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Ghodrat Torabi 《Island Arc》2010,19(2):277-291
The Jandaq lamprophyres occur as eight mostly parallel dykes, which cross‐cut Eocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Pis‐Kuh Formation in dominant north to south direction. These lamprophyres are mainly composed of kaersutite, clinopyroxene, olivine, feldspar, ilmenite, and spinel as primary minerals. The rocks studied here are enriched in alkalis, TiO2, large ion lithophile elements, and light rare‐earth elements (LREE), with SiO2 content between 41.7 and 46.2 wt%, and are classified as camptonite and alkaline lamprophyre according to the mineralogical and chemical characteristics. These rocks exhibit positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.08–1.39) and are characterized by strong enrichment in LREE relative to heavy REEs, and also by varied Zr/Hf ratios. The geochemical features of the rocks suggest that the lamprophyre magmas were derived from low‐degree melting of an amphibole garnet lherzolite that experienced strong metasomatism by carbonate‐rich fluids in response to dehydration melting from the subducted slab. The Jandaq lamprophyric magmatism has been attributed to the former subduction of the Central–East Iranian microcontinent confining oceanic crust from the Triassic to Eocene, and decompression melting induced by the extensional basin of the Jandaq area in the early Oligocene.  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the Eocene volcanic succession in Tafresh area of the Urumieh–Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage (UDMA) are unique in the 2000‐km‐length assemblage. Demonstrating rather steep rare earth element (REE) patterns and the widespread presence of amphibole (+biotite) phenocrysts are two distinct characters that dominate the Eocene volcanic succession of mainly andesitic composition. Coincidence of the geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the whole volcanic succession with adakites, rather amphibole‐ (+biotite) rich dacitic (with 61–64 wt% SiO2) stocks and dykes, is considered as the key in unraveling the role of ‘slab‐derived melt contribution’ in petrogenesis of the volcanic succession. Slab‐derived melting has been an ongoing process that metasomatized some parts of the mantle wedge from which hybrid rocks (andesites) are derived. Basalts with distinct signatures of slab melt metasomatism are yet another support for the occurrence of slab melting. Interlayering of normal, island‐arc‐type calc‐alkaline volcanic rocks with the slab‐melt metasomatized basalts and hybrid andesites suggests that the slab melting has been motivated by the subduction. Formation of the Tafresh Caldera, the likely consequence of an explosive eruption, is compatible with the volatile‐bearing nature of the adakitic volcanism in the study area. It is indicated by the ubiquitous presence of the hydrous minerals. Beneath the Tafresh area, in Eocene time, the subducting slab seems to have reached a critical high depth that is enough for the development of amphibolite–eclogite. The slab deformation, motivated by the geometry of subduction and/or the underlying mantle's steeper geotherms, is suggested to have resulted in the slab melting that helped develop a rock assemblage unique to the UDMA.  相似文献   

GHODRAT TORABI 《Island Arc》2012,21(3):215-229
Late Permian trondhjemites in the Anarak area occur as stocks and dykes, which cross cut the Anarak ophiolite and its overlying metasedimentary rocks, and are exposed along the northern Anarak east–west main faults. These leucocratic intrusive bodies have enclaves of all ophiolitic units and metamorphic rocks. They are composed of amphibole, plagioclase (oligoclase), quartz, zircon and muscovite. Secondary minerals are chlorite (pycnochlorite), epidote, albite, magnetite and calcite. Whole‐rock major‐ and trace‐element analyses reveal that they are characterized by high SiO 2 (67.8–71.0 wt%), Al 2 O 3 (14.9–17.1 wt%) and Na 2 O (5.3–8.6 wt%), low K 2 O (0.1–1.5 wt%; average: 0.8 wt%), low Rb/Sr ratio (0.01–0.40; average: 0.09), low Y (3–6 ppm), negative Ti, Nb and Ta anomalies, slightly negative or positive Eu anomaly, LREE enrichment and fractionated HREE. These rocks present 2 to 40 times enrichment in inclined chondrite‐normalized REE patterns. Geochemical characteristics of the Anarak trondhjemites all reflect melting of a mafic protolith at more than 10 kbar. The field evidence and whole‐rock chemistry reveal that these rocks have been crystallized from magmas derived from melting of subducted Anarak oceanic crust. This study reveals that melting of garnet amphibolite was an important element of continent formation in the study area.  相似文献   

Estimation of coda wave attenuation in East Central Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The attenuation of coda waves, Q c , has been estimated in Zarand, Jiroft, and Bam regions of east central Iran using a single back-scattering model of S-coda envelopes. For this purpose, the recordings of 97 earthquakes by three seismic networks and a local strong ground motion network have been used. In this research, the frequency-dependent Q c values are estimated at central frequencies of 1.5, 3, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 24 Hz using different lapse time windows from 20 to 60 s. The frequency-dependent relationships obtained are for Zarand, for Jiroft, and for Bam region. From the strong ground motion data, we obtain the relation . The Q c frequency-dependent relationship for the entire region of east central Iran from all data (both seismograms and accelerograms) is . The average Q c values estimated and their frequency dependent relationships correlate well with a highly heterogeneous and highly tectonically active region. Results also show that the attenuation is higher in Bam region compared to Zarand and Jiroft regions.  相似文献   

Fault lineaments are the main input data in earthquake engineering and seismology studies. This study presents a digitally-based active fault map of the Kerman region in central-east Iran which experienced several devastating earthquakes on poorly exposed and/or not identified active faults. Using Landsat 8 data, we have carried out the image-based procedures of fault mapping, which include applying the contrast stretching technique, the principal component analysis, the color composite technique, the spectral rationing, and creating the false-color composite images. Besides, we have cross-checked the resulting map with the geological maps provided by the Geological Survey of Iran to decrease the associated uncertainties. The resulting map includes 123 fault segments, still, a part of which has been expressed in the previously compiled active-fault maps of Iran. Indeed, the new one is mapping the poorly exposed active faults, so-called secondary faults, which are able to produce strong events. These faults are primarily associated with poorly defined areas that accommodate low levels of seismicity; however, sporadic strong events are likely to occur. It has also been investigated that these kinds of faults are seismogenic and are able to produce destructive events. In total, the outcome of this study can also be jointed with seismic studies for investigating parts of the earthquake activity in central-east Iran, in particular for the fault-based approaches in impending earthquake-resistant buildings.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Shir‐Kuh granitoid batholith in Central Iran intrudes Lower Jurassic sandstones and shales. The batholith consists of three main facies: (i) a granodioritic facies to the north; (ii) a monzogranitic facies spread throughout the batholith; and (iii) a leucogranitic facies along the northwestern margin. The granodiorites are composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, K‐feldspar, biotite, and some muscovite, garnet, cordierite, ilmenite, zircon, apatite, and monazite. This facies contains variable amounts of restite minerals which are mainly defined by calcic plagioclase cores and small aggregates of biotite. The monzogranites, with mineral assemblages similar to those in the granodiorites, range from relatively mafic (cordierite‐bearing) to felsic (muscovite‐rich) rocks. The leucogranites, exposed as small stock and dykes, consist mainly of quartz, K‐feldspar, and sodic plagioclase. The batholith is peraluminous, calc‐alkaline, and typical of S‐type, as indicated by Na2O content (2.74%), molecular Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) (A/CNK) ratio (1.17), K2O/Na2O ratio (1.39), and isotopic data ([87Sr/86Sr]i = 0.715). The rocks are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Th and K and depletion in high field strength elements such as Nb and Ti. Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns are characterized by light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, with values of (La/Yb)N between 4.5 and 19.53, unfractionated heavy rare earth element (HREE) with values of (Gd/Yb)N between 0.98 and 2.88, and a distinct negative Eu. The parental magma of the Shir‐Kuh Granite was derived from a plagioclase‐rich metasedimentary source (local anatexis of metagreywacke) in the crust, with heat input from mantle melt components. The separation of restite crystals from the primary melt followed by the fractional crystallization appears to have been an effective differentiation process in the batholith.  相似文献   

Subduction‐related volcanic rocks are widespread in the Central Pontides of Turkey, and represented by the Hamsaros volcanic succession in the Sinop area to the north. The volcanic rocks display high‐K calc‐alkaline, shoshonitic and ultra‐K affinities. 40Ar/39Ar age data indicate that the rocks occurred during the Late Cretaceous (ca 82 Ma), and the volcanic suites were coeval. Primitive mantle‐normalized trace element patterns of all the lavas are characterized by strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (Rb, Ba, K, and Sr), Th, U, Pb, and light rare earth elements (LREE; La, Ce) and prominent negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies, all typical of subduction‐related lavas. There is a systematic increase in the enrichment of incompatible trace elements from the high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas through the shoshonitic to the ultra‐K lavas. In addition, the shoshonitic and ultra‐K lavas have significantly higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70666–0.70834) and lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.51227–0.51236) initial ratios than coexisting high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas (87Sr/86Sr 0.70576–0.70613, 143Nd/144Nd 0.51245–0.51253). Geochemical and isotopic data show that the shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks cannot be derived from the high‐K calc‐alkaline suite by any shallow level differentiation process, and point to a derivation from distinct mantle sources. The shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks were derived from metasomatic veins related to melting of recycled subducted sediments, but the high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks from a lithospheric source metasomatized by fluids from subduction zone.  相似文献   

Chahardouly basin is located in the western part of Iran and is characterized by semi‐arid climatic conditions and scarcity in water resources. The main aquifer systems are developed within alluvial deposits. The availability of groundwater is rather erratic owing to the occurrence of hard rock formation and a saline zone in some parts of the area. The aquifer systems of the area show signs of depletion, which have taken place in recent years due to a decline in water levels. Groundwater samples collected from shallow and deep wells were analysed to examine the quality characteristics of groundwater. The major ion chemistry of groundwater is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3?, while higher values of total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater are associated with high concentrations of all major ions. An increase in salinity is recorded in the down‐gradient part of the basin. The occurrence of saline groundwater, as witnessed by the high electrical conductivity (EC), may be attributed to the long residence time of water and the dissolution of minerals, as well as evaporation of rainfall and irrigation return flow. Based on SAR values and sodium content (%Na), salinity appears to be responsible for the poor groundwater quality, rendering most of the samples not suitable for irrigation use. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Moshirabad pluton is located southwest of the Sanandaj–Sirjan Metamorphic Belt, Qorveh, western Iran. The pluton is composed of diorite, monzodiorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, tonalite, granodiorite, granite, aplite, and pegmatite. In this study 31 samples from various rocks were chosen for whole‐rock analyses and 15 samples from different lithologies were chosen for mineral chemical studies. The compositions of minerals are used to describe the nature of magma and estimate the pressure and temperature at which the Moshirabad pluton was emplaced. Feldspar compositions are near the binary systems in which plagioclase compositions range from An5 to An53 and alkali‐feldspar compositions range from Or91 to Or97. Mafic minerals in the plutonic rocks are biotite and hornblende. Based on the composition of biotites and whole‐rock chemistry, the Moshirabad pluton formed from a calc‐alkaline magma. Amphiboles are calcic amphiboles (magnesio‐hornblende or edenite). Temperatures of crystallization, calculated with the hornblende–plagioclase thermometer, range 550–750°C. These temperatures indicate that plutonic rocks have undergone some retrogressive changes in their mineral compositions. Aluminum‐in‐hornblende geobarometry indicates that the Moshirabad pluton was emplaced at pressures of 2.3–6.0 kbar, equal to depths of 7–20 km, but with consideration of regional geology, lower pressures than the above pressure range are more probable. Alteration of amphiboles can be the reason for some overestimation of pressures.  相似文献   

The Zargoli granite, which extends in a northeast–southwest direction, intrudes into the Eocene–Oligocene regional metamorphic flysch‐type sediments in the northwest of Zahedan. This pluton, based on modal and geochemical classification, is composed of biotite granite and biotite granodiorite, was contaminated by country rocks during its emplacement, and is slightly changed to more aluminous. The SiO2 content of these rocks range from 62.4 to 66 wt% with an alumina saturation index of Shand [molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] ~ 1.1. Most of its chemical variations could be explained by fractionation or heterogeneous distribution of biotite. The features of the rocks resemble those which are typical to post‐collisional granitoids. Chondrite‐normalized rare‐earth element patterns of these rocks are fractionated at (La/Lu)N = 2.25–11.82 with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 3.25–5.26). Zircon saturation thermometry provides a good estimation of magma temperatures (767.4–789.3°C) for zircon crystallization. These characteristics together with the moderate Mg# [100Mg/(Mg + Fe)] values (44–55), Fe + Mg + Ti (millications) = 130–175, and Al–(Na + K + 2Ca) (millications) = 5–50 may suggest that these rocks have been derived from the dehydration partial melting of quartz–feldspathic meta‐igneous lower crust.  相似文献   

The Khoy ophiolitic complex in Northwestern Iran is a part of the Tethyan ophiolite belt, and is divided into two sections: the Eastern ophiolite in Qeshlaq and Kalavanes (Jurassic–Cretaceous) and the Western ophiolite in Barajouk, Chuchak and Hessar (Late Cretaceous). Our chromitites can be clearly classified into two groups: high‐Al chromitites (Cr# = 0.38–0.44) from the Eastern ophiolite, and high‐Cr chromitites (Cr# = 0.54–0.72) from the Western ophiolite. The chromian spinels in high‐Al chromitite include primary mineral inclusions mainly as Na‐bearing diopside and pargasite with subordinate rutile and their formation was probably related to reaction between a MORB (mid‐ocean‐ridge basalt)‐like melt with depleted harzburgite, possibly in a back‐arc setting. Their host harzburgites contain clinopyroxene with higher contents of Al2O3, Na2O, Cr2O3, and TiO2 relative to Western harzburgites and are possibly residue after moderate partial melting (~15 %) whereas the Western harzburgite is residue after high partial melting (~25 %). The chromian spinel in the Western Khoy chromitites contains inclusions such as clinopyroxene, olivine and platinum group mineral‐bearing sulfides. These Western chromitites were possibly formed at two stages during arc growth and are divided into the moderately high‐Cr# chromitites (Barajouk and Hessar) and the high‐Cr# chromitites (Chuchak A and C). The former crystallized from island‐arc‐tholeiite (IAT) melts during reaction with the host depleted harzburgites, whereas the latter crystallized from boninitic melts (second stage melt) during reaction with highly depleted harzburgite in a supra‐subduction‐zone environment. Based on the mineral chemistry of chromian spinels, pyroxenes, and mineral inclusions, the chromitites and the host peridotites from the Eastern and Western Khoy ophiolites were formed in a back‐arc basin and arc‐related setting, respectively. The Khoy ophiolitic complex is a tectonic aggregate of the two different ophiolites formed in two different tectonic settings at different ages.  相似文献   

Talat  Ahmad  Kabita C.  Longjam  Baishali  Fouzdar  Mike J.  Bickle  Hazel J.  Chapman 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):155-174
The Sakoli Mobile Belt comprises bimodal volcanic rocks that include metabasalt, rhyolite, tuffs, and epiclastic rocks with metapelites, quartzite, arkose, conglomerate, and banded iron formation (BIF). Mafic volcanic rocks are tholeiitic to quartz‐tholeiitic with normative quartz and hypersthene. SiO2 shows a large compositional gap between the basic and acidic volcanics, depicting their bimodal nature. Both the volcanics have distinct geochemical trends but display some similarity in terms of enriched light rare earth element–large ion lithophile element characteristics with positive anomalies for U, Pb, and Th and distinct negative anomalies for Nb, P, and Ti. These characteristics are typical of continental rift volcanism. Both the volcanic rocks show strong negative Sr and Eu anomalies indicating fractionation of plagioclases and K‐feldspars, respectively. The high Fe/Mg ratios for the basic rocks indicate their evolved nature. Whole rock Sm–Nd isochrons for the acidic volcanic rocks indicate an age of crystallization for these volcanic rocks at about 1675 ± 180 Ma (initial 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51017 ± 0.00017, mean square weighted deviate [MSWD] = 1.6). The εNdt (t = 2000 Ma) varies between ?0.19 and +2.22 for the basic volcanic rock and between ?2.85 and ?4.29 for the acidic volcanic rocks. Depleted mantle model ages vary from 2000 to 2275 Ma for the basic and from 2426 to 2777 Ma for the acidic volcanic rocks, respectively. These model ages indicate that protoliths for the acidic volcanic rocks probably had a much longer crustal residence time. Predominantly basaltic magma erupted during the deposition of the Dhabetekri Formation and part of it pooled at crustal or shallower subcrustal levels that probably triggered partial melting to generate the acidic magma. The influence of basic magma on the genesis of acidic magma is indicated by the higher Ni and Cr abundance at the observed silica levels of the acidic magma. A subsequent pulse of basic magma, which became crustally contaminated, erupted as minor component along with the dominantly acidic volcanics during the deposition of the Bhiwapur Formation.  相似文献   

This study is focused on a plagioclase‐bearing spinel lherzolite from Chah Loqeh area in the Neo‐Tethyan Ashin ophiolite. It is exposed along the west of left‐lateral strike‐slip Dorouneh Fault in the northwest of Central‐East Iranian Microcontinent. Mineral chemistry (Mg#olivine < ~ 90, Cr#clinopyroxene < ~ 0.2, Cr#spinel < ~ 0.5, Al2O3orthopyroxene > ~ 2.5 wt%, Al2O3clinopyroxene > ~ 4.5 wt%, Al2O3spinel > ~ 41.5 wt%, Na2Oclinopyroxene > ~ 0.11 wt%, and TiO2clinopyroxene > ~ 0.04 wt%) confirms Ashin lherzolite was originally a mid‐oceanic ridge peridotite with low degrees of partial melting at spinel‐peridotite facies in a lithospheric mantle level. However, some Ashin lherzolites record mantle upwelling and tectonic exhumation at plagioclase‐peridotite facies during oceanic extension and diapiric motion of mantle along Nain‐Baft suture zone. This mantle upwelling is evidenced by some modifications in the modal composition (i.e. subsolidus recrystallization of plagioclase and olivine between pyroxene and spinel) and mineral chemistry (e.g. increase in TiO2 and Na2O of clinopyroxene, and TiO2 and Cr# of spinel and decrease in Mg# of olivine), as a consequence of decompression during a progressive upwelling of mantle. Previous geochronological and geochemical data and increasing the depth of subsolidus plagioclase formation at plagioclase‐peridotite facies from Nain ophiolite (~ 16 km) to Ashin ophiolite (~ 35 km) suggest a south to north closure for the Nain‐Baft oceanic crust in the northwest of Central‐East Iranian Microcontinent.  相似文献   

Oligocene dome complexes of trachydacitic to rhyolitic composition are common in the southern portion of the Mesa Central physiographic province, which forms part of the southern Basin and Range extensional province as well as of the southern Sierra Madre Occidental volcanic province. Generally, dome complexes occur aligned with regional fault systems, mostly associated with the southern Basin and Range province, and thus suggesting that faults controlled the felsic magmas that formed these domes. Two distribution patterns are evident, one aligned NE–SW and another aligned NNE. The set of domes were emplaced at 33–28 Ma. Emplacement of domes occurred in three continuous phases starting with those of trachydacite affinity at 33–32 Ma, to trachydacite–rhyolitic at 32–31 Ma, and finally to those with rhyolitic composition at 31–28 Ma. Felsic magmas that originated the domes were apparently generated by partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Contrary to previous hypothesis, our evidence suggest that these magmas in these particular areas of the Mesa Central were not accumulated in large magma reservoirs emplaced at shallow levels in the crust, but crossed the continental crust directly. Since continental crust in this region is relatively thin (30–33 km), we propose that an intense extensional episode favored the direct ascension of these magmas through the brittle crust, with little interaction with the country rock during ascent to the surface, to end up forming aligned dome chains or complexes. Geochemical data favors this model, as the felsic rocks show no depletions in Nb and Th but instead relatively enrichment in these elements. REE show flat or concave up patterns, suggesting that the magmas involved enriched (fertile), metasomatized lithospheric fluids that generated partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Based upon these data, we infer an intra-plate tectonic setting for these rocks.  相似文献   

PKP震相包含了下地幔底部P波速度结构的重要信息.中国地震台网(CSN)台站记录到的南美洲地震的PKP波的射线,对中太平洋下的D″层有很好的采样.本研究采用这些PKP波的AB和DF两个分支的走时差,研究了中太平洋下地幔底部P波速度的小尺度变化.AB-DF的走时差减小了上地幔横向不均匀性的影响,而对下地幔底部P波速度的横向变化十分敏感.与此同时,AB-DF的走时差也减小了地震定位误差的影响,消除地震发震时间测定误差的影响.本研究的结果表明,在中太平洋的地幔底部存在着大范围的AB-DF走时正残差,也即低速异常区,这可能是太平洋下超大地幔热柱的源处.观测到的P波速度异常的空间分布总体上与Grand通过层析成像得到的CMB的S波的速度异常相一致,并在变化的幅度上很好地相关,P波速度的扰动值(在D″层大约为2%)是Grand 速度模型中的S波异常的36%.这一结果有助于太平洋下超大地幔热柱的结构和性质的进一步研究.  相似文献   

The multipart Riffeltal rock glacier, located in a tributary valley of the Kaunertal, Tyrol, Austria is investigated to enlarge the knowledge about spatial and temporal development of rock glaciers in and at the margins of pro‐glacial areas and to get a better understanding of glacier–rock glacier interactions. The subject of interest consists of a complex system of two adjacent rock glacier tongues and various superposed lobes with differing ages, origin and root zones, and therefore diverse development. To determine the reasons for their diverging development, the internal structure and permafrost occurrence on and in the surrounding area of the rock glacier were studied by application of geomorphological mapping, geophysical methods and measurement of the basal temperature of the winter snow cover (BTS). Permafrost modelling was performed on the basis of BTS data and land surface parameters derived from a high resolution airborne laser scanning (ALS) digital elevation model (DEM). Additionally, the ALS data were used to measure vertical and horizontal changes of the rock glacier surface between 2006 and 2012. Glacier–rock glacier interactions during and since the Little Ice Age (LIA) are evident for the development of the studied rock glacier. A geomorphic map gives important information about the connection between glacial advance or retreat and permafrost or ground ice occurrence. The combination of all information helps in the analysis of diverse kinematic action of neighbouring rock glacier tongues. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Southern Central America is a Late Mesozoic/Cenozoic island arc that evolved in response to the subduction of the Farallón Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate in the Late Cretaceous and, from the Oligocene, the Cocos and Nazca Plates. Southern Central America is one of the best studied convergent margins in the world. The aim of this paper is to review the sedimentary and structural evolution of arc‐related sedimentary basins in southern Central America, and to show how the arc developed from a pre‐extensional intra‐oceanic island arc into a doubly‐vergent, subduction orogen. The Cenozoic sedimentary history of southern Central America is placed into the plate tectonic context of existing Caribbean Plate models. From regional basin analysis, the evolution of the southern Central American island arc is subdivided into three phases: (i) non‐extensional stage during the Campanian; (ii) extensional phase during the Maastrichtian‐Oligocene with rapid basin subsidence and deposition of arc‐related, clastic sediments; and (iii) doubly‐vergent, compressional arc phase along the 280 km long southern Costa Rican arc segment related to either oblique subduction of the Nazca plate, west‐to‐east passage of the Nazca–Cocos–Caribbean triple junction, or the subduction of rough oceanic crust of the Cocos Plate. The Pleistocene subduction of the Cocos Ridge contributed to the contraction but was not the primary driver. The architecture of the arc‐related sedimentary basin‐fills has been controlled by four factors: (i) subsidence caused by tectonic mechanisms, linked to the angle and morphology of the incoming plate, as shown by the fact that subduction of aseismic ridges and slab segments with rough crust were important drivers for subduction erosion, controlling the shape of forearc and trench‐slope basins, the lifespan of sedimentary basins, and the subsidence and uplift patterns; (ii) subsidence caused by slab rollback and resulting trench retreat; (iii) eustatic sea‐level changes; and (iv) sediment dispersal systems.  相似文献   

Whole‐rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic data are presented for late Miocene volcanic rocks associated with the Chah Zard epithermal Au–Ag deposit in the Urumieh‐Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA), Iran, to investigate the magma source, petrogenesis and the geodynamic evolution of the study area. The Chah Zard andesitic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks are characterized by significant Large Ion Lithophile Element (LILE) and Light Rare Earth Element (LREE) enrichment coupled with High Field Strength Element (HFSE) depletion. Our geochemical data indicate an adakitic‐like signature for the volcanic rocks (e.g. SiO2 > 62 wt%, Al2O3 > 15 wt%, MgO < 1.5 wt%, Sr/Y > 70, La/Yb > 35, Yb < 1 ppm, and Y < 18 ppm, and no significant Eu anomalies), distinguishing them from the other volcanic rocks of the UDMA. The Chah Zard volcanic rocks have similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions; the 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios range from 0.704 902 to 0.705 093 and the εNd(i) values are from +2.33 to +2.70. However, the rhyolite porphyry represents the final stage of magmatism in the area and has a relatively high 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.705 811). Our data suggest that the andesitic magmas are from a heterogeneous source and likely to result from partial melting of a metasomatized mantle wedge associated with a mixture of subducted oceanic crust and sediment. These melts subsequently underwent fractional crystallization along with minor amounts of crustal assimilation. Our study is consistent with the model that the volcanic host rocks to epithermal gold mineralization in the UDMA are genetically related to late Miocene Neo‐Tethyan slab break‐off beneath Central Iran.  相似文献   

The Solonker Suture Zone is thought to record the terminal evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) in Inner Mongolia. However, two contrasting interpretations of the timing of suturing of the Solonker Suture Zone exist: (i) Permian to Early Triassic; and (ii) Middle Devonian or Late Devonian to Carboniferous. The Shuangjing Schist is exposed in the Linxi area along the Xar Moron Fault Zone, which marks the southern boundary of the Solonker Suture Zone in the eastern section of the CAOB, and thus provides insight into the timing of suturing of the Solonker Suture Zone. Detailed and systematic analysis of the petrology and geochemistry of the Shuangjing Schist shows that the Shuangjing Schist developed by greenschist facies prograde metamorphism of a volcanisedimentary rock series protolith. The volcanic parts of the Shuangjing Schist are a calc‐alkaline series with large volumes of intermediate members and subordinate acidic members. Volcanism occurred in a magmatic arc on the continental margin and was induced by subduction‐related magmatism resulting from mantle metasomatism. The sedimentary parts of the Shuangjing Schist reflect a transition from continental shelf to abyssal plain sedimentation. The formation of the Shuangjing Schist is suggested to be related to closure of an arc/forearc‐related ocean basin. The timing is constrained by a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP–MS) U–Pb magmatic zircon age of 298 ± 2 Ma from a carbonaceous biotite–plagioclase schist that was intruded by granite at 272 ± 2 Ma. In the Linxi area, southward subduction of the arc/forearc basin led to uplift, thickening, collapse, and erosion of the overriding continental crust. Collapse induced extension and widespread magmatism along the volcanic arc at the northern margin of the North China Craton. The closure of the arc/forearc‐related oceanic basin led to the formation of Late Permian to Middle Triassic collisional granites and the subsequent end of the collision of the Solonker Suture Zone.  相似文献   

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