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Summary In this paper, very-high-resolution numerical simulations are presented to analyze the small-scale dynamics of the foehn in the lower Wipp Valley and the adjacent parts of the Inn Valley. This region was one of the target areas for foehn observations during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP). Our simulations consider two MAP cases that markedly differed in the depth of the foehn flow. To isolate the dynamical effect of the key orographic features in the Wipp Valley region, we performed sensitivity experiments with different topography modifications. These involve lowering or even removing the Nordkette range, which constitutes the northern side wall of the east–west-oriented Inn Valley, and closing the Stubai Valley, which is the northernmost and largest tributary of the Wipp Valley. A comparison with surface and lidar observations indicates that our present model resolution of 467 m significantly improves the realism of the simulations compared to a resolution of 800 m, as used in a previous study. The Nordkette is found to have a twofold impact on the dynamics of foehn breakthrough into the Inn Valley. In reality, this mountain chain deflects part of the southerly foehn current coming from the Wipp Valley into the perpendicularly oriented Inn Valley. Our sensitivity tests indicate that this flow deflection tends to accelerate the foehn breakthrough into the Inn Valley, while upstream blocking effects induced by the Nordkette act to slow down the process of foehn breakthrough. The flow pattern in the Wipp Valley reveals that the upstream effects of the Nordkette are not quite far-reaching. The amplitude of the gravity waves over the lower Wipp Valley gets somewhat reduced by these upstream effects, but the overall flow pattern remains largely unaffected. Closing the Stubai Valley also has a minor effect of the wave structure and tends to reduce the cross-valley variability of the foehn flow in the lower Wipp Valley.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is the continuation of two recent studies investigating the foehn-like valley wind system around Mittenwald (Bavarian Isar Valley). We deal with the synoptic/mesoscale conditions causing the local foehn (“Minifoehn”), considering field campaigns from both the mesoscale and the climatological point of view. Furthermore, we describe the structure and further features of the local foehn at smaller scales, using both the results of the VERTIKATOR field campaign and numerical simulations. We obtain as a new result that the foehn-caused local warm air pool around Mittenwald induces slight nocturnal upvalley winds between an adjacent valley basin located some 8 km north of Mittenwald and the basin of Mittenwald. Furthermore, a weak northerly flow may also occur at Mittenwald prior to the onset of the Minifoehn. Numerical simulations indicate that the local pressure gradient responsible for this phenomenon is related to a gravity wave forming over the hill range southwest of Mittenwald. Observations within a five-year period indicate that Minifoehn frequently occurs when ambient winds coming from the southern sector are predominant, but, contrary to deep foehn, weather conditions with northerly synoptic-scale flows do not necessarily exclude the development of the local foehn which comes from the southwest. We also present further evidence that in the presence of southerly synoptic-scale winds, orographic gravity waves interact with the drainage flow. Another new result is that strong synoptic-scale westerly winds are able to suppress the occurrence of Minifoehn. In addition, the possible influence of the Inn Valley wind system as well as dynamical differences between the thermally driven up- and downvalley winds are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary ?Numerical simulations of the south foehn in the region of Innsbruck are presented. They are semi-idealized in the sense that realistic orography but idealized initial and boundary conditions are used. The focus of this study is on typical features of the fully developed foehn, the breakthrough phase of the foehn and the diurnal cycle of the foehn. In addition, the impact of the large-scale wind direction is examined, including conditions leading to shallow foehn. The simulated flow fields have been found to be in very good agreement with observations except for a few minor details. In the lower part of the Sill Valley (the valley going from the Brenner pass down to Innsbruck), the wind speed is significantly higher than in the upper part. The acceleration can be traced back to the three-dimensional propagation of gravity waves excited over the adjacent mountain ridges. The amplitude of the gravity waves over the various mountain ridges depends sensitively on the wind direction, large wave amplitudes occurring only when the angle between the wind direction and the ridge line is not too small. For southwesterly or south–southwesterly large-scale flow, wave amplitudes are significantly larger to the east of Innsbruck than to the west. Foehn breakthrough at Innsbruck is usually preceded by a moderate westerly (downvalley) wind that is restricted to a rather small area around Innsbruck. The simulations reveal that this so-called pre-foehn is mainly a consequence of the gravity wave asymmetry, producing an asymmetric pressure perturbation with lower pressure to the east of Innsbruck. Shallow foehn, defined as a foehn occurring when the large-scale flow at crest height (700 hPa) is approximately westerly, is associated with relatively weak wave activity along the Sill Valley. It is found that at least a weak southerly wind component below crest height is necessary to maintain a significant shallow foehn over a longer time. Received October 10, 2001; accepted June 20, 2002 Published online: February 20, 2003  相似文献   

Summary The local wind system in the upper Isar Valley (Bavarian Alps) near Mittenwald has the peculiarity that regularly strong foehn-like nocturnal flows occur, mainly during clear nights in autumn and winter. We will refer to this phenomenon as “Minifoehn”, as its properties are similar to the classical deep foehn in the sense that its breakthrough into the Isar Valley usually brings a striking increase in temperature and a concomitant decrease in relative humidity. Numerical simulations with the MM5 model reveal that this phenomenon is related to a nocturnal drainage flow originating from a plateau south of Mittenwald. This flow is driven by the temperature difference between this plateau (1180 m) and the free atmosphere above Mittenwald (920 m, 15 km north of the plateau) at the same level. The air masses flow through two different valleys that merge again further downstream. The upper part of one of the two drainage currents goes over a small mountain ridge (1180 m) south-west of Mittenwald and then descends into the Isar Valley, leading to an advection of potentially warm air towards Mittenwald. This branch of the drainage current constitutes the Minifoehn. The remaining part of the drainage current flows through a narrow gap towards the Isar Valley and then joins the drainage flow of this valley. As these air masses are significantly cooler than the Minifoehn branch, large horizontal temperature gradients can be found around Mittenwald. The dynamical behaviour of the cold air flow turns out to be qualitatively consistent with shallow-water theory only in the absence of a forcing by large-scale winds. Otherwise, gravity-wave induced pressure perturbations interact with the drainage flow and modify the low-level flow field. The simulations show that the gravity waves are excited by the mountain range that separates the two valleys mentioned above. Moreover, the simulations indicate that the structure of this nocturnal wind system is not very sensitive to the direction of synoptic-scale winds as long as they come from the southern sector. On the other hand, ambient northerly winds are able to prevent the drainage flow and therefore the local foehn effects in the Isar Valley provided that synoptic winds are strong enough. The results of the MM5 simulations are in good agreement with the measurements and observations described in part 1 of this study.  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the exceptional Alpine south foehn event of 14–16 November 2002 using routine observations and high-resolution numerical simulations. Besides its long duration and an extremely high temperature level related to warm-air advection from the northern Sahara, this foehn event exhibited an unusual spatial structure of the low-level wind and temperature field. Whereas the foehn was largely restricted to the first half of 14 November in the western part of the Alps (Switzerland), it extended over the full period in the inner-Alpine valleys in the eastern Alps. The duration and intensity of the foehn also tended to decrease from the Alpine crest towards the northern rim of the Alps. Most surprisingly, continuous foehn even occurred on the windward side of the Alpine crest, namely in a basin located in the southeastern Alps. The distribution of the orographic precipitation associated with the foehn case was unusual as well. In Switzerland, intense precipitation was not restricted to the windward (southern) side of the Alps but extended to the northern side of the Alpine crest, particularly on 16 November. The results indicate that the spatio-temporal distribution of the foehn in the northern Alps was related to the fact that the western Alps were within a synoptic-scale transition zone between extremely warm air advected from the south and colder air lying over western Europe. The colder air was advected around the western Alps whereas extremely warm air descended from the Alpine crest farther east. Moreover, a small cyclone formed on 14 November north of the Alps and generated a shallow cold front propagating eastward along the northern Alps. Thus, the tendency towards foehn decreased from west to east and from the Alpine crest towards the north. The occurrence of foehn on the windward side of the Alpine crest was made possible by the extreme strength of the large-scale southerly flow, combined with the fact that the upstream precipitation field did not reach the southeastern edge of the Alps. Finally, the pronounced spillover of precipitation to the northern side in the Swiss part of the Alps appears to be related to the colder air present north of the crest. This prevented the formation of orographic gravity waves and downslope air motion, which usually leads to a rapid evaporation of the precipitation on the lee side of the Alpine crest.  相似文献   

Summary Numerical simulations of the 24 October 1999 south foehn (MAP-IOP 10) are performed with the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model MM5 for the Wipp Valley and the adjacent parts of the Inn Valley. The model is run in a multiple-nest configuration, the area of interest being resolved at a mesh size of 800m in most experiments. The study serves to complement an earlier work in which typical flow features of the foehn in the Wipp Valley region were investigated by means of idealized simulations, assessing whether it is possible to reproduce the temporal evolution and the spatial structure of a particular foehn case. A further objective of the paper is to examine the dependence of the model performance on the horizontal resolution, giving some information which resolution will probably be needed for future high-resolution forecasts.An encouragingly large part of the observed flow features could be well reproduced in the simulations. Except for a small region to the east of Innsbruck, the foehn breakthrough is predicted correctly to within an hour. The spatial structure of the so-called pre-foehn, an enhanced westerly wind occurring at Innsbruck prior to the breakthrough of the foehn, also agrees very well with the observations. Moreover, the maximum extent of the foehn in the Inn Valley, the structure of the gravity wave field above the Wipp Valley and the upvalley progression of a shallow cold front in the evening are consistent with the observations. Except for a few places where the airmass boundary between the warm foehn air and the adjacent colder air is not captured correctly throughout the time, the simulated surface temperatures range within 2K of the observed values. Discrepancies between the model results and the observations are found in the vicinity of Innsbruck where a flow-splitting phenomenon induces a very complex flow pattern at low levels. Another source of problems is the surface potential temperature along the Wipp Valley. The observed potential-temperature increase between the Brenner Pass and Innsbruck, which appears to be related to turbulent vertical mixing of stably stratified air, is underestimated by the model. Reducing the horizontal resolution from 800m to 1.4km deteriorates the model performance in marginally resolved side valleys, but the results obtained for the Wipp Valley and the Inn Valley are still of high quality.  相似文献   

Summary The German Front Experiment 1987 was an experimental effort to determine the influence of the European Alps on cold fronts using data collected by aircraft, radar, surface and upper-air systems between October and December 1987. Measurements were concentrated in the Alpine foreland south of Munich and in the Inn valley in Austria. It was a cooperative effort by groups from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. This study briefly recapitulates the conduct of the experiment and the intense observation periods which were carried through. Then it is outlined to what extent the scientific objectives have been achieved. The findings of the experiments are grouped into the following topics: orographically induced frontogenesis, the interaction of foehn and front, orographically trapped gravity currents, flow into valleys and the modification of precipitation by the Alps.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of weak synoptic-scale forcing on the thermally induced valley-wind circulation in the Alpine Inn Valley and one of its largest tributaries, the Wipp Valley. To this end, high-resolution numerical simulations with realistic topography but idealized large-scale atmospheric conditions are performed. The large-scale flow has a speed increasing linearly from 5 m s?1 at sea level to 12.5 m s?1 at tropopause level, but its direction is varied between each experiment. For reference, an experiment without large-scale winds is conducted as well. The results indicate that the sensitivity to ambient flow forcing differs substantially between the Inn Valley and the Wipp Valley. The valley-wind circulation of the Inn Valley is found to be fairly robust against weak ambient forcing, changing by a much smaller amount than the along-valley component of the imposed large-scale flow. The valley wind tends to be intensified (weakened) when the ambient flow is aligned with (opposite to) the local valley orientation. However, the flow response is complicated by larger-scale interactions of the ambient flow with the Alpine massif. Most notably, northerly and northwesterly flow is deflected around the Alps, leading to the formation of a low-level jet along the northern edge of the Alps which in turn affects the valley-wind circulation in the lower Inn Valley. For the Wipp Valley, which is oriented approximately normal to the Alpine crest line and constitutes a deep gap in the Alpine crest, two distinctly different flow regimes are found depending on whether the large-scale flow has a significant southerly component or not. In the absence of a southerly flow component, the valley-wind circulation is similarly robust against ambient forcing as in the Inn Valley, with a fairly weak response of the local wind speeds. However, southerly ambient flow tends to force continuous downvalley (southerly) wind in the Wipp Valley. The flow dynamics can then be described as a pressure-driven gap flow during the day and as a mixture between katabatic flow and gap flow during the night. The responsible pressure forcing arises from the larger-scale interaction of the ambient flow with the Alpine massif, with southerly flow causing lifting on the southern side of the Alps and subsidence in the north.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents idealized numerical simulations of the valley wind circulation in the Alpine Inn Valley, which are compared with existing data and are used to improve our dynamical understanding of the valley wind. The simulations have been performed with the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model MM5. They use a high-resolution realistic topography but idealized large-scale conditions without any synoptic forcing to focus on the thermally induced valley wind system. The comparison with the available observations shows that this simplified set-up is sufficient to reproduce the essential features of the valley wind.The results show that the tributaries of the Inn Valley have a considerable impact on the along-valley mass fluxes associated with the valley wind circulation. The upvalley mass flux is found to increase where tributaries enter the Inn Valley from the north, that is, from the direction where the Alpine foreland is located. On the other hand, the upvalley mass flux is reduced at the junctions with southern tributaries because part of the upvalley flow is deflected into these tributaries. For the downvalley flow, the situation is essentially reversed, but the influence of the valley geometry on the flow structure is larger than for the upvalley flow. The most important feature is a lateral valley contraction near the valley exit into the Alpine foreland. It reduces the downvalley mass flux at low levels, so that the wind maximum in the interior of the valley is shifted to a fairly large distance from the ground. North of the valley contraction, however, the downvalley flow strongly accelerates and forms a pronounced low-level jet. A dynamical analysis indicates that this acceleration can be interpreted as a transition from subcritical to supercritical hydraulic flow. Another interesting feature is that the low-level jet maintains its structure for several tenths of kilometres into the Alpine foreland. This appears to be related to the fact that the lateral wind shear on the flanks of the jet is associated with a strong dipole of potential vorticity (PV). Due to the conservation properties of the PV, the downstream advection of the PV dipole leads to the formation of a band-like feature that decays fairly slowly.  相似文献   

Summary Mesoscale flow characteristics in the Alpine region are deduced from a set of daily large-scale analyses (1981–1990) by means of statistical-dynamical downscaling. This method utilizes the results of a large number of mesoscale numerical simulations in combination with known statistics of the forcing large-scale conditions. The investigation is restricted to cross-Alpine large-scale flow from 165 to 265 degrees at 500 hPa. Such types of flow are favourable to south foehn.The results provide model-based climatological estimates of surface wind direction and upper-level gravity-wave formation at a horizontal resolution of 20 and 10 km. Simulated surface wind roses agree well with observations and show a dominance of low-level flow around the Alps with bimodal frequency distributions of wind direction north and south of the mountains. The areas where splitted flows preferably merge are identified. Gravity waves are most likely to occur above the western parts of the Alps. A secondary maximum of likelihood was found above Tyrol and Trentino. Surface wind roses and gravity-wave formation are both checked with respect to their sensitivity to season (spring vs. autumn) and large-scale flow direction (south to southwest vs. southwest to west).With 13 Figures  相似文献   

Summary After the ALPEX Special Observing Period in 1982, further field measurement campaigns have been carried out to study the south foehn in the Eastern Alps. In addition, foehn situations were investigated statistically on the basis of a 4-years-record of upper-air and synoptic data combined with data from a special regional network. In this paper, distribution of air masses around the Alps, flow patterns and the typical evolution of a foehn situation are illustrated by the case 8 November 1982. Several possible definitions of shallow foehn are given, yielding a share of approximately 10% of shallow foehn observations. Mainly statistical data are used to falsify the wide-spread version of the thermodynamical foehn theory attributing the warmth of the foehn to release of latent heat and postulating foehn air rising from the ground of the Po Valley. Instead of this, the foehn air originates from 2000–2500 m asl over the Po Valley, while the air near ground remains blocked. The potential temperature difference between southern and northern valleys during foehn is to be explained by the stable stratification in the south, not by the effects of precipitation. These findings are in agreement with Hann's original theory.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary An unusually strong nocturnal downvalley wind can be regularly observed in the upper Isar Valley close to Mittenwald (Bavarian Alps) when a high-pressure system is located over Central Europe or when ambient southerly winds are present. Due to the structure of the local topography, this downvalley wind has foehn-like properties in the sense that the breakthrough of the flow into the valley is characterized by a strong increase in temperature and a decrease in relative humidity. Therefore the author called this flow Minifoehn. In fact, wind speeds are low in comparison to deep foehn, but gusts may reach values up to 20ms–1, even under the influence of high pressure systems with weak atmospheric pressure gradients. To investigate the Minifoehn, surface stations have been installed for collecting temperature, humidity, wind and pressure data. Measurements have shown that the Minifoehn represents the upper part of one of the drainage currents which flows over a mountain ridge into the valley at Mittenwald. Nocturnally cooled air drains from a plateau south of Mittenwald through different valleys which merge again near Mittenwald. It seems that the forcing of the nocturnal currents is dominated by the temperature difference between this plateau and the free atmosphere above Mittenwald at the same level. Strong temperature differences are found during clear winter nights and in case of subsidence inversions. Moreover, the appearance of the Minifoehn in autumn and winter is so frequent that we even may find a climatic effect: the upper Isar Valley is usually free of fog during these seasons and nocturnal temperatures are often considerably higher than in other Bavarian Alpine valleys at comparable altitude.  相似文献   

Summary Local scale windfield and air mass characteristics during the onset of two foehn wind events in an alpine hydro-catchment are presented. Grounding of the topographically modified foehn was found to be dependent on daytime surface heating and topographic channelling of flow. The foehn front was observed to advance down-valley until the valley widened significantly. The foehn wind appeared to decouple from the surface downstream of the accelerated flow associated with the valley constriction, and to be lifted above local thermally generated circulations including a lake breeze. Towards evening, the foehn front retreated up valley in response to reduced surface heating and the intrusion into the study area of a deep and cool air mass associated with a regional scale mountain-plain circulation. Differences in the local windfield observed during both case study events reflect the importance of different thermal and dynamic forcings on airflow in complex terrain. These are the result of variation in surface energy exchanges, channelling and blocking of airflow. Observations presented here have both theoretical and applied implications with regard to forecasting foehn onset, wind hazard management, recreational activities and air quality management in alpine settings. Received January 23, 2001 Revised October 17, 2001  相似文献   

The significant differences of atmospheric circulation between flooding in the Huaihe and Yangtze River valleys during early mei-yu(i.e.,the East Asian rainy season in June) and the related tropical convection were investigated.During the both flooding cases,although the geopotential height anomalies always exhibit equivalent barotropic structures in middle to high latitudes at middle and upper troposphere,the phase of the Rossby wave train is different over Eurasian continent.During flooding in the Huaihe River valley,only one single blocking anticyclone is located over Baikal Lake.In contrast,during flooding in the Yangtze River valley,there are two blocking anticyclones.One is over the Ural Mountains and the other is over Northeast Asia.In the lower troposphere a positive geopotential height anomaly is located at the western ridge of subtropical anticyclone over Western Pacific(SAWP) in both flooding cases,but the location of the height anomaly is much farther north and west during the Huaihe River mei-yu flooding.Furthermore,abnormal rainfall in the Huaihe River valley and the regions north of it in China is closely linked with the latent heating anomaly over the Arabian Sea and Indian peninsula.However,the rainfall in the Yangtze River valley and the regions to its south in China is strongly related to the convection over the western tropical Pacific.Numerical experiments demonstrated that the enhanced latent heating over the Arabian Sea and Indian peninsula causes water vapor convergence in the region south of Tibetan Plateau and in the Huaihe River valley extending to Japan Sea with enhanced precipitation;and vapor divergence over the Yangtze River valley and the regions to its south with deficient precipitation.While the weakened convection in the tropical West Pacific results in moisture converging over the Yangtze River and the region to its south,along with abundant rainfall.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of tracer transport in an idealised, east-west aligned valley are performed with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), both two-dimensional and three-dimensional. The results are qualitatively consistent with wintertime observations in the Austrian Inn Valley. The simulations show an asymmetry in wind circulation and tracer distribution between the valley sidewalls according to the orientation of the slope with respect to the sun. Two-dimensional sensitivity experiments are run to investigate the influence of vertical inhomogeneities in thermal stratification and vegetation coverage on the slope-wind circulation and therewith the tracer transport. It is shown that a transition to a layer of higher stability or to a region with higher surface albedo causes a reduction of the mass flux in the upslope-wind layer and due to mass continuity a quasi-horizontal transport out of the slope-wind layer.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of flow over two-dimensional valleys are conducted in order to study the occurrence of pools of cold air that form at the bottom of valleys during stable nighttime conditions. The results show that during strong surface radiative cooling and light-wind events, the near-surface potential temperatures that occur at the bottom of valleys can be several kelvin below the environmental mean. This is true for quite shallow valleys with depths and widths of 50 m and 1 km, respectively, and is a result of in situ sheltering at the valley bottom. For windier conditions or less rapid cooling, the cold-pool temperature contrasts are reduced. For shallow valleys the magnitude of the difference between the potential temperature at the bottom of the valley and the mean value increases with increasing valley depth. However there is a critical valley depth, beyond which the valley flow becomes decoupled from that aloft and there are no further increases in the potential temperature difference. This critical valley depth depends on the wind speed and radiative cooling rate and the results indicate it is a function of a non-dimensional valley depth (or inverse Froude number), which is itself a property of the undisturbed profiles of wind and stability.  相似文献   

The flow structure at the intersection between the Rhine and the Seez valleys nearthe Swiss city of Bad Ragaz has been documented by means of wind and pressuremeasurements collected from 9 September to 10 November 1999 during the MesoscaleAlpine Programme (MAP) experiment. To understand better the dynamics of theageostrophic winds that develop in this part of the Rhine valley, some key questionsare answered in this paper including the following: (i) How does air blow at theintersection of the Rhine and Seez valleys? and (ii) what are the dynamical processes(mechanical or thermal) driving the flow circulations in the valleys? Statistical analysis of the wind and pressure patterns at synoptic scale and at the scaleof the valley shows that five main flow patterns, SE/S, NW/W, NW/N, NW/S, SE/N(wind direction in the Seez valley/wind direction in the Rhine valley) prevail. The SE/S regime is the flow splitting situation. It is mainly driven by a strong pressure gradient across the Alps leading to foehn, even though some nocturnal cases are generated bylocal thermal gradients. The NW/W and NW/N regimes are mechanically forced bythe synoptic pressure gradient (as the flow splitting case). The difference between thetwo regimes is due to the synoptic flow direction [westerly (northerly) synoptic flowfor the NW/W (NW/N) regime], showing that the Rhine valley (particularly from BadRagaz to Lake Constance) is less efficient in channelling the flow than the Seez valley.The NW/S (occurring mainly during nighttime) and SE/N (occurring mainly duringdaytime) regimes are mainly katabatic flows. However, the SE/N regime is also partlyforced at the synoptic scale during the foehn case that occurred between 18 October and 20 October 1999, with a complex layered vertical structure. This analysis also shows that, contrary to what was observed in a broad section of theupper Rhine valley near Mannheim, very few countercurrents were observed near BadRagaz where the valley width is much smaller.  相似文献   

江南地面热通量对江淮气旋暴雨影响的模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
翟国庆  高坤 《气象学报》1997,55(1):55-65
通过对一次江淮气旋暴雨个例的数值模拟,研究地面热通量与大尺度流型结合作用对气旋降水系统的影响。过程前期存在南北两大片地面热通量正值区,北片位于气旋所在处及其前方,南片位于上游低空急流处。模拟比较两片地面热通量的作用发现,前期南片地面热通量,特别是强潜热通量,通过与其上空低空急流的共同作用,对后期下游江淮气旋降水系统的加强起着更为重要的作用。对其机制的初步探讨表明:由地面通量进入低层大气的水汽,通过西南气流向长江中下游输送,改变下游大气的温湿结构,并通过积云对流和层状云雨潜热释放等非绝热过程,促进后期气旋降水系统的发展  相似文献   

Significant changes have occurred in the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) including warmer temperatures, accelerated melting of glaciers, and breakup of ice shelves. This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) forced by the Community Climate System Model 4 (CCSM) simulations to study foehn wind warming in AP. Weather systems responsible for generating the foehn events are two cyclonic systems that move toward and/or cross over AP. WRF simulates the movement of cyclonic systems and the resulting foehn wind warming that is absent in CCSM. It is found that the warming extent along a transect across the central AP toward Larsen C Ice Shelf (LCIS) varies during the simulation period and the maximum warming moves from near the base of leeward slopes to over 40 km away extending toward the attached LCIS. Our analysis suggests that the foehn wind warming is negatively correlated with the incoming air temperature and the mountain top temperature during periods without significant precipitation, in which isentropic drawdown is the dominant heating mechanism. On the other hand, when significant precipitation occurs along the windward side of AP, latent heating is the major heating mechanism evidenced by positive relations between the foehn wind warming and 1) incoming air temperature, 2) windward precipitation, and 3) latent heating. Foehn wind warming caused by isentropic drawdown also tends to be stronger than that caused by latent heating. Comparison of WRF simulations forced by original and corrected CCSM data indicates that foehn wind warming is stronger in the original CCSM forced simulation when no significant windward precipitation is present. The foehn wind warming becomes weaker in both simulations when there is significant windward precipitation. This suggests that model’s ability to resolve the foehn warming varies with the forcing data, but the precipitation impact on the leeward warming is consistent.  相似文献   

我国江淮地区5-7月降水异常的区域特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
采用旋转经验正交展开(REOF)方法,对我国江淮地区50a5—7月降水标准化距平场进行客观分区,并分析了南北两区5—7月降水异常的长期变化趋势及其周期的变化。结果表明,江淮地区5—7月降水方差场可以分为2个区域,各区降水量异常有明显的季节变化,降水异常峰值出现在6月和7月,基本呈单峰型分布;南部区变化趋势比北部区明显,均具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征:南北两区都存在3a的主周期,南部和北部分别有21a和15a的年代际周期;江淮南、北区的降水在降水偏多、偏少年都与全国大部分地区呈同位相分布,但江淮北区的降水始终都与华南地区呈反位相分布;副热带季风系统的强弱及副高南北位置的变化直接影响江淮5—7月降水。  相似文献   

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