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Deformation throughout Afar over the past 2 myr has been characterized by widespread and intense crustal fragmentation that results from inhomogeneous extension across the region. In eastern Afar, this situation has evolved to localized extension associated with the westward propagation of the Gulf of Aden/Gulf of Tadjurah seafloor spreading system into the Asal–Ghoubbet Rift. During the gradual process of rift propagation and localization, crustal blocks in eastern Afar sustained clockwise rotations of 11°. To better understand the processes of rift propagation and localization and how they affect the rest of Afar, we have collected and analyzed over 400 oriented paleomagnetic samples from 67 lava flows from central and southern Afar. Unlike eastern Afar, the mean paleomagnetic direction from central Afar indicates that vertical-axis rotations are statistically insignificant (3.6°±4.4°), though small clockwise rotations (<8°) are permitted. Thus, propagation and localization in central Afar have not had the same influence in causing crustal block rotations or, perhaps more likely, have not reached the same stage of evolution as seen in eastern Afar. In addition, several of the lava flows record intriguing geomagnetic field behavior associated with polarity transitions, excursions, or large secular variation events. Interestingly, the transitional or anomalous virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) tend to cluster in two nearly antipodal regions, one in the northern Pacific Ocean and the other in the southwest Indian Ocean. One lava flow has recorded both of the antipodal transitional components, with the two components residing in magnetic minerals with unblocking temperatures above and below 500°C, respectively. Reheating and partial remagnetization by the overlying flow cannot explain either of the transitional directions because both differ significantly from that of the reversely magnetized overlying flow. The high-temperature component gives a VGP in the northern Pacific, whereas the lower-temperature component gives a nearly antipodal VGP south of Cape Town, South Africa. Hence, the configuration of the geomagnetic field appears to have jumped nearly instantaneously from a northern-hemisphere transitional state to a southern-hemisphere one during this normal-to-reverse polarity transition.  相似文献   

The distribution of U in volcanic rocks from two transects across the Central Andes (latitudes 27°–28° S and 16°–18° S, respectively) differs from that of K. For a given SiO2, content of the rocks, K systematically increases with the distance from the trench, while the highest U abundances are found in the rocks overlying the thickest segments of the continental crust, which are situated in the middle parts of the transects. It is suggested that this variation of U reflects crustal contamination.  相似文献   

Mafic intrusions and dykes are well preserved in the Yinmin and Lanniping districts,located within the western margin of the Yangtze Block,SW China.Although these mafic rocks from the two areas formed during different periods,they share similar ranges of PGE concentration.Most of the Yinmin gabbroic dykes contain relatively high PGE concentrations(PGEs = 13.9-87.0 ppb) and low S contents(0.003%-0.020%),higher than the maximum PGE concentrations of mafic magmas melting from the mantle.Two exceptional Yinmin samples are characterized by relatively low PGE(PGEs = 0.31-0.37 ppb) and high S(0.114%-0.257%) contents.In contrast,most samples from the Lanniping gabbroic intrusion have low PGE concentrations(PGEs — 0.12-1.02 ppb) and high S contents(0.130%-0.360%),except that the three samples exhibit relatively high PGE(PGEs = 16.3-34.8 ppb) and low S concentrations(0.014%-0.070%).All the Yinmin and Lanniping samples are characterized by the enrichment of PPGE relative to IPGE in the primitive-mantle normalized diagrams,and the high-PGE samples exhibit obvious Ru anomalies.This study suggests that during the ascent of the parental magma,removal of Os-Ir-Ru alloys and/or chromite/spinel leads to high Pd/Ir ratios and Ru anomalies for the Yinmin high-PGE samples and relatively lower Pd/Ir ratios and Ru anomalies for the Lanniping low-PGE samples.We propose that the magmas parental to the Yinmin gabbroic dykes are initially S-unsaturated,and subsequently,minor evolved magma reached sulfur saturation and led to sulfide segregation.Although the Lanniping parental magmas are originally not saturated in S,the high Cu/Pd ratios(3.8 × 10~4 to 3.2 ×10~6) for most of the Lanniping samples indicate the S-saturated state and sulfide segregation.A calculation shows that the PGE-poor magmas might have experienced 0.01%-0.1% sulfide segregation in the magma chamber.Therefore,our study provides a possible opportunity to discover PGE-enriched sulfide mineralization somewhere near or within the Lanniping mafic intrusion.  相似文献   

The Ronda peridotite massif in southern Spain originated from the upper mantle, evidently as a rapidly rising diapir. Major and trace element abundance trends of the peridotites reflect their origin as residues from partial melting of garnet lherzolite. About 5% of the massif consists of mafic rocks, mainly pyroxenites and gabbros. They occur as concordant layers amidst the peridotites, and these layers do not cross-cut each other. However, major and trace element data show that the mafic layers do not have the geochemical characteristics of primary melts. We conclude that crystal/liquid fractionation occurred at high pressures ( > 19 kbar) as melts migrated through magma conduits towards the cooler exterior portion of the diapir. This process generated a sequence of “cumulates” (mainly clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + spinel and clinopyroxene + garnet) along the walls of the conduits which are now represented by the mafic layers.  相似文献   

We report opaque mineralogical observations and magnetic properties of primary titanomagnetites in Tertiary submarine gabbros from DSDP, Legs 30 and 37 and in a late Archean, continental granitic pluton, the Shelley Lake granite. The titanomagnetites and silicates in all the submarine gabbros have been deuterically oxidized. There is no indication of subsequent low-temperature oxidation, although serpentization of olivines is pervasive in the deeper Leg 37 units. The Leg 30 samples, from a single thick sill, contain abundant coarse (≈100 μm) titanomagnetites with fully developed ilmenite exsolution lamellae. Curie temperatures are 515–550°C; there are no low Curie temperatures that would indicate surviving unoxidized titanomagnetite. The unserpentinized Leg 37 gabbros contain scarce opaques with pure magnetite Curie points that are barely resolvable microscopically; most occur as inclusions in pyroxene. In the Shelley Lake granite, on the other hand, many samples exhibit bimodal blocking-temperature spectra, with blocking temperature peaks at 250–300°C and 550–575°C. The low-blocking-temperature phase is unidentified. No pyrrhotite was seen in thin section. Optically homogeneous grains coexist with fully exsolved neighbours, but the electron microprobe indicates no titanium. The lamellae appear to be haematite, not ilmenite, and the primary composition of the opaques is pure magnetite. The oxidation state of the opaques is very inhomogeneous, even on a fine scale.  相似文献   

The Cainozoic volcanism of Sardinia (Italy) can be divided into two main cycles with different magmatic and geodynamic significance. The early cycle — Oligo-Miocenic in age (29-13 My ago) — shows the calc-alkaline character typical of converging plate areas. The later activity, ranging from Lower Pliocene (about 5 My ago) to recent Pleistocene, produced mostly basic lavas extruded onto a continental plate («within plate basalts»). It was related to a period of tensional tectonics which had affected the western Mediterranean area prior to, and during, the volcanic activity. Intermediate and acid volcanic products were associated with the mafic rocks of the latest magmatic episodes. The main groups of rocks — the basic ones, already classified from their petrographic features and geological setting — can be characterized very well when a statistical elaboration of their chemical analyses is used. In fact, from chemical data it is possible to distinguish the Oligo-Miocene volcanic products from those of Plio-Pleistocene age. Moreover, within this latter group basanites, alkalic and subalkalic basaltic rocks can clearly be distinguished. Samples that had not clearly been defined on the basis of their petrographic characteristics (anonymous samples) have been attributed to one or the other of the main groups by means of discriminant functions. Chemical variations in the Plio-Pleistocenic rocks are due to fractionation episodes at shallow depths superimposed on primary magmatic variations. A model of partial fusion of the mantle accounts for many but not all the observed original chemical variations. Different physical melting conditions, the effects of minor mineral phases in the mantle and, probably, crustal contamination were also effective in creating the observed chemical variations.  相似文献   

Quaternary volcanic rocks of Stromboli (Italy) can be divided into older calc-alkaline and younger shoshonitic series. The SiO2 contents of the rocks range from 50% to 61% but the majority of them are basalts. The rocks show systematic variations in chemical composition which correlate with the volcanic stratigraphy, such that, at a given SiO2 content, K and other incompatible elements such as REE increase with decreasing age. In addition, the La/Yb ratio increases while the K/Rb, K/Ba, Zr/Ce and Zr/Nb ratios decrease towards the top of the volcanic pile. On the other hand, the abundances of transition elements, V, Co, Sc and Zn, like most major elements are broadly similar in comparable rocks of different ages. It is suggested that the parent magmas were derived by partial melting from upper mantle peridotite enriched in incompatible elements by fluids released from the descending oceanic lithosphere. The temporal chemical variations may probably be related to the lengths of time during which fluids were in contact with the upper mantle source.  相似文献   

Green clinopyroxenes, commonly rounded and anhedral and richer in Fe, Na and Mn than the pyroxenes of the surrounding groundmass are a common feature of mafic alkaline volcanic rocks (e.g. basanites, monchiquites, leucitites). Some are accompanied by one or more of the following phases: Fe-rich kaersutite and biotite, anorthoclase, sodic plagioclase, apatite, magnetite, sphene, which are believed to be cognate with the green pyroxenes. We review evidence that these minerals have crystallized from mugearite, trachyte or phonolite magmas, and their presence in mafic alkaline rocks is due to magma mixing. The intermediate and salic magmas may sometimes be generated at mantle depths, possibly by melting of mantle material enriched in Fe, Na and volatiles.  相似文献   

Pb isotope data are presented for the potassic rocks from Roccamonfina and some other Campanian volcanoes. Pb isotope variations for Roccamonfina fall within the previously found range of values for the Italian potassic volcanism and form similar shallow regression lines in the Pb-Pb diagrams. Their interpretation as two-component mixing lines is well supported by other geochemical evidence. The relation of the mixing processes deduced for Roccamonfina and for the wider regional volcanism is discussed. The enriched and anomalous mantle under Italy is proposed to be a result of various degrees of metasomatism of a range of “Atlantic island” type mantle compositions by an LIL-element-enriched mantle “fluid”. The mantel “fluid” may either derive its isotope and trace element characteristics from an old LIL-element-enriched mantle source or from continental crust which has to some extend retained its geochemical identity in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Li, Pb and Tl contents of 15 primitive lava samples from the Middle Latina Valley volcanoes (southern Latium, Italy) are higher in the high-K than in the K-Series rocks, the enrichment factors roughly following the increase of the ionic size of the elements.The abundances in both series are higher than those of typical alkali basalts from oceanic environments, but similar to those of granitoid rocks. Such anomalous features may be explained as due to either crustal contamination of the parental magmas or derivation of these latter from a lithophile-enriched mantle region due to metasomatism by a lower crust-derived fluid. In both hypotheses, however, a larger involvement of crustal materials is suggested for the HKS rocks.Comparison of Li, Pb and Tl abundances in the primitive rocks of the Middle Latina Valley and Roccamonfina volcanoes shows that, unlike the KS rocks from the two districts show comparable levels and probably originated under similar conditions, the HKS rocks from the Middle Latina Valley are enriched in Li, Pb and Tl relative to their analogues from Roccamonfina. This suggests either a higher involvement of crustal materials in their genesis, or an evolution at shallower depth in the crust.  相似文献   

In the Nairobi area and the adjacent region of the Gregory Rift Valley of Kenya two series of Cainozoic alkaline volcanic rocks, of mildly and strongly alkaline type respectively, are considered to have been derived from a single parental magma of alkali olivine basalt composition. Vulcanicity is genetically associated with tectonic movements attendant upon doming and rifting and distances from the rift margin decrease with crystal fractionation, the most acid differentiates being located at the maximum elevation of the rift floor. An early period of nepheline-bearing lava extrusion associated with central vulcanism is followed by a later period of welded tuff — trachyte — rhyolite fissure eruption. Caldera formation associated with central vulcanism within the Rift accompanies the later volcanic phase.  相似文献   

新疆库科西鲁克地区广泛发育基性岩脉,多呈岩墙、岩枝和小岩滴。基性岩脉岩石类型为辉长岩和辉绿岩。辉长岩属于碱性玄武岩,而辉绿岩属于过铝质碱性系列碱玄武岩与粗面玄武岩过渡型,其形成深度(浅成相)比辉长岩浅(中深成相)。区内基性岩脉形成于闭合边缘岛弧、活动陆缘造山带环境,是由幔源原生岩浆经过分异并同化混染地壳物质而形成,结晶分异是控制岩浆演化的主要因素。辉长岩中δEu具有弱的亏损。辉绿岩δEu为正异常,而C e均具弱亏损,成岩氧逸度较高,其成因与典型的I型花岗岩类相似,为壳幔混合型。辉长岩偏幔源,而辉绿岩偏壳源,可能为幔源岩浆上侵受围岩混染所致。辉长岩年龄(119 M a)要比辉绿岩年龄(46.1M a)老,辉长岩为冈底斯陆块向欧亚大陆板块碰撞拼贴过程中,逆冲挤压结束的标志,辉绿岩为大规模逆冲挤压剪切结束,青藏高原隆升初期拉张作用的产物。  相似文献   

The influence of volcanic processes on magmatic differentiation can be evidenced by the study of some of the most typical volcanoes of post-orogenic magmatism of Central Italy. It has been recognized that a close relationship exists between degree and type of differentiation on one hand, and structure and evolution of volcanic edifices as well as shape of their magmatic chambers on the other. The effect of the structural features of volcanic apparata on the magmatic differentiation is often so strong as to obliterate the original genetic characters of the magma. It was seen that, in Central Italy, magmas of «atlantic» affinities differentiating from basalt to trachyte, can turn to magmas of strong « mediterranean » affinities in the more superficial volcanic environments.  相似文献   

The water contents of minerals and whole-rock in mantle-derived xenoliths from eastern China exhibit large variations and are generally lower than those from other on- and off-craton lithotectonic units. Nevertheless, the water contents of mineral and whole-rock in Junan peridotite xenoliths, which sourced from the juvenile lithospheric mantle, are generally higher than those elsewhere in eastern China. This suggests that the initial water content of juvenile lithospheric mantle is not low. There is no obvious correlation between the water contents and Mg# values of minerals in the mantle xenoliths and no occurrence of diffusion profile in pyroxene, suggesting no relationship between the low water content of mantle xenolith and the diffusion loss of water during xenolith ascent with host basaltic magmas. If the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) base is heated by the asthenospheric mantle, the diffusion loss of water is expected to occur. On the other hand, extraction of basaltic melts from the SCLM is a more efficient mechanism to reduce the water content of xenoliths. The primary melts of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts in eastern China have water contents, as calculated from the water contents of phenocrysts, higher than those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). The Mesozoic basalts exhibit similar water contents to those of island arc basalts, whereas the Cenozoic basalts exhibit comparable water contents to oceanic island basalts and backarc basin basalts with some of them resembling island arc basalts. These observations suggest the water enrichment in the mantle source of continental basalts due to metasomatism by aqueous fluids and hydrous melts derived from dehydration and melting of deeply subducted crust. Mantle-derived megacrysts, minerals in xenoliths and phenocrysts in basalts from eastern China also exhibit largely variable hydrogen isotope compositions, indicating a large isotopic heterogeneity for the Cenozoic SCLM in eastern China. The water content that is higher than that of depleted MORB mantle and the hydrogen isotope composition that is deviated from that of depleted MORB mantle suggest that the Cenozoic continental lithospheric mantle suffered the metasomatism by hydrous melts derived from partial melting of the subducted Pacific slab below eastern China continent. The metasomatism would lead to the increase of water content in the SCLM base and then to the decrease of its viscosity. As a consequence, the SCLM base would be weakened and thus susceptible to tectonic erosion and delamination. As such, the crust-mantle interaction in oceanic subduction channel is the major cause for thinning of the craton lithosphere in North China.  相似文献   

Mahshar  Raza  MohdShamim  Khan  MohdSafdare  Azam 《Island Arc》2007,16(4):536-552
Abstract   The northern part of the Aravalli mountain belt of northwestern Indian shield is broadly composed of three Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary domains, i.e. the Bayana, the Alwar and the Khetri basins, comprising collectively the north Delhi fold belt. Major, trace and rare earth element concentrations of mafic volcanic rocks of the three basins exhibit considerable diversity. Bayana and Alwar volcanics are typical tholeiites showing close similarity with low Ti–continental flood basalts (CFB) with the difference that the former shows enriched and the latter flat incompatible trace element and rare earth element (REE) patterns. However, the Khetri volcanics exhibit a transitional composition between tholeiite and calc-alkaline basalts. It appears that the melts of Bayana and Alwar tholeiites were generated by partial melting of a common source within the spinel stability field possibly in the presence of mantle plume. During ascent to the surface the Bayana tholeiites suffered crustal contamination but the Alwar tholeiites erupted unaffected. Geochemically, the Khetri volcanics are arc-like basalts which were generated in a segment of mantle overlying a Proterozoic subduction zone. It is suggested that at about 1800 Ma the continental lithosphere in northeastern Rajasthan stretched, attenuated and fractured in response to a rising plume. The produced rifts have undergone variable degrees of crustal extension. The extension and attenuation of the crust facilitated shallowing of the asthenosphere which suffered variable degree of melting to produce tholeiitic melts – different batches of which underwent different degrees of lithospheric contamination depending upon the thickness of the crust in different rifted basins. The occurrence of subduction-related basaltic rocks of Khetri Belt suggests that a basin on the western margin of the craton developed into a mature oceanic basin.  相似文献   

Subsurface geothermal exploration has considerably added to our knowledge of the Latera volcanic complex. A syenitic body is located about 2 km below the present-day surface; K-Ar data point a 0.9 Ma age. The primary magma was a silica-saturated trachyte; undersaturated, hauyne-bearing products are found near the carbonatic wall-rocks and have been interpreted as reaction products. Subsurface data from deep drilling and geophysical surveys suggest that the Latera caldera resulted from three main successive collapse phases: (i) formation of an old caldera, now buried, related to the eruption of ignimbrites from the syenitic magma chamber; (ii) sinking of the eastern sector as a consequence of the formation of the nearby Bolsena caldera (0.3 Ma); (iii) multistage formation of the present Latera caldera (0.16 Ma).  相似文献   

The Cenozoic basaltic province of the Vogelsberg area (central Germany) is mainly composed of intercalated olivine to quartz tholeiites and near-primary nephelinites to basanites. The inferred mantle source for the alkaline and tholeiitic rocks is asthenospheric metasomatized garnet peridotite containing some amphibole as the main hydrous phase. Trace element modelling indicates 2 to 3% partial melting for the alkaline rocks and 5 to 7% partial melting for the olivine tholeiites. Incompatible trace element abundances and ratios as well as Nd and Sr radiogenic isotope compositions lie between plume compositions and enriched mantle compositions and are similar to those measured in Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) and the Central European Volcanic Province elsewhere. The mafic olivine tholeiites have similar Ba/Nb, Ba/La and Nd–Sr isotope ratios to the alkaline rocks indicating derivation of both magma types from chemically comparable mantle sources. However, Zr/Nb ratios are slightly higher in olivine tholeiites than in basanites reflecting some fractionation of Zr relative to Nb during partial melting. Quartz tholeiites have higher Ba/Nb, Zr/Nb, La/Nb, but lower Ce/Pb ratios and lower Nd isotope compositions than the alkaline rocks which can be explained by interaction of the basaltic melt with lower (granulite facies) crustal material or partial melts thereof during stagnation within the lower crust. It appears most likely that upwelling of hot, asthenospheric material results in the generation of primitive alkaline rocks at the base of the lithosphere at depths of 75–90 km. Lithospheric extension together with minor plume activity and probably lower lithosphere erosion induced melting of shallower heterogenous upper mantle generating a spectrum of olivine tholeiitic melts. These olivine tholeiitic rocks evolved via crystal fractionation and probably limited contamination to quartz tholeiites.  相似文献   

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