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The discrimination between distinct remote compressions and multiple local stress deviations within a single compressive stress
field has been carried out in the central-eastern Iberian Chain, by using structural criteria, computing palaeostress directions,
identifying and ‘filtering’ stress deviations, and analysing time relationships. A probabilistic analysis based on a systematic
comparison of real and expected frequencies of coexistence of two compressions is applied by means of the χ
2 Test. This allows us to identify those tectonic compressions that behave as independent events from the probabilistic point
of view. The results suggest that among five initially defined compression directions only three can be considered as representative
of distinct (although partially superposed) externally applied intraplate stress fields: Iberian s.l. (NE-SW), Betic s.l.
(NW-SE), and Pyrenean (N-S to NNE-SSW). 相似文献
GIS-Based Probabilistic Mapping of Landslide Hazard Using a Three-Dimensional Deterministic Model 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
Based on a new Geographic Information Systems (GIS) grid-basedthree-dimensional (3-D) deterministic model and taking the slopeunit as the mapping unit, this study maps landslide hazard usingthe 3-D safety factor index and failure probability. Assuming theinitial slip to be the lower part of an ellipsoid, the 3-D critical slipsurface in the 3-D slope stability analysis is located by minimizingthe 3-D safety factor using the Monte Carlo random simulation.The failure probability of the landslide is calculated using anapproximate method in which the distributions of c, andthe 3-D safety factor are assumed to be in normal distribution.The method has been applied to a case study on three-dimensionallyand probabilistically mapping landslide hazard. 相似文献
Identifying Accessory Mineral Saturation during Differentiation in Granitoid Magmas: an Integrated Approach 总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15
HOSKIN PAUL W. O.; KINNY PETER D.; WYBORN DOONE; CHAPPELL BRUCE W. 《Journal of Petrology》2000,41(9):1365-1396
Numerical reconstructions of processes that may have operatedduring igneous petrogenesis often model the behaviour of importanttrace elements. The geochemistry of these trace elements maybe controlled by accessory mineral saturation and fractionation.Determination of the saturation point of accessory mineralsin granitoid rocks is ambiguous because assumptions about crystalmorphology and melt compositions do not always hold. An integratedapproach to identifying accessory mineral saturation involvingpetrography, whole-rock geochemical trends, saturation calculationsand mineral chemistry changes is demonstrated here for a compositionallyzoned pluton. Within and between whole-rock samples of the BoggyPlain zoned pluton, eastern Australia, the rare earth element(REE)-enriched accessory minerals zircon, apatite and titaniteexhibit compositional variations that are related to saturationin the bulk magma, localized saturation in intercumulus meltpools and fractionation of other mineral phases. Apatite isidentified as having been an early crystallizing phase overnearly the whole duration of magma cooling, with zircon (andallanite) only saturating in more felsic zones. Titanite andmonazite did not saturate in the bulk magma at any stage ofdifferentiation. Although some trace elements (P, Ca, Sc, Nb,Hf, Ta) in zircon exhibit compositional variation progressingfrom mafic to more felsic whole-rock samples, normalized REEpatterns and abundances (except Ce) do not vary with progressivedifferentiation. This is interpreted to be a result of limitationsto both simple xenotime and complex xenotime-typecoupled substitutions. Our data indicate that zircon REE characteristicsare not as useful as those of other REE-rich accessory mineralsas a petrogenetic indicator. KEY WORDS: saturation; zircon; apatite; titanite; magma differentiation; trace elements; REE patterns 相似文献
In this paper, a random Cellular Automaton model is developed to characterise heterogeneity of geological formations. The
CA-model is multilateral and can be easily applied in both two and three dimensions. We demonstrate that conditioning on well
data is possible and the method is numerically efficient. To construct the model, the subsurface is subdivided into N cells, with an initial lithology assigned to each cell. Rules to update the current cell states are chosen from a set of
rules, independently for each cell. The model converges typically in less than 50 iterations to a steady state or periodic
solution. Within one period the realisations exhibit similar statistical properties. The final fraction of the various lithologies
can be tuned by choosing the proper initial fractions. In this way, geological knowledge of those fractions can be satisfied. 相似文献
E. Binaghi M. Boschetti P.A. Brivio I. Gallo F. Pergalani A. Rampini 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(1):135-154
In pipeline management the accurate prediction of weak displacements is a crucial factor in drawing up a prevention policy since the accumulation of these displacements over a period of several years can lead to situations of high risk. This work addresses the specific problem related to the prediction of displacements induced by rainfall in unstable areas, of known geology, and crossed by underground pipelines. A neural model has been configured which learns of displacements from instrumented sites (where inclinometric measurements are available) and is able to generalise to other sites not equipped with inclinometers. 相似文献
Donald A. Singer 《Mathematical Geology》2006,38(4):465-474
A probabilistic neural network is employed to classify 1610 mineral deposits into 18 types using tonnage, average Cu, Mo, Ag, Au, Zn, and Pb grades, and six generalized rock types. The purpose is to examine whether neural networks might serve for integrating geoscience information available in large mineral databases to classify sites by deposit type. Successful classifications of 805 deposits not used in training—87% with grouped porphyry copper deposits—and the nature of misclassifications demonstrate the power of probabilistic neural networks and the value of quantitative mineral-deposit models. The results also suggest that neural networks can classify deposits as well as experienced economic geologists. 相似文献
Groundwater from karst subterranean streams is among the world’s most important sources of drinking water supplies, and the hydrochemical characteristics of karst water are impacted by both natural environment and people. Therefore, the study of hydrochemistry and its solutes’ sources is very important to ensure the normal function of life support systems. In this paper, thirty?five representative karst groundwater samples were collected from different aquifers (limestone and dolomite) and various land use types in Chongqing to trace the sources of solutes and relative hydrochemical processes. Hydrogeochemical types of karst groundwater in Chongqing were mainly of the Ca?HCO3 type or Ca (Mg)?HCO3 type. However, some hydrochemical types of karst groundwater were the K+Na+Ca?SO4 type (G25 site) or Ca?HCO3+SO4 type (G26 and G14 site), indicating that the hydrochemistry of these sites might be strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities or unique geological characteristics. The dissolved Sr concentrations of the studied groundwater ranged from 0.57 to 15.06 μmmol/L, and the 87Sr/86Sr varied from 0.70751 to 0.71627. The δ34S?SO42? fell into a range of ?6.8‰?21.5‰, with a mean value of 5.6‰. The variations of both 87Sr/86Sr and Sr values of the groundwater samples indicated that the Sr element was controlled by the weathering of limestone, dolomite and silicate rock. However, the figure of 87Sr/86Sr vs. Sr2+/[K++Na+] showed that the anthropogenic inputs also obviously contributed to the Sr contents. For tracing the detailed anthropogenic effects, we traced the sources of solutes collected karst groundwater samples in Chongqing according to the δ34S value of potential sulfate sources. The variations of both δ34S and 1/SO42? values of the groundwater samples indicated that the atmospheric acid deposition (AAD), dissolution of gypsum (GD), oxidation of sul?de mineral (OS) or anthropogenic inputs (SF: sewage or fertilizer) have contributed to solutes in karst groundwater. The influence of oxidation of sul?de mineral, atmospheric acid deposit and anthropogenic inputs to groundwater in Chongqing karst areas was much widespread. 相似文献
A. Salman Mahini M. Gholamalifard 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2006,3(4):435-445
Landfill has been taken to the bottom of the hierarchy of options for waste disposal but has been the most used method for urban solid waste disposal. However, landfill has become more difficult to implement because of its increasing cost, community opposition, and more restrictive regulations regarding the siting and operation of landfills. Land is a finite and scarce resource that needs to be used wisely. Appropriate allocation of landfills involves the selection of areas that are suitable for waste disposal. The present work describes a type of multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) method called weighted linear combination (WLC) in a GIS environment to evaluate the suitability of the study region for landfill. The WLC procedure is characterized by full tradeoff among all factors, average risk and offers much flexibility than the Boolean approaches in the decision making process. The relative importance weights of factors are estimated using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). In the final aggregated suitability image, zones smaller than 20 hectares are eliminated from the allocation process. Afterwards, the land suitability of a zone is determined by calculating the average of the suitability of the cells belonging to that zone, a process called zonal land suitability. The application of the presented method to the Gorgan city (Iran) indicated that there are 18 zones for landfill with their zonal land suitability varying from 155.426117 to 64.149024. The zones were ranked in descending order by the value of their zonal land suitability. The results showed the use of GIS as a decision support system (DSS) available to policy makers and decision makers in municipal solid waste (MSW) management issues. 相似文献
Julien Straubhaar Philippe Renard Gr��goire Mariethoz Roland Froidevaux Olivier Besson 《Mathematical Geosciences》2011,43(3):305-328
Among the techniques used to simulate categorical variables, multiple-point statistics is becoming very popular because it allows the user to provide an explicit conceptual model via a training image. In classic implementations, the multiple-point statistics are inferred from the training image by storing all the observed patterns of a certain size in a tree structure. This type of algorithm has the advantage of being fast to apply, but it presents some critical limitations. In particular, a tree is extremely RAM demanding. For three-dimensional problems with numerous facies, large templates cannot be used. Complex structures are then difficult to simulate. In this paper, we propose to replace the tree by a list. This structure requires much less RAM. It has three main advantages. First, it allows for the use of larger templates. Second, the list structure being parsimonious, it can be extended to include additional information. Here, we show how this can be used to develop a new approach for dealing with non-stationary training images. Finally, an interesting aspect of the list is that it allows one to parallelize the part of the algorithm in which the conditional probability density function is computed. This is especially important for large problems that can be solved on clusters of PCs with distributed memory or on multicore machines with shared memory. 相似文献
Analysis methods for block toppling are most commonly undertaken in two dimensions. This paper investigates the influence
of discontinuity orientations on three-dimensional block toppling mechanisms using a three-dimensional distinct element code.
The three-dimensional models allow one to kinematically appraise if toppling conditions derived for two-dimensional geometries
can be extended into three dimensions. Two conceptual model geometries were considered in order to represent a road cut or
open-pit bench. The first geometry examined a slope with fixed vertical lateral boundaries, while the second geometry assumed
an unrestrained lateral slope as a model boundary condition. This “along-strike slope profile” of the models was found to
play an important role in the failure mechanism and displacement direction. The dip direction and dip angle of the toppling,
basal and lateral release discontinuities were varied one at the time using angular ranges of up to 30° from an assumed mutual
orthogonal relationship. This made it possible for the influence and importance of each discontinuity set to be independently
evaluated. The results are presented in a stereographic format with preliminary zones outlining discontinuity aspect combinations
that potentially result in block toppling failures. 相似文献
Probabilistic Fuzzy Logic Modeling: Quantifying Uncertainty of Mineral Prospectivity Models Using Monte Carlo Simulations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Significant uncertainties are associated with the definition of both the exploration targeting criteria and computational algorithms used to generate mineral prospectivity maps. In prospectivity modeling, the input and computational uncertainties are generally made implicit, by making a series of best-guess or best-fit decisions, on the basis of incomplete and imprecise information. The individual uncertainties are then compounded and propagated into the final prospectivity map as an implicit combined uncertainty which is impossible to directly analyze and use for decision making. This paper proposes a new approach to explicitly define uncertainties of individual targeting criteria and propagate them through a computational algorithm to evaluate the combined uncertainty of a prospectivity map. Applied to fuzzy logic prospectivity models, this approach involves replacing point estimates of fuzzy membership values by statistical distributions deemed representative of likely variability of the corresponding fuzzy membership values. Uncertainty is then propagated through a fuzzy logic inference system by applying Monte Carlo simulations. A final prospectivity map is represented by a grid of statistical distributions of fuzzy prospectivity. Such modeling of uncertainty in prospectivity analyses allows better definition of exploration target quality, as understanding of uncertainty is consistently captured, propagated and visualized in a transparent manner. The explicit uncertainty information of prospectivity maps can support further risk analysis and decision making. The proposed probabilistic fuzzy logic approach can be used in any area of geosciences to model uncertainty of complex fuzzy systems. 相似文献
Identifying and quantifying urban recharge: a review 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
David N. Lerner 《Hydrogeology Journal》2002,10(1):143-152
The sources of and pathways for groundwater recharge in urban areas are more numerous and complex than in rural environments.
Buildings, roads, and other surface infrastructure combine with man-made drainage networks to change the pathways for precipitation.
Some direct recharge is lost, but additional recharge can occur from storm drainage systems. Large amounts of water are imported
into most cities for supply, distributed through underground pipes, and collected again in sewers or septic tanks. The leaks
from these pipe networks often provide substantial recharge. Sources of recharge in urban areas are identified through piezometry,
chemical signatures, and water balances. All three approaches have problems. Recharge is quantified either by individual components
(direct recharge, water-mains leakage, septic tanks, etc.) or holistically. Working with individual components requires large
amounts of data, much of which is uncertain and is likely to lead to large uncertainties in the final result. Recommended
holistic approaches include the use of groundwater modelling and solute balances, where various types of data are integrated.
Urban recharge remains an under-researched topic, with few high-quality case studies reported in the literature.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Ca-bentonite can be converted into zeolites A through hydrothermal alkaline treatment by varying the synthetic parameters. This study focuses on the effect of initial Si/Al molar ratio, NaOH concentration on the type of formed zeolite A. The Ca-bentonite (China, Fuxin)were mixed with an aqueous NaOH solution, Al(OH)3 powder and hydrothermally treated at about 90 ℃,12 h. Different types of zeolites (zeolite X, P, and A),sodalite were synthesized after the treatment. Zeolites were characterized and quantified by means of XRD and SEM analysis. Zeolite A predominantly formed with 0.5≤Si/Al≤2.0 was produced and zeolite X, P formed with Si/Al>2.0 under the 2.2mol/LNaOH concentration; Sodalite was also formed under high NaOH molarities. Shape of zeolite A is show the cube by the SEM micrograph. 相似文献
A second-order exact expression for the evolution of probability density function of stress is derived for general, one-dimensional
(1-D) elastic–plastic constitutive rate equations with uncertain material parameters. The Eulerian–Lagrangian (EL) form of
Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov (FPK) equation is used for this purpose. It is also shown that by using EL form of FPK, the so called
“closure problem” associated with regular perturbation methods used so far, is resolved too. The use of EL form of FPK also
replaces repetitive and computationally expensive deterministic elastic–plastic computations associated with Monte Carlo technique.
The derived general expressions are specialized to the particular cases of point location scale linear elastic and elastic–plastic
constitutive equations, related to associated Drucker–Prager with linear hardening. In a companion paper, the solution of
FPK equations for 1D is presented, discussed and illustrated through a number of examples. 相似文献
对当前正在实施的城乡建设用地增减挂钩现状及政策进行分析,认为当前大多数地方开展增减挂钩工作认识存在偏差,由于资金拨付不到位等原因,导致工作进展的不平衡性比较突出。对增减挂钩工作中存在的问题进行剖析,并提出相应的对策建议。 相似文献
Geotectonics - Globally the remote sensing and geomorphometric analysis are frequently used for the assessment of tectonic activity. We used satellite-driven DEM data to analyze regional scale... 相似文献