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Near-infrared images and K-band spectroscopy of the massive star-forming region IRAS 23151+5912 are presented. The JHK' images reveal an embed-ded infrared cluster associated with infrared nebula, and the H_2 (2.12μm) narrow-band image provides for the first time evidence of outflow activity associated withthe cluster. That the cluster is young can be shown by the high percentage ofinfrared excess sources and the outflow activity. We suggest an age of the clus-ter of ~ 10~6yr. Eight young stars are found in the bright nebular core aroundIRAS 23151+5912. By the color-magnitude diagrams of the cluster, we found fivehigh--mass YSOs and four intermediate-mass YSOs in the cluster. Eight H_2 emissionfeatures are discovered in the region with a scattered and non-axisymmetric distri-bution, indicating the existence of multiple outflows driven by the cluster. DiffuseH_2 emission detected to the north and to the west of the cluster may result fromUV leakage of the cluster. Brγ, H_2, and CIV emission lines are  相似文献   

The mapping observations of CO J = 2-1, CO J = 3-2, 13 CO J = 2-1 and 13 CO J = 3-2 lines in the direction of IRAS 22506+5944 have been made. The results show that the cores in the J = 2-1 transition lines have a similar morphology to those in the J = 3-2 transition lines. Bipolar molecular outflows are verified. The prior IRAS 22506+5944 observations indicated that two IRAS sources and three H 2 O masers were located close to the peak position of the core. One of the IRAS sources may be the driving source ...  相似文献   

We report on Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the massive star-forming region G305.2+0.2 at 1.2 cm. We detected emission in five molecules towards G305A, confirming its hot core nature. We determined a rotational temperature of 26 K for methanol. A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium excitation calculation suggests a kinematic temperature of the order of 200 K. A time-dependent chemical model is also used to model the gas-phase chemistry of the hot core associated with G305A. A comparison with the observations suggest an age of between  2 × 104  and  1.5 × 105 yr  . We also report on a feature to the south-east of G305A which may show weak Class I methanol maser emission in the line at 24.933 GHz. The more evolved source G305B does not show emission in any of the line tracers, but strong Class I methanol maser emission at 24.933 GHz is found 3 arcsec to the east. Radio continuum emission at 18.496 GHz is detected towards two H  ii regions. The implications of the non-detection of radio continuum emission towards G305A and G305B are also discussed.  相似文献   

孙科峰  吴月芳 《天文学报》2002,43(4):353-358
^12CoJ=1-0成图观测表明在IRAS19282 1814附近存在着一个蓝向单极高速分子外流,计算了其基本参量并进行了分析,它的成协红外源IRAS19282 1814可能是大质量年轻星体,其IRAS波段色指数表明该源深埋于气体和尘埃物质之中,由60-100μm流量密度获得尘埃温度为30K,它的附近没有其他的源,所以IRAS19282 1814可能是外向流的驱动源。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONA violent molecular outflow is a bajsic component of star formation process. Such outflowsare observed over a wide range of wavelength from the ultraviolet to the radio, resulting fromthe interaction of highly supersonic stellar winds with the alnbiellt material and the windejection takes place in the vicinity of a newly formed star. Outflows are produced by starsof all massess but currellt outflow theories are predominantly based on observations of nearby,low-mass outflow sy…  相似文献   

给出红外点源IRAS 20231 3440附近恒星形成区近红外.JHK’和H2成像观测结果,以及与该IRAS点源成协的近红外点源IRS1的K波段分光观测结果..JHK’观测显示该区域存在嵌埋的年轻星天体,H2窄波段观测揭示了若干个氢分子发射结点,其中有几个结点排列成线形,暗示分子氢喷流的存在.喷流的北部与已知观测的分子外流成协,表明二者之间存在联系.喷流的走向提示IRS1可能是其激发源,对IRS1的K波段分光观测给出了进一步的证据.从近红外、MSX及IRAS资料估计出IRS1的能谱分布,表明它是一个处于ClassI状态的中等质量的年轻星天体.  相似文献   

The massive star forming region S 233 IR is observed in the molecular lines CO J = 2-1, 3-2, NH3 (1,1), (2,2) and the 870#m dust continuum. Four submillimeter continuum sources, labelled SMM 1-4, are revealed in the 870μm dust emission. The main core, SMM1, is found to be associated with a deeply embedded near infrared cluster in the northeast; while the weaker source SMM2 coincides with a more evolved cluster in the southwest. The best fit spectral energy distribution of SMM1 gives an emissivity of β = 1.6, and temperatures of 32 K and 92 K for the cold- and hot-dust components. An SMM1 core mass of 246 M⊙ and a total mass of 445 M⊙ are estimated from the 870μm dust continuum emission.SMM1 is found to have a temperature gradient decreasing from inside out, indicative of the presence of interior heating sources. The total outflow gas mass as traced by the CO J = 3-2 emission is estimated to be 35 M⊙. Low velocity outflows are also found in the NH3 (1,1) emission. The non-thermal dominant NH3 line width as well as the substantial core mass suggest that the SMM1 core is a “turbulent,massive dense core”, in the process of forming a group or a cluster of stars. The much higher star formation efficiency found in the southwest cluster supports the suggestion that this cluster is more evolved than the northeast one. Large near infrared photometric variations found in the source PCS-IR93, a previously found highly polarized nebulosity, indicate an underlying star showing the FU Orionis type of behavior.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared broad-band and H2 images of the quadrupolar source IRAS 04302+2247. High-resolution data at 3.8 μm show that the circumstellar envelope has a high degree of axisymmetry: the asymmetry at shorter wavelengths is almost certainly the result of extinction by dust in the cavity. Photometry of the flux peaks confirms that the source is variable but little change in appearance is observed between 1995 November and 1997 September. We report the first clear detection of the molecular outflow in H2 at 2.1 μm, revealing discrete streams which are inclined to the axis of the cavity. The motion of knots in the outflow remains the most likely cause of the variability.  相似文献   

Using the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we have obtained high angular-resolution (∼1″) interferometric maps of the submillimeter (0.88 mm) continuum and CO J=3–2 line from IRAS 22036+5306 (I 22036), a bipolar pre-planetary nebula (PPN) with knotty jets discovered in our HST SNAPshot survey of young PPNe. In addition, we have obtained supporting lower-resolution (∼10″) 2.6 mm continuum and CO, 13CO J=1–0 observations with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) interferometer. We find an unresolved source of submillimeter (and millimeter-wave) continuum emission in I 22036, implying a very substantial mass (0.02–0.04M ) of large (i.e., radius ≳1 mm), cold (≲50 K) dust grains associated with I 22036’s toroidal waist. The CO J=3–2 observations show the presence of a very fast (∼220 km s−1), highly collimated, massive (0.03M ) bipolar outflow with a very large scalar momentum (about 1039 g cm s−1), and the characteristic spatio-kinematic structure of bow-shocks at the tips of this outflow. The fast outflow in I 22036, as in most PPNe, cannot be driven by radiation pressure. The large mass of the torus suggests that it has most likely resulted from common-envelope evolution in a binary, however it remains to be seen whether or not the time-scales required for the growth of grains to millimeter sizes in the torus are commensurate with such a formation scenario. The presence of the torus should facilitate the formation of the accretion disk needed to launch the jet. We also find that the 13C/12C ratio in I 22036 is very high (0.16), close to the maximum value achieved in equilibrium CNO-nucleosynthesis (0.33). The combination of the high circumstellar mass (i.e., in the torus and an extended dust shell inferred from ISO far-infrared spectra) and the high 13C/12C ratio in I 22036 provides strong support for this object having evolved from a massive (≳4M ) progenitor in which hot-bottom-burning has occurred.  相似文献   

We report the diminution of the 1667-MHz OH maser in the post-asymptotic giant branch star IRAS 17436+5003, by a factor of ≳17 over a period of ≲12 yr, from observations with MERLIN. This circumstellar maser was detected by Likkel in 1987, at the 13σ level of her observations with the Green Bank Telescope. We discuss a number of possible reasons for this phenomenon and conclude that it is most likely due to turbulence arising from interacting stellar winds.  相似文献   

Phase-referenced observations of 13 star-forming regions in the  2Π1/2, J = 1/2  transition of rotationally excited OH at 4765 MHz have been carried out using MERLIN. Two of the regions were also observed at 4750 MHz and one at 4660 MHz. There were 10 maser detections at 4765 MHz and three non-detections. There were no detections at 4750 and 4660 MHz. The 4765-MHz masers have brightness temperatures of  ∼107 K  at MERLIN resolution (∼50 mas). Several cases of 4765-MHz masers overlapping in position and velocity with 1720- and 1665-MHz masers are reported. There are also isolated 4765-MHz masers with peak flux densities ≥30 times that of any ground-state counterpart. Most of the 4.7-GHz maser spots are unresolved at 50-mas angular resolution, but in four of the nearest sources the maser spots are resolved, indicating a characteristic size for 4765-MHz maser regions of ∼100 au. In W3(OH) we discovered that 20 per cent of the 4765-MHz emission comes from a narrow low-brightness filament that stretches north–south for ∼1.0 arcec (∼2200 au) between two previously known 4765-MHz maser spots. The filament appears in projection against the H  ii region and has a brightness temperature of  ∼4 × 105 K  . There are matching absorption features in mainline transitions of highly excited OH. The filament may trace a shock front in a rotating disc.  相似文献   

We report our new results on Herbig-Haro (HH) objects in the star forming region of Taurus from a wide-field survey with the 60/90 cm Schmidt telescope of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. This survey using CCD imaging with a narrow band [SII] filter and an intermediate band [BATC10] filter covered approximately 30 square degrees in Taurus. Besides confirming the known HH Objects in the region, we discovered seven new HH candidates, and groups. Six of these are HH 701A-B, HH 702A-D, HH 703, HH 704A-D, HH 705, HH 706 and the seventh is a group, a new component of HH 319, labeled HH 319B-D. Based on the large-scale distribution of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in Taurus, we analyze statistically the most probable distance from the HH objects to each PMS star, from which we estimate the typical timescale of these HH objects to be between (1.3 - 2.0) ×104 yrs; and we also obtain the birth rates of HH objects: 0.447±0.198 for Class Ⅰ PMS stars, 0.360±0.222 for Class Ⅱ PMS stars, and -0.148±0.234 fo  相似文献   

A multitransition 3-mm molecular line single pointing and mapping survey was carried out towards 29 massive star-forming cores in order to search for the signature of inward motions. Up to seven different transitions, optically thick lines HCO+(1-0), CS(2-1), HNC(1-0), HCN(1-0) and 12CO(1-0), and optically thin lines C18O(1-0) and 13CO(1-0) were observed towards each source. The normalized velocity differences (     ) between the peak velocities of optically thick lines and optically thin line C18O(1-0) for each source were derived. Prominent inward motions are probably present in either HCO+(1-0) or CS(2-1) or HNC(1-0) observations in most sources. Our observations show that there is a significant difference in the incidence of blueshifted asymmetric line profiles between CS(2-1) and HCO+(1-0). The HCO+(1-0) shows the highest occurrence of obvious asymmetric features, perhaps owing to different optical depth between CS(2-1) and HCO+(1-0). HCO+(1-0) appears to be the best inward motion tracer. The mapping observations of multiple line transitions enable us to identify six strong infall candidates: G123.07-6.31, W75(OH), S235N, CEP-A, W3(OH) and NGC 7538. The infall signature is extended up to a linear scale  >0.2 pc  .  相似文献   

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