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Since the 1980s, one of the important progresses in the study of the Qinling orogenic belt is marked by findings of numerous ophiolite zones[1—4]. On the basis of the former orogenic models of the Paleozoic colli-sional orogeny[1,5,6] and the Mesozoic collision[7—9], another orogenic evolution model from the Paleozoic subduction-collision along the Shangdan suture to the Mesozoic final collision orogeny along the Mianle suture[3,10], including the relicts of the Jining orogeny, has been pr…  相似文献   

There are three groups of pillow volcanics in the Dachadaban ophiolite. Group 1 is typical boninite, enriched in Si, Mg and depleted in Ti, HREE and HFSE; group 2 is the evolved boninite, slightly higher abundance of Ti, HREE, HFSE and large variation of Mg’ due to fractional crystallization; and group 3 is tholeiite with MORB character. The existence of MORB and boninite indicates that the Dachadaban ophiolite was probably formed in islandare and back-arc environments. Project supported by both the Department of Foundation Research and High Technology, State Science and Technology Commission of PRC, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49472101).  相似文献   

The chemical variation of the Earth’s mantle rocks has been interpreted to reflect multiple episodes of partial melting. With the increasing of melt generation and extraction, the readily molten minerals and incompatible elements decrease in the residual mantle peridotite. The present-day gladiate of the Earth, however, cannot cause mantle batch melting[1], nor 40% partial melting that allows pyroxenes to be completely dissolved into melt and forms dunite[2,3]. Recent studies show that mantl…  相似文献   

The North Dabie complex unit(NDC)is a widely exposed petro-tectonic unit.To understand post-orogenic uplift history and mechanism of the Dabie orogenic belt,many samples of granite,granodiorite,diorite,and alkali feldspar granite with precise zircon U-Pb ages were collected for electron microprobe analysis of hornblende.Emplacement pressure values were then calculated by using an Al-in-hornblende geobarometer.The result shows that total Al(AlT)values in hornblende range from 1.17to 1.97 p.f.u.,XFe(=Fe/(Fe+Mg))from 0.4 to 0.65,and corresponding pressure values from 256.8 to 676.2 MPa for AlT greater than 1.17.It is suggested that although the main mechanism for the uplift is tectonic extension,inhomogeneous uplift related to the pluton emplacement is also important during post-orogenic evolution of the Dabie orogenic belt.Emplacement depth distribution of the plutons shows that uplift in the NDC is affected by horst-graben structures since 120 Ma.  相似文献   

A middle Paleozoic subduction-collision orogenic belt between the Siberian and North China Plates has been recognized in Xilinhot-the south of Sonid Left Banner-Erdaojing area, northern Inner Mongolia, China. It comprises five subunits: mélange belt, foreland deformation belt, molasse and littoral basin, are diorite series and syncollision granitoid series. Evolution history of the orogenic belt can be divided into subduction stage (500-400 Ma) and collision stage (400-320 Ma). The formation of the orogenic belt caused the convergence between the Siberian and North China Plates during the late Devonian. Suture zone corresponding to the mélange belt extends from Erdaojing, Qagan Ura to Honggor. Project supported by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation in Hong Kong.  相似文献   


兴蒙造山带位于中亚造山带东段, 作为古亚洲构造域的重要组成部分, 由西伯利亚板块与华北板块碰撞拼合而成, 其经历了大陆裂解、洋盆扩张、洋壳俯冲消减和碰撞拼合造山等复杂的构造演化过程.为了利用壳幔结构约束造山带演化的深部过程, 跨越华北地块北缘、松辽—锡林浩特地块、兴安地块以及索伦—西拉木伦缝合带和二连—贺根山缝合带, 实施了一条520 km长的深地震测深剖面, 获得了高质量的人工源大当量的宽角反射和折射地震资料, 并采用地震动力学射线方法获得地壳速度结构.结果显示: (1)研究区地壳平均速度为6.15~6.3 km·s-1, Pn波速度为7.8~8.2 km·s-1; (2)地壳厚度约为36.1~42.2 km, 最厚位置(~42.2 km)对应地表大兴安岭主峰, 说明大兴安岭在此位置存在山根; (3)地壳速度在1.5~6.8 km·s-1范围内, 认为在该区地壳内不存在洋壳物质; (4)主要断裂带或缝合带位于速度等值线变化剧烈的梯度带上; (5)速度结构显示研究区具有明显的横向分区和纵向分层的特点.地壳内速度剧烈变化特征表明兴蒙造山带的地壳物质组成不均匀, 尤其中下地壳, 速度等值线起伏剧烈.这种复杂的地壳速度结构应该与中生代以来多板块汇聚引发的多期区域性伸展和挤压作用有关.


Ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) granulites in the South Altay orogenic belt of Northwestern China provide important clues for the lower crustal components and tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt during the Paleozoic. In this paper, we studied whole‐rock geochemistry and mineral characteristics to understand the protolith and metamorphic evolution of the Altay UHT granulite. The Altay granulite shows negative discriminant function values (DF) of ?9.27 to ?3.95, indicating a sedimentary origin, probably an argillaceous rock. The peak metamorphic temperature–pressure conditions of 920–1010 °C and > 9 kbar were estimated from the geothermobarometry, together with the stability of spinel (low ZnO) + quartz and orthopyroxene (Al2O3 up to 9.2 wt.%) + sillimanite + quartz in the Altay UHT rock, indicate a UHT metamorphic condition has been achieved. Two stages of retrograde conditions are recognized in these rocks; the first is an isothermal decompression to approx. 750 °C at 5.2–5.8 kbar at the early stage, and the second is the cooling down to 520–550 °C at 4.8–5.2 kbar. Combined with previous study, the formation of the Altay UHT pelitic granulite with a clockwise retrograde P–T path is inferred to be related with collisional and accretional orogenic process between the Siberian and Kazakhstan–Junggar plates.  相似文献   

The Cambrian and Ordovician on the northern Tarim Platform are mainly composed of carbonates. On the basis of detailed outcrop analysis, the sequence stratigraphic system of the Cambrian-Ordovician in the northern Tarim Platform is outlined in this paper. Altogether 35 third-order sequences, 12 supersequences, 4 supersequence sets and 2 megasequences are recognized. The characteristics of the major sequence boundaries have been documented with an integrated examination of outcrop, seismic and borehole data, and the ages of these sequence boundaries have been calibrated through the combination of sequence stratigraphy with biostratigraphy. It is discovered that there is good correlation of the sequence stratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician among Tarim, Yangtze and North China platforms. This may illustrate that the development of the Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate sequences in these three platforms is mainly controlled by regional or global sea level changes. This forms the theoretical basis for the construction of high-resolution chronostratigraphic system of the Cambrian-Ordovician in the three platforms in China.  相似文献   

Timing of the intermediate-basic igneous rocks developed in the area of Kuhai-A'nyêmaqên along the southern east Kunlun tectonic belt is a controversial issue. This paper presents new zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating data for igneous zircons from the Kuhai gabbro and the Dur'ngoi diorite in the Kuhai-A'nyemaqen tectonic belt, which are 555±9 Ma and 493±6 Ma, respectively. The trace element geochemical features of the Kuhai gabbro and the Dur'ngoi diorite are similar to those of ocean island basalts (OIB) and island arc basalts (IAB), respectively. Thus, the Kuhai gabbro with the age of 555±9 Ma and OIB geochemical features is similar to the Yushigou oceanic ophiolite in the North Qilian orogen, whereas the Dur'ngoi diorite with the age of 493±6 Ma and IAB geochemical features is similar to the island arc volcanic rocks developed in the north Qaidam. The Late Neoproterozoic to Early Ordovician ophiolite complex in the area of Kuhai-A'nyêmaqên suggests that the southern margin of the "Qilian-Qaidam-Kunlun" archipelagic ocean in this period was located in the southern east Kunlun tectonic belt. Therefore, the southern east Kunlun tectonic belt in the early Paleozoic is not comparable to the Mianlüe tectonic belt in the Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The late-Paleozoic mafic volcanic rocks occurring in the surrounding areas of the Gonghe basin are distributed in the A'nyêmaqên ophiolite zone, Zongwulong tectonic zone and Kuhai-Saishitang volcanic zone. The mafic volcanics in the A'nyêmaqên zone formed an ancient ridge-centered hotspot around the Majixueshan OIB, the Kuhai-Saishitang mafic rocks consist of E-MORB and continental rift basalts and the Zongwulong volcanic rocks are enriched N-MORB. The regionally low Nb/U and Ce/Pb ratios reflect the influence of the OIB material on the mafic magma source. From geochemistry, spatial distribution and tectonic relationship of the mafic rocks, an ancient triple-junction centered at the Majixueshan can be inferred. The existence of the Kuhai-Saishitang aulacogen may have provided a tectonic channel for the Majixueshan OIB materials metasomatizing the magma source for the Zongwulong rocks. The formation of the triple-junction and the rifting of the Zongwulong zone have separated the orogens and massifs in the region.  相似文献   

Chien-Yuan  Tseng  Guo-Chao  Zuo  Huai-Jen  Yang  Houng-Yi  Yang  Kuo-An  Tung  Dun-Yi  Liu  Han-Quan  Wu 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):526-549
Field relationships, mineralogy and petrology, whole‐rock chemistry, and age of the Zhamashi mafic–ultramafic intrusion in the North Qilian Mountains, northwest China, have been studied in the present work. The Zhamashi intrusive body consists of ultramafic, gabbroic, and dioritic rocks in a crudely concentrically zoned structure. The ultramafic rocks are layered cumulates with rock types varying continuously from dunite through wehrlite and olivine clinopyroxenite to clinopyroxenite. The gabbroic and dioritic rocks are also layered or massive cumulates with rock types varying continuously from noritic gabbro through hornblende gabbro to diorite. The ultramafic and adjoining gabbroic rocks are discontinuous in lithology and discordant in structure across the interface. The interface is steep, sharp, and fractured. Contact metamorphic zones are well developed between the Zhamashi intrusive body and the country rock. The concentrically zoned structure of the intrusive body and the intrusion into the continental crust are the two main pieces of evidence for considering that the Zhamashi intrusion is Alaskan‐type. The mineral chemistry of the chromian spinels (Cr‐spinels) and clinopyroxenes, and the variation trend of the whole‐rock compositional plot in the (Na2O + K2O)–FeO–MgO (AFM) diagram are also supportive of this consideration. The age of the Zhamashi intrusive body, determined with sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe on the zircon grains, is 513.0 ± 4.5 Ma. Parental magma of the Zhamashi intrusion is compositionally close to the primitive magma produced by partial melting of the mantle peridotite. It was differentiated by fractional crystallization at low total pressure and under H2O‐rich conditions in an arc environment to form all the major rock types. The concentrically zoned structure of the Zhamashi intrusive body was constructed in two stages: formation of a stratiform‐type layered sequence, followed by diapiric re‐emplacement. The occurrence of the Alaskan‐type intrusion suggests an active continental margin and Cambrian arc magmatism for the northern margin of the Qilian Block.  相似文献   

Geometry,kinematics and evolution of the Tongbai orogenic belt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 Introduction spectively[2,3]. Several tectonic units such as the Bei- The Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt has attracted huaiyang, north Dabie, south Dabie and Susong belts worldwide attention by its very complex and abundant have been recognized in eastern Dabie[4]. Nine tec- geological characters, and has been a “hot point” of tonic units have been recognized in western Dabie and international geological research[1]. A vast amount of a more detailed division has been suggested especially …  相似文献   

IntroductionDuringtheMarchof1997,anactive-sourceseismicexperimentwasundertakenbyajointSino-GermanseismicprojecttoinvestigatethesubsurfacestructurebeneaththeDabieUHPMbeltwithintheframeworkofinternationalContinentalScientificDrillingProgramme(ICDP).ThetargetareaislocatedbetweenYuexiandQianshaninAnhuiProvince,andgeologicallyonthejunctureoftheDabieorogenicbeltandtheTanlufault(Figurel).Thisexperimentisparticularlydesignedsinthefieldcombinedwiththeinterestsofseismictomographyandwide-anglere…  相似文献   

Many researchers have focused on the tectonic evolution of North Qilian Mountains (NQM) since the 1970s[1―7]. However, the tectonic affinity of the an- cient oceanic mantle in early Paleozoic remains in de-bate. Three general explanations for it have been pro- posed. The first one suggests that the ancient ocean was a part of Proto-Tethys, and the tectonic evolution of NQM should be regarded as a portion of the562 Science in China: Series D Earth Sciences Tethyan tectonic domain[1]. …  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, a large number of paleomagneticstudies have been carried out in the North China block(NCB) and Tarim block[1-8], and more and more geo-physicists recently believe that the last collision andconvergence between Siberia and the Mongolia-NorthChina plate happened in the Late Jurassic, which wascontributed to a paleomagnetic study on these areas byZhao and his colleagues[2]. However, we lack paleo-magnetic results obtained directly from the orogenicbelt between Siberia and th…  相似文献   

The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt lies between the North China Block and Qinling Mountains, including the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone and the strong deformation zone to the north of the fault. The ductile shear zone, imbricate brittle fault and duplex structure in the fault zone now are the expression of the same tectonic event in different depth. Such lineation structure exists in the tectonic belts as mineral lineation, elongation lineation, crenulation lineation, sheath folds and so on, indicating NE-directed plate motion. Fold axes and thrusts in the strong deformation zone are inclined to the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone at small angles. The structures with different natures show a regular pattern, produced during oblique convergence of plates. The convergence factors are as follows: The direction of plate convergence is 22°, 31° and the angle between the plate convergence direction and plate boundary is 73°, 82° respectively in the west and east segment. The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt was deformed strongly in 372 Ma, resulted from Erlangping back-arc ocean basin subduction sinistrally and obliquely to North China Block during the collision of North China Block and South China Block. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40372097 and 40772131)  相似文献   

基于2009—2017年新疆区域数字地震台网记录的地震波形数据,利用波形互相关技术及主事件定位方法识别并重新定位了新疆天山中段及其周缘的重复地震。以波形互相关系数0.9作为阈值来确定研究区的重复地震事件,统计结果显示3万零181个事件中的1万1 618个为重复地震事件,这些重复地震事件组成了2395组重复地震对和重复地震丛,占总事件数的38.5%。根据重复地震重定位前后地震对之间距离的统计结果推测,该区域的系统定位误差约为5—10 km。进一步结合该区域最新的震源分类结果对不同震源类型重复地震的时空分布特征予以分析,结果显示:重复矿山爆破事件在空间上呈丛集性分布,且其中的93.6%发生于白天,同时呈现季节性发生模式,即爆破多发生于夏季,而冬季较少;而重复构造地震在空间上大多沿断层分布,24小时内呈随机分布的特征,且研究时段内每个月的活动水平相对平稳;重复诱发地震成丛分布于靠近油气田和水库的区域,但其中部分诱发地震的位置与构造地震重叠,发震时间特征与构造地震相似,为随机分布。   相似文献   

龙门山造山带重力场研究表明它处于不均衡的状态,为此,构建了横贯松潘-甘孜块体、龙门山造山带和四川盆地的二维剖面的数值模型,采用黏弹性模型对重力场响应对研究区构造演化过程及动力学效应进行探讨.研究结果表明:(1)重力均衡调整导致了深部物质的垂向复杂动力学响应.在印度板块碰撞挤压效应与青藏高原东缘重力势能差的共同作用下,使得高原东缘深部物质在龙门山深处向东运移时潜入地幔,构成了青藏高原物质向东运移的另一种补偿方式;(2)流变结构及应变能的计算结果表明,龙门山上、中地壳层能量集中危险度较高的地段与汶川大震的孕震及发震方式基本一致,龙门山两侧介质属性、构造格局和流变属性的差异对汶川大地震的孕育和发生均起到了重要作用;(3)进一步开展由包含地表剥蚀的重力均衡调整效应与挤压缩短共同作用下的动力学模型,可以为合理地解释龙门山及周缘地带动力学响应提供重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) represents the world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogen, the major phase of which was built during the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The Tianshan orogenic belt forms the southwestern segment of the CAOB and has been the focus of investigations related to the evolution of the CAOB. Here we present results from an analysis of the crustal structure and upper mantle discontinuity beneath the Chinese Tianshan by employing H-k stacking technique as well as depth domain and synthetic receiver functions. Our results identify a double peak of Moho Ps in the Tianshan orogenic belt, suggesting the possibility of insertion of the lower crust of the Tarim Basin into this belt, with the latter retaining its initial crustal architecture. Our results provide insights into the dynamics of northward extrusion and the N–S trending crustal shortening of the Tianshan orogen during the convergence of the India and Eurasia blocks.  相似文献   

秦岭造山带和邻域磁异常特征及结晶基底变异分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据最新的跨越南鄂尔多斯盆地—渭河盆地—秦岭—大巴造山带—四川盆地东北缘,即榆林—咸阳—万源—涪陵综合地球物理大剖面的高精度地磁观测数据和1:10万与1:20万航磁异常资料,经数据处理和反演分析了该研究区域内地磁异常场展布特征、构造分区及结晶基底起伏.通过对采集数据的反演与研究结果分析表明,不同构造单元之间地磁异常场和结晶基底起伏均存在明显差异和分区特征.南鄂尔多斯盆地磁异常较平稳,由于燕山运动导致盆地整体抬升,其后受到了不同程度的剥蚀作用,结晶基底埋藏较浅;渭河盆地与四川盆地东北部却长期接受沉积作用,结晶基底埋藏相对较深;而秦岭—大巴造山带磁异常变化剧烈,由于其经历了长期的碰撞、挤压和陆内造山作用,地层、岩性和构造分布极不均匀,且在深部存在物质与能量的交换和运移.这一研究结果为进一步深化认识研究区域内的上地壳属性、构造格局、深层运动学与动力学过程及深部潜在资源远景提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

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