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河流曝气技术简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对国内外普遍使用的河道污染治理技术--河道曝气技术进行了简要的介绍,实践证明曝气复氧技术是乔一种快速、高效、简便易行的污染水体治理技术,它既可以有效去除水体中的致黑致臭物质,改善水质,又可以提高水体中的溶解氧含量,强化水体的自净功能,促进水体生态系统的恢复,在河流(湖泊)污染的综合治理中具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

天然河流水质受到污染,但水能依然存在且可以利用。研究了利用水体的势能进行大气复氧的方法,并将其引进污水生物处理领域。被污染的河水通过势能增氧生态床法进行原位生态修复后,其水质可达到地表水Ⅲ类标准,而且大大降低了污水处理费用。该研究革除了鼓风曝气进行大气复氧(利用动能),突破了污水生物处理的"障碍",充分发挥利用水体势能进行大气复氧的运行费用低的优点,开辟了水能利用的新领域。  相似文献   

河流生态修复技术研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晋 《地下水》2011,(6):60-62
河流在人类社会发展中扮演着重要的角色,但由于人类的过度使用以及随意将污染物排放入河流中,造成河流的生态破坏、水体污染.对于河流的治理,国外已从传统的“污水处理、达标排放”治理目标转变为以水质再生为核心的“水的循环再利用”,由单纯的“污染控制”技术发展为“水生态的修复与恢复”.本文介绍了河流生态修复的理念及其修复技术.  相似文献   

我国河流湖泊污染的防治技术及发展趋势   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国河流湖泊污染现状为V类和劣V类水质占七大水系(辽河、海河、淮河、黄河、松花江、珠江、长江)主要断面的50%以上,高中营养化湖泊占被调查湖泊的85%以上,河流湖泊污染状况十分严峻.目前河流湖泊采取的污染防治技术措施主要有:削减截流污染源、完善城市排水系统和建设污水处理厂、河流低泥疏浚、河道曝气技术、生物修复技术、水生植被恢复工程、引清冲淡等等.生物生态技术将在河流湖泊污染防治及生态恢复中发挥重要的作用.  相似文献   

生态基流量是维持河床基本形态,保障河道输水能力,防止河道断流、保持水体一定的自净能力的最小流量,是维持河流的最基本环境功能不受破坏,必须在河道中常年流动的最小水量临界值。在水利水电工程规划设计及工程管理运行中应充分考虑最基本的河道内生态基流量,以维持河流的健康生命,防止因工程的建设而河流生态环境的恶化。陕西镇安云镇水库工程生态基流量,在传统基本计算方法的基础上,结合对水库工程规模的影响程度分析综合确定。经分析,生态基流量占天然径流量百分比的10%,即满足工程下游河道生态需水要求,又不使工程规模过大,对"小库高坝"云镇水库工程取低限是合适的。  相似文献   

本文对甘南大夏河流域现存的生态环境问题进行了识别与诊断,对其生态问题成因进行了剖析,提出了相应的修复措施。研究显示,矿山环境破坏、草地退化沙化、水土流失、湿地萎缩和生物多样性减少是甘南大夏河流域目前主要的生态环境问题。针对这些主要问题,基于山水林田湖草沙一体化生态修复理念,划分了三个生态修复单元,确立了自然恢复、保护保育、辅助再生、生态重塑四种生态修复模式,提出了以水源涵养为核心的区域生态保护与修复策略,重点布设与实施矿山生态修复、草原生态保护修复、小流域生态保护修复、湿地和生物多样性保护修复、生态环境监测预警与评价系统等五大生态保护与修复工程。该研究可为甘南大夏河流域生态保护与修复提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

王龙飞  王子怡  李轶 《水科学进展》2022,33(6):1009-1020
潜流带是流域生态修复的关键区域之一, 潜流带修复的根本目标是恢复水系间的能量流通、物质传递和信息流动, 即恢复潜流带的连通性。对于潜流带连通性恢复而言, 应统筹考虑水文连通性、生态连通性和功能连通性等多层次的内容。潜流带生态修复相关研究主要基于流体动力学、地质学和生态学等基础理论, 剖析潜流驱动的生物地球化学耦合机制, 研发可促进潜流交换和恢复生物多样性的生态修复技术, 实现潜流带水文条件的改善与生物物种的恢复, 进而达到潜流带生态系统结构和功能综合性修复的目的。本文从潜流带水文连通性、生态连通性和功能连通性等多层次出发, 从潜流带流体动力学性能、介质性能、生物群落组成、食物网结构及环境生态功能等方面, 综述基于生态修复目标的潜流带连通性恢复理论与技术进展, 以实现潜流带生态系统整体稳定性的提升。在未来潜流带生态修复理论与应用研究中, 需发挥多学科交叉的优势, 耦合多组学方法对潜流带生态过程进行微观探索, 系统探究时间和空间尺度上潜流带生态修复过程的演替规律, 进一步构建多因素作用下的潜流带生态修复框架体系。  相似文献   

针对新开西河连通工程设计中的生态系统设计过程,提出新开西河的生态系统设计应以河流生态恢复最大化的目标,应尽量减少使用混凝土、水泥砂浆等建材,避免大量硬性工程措施导致河流生物多样性下降,避免因设计造成天然河道化、河流间断和河流生态群落简化,工程布局应以保护和恢复河流形态多样性为主,满足生态河流的边界要求,为植物生长和动物栖息地创造有利条件。  相似文献   

根据水生态文明城市建设和水源地环境保护要求,本文提出河流底泥及水质治理、河道斜堤重新设计、生态群落净化以及水生植物吸附等生态治理措施,为修复河流生态系统、创造水生动植物栖息环境和聚集地提供重要保障。通过仿真试验模拟河流水环境,验证了河流生态治理措施的科学有效性。试验表明:设计的城市河流治理体系可以快速恢复水生态环境,为城市河流综合整治及其方案的优化设计提供决策依据。  相似文献   

入湖河道生态修复工程对水流流速的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在河流中开辟生化反应区、直接布设仿生填料净化河流微污染水体可以达到改善入湖水质、减少投资、降低能源消耗的目的。但在河道内直接布设填料势必会对河流的水动力条件及其河流原有的使用功能造成一定的影响。从填料给水流带来的阻力、流速及糙率变化等方面进行河道内直接布设生物填料对河流水动力条件的影响试验分析。结果表明,由于河道流速不大(属于缓流水体),9根/m2的填料布设密度对水流的扰动作用程度不高,填料段的糙率仅为无填料段糙率的1.08倍,不会对河道的泄水能力造成影响。  相似文献   

With the over-exploitation of water resources, water pollution and poor management of water infrastructures are exacerbated. Ecosystem degradation is apparent at the basin level. The Tarim River Basin in northwest China has seen intensive confrontation between environmental protection and economic development over the past five decades. Ambitious agricultural development and land reclamation projects implemented by the Chinese government in the early 1960s led to several influences. For example, the construction of dams like the Daxihaizi Reservoir disrupted the stream-flow to the lower reaches. Water resource reproducible ability (WRRA) refers to the ability of water resources to be continually added by the natural water cycle. It includes the supplementation of water quantity and the self-purification of water quality in the natural cycle of water resources. This study discusses the WRRA index and introduces the computational method for calculating the WRRA index for the Tarim River Basin. The following conclusions are observed: (1) from 1956 to 2005, the indices of WRRA in the Hotan River Basin, Yarkand and Aksu River Basin are 0.26, 0.55, 0.58, respectively, which are between 0 and 1. The results indicate that the hydrological cycle in these three sub-basins is in a reproducible state. (2) The WRRA index in the Kaidu-Kong River Basin is 1.23 > 1, which indicates that floods may occur in the Kaidu-Kong River Basin. (3) The index of WRRA in the main stream is 0, which indicates that the WRRA is very weak at this location, and zero-flow may occur. Calculating the WRRA of a basin can provide a basis for corresponding basin water resources management.  相似文献   

The Tarwal River basin with an area of 6560.20 km2 is located in the eastern part of Iranian Kurdistan Province. This river crosses the Qorveh and Dehgolan plains and joins the Ghezel Ozan River in Zanjan Province. The importance of this river as a source for drinking water and agricultural and industrial uses in the region necessitates the need for research in this field. The main purpose of this study is to identify the natural features of the riverbed from the perspective of river geomorphology and to investigate their impact on water quality and river self-purification capacity. To achieve this, the river style framework was employed. To investigate the effects of each style framework on the river, a total of 20 samples from the entrance and outlet of styles were obtained using Impact Assessment method and sampling standards which were later analyzed for their quality parameters including T, pH, EC, TDS, TSS, Na, Ca, Mg, K, Cl, F, NO2, NO3, SO4, PO4, DO, COD and BOD. The results indicated that the changes in the styles lead to changes in water quality and the impact of each style is greater on the physical parameters than the chemical parameters. The river self-purification capacity varied depending on the style. The maximum and the minimum self-purifications occurred in fine-grained Anabranching and low-sinuosity fine-grained styles, respectively.  相似文献   

徐德伟  单威  孙皓  张晓冬 《地下水》2014,(5):109-111
黄河源区是我国最大的自然保护区之一,但近年来存在一系列严重的生态环境退化现象。来自地下水的基流量的变化正是植被生长环境变化的直接反映,因此开展基流量变化研究对于高寒干旱区的生态环境变化规律认识与环境恢复都具有重要的科学价值。黄河源区地下水位变化对植被生长具有直接的影响,研究结果表明:1956-1998年来自地下水的基流量总体上呈现枯—丰—枯的变化规律,表明了源区地下水位呈现低—高—低的总体变化规律;源区的基流量与地表植被的生长之间具有良好的相关性,汛期降水之后,地下水对植被生长的影响逐渐增大。  相似文献   

铜陵矿区主要河流水质分析与污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜陵矿区是长江下游重要的铜铁资源基地,也是典型的含硫多金属矿区,矿山酸性废水是矿业开发活动不可避免的环境问题,对地表水体有很大影响。本文以铜陵矿区主要河流为研究对象,通过野外调查采样和室内测试分析,从常规理化性质、矿山酸性废水和重金属元素三方面分析了的水质现状,采用单因子指数和内梅罗水质指数法进行了污染评价。结果表明:(1)矿区河流污染成分以有机污染和矿山酸性废水污染为主,其次是重金属污染。(2)在检测的46个河段中, 按综合污染指数大小分级,共计有93.48%的河段受到不同程度的污染,其中,水质严重污染的河段占 4.35%,水质重污染的河段占13.04%,水质污染的河段占 65.22%,水质轻污染的河段占10.87%;共计有6.52%的河段水质较好,均为清洁状态。(3)3条河流按污染程度大小依次为新桥河>顺安河>红星河,除顺安河外,其他均受到了矿山酸性废水污染。今后应重点关注矿山酸性废水的污染机理与风险评估,加强矿区水环境保护与恢复治理工作。  相似文献   

To understand the influence of vegetation restoration on the water cycle in semiarid areas, the effects of vegetation restoration on evolution of the key elements of water cycle were clarified by analyzing the evolutionary trend of atmospheric precipitation, ecological consumption water, and surface runoff on a river basin scale on the basis of analytical results of the changes in vegetation coverage and the long-term meteorological and hydrological monitoring data of Beichuan River Basin. The results show that the vegetation cover in the Beichuan River basin has rapidly increased in the hilly and mountainous areas since the 1980s, especially from 2000 to 2019, with the maximum and average vegetation cover rates increased by 14.98% and 52.2%, respectively. During 1956-2016, the annual precipitation in the basin remained relatively stable; the annual surface runoff slightly declined, with an average attenuation rate of 20 million m~3/10 a. The main reason for the runoff decline is the increase in ecological water induced by the vegetation restoration, which has changed the spatial-temporal distribution of the water from atmospheric precipitation in the basin. Spatially, more precipitation was converted into ecological water. As a result, the remnant runoff supplied to the lower reaches reduced accordingly. Temporally, more precipitation participated in the soil water-groundwater cycle, thus prolonging the outward drainage period of the precipitation. Moreover, the large-scale vegetation restoration induced a significant decrease in the surface wind speed, evaporation from water surface and drought index. As a result, a virtuously mutual feedback relationship was formed between the vegetation and meteorological elements. Therefore, vegetation restoration is of great significance for the improvement in the water conservation capacity and semiarid climate conditions in the Beichuan River basin.  相似文献   

Because of long-term stream-flow cut off in the lower reaches of Tarim River, environmental degradation has become the most severe and widespread environmental problem in Tarim River basin. Nine ecological water conveyances to the lower reaches of Tarim River made ecological environment change a lot. 3S technology was used to monitor dynamic change of ecology. However, remote sensing area index cannot analyze ecological restoration degree of Tarim River precisely because the time of each water conveyance is short, the change of vegetation area is not obvious, and there exists visual interpretation error. In this paper, remote monitoring datum of high temporal resolution and high spatial resolution were used to research the relationships between normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the groundwater depth, between NDVI and the surface vegetation coverage, and between the groundwater depth and the surface vegetation coverage. The growth and restoration of the vegetation in different periods were evaluated by investigative analysis of the change trend of NDVI. The conception of relative restoration degree was proposed and the response of vegetation restoration to the water conveyance was evaluated. The evaluation result suggests that: first, the response of vegetation to the water conveyance concentrates within 1,000 m of both riversides, and the range of influence becomes smaller along the lower reaches of Tarim River. Second, influenced by the groundwater recharge, the vegetation coverage shows decreasing trend with the increase of off-river distance. Third, the vegetation coverage shows decreasing trend along the watercourse influenced by the water consumption. Finally, in spatial, original scattered meadow of low coverage transforms to high coverage gradually in research region. Vegetation response to the water conveyance expands to both sides with the watercourse being the axis, and expanding scale increases continuously.  相似文献   

The ecological water conveyance project that pipes water from Daxihaizi reservoir to lower reaches of Tarim River has been implemented ten times since 2000. After ecological water conveyance, restoration has taken place for vegetation along the dried-up lower reaches of the Tarim River. The changes of vegetation fluctuated yearly due to ecological water conveyance. In order to reveal the detailed process of vegetation changes, remote sensing images from 1999 to 2010 were all classified individually into vegetated and non-vegetated areas using the soil-adjusted vegetation index threshold method. Then inter-annual changes of vegetation over a period of 12 years were obtained using a post-classification change detection technique. Finally, spatial–temporal changes distribution of vegetation cover and its response to ecological water conveyance were analyzed. The results indicate: (1) vegetation area increased by 8.52 % overall after ecological water conveyance. Vegetation between 2003 and 2004 increased dramatically with 45.87 % while vegetation between 2002 and 2003 decreased dramatically with 17.83 %. (2) Vegetation area gain is greater than vegetation loss during 1999–2000, 2001–2002, 2003–2004 and 2009–2010 periods. Although vegetation restoration is obvious from 1999 to 2010, vegetation loss also existed except for the periods above. It indicates that vegetation restoration fluctuated due to ecological water conveyance. (3) Spatial distribution of vegetation restoration presented “strip” distribution along the river and group shaper in the lower terrain area, while spatial distribution of vegetation loss mainly located in the upper reaches of river and area far away from the river. (4) Vegetation restoration area had a positive relative with total ecological water conveyance volume. The scheme and season of ecological water conveyance had also influenced the vegetation restoration. The vegetation change process monitoring, based on continuous remote sensing data, can provide the spatial–temporal distribution of vegetation cover in a large-scale area and scientific evidences for implementing ecological water conveyance in the lower Tarim River.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域气候与径流变化及生态修复   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
邓铭江 《冰川冻土》2006,28(5):694-702
从20世纪90年代中期开始,塔里木河流域气温上升、降水增加,阿克苏河、开都河等主要河流几乎同步进入持续的丰水周期时段,为塔里木河流域生态修复创造了绝好的“天时”和历史性机遇.这种大区域的气候异常变化现象引起了国内外广大学者的广泛关注,区域气候异常变化是全球气温上升影响盆地气候向温湿转型,还是一个世纪性的水文周期变化现象,一时间成为了学术界的热点议题.系统分析了塔里木河流域山区水文气象站近50 a来的气温、降水、河川径流以及塔里木河来水量变化,并系统评价了利用开都河丰水期的有利时机,向塔里木河下游应急输水及其生态修复情况.  相似文献   

由于中国西北地区地表水资源有限,地下水则成为重要的备用水资源,而地表水和地下水转化过程及其耦合模拟是水资源开发利用和科学评价的基础,因此,为了准确反映塔里木河下游间歇性生态输水后地下水的动态变化,以塔里木河下游英苏断面为例,基于Boussinesq方程建立了改进的地下水动力学(GH-D2)模型,模拟了塔里木河下游绿色走廊典型断面地下水对全时段(2000-2015年)间歇性生态输水的响应过程。结果表明,尽管Boussinesq方程的GH解能较好地模拟地下水位的瞬态变化,但模拟地下水位多年变化的结果并不理想,而改进的GH-D2模型考虑了间歇性生态输水对地下水位变化的滞后效应,对长时间尺度地下水位变化的模拟具有较好的效果。与GH和GH-D1模型相比,GH-D2模型模拟的地下水位值更接近于观测值,这将对塔里木河下游实施科学合理的生态输水计划以及生态恢复和重建策略提供关键的技术支撑。  相似文献   

美国流域保护修复的研究与实践开始较早,并在密西西比河的修复与治理上取得了良好成效,对我国流域生态保护修复工作具有一定借鉴意义。介绍了密西西比河的管理模式,并对美国在密西西比河开展的具有代表性的长期生态监测及修复管理工作进行了总结,总结了对我国流域生态保护修复工作的7点启示: ①建立和完善流域生态系统监测与评价指标体系; ②建立流域综合监测网络,进行全流域持续监测; ③建设流域生态信息平台,加强数据共享; ④以流域为单元开展生态状况调查和评估; ⑤建立和完善监测、评估、规划、实施循环体系; ⑥提升对流域生态系统的科学认知; ⑦加强流域协调治理,创新我国流域生态保护修复管理体系。旨在为我国广泛开展流域保护修复工作提供一个覆盖河源头至河口的流域监测与修复管理案例。  相似文献   

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