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The generation of natural gases is much more complicated in comparison with liquid petro-leum in that natural gases could be generated from both humic and sapropelic organic matter at different stages and that natural gases could be organic and inorganic …  相似文献   

The modeling of formation pressure in Yinggehai shows that DF1-1 diapir has oscilla-torily released thermal fluids twice since 5.0 Ma, which may be controlled by the multi-structural subsidences and their accompanying thermal events. Using thermal indicators of formation temperature by DST, I/S mixed clay minerals, homogeneous temperature of inorganic fluid inclusion and δ13C of methane to trace the thermal fluid migrating order and path, we found that there are two orders of natural gas migration-accumulation in the upper site over the top of the overpressured compartment. Based on the oscillatory development of formation pressure, we postulate there would exist earlier (before 5.0 Ma) gas accumulation in their deeper site.  相似文献   

The Dongfang 13-1 is located in the diapiric structure belt of the Yinggehai Basin. The formation pressure of its main gas reservoir in the Miocene Huangliu Formation is up to 54.6 MPa(pressure coefficient=1.91) and the temperature is as high as 143°C(geothermal gradient 4.36°C/100 m), indicating that it is a typical high-temperature and overpressured gas reservoir. The natural gas is interpreted to be coal-type gas derived from the Miocene mature source rocks containing type II2-III kerogens as evidenced by high dryness index of up to 0.98 and heavy carbon isotopes, i.e., the δ13C1 ranging from -30.76‰ to -37.52‰ and δ13C2 ranging from -25.02‰ to -25.62‰. The high temperature and overpressured Miocene petroleum system is related mainly to diapir in the Yinggehai Basin and contains more pore water in the overpressured reservoirs due to undercompaction process. The experimental and calculated results show that the solubility of natural gas in formation water is as high as 10.5 m3/m3 under the temperature and pressure conditions of the Sanya Formation, indicating that at least part of the gas may migrate in the form of water-soluble phase. Meanwhile, the abundant gas source in the Basin makes it possible for the rapid saturation of natural gas in formation water and exsolution of soluble gas. Therefore, the main elements controlling formation of the Dongfang 13-1 gas pool include that(1) the diapir activities and accompanying changes in temperature and pressure accelerate the water-soluble gas exsolution and release a lot of free gas;(2) submarine fan fine sandstone in the Huangliu Formation provides good gas-water segregation and accumulation space; and(3) the overlying overpressured mud rocks act as effective caps. The accumulation mechanism reveals that the high temperatural and high pressure structure belt near the diapir structures has a good potential for large and medium-sized gas field exploration.  相似文献   

Mechanism of diapirism and episodic fluid injections in the Yinggehai Basin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The diapirism in the Yinggehai Basin is a combined result of strong overpressure caused by rapid sedimentation of fine-grain sediments and the tensile stress field resulting from right-lateral slip of the boundary-fault. The diapirism showed multiple-stage, episodic nature, and caused intermittent counter-direction onlaps and changes in the thickness of strata. The shallow gas reservoirs in the diapir structural zone displayed obvious inter-reservoir compositional heterogeneities, and their filling history could be divided into 4 stages, with gases injected during different stages having different hydrocarbon gas, CO2 and N2 contents and different stable isotope compositions. The multiple-episode, intermittent activities of the diapirs, multiple-stage, non-continuous injections of fluids, and the transient thermal effect of fluid flow as well as the strong migration fractionation reflected episodic fluid injection and natural gas accumulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the poly-phase salt tectonics and its relation to the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Tarim superimposed basin. Several salt sequences are developed in the Tarim basin, they are: (1) the Mid-Early Cambrian salt sequence, mainly distributed in the west part of the north Tarim uplift and Keping uplift; (2) the Early Carboniferous salt sequence, mainly distributed in the south slope of the north Tarim uplift; (3) the Paleogene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the mid-west part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt and north Tarim uplift; and (4) the Miocene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the east part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt. The salt sequences deposited in the tectonically calm scenario, while the salt layers deformed during the period of intense tectonism. Although the salt sequences are characteristic of plastic flow, the differences of salt deformation styles exist in the different salt sequences because of the different deformation mechanism. It is attractive that the distribution of the large oil-gas fields or pools has a bearing upon the salt sequences and salt structures, such as the Tahe oilfield related to the Lower Carboniferous salt sequence and laterally facies changed mudstone, the Kela No.2 gas field to the Paleogene salt structures, and the Dina gas field to the Miocene salt structures. It is indicated that the large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation is controlled by the poly-phase salt sequences and structures. The deep analysis of the poly-phase salt tectonics is helpful to understanding the characteristics of the structural deformation and oil-gas accumulation of the Tarim basin.  相似文献   

Based on the analyses of generation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in the structures of Kela 1, Kela 2 and Kela 3 in Kasangtuokai anticlinal belt using a series of geological and geochemical evidence, this paper proposes that the rapid rate of hydrocarbon generation, main drain path for over-pressured fluid flow and converging conduit system are indispensable conditions for the rapid, late-stage gas accumulation in the Kelasu thrust belt in the Kuqa depression. Due to structural over-lapping and the resultant rapid burial, the maturity of the source rocks had been increased rapidly from 1.3 to 2.5% Ro within 2.3 Ma, with an average rate of Ro increase up to 0.539% Ro/Ma. The rapid matura-tion of the source rocks had provided sufficient gases for late-stage gas accumulation. The kelasu structural belt has a variety of faults, but only the fault that related with fault propagation fold and cut through the gypsiferous mudstone cap could act as the main path for overpressured fluid release and then for fast gas accumulation in low fluid potential area. All the evidence from surface structure map, seismic profile explanation, authigenic kaolinite and reservoir property demonstrates that the main drain path related with faults for overpressured fluid and the converging conduit system are the key point for the formation of the giant Kela 2 gas field. By contrast, the Kela 1 and Kela 3 structures lo-cated on both sides of Kela 2 structure, are not favourable for gas accumulation due to lacking con-verging conduit system.  相似文献   

Mesozoic basin evolution and tectonic mechanism in Yanshan, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Mesozoic basins in Yanshan, China underwent several important tectonic transformations, including changes from a pre-Late Triassic marginal cratonic basin to a Late Triassic-Late Jurassic flexural basin and then to a late Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift basin. In response to two violent intraplate deformation at Late Triassic and Late Jurassic, coarse fluvial depositional systems in Xingshikou and Tuchengzi Formations were deposited in front of thrust belts. Controlled by transform and extension faulting, fan deltas and lacustrine systems were deposited in Early Cretaceous basins. The composition of clastic debris in Late Triassic and Late Jurassic flexural basins respectively represents unroofing processes from Proterozoic to Archean and from early deposited, overlying pyroclastic rocks to basement rocks in provenance areas. Restored protobasins were gradually migrated toward nearly NEE to EW-trending from Early Jurassic to early Late Jurassic. The Early Cretaceous basins with a NNE-trending crossed over early-formed basins. The Early-Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basins were respectively controlled by different tectonic mechanisms.  相似文献   

莺东斜坡带速度分析方法研究及速度影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
莺歌海盆地是一个有勘探潜力的盆地,尤其是莺东斜坡带附近有良好勘探前景.但是由于研究区位于莺东斜坡带附近,因此构造解释具有相当的难度,尤其是由时间解释转化为构造解释有难度,需要有一个准确的速度来进行时深转换.基于此原因,本文首先介绍了速度谱拾取过程中的一些难点及解决方法;其后是速度分析取得的成果,通过DepthTeam形成速度体,从点、面、体三个不同角度证明了速度谱拾取过程中速度的准确性以及速度体的实用性;最后对单井和地层的速度进行了统计分析,总结了本区影响速度变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

临汾盆地位于山西地堑系的南部,地裂缝灾害频发且成因复杂多样;特别是20世纪90年代以后出现在侯马凹陷盆地的地裂缝,发育规模大,灾害严重,给当地居民造成了严重的经济损失.以2007年出现在侯马凹陷盆地区的北张地裂缝为例,通过详细的地面调查和地表测绘查了地裂缝的平面展布特征,利用槽探揭示地裂缝的剖面结构特征.根据物探、钻探...  相似文献   

~~Salinity variation of formation water and diagenesis reaction in abnormal pressure environments@解习农 @焦赳赳 @李思田 @成建梅~~~~  相似文献   

Taking the hydrocarbon source rocks of Ordovician, Lower Paleozoic in the Ordos Basin as the main research object, the characteristics of petroleum geological dynamics about geohistory, geothermal history, hydrocarbon generation history and hydrocarbon expulsion history were studied by using the methods of basin numerical modeling dynamically and pool-forming dynamics. It is shown that the Ordovician strata had entirely undergone five stages of initial deposition, uplift and erosion, rapid subsidence, alternating uplift and subsidence, and differential uplift and erosion; that under the background of lower heat flow on the whole, the paleoheat flow of Ordovician strata in the basin could be divided into two large stages of relatively high heat flow values period before Cretaceous deposition and relatively low ones after it; that the thermal evolution of organic matters in the hydrocarbon source rocks of Ordovician had entered into high mature-postmature stage on the whole and the intensity of gas generated was greater than that of oil generated, the hydrocarbon being mainly natural gas; and that the curves of the intensity of oil and gas expulsion at each time unit showed the feature of multi-peak-type, the accumulative intensity of gas expulsion was greater than that of oil expulsion. Thus natural gas exploration potential is good.  相似文献   

基于在鄂尔多斯盆地与其北部造山带地域,即沿延川—包头—满都拉地带进行的地震宽角反射和折射波场探测,取得了高分辨率的Pg波震相.通过走时差分层析成像方法进行Pg波波场走时反演,给出了沿剖面辖区的上地壳速度分布,求得了沉积建造和结晶基底折射界面的起伏变化,并给予了解释.研究结果表明,鄂尔多斯盆地上地壳为双层结构,上下层之间存在明显的折射界面,上层速度低,纵向变化梯度大;下层速度高,变化较为均匀.基于沿剖面辖区上地壳的速度分布特征提出自南向北应分为:榆林南凹陷、榆林—刀兔隆起、刀兔北至鄂尔多斯北缘断裂为箕形凹陷及其内部的次级构造、呼包凹陷以及伴随的断裂等沉积建造和结晶基底的起伏变化.阴山造山带上地壳速度明显比两侧地区高,速度呈纵向条带状展布,故呈现出结晶基底结构的分布特征和乌拉山、色尔腾山、和教岩体及白云鄂博群陆壳拼合及增生现象.内蒙造山带上地壳亦为双层结构,但基底折射界面不如鄂尔多斯块体明显.本文基于对该区沉积建造和结晶基底的起伏,讨论了沿剖面各有关凹陷的沉积特征与油气前景.  相似文献   

Gas formation mechanism of marine carbonate source rocks in China   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
It has been proven in exploration practice that thecarbonates in China not only can generate hydrocar-bons, but also form commercial reservoirs. The car-bonates are different from clastic rocks in view of theirdeposition environment as well as their sedimentaryand diagenetic processes. Therefore, the evaluationcriteria and hydrocarbon generation mechanism forcarbonates can not be the same as that for clasticrocks, and it is important to establish a special hydro-carbon generation mechanism and…  相似文献   

Combined evidence from the outcrop and the fluid inclusion assemblage (FIA) analysis indicates that there exist two episodes of fluid flow controlled by the tectonic activity. The first episode was recorded mainly in the reservoir rock of the Honghuayuan Formation,representing the fluid flow of hydrocarbon charging. The second episode occurred mainly along the fault systems,representing the fluid move-ment when the ancient oil reservoir was destroyed. The host mineral morphology,homogeneous tem-perature,and salinity of the FIAs record an episodic fluid movement. Characters of high homogenous temperature,low salinity and a quick temperature variation of the first episode fluid flow may indicate an early-stage fluid eruption,and correspondingly,fine-grained calcite was formed. Temperature of the erupted fluid tended to decrease during its mixing with the upper formation fluid and finally had the same temperature as the upper formation. From then on,the temperature was rather steady and fa-vored the growth of the coarse calcite. Due to this character of the temperature variation of the episodic fluid flow,we can use the homogenous temperature of the FIA of the coarse calcite to date the forma-tion and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir. Episodic fluid flow was known for its inhomogeneous trapping,which resulted in the failure of dating according to the burial history. But taking a close look at its temperature variation,we think that the latest stage of fluid flow,characterized by steady state temperature and grow of the coarser crystals,can be used for dating. It will be of great value if this method is proved to be effective. The formation and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir were dated to be in the Indosinian Period and the late Yanshan-early Hymalayan Period respectively. This conclusion is in great discrepancy with the common accepted idea that the Majiang ancient oil reservoir was formed and destroyed during the Caledonian tectonic movement. Even so,this paper further discussed its reliability from the view of the source rock evolution and also the local tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

基底构造探测对地热成因机理研究十分重要.对近期完成的区域重力测量数据开展了场源边缘检测和密度界面反演等处理, 获得了延庆盆地新生界基底形态及断裂展布特征.同时收集钻孔测温和热导率资料计算了17眼钻孔的大地热流, 分析了热流异常及其构造成因, 得到结论如下: (1)延庆盆地的基底形态为"一凸四凹一单斜", 即东五里营凸起、姚家营凹陷、张老营凹陷、田宋营凹陷、卓家营凹陷、康庄—沈家营单斜带.延庆盆地由2条NE向断裂控制, 6条近SN向断裂连通山区补给区并切割NE向断裂, 构成纵横交错的浅部断层网络.(2)延庆盆地大地热流平均值为65.8±13.0 mW·m-2, 略低于渤海湾盆地热流均值, 相对高热流区有两处, 一是康庄—沈家营断裂和靳家堡断裂交汇区, 二是西卓家营凹陷和东五里营凸起之间的过渡带.(3)延庆盆地地表热流异常主要与蓟县系碳酸盐岩高热导率地层分布及其厚度变化、多体系浅部断裂组合控制地下水热活动促使热流再分配有关, 盆地北缘佛峪口—黄柏寺断裂发育和燕山期花岗岩侵入影响较小.  相似文献   

Relationships between stream chemistry and elevation, area, Anakeesta geology, soil properties, and dominant vegetation were evaluated to identify the influence of basin characteristics on baseflow and stormflow chemistry in eight streams of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Statistical analyses were employed to determine differences between baseflow and stormflow chemistry, and relate basin‐scale factors governing local chemical processes to stream chemistry. Following precipitation events, stream pH was reduced and aluminium concentrations increased, while the response of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), nitrate, sulfate, and base cations varied. Several basin characteristics were highly correlated with each other, demonstrating the interrelatedness of topographical, geological, soil, and vegetative parameters. These interrelated basin factors uniquely influenced acidification response in these streams. Streams in higher‐elevation basins (>975 m) had significantly lower pH, ANC, sodium, and silicon and higher nitrate concentrations (p < 0.05). Streams in smaller basins (<10 km2) had significantly lower nitrate, sodium, magnesium, silicon, and base cation concentrations. In stormflow, streams in basins with Anakeesta geology (>10%) had significantly lower pH and sodium concentrations, and higher aluminium concentrations. Chemical and physical soil characteristics and dominant overstory vegetation in basins were more strongly correlated with baseflow and stormflow chemical constituents than topographical and geological basin factors. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, of all the soil parameters, was most related to concentrations of stormflow constituents. Basins with higher average hydraulic conductivities were associated with lower stream pH, ANC, and base cation concentrations, and higher nitrate and sulfate concentrations. These results emphasize the importance of soil and geological properties influencing stream chemistry and promote the prioritization of management strategies for aquatic resources. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在四川盆地通南巴构造带,首先以井芯、录井资料和钻井泥浆比重资料为约束条件,利用泥岩段声波测井资料建立区域“正常压实趋势线”;然后用精细速度处理获得的地震层速度剖面减去区域“正常压实趋势线”建立速度差值剖面,速度差值剖面上的异常低速带定性指示了地层超压范围;再采用速度一压力变换技术,建立压力系数剖面,定量分析地层超压,地层压力计算结果与实际钻井采用的泥浆比重较好吻合,说明利用地球物理资料、钻井资料及地质资料不但可以定性识别超压地层,而且可以定量预测地层压力;对不同压力封存箱的认识有助于分析地层含油气性延展方向,指导下一步勘探部署。  相似文献   

Through rock acoustic emission experiments and structural deformation analysis, the tectonic stages in Meso-Cenozoic in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin are firstly divided. Then, combining with rock magnetic fabric analysis and memory information, the distribution characteristics of tectonic stress field of every tectonic stage are quantificationally resumed. At the same time, according to the distribution relation of tectonic stress field of hydrocarbon formation stage by the finite element numerical simulation method and the known hydrocarbon reservoirs, the effects of tectonic stress field on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are further analyzed. The Kuqa depression has mainly experienced six tectonic movements since Mesozoic. Except that the tectonic stress field of the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) showed northeast-southwest extensional stress field where the orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) was northwest-southeast, the others were compressive stress field where the orientations of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) were near north-south. Along with the closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean, the Kuqa depression in the Indosinian stage (250-208 Ma) was in strong compressive circumstance with apparently big maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. Due to the equilibrium adjustment of interior Eurasia, the Kuqa depression in the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) was in weak extensional circumstance with apparently small maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. From the Late Yanshan stage (135-65 Ma) on, with a series of collision events occurring at the south edge of Eurasia, the Kuqa depression was in compressive circumstance again in which the maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude was from small to big in turn. The Late Himalayan stage (2.6-0.7 Ma) was the main tectonic deformation stage with the biggest principal compressive stress (σ1) magnitude. Tectonic stress field plays a dominant role in hydrocarbon formation, it not only forms migration channels and trap structures for hydrocarbon accumulation, but also is the main drive power for hydrocarbon migration vertically along faults.  相似文献   

The 1995 Northern Niigata Earthquake (M 6.0) occurred at a shallow depth in the Niigata seismic gap. The anomaly areas in temperature, electrical conductivity and Cl- concentration of groundwater trend northeast as linear distribution in the epicentral area and are approximately coincident with the area of the seismic intensity 6 (JMA scale). The distributions of seismic intensity 6 and groundwater anomalies convincingly imaged the presence of a buried active fault beneath the epicentral area. The occurrence of this earthquake and the anomalies of groundwater were related to the expulsion of geopressured hydrothermal system (GHS). All epicenters of the destructive earthquakes along the Shinanogawa seismic belt are actually located in the buried active fault zones characterized by the areas of temperature and geochemical anomalies of groundwater. These earthquakes might have been triggered by the activity of GHS. The expulsion of GHS along an active fault in combination with the thermal softening of fault  相似文献   

The geochemical backgrounds and origins of soil gases in the Yanhuai basin are discussed based on the regional seismogeological data and concentrations of Rn, Hg, CO&lt;sub&lt;2&lt;/sub&lt;, H&lt;sub&lt;2&lt;/sub&lt;, He and CH&lt;sub&lt;4&lt;/sub&lt; in soil gas measured at 422 investigating sites in field during September to October 2007. The geochemical background values of Rn, Hg, CO&lt;sub&lt;2&lt;/sub&lt;, H&lt;sub&lt;2&lt;/sub&lt;, He and CH&lt;sub&lt;4&lt;/sub&lt; are (8105.8?±5937.4) Bq/m&lt;sup&lt;3&lt;/sup&lt;, (9.7?±5.8) ng/m&lt;sup&lt;3&lt;/sup&lt;, (395.9?±35.3)?×10&lt;sup&lt;?6&lt;/sup&lt;, (4.0?±2.3)?×10&lt;sup&lt;?6&lt;/sup&lt;, (15.9?±10.4)×?10&lt;sup&lt;?6&lt;/sup&lt; and (12.7?±8.1)?×10&lt;sup&lt;?6&lt;/sup&lt;, respectively. The geochemical backgrounds of the soil gases are higher in the eastern part of the Yanhuai basin. The main factors affecting the gasgeochemical backgrounds are gaseous origins, structure of the crust, faults, stratum and microbe activity. The higher values of gasgeochemical backgrounds in the eastern part are attributed to the existence of low-velocity zones in the upper crust, stronger tectonic activity and more contributions of Hg and He derived from the deep-earth and Rn originated from granite, corresponding to stronger seismic activity. The results can be applied to identifying seismic precursor from monitoring data of gases in the studied area.  相似文献   

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