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为了揭示城市中公园和其周边城市环境的相互关系,本文以位于北京二环以内的天坛站为例,重点分析天坛站对最邻近城市站(天安门站)的冷岛效应。研究发现,当城市公园中的周边环境热岛强度在一定的范围内变化时,城市公园站的降温作用是比较稳定的,当城市热岛强度超过了某一临界阈值后,公园的降温作用就变得不稳定,本文将这种现象称为"冷岛增强效应"(enhanced cooling effect)。研究中选取了北京城区内六组公园-城市站,进行公园冷岛效应的进一步研究,发现水体、绿地等要素是影响冷岛作用的重要因素。  相似文献   

结合气象观测、遥感和模式模拟的方法研究了环太湖城市的热岛现象,分析了苏锡常地区2010年5月24日的热岛特征。气象站资料显示苏锡常地区近地面热岛强度具有明显的日变化,12 h前热岛强度在0.5~1℃之间,夜间可达2℃以上。LANDSAT和MODIS卫星观测反演的地表热岛强度约5~7℃。随着太阳辐射的增加热岛加强,其分布及强度与城市下垫面结构和城市发展水平密切相关,苏州的热岛强度最高,无锡次之。WRF模式模拟结果表明城市感热通量大、潜热通量小,高波恩比促进了热岛的发展,进而抬升边界层高度。城市动力、热力特性的改变破坏了自然的能量平衡,会对边界层内气象要素和湍流通量的垂直分布造成影响。  相似文献   

武汉城市热岛效应及其影响要素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用武汉市1961—2010年逐日气温观测资料和1981—2010年城市人口资料,采用城郊对比法、相关分析法、多元线性回归分析等方法,研究了武汉城市热岛效应及其影响要素。结果表明,武汉市自20世纪80年代后热岛效应显著,且随时间发展日益严重,2000年后有所减缓;冬季热岛效应较其他季节明显;最低气温对热岛增温贡献率达83.1%,最高气温和平均气温贡献率分别为33.3%和72.2%。总体而言,武汉为弱热岛强度等级。武汉市城市人口总数与热岛效应有较显著的正相关。气象要素中风速对热岛强度的影响较大。城市人口总数对城市热岛强度的影响更明显,武汉城市热岛受人为影响更严重。  相似文献   

Air temperature was monitored at 13 sites across the urban perimeter of a Brazilian midsize city in winter 2011. In this study, we show that the urban heat island (UHI) develops only at night and under certain weather conditions, and its intensity depends not only on the site's land cover but also on the meteorological setting. The urban heat island intensity was largest (6.6 °C) under lingering high-pressure conditions, milder (3.0 °C) under cold anticyclones and almost vanished (1.0 °C) during the passage of cold fronts. The cooling rates were calculated to monitor the growth and decay of the UHI over each specific synoptic setting. Over four contiguous days under the effect of a lingering high-pressure event, we observed that the onset of cooling was always at about 2 h before sunset. The reference site attained mean cooling rate of ?2.6 °C h?1 at sunset, whilst the maximum urban rate was ?1.2 °C h?1. Under a 3-day cold anticyclone episode, cooling also started about 2 h before sunset, and the difference between maximum rural (?2.0 °C h?1) and urban (?1.0 °C h?1) cooling rates diminished. Under cold-front conditions, the cooling rate was homogeneous for all sites and swang about zero throughout the day. The air temperature has a memory effect under lingering high-pressure conditions which intensified the UHI, in addition to the larger heat storage in the urban area. Cold anticyclone conditions promoted the development of the UHI; however, the cold air pool and relatively light winds smoothed out its intensity. Under the influence of cold fronts, the urban fabric had little effect on the city's air temperature field, and the UHI was imperceptible.  相似文献   

Observations show that the urban heat island in the atmospheric layer below roof level is most strongly developed during calm, cloudless conditions at night. This paper outlines two versions of a numerical model to describe the cooling of rural and street canyon surfaces under these conditions using surface thermal and radiative properties and the radiative geometry of the canyons. One version uses a full system of differential equations and the other the simpler force-restore approach. The two approaches are shown to be in general agreement and the output of the simpler model is shown to give a faithful representation of cooling of rural and urban surfaces, and therefore heat islands, when compared with field observations.  相似文献   

Temporal characteristics of the Beijing urban heat island   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary This paper describes the inter-annual trend, and the seasonal and hourly variation of the near surface urban heat island (UHI) in Beijing. The surface air temperature data (mean, maximum, and minimum) from one urban (downtown Beijing) and one rural (70 km from downtown Beijing) station were used for the period 1977 and 2000. It is found that the temperatures in both urban and rural stations show an increasing tendency. Specifically, minimum temperature shows the greatest tendency at the urban station whereas maximum temperature shows the greatest increase at the rural station. The UHI intensity obtained by calculating the difference in temperatures between the two stations identifies that the intensity is greatest and has the greatest increasing trend for minimum temperature, while the UHI intensity of maximum temperature shows a slow decrease over time. UHI intensity for minimum temperature has a strong positive correlation with the increase in the urban population and the expansion of the yearly construction area. Seasonal analyses showed the UHI intensity is strongest in winter. This seasonal UHI variation tends to be negatively correlated with the seasonal variation of relative humidity and vapor pressure. Hourly variation reveals that the strongest UHI intensity is observed in the late nighttime or evening, while the weakest is observed during the day.  相似文献   

城市热岛效应研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
随着城市规模的高速发展和城市人口的急剧膨胀,因城市下垫面结构的急剧变化和城市人为热排放的迅速增加所引起的城市热岛效应已逐渐成为严重影响城市人居环境和居民健康的重要因素。城市热岛效应研究已成为城市气候和区域气候研究中的热点问题。为更好地研究城市热岛效应,及时追踪国内外最新进展,综述了城市热岛的概念和形成机制,重点介绍了地面气象资料观测法、遥感监测法和边界层数值模式模拟法等3种城市热岛效应研究方法,总结了城市热岛效应国内外最新研究进展。最后基于现有城市热岛效应研究不够完善和深入,研究过于简单化和表面化,尺度局限于宏观大尺度以及各种方法自身的局限性等不足,指出在未来的城市热岛效应研究中,应突破现有的大中尺度,注意结合高分辨率卫星遥感影像进行多尺度多平台监测以及综合考虑气溶胶粒子对辐射强迫的影响等。  相似文献   

利用一个包含城市冠层效应的区域模式(WRF/NCAR),对长三角特大城市群的夏季气候效应进行了5 a(2003—2007年)高分辨数值模拟,通过长三角地区有无城市的对比试验分析,重点分析了城市群所造成的多城市热岛和地表能量平衡及其日变化特征。结果表明:城市化会导致显著的地表升温,但昼夜不同的升温幅度造成城市地表温度日较差的降低,以及部分郊区日较差增加;城市化也减小城市近地面风速,但沿海城市升温造成的热力差异,增大白天的海风并降低夜间的陆风。同时大范围城市群的热岛能够显著降低低层气压,导致部分海面风速持续的增加;城市下垫面具有很小的潜热通量,但感热通量和热存储量较大,白天的热岛逐渐增加,并在日落前达到最大,夜间热岛基本维持,但在日出前后迅速减弱;较大的入射短波辐射、较小的向下长波辐射和较低的10 m风速能够减弱白天的热岛,而增强夜间的热岛,并且使热岛峰值从17时延后至20时出现;反之亦然。  相似文献   

苏州-无锡-常州城市带热岛效应个例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用WRF(weather research and forecasting)及其耦合的多层城市冠层模式BEP(building energy parameterization),对2013年8月13日长江三角洲地区一次高温天气过程进行了模拟.此次过程盛行东南风,风向与苏州-无锡-常州城市带走向一致.模拟结果表明:苏州-无锡-常州城市带热岛效应明显,热岛强度向下游城市逐渐增加;在东南风作用下,三座城市的热岛连成一片,形成了一个更强大的热岛环流.夜晚,边界层逐渐趋于稳定,热岛环流减弱,有利于热岛温度向下游地区输送.热岛效应导致城市边界层高度明显上升.白天太湖产生强盛的湖风对其周边城市影响显著,来自太湖的冷气团导致无锡和常州边界层内热岛强度明显下降,抑制城市热岛向上发展,削弱了无锡与常州两城市热岛间的联系.白天太湖使得无锡和常州边界层高度明显下降.  相似文献   

苏州—无锡—常州城市带热岛效应个例研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用WRF(weather research and forecasting)及其耦合的多层城市冠层模式BEP(building energy parameterization),对2013年8月13日长江三角洲地区一次高温天气过程进行了模拟。此次过程盛行东南风,风向与苏州—无锡—常州城市带走向一致。模拟结果表明:苏州—无锡—常州城市带热岛效应明显,热岛强度向下游城市逐渐增加;在东南风作用下,三座城市的热岛连成一片,形成了一个更强大的热岛环流。夜晚,边界层逐渐趋于稳定,热岛环流减弱,有利于热岛温度向下游地区输送。热岛效应导致城市边界层高度明显上升。白天太湖产生强盛的湖风对其周边城市影响显著,来自太湖的冷气团导致无锡和常州边界层内热岛强度明显下降,抑制城市热岛向上发展,削弱了无锡与常州两城市热岛间的联系。白天太湖使得无锡和常州边界层高度明显下降。  相似文献   

利用浙江省东部海岛站和相邻城市站1971-2015年气温资料,通过计算线性倾向率、M-K突变检验以及数理统计方法,研究了海岛地区气温变化特征以及和相邻城市站气温变化的异同,并以海岛站为背景站分析了城市化对城市气温变化的影响性质和程度.结果发现:1)海岛地区1971-2015年间平均气温及平均最高、最低气温都存在明显的升温趋势,其线性倾向率分别为0.029、0.033和0.028℃/a,变暖幅度明显小于相邻城市站;春、秋季是四季中变暖幅度最大的季节,其次是冬季,夏季最弱,尤其北部海岛夏季没有明显的变化趋势.2)海岛站气温变暖是一种突变现象,平均最高气温发生突变时间最早,平均最低气温最晚;相邻城市站突变时间多早于海岛站,城市站最高气温没有明显的突变现象.3)以海岛作背景,城市化对于城市站年平均气温,最高、最低气温变化的影响均为正贡献,加速了气温的变暖趋势,除温州外对四季气温的贡献率也均为增温趋势,贡献率最高的季节为夏季.  相似文献   

李红梅  樊万珍 《气象科学》2019,39(4):562-568
西宁作为青藏高原最大的城市,近年来随着城市化的发展,城市热岛效应及其所带来的影响日益明显。本文利用西宁市城市和郊区气象观测站逐小时气温观测资料,分析了西宁市平均气温、最高气温和最低气温日内、候平均热岛强度变化特征,结果显示:(1)相对于郊区,西宁城区平均气温日内变化幅度较小,16—17时(北京时,下同)表现为弱的冷岛效应,冷岛强度为0.034℃,日出前的06—07时热岛强度表现最强,热岛强度最高可达3.01℃;(2)春季和夏季一天中均为热岛效应,且热岛效应日内变化幅度较小,分别为2.76℃和2.12℃。秋季和冬季在日出前的07—08时热岛强度最强,分别为2.89℃和4.14℃,秋季16—17时和冬季15—17时表现为冷岛效应,最大冷岛强度分别为0.34℃和0.53℃;(3)西宁城区1月第3候热岛强度最强为3.40℃,7月第2候热岛强度最弱为1.07℃。其中白天在1月第3候热岛强度最强为0.88℃,9月第1候最弱为0.13℃,热岛强度年内变幅较小仅为0.75℃,而夜晚在1月第3候最强为5.93℃,7月第2候最弱为1.62℃,热岛强度年内变化幅度达4.30℃;(4)西宁城区候平均最高气温在春季和夏季表现为热岛效应,热岛强度平均为0.58℃,而在秋冬季表现为冷岛效应,冷岛强度分别为1.84℃。候平均最低气温全年均表现为热岛效应,其中夏季相对较弱为3.22℃,冬季表现最强达到5.11℃。  相似文献   

城市热岛效应热点问题研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了国内外城市热岛效应研究热点及不足,探讨了时空替代性、评价指标合理性、模拟空间尺度适宜性及理论与应用研究相结合等问题,指出未来城市热岛效应研究应注重新方法与新思路的集成、城市群热岛效应监测、城市热岛与全球异常环境要素间的生态关联性、缓解城市热岛效应的生态途径与技术方法。  相似文献   

南京细颗粒物对城市热岛强度的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着城市化和工业化进程的加快,南京城市热岛效应显著,细颗粒物污染加剧,对大气环境、气候变化和人体健康产生重要影响.本文基于观测资料,分析了南京市不同颗粒物浓度水平下城市热岛强度的变化特征;利用光学特性模型OPAC(optical properties of aerosols and clouds model)和辐射传输模型TUV(troposphere ultraviolet-visible model)估计了气溶胶的光学厚度及辐射强迫;定量分析了细颗粒物对城市热岛强度的影响及其可能机制.结果表明:南京城市热岛强度范围为-0.51.3K,冬季强于夏季.细颗粒物质量浓度范围为32 135 μg/m3,冬季高于夏季,城区和郊区差别不大;当大气中细颗粒物质量浓度较高时,城市热岛强度相对较弱;南京城郊气溶胶光学厚度变化范围为0.28 1.01,在地面产生的辐射强迫达-3.88-4.72 W·m-2;由于城区和郊区下垫面、人为热、细颗粒物浓度水平的差异,造成城郊近地面降温的不同,导致细颗粒物对城市热岛强度的削弱,夏季减弱0.1K,冬季减弱0.2K.  相似文献   

城市热岛效应热点问题研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
概述了国内外城市热岛效应研究热点及不足,探讨了时空替代性、评价指标合理性、模拟空间尺度适宜性及理论与应用研究相结合等问题,指出未来城市热岛效应研究应注重新方法与新思路的集成、城市群热岛效应监测、城市热岛与全球异常环境要素间的生态关联性、缓解城市热岛效应的生态途径与技术方法。  相似文献   

Roughness length for heat over an urban canopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The roughness length for heat zT was evaluated over an urban canopy, using the measured sensible heat flux and radiometric temperature. To overcome thermal heterogeneity in the urban area, the measured radiometric temperature was transformed into the equivalent temperature of an upward longwave radiation flux. The equivalent temperature was found to provide an effective parameterization of the radiometric temperature. The daytime average of the resulting ln(zT/z0) was 10, where z0 is the aerodynamic roughness length. This result generally agrees with previous studies; however, the anthropogenic heat is a large uncertainty, which could cause an error at least 240% in zT.  相似文献   

城市热岛效应对污染物扩散规律影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
苗曼倩 《大气科学》1990,14(2):207-214
用一个二维非定常扩散方程模拟了夜间城市边界层中三种不同有效高度(20m,72m和110m)连续线源所产生的污染物浓度分布特征。数值试验结果表明:不管是否出现热岛环流,城市热岛效应使高架源产生的地面浓度增大,而使近地面源所产生的地面浓度减小。这是因为城市下垫面的热力和动力作用改变了一般的边界层低层的温度结构和湍流结构所致。  相似文献   

Summary The effects of atmospheric boundary-layer stability on urban heat island-induced circulation are numerically and theoretically investigated using a nonlinear numerical model (ARPS) and a two-layer linear analytical model. Numerical model simulations show that as the boundary layer becomes less stable, a downwind updraft cell induced by the urban heat island strengthens. It is also shown that as the boundary layer becomes less stable, both the height of the maximum updraft velocity and the vertical extent of the downwind updraft cell increase. Hence, in the daytime with a nearly neutral or less stable boundary layer the urban heat island-induced circulation can become strong, even though the urban heat island is weak. It is suggested that these findings can be a mechanism for urban-induced thunderstorms observed in the late afternoon or evening with a nearly neutral or less stable boundary layer. The boundary-layer stability affects the spatial distribution of scalar concentration through its influencing urban heat island-induced circulation. Analytical results from a two-layer model with different boundary-layer stabilities in the lower and upper layers are in general qualitatively consistent with the numerical simulation results, although the low-level maximum vertical velocity does not change monotonically with lower-layer stability.  相似文献   

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