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《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):236-244
The Archean Bulautad gneisses in the East of the Ouled Dlim domain adjacent to the Reguibat Rise (West African Craton, Southern Morocco) are intruded by peralkaline A-type granites. These granites form two kilometer-sized bodies, North Derraman and Derraman Highs, and a few small satellites. Prior studies have shown that the chemical and mineralogical compositions of these granites are remarkably uniform, and the North Derraman and Derraman Highs are hypersolvus aegirine–riebeckite granites. The North Derraman granite is intruding the ca. 3.12 Ga Bulautad gneisses while the Derraman High body is emplaced within the ca. 2.84 Ga Leglat schists. Here we present new zircon oxygen and hafnium isotopes data that help to understand the nature of the granite magmatic sources. We analyzed 20 Zircons from one sample in the North Derraman granite core. The zircons have an average δ18O of 5.26 ± 0.22, similar to that of mantle zircons. Their ɛHf525Ma is negative between–3.8 and–11.1 with an average of–6.8 ± 0.7, and their Hf model age is ca. 1.8 Ga, similar to the available whole-rock Nd model age. Combined with previous whole-rock major and trace element studies, our new data suggest that the Derraman granite magmatic sources were ca. 1.8 Ga crustal fenites that formed by refertilization of lower crust granulites by mantle-derived alkaline melts and fluids, likely during the Paleoproterozoic alkaline magmatism that gave rise to the neighboring ca. 1.8 Ga Gleibat Lafhouda carbonatites. The so-generated fenites likely remained undisturbed in the crust until the Middle Cambrian, when they remelted during the rifting event that affected the northern Gondwana at that time.  相似文献   

GSWA Lancer 1, drilled in the northwest Officer Basin, intersected 49 m of tholeiitic basalt lava flows between depths of 527 and 576 m. These lavas have been named the Keene Basalt and were erupted during deposition of the shallow-marine Kanpa Formation, a mixed carbonate – siliciclastic succession in the Neoproterozoic Buldya Group. No direct dating of the Keene Basalt has been undertaken. Maximum depositional age constraints for the enclosing Kanpa Formation are provided by youngest concordant detrital zircon ages of 779±6 Ma for sandstone 19 m below the basalt, and 725±11 Ma for sandstone at the top of the Kanpa Formation in another drillhole. Correlation of the Kanpa Formation with the Burra Group of the Adelaide Rift Complex on palaeontological and chemostratigraphic grounds suggests an age older than 700 Ma. Limited geochemical data indicate that the Keene Basalt is of continental origin and shows a close similarity to mafic dykes near Mingary in South Australia. Petrographic and XRD analyses show that the Keene Basalt has been hydrothermally altered by interaction with seawater, and locally contains disseminated sulfides. Massive and disseminated sulfide mineralisation, similar to that of submarine systems, may exist in this tectonostratigraphic setting in the northwest Officer Basin.  相似文献   

Compositional evolution of the Archean mafic-ultramafic volcanics is considered in comparison with evolution of the Paleoproterozoic volcanism using available data on the Baltic shield, Pilbara (Australia) and Superior (Canada) cratons, and the Isua greenstone belt (Greenland). The Archean volcanics of mantle origin are of two major types, represented (a) by komatiite-basaltic complexes (komatiites, komatiitic and tholeiitic basalts) and (b) by geochemical analogs of boninites (GAB) and siliceous high-Mg series (SHMS) of volcanic rocks. As is established, the komatiitic and GAB volcanism ceased in the terminal Archean, whereas the SHMS rocks prevailed in the Paleoproterozoic to become extinct about 2 Ga ago in connection with transition to the Phanerozoic type of tectonomagmatic activity. Geochemical trends of mafic-ultramafic associations occurring in the considered cratons are not uniform, being of particular character to certain extent. With transition from the Paleo- to Neoarchean, rock associations of both types reveal a minor increase in Ti and Fe contents. Comparatively high Fe2O3tot TiO2, and P2O5 concentrations (maximal ones in the Archean), which are characteristic of the Neoarchean (2.75–2.70 Ga) basalts from the Superior and Pilbara cratons or the Baltic shield, represent a result of relatively high-Ti intracratonic magmatic activity that commenced in that period practically for the first time in the Earth history. This magmatic activity of the Neoarchean was not as intense as the high-Mg basaltic volcanism, and the absolute maximum in concentrations of the above components was attained only 2.2–1.9 Ga ago, at the time of appearance in abundance of Fe-Ti picrites and basalts typical of the Phanerozoic intraplate magmatism. The Archean volcanic complexes demonstrate gradual secular increase in concentrations of incompatible elements (LREE inclusive) and growth of Nb/Th ratio that apparently reflected the progressing influence of mantle plumes. In the early Paleoproterozoic (2.5–2.35 Ga), values of that ratio considerably declined in the SHMS rocks and then quickly grew in the Middle Paleoproterozoic volcanics (2.2–1.9 Ga) to attain finally the values typical of the Phanerozoic magmas associated in origin with mantle plumes. The ?Nd(T) parameter was decreasing with time from positive values in the Paleoarchean to negative ones in the SHMS rocks of the Paleoproterozoic most likely in response to grown proportion of ancient crustal material in magmatic melts. Since the mid-Paleoproterozoic, the ?Nd(T) values turn in general into positive again reflecting change in the character of magmatic activity: the SHMS melts gave place at that time to the Fe-Ti picrite-basaltic magmas. The primary crust of the Earth was presumably of sialic composition and originated during solidification from the bottom upward of the global magma ocean a few hundreds kilometers deep, when most fusible components migrated up to the surface to form there the granitic crust. Geological history of the Earth commenced at the appearance time of granite-greenstone terranes and granulite belts separating them, the first large tectonic structures formed under influence of raising mantle superplumes.  相似文献   

The eastern part of the Guiana Shield, northern Amazonian Craton, in South America, represents a large orogenic belt developed during the Transamazonian orogenic cycle (2.26–1.95 Ga), which consists of extensive areas of Paleoproterozoic crust and two major Archean terranes: the Imataca Block, in Venezuela, and the here defined Amapá Block, in the north of Brazil.

Pb-evaporation on zircon and Sm–Nd on whole rock dating were provided on magmatic and metamorphic units from southwestern Amapá Block, in the Jari Domain, defining its long-lived evolution, marked by several stages of crustal accretion and crustal reworking. Magmatic activity occurred mainly at the Meso-Neoarchean transition (2.80–2.79 Ga) and during the Neoarchean (2.66–2.60 Ga). The main period of crust formation occurred during a protracted episode at the end of Paleoarchean and along the whole Mesoarchean (3.26–2.83 Ga). Conversely, crustal reworking processes have dominated in Neoarchean times. During the Transamazonian orogenic cycle, the main geodynamic processes were related to reworking of older Archean crust, with minor juvenile accretion at about 2.3 Ga, during an early orogenic phase. Transamazonian magmatism consisted of syn- to late-orogenic granitic pulses, which were dated at 2.22 Ga, 2.18 Ga and 2.05–2.03 Ga. Most of the εNd values and TDM model ages (2.52–2.45 Ga) indicate an origin of the Paleoproterozoic granites by mixing of juvenile Paleoproterozoic magmas with Archean components.

The Archean Amapá Block is limited in at southwest by the Carecuru Domain, a granitoid-greenstone terrane that had a geodynamic evolution mainly during the Paleoproterozoic, related to the Transamazonian orogenic cycle. In this latter domain, a widespread calc-alkaline magmatism occurred at 2.19–2.18 Ga and at 2.15–2.14 Ga, and granitic magmatism was dated at 2.10 Ga. Crustal accretion was recognized at about 2.28 Ga, in agreement with the predominantly Rhyacian crust-forming pattern of the eastern Guiana Shield. Nevertheless, TDM model ages (2.50–2.38 Ga), preferentially interpreted as mixed ages, and εNd < 0, point to some participation of Archean components in the source of the Paleoproterozoic rocks. In addition, the Carecuru Domain contains an oval-shaped Archean granulitic nucleus, named Paru Domain. In this domain, Neoarchean magmatism at about 2.60 Ga was produced by reworking of Mesoarchean crust, as registered in the Amapá Block. Crustal accretion events and calc-alkaline magmatism are recognized at 2.32 Ga and at 2.15 Ga, respectively, as well as charnockitic magmatism at 2.07 Ga.

The lithological association and the available isotopic data registered in the Carecuru Domain suggests a geodynamic evolution model based on the development of a magmatic arc system during the Transamazonian orogenic cycle, which was accreted to the southwestern border of the Archean Amapá Block.  相似文献   

The Quanji Massif is located on the north side of the Qaidam Block and is interpreted as an ancient cratonic remnant that was detached from the Tarim Craton. There are regionally exposed granitic gneisses in the basement of the Quanji Massif whose protoliths were granitic intrusive rocks. Previous studies obtained intrusion ages for some of these granitic gneiss protoliths. The intrusion ages span a wide range from ~ 2.2 Ga to ~ 2.47 Ga. This study has determined the U-Pb zircon age of four granitic gneiss samples from the eastern, central and western parts of the Quanji Massif. CL images and trace elements show that the zircons from these four granitic gneisses have typical magmatic origins, and experienced different degrees of Pb loss due to strong metamorphism and deformation. LA-ICPMS zircon dating yields an upper intercept age of 2381 ± 41 (2σ) Ma from monzo-granitic gneiss in the Hudesheng area and 2392 ± 25 (2σ) Ma from granodioritic gneiss in the Mohe area, eastern Quanji Massif, and 2367 ± 12 (2σ) Ma from monzo-granitic gneiss in the Delingha area, central Quanji Massif, and 2372 ± 22 (2σ) Ma from monzo-granitic gneiss in the Quanjishan area, western Quanji Massif. These results reveal that the intrusive age of the protoliths of the widespread granitic gneisses in the Quanji Massif basement was restricted between 2.37 and 2.39 Ga, indicating regional granitic magmatism in the early Paleoproterozoic, perhaps related to the fragmentation stage of the Kenorland supercontinent. Geochemical results from the granodioritic gneiss from the Mohe area indicate that the protolith of this gneiss is characterized by adakitic rocks derived from partial melting of garnet-amphibolite beneath a thickened lower crust in a rifting regime after continent-continent collision and crustal thickening, genetically similar to the TTG gneisses in the North China Craton. This suggests that the Quanji Massif had a tectonic history similar to the Archean Central Orogenic Belt of North China Craton during the early Paleoproterozoic. We tentatively suggest that the Quanji Massif and the parental Tarim Craton and the North China Craton experienced rifting in the early Paleoproterozoic, after amalgamation at the end of the Archean. The Tarim Craton and North China Craton might have had close interaction from the late Neoarchean to the early Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):658-672
The Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Bangweulu Block has long been controversial. Paleoproterozoic granites consisting of the basement complex of the Bangweulu Block are widely exposed in northeastern Zambia, and they are the critical media for studying the tectonic evolution of the Bangweulu Block. This study systematically investigated the petrography, zircon U-Pb chronology, and petrogeochemistry of the granitoid extensively exposed in the Lunte area, northeastern Zambia. The results show that the granitoid in the area formed during 2051±13–2009±20 Ma as a result of Paleoproterozoic magmatic events. Geochemical data show that the granites in the area mainly include syenogranites and monzogranites of high-K calc-alkaline series and are characterized by high SiO2 content (72.68% –73.78%) and K2O/Na2O ratio (1.82–2.29). The presence of garnets, the high aluminum saturation index (A/CNK is 1.13–1.21), and the 1.27%–1.95% of corundum molecules jointly indicate that granites in the Lunte area are S-type granites. Rare earth elements in all samples show a rightward inclination and noticeably negative Eu-anomalies (δEu = 0.16–0.40) and are relatively rich in light rare earth elements. Furthermore, the granites are rich in large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Th, U, and K and are depleted in Ba, Sr, and high field strength elements such as Ta and Nb. In addition, they bear low contents of Cr (6.31×10−6–10.8×10−6), Ni (2.87×10−6–4.76×10−6), and Co (2.62×10−6–3.96×10−6). These data lead to the conclusion that the source rocks are meta-sedimentary rocks. Combining the above results and the study of regional tectonic evolution, the authors suggest that granitoid in the Lunte area were formed in a tectonic environment corresponding to the collision between the Tanzania Craton and the Bangweulu Block. The magmatic activities in this period may be related to the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1395-1412
The Neyriz ophiolite along the northeast flank of the Zagros fold-thrust belt in southern Iran is an excellent example of a Late Cretaceous supra-subduction zone (SSZ)-related ophiolite on the north side of the Neotethys. The ophiolite comprises a mantle sequence including lherzolite, harzburgite, diabasic dikes, and cumulate to mylonitic gabbro lenses, and a crustal sequence comprising a sheeted dike complex and pillow lavas associated with pelagic limestone and radiolarite. Mantle harzburgites contain less CaO and Al2O3, are depleted in rare earth elements, and contain spinels that are more Cr-rich than lherzolites. Mineral compositions of peridotites are similar to those of both abyssal and SSZ- peridotites. Neyriz gabbroic rocks show boninitic (SSZ-related) affinities, while crustal rocks are similar to early arc tholeiites. Mineral compositions of gabbroic rocks resemble those of SSZ-related cumulates such as high forsterite olivine, anorthite-rich plagioclase, and high-Mg# clinopyroxene. Initial εNd(t) values range from +7.9 to +9.3 for the Neyriz magmatic rocks. Samples with radiogenic Nd overlap with least radiogenic mid-ocean ridge basalts and with Semail and other Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolitic rocks. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.7033 to 0.7044, suggesting modification due to seafloor alteration. Most Neyriz magmatic rocks are characterized by less radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb (near the northern hemisphere reference line), suggesting less involvement of sediments in their mantle source. Our results for Neyriz ophiolite and the similarity to other Iranian Zagros ophiolites support a subduction initiation setting for its generation.  相似文献   

The West Siberian Basin (WSB) records a detailed history of Permo-Triassic rifting, extension and volcanism, followed by Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation in a thermally subsiding basin. Sedimentary deposits of Permian age are absent from much of the basin, suggesting that large areas of the nascent basin were elevated and exposed at that time. Industrial seismic and well log data from the basin have enabled extension and subsidence modelling of parts of the basin. Crustal extension (β) factors are calculated to be in excess of 1.6 in the northern part of the basin across the deep Urengoy graben. 1-D backstripping of the Triassic to Cenozoic sedimentary sequences in this region indicates a period of delayed subsidence during the early Mesozoic. The combination of elevation, rifting and volcanism is consistent with sublithospheric support, such as a hot mantle plume.

This interpretation accords with the geochemical data for basalts from the Siberian Traps and the West Siberian Basin, which are considered to be part of the same large igneous province. Whilst early suites from Noril'sk indicate moderate pressures of melting (mostly within the garnet stability field), later suites (and those from the West Siberian Basin) indicate shallow average depths of melting. The main region of magma production was therefore beneath the relatively thin (ca. 50–100 km) lithosphere of the basin, and not the craton on which the present-day exposure of the Traps occurs. The indicated uplift, widespread occurrence of basalts, and short duration of the volcanic province as a whole are entirely consistent with published models involving a mantle plume. The main argument against the plume model, namely lack of any associated uplift, appears to be untenable.  相似文献   

河南嵩县槐树坪金矿床是豫西地区近年来通过勘查找矿评价出来的大型金矿床,该矿赋存于中元古界熊耳群火山岩地层,受断裂构造控制,与燕山期酸性岩浆侵入活动密切相关,是典型的构造蚀变岩型金矿床。矿区断裂构造可分为陡倾切层断裂和缓倾层间破碎带2种类型,缓倾层间破碎带是最重要的控矿和容矿构造,也是实现找矿突破的关键。氢、氧同位素分析显示,石英的δ~(18)OV_SMOW值变化于10.1‰~14.4‰,成矿流体δ~(18)OH_2O变化于-1.3‰~7.3‰,δD变化于-95‰~-81‰;矿石硫同位素分析显示,δ~(34)S值变化于-7.7‰~-1.4‰;矿石铅同位素分析显示,206Pb/204Pb变化于16.990~18.761,207Pb/204Pb变化于15.368~15.622,208Pb/204Pb变化于37.471~38.730。研究结果表明,槐树坪金矿床的成矿流体主要由岩浆水和大气降水组成,成矿主阶段以岩浆水为主,晚期有较多大气降水的加入;成矿物质主要来源于(直接或间接)太华群地层。该矿床的成矿过程经历了早期变形、变质作用的预富集,并于中生代后碰撞伸展构造环境下大规模富集成矿。  相似文献   

The Caxias gold deposit, located in the São Luís Craton, is hosted by a steeply dipping strike-slip shear zone crosscutting schists and a fine-grained, hydrothermally altered tonalite (Caxias Microtonalite). Petrography and whole-rock geochemistry have characterized both pelitic and mafic protoliths for the hosting schists. The Caxias Microtonalite shows major and trace element behavior compatible with modern calc-alkaline, metaluminous, subduction-related granitoids. Geochronological studies on the Caxias Microtonalite have defined a minimum crystallization age of 1985±4 Ma, obtained by single-zircon Pb evaporation, and Sm–Nd crustal residence age (TDM) of 2.17 Ga, with Nd(T) +0.74, suggesting a juvenile protolith. The exact origin and role of the Caxias Microtonalite remain uncertain. It may be interpreted as representing either a late manifestation of the regionally dominant Tromaí magmatism, or a juvenile episode unrelated to this major magmatism. Rock, quartz veins, and saprolite geochemistry have shown that As, Sb, Ba, Rb, V, Cr, Co, and Ni, as well as Au, are useful elements that can be used in exploration for similar deposits in the region.  相似文献   

新疆西天山赛里木地块中部的库尔尕生铅锌矿床受NW向断裂构造的控制;矿体呈脉状、透镜状;矿石呈网脉状、块状、浸染状、角砾状和斑杂状构造;矿石的矿物组成简单,金属矿物主要有方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铁矿,脉石矿物主要为石英和方解石。脉石石英中发育纯液体包裹体和气液两相包裹体,均一温度为135.4~158.8℃。脉石石英和方解石的H、O、C同位素研究显示,成矿流体的δD值主要为-96.8‰~-84.3‰,δ18O值为-10.92‰~-6.11‰,反映出成矿流体来自岩浆水与大气水的混合水;方铅矿的δ34S值为4.1‰~8.4‰,与区域上晚石炭世的斑岩体来源硫范围(如达巴特流纹斑岩体硫化物的δ34S值为4.9‰~7.9‰,平均6.3‰)相似,揭示其硫可能为斑岩来源;方铅矿的铅同位素组成为206Pb/204Pb=18.207~18.291,207Pb/204Pb=15.595~15.654,208Pb/204Pb=38.085~38.291,在Δβ-Δγ成因分类图解上投影于"化学沉积型铅"与"海底热水作用铅"界线附近,可能反映出有相当一部分成矿金属物质来源于围岩。综合分析认为,库尔尕生铅锌矿床可能是与斑岩有关的远源低温热液型矿床。  相似文献   

大夫峪岩体位于华北陆块南缘小秦岭地区,是小秦岭地区华山复式岩基的重要组成部分,其LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示:粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩和中细粒黑云母二长花岗岩的成岩年龄分别为(142.6±1.4)Ma和(140.1±1.2)Ma。岩体的w(Si O2)=69.12%~73.58%,w(Na2O)=3.95%~4.40%,大于3.2%,K2O/Na2O=0.92~1.22,A/CNK=1.03~1.04,小于1.1,属于弱过铝质高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩。岩石的ΣREE含量较高,LREE富集,LREE、HREE分馏明显,有较弱的负Eu异常。此外,岩石富集K、Rb、Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素,而相对亏损Nb、Ta、Hf、Ti、P等高场强元素。粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩的εHf(t)主要为-24~-18,TDM2主要为2.3~2.7 Ga;中细粒黑云母二长花岗岩的εHf(t)主要为-26~-16,其TDM2主要为2.3~2.9 Ga。岩石地球化学和Hf同位素组成特征表明,岩体主要由古老下地壳部分熔融形成,源区物质可能为新太古宙太华群,并在成岩过程中有幔源或新生地壳组分的参与。根据区域地质和动力地质背景的演化历史,笔者认为,大夫峪岩体的形成时代,与东秦岭地区的其他岩体的形成时代基本一致,均形成于晚侏罗世—早白垩世,与华北克拉通东部以及华南、长江中下游等地区晚中生代岩浆作用的时间基本一致,说明整个中国东部晚中生代岩浆活动可能受控于统一的大地构造背景,即古太平洋板块俯冲欧亚板块,从而使整个中国东部发生了构造体制的大转变。大夫峪岩体就是在这种构造体制转换过程中形成的。  相似文献   

本文通过对西昆仑西段地区晚古生代—中生代花岗岩的岩石类型、形成时代和岩石地球化学资料的综合分析,探讨花岗质岩浆活动期次、岩石成因,结合区域资料,探讨构造-岩浆演化特征和碰撞造山过程。将该地区晚古生代—中生代构造-岩浆演化分为7个阶段:(1)388~324 Ma(特提斯Ⅰ、Ⅱ支洋向北俯冲消减阶段),具富钠贫钾特征的低温TTG岩石组合,形成于陆缘弧环境;(2)339~291 Ma(奥依塔格弧后盆地演化阶段),由于南部特提斯Ⅰ支洋持续往北俯冲,导致西昆仑北缘发生弧后扩展而形成弧后盆地,形成拉斑质具强烈富钠贫钾特征的低温大洋花岗岩;(3)258~241 Ma(特提斯Ⅰ支洋闭合、碰撞造山阶段),岩石中发育石榴子石和白云母,普遍具片麻状构造,属于S型花岗岩,陆壳部分熔融的产物;(4)234~210 Ma(特提斯Ⅰ后碰撞伸展阶段):岩体规模较大,为I型→A型花岗岩,伴随着地幔岩浆底侵和强烈的壳幔岩浆混合作用;(5)198~150 Ma(特提斯Ⅱ支洋向南俯冲消减阶段):类似TTG的岩石组合,形成于与洋壳俯冲有关的岩浆弧环境;(6)148~118 Ma(特提斯Ⅱ支洋闭合、碰撞造山阶段):弱片麻状二云二长花岗岩,属C型埃达克岩,为陆-陆碰撞过程中陆壳加厚发生部分熔融的产物;(7)111~75 Ma(特提斯Ⅱ后碰撞伸展阶段):发育规模较大,钾玄质系列,是古老地壳部分熔融的产物。根据各阶段花岗质岩浆活动特征和构造演化过程,初步提出了西昆仑西段晚古生代—中生代大地构造演化模式图。  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯带花岗岩的时空分布特征及地壳生长演化信息   总被引:158,自引:1,他引:158  
花岗岩是大陆特有的重要组成部分,同时与矿产资源有密切的关系。西藏花岗岩约占西藏自治区面积的12%,其中,80%分布在冈底斯岩浆岩带。在空间上,冈底斯花岗岩带大致可以分为3个亚带:北带、中带和南带;在时间上,以印度一亚洲大陆碰撞事件为标尺,可将青藏高原构造一岩浆事件划分为碰撞前(〉65Ma)、碰撞期(65~45Ma)、后碰撞(〈45Ma)3大阶段。在这3个阶段中,冈底斯带都产生了具有各自特点的花岗岩构造一岩浆类型。冈底斯花岗岩类的形成演化与新特提斯班公湖一怒江洋及雅鲁藏布洋的形成演化,有密切的关系。因此,其岩石的Nd,Sr同位素资料,对地壳生长与演化有重要的指示意义。冈底斯南带的大部分地区的花岗岩,均具有εNd(t)(+)值(+1.64~+5.21),模式年龄tDM也很年青(〈500Ma),具有初生(juvenile)地壳的特征。在花岗岩成因中地幔物质有重要的贡献。而冈底斯中带、北带及南带西段的花岗岩类以εNd(t)(-)值为特征(-5.3~-17.3),模式年龄tDM有两组值1.2Ga及2.0~2.5Ga,暗示这些地区的地壳具有古元古代一中元古代基底在花岗岩成因中,地壳组分具有主要贡献。  相似文献   

We report new analytical data regarding major and trace element geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopic composition, and zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb analysis from the Kaiyuan alkaline basalts of Yunnan Province, along the southern margin of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). Zircon U-Pb ages and bulk-rock geochemistry indicate that the mafic lavas erupted at 248 ± 6 Ma with OIB-like trace element and isotope ratios similar to the Emeishan high-Ti basalts. These characters suggest that the Kaiyuan alkaline basalts are the products of the post-ELIP magmatism, involving remelting of the plume head after the main ELIP phase. By analogy with the Neogene Red Sea rift system, the Kaiyuan alkaline basalts may have been caused by a Red Sea-like extension along the southwestern margin of the Yangzte during the Early Triassic, during which the hypothesized rift system experienced plate–boundary forces that vanished quickly in the Late Triassic period.  相似文献   

陈斌  刘超群  田伟 《地学前缘》2006,13(2):140-147
太行山中生代岩浆岩的主体———石英二长岩中常见闪长质包体。无论包体还是寄主岩石中均可见斜长石具有成分和结构的不平衡现象,即斜长石具有富钙的核(An=57~65)和富钠的幔部(An=20~35),而且两者变化截然。这是壳幔岩浆发生混合作用的记录:核部代表基性岩浆中早期结晶的斜长石(或代表花岗岩中斜长石由于高温基性岩浆的注入而发生部分熔融形成的残留核?),而幔部代表从混浆中结晶的斜长石。与此类似,角闪石也发育成分环带,其核部为相对富Al和Ti的黄褐色的韭闪石,而边部为贫Al和Ti的绿色调的浅闪石。韭闪石形成于较高的温度,浅闪石形成于较低的温度,也反映了壳幔岩浆混合的过程。壳幔岩浆混合模式同样得到地球化学数据的支持,太行山中生代岩浆岩的高K2O和MgO、高分异稀土模式(和Eu异常不明显)、高Sr-Ba和富集的Sr-Nd同位素特征等均与来自富集地幔的基性岩浆的混合有关。  相似文献   

百炉沟矿床是近年来在盛产斑岩_矽卡岩型钼矿床的河南栾川地区新发现的一处铅锌矿床,位于豫西南牛心剁穹状背斜之西侧,与栾川地区的南泥湖、三道庄、上房沟、马圈等斑岩型及斑岩_矽卡岩型钼矿床相毗邻。矿体呈脉状、板状产在中元古界变质碳酸盐岩-碎屑岩层中,受NWW向层间断裂构造控制。矿石由闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿、石英、方解石等矿物组成。矿石中石英和闪锌矿所捕获的原生流体包裹体有富液体气液两相包裹体、富气体气液两相包裹体、纯气体包裹体、含子矿物三相包裹体等4种类型,邻近分布,其均一温度相近,表明成矿过程中可能存在流体沸腾作用。气液两相包裹体的均一温度为180~327℃,以中温(250~260℃)为主;盐度 w (NaCleq)为4.0%~14.0%,以5.0%~9.0%为主;依据均一温度峰值所对应的压力(38.94~44.87 MPa),求得成矿深度为1.44~1.66 km。表明该矿床明显具有浅成、中温、低盐度热液成矿的特征。单个流体包裹体的气相成分至少有纯H2O蒸汽、N2+CO2+CH4、N2+CO2和N2+CH4等4种组合。矿石中石英和方解石内包裹体水的δDV-SMOW为-76‰~-90‰,方解石的δ13CV-PDB为-0.44‰~1.80‰,选取所对应的流体包裹体均一温度,计算得到包裹体水的δ18O为2.51‰~10.96‰,反映出成矿流体的主体为岩浆热液。矿石中硫化物的δ34SV-CDT为-1.2‰~10.9‰,其峰值(1‰~2‰)与该地区斑岩型钼矿床中的硫化物相近,指示其具有岩浆来源硫的特征。矿石中硫化物206Pb/204Pb=17.552~18.426,207Pb/204Pb=15.451~15.5794,208Pb/204Pb=38.264~39.637,反映出成矿金属主要来自于岩浆,有少量地层岩石铅的加入。百炉沟铅锌矿床应属受层间构造控制的中温岩浆热液充填-交代矿床。  相似文献   

稀有气体被广泛用作地球化学示踪剂,本文对塔里木大火成岩省西北缘瓦吉里塔格霞石岩中的橄榄石和辉石单矿物进行了稀有气体同位素测定。结果表明,瓦吉里塔格霞石岩中的橄榄石和辉石单矿物具有较低的~3He/~4He值(分别为2.0~2.4 Ra和0.65~0.85 Ra)和略高于大气值的~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar值(342.3~651.7),反映了由古板块俯冲导致的较低的He、Ar同位素比值特征。研究表明,早中古生代南天山洋向南俯冲到塔里木板块之下,将富U或富~4He以及含有大气组分的流体带入到深部地幔,在塔里木地幔柱的作用下地幔源区发生低程度部分熔融产生霞石岩岩浆。  相似文献   

论述了大规模岩浆活动与岩石圈减薄的关系,指出软流圈地幔与地壳直接接触时,即岩石圈最大减薄时(岩石圈地幔厚度为0),岩石圈厚度等于地壳厚度。中国东部岩石圈最大减薄的时间在燕山期,在这之前和之后,岩石圈是厚的。讨论了中国东部大规模岩浆活动与板块俯冲的关系,认为中国东部燕山期岩浆活动与太平洋板块没有关系:中国东部不属于环太平洋构造带,不是安第斯型活动陆缘,中生代玄武岩不具有岛弧玄武岩的特征,从中酸性岩浆岩得不出岛弧的结论,从三叠纪开始的古太平洋板块扩张方向的演变也不支持板块向西俯冲的认识。认为中国东部燕山期大规模岩浆活动可能与超级地幔柱的活动有关,是一种新的大火成岩省类型。文中将大火成岩省分为两类:一类为B型大火成岩省,部分熔融发生在岩石圈底部,以发育玄武岩为特征;另一类为G型大火成岩省,部分熔融发生在下地壳底部,以发育大规模花岗质岩浆为特征。根据中国东部大规模岩浆活动的时空分布分出5个大火成岩省:鄂霍茨克(大兴安岭北端)、张广才岭—小兴安岭、华北—大兴安岭、华南和东部沿海大火成岩省。认为岩石圈减薄可以产生多种效应,是地壳演化的最重要的动力学因素,但唯独与地壳浅部的伸展事件无关。还评论了流行的岩石圈减薄的见解,认为流行的见解将岩石圈减薄定位在新生代(岩石圈厚80~120km)是似是而非的,不是科学的命题。  相似文献   

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