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Which Models for Collocated Cokriging?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a target variable is sparsely sampled, compared to a densely sampled auxiliary variable, cokriging requires simplifications. In its strict sense, collocated cokriging makes use of the auxiliary variable only at the current point where the target variable is to be estimated; in the multicollocated form, it also makes use of the auxiliary variable at all points where the target variable is available. This paper looks for the models that support these collocated cokrigings, i.e., the models in which the simplification resulting from the collocated forms does not result in any loss of information. In these models, the cross-structure between the two variables is shown to be proportional to the structure of the auxiliary variable, not to the structure of the target variable as is often assumed (except, of course, when all structures are proportional). The target variable depends on the auxiliary variable and on a spatially uncorrelated residual. Collocated cokriging simplifies to the simple method, which consists in kriging this residual. The strictly collocated cokriging corresponds to the particular case where the residual has a pure nugget structure, but it is then reduced to the single regression at the target point. Except for this trivial case, there are no models in which strictly collocated cokriging is exactly a cokriging.  相似文献   

On the Equivalence of the Cokriging and Kriging Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Simple cokriging of components of a p-dimensional second-order stationary random process is considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions under which simple cokriging is equivalent to simple kriging are given. Essentially this condition requires that it should be possible to express the cross-covariance at any lag series h using the cross-covariance at |h|=0 and the auto-covariance at lag series h. The mosaic model, multicolocated kriging and the linear model of coregionalization are examined in this context. A data analytic method to examine whether simple kriging of components of a multivariate random process is equivalent to its cokriging is given  相似文献   

Ordinary Cokriging Revisited   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper sets up the relations between simple cokriging and ordinary cokriging with one or several unbiasedness constraints. Differences between cokriging variants are related to differences between models adopted for the means of primary and secondary variables. Because it is not necessary for the secondary data weights to sum to zero, ordinary cokriging with a single unbiasedness constraint gives a larger weight to the secondary information while reducing the occurrence of negative weights. Also the weights provided by such cokriging systems written in terms of covariances or correlograms are not related linearly, hence the estimates are different. The prediction performances of cokriging estimators are assessed using an environmental dataset that includes concentrations of five heavy metals at 359 locations. Analysis of reestimation scores at 100 test locations shows that kriging and cokriging perform equally when the primary and secondary variables are sampled at the same locations. When the secondary information is available at the estimated location, one gains little by retaining other distant secondary data in the estimation.  相似文献   

This paper sets up the relations between simple cokriging and ordinary cokriging with one or several unbiasedness constraints. Differences between cokriging variants are related to differences between models adopted for the means of primary and secondary variables. Because it is not necessary for the secondary data weights to sum to zero, ordinary cokriging with a single unbiasedness constraint gives a larger weight to the secondary information while reducing the occurrence of negative weights. Also the weights provided by such cokriging systems written in terms of covariances or correlograms are not related linearly, hence the estimates are different. The prediction performances of cokriging estimators are assessed using an environmental dataset that includes concentrations of five heavy metals at 359 locations. Analysis of reestimation scores at 100 test locations shows that kriging and cokriging perform equally when the primary and secondary variables are sampled at the same locations. When the secondary information is available at the estimated location, one gains little by retaining other distant secondary data in the estimation.  相似文献   

On the Structural Link Between Variables in Kriging with External Drift   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kriging with external drift allows one to estimate a target variable, accounting for a densely sampled auxiliary variable. Contrary to cokriging, kriging with external drift does not make explicit the structural link between target variable and auxiliary variable, for the latter is considered to be deterministic. In this paper, we show that kriging with external drift assumes implicitly an absence of spatial dependence between the auxiliary variable and the residual of the linear regression of target variable on auxiliary variable at same point. This is the simple model with orthogonal residual, where cokriging is collocated and coincides with kriging of the residual. In this model, the cross-structure is proportional to the structure of the auxiliary variable, and the linear regression of target variable on auxiliary variable does not depend on the support.  相似文献   

Indicator principal component kriging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An alternative to multiple indicator kriging is proposed which approximates the full coindicator kriging system by kriging the principal components of the original indicator variables. This transformation is studied in detail for the biGaussian model. It is shown that the cross-correlations between principal components are either insignificant or exactly zero. This result allows derivation of the conditional cumulative density function (cdf) by kriging principal components and then applying a linear back transform. A performance comparison based on a real data set (Walker Lake) is presented which suggests that the proposed method achieves approximation of the conditional cdf equivalent to indicator cokriging but with substantially less variogram modeling effort and at smaller computational cost.  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of four algorithms (full indicator cokriging. adjacent cutoffs indicator cokriging, multiple indicator kriging, median indicator kriging) for modeling conditional cumulative distribution functions (ccdf).The latter three algorithms are approximations to the theoretically better full indicator cokriging in the sense that they disregard cross-covariances between some indicator variables or they consider that all covariances are proportional to the same function. Comparative performance is assessed using a reference soil data set that includes 2649 locations at which both topsoil copper and cobalt were measured. For all practical purposes, indicator cokriging does not perform better than the other simpler algorithms which involve less variogram modeling effort and smaller computational cost. Furthermore, the number of order relation deviations is found to be higher for cokriging algorithms, especially when constraints on the kriging weights are applied.  相似文献   

Information on the spatial distribution of soil particle-size fractions (psf) is required for a wide range of applications. Geostatistics is often used to map spatial distribution from point observations; however, for compositional data such as soil psf, conventional multivariate geostatistics are not optimal. Several solutions have been proposed, including compositional kriging and transformation to a composition followed by cokriging. These have been shown to perform differently in different situations, so that there is no procedure to choose an optimal method. To address this, two case studies of soil psf mapping were carried out using compositional kriging, log-ratio cokriging, cokriging, and additive log-ratio cokriging; and the performance of Mahalanobis distance as a criterion for choosing an optimal mapping method was tested. All methods generated very similar results. However, the compositional kriging and cokriging results were slightly more similar to each other than to the other pair, as were log-ratio cokriging and additive log-ratio cokriging. The similar results of the two methods within each pair were due to similarities of the methods themselves, for example, the same variogram models and prediction techniques, and the similar results between the two pairs were due to the mathematical relationship between original and log-ratio transformed data. Mahalanobis distance did not prove to be a good indicator for selecting an optimal method to map soil psf.  相似文献   

Comparison of kriging techniques in a space-time context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Space-time processes constitute a particular class, requiring suitable tools in order to predict values in time and space, such as a space-time variogram or covariance function. The space-time co-variance function is defined and linked to the Linear Model of Coregionalization under second-order space-time stationarity. Simple and ordinary space-time kriging systems are compared to simple and ordinary cokriging and their differences for unbiasedness conditions are underlined. The ordinary space-time kriging estimation then is applied to simulated data. Prediction variances and prediction errors are compared with those for ordinary kriging and cokriging under different unbiasedness conditions using a cross-validation. The results show that space-time kriging tend to produce lower prediction variances and prediction errors that kriging and cokriging.  相似文献   

Conditioning realizations of stationary Gaussian random fields to a set of data is traditionally based on simple kriging. In practice, this approach may be demanding as it does not account for the uncertainty in the spatial average of the random field. In this paper, an alternative model is presented, in which the Gaussian field is decomposed into a random mean, constant over space but variable over the realizations, and an independent residual. It is shown that, when the prior variance of the random mean is infinitely large (reflecting prior ignorance on the actual spatial average), the realizations of the Gaussian random field are made conditional by substituting ordinary kriging for simple kriging. The proposed approach can be extended to models with random drifts that are polynomials in the spatial coordinates, by using universal or intrinsic kriging for conditioning the realizations, and also to multivariate situations by using cokriging instead of kriging.  相似文献   

Indicator cokriging is an alternative to disjunctive kriging for estimation of spatial distributions. One way to determine which of these techniques is more accurate for estimation of spatial distributions is to apply each to a particular type of data. A procedure is developed for evaluation of disjunctive kriging and indicator cokriging for such an application. Application of this procedure to earthquake ground motion data found disjunctive kriging to be at least as accurate as indicator cokriging for estimation of spatial distributions of peak horizontal acceleration. Indicator cokriging was superior for all other types of earthquake ground motion data.  相似文献   

There exist many secondary data that must be considered in in reservoir characterization for resource assessment and performance forecasting. These include multiple seismic attributes, geological trends and structural controls. It is essential that all secondary data be accounted for with the precision warranted by that data type. Cokriging is the standard technique in geostatistics to account for multiple data types. The most common variant of cokriging in petroleum geostatistics is collocated cokriging. Implementations of collocated cokriging are often limited to a single secondary variable. Practitioners often choose the most correlated or most relevant secondary variable. Improved models would be constructed if multiple variables were accounted for simultaneously. This paper presents a novel approach to (1) merge all secondary data into a single super secondary variable, then (2) implement collocated cokriging with the single variable. The preprocessing step is straightforward and no major changes are required in the standard implementation of collocated cokriging. The theoretical validity of this approach is proven, that is, the results are proven to be identical to a “full” approach using all multiple secondary variables simultaneously.  相似文献   

Comparison of approaches to spatial estimation in a bivariate context   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The problem of estimating a regionalized variable in the presence of other secondary variables is encountered in spatial investigations. Given a context in which the secondary variable is known everywhere (or can be estimated with great precision), different estimation methods are compared: regression, regression with residual simple kriging, kriging, simple kriging with a mean obtained by regression, kriging with an external drift, and cokriging. The study focuses on 19 pairs of regionalized variables from five different datasets representing different domains (geochemical, environmental, geotechnical). The methods are compared by cross-validation using the mean absolute error as criterion. For correlations between the principal and secondary variable under 0.4, similar results are obtained using kriging and cokriging, and these methods are superior slightly to the other approaches in terms of minimizing estimation error. For correlations greater than 0.4, cokriging generally performs better than other methods, with a reduction in mean absolute errors that can reach 46% when there is a high degree of correlation between the variables. Kriging with an external drift or kriging the residuals of a regression (SKR) are almost as precise as cokriging.  相似文献   

On Some Simplifications of Cokriging Neighborhood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Choosing the cokriging neighborhood is often difficult. A poor choice, ignoring influent data, can result in a loss of information as well as in artifacts in simulations based on cokriging. Then it is convenient to use if possible, or to refer to models that lead to simplified cokriging neighborhood. We essentially consider the case of two stationary variables, a target variable and an auxiliary one. By examining possible simplifications, we set up a list of models (essentially models with residuals) that, in general or under specific configurations, lead to simplifications of cokriging neighborhood. Collocated, dislocated, and other types of neighborhood are identified, that are optimal in some models and configurations. Possible extensions to cokriging with unknown means, and to more variables, are included.  相似文献   

时空多元协同克立格的理论研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文结合地质统计学的最新成果,在空间协同区域化理论的基础上,对时空域中多元信息的协同克立格(STCOK)理论进行了较为详细的研究。主要研究内容有:(1)STCOK中的互变异函数与互协方差函数;(2)STCOK方程组及求解估值权因子的三种方法:①传统普通协同克立格法(STTOCOK),②标准普通协同克立格法(STSOCOK),③简单协同克立格法(STSCOK);(3)排列协同克立格(STCOLCOK);(4)指示协同克立格(STIKCOK)。  相似文献   

Spatial characterization of non-Gaussian attributes in earth sciences and engineering commonly requires the estimation of their conditional distribution. The indicator and probability kriging approaches of current nonparametric geostatistics provide approximations for estimating conditional distributions. They do not, however, provide results similar to those in the cumbersome implementation of simultaneous cokriging of indicators. This paper presents a new formulation termed successive cokriging of indicators that avoids the classic simultaneous solution and related computational problems, while obtaining equivalent results to the impractical simultaneous solution of cokriging of indicators. A successive minimization of the estimation variance of probability estimates is performed, as additional data are successively included into the estimation process. In addition, the approach leads to an efficient nonparametric simulation algorithm for non-Gaussian random functions based on residual probabilities.  相似文献   

Criteria to Compare Estimation Methods of Regionalized Compositions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The additive logratio (alr) transformation has been used in several case studies to predict regionalized compositions using standard geostatistical estimation methods such as ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging. It is a simple method that allows application to transformed data all the body of knowledge available for geostatistical analysis of coregionalizations without a constant sum constraint. To compare the performance of methods, it is customary to use a univariate crossvalidation approach based on the leaving-one-out technique to evaluate the performance for each attribute separately. For multivariate observations this approach is difficult to interpret in terms of overall performance. Therefore, we propose using appropriate distances in real space and in the simplex, to improve the crossvalidation approach and, going a step forward, to adapt the concept of stress from multidimensional scaling to obtain a global measure of performance for each method. The Lyons West oil field of Kansas is used to illustrate the impactof using different distances in the performance of ordinary kriging versus ordinary cokriging.  相似文献   

Under the intrinsic coregionalization model if both primary and secondary measurements are available at all sample locations, the conventional geostatistical wisdom is that cokriging provides exactly the same solution as univariate kriging on the primary process alone. However, recent eamples have been given where nonzero secondary cokriging weights have accurred under this spatial dependence structure. This note identifies the conditions under which secondary information is useful under the assumption of intrinsic coregionalization. An illustration is given using a dataset of plutonium and americium concentrations collected from a region of the Nevada Test Site.  相似文献   

纯时间域多元信息地质统计学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着人们动态地认识客观世界的要求日益增加,时空域中的多元信息地质统计学技术研究受到重视。本文在时间域内对几种纯时间域克立格技术进行了研究,重点对纯时间域中的普通克立格(TOK)、简单克立格(TSK)及泛克立格(TUK)进行了论述,也对纯时间域中的协同克立格(TCOK)和指示克立格(TIK)作了简要的概括。  相似文献   

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