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Volcán Ollagüe is a high-K, calc-alkaline composite volcano constructed upon extremely thick crust in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone. Volcanic activity commenced with the construction of an andesitic to dacitic composite cone composed of numerous lava flows and pyroclastic deposits of the Vinta Loma series and an overlying coalescing dome and coulée sequence of the Chasca Orkho series. Following cone construction, the upper western flank of Ollagüe collapsed toward the west leaving a collapse-amphitheater about 3.5 km in diameter and a debris avalanche deposit on the lower western flank of the volcano. The deposit is similar to the debris avalanche deposit produced during the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, U.S.A., and was probably formed in a similar manner. It presently covers an area of 100 km2 and extends 16 km from the summit. Subsequent to the collapse event, the upper western flank was reformed via eruption of several small andesitic lava flows from vents located near the western summit and growth of an andesitic dome within the collapse-amphitheater. Additional post-collapse activity included construction of a dacitic dome and coulée of the La Celosa series on the northwest flank. Field relations indicate that vents for the Vinta Loma and post-collapse series were located at or near the summit of the cone. The Vinta Loma series is characterized by an anhydrous, two-pyroxene assemblage. Vents for the La Celosa and Chasca Orkho series are located on the flanks and strike N55 W, radial to the volcano. The pattern of flank eruptions coincides with the distribution in the abundance of amphibole and biotite as the main mafic phenocryst phases in the rocks. A possible explanation for this coincidence is that an unexposed fracture or fault beneath the volcano served as a conduit for both magma ascent and groundwater circulation. In addition to the lava flows at Ollagüe, magmas are also present as blobs of vesiculated basaltic andesite and mafic andesite that occur as inclusions in nearly all of the lavas. All eruptive activity at Ollagüe predates the last glacial episode ( 11.000 a B.P.), because post-collapse lava flows are overlain by moraine and are incised by glacial valleys. Present activity is restricted to emission of a persistent, 100-m-high fumarolic steam plume from a vent located within the summit andesite dome.Sr and Nd isotope ratios for the basaltic andesite and mafic andesite inclusions and lavas suggest that they have assimilated large amounts of crust during crystal fractionation. In contrast, narrow ranges in 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr in the andesitic and dacitic lavas are enigmatic with respect to crustal contamination.  相似文献   

 A subaqueous volcaniclastic mass-flow deposit in the Miocene Josoji Formation, Shimane Peninsula, is 15–16 m thick, and comprises mainly blocks and lapilli of rhyolite and andesite pumices and non- to poorly vesiculated rhyolite. It can be divided into four layers in ascending order. Layer 1 is an inversely to normally graded and poorly sorted lithic breccia 0.3–6 m thick. Layer 2 is an inversely to normally graded tuff breccia to lapilli tuff 6–11 m thick. This layer bifurcates laterally into minor depositional units individually composed of a massive, lithic-rich lower part and a diffusely stratified, pumice-rich upper part with inverse to normal grading of both lithic and pumice clasts. Layer 3 is 2.5–3 m thick, and consists of interbedded fines-depleted pumice-rich and pumice-poor layers a few centimeters thick. Layer 4 is a well-stratified and well-sorted coarse ash bed 1.5–2 m thick. The volcaniclastic deposit shows internal features of high-density turbidites and contains no evidence for emplacement at a high temperature. The mass-flow deposit is extremely coarse-grained, dominated by traction structures, and is interpreted as the product of a deep submarine, explosive eruption of vesicular magma or explosive collapse of lava. Received: 10 January 1996 / Accepted: 23 February 1996  相似文献   

At Bear Lake, in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt of Manitoba, 400+ m of thick-to very thick-bedded, generally ungraded, basaltic andesite tuff-breccia, breccia, and lapilli-tuff are intercalated with pillowed lava flows in the upper part of an early Proterozoic submarine basaltic andesite shield volcano. The fragmental rocks comprise angular, amygdaloidal blocks and lapilli, many with partial chilled selvages, in a matrix of blocky, non-amygdaloidal to highly amygdaloidal vitric basaltic andesite ash and small lapilli. Minor thin-to medium-bedded, commonly normally graded tuff occurs in the upper part of the sequence. Clasts in fragmental beds consistently have higher amygdule contents than intercalated lava flows. Although similar to pillow-fragment breccias, the Bear Lake fragmental rocks were produced by extended surtseyan-type, phreatomagmatic eruptions, with associated fire fountain activity, at a progressively subsiding, shallow water vent. Periodic tephra slumping generated debris flows that transported particles down the uppe, gentle slope of the volcano to a depositional site at a water depth of less than 1 km. Turbidity currents probably carried much fine tephra to deeper water; tuff was deposited in the preserved section only after explosive volcanism ceased.  相似文献   

The small- to moderate-volume, Quaternary, Siwi pyroclastic sequence was erupted during formation of a 4 km-wide caldera on the eastern margin of Tanna, an island arc volcano in southern Vanuatu. This high-potassium, andesitic eruption followed a period of effusive basaltic andesite volcanism and represents the most felsic magma erupted from the volcano. The sequence is up to 13 m thick and can be traced in near-continuous outcrop over 11 km. Facies grade laterally from lithic-rich, partly welded spatter agglomerate along the caldera rim to two medial, pumiceous, non-welded ignimbrites that are separated by a layer of lithic-rich, spatter agglomerate. Juvenile clasts comprise a wide range of densities and grain sizes. They vary between black, incipiently vesicular, highly elongate spatter clasts that have breadcrusted pumiceous rinds and reach several metres across to silky, grey pumice lapilli. The pumice lapilli range from highly vesicular clasts with tube or coalesced spherical vesicles to denser finely vesicular clasts that include lithic fragments.Textural and lithofacies characteristics of the Siwi pyroclastic sequence suggest that the first phase of the eruption produced a base surge deposit and spatter-poor pumiceous ignimbrite. A voluminous eruption of spatter and lithic pyroclasts coincided with a relatively deep withdrawal of magma presumably driven by a catastrophic collapse of the magma chamber roof. During this phase, spatter clasts rapidly accumulated in the proximal zone largely as fallout, creating a variably welded and lithic-rich agglomerate. This phase was followed by the eruption of moderately to highly vesiculated magma that generated the most widespread, upper pumiceous ignimbrite. The combination of spatter and pumice in pyroclastic deposits from a single eruption appears to be related to highly explosive, magmatic eruptions involving low-viscosity magmas. The combination also indicates the coexistence of a spatter fountain and explosive eruption plume for much of the eruption.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   

This paper documents a complex sequence of interbedded lapilli-fall, base-surge, and pyroclastic-flow deposits, here named the Monte Guardia sequence, that erupted from volcanic centers in the southern part of Lipari (Aeolian Island Arc). Radiocarbon data from ash-flow tuffs above and below this sequence bracket its eruption between 22,600 and 16,800 years ago. Geologic evidence, however, suggests that this single eruptive cycle had a more restricted duration of years to tens-of-years. The basis for our interpretations comes from data measured at 38 detailed sections located throughout the island. The Monte Guardia sequence rests on a series of lower rhyolitic endogenous domes in the southern part of Lipari and it covers the oldest lavas, lahars, and pyroclastic flows in the north. Only in the northeast part of the island is it covered by younger deposits which there consist of lapilli tuffs and lavas of the Monte Pilato rhyolitic cycle. The deposit ranges in thickness from more than 60 m surrounding the vents in the south to less than a few decimeters at 10 km distance in the north. Throughout most of the island the Monte Guardia sequence overlies a thin andesitic lapilli-fall layer which is a key bed for correlation. This lapilli tuff probably erupted from a volcanic center on another island of the Aeolian Arc (possibly Salina). The principal activity of the Monte Guardia sequence started with an explosion that formed a continuous breccia blanket covering most of the island. Some pumiceous blocks within this breccia are composed of alternating bands of acidic and andesitic composition suggesting that the initiation of pyroclastic activity could have been triggered by magma mixing. Typical Monte Guardia sequence consists of explosive products that grade from magmatic (pumice-fall) to phreatomagmatic (base-surge) character. The eruptive cycle is characterized by a number of energy decreasing megarhythms that start with a lapilli-fall bed and end with a base-surge set that progresses through sand-wave, massive, and planar beds. Isopach maps of the fall and surge deposits indicate that both types were directed to the northwest by prevailing winds. Existing topographic relief was an additional factor that affected the emplacement of surge products. At the end of the cycle andesitic pyroclastic flows and rhyolitic endogenous domes were emplaced above the Monte Guardia deposits near the vent.  相似文献   

The lapilli tuff breccias (LTB-1 and LTB-2) of the Archean Hunter Mine Group in the south-central part of the Abitibi greenstone belt are inferred to be the product of subaqueous lava fountaining. Intercalated sub-wave base iron-formations, interstratified turbiditic tuffs, the absence of wave-induced sedimentary structures, and the stratigraphic position of lapilli tuff breccias beneath basaltic komatiites, support this contention. A complete eruptive sequence shows a tripartite division into (a) massive breccia, (b) stratified lapilli tuff, and (c) turbiditic tuff-lapilli tuff division. The massive breccia division is characterized by clusters of isolated and compressed irregular-shaped clasts inferred to be deposited directly from the hot magmatic lava fountain. Abundant vesicular pyroclasts with a vesicle content of up to 60% exhibit locally coalescing vesicles indicating bubble nucleation prior to eruption. The prevalence of irregular to amoeboid clast shapes suggests transport from the vent in a steamy-rich, high-density current to the site under a self-generated steam cupola. Ubiquitous subequant lapilli-size pyroclasts of the stratified lapilli tuff division suggest that significant ingress of water into the fountain changed the prevalent fragmentation process from magmatic to hydrovolcanic. The turbiditic tuff-lapilli tuff division composed of pumice, lithic fragments and vitric ash is envisaged to have formed by gravitational collapse of a subaqueous turbulent eruptive plume. This type of eruptive mechanism constituted a minor but important process of volcanic construction on the ocean floor during the Archean, and possibly during incipient arc and backarc formation in modern day settings.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene San Venanzo maar and nearby Pian di Celle tuff ring in the San Venanzo area of Umbria, central Italy, appear to represent different aspects of an eruptive cycle accompanied by diatreme formation. Approximately 6x106 m3 of mostly lapillisized, juvenile ejecta with lesser amounts of lithics and 1x106 m3 of lava were erupted. The stratigraphy indicates intense explosive activity followed by lava flows and subvolcanic intrusions. The pyroclastic material includes lithic breccia derived from vent and diatreme wall erosion, roughly stratified lapilli tuff deposited by concentrated pyroclastic surge, chaotic scoriaceous pyroclastic flow and inverse graded grain-flow deposits. The key feature of the pyroclastics is the presence of concentric-shelled lapilli generated by accretion around the lithics during magma ascent in the diatreme conduits. The rock types range from kalsilite leucite olivine melilitite lavas and subvolcanic intrusions to carbonatite, phonolite and calcitic melilitite pyroclasts. Juvenile ejecta contain essential calcite whose composition and texture indicate a magmatic origin. Pyroclastic carbonatite activity is also indicated by the presence of carbonatite ash beds. The San Venanzo maar-forming event is believed to have been trigered by fluid-rich carbonatite-phonolite magma. The eruptive centre the moved to the Pian di Celle tuff ring, where the eruption of degassed olivine melilititic magma and late intrusions ended magmatic activity in the area. In both volcanoes the absence of phreatomagmatic features together with the presence of large amounts of primary calcite suggests carbonatite segregation and violent exsolution of CO2 which, flowing through the diatremes, produced the peculiar intrusive pyroclastic facies and triggered explosions.  相似文献   

Wet surge deposits of different volcanic cycles of the recent Fossa activity at Vulcano have been measured on a bed-by-bed basis, with data recorded to millimeter detail. The wet surge layers are varicoloured with variable thickness, with the most recurrent thickness being about 1 cm. The beds consist of fine ash without internal structures. Textural features include: (a) accretionary lapilli, of maximum size of 0.5 cm, dispersed thoroughout the layer or forming continuous layers of submillimeter size; (b) vesiculated layers which represent 10% to 65% of the total deposit; vesicles have different shapes and smooth walls, varying in volume from 1% to 15–20%; (c) soft-sediment types of bedding deformation, such as gravity flowage ripples, load cast and slumps. The slope angle has not influenced either the concentration and size of the accretionary lapilli or the shape, size, and distribution of vesicles. Only the thickness of the layers decreases with distance from the vent.SEM investigations show features indicating the hydromagmatic origin of the deposits and stressing the role of the fluid phase. Noteworthy is the presence of vesiculated grains, produced by magmatic exsolution, which show chilling effects on the internal walls of the broken bubbles.Grain size analyses reveal that the layers are not graded and most of the samples have a median size finer than 50 μm. The grain size distributions are frequently polymodal, suggesting several closely timed explosions. As all the beds exhibit the same textures, grain size, and particle morphology a single mechanism can explain their deposition. The depositional unit formed at the base of the cloud through the lateral expansion on the ground of a sticky muddy medium consisting of ash and fluid. In general each layer lost its plasticity before the deposition of the next layer. The deposition occurred in a nearly continuous sequence without periods of rest long enough to permit erosional discontinuity.The eruptions are hydromagmatic and occur where magma, at least partially fragmented, comes into effective contact with subsurface water. The process follows a model suggested by Wohletz (1983b, 1986), developing in more than one fragmentation event. In the turbulent surge cloud both severe hydration and alteration of glassy grains and the formation of accretionary lapilli occur.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic flows from the 1991 eruption of Unzen volcano,Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyroclastic flows from Unzen were generated by gravitational collapse of the growing lava dome. As soon as the parental lobe failed at the edge of the dome, spontaneous shattering of lava occurred and induced a gravity flow of blocks and finer debris. The flows had a overhanging, tongue-like head and cone- or rollershaped vortices expanding outward and upward. Most of the flows traveled from 1 to 3 km, but some flows reached more than 4 km, burning houses and killing people in the evacuated zone of Kita-kamikoba on the eastern foot of the volcano. The velocities of the flows ranged from 15 to 25 m/s on the gentle middle flank. Observations of the flows and their deposits suggest that they consisted of a dense basal avalanche and an overlying turbulent ash cloud. The basal avalanche swept down a topographic low and formed to tongue-like lobe having well-defined levees; it is presumed to have moved as a non-Newtonian fluid. The measured velocities and runout distances of the flows can be matched to a Bingham model for the basal avalanche by the addition of turbulent resistance. The rheologic model parameters for the 29 May flow are as follows: the density is 1300 kg/m3, the yield strength is 850 Pa, the viscosity is 90 Pa s, and the thickness of the avalanche is 2 m. The ash cloud is interpreted as a turbulent mixing layer above the basal avalanche. The buoyant portions of the cloud produced ash-fall deposits, whereas the dense portions moved as a surge separated from the parental avalanche. The ash-cloud surges formed a wide devastated zone covered by very thin debris. The initial velocities of the 3 June surges, when they detached from avalanches, are determined by the runout distance and the angle of the energy-line slope. A comparison between the estimated velocities of the 3 June avalanches and the surges indicates that the surges that extended steep slopes along the avalanche path, detached directly from the turbulent heads of the avalanches. The over-running surge that reached Kita-Kamikoba had an estimated velocity higher than that of the avalanche; this farther-travelled surge is presumed to have been generated by collapse of a rising ash-cloud plume.  相似文献   

For many centuries Merapi volcano has generated hot avalanches of blocks, lapilli and ashes, derived from the destruction of partially solidified, viscous lava domes (Merapi-type nuées ardentes). On 15 June 1984, at least four nuées ardentes came down the southwest slope of the Merapi, the first and the last being responsible for more than 99% of the deposits which are now exposed. The first nuée ardente, a Merapi-type nuée ardente, was produced by the destruction of the dome, travelled 7 km from the crater, leaving a measured deposit, 2.7 m thick, 4 km from the crater, near its upper depositional limit, regularly increasing to a maximum measured thickness of 12 m at the front of the deposit. The lower contact is sharp, non-erosive, with pines still rooted in the underlying paleosol. The deposit consists of 50% ash, 33% lapilli, and 17% blocks, with two subpopulations (one Rosin and one normal), and is finespoor, with less than 4% of fine ash (d finer than 4 ). The deposit displays reverse population grading of both vesiculated and massive clasts, and of the maximum grain size. The maximum size significantly increases regularly down-current over most of the exposed length of unit 1, and bed thickness increases for the entire length of the deposit. The deposit of the second nuée ardente is only 6–21 cm thick, and of very limited lateral extent. It is a normally graded, coarse to fine ash, with a finespoor base. The third unit consists of fines-poor, normally graded coarse ash, exposed in low-amplitude (20–40 cm), 12-m-wavelength dunes. The deposit of the fourth nuée ardente rests in sharp erosive contact on the underlying unit, increasing in thickness down-flow. It consists of transitional coarse and fine-grained strata, 6–130 c cm thick, dipping 5–10° down-flow. The deposit, made up of two subpopulations (one Rosin and one normal), is normally graded over the entire bed, but coarsegrained strata are reversely graded. The relative content of vesiculated clasts increases up-bed in both strata types, from 12% at the base to 40% at the top. The characteristics of unit 1 suggest that it accumulated from a concentrated suspension of cohesionless solids exhibiting non-Newtonian behavior, where dispersive pressure played an important role in the suspension of the clasts. Units 2 and 3 were probably deposited from dilute turbulent suspensions, whereas the upper unit (4) is a classic example of deposition from a high-density turbulent suspension leading to the formation of multiple traction carpets driven by the overlying, lower-density, surge. The horizontal distance travelled by a hot rock avalanche may be influenced by its transport mechanism. Debris flows are mobile on very low slopes-as low as 1°-whereas grain flows, even density-modified grain flows, require relatively high slopes-more than 6° at Merapi-to maintain their mobility. If the present Merapi dome were to collapse and produce a debris flow, its present volume coupled with the minimal 1.5 km vertical drop could travel a distance ranging between 15 and 30 km. However, if transport were by grain flow mechanisms, the mass could come to rest as it reaches a 5–10° slope.  相似文献   

Observations on phreatomagmatic ash deposits of Phlegraean Fields and Vesuvius supply evidence for the origin of vesiculated tuff in a cool environment. Early deposition by fallout of a matrix-free bed of damp accretionary lapilli is followed by deposition of cohesive mud or a mud rain. The lapilli bed becomes partly or completely transformed into a vesiculated tuff by mud percolation and eventual coalescence of accretionary lapilli with consequent trapping of air originally contained in the interstices. The proposed mechanism accounts for vesiculated tuff formation in distal deposits beyond limits commonly attained by pyroclastic surges. This same mechanism may, nevertheless, also operate in proximal tuff-ring and cone deposits during fallout of phreatomagmatic ash separating bed sets in surge-dominated successions. The sequence of events in the proposed model fits well with the evolution of a cooling phreatomagmatic ash cloud in which early ash aggregation (accretionary lapilli fallout) is followed closely by steam condensation (mud or muddy rainfall). This new model invoking a cool-temperature origin is intended to be complementary to previously proposed theories. Although difficult to assess because of the often complete obliteration of original lapilli, the process is believed to be relatively common in the generasion of vesiculated tuffs within phreatomagmatic deposits.  相似文献   

Previously undescribed debris-avalanche deposits occur in two locations downslope from the open end of the Valle del Bove. These outcrops comprise unstratified, ungraded deposits of metre-scale lava blocks in a matrix of weathered and fractured lava clasts. The avalanche deposits are unconformably overlain by matrix- to clast-supported conglomerates, representing debris-flow and interbedded fluvial deposits, that constitute most of the Milo Lahar sequence. We present evidence that the Milo Lahar sequence, which crops out just at the exit of the Valle del Bove, formed during the opening and enlargement of this depression. The presence of the avalanche deposits at the base of the Milo Lahar sequence indicates that catastrophic landslides were involved in the formation of the Valle del Bove. The composition of lavas in the debris avalanche deposits is similar to that of most of the Ellittico volcanic sequence exposed along the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. Radiocarbon dates of 8400 and 5300 years BP from the base and top, respectively, of the debris-flow sequence indicate that the Milo Lahars are correlative with the exposed part of the Chiancone deposit. The basal lahars of the Chiancone, which contain lava blocks whose compositions partially overlap that of blocks in the avalanche deposits, may have formed by water concentration in the distal end of the avalanche causing transformation to debris, or alternatively by reworking of the avalanche deposit.  相似文献   

The Sarikavak Tephra from the central Galatean Volcanic Province (Turkey) represents the deposit of a complex multiple phase plinian eruption of Miocene age. The eruptive sequence is subdivided into the Lower-, Middle-, and Upper Sarikavak Tephra (LSKT, MSKT, USKT) which differ in type of deposits, lithology and eruptive mechanisms.The Lower Sarikavak Tephra is characterised by pumice fall deposits with minor interbedded fine-grained ash beds in the lower LSKT-A. Deposits are well stratified and enriched in lithic fragments up to >50 wt% in some layers. The upper LSKT-B is mainly reversely graded pumice fall with minor amounts of lithics. It represents the main plinian phase of the eruption. The LSKT-A and B units are separated from each other by a fine-grained ash fall deposit. The Middle Sarikavak Tephra is predominantly composed of cross-bedded ash-and-pumice surge deposits with minor pumice fall deposits in the lower MSKT-A and major pyroclastic flow deposits in the upper MSKT-B unit. The Upper Sarikavak Tephra shows subaerial laminated surge deposits in USKT-A and subaqueous tephra beds in USKT-B.Isopach maps of the LSKT pumice fall deposits as well as the fine ash at the LSKT-A/B boundary indicate NNE–SSW extending depositional fans with the source area in the western part of the Ovaçik caldera. The MSKT pyroclastic flow and surge deposits form a SW-extending main lobe related to paleotopography where the deposits are thickest.Internal bedding and lithic distribution of the LSKT-A result from intermittent activity due to significant vent wall instabilities. Reductions in eruption power from (partial) plugging of the vent produced fine ash deposits in near-vent locations and subsequent explosive expulsion of wall rock debris was responsible for the high lithic contents of the lapilli fall deposits. A period of vent closure promoted fine ash fall deposition at the end of LSKT-A. The subsequent main plinian phase of the LSKT-B evolved from stable vent conditions after some initial gravitational column collapses during the early ascent of the re-established eruption plume. The ash-and-pumice surges of the MSKT-A are interpreted as deposits from phreatomagmatic activity prior to the main pyroclastic flow formation of the MSKT-B.  相似文献   

 Volcanic breccias form large parts of composite volcanoes and are commonly viewed as containing pyroclastic fragments emplaced by pyroclastic processes or redistributed as laharic deposits. Field study of cone-forming breccias of the andesitic middle Pleistocene Te Herenga Formation on Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand, was complemented by paleomagnetic laboratory investigation permitting estimation of emplacement temperatures of constituent breccia clasts. The observations and data collected suggest that most breccias are autoclastic deposits. Five breccia types and subordinate, coherent lava-flow cores constitute nine, unconformity-bounded constructional units. Two types of breccia are gradational with lava-flow cores. Red breccias gradational with irregularly shaped lava-flow cores were emplaced at temperatures in excess of 580  °C and are interpreted as aa flow breccias. Clasts in gray breccia gradational with tabular lava-flow cores, and in some places forming down-slope-dipping avalanche bedding beneath flows, were emplaced at varying temperatures between 200 and 550  °C and are interpreted as forming part of block lava flows. Three textural types of breccia are found in less intimate association with lava-flow cores. Matrix-poor, well-sorted breccia can be traced upslope to lava-flow cores encased in autoclastic breccia. Unsorted boulder breccia comprises constructional units lacking significant exposed lava-flow cores. Clasts in both of these breccia types have paleomagnetic properties generally similar to those of the gray breccias gradational with lava-flow cores; they indicate reorientation after acquisition of some, or all, magnetization and ultimate emplacement over a range of temperatures between 100 and 550  °C. These breccias are interpreted as autoclastic breccias associated with block lava flows. Matrix-poor, well-sorted breccia formed by disintegration of lava flows on steep slopes and unsorted boulder breccia is interpreted to represent channel-floor and levee breccias for block lava flows that continued down slope. Less common, matrix-rich, stratified tuff breccias consisting of angular blocks, minor scoria, and a conspicuously well-sorted ash matrix were generally emplaced at ambient temperature, although some deposits contain clasts possibly emplaced at temperatures as high as 525  °C. These breccias are interpreted as debris-flow and sheetwash deposits with a dominant pyroclastic matrix and containing clasts likely of mixed autoclastic and pyroclastic origin. Pyroclastic deposits have limited preservation potential on the steep, proximal slopes of composite volcanoes. Likewise, these steep slopes are more likely sites of erosion and transport by channeled or unconfined runoff rather than depositional sites for reworked volcaniclastic debris. Autoclastic breccias need not be intimately associated with coherent lava flows in single outcrops, and fine matrix can be of autoclastic rather than pyroclastic origin. In these cases, and likely many other cases, the alternation of coherent lava flows and fragmental deposits defining composite volcanoes is better described as interlayered lava-flow cores and cogenetic autoclastic breccias, rather than as interlayered lava flows and pyroclastic beds. Reworked deposits are probably insignificant components of most proximal cone-forming sequences. Received: 1 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Fugen-dake, the main peak of Unzen Volcano, began a new eruption sequence on November 17, 1990. On May 20, 1991, a new lava dome appeared near the eastern edge of the Fugen-dake summit. Small-scale, 104–106 m3 in volume, Merapi-type block and ash flows were frequently generated from the growing lava dome during May–June, 1991. These pyroclastic flows were accompanied by co-ignimbrite ash plumes that deposited ash-fall deposits downwind of the volcano. Three examples of co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits from Unzen pyroclastic flows are described. The volume of fall deposits was estimated to be about 30% by volume of the collapsed portions of the dome that formed pyroclastic flows. This proportion is smaller than that described for other larger co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits from other volcanoes. Grain size distributions of the Unzen co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits are bi-modal or tri-modal. Most ashes are finer than 4 phi and two modes were observed at around 4–7 phi and 9 phi. They are composed mainly of groundmass fragments. Fractions of another mode at around 2 phi are rich in crystals derived from dome lava. Some of the fine ash component fell as accretionary lapilli from the co-ignimbrite ash cloud indicating either moisture or electrostatic aggregation. We believe that the co-ignimbrite ash of Unzen block and ash flows were formed by the mechanical fracturing of the cooling lava blocks as they collapsed and moved down the slope. These ashes were entrained into the convective plumes generated off the tops of the moving flows.  相似文献   

Proximal deposits of the 3.3 Ma Grants Ridge Tuff, part of a 5-km3 topaz rhyolite sequence, are composed of basal pyroclastic flow, surge, and fallout deposits, a thick central ignimbrite, and upper surge and fallout deposits. Large lithic blocks (≤2 m) of underlying sedimentary and granitic bedrock that are present in lower pyroclastic flow and fallout deposits indicate that the eruptive sequence began with explosive, conduit-excavating eruptions. The massive, nonwelded central ignimbrite displays evidence for postemplacement deformation. The upper pyroclastic surge deposits are dominated by fine ash, some beds containing accretionary lapilli, soft-sediment deformation features, and mud-coated lithic lapilli, indicating an explosive, hydromagmatic component to these later eruptions. The upper fall and surge deposits are overlain by fluvially reworked volcaniclastic deposits that truncate the primary section with a relatively planar surface. The proximal, upper pyroclastic surge and Plinian fall deposits are preserved only in small grabens (5–8 m deep and wide), where they subsided into the ignimbrite and were protected from reworking. The pyroclastic surge and fall deposits within the grabens are offset by numerous small normal faults. The offset on some faults decreases upward through the section, indicating that the faulting process may have been syn-eruptive. Several graben-bounding faults extend downward into the ignimbrite, but the uppermost, fluvially reworked tephra layers are not cut by these faults. The faulting mechanism may have been related to settling and compaction of the 60 m thick, valley-filling ignimbrite along the axis of the paleovalley. Draping surge contacts against the graben faults and brittle and soft-style disruption of the upper pyroclastic surge beds indicate that subsidence was ongoing during the emplacement of the upper eruptive sequence. Seismicity accompanying the late-stage hydromagmatic explosions may have contributed to the abrupt settling and compaction of the ignimbrite.  相似文献   

The Scafell caldera-lake volcaniclastic succession is exceptionally well exposed. At the eastern margin of the caldera, a large andesitic explosive eruption (>5 km3) generated a high-mass-flux pyroclastic density current that flowed into the caldera lake for several hours and deposited the extensive Pavey Ark ignimbrite. The ignimbrite comprises a thick (≤125 m), proximal, spatter- and scoria-rich breccia that grades laterally and upwards into massive lapilli-tuff, which, in turn, is gradationally overlain by massive and normal-graded tuff showing evidence of soft-state disruption. The subaqueous pyroclastic current carried juvenile clasts ranging from fine ash to metre-scale blocks and from dense andesite through variably vesicular scoria to pumice (<103 kg m−3). Extreme ignimbrite lithofacies diversity resulted via particle segregation and selective deposition from the current. The lacustrine proximal ignimbrite breccia mainly comprises clast- to matrix-supported blocks and lapilli of vesicular andesite, but includes several layers rich in spatter (≤1.7 m diameter) that was emplaced in a ductile, hot state. In proximal locations, rapid deposition of the large and dense clasts caused displacement of interstitial fluid with elutriation of low-density lapilli and ash upwards, so that these particles were retained in the current and thus overpassed to medial and distal reaches. Medially, the lithofacies architecture records partial blocking, channelling and reflection of the depletive current by substantial basin-floor topography that included a lava dome and developing fault scarps. Diffuse layers reflect surging of the sustained current, and the overall normal grading reflects gradually waning flow with, finally, a transition to suspension sedimentation from an ash-choked water column. Fine to extremely fine tuff overlying the ignimbrite forms ∼25% of the whole and is the water-settled equivalent of co-ignimbrite ash; its great thickness (≤55 m) formed because the suspended ash was trapped within an enclosed basin and could not drift away. The ignimbrite architecture records widespread caldera subsidence during the eruption, involving volcanotectonic faulting of the lake floor. The eruption was partly driven by explosive disruption of a groundwater-hydrothermal system adjacent to the magma reservoir.  相似文献   

The Milos volcanic field includes a well-exposed volcaniclastic succession which records a long history of submarine explosive volcanism. The Bombarda volcano, a rhyolitic monogenetic center, erupted ∼1.7 Ma at a depth <200 m below sea level. The aphyric products are represented by a volcaniclastic apron (up to 50 m thick) and a lava dome. The apron is composed of pale gray juvenile fragments and accessory lithic clasts ranging from ash to blocks. The juvenile clasts are highly vesicular to non-vesicular; the vesicles are dominantly tube vesicles. The volcaniclastic apron is made up of three fades: massive to normally graded pumice-lithic breccia, stratified pumice-lithic breccia, and laminated ash with pumice blocks. We interpret the apron beds to be the result of water-supported, volcaniclastic mass-How emplacement, derived directly from the collapse of a small-volume, subaqueous eruption column and from syn-eruptive, down-slope resedimentation of volcaniclastic debris. During this eruptive phase, the activity could have involved a complex combination of phreatomagmatic explosions and minor submarine effusion. The lava dome, emplaced later in the source area, is made up of flow-banded lava and separated from the apron by an obsidian carapace a few meters thick. The near-vertical orientation of the carapace suggests that the dome was intruded within the apron. Remobilization of pyroclastic debris could have been triggered by seismic activity and the lava dome emplacement. Published online: 30 January 2003 Editorial responsibility: J. McPhie  相似文献   

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