compared with formulas given by Chinese Harbour Design Criteria and Takahashi, which may be useful for the practical engineering application.  相似文献   

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