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The strongly peralkaline Green Tuff, Pantelleria, is an example of a thin, densely welded air-fall tuff which mantles an area of at least 85 km2. Offshore the tuff is correlated with the Y-6 ash layer in the central Mediterranean Sea, and the total volume of the eruption is estimated at 7 km3 D.R.E. New petrological data suggests that the tuff was erupted from a zoned magma chamber containing a cooler, more fractionated upper zone relative to be bulk of the magma. Analysis of the distribution of accessory lithic fragments in terms of existing models of eruption dynamics indicates emplacement by a plinian-type eruption. It is shown that, due to the low viscosity of pantelleritic ejecta, dense welding can occur at moderate tephra accumulation rates and a rate of the order of 1 cm/minute is suggested for the Green Tuff; this yields an estimate for the eruption duration of rather less than one day. It is predicted that welded tuff should be formed during large plinian eruptions of pantelleritic magma, and therefore that welded airfall tuffs should be common in areas of peralkaline volcanism.  相似文献   

The 2000 AD eruption of Miyakejima was characterized by a series of phreatomagmatic eruptions from the subsiding caldera. Six major eruptive events occurred, and they can be divided into the first and second periods separated by a 25-day hiatus. The phreatomagmatic eruptions produced a total of ~ 2 × 1010 kg of tephra, which mainly comprised fine-grained volcanic ash. The tephra layers could be divided into six fall units corresponding to the six major eruptive events.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地成因机制分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
任建业  庞雄  于鹏  雷超  罗盼 《地球物理学报》2018,61(12):4901-4920
本文以海洋地质调查和油气勘探开发中积累的地质和地球物理资料的解释和分析为基础,描述和划分了南海北部被动陆缘地壳岩石圈结构构造单元,由陆向海划分出近端带、细颈化带、远端带和洋陆转换带(OCT,含边缘高地)四个构造单元.从细颈化带到OCT基本处于现今陆架坡折带之外的深水-超深水区的范围,以强烈的地壳薄化和发育大型拆离断层控制的拆离盆地为特征.这些深水-超深水盆地的同裂陷阶段均经历了早期均一断陷、中晚期拆离式断陷的演化过程,受控于南海北部大型拆离断层作用及其所导致的岩石圈临界破裂过程.新的深水-超深水盆地形成机理的认识为南海北部陆缘岩石圈的非瞬时伸展破裂过程的分析提供了新的视角,同时,陆缘深水-超深水盆地具有独特的构造-沉积体系配置和构造-热演化过程,将为科学评价南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地油气勘探潜力提供新的思路.  相似文献   

Original geological and structural data, which derive from the analysis of the rheomorphic Green Tuff ignimbrite unit of Pantelleria, have offered the opportunity to define its modes of emplacement and the location of the eruptive sources in terms of distribution and geometry. The Green Tuff displays a wide range of rheomorphic structures consisting of preserved penetrative foliations, lineations and folds which, developed at distinct times, have been assigned to three major (D1–D3) deformation events accompanying and following the ignimbrite unit emplacement. The first D1 event produced distinct sets of structures developed along ductile shear zones generated during the emplacement of pyroclastic density currents along current-deposit boundaries. Palaeoflow directions of this event are completely independent from topography and are directly related to high-energy currents generated from the eruption. D2 event is characterized by folding due to down-slope post-emplacement flows related to gravity sliding processes whereas the D3 event was dominated by semi-brittle to brittle structures developed after the complete emplacement of the flow units and their subsequent cooling and compaction. The statistical analysis of these structural data has led to the hypothesis that the Green Tuff eruption developed from fissural sources that are largely superimposed on the NNE-trending dip-slip normal fault zones of the island (the Zinedi and the Montagna Grande faults). Our model also implies that the Green Tuff ignimbrite deposit can be the result of several events within a single eruptive cycle. The orientation of the fissural eruptive systems is evidence that the feeding structures for this large-size explosive event were strongly controlled by the E-W to ESE-WNW directed extension structures that affect the island of Pantelleria and, as a whole, the entire region of the Sicily Channel.  相似文献   

包得志  荣棉水  喻烟 《地震工程学报》2021,43(6):1472-1479,1500
盆地效应作为场地效应的一种特殊类型,其对地震动的影响仍在持续研究当中.建立二维梯形沉积盆地模型,模型边界采用透射人工边界,利用显式有限元法作为求解方法.根据Bucking-ham提出的π定理定义了多个影响盆地效应的无量纲参数,包括盆地深宽比、介质波速比、盆地深度与入射波长之比、盆地开口宽度与入射波长之比.以Ricker...  相似文献   

We consider the origin of rhyolites associated with tholeiitic basalt in bimodal provinces, as exemplified by the Rattlesnake Tuff of the High Lava Plains of eastern Oregon, in comparison to rhyolites associated with calcalkaline suites in light of recent models of extraction of rhyolite from crystal mush (Hildreth, J Volcanol Geotherm Res, 136:169–198, 2004; Bachmann and Bergantz, J Petrol, 45:1565–1582, 2004). The High Lava Plains encompass a strongly bimodal, tholeiite-rhyolite suite, spatially and compositionally related to the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone Plateau. In our assessment we draw the distinction between fractionation dominated processes to make rhyolites from rhyolites and processes required to make the parental rhyolite melt. New isotopic data and compositional zoning profiles in phenocrysts confirm that crystal fractionation dominated the generation of progressively more evolved, discrete rhyolites in the zoned Rattlesnake Tuff and are consistent with an origin of the least evolved high-silica rhyolites by partial melting of a mafic crust. While the most evolved rhyolites are compositionally virtually indistinguishable from those of calcalkaline suites, the parental rhyolites from bimodal suites are more Fe-rich than their calcalkaline counterparts. Oxygen isotope thermometry yields pre-eruptive temperatures of 860°C, in keeping with 800–880°C zircon saturation temperatures. High magmatic temperatures are common among rhyolites of bimodal suites, distinguishing them from cooler rhyolites of calcalkaline suites. Extraction of interstitial melt from a granodioritic mush cannot produce compositions of the Rattlesnake Tuff on the basis of major and trace element arguments (especially Fe, Ba, Sr, and Eu) and on the basis of temperature considerations. Chemically viable parental crystal mushes are syenite and alkali (A-type) granites for the production of all more evolved Rattlesnake Tuff rhyolites; ferro-dacitic mush is required for production of the least-evolved, parental Rattlesnake Tuff rhyolite. Paucity of such ferro-dacitic compositions in tholeiitic bimodal suites, especially compared to the abundance of dacitic (granodioritic) compositions in calcalkaline suites, argues against the mush extraction model for the parental rhyolite. Furthermore, rhyolites of bimodal suites lack associated voluminous eruptions of crystal-rich ignimbrite that might represent a parental mush, as exemplified by the “monotonous intermediate” Fish Canyon Tuff in calcalkaline suites. We conclude that extensive fractionation is common among rhyolites and may obscure their ancestry. Fe-rich parental rhyolites common in bimodal tholeiitic suites, as represented by Rattlesnake Tuff, may often be the result of partial melting of mafic to intermediate crust, in contrast to calcalkaline high-silica rhyolites that are related to voluminous suites of intermediate intrusive rocks where the pre-plutonic mush-extraction model works better. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

海底冷泉形成的一种可能机制是海平面下降引起天然气水合物的分解.本文基于对冷泉渗漏特征的分析,建立了二维轴对称模型,利用有限元方法定量分析了南海区域海平面下降对冷泉形成的影响.结果表明,末次冰盛期(26.5~19.0 ka BP)海平面下降引起的冷泉活动可以持续到现在,但是从水合物停止分解至今,超孔隙压力的极值在持续减小,而流体向海底的渗漏达西速度先快速减小、然后缓慢减小.同时发现,流体向海底的渗漏达西速度与管状通道的渗透率、通道周围介质的渗透率以及通道的半径等有关,估计目前的冷泉活动还可以持续10000年以上.海平面下降引起的天然气水合物分解,可能是影响全球气候变化的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

2002年6月24~25日,北京门头沟附近发生了一次大暴雨过程.观测资料和数值模拟均发现,在暴雨发生前和发生过程中,北京地区边界层内出现了一支强盛的东南风气流.东南风气流沿太行山东坡爬升,触发了对流.为探讨这支低空东南风气流的形成原因,本文通过数值模拟和敏感性试验,对这支东南风气流的形成机制进行了研究.结果表明,这支低层东南风气流是一支冷湿的、伴有较强风速辐合的气流,主要是在天气尺度系统作用下生成的.东南风气流形成过程中,地表感热加热作用对其强度有加强作用.大暴雨开始后的潜热加热作用对这支东南风气流有正反馈作用,使气流的强度大大增强,因此,在降水开始后气流强度也增强,降水最强时低空急流的强度达最强.暴雨开始后,由于夜间地表降温造成山风效应,导致在北京西部山脚下出现偏北风.  相似文献   

The 1986 eruption of B fissure at Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan, produced, among other products, one andesite and two basaltic andesite lava flows. Locally the three flows resemble vent-effused holocrystalline blocky or aa lava; however, remnant clast outlines can be identified at most localities, indicating that the flows were spatter fed or clastogenic. The basaltic andesite flows are interpreted to have formed by two main processes: (a) reconstitution of fountain-generated spatter around vent areas by syn-depositional agglutination and coalescence, followed by extensional non-particulate flow, and (b) syn-eruptive collapse of a rapidly built spatter and scoria cone by rotational slip and extensional sliding. These processes produced two morphologically distinct lobes in both flows by: (a) earlier non-particulate flow of agglutinate and coalesced spatter, which formed a thin lobe of rubbly aa lava (ca. 5 m thick) with characteristic open extension cracks revealing a homogeneous, holocrystalline interior, and (b) later scoria-cone collapse, which created a larger lobe of irregular thickness (<20 m) made of large detached blocks of scoria cone interpreted to have been rafted along on a flow of coalesced spatter. The source regions of these lava flows are characterized by horseshoe-shaped scarps (<30 m high), with meso-blocks (ca. 30 m in diameter) of bedded scoria at the base. One lava flow has a secondary lateral collapse zone with lower (ca. 7 m) scarps. Backward-tilted meso-blocks are interpreted to be the product of rotational slip, and forward-tilted blocks the result of simple toppling. Squeeze-ups of coalesced spatter along the leading edge of the meso-blocks indicate that coalescence occurred in the basal part of the scoria cone. This low-viscosity, coalesced spatter acted as a lubricating layer along which basal failure of the scoria cone occurred. Rotational sliding gave way to extensional translational sliding as the slide mass spread out onto the present caldera floor. Squeeze-ups concentrated at the distal margin indicate that the extensional regime changed to one of compression, probably as a result of cooling of the flow front. Sliding material piled up behind the slowing flow front, and coalesced spatter was squeezed up from the interior of the flow through fractures and between rafted blocks. The andesite flow, although morphologically similar to the other two flows, has a slightly different chemical composition which corresponds to the earliest stage of the eruption. It is a much smaller lava flow emitted from the base of the scoria cone 2 days after the eruption had ceased. This lava is interpreted to have been formed by post-depositional coalescence of spatter under the influence of the in-situ cooling rate and load pressure of the deposit. Extrusion occurred through the lower part of the scoria cone, and subsequent non-particulate flow of coalesced material produced a blocky and aa lava flow. The mechanisms of formation of the lava flows described may be more common during explosive eruptions of mafic magma than previously envisaged. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

Paleo-pressure reconstruction in sedimentary basins is one of the most important aspects of hydrocarbon accumulation research. In view of the advantages and disadvantages of the current methods for paleo-pressure research, a new method to reconstruct the paleo-pressure is presented in this paper. According to the geological background, quantitative analyses of the factors that might control overpressure were first conducted to clarify the contributions of each mechanism during different geological periods. Pressure evolution was reconstructed by fluid-compaction modelling with constraints imposed by the paleo-pressures obtained from fluid inclusions or differential stress methods. Determining the mechanisms responsible for overpressures during geological history is the basic prerequisite for paleo-pressure research. Thus, quantitative studies were conducted of the contributions of disequilibrium compaction, gas charging, oil cracking, temperature reduction, and tectonic uplift and subsidence to overpressures. Three case studies of paleo-pressure reconstruction were performed for the Sinian strata in the Sichuan Basin, Ordovician strata in the north uplift in the Tarim Basin and the Permian strata in the Sulige Gas Field in the Ordos Basin, where these three study sites are normally pressured, weakly over-pressured and abnormally low pressured at present, respectively. The new method developed in this paper is very important for the practical reconstruction of the paleopressure in marine strata and ancient strata in deep basins.  相似文献   

Mountain building and landscape evolution are controlled by interactions between river dynamics and tectonic forces. Such interactions have been extensively studied, however a quantitative evaluation of tectonic/geomorphic feedbacks, which is imperative for understanding sediments routing within orogens and fold‐and‐thrust belts, remains to be undertaken. Here, we employ numerical simulations to assess the conditions of uplift and river incision necessary to deflect an antecedent drainage network during the growth of one, or several, folds. We propose that a partitioning of the river network into internal (endorheic) and longitudinal drainage arises as a result of lithological differences within the deforming crustal sedimentary cover. Using examples from the Zagros Fold Belt (ZFB), we show that drainage patterns can be linked to the non‐dimensional incision ratio R between successive lithological layers, corresponding to the ratio between their relative erodibilities or incision coefficients. Transverse drainage networks develop for uplift rates smaller than 0.8 mm yr?1 and low incision ratios (?10 < R < 10). Intermediate drainage networks are obtained for uplift rates up to 2 mm yr?1 and large incision ratios (R > 20). Parallel drainage networks and the formation of sedimentary basins occur for large values of incision ratio (R > 20) and uplift rates between 1 and 2 mm yr?1. These results have implications for predicting the distribution of sediment depocenters in fold‐and‐thrust belts, which can be of direct economic interest for hydrocarbon exploration. They also put better constraints on the fluvial and geomorphic responses to fold growth induced by crustal‐scale tectonics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Toshikazu  Yoshioka 《Island Arc》1996,5(4):407-419
Abstract Although the origins of pull-apart basins and push-up bulges have been discussed by numerous geologists, no discussion has been held on the development process of the basins based on recent active traces and Quaternary chronology. The author has investigated recent fault-active traces and fault topography in the Havza-Ladik, Erbaa-Niksar, Susehri-Golova and Erzincan sedimentary basins along the North Anatolian fault in northern Turkey and the Suwa basin along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line (fault system) in central Japan. As a result of this investigation, the locations and sense of deformation of recent active traces seldom coincide with topographic scarps along basin margins in the studied basins. The fault traces have migrated from the basin margins to the center of the basins and become straight. Because of this migration, jogs are extinguished and basins stop subsiding as time passes. Fault topography formed by a strike-slip fault has a certain life span, and the life span is in proportion to the size of the topography. Fault topography formed by various sizes of jogs of a strike-slip fault is formed and extinguished in the corresponding time range, and this extinction is repeated in the course of migration of fault traces.  相似文献   




Introduction Analyses of the b value in the frequency-magnitude relation (Gutenberg & Richter curve, G-R curve), lgN=a?bM, is one of important methods for earthquake prediction. It is often used to study the state of tectonic deformation and regional stress field. Many studies on the b value have been made in aspects of seismicity, experimental modeling (acoustic emission) and theory (Mogi, 1962; Scholz, 1968; LI et al, 1978; MA, 1978; CHEN, 1977; GENG, 1986; DU and MA, 1986; CAI et…  相似文献   

The problems of parametric representation of the initial formation and the subsequent evolution of fast ice in freezing seas are discussed within the framework of the model of marine ice cover evolution. The mathematical form of this representation takes into account the processes of transformation of sea ice formations in open water areas in coastal regions into fast ice during its formation and inverse processes at the stage of its destruction. The parametric identification of the model was based on samples of long-term distributions of ice cover characteristics in the Sea of Japan, as well as the distributions of air temperature and wind speeds over sea water area. The model can be used to predict the state of fast ice in the ice cover of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Extending across three major plateaus,namely the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,the Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Plateau and the Loess Plateau,Northwest China has the complex terrain and spatio-temporal climate variations,and is affected by the interactions among different circulation systems,such as the summer monsoon,the westerlies and the plateau monsoon.The understanding of the climate variability,as well as its characteristics and evolution mechanisms in this area has been limited so far.In this paper,the precipitation characteristics and mechanisms in the eastern and western parts of Northwest China during the flood season are compared and analyzed based on the data from 192 national meteorological observational sites in Northwest China in 1961-2016.The results show that,divided by the northern boundary of the East Asian summer monsoon,there are huge differences in the precipitation variation characteristics between the eastern and western parts.The inter-annual variations,interdecadal variations and total trends in the two parts all show a significant seesaw phenomenon.Moreover,it is found that the seesaw phenomenon of precipitation variation is closely related to the opposite variation between the East Asian summer monsoon index(MI) and the westerly circulation index(WI).In addition,the inverse variations on different time scales are only related to the contributions of precipitation at specific grades.Besides,in the two matching patterns of precipitation in the seesaw phenomenon,the middle and high latitudes are occupied by the "high-low-high" wave trains in the precipitation increases in the east of Northwest China(ENWC) and decreases in the west of Northwest China(WNWC) pattern,meaning precipitation increases in ENWC and decreases in WNWC.Whereas the opposite "low-high-low" wave trains at 500 hPa height are observed in the middle and high latitudes in the WH-EA pattern at 500 hPa height,meaning precipitation increases in WNWC and decreases in ENWC.Thus,the atmosphere circulation situation with two wave train types can support both the precipitation seesaw phenomenon and the opposite variation between MI and WI.Moreover,the seesaw phenomenon is shown to be related to the separate or joint effects of the South Asian High,ENSO and the plateau heating on the common but opposite effect on the summer monsoon and the westerlies,in which the South Asian High probably plays a more critical role.This study could deepen the scientific understanding of precipitation mechanisms and improve the weather forecast technology in Northwest China during the flood season.  相似文献   

Catchments have highly variable yields of runoff and soil erosion. The size, land use and the surface cover play a significant role and influence the catchment response and parameter values of simulation models. Two experimental basins—the Cariri basins—were equipped in a semi-arid region of Brazil, for obtaining runoff and sediment yield at different catchment scales, as well as, to evaluate the influence of the land use and surface cover. In the first basin, located in the municipality of Sumé, the field studies were carried out at two different scales: four micro-catchments with an area of around 0.5 ha and nine standard Wischmeier-type erosion plots of 100 m2. The experimental units had varied vegetation and management. They were subjected only to natural rainfall events, and were monitored from 1982 to 1991. The total runoff and total sediment yield were determined for each of the events. The installations in the second basin, in the municipality of São João do Cariri, from 1999, include two erosion plots, three micro-catchments, and two sub-catchments of a small basin. These basins are still being monitored for runoff and sediment production. Among the micro-catchments two are nested to detect any scale effect at the micro-catchment level. Nearly 600 events of precipitation, that produced runoff in at least one of the experimental units, have been registered. These data have been used to evaluate the influence of various factors, including cultivation practices and to calibrate hydrological models for plots and micro-catchments. Parameters have been tested by means of cross validations among micro-catchments and sub-catchments. The data sets are made available to all the catchment hydrology researchers and others at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4690886 .  相似文献   

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