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Dynamic Response Behaviors of Upright Breakwaters Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
- The dynamic response behaviors of upright breakwaters under broken wave impact are analysed based on the mass-damper-spring dynamic system model. The effects of the mass, damping, stiffness, natural period, and impulse duration (or oscillation period) on the translation, rotation, sliding force, overturning moment, and corresponding dynamic amplifying factors are studied. It is concluded that the ampli-ying factors only depend on the ratio of the system natural period to impulse duration (or oscillation period) under a certain damping ratio. Moreover, the equivalent static approach to breakwater design is also discussed.  相似文献   

定位浮标在波浪中的动态响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
定位浮标是为满足水下蛙人部队定位要求而设计的。定位浮标的升沉和横摇运动对海水中换能器阵的水声定位精度影响较大,而使定位浮标产生这两种振荡的主要激励源是波浪。在不考虑流和风对浮标作用的前提下,以规则波作为激励源,研究了定位浮标在波浪激励下的两种运动模型,然后用计算机对横摇和升沉运动模型进行了仿真,最后从运动模型出发提出了减少浮标振幅的有效办法,这对定位浮标结构设计有重要意义。  相似文献   

A series of physical tests are conducted to examine the characteristics of the wave loading exerted on circular-front breakwaters by regular waves.It is found that the wave trough instead of wave crest plays a major role in the failure of submerged circular caissons due to seaward sliding.The difference in the behavior of seaward and shoreward horizontal wave forces is explained based on the variations of dynamic pressure with wave parameters.A wave load model is proposed based on a modified first-order solution for the dynamic pressure on submerged circular-front caissons under a wave trough.This wave loading model is very useful for engineering design.Further studies are needed to include model uncertainties in the reliability assessment of the breakwater.  相似文献   

A series of physical tests are conducted to examine the characteristics of the wave loading exerted on circular-front breakwaters by regular waves. It is found that the wave trough instead of wave crest plays a major role in the failure of submerged circular caissons due to seaward sliding. The difference in the behavior of seaward and shoreward horizontal wave forces is explained based on the variations of dynamic pressure with wave parameters. A wave load model is proposed based on a modified first-order solution for the dynamic pressure on submerged circular-front caissons under a wave trough. This wave loading model is very useful for engineering design. Further studies are needed to include model uncertainties in the reliability assessment of the breakwater.  相似文献   

A dynamic response analysis in the frequency domain is presented for risers subjected to combined wave and current loading. Considering the effects of current, a modified wave spectrum is adopted to compute the linearized drag force. An additional drag force convolution term is added to the linearized drag force spectrum, therefore the error is reduced which arises from the truncation of higher order terms in the drag force auto-correlation function. An expression of linearized drag force spectrum is given taking the relative velocity into account. It is found that the additional term is a fold convolution integral. In this paper dynamic responses of risers are investigated, while the influence of floater motion on risers is considered. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of the present method reaches the degree required in time domain analysis.  相似文献   

LI  Xin 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):537-548
Seismic load has a significant effect on the response of a free spanning submarine pipeline when the pipeline is con-structed in a seismically active region. The model experiment is performed on an underwater shaking tahle to simulate the response of submarine pipelines under dynamic input. In consideration of the effects of the terrestrial and submarine pipeline , water depth, support condition, distance from seabed, empty and full pipeline, and span on dynamic response, 120 groups of experiments are conducted. Affecting factors are analyzed and conclusions are drawn for reference. For the con-trol of dynamic response, the span of a submarine pipeline is by far more important than the other factors. Meanwhile, the rosponse difference between a submarine pipeline under sine excitation and that under random excitation exists in ex-periments.  相似文献   

A caisson breakwater is built on soft foundations after replacing the upper soft layer with sand. This paper presents a dynamic finite element method to investigate the strength degradation and associated pore pressure development of the intercalated soft layer under wave cyclic loading. By combining the undrained shear strength with the empirical formula of overconsolidation clay produced by unloading and the development model of pore pressure, the dynamic degradation law that describes the undrained shear strength as a function of cycle number and stress level is derived. Based on the proposed dynamic degradation law and M-C yield criterion, a dynamic finite element method is numerically implemented to predict changes in undrained shear strength of the intercalated soft layer by using the general-purpose FEM software ABAQUS, and the accuracy of the method is verified. The effects of cycle number and amplitude of the wave force on the degradation of the undrained shear strength of the intercalated soft layer and the associated excess pore pressure response are investigated by analyzing an overall distribution and three typical sections underneath the breakwater. By comparing the undrained shear strength distributions obtained by the static method and the quasi-static method with the undrained shear strength distributions obtained by the dynamic finite element method in the three typical sections, the superiority of the dynamic finite element method in predicting changes in undrained shear strength is demonstrated.  相似文献   

触地段(Touchdown zone, TDZ)是在役钢悬链线立管(Steel catenary riser, SCR)的关键部位,在复杂载荷作用下,极易形成损伤缺陷,其载荷寿命的评估是深海结构工程中的一个关键问题。本文以大型有限元软件ABAQUS为平台,运用损伤管道实体单元与土弹簧阻尼单元相互作用的模型模拟触地段损伤海底管道在复杂载荷作用下的动力响应,数值计算考虑了管-土相互作用过程中的材料非线性、几何非线性以及接触非线性。讨论了单一环向体积损伤位于触地段管道的不同位置时,触地段损伤管道在不同载荷作用下的动力特性及特征点的动力响应。结果表明,管道所受内外压力以及管道提升端的竖向位移载荷会影响结构的自振频率;体积损伤部位的动力响应较完好部位更剧烈;体积损伤的位置和动力载荷频率对管道动力放大系数的影响很大;当动力载荷的激励频率越接近结构基频时,损伤管道的动力响应及动力放大系数越大。  相似文献   

Combined multi-body dynamics with structural dynamics,a new discrete element with flexibleconnector,which is applicable for 3-D beam structures,is developed in this paper.Both the generalizedelastic coefficient matrix of the flexible connector and the mass matrix of discrete element may be off-diag-onal in a general case.The zero-length rigid element is introduced to simulate the node at which multiple el-ements are jointed together.It may also be effective when the axes of adjacent elements are not in the sameline.The examples for eigenvalue calculation show that the model is successful.It can be extended to thegeometric nonlinear response analysis.  相似文献   

应用ANSYS软件建立了平台和冰相互作用的有限元模型,构建了自升式平台的冰激振动模型,并计算基于2种冰力模型的自升式平台的动力响应。此动力分析方法具有建模方便和计算精度高的特点。以某自升式平台为例,计算了冰和平台结构相互作用的耦合效应,为自升式平台冰激振动安全评估提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

WANG  Yuan-zhan 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):565-576
Sliding is one of the principal failure types of caisson breakwaters and is an essential content of stability examination in caisson breakwater design. Herein, the mass-spring-dashpot model of caisson-base system is used to simulate the vi-brating-sliding motion of the caisson under various types of breaking wave impact forces, i.e., single peak impact force, double peak impact force, and shock-damping oscillation impact force. The effects of various breaking wave impacts and the sliding motion on the dynamic response behaviors of caisson breakwaters are investigated and the calculation of relevant system parameters is discussed. It is shown that the dynamic responses of the caisson are significantly different under different types of breaking wave impact forces even when the amplitudes of impact forces are equal. The amplitude of dynamic response of the caisson is lower under single peak impact excitation than that under double peak impact or shock-damping oscillation impact excitation. Though the disp  相似文献   

In consideration of the effects of transverse shear deformation and structure-fluid interaction,the analytical expression of fluid force between a floating laminated composite plate and liquid surface isobtained.By expanding the displacements into Fourier series.the structure-fluid coupling dynamic re-sponse is solved.The effects of lamination angle,layer number,depth of fluid region and loading forms ondynamic response are investigated.  相似文献   

主动共振浮力摆式波浪能发电装置通过调节内部配重位置实现共振发电。本文以基于机械式动力输出系统(Power Take-off, PTO) 的主动共振浮力摆式波浪能发电装置为研究对象,构建波-电时域动力学模型并验证模型可行性, 该模型的非线性特征主要体现在正弦函数形式的静水回复力矩及止动力矩中。进一步, 研究自振周期同不规则波能量周期一致的共振状态下,不同负载形式及取值大小对装置时域响应曲线、时均功率和效率的影响。研究结果表明: 不同负载设置对俘获宽度比的影响大于PTO 传动效率。阻性负载值过大或过小均会削弱俘获宽度比, 使有功时均值和发电效率下降, 共振状态下, 负载的感性或容性成分会使发电机产生大量无功, 且无功有正有负, 感性或容性成分能有效削弱俘获宽度比、有功时均值和发电效率。  相似文献   

本文以一种新型波浪能发电平台为研究对象,分别采用基于三维势流理论的软件Sesam和基于有限体积法的Flow3D软件,对平台和发电浮子进行水动力分析。应用Sesam-HydroD模块计算了平台和发电浮子在频域内的运动响应,将平台和发电浮子的垂荡运动响应进行对比分析,结果表明,在正常海况下,平台与发电浮子垂荡运动相对幅值满足捕能系统的发电需求。应用Flow3D软件对平台整体进行水动力分析,结果表明,平台与发电浮子相对运动振幅在0.3~0.4m间,可满足发电需求。在此基础之上,应用Orcaflex软件,通过时域耦合动力分析的方法,计算了平台在自存工况和作业工况下的运动响应和系泊缆动张力响应,结果表明:在自存工况下,平台锚泊线的安全系数符合规范要求,平台具有良好的安全性能,能够适应恶劣的海洋环境;在作业工况下,平台的垂荡运动响应对波浪方向变化并不敏感,捕能系统不受波浪方向变化的影响,满足发电需求。另外,本文的研究结果能为类似的海洋平台的研究提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents a coupled dynamic response analysis of a multi-column tension-leg-type floating wind turbine (WindStar TLP system) under normal operation and parked conditions. Wind-only load cases, wave-only load cases and combined wind and wave load cases were analyzed separately for the WindStar TLP system to identify the dominant excitation loads. Comparisons between an NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine installed on land and the WindStar TLP system were performed. Statistics of selected response variables in specified design load cases (DLCs) were obtained and analyzed. It is found that the proposed WindStar TLP system has small dynamic responses to environmental loads and it thus has almost the same mean generator power output under operating conditions as the land-based system. The tension mooring system has a sufficient safety factor, and the minimum tendon tension is always positive in all selected DLCs. The ratio of ultimate load of the tower base fore-aft bending moment for the WindStar TLP system versus the land-based system can be as high as 1.9 in all of the DLCs considered. These results will help elucidate the dynamic characteristics of the proposed WindStar TLP system, identify the difference in load effect between it and land-based systems, and thus make relevant modifications to the initial design for the WindStar TLP system.  相似文献   

-Dynamic interaction characteristics of the model deeply embedded platform and foundation soil are studied by means of dynamic substructuring interface transformation synthesis and dynamic condensation. The theoretical analysis, computer programs and practical examples are presented; and the results are compared with those obtained by statical condensation method and finite element method.  相似文献   

In this paper,the dynamic response of undersea -+towed systems is numerically simulated.Atwo body towed system is especially considered in detail.The factors influencing the heave oftowed-bodies,such as the weight of the towed-body(in sea water),the length and the weight(in sea water)per unit length of the cable between towed-bodies and towing ship,are investigated in detail.Calculationsshow that the two-body towed system can greatly increases the stability of the towed system.  相似文献   

论文研究铰接系泊塔-油轮系统波流联合作用下的动力响应。考虑铰接塔-油轮单点系泊系统系缆刚度的非线性,将尼龙系缆处理为分段非线性刚度模型,采用M orison公式计算铰接塔的波浪载荷,采用线性波浪绕射理论计算波浪对油轮的作用,建立了两自由度耦合的分段非线性运动微分方程。计算了高177 m的铰接系泊塔和93 500 t油轮构成的FPSO系统的耦合动力响应,并讨论了系统运动对于系缆张力的影响。  相似文献   

动荷载作用下海底粉土的孔压响应及其动强度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文选用近海分布较广的粉土为研究对象 ,利用室内动三轴试验结果 ,找出动荷载作用下粉土的动应力应变关系 ,分析模拟波浪荷载作用下粉土中的孔压响应、临界循环次数 ,确定波浪作用下粉土的应力状态、破坏临界循环次数 ,判断不同深度处的粉土发生液化的可能性及发生液化所需要的时间 ;研究粉土在动荷载作用下的强度降低 ,为海上工程设计和施工提供科学依据。  相似文献   

考虑钢悬链线立管大变形的特性以及内流的影响,利用Kane方法和拉格朗日应变理论建立钢悬链线立管的二维动力学模型。将顶部浮体的激励简化为一个沿顺流向的周期作用力施加于立管顶部,采用平均加速度法求解立管的动力响应。探讨顶部浮体不同激励频率下立管的非线性动力响应以及内流流速的大小对管道共振响应幅值的影响。  相似文献   

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