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It is evident that lunar mare basins have been subsiding and one reason for such subsidence was the existence of their mascons and their volcanic fills as loads that flexed the lithosphere. The additional effects of drying up and cooling of internal hot volumes may also have been important, leading to still more compressional mare environment. The remaining relicic thermal pulse-induced dilatation within large areas surrounding the mare basins may be responsible for the extensional rille tectonics together with the flexural peripheral bulge due to tensional arching and bending due to differences in internal volume changes. The internal attack against the lunar crust has been quite different above and below the mean surface. Below this level the old crust was more easily attacked by volcanic extrusions, causing thick lava covers and, as a consequence, broken by compressional forces; while above this level the old crust has instead been temporarily and in places attacked by tensional forces in dimensions determined by the internal energy sources and their interaction with the lithospheric roof, thus enabling the internal forces together with flexural bending to dome and fault the upper crustal surface to some extent in respect to mare areas. The rille formation can be characterized by peripheral bulging and bending. The share of asthenosphere-related effects in lunar tectonics must be considered to have been very important. If only lava load and mascons have raised compression within mare areas and tension within the surrounding terra how can be explained those rille graben which do not have any extra mass concentrations nor lavas on their sides and why some major mascon basins have so few tensional rille graben structures around them?  相似文献   

Lunar crustal shortening does not seem to be restricted to the lava-filled basins alone; but there are some young scarp-like terra ridges in places around mare areas where they often continue other tectonic structures. This crustal shortening has not reached the same intensity as in the case of the lobate scarp overthrusts on Mercury. Young lunar terra ridges indicate that crustal shortening with an areal extent also took place slightly around mare basins. Thus they link tensional rille tectonics with compressional mare ridge tectonics and indicate that areal heating/bending/extension — cooling/ shortening/compression may describe an important explaining factor in lunar mare- and near-mare tectonics in addition to the volcanic extrusions.  相似文献   

The concept of block tectonics provides a framework for understanding many aspects of Tharsis and adjoining structures. This Tharsis block tectonics on Mars is manifested partly by mantle-related doming and partly by response to loading by subsequent volcanic construction. Although the origin of the volcanism from beneath Tharsis is a subject of controversy explanations have to include inhomogenities in Martian internal structure, energy distribution, magma accumulation and motion below the lithosphere. Thermal convection can be seen as a necessary consequence for transient initial phase of Martian cooling. This produced part of the elevated topography with tensional stresses and graben systems radial to the main bulge. The linear grabens, radial to the Tharsis center, can be interpreted to indicate rift zones that define the crustal block boundaries. The load-induced stresses may then have contributed on further graben and ridge formation over an extended period of time.On leave from Dept. of Astronomy University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.  相似文献   

Some en echelon structures, tension gashes and compressional ridges may form similar patterns. The N-S compression activates diagonal conjugate zones of weakness with tension gashes in the vicinity of the compressional direction. In the case of E-W compression similar arrangements of en echelon compression ridges are generated.The global N-S compression existing at the time of fracturing of the lava-flooded Oceanus Procellarum basin is arguable. It is possible to interpret some different scale mare ridge arrangements as en echelon within en echelon structures. Major ridge ranges evidently have Riedel and opposite Riedel orientations and they consist of minor en echelon structures which may in places be intruded tension gashes but are evidently mostly sheared and compressed Riedel fractures.The en echelon withinen echelon structures of mare ridges manifest the significance of different scale strike-slip movements along the lithosphere zones of weakness indicated by present mare ridge zones. The orientation of these Riedel-fracture-like en echelon structures also points to the existence of an areal compression during shearings along the zones of weakness. The Oceanus Procellarum basin sinking caused by lava loadings and lunar internal cooling led to the lithosphere shortening and to compressional circumstances. The angle between proposed Riedel structures and the mare ridge zones varies within this area, possibly indicating differences in compression and shearing in distinct parts of the shortened basin lithosphere.  相似文献   

A structural analysis is presented of mare ridges in an area of about 360000 km2 in the southeastern part of Oceanus Procellarum just north of Mare Humorum.Mare ridges can be regarded as the result of large-scale natural tectonic deformation experiments coupled with and extended by volcanic phenomena. The old lunar crust has evidently retained part of the Moon's original tectonic elements throughout major exo- and endogenic events. Those structures which in places were flooded by mare lavas were also the first flaws to yield and to extend during younger tectonic and volcanic activity. Linear mare ridges may thus have formed at the activated and re-activated junctures of lunar crustal plates.Implications for the tectonics of mare ridges evidently show that one global stress field cannot account for all lunar tectonics but that global and areal variations in the lunar stress system have probably occurred.  相似文献   

Mare ridges of the Hesperia Planum area form linear, reticular and circular structures. The main factors effective in mare ridge formation have been (i) a large areal, or maybe even global, shortening and compression, (ii) major crustal tectonics, and (iii) the moderation of tectonic movements by the megaregolith discontinuity layer(s) between surface lavas and the bedrock leaving the compressional thrust to dominate over other fault movements in surface tectonics.  相似文献   

Mare ridges were caused by compressional tectonics and indicate the shortening of the planum surface foiled by lavas. At least two separate tectonic phases within Syrtis Major Planum can be found. The two central calderas are located on the southwestern continuation of the Nili Fossae graben zone at the junction of the N-S and NW-SE mare ridge sets. These central calderas were formed by surface collapses into relatively shallow magma chambers. Radial and concentric mare ridges around the two calderas represent a shortened surface environment within the large compressional megacaldera. Shortening was caused by sinking of the crust due to the lava load, plumbing of the magma chambers and cooling of the interiors. The main NW-SE ridge trend parallels highland faults of the major structural zone extending from Hesperia Planum to Vastitas Borealis. These NW-SE ridges indicate the large scale areal tectonic trend along the Scopulus Oenotria - Phison Rupes fault zone and support the idea of a main SW-NE compression. The N-S directed mare ridges of the northern planum area favour a change in compressional stress direction from SW-NE in the south to E-W in the northern planum, obviously due to the buried local topography. These linear mare ridges can also be interpreted as forming a large Isidis Planitia-concentric ridge circle connecting Nili Fossae to Libya Montes. Formation of the mare ridges was the youngest of the main tectonic phases involved within the area studied.  相似文献   

By combining UV negatives with IR positives of the full Moon, it is possible to suppress albedo differences and to enhance color differences between various lunar regions. Areas within the lunar maria exhibit the greatest color variations, and many have sharp boundaries. In contrast, the terrae in general show only feeble color variations, although small terra regions situated near or surrounded by maria sometimes display enhanced redness. The mare color boundaries in some cases coincide with the edges of clear-cut lava flows, the bluer material overlying the redder. One wedge-shaped area of bluer material corresponds with a prominent sinuous rille, the rille source being situated precisely in the point of the wedge. This area has obliterated portions of two ray systems, showing that the bluer material was deposited later than both the surrounding redder material and the ray material. On the other hand, rays from the crater Olbers A cross both colored areas impartially. Other examples of ray obliteration by bluer deposits are found elsewhere. From Apollo and Surveyor analyses, it is found that there is an apparent correlation between degree of blueness and titanium content of the surface materials. The following conclusions may be drawn:
  1. The various maria were deposited over considerable lengths of time; this does not support the fusion-through-impact hypothesis.
  2. The bluer materials, which appear to be those of high Ti content, are the more recent.
  3. The hypothesis that sinuous rilles are lava drainage channels is supported.
  4. The terrae covered by this study are mostly monotonous, suggesting constant composition, but a few anomalously red isolated regions may be of substantially different composition.

Five sinuous rilles occur in mare basalts in the Harbinger Mountains region of the Moon. Complete and accurate topographic data, now available for the first time, make possible a detailed topographic study of these rilles. Rille length ranges from 12 to 79 km and width from 0.8 to 4.8 km. Depth varies from 100 to 300 m and the rilles appear to become shallower to the north. The southern ends of the rilles are characterized by circular to elongate depressions that occur on a 30 km in diameter dome of probable volcanic origin. Longitudinal profiles show that the rille floors have a northward slope of less than one degree. This slope is consistent with the general slope of the surrounding mare surface. Structural studies indicate that slope rather than the regional structural pattern is the dominant factor controlling rille direction. Topographic data lend support to the theory that the rilles were formed as lava channels or tubes.  相似文献   

Radar, infrared, and photogeologic properties of lunar craters have been studied to determine whether there is a systematic difference in blocky craters between the maria and terrae and whether this difference may be due to a deep megaregolith of pulverized material forming the terra surface, as opposed to a layer of semi-coherent basalt flows forming the mare surface. Some 1310 craters from about 4 to 100 km diameter have been catalogued as radar and/or infrared anomalies. In addition, a study of Apollo Orbital Photography confirmed that the radar and infrared anomalies are correlated with blocky rubble around the crater.Analysis of the radar and infrared data indicated systematic terra—mare differences. Fresh terra craters smaller than 12 km were less likely to be infrared and radar anomalies than comparable mare craters: but terra and mare craters larger than 12 km had similar infrared and radar signatures. Also, there are many terra craters which are radar bright but not infrared anomalies.Our interpretation of these data is that while the maria are rock layers (basaltic flow units) where craters eject boulder fields, the terrae are covered by relatively pulverized megaregolith at least 2 km deep, where craters eject less rocky rubble. Blocky rubble, either in the form of actual rocks or partly consolidated blocks, contributes to the radar and infrared signatures of the crater. However, aging by impacts rapidly destroys these effects, possibly through burial by secondary debris or by disintegration of the blocks themselves, especially in terra regions.PSI Contribution No. 110.  相似文献   

Material is ejected from impact craters in ballastic trajectories; it impacts first near the crater rim and then at progressively greater ranges. Ejecta from craters smaller than approximately 1 km is laid predominantly on top of the surrounding surface. With increasing crater size, however, more and more surrounding surface will be penetrated by secondary cratering action and these preexisting materials will be mixed with primary crater ejecta. Ejecta from large craters and especially basin forming events not only excavate preexisting, local materials, but also are capable of moving large amounts of material away from the crater. Thus mixing and lateral transport give rise to continuous deposits that contain materials from within and outside the primary crater. As a consequence ejecta of basins and large highland craters have eroded and mixed highland materials throughout geologic time and deposited them in depressions inside and between older crater structures.Because lunar mare surfaces contain few large craters, the mare regolith is built up by successive layers of predominantly primary ejecta. In contrast, the lunar highlands are dominated by the effects of large scale craters formed early in lunar history. These effects lead to thick fragmental deposits which are a mixture of primary crater material and local components. These deposits may also properly be named regolith though the term has been traditionally applied only to the relatively thin fine grained surficial deposit on mare and highland terranes generated during the past few billion year. We believe that the surficial highland regolith - generated over long periods of time - rests on massive fragmental units that have been produced during the early lunar history.  相似文献   

The tectonics of the Tharsis and adjoining areas is considered to be associated with the convection in the Martian mantle. Convection and mantle plume have been responsible for the primary uplift and volcanism of the Tharsis area. The radial compressional forces generated by the tendency for downslope movement of surface strata, vertical volcanic intrusions and traction of mantle spreading beneath Tharsis were transmitted through the lithosphere to form peripheral mare ridge zones. The locations of mare ridges were thus mainly controlled by the Tharsis-radial compression. The load-induced stresses then contributed on further ridge formation over an extended period of time by the isostatic readjustment which was reponsible for long-term stresses in the adjoining areas. Extrusions, changes in internal temperature and possible phase changes may also have caused changes in mantle volume giving rise to additional compressional forces and crustal deformations.On leave from Dept. of Astronomy, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that lunar volcanism started before the emplacement of the mare fills ( b.p.) and lasted for probably more than 3.0 Ga. While the early volcanic activity is relatively easy to understand from a thermal point of view, the late stages of volcanism are harder to explain, because a relatively small body like the Earth's Moon is expected to cool rapidly and any molten layer in the interior should solidify rather quickly. We present several thermal evolution models, in which we varied the boundary conditions at the model surface in order to evaluate the influence on the extent and lifetime of a molten layer in the lunar interior. To investigate the influence of a top insulating layer we used a fully three-dimensional spherical shell convection code for the modelling of the lunar thermal history. In all our models, a partial melt zone formed nearly immediately after the simulation started (early in lunar history), consistent with the identification of lunar cryptomare and early mare basalt volcanism on the Moon. Due to the characteristic thickening of the Moon's lithosphere the melt zone solidified from above. This suggests that the source regions of volcanic rock material proceeded to increasing depth with time. The rapid growth of a massive lithosphere kept the Moon's interior warm and prevented the melt zone from fast freezing. The lifetimes of the melt zones derived from our models are consistent with basalt ages obtained from crater chronology. We conclude that an insulating megaregolith layer is sufficient to prevent the interior from fast cooling, allowing for the thermal regime necessary for the production and eruption of young lava flows in Oceanus Procellarum.  相似文献   

Large impact structures on Ganymede and Callisto are characterized by one or more concentric rings or scarps. Their formation is probably due to the collapse of the transient crater when the excavation depth is comparable to the thickness of the planetary lithosphere. The number, spacing, and morphology of the rings is a function of this thickness, the strength of the lithosphere, and crater diameter. When the lithosphere is thin and weak, the collapse is regulated by flow induced in the asthenosphere. The lithosphere fragments in a multiply concentric pattern (e.g., Valhalla, Asgard, Galileo Regio, and a newly discovered ring system on Callisto). The thickness and viscosity of a planetary lithosphere increases with time as the mantle cools. A thicker lithosphere leads to the formation of one (or very few) irregular normal faults concentric to the crater (e.g., Gilgamesh). A gravity wave or tsunami induced by impact into a liquid mantle would result in both concentric and radial extension features. Since these are not observed, this process cannot be responsible for the generation of the rings around the basins and basin palimpsests on Ganymede and Callisto. Subtle differences in thin lithosphere ring morphology between Ganymede and Callisto reflect (at least) the varying ice/silicate ratios, subsequent tectonic histories, and erosional mechanisms of the two bodies. The appearance of Galileo Regio and portions of Valhalla is best explained by ring graben, and though the Valhalla system is older, the lithosphere was 1.5 to 2.0 times as thick at the time of formation. Subsequent tectonic activity destroyed most of the basin-ring structure on Ganymede. The present lithosphere thickness is too great to permit development of any rings.  相似文献   

The principal chemical element composition and inferred mineralogy of the powdered lunar surface material at seven mare and one terra sites on the Moon are compared. The mare compositions are all similar to one another and comparable to those of terrestrial ocean ridge basalts except in having higher titanium and much lower sodium contents than the latter. These analyses suggest that most, if not all, lunar maria have this chemical composition and are derived from rocks with an average density of 3.19 g cm–3. Mare Tranquillitatis differs from the other maria in having twice the titanium content of the others.The chemical composition of the single highland site studied (Surveyor 7) is distinctly different from that of any of the maria in having much lower amounts of titanium and iron and larger amounts of aluminium and calcium. Confirmation of these general characteristics of lunar highland material has come from recent observations by the Apollo 15 Orbiter. The inferred mineralogy is 45 mole percent high anorthite plagioclase and the parent rocks have an estimated density of 2.94 g cm–3. The Surveyor 7 chemical composition is the principal contributor to present estimates of the overall chemical composition of the lunar surface.Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 14–25, 1971. This paper is an expanded and updated version of a paper presented at the Apollo 12 Lunar Science Conference, Houston, Texas, January 11–14, 1971, and published in the Proceedings of this Conference (Turkevich, 1971).  相似文献   

Topographic information, surface structures and construction of the Martian Tharsis bulge are used to estimate the previous stresses across the low-lying peripheral margins of the crustal blocks in terms of simple compensation models. Hot mantle activity, crustal roots, isostasy, and late-stage extensive lithosphere thickening together with volcanic building have been in combined response to the high-elevated Tharsis bulge. The initial phases of the Tharsis building have been dominated by the mantle plume doming, followed by extrusional dome raising. The volcanism has been most important bulge building factor only after thickening of the crust. During the initial mantle-generated doming and igneous activity the thin-lithosphere block tectonics has been very important. There has been a compressional peripheral zone around the bulge giving rise to dorsa formation while the high bulge crests have been in tensional state. The situation may be favorable for comparative studies with other planets. We may have something to learn from this block tectonics on the one-plate planet Mars even in respect to the Earth's plate tectonic paradigm.On leave from Dept. of Astronomy, University of Oulu, Finland.  相似文献   

Magnetic fluctuations measured by the Lunokhod 2 magnetometer in the Bay Le Monnier are distinctly anisotropic when compared to simultaneous Apollo 16 magnetometer data measured 1100 km away in the Descartes highlands. This anisotropy can be explained by an anomalous electrical conductivity of the upper mantle beneath Mare Serenitatis. A model is presented of anomalously lower electrical conductivity beneath Serenitatis and the simultaneous magnetic data from the Lunokhod 2 site at the mare edge and the Apollo 16 site are compared to the numerically calculated model solutions. This comparison indicates that the anisotropic fluctuations can be modeled by a nonconducting layer in the lunar lithosphere which is 150 km thick beneath the highlands and 300 km thick beneath Mare Serenitatis. A decreased electrical conductivity in the upper mantle beneath the mare may be due to a lower temperature resulting from heat carried out the magma source regions to the surface during mare flooding.  相似文献   

The circular maria - Orientale, Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium, Smythii, and Tsiolkovsky -lie nearly on a lunar great circle. This pattern can be considered the result of a very close, non-capture encounter between Moon and Earth early in solar-system history. Of critical importance in analyzing the effects of such an encounter is the position of the weightlessness limit of the Earth-Moon System which is located at about 1.63R e, measured from the center of Earth to center of Moon. Within this weightlessness limit, material can be pulled from the lunar surface and interior by Earth's gravity and either escape from the Moon or be redistributed onto the lunar surface. In the case of an encounter with a non-spinning Moon, backfalling materials would be distributed along a lunar great circle. However, if the Moon is rotating during the encounter, the backfall pattern will deviate from the great circle, the amount depending on the rate and direction of spin. Such a close encounter model may be related to the pattern of circular maria if materials departing from the source region are visualized as spheroids of molten lunar upper mantle basalt. These spheroids, then, would impact onto the lunar surface to form a pattern of lava lakes. Radiometric dates from mare rocks are consistent with this model of mare formation if the older mare rock dates are considered to date the encounter and younger dates are considered to date subsequent volcanic eruptions on a structurally weakened Moon.  相似文献   

J.L. Whitford-Stark 《Icarus》1981,48(3):393-427
Nectaris is an 820-km-diameter, multiring impact basin located on the near side of the Moon. The transient cavity is estimated to have been less than 90 km in depth and materials were excavated from a depth of less than 30 km. About 2 km thickness of impact melt is believed to line the cavity center. The impact event probably took place at about 3.98 ± 0.03 × 109 years ago. Nectaris ejecta forms a substantial proportion of the surface materials at the Apollo 16 site. Inter-ring plains deposits were deposited after the formation of the Nectaris basin. The most persuasive origin for the smooth plains is one of extrusives overlain by a thin veneer of ejecta. Basaltic fragments within Apollo 16 samples are believed to have been largely derived from Nectaris. A titanium-rich Apollo 16 mare basalt fragment has an age of 3.79 ± 0.05 × 109 years but, although some relatively titanium-enriched basalts occur in southern Nectaris, titanium-rich basalts are nowhere seen at the surface of the mare. The earliest recognized eruptives appear to be low-titanium (perhaps VLT) basalts found as pyroclastic materials on Daguerre and in the Gaudibert region. The majority of the surface basalts are of intermediate composition (possibly similar to Apollo 12 basalts) and have an age of approximately 3.6 × 109 years. The basalt fill is estimated to have a minimum thickness of 3 km. Flood-style eruptions appear to have been the main form of extrusion. Mare ridges exhibit a strong north-south preferential alignment and appear to postdate basalt emplacement. The lack of basin-related graben in Nectaris is consistent with a thick lithosphere. The basin ring structure is best preserved in the southwest and least preserved in the northeast. This is believed to result from horizontal variations in the crust and lithosphere thicknesses and from the influence of the preexisting Fecunditatis and Tranquillitatis basins; the ring structure is best preserved where the lithosphere was thickest. Floor-fractured craters within Nectaris are intimately associated with the basalt fill both in terms of age and location. Theophilus ejecta, small craters, and Tycho rays, combined with subsidence and mare ridge development, were the only modifying influences on Nectaris since the termination of basalt eruptions.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the natural and induced thermoluminescence (TL) of seven lunar meteorites in order to examine their crystallization, irradiation, and recent thermal histories. Lunar meteorites have induced TL properties similar to Apollo samples of the same provenance (highland or mare), indicating similar crystallization and metamorphic histories. MacAlpine Hills 88104/5 has experienced the greatest degree of impact/regolith processing among the highland-dominated meteorites. The basaltic breccia QUE 94281 is dominated by mare component but may also contain a significant highland component. For the mare-dominated meteorites, EET 87521 may have a significant highland impact-melt component, while Asuka 881757 and Y-793169 have been heavily shocked. The thermal history of Y-793169 included slow cooling, either during impact processing or during its initial crystallization. Our natural TL data indicate that most lunar meteorites have apparently been irradiated in space a few thousand years, with most <15,000 a. Elephant Moraine 87521 has the lowest irradiation exposure time, being <1,000 a. Either the natural TL of ALHA81005, Asuka 881757 and Y-82192 was only partially reset by lunar ejection or these meteorites were in small perihelia orbits (≤0.7 AU).  相似文献   

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