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Since the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in June 2003, a number of new landslides have occurred and existing landslides have been made worse. The 1,260 × 104 m3 Baishuihe landslide, located at 56 km west of the Three Gorges Dam, began to deform more noticeably after the first impoundment in early July 2003. The sliding of the two blocks comprising the landslide, one an active block and the other a relatively stable block, became apparent after approximately 5 years of monitoring. Field recordings show that the landslide displacement is affected by the combined effects of the rainfall and water level in the reservoir. These effects have been investigated in the present paper, including the deformation characteristics (movement pattern, direction, displacement and velocity) earmarking the temporal evolution of the active block. Based on a practical creep model of a large rock slide, alert velocity thresholds for pre-alert, alert and emergency phases have been computed corresponding to the imminence of failure. The alert velocity thresholds are being proposed to be included as a part of an early-warning system of an emergency plan drawn up to minimize the adverse impact in the event of landslide failure. The emergency plan is intended to be implemented as a risk management tool by the relevant authorities of the Three Gorges Reservoir in the near future.  相似文献   

三峡库区树坪滑坡变形失稳机制分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
卢书强  易庆林  易武 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1123-1130
树坪滑坡自2003年三峡水库蓄水以来,就一直持续变形。为了对其稳定性及变形发展趋势进行评价和预测,有必要对其变形失稳机制进行深入研究。为此,采用现场地质调查和勘探的方法确定了滑坡的形态和性质;充分挖掘变形监测数据,详细分析了滑坡的变形特征。在此基础上,深入研究了变形失稳机制及影响因素,并对滑坡的稳定性进行了计算和预测。结果表明,滑坡区地形、岩性及地质构造等地质因素控制了树坪滑坡的形成和发展;库水位下降和大气降雨进一步激励了滑坡的变形。库水位下降,坡体内地下水位随之下降,但其速度远小于库水位下降速度,导致坡体内水力梯度和渗透力明显增大,从而使滑坡稳定性急剧下降,并且库水位下降速度越快,滑坡的位移速率也越大,是典型的水库下降型滑坡。在库水位下降过程中,若出现明显的降雨过程,更加剧了滑坡的变形,有产生大规模滑动的可能性,须采取防护治理措施。  相似文献   

Frequent soil landslide events are recorded in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China, making it necessary to investigate the failure mode of such riverside landslides. Geotechnical centrifugal test is considered to be the most realistic laboratory model, which can reconstruct the required geo-stress. In this study, the Liangshuijing landslide in the Three Gorgers Reservoir area is selected for a scaled centrifugal model experiment, and a water pump system is employed to retain the rainfall condition. Using the techniques of digital photography and pore water pressure transducers, water level fluctuation is controlled, and multi-physical data are thus obtained, including the pore water pressure, earth pressure, surface displacement and deep displacement. The analysis results indicate that: Three stages were set in the test (waterflooding stage, rainfall stage and drainage stage). Seven transverse cracks with wide of 1–5 mm appeared during the model test, of which 3 cracks at the toe landslide were caused by reservoir water fluctuation, and the cracks at the middle and rear part were caused by rainfall. During rainfall process, the maximum displacement of landslide model reaches 3 cm. And the maximum deformation of the model exceeds 12 cm at the drainage stage. The failure process of the slope model can be divided into four stages: microcracks appearance and propagation stage, thrust-type failure stage, retrogressive failure stage, and holistic failure stage. When the thrust-type zone caused by rainfall was connected or even overlapped with the retrogressive failure zone caused by the drainage, the landslide would start, which displayed a typical composite failure pattern. The failure mode and deformation mechanism under the coupling actions of water level fluctuation and rainfall are revealed in the model test, which could appropriately guide for the analysis and evaluation of riverside landslides.  相似文献   

The study area is located in Three Gorges Reservoir region, China. Over 200 landslides have been monitored over a number of years with their behavior being compared to the effective rainfall database for the study area. Analysis of the available data indicates that the occurrences of landslides in this region are controlled by rainfall, whose intensity and rainfall processes are the most important dynamic factors in determining the stability of slopes. Therefore, the relationship between rainfall and the movement of typical landslides has been specifically analyzed for the Xintan landslides and the large Huangya landslide by using the loading/unloading response ratio parameter of rainfall. The result of this study indicates that the mutation of the loading/unloading response ratio of rainfall of the Xintan landslide and the large Huangya landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China occurred just before their destabilization, which shows that the loading/unloading response ratio of rainfall and its changing feature can be taken as a precursor for the landslides induced by rainfall.  相似文献   

三峡水库水位变动下的库岸滑坡稳定性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
水库岸坡滑坡稳定性主要受库水位涨落的影响。由于库区水位变化可概化为二维非稳定流,地下水位变化可采用有限元模拟。三峡水库正常运行时的水位涨落速度在0.6~4.0m/d、高程145~175m之间变化,通过有限元法对库区的马家沟滑坡模拟表明:库水位和滑坡体内的地下水位同步升降,水力梯度很小,因此水位涨落对滑坡的影响主要是浮托力作用。在此条件下,采用Morgenstern-Price法对滑坡稳定性进行计算表明,随着水位上升,滑坡稳定性降低,水位上升到165m时,稳定性达到最小,水位再上升则稳定性增大,当滑坡完全淹没在水下时的稳定性高于未被淹没的情况,滑坡最终的稳定性按最小稳定系数评价。  相似文献   

近年来,三峡库区城集镇开发区顺斜向岩质滑坡失稳破坏现象时有发生,研究顺斜向岩质滑坡的变形破坏特征及失稳机制对防治此类滑坡具有重要意义。本文以巫山县白杨湾滑坡为例,通过现场踏勘、钻探和多种监测手段,对这一典型顺斜向岩质滑坡的变形破坏特征及失稳机制进行了深入研究。此滑坡所处地层为巴东组第二段泥岩,岩体破碎,地下水较丰富。滑坡岩层向右边界倾斜,右边界受断层控制,断层面与岩层面相交切割形成楔形体顺斜向滑移。滑坡体积约320×104 m3,滑动方向与岩层倾向夹角60°。受坡脚开挖和坡体建筑荷载等人类工程活动的影响,滑坡于2019年7月开始出现显著变形,滑坡中部的位移速率达到2~5 mm/d。2019年9月中旬,滑坡前部设置应急抗滑桩后,滑坡变形开始减缓至0~0.5 mm/d。白杨湾滑坡对城集镇开发区金科城造成巨大威胁,建议采取“搬迁避让+工程治理+专业监测”的防治对策。本文的研究成果对指导三峡库区顺斜向岩质滑坡防治和人工开挖诱发滑坡的防治具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自2008 年三峡库区175 m试验性蓄水以来,受库水波动及强降雨影响,沿江库岸发生多起顺向古滑坡变形灾害。以三峡库区巫山县塔坪H1滑坡为例,结合近十年滑坡调查勘察与变形监测资料,分析了该滑坡蓄水后的变形特征。通过研究分析认为:(1)塔坪H1滑坡为顺层古岩质滑坡,岩体呈碎裂状,岩性主要为三叠系香溪组软硬相间的砂岩、泥页岩,岩层间夹多套软弱夹层,形成了多级滑带控制的滑坡变形。(2)滑坡变形分为3个区域,位移量变形最大的滑坡前缘消落带区域,最大水平位移已达80 cm,其次是处于缓慢变形状态的曲尺场镇前部区域和后部相对稳定的曲尺场镇区域。(3)数值模拟结果显示,库水位周期性波动影响着滑坡前缘涉水区域稳定性变化,短时强降雨沿岩体结构面入渗会加速滑坡中前部区域稳定性快速下降。在水位波动和短时强降雨的共同影响下,塔坪H1滑坡在每年汛期呈现缓慢变形。目前塔坪H1滑坡中前部处于持续变形阶段,亟需开展滑坡防治工程,提高滑坡稳定性,确保场镇安全。  相似文献   

自三峡水库蓄水后,库区地质灾害频发,研究库水位升降条件下的库岸边坡稳定性与破坏模式日益重要。以三峡库区云阳县凉水井滑坡为原型,基于长江科学院CKY?200土工离心机,结合滑坡区工程地质概况,模拟制作了这一典型库岸滑坡的简化模型。采用高速相机、激光位移传感器、孔隙水压力传感器、土压力传感器等监测手段,在模型试验中实现了对边坡前缘水位高程及升降的控制,获取了试验过程中坡体水平位移和沉降、孔隙水压力、土压力值的变化规律,得到以下结论:试验从开始至加水阶段结束,模型位移以竖直方向为主,而在排水阶段则水平方向位移远大于竖直方向;试验过程中,在库水位上升与骤降作用下,首先在前缘产生裂隙,并逐渐向中部、后缘扩展,随后在中部产生较大变形,出现局部滑移,模型总体破坏形式呈牵引式破坏模式;试验结束时,模型自后缘起体积含水率逐渐增大;在水位上升期间,模型变形相对较小,主要滑移出现在水位下降期间,因此,该滑坡为动水压力型,产生变形破坏主要是由于动水压力效应所致。试验揭示了库岸牵引式滑坡在库水位升降条件下的破坏模式和变形失稳机制,为库区滑坡的防治提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

在前人资料、勘探和工程地质测绘的基础上,通过对原始资料以及原斜坡地质环境的定性分析判断,指出张家湾滑坡是一个由6个单体滑坡组成的滑坡群体,阐述了各单体滑坡的基本特征、形成次序和相互关系,并对各单体滑坡的影响因素、形成机制和稳定性进行了评述.  相似文献   

Mechanism of the Anlesi landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many gentle dip translational rock slides have taken place in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. In order to study the mechanism of these translational rock slides, the authors use the Anlesi landslide as a typical case study to investigate in detail. Field investigations show that the slip zones of the Anlesi landslide were formed from a white mudstone in Jurassic red strata. X-ray diffraction and infrared ray analysis showed that the main mineral components of the slip zones are montmorillonite, illite, feldspar and quartz. Laboratory tests indicate that the slip zone soils are silty clay, of medium-swelling potential, the shear strength decreasing significantly as the slip zone attracts water and saturates.The main factors contributing to the Anlesi landslide are recent tectonic activity, incompetent beds, and intensive rainfall. Recent tectonic activity had caused shear failure along the incompetent beds, and joints within the sandstone. With the effect of intensive rainfall, water percolates to the incompetent beds along tectonic fissures, resulting in swelling of the soil material and high groundwater pressures within fissures in the strata. As a consequence, the Anlesi slope is prone to slide along these incompetent beds.Flac3D software was used to simulate the mechanism of the Anlesi landslide considering the rheological properties of soil and rock. The simulation results demonstrate that the stress, displacement and failure area changes with simulated creep time. The maximum displacement in the X direction reaches 7.59 m after 200-year simulated creep. Therefore, the mechanism of the Anlesi landslide can be illustrated considering the rheological properties of Jurassic red strata.  相似文献   

The first impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam reservoir in China started from a water surface elevation of 95 m on June 1, 2003 and reached 135 m on June 15, 2003. Shortly after the water level reached 135 m, many slopes began to deform and some landslides occurred. The Qianjiangping landslide is the largest one; it occurred on the early morning of July 14, 2003 and caused great loss of lives and property. Field investigation revealed that, although failure occurred after the reservoir reached 135 m, the stability of the slope was already reduced by preexisting sheared bedding planes. To study the mechanism of the rapid motion of this reactivated landslide, two soil samples were taken from a yellow clay layer and a black silt layer in the sliding zone, respectively, and a series of ring shear tests were conducted on the samples. One series of ring shear tests simulates the creep deformation behavior, while the other series simulates different shear rates. Conclusions drawn from analysis of the ring shear tests indicate that the mechanism of the rapid motion of the reactivated landslide was caused by the rate effect of the black silt layer during the motion phase after the creep failure. The yellow clay layer did not play any important role in the rapid motion in the 2003 event.  相似文献   

三峡库区重庆市丰都县滑坡灾害危险性评价   总被引:6,自引:10,他引:6  
在对三峡库区丰都县滑坡灾害调查和统计分析的基础上,初步概括了滑坡灾害的分布特征和主要影响因素,进而利用综合信息模型评价了丰都县滑坡灾害的危险性,将丰都县滑坡灾害的危险性划分为高危险区、中危险区、低危险区和基本安全区4个等级。其中,高危险区和中危险区分别占全县总面积的2.6%和23.2%,主要分布在长江干流及其支流两岸的居民相对集中区,不同规模的滑坡灾害经常发生,因此潜在危害也很大;低危险区占全县总面积的47.5%,偶有小规模的滑坡灾害发生;基本安全区占全县总面积的25.5%,在人为因素的诱发下可能偶有小规模的滑坡灾害发生,适合于大型工程建设和城镇居民点建设。  相似文献   

三峡库区千将坪滑坡失稳探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
千将坪滑坡是三峡水库二期蓄水到139m高程水位期问发生的特大型滑坡,也是三峡库区近年来发生的规模较大的滑坡,受到了多方面的关注.滑体物质组成包括上部为残坡积粘土夹碎石和老滑坡堆积体、下部为沙镇溪组泥质粉砂岩两部分,沿基岩软层顺层下滑.根据滑动特征,可划分为顺层滑动、切层剪出以及滑覆堵江和过江反冲区三个区.本文重点研究了降雨、水库蓄水以及组合因素下滑坡稳定性变化特征.在蓄水前自然状态下,整体稳定系数K=1.18.未蓄水时暴雨状态下,稳定系数K=0.97,与蓄水前自然状态下比较,稳定系数降低20.9%;仅考虑蓄水而未降雨时,滑坡的稳定系数K=0.99,与蓄水前自然状态下比较,稳定系数降低18.3%;在蓄水到134m+强暴雨状态下,稳定系数K=0.93,与蓄水前自然状态下比较,稳定系数降低24.8%.反映了蓄水和降雨二者的组合对滑坡失稳影响是非常明显的.  相似文献   

The 2 September 2014 Shanshucao landslide,Three Gorges Reservoir,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Qianjiangping landslide is a large planar rock slide which occurred in July 14, 2003 shortly after the water level reached 135 m in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. The landslide destroyed 4 factories and 129 houses, took 24 lives, and made 1,200 people homeless. Field investigation shows that the contributing factors for the landslide are the geological structure of the slope, the previous surface of rupture, the water level rise, and continuous rainfall. In order to reveal the mechanism and failure process of the landslide, numerical simulation was conducted on Qianjiangping slope before sliding. Based on the characteristics and the engineering conditions of the landslide, the topography and the geological profiles of Qianjiangping slope before sliding is reconstructed. The seepage field of Qianjiangping slope before sliding was simulated with the Geostudio software. The results show that ground water table rises and bends to the slope during the rise of water level, and the slope surface becomes partially saturated within the period of continuous rainfall. Using the ground water table obtained above, the failure process of Qianjiangping slope is simulated with the Flac3D software. The results demonstrate that the shear strain increment, displacement, and shear failure area of the slope increased greatly after the water level rose and continuous rained, and the landslide was triggered by the combined effect both of water level rise and continuous rainfall. The development of shear strain increment, displacement, and shear failure area of the slope shows that the landslide was retrogressive in the lower part of the slope and progressive in the upper part of the slope.  相似文献   

三峡库区藕塘滑坡位于重庆市奉节县安坪镇长江右岸,是由于三峡水库蓄水引起的巨型顺层基岩滑坡,面积约1.78 km2,体积约9.0×107m3,是近年来三峡库区重大滑坡灾害之一。基于大量的野外地质调查以及室内试验分析,详尽阐述了滑坡地质地貌及地质结构特征,运用地貌学与工程地质力学理论方法从地质和环境因素两方面进行滑坡成因分析,提出了藕塘滑坡的形成机制及演化过程,并对其变形发展的趋势进行了预测,得出如下结论:(1)藕塘滑坡为巨型顺层岩质滑坡,平面形态具有多级多期次滑动特征,空间形态具有视向倾斜滑动特征,受控于稳定山体的阻挡;(2)顺向单斜地貌,节理裂隙发育,具有软硬夹层的地质结构是滑坡形成的控制因素;长江深切侵蚀为滑坡提供了动力基础和运动空间;集中降雨和三峡水库蓄水是导致滑坡复活的主要诱发因素;(3)各级滑坡的形成机制不同,一级滑坡为"拉裂-滑移(弯曲)-剪断"模式,二级滑坡为"平面滑移"模式,三级滑坡为"滑移-剪断"模式;(4)现阶段该滑坡以局部浅层失稳破坏形式为主。最后,建议加强三峡库区集中降雨和库水位波动联合作用下滑坡诱发机理与监测预警研究工作。  相似文献   

三峡库区白岩沟西滑坡治理工程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在对三峡工程库区巴东县白岩沟西滑坡进行了计算和评价的基础上,提出了对白岩沟滑坡的滑体采用抗滑桩顶部施加预应力锚索的新型支挡结构,对危岩体采用预应力锚索支护的综合治理方案.结果表明,该项治理措施比使用抗滑桩治理措施降低了造价,保证了抗滑效果.  相似文献   

The July 14, 2003 Qianjiangping landslide,Three Gorges Reservoir,China   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
The Qianjiangping landslide occurred after the first impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in July 2003. Field investigation revealed that failure occurred when the reservoir reached 135 m, but the stability of the affected slope was already reduced by pre-existing bedding-plane shears, quarrying of mudstone from the landslide toe, and previous heavy rain. A possible explanation of the rapid and long runout mechanism of the landslide is that movement on a bedding-plane shear ruptured the calcite cement and rapidly reduced the sandstone strength to residual shear strength.  相似文献   

三峡库区黄土坡滑坡非饱和水力参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简文星  许强  吴韩  童龙云 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3517-3522
非饱和水力参数在计算滑坡降雨入渗过程与稳定性时是至关重要的材料参数。在三峡库区黄土坡滑坡上进行双环渗透试验,获取黄土坡滑坡表土层的饱和渗透系数。对黄土坡滑坡表土层的含水率和基质吸力进行实时监测,采集了黄土坡滑坡表土层中含水率和基质吸力随时间的变化数据,采用van Genuchten土-水特征曲线模型拟合了4个实时监测剖面的土-水特征曲线及其拟合参数。将饱和渗透系数与土-水特征曲线拟合参数代入van Genuchten渗透系数函数模型,求出了黄土坡滑坡表土层在非饱和条件下的渗透系数函数,为黄土坡滑坡在降雨作用下的稳定性计算提供了可靠的水力参数  相似文献   

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