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The Nevado de Toluca, in the middle of the Mexican volcanic belt, has been built by two very dissimilar phases. The first one that lasted more than one million years is mainly andesitic. Numerous massive and autobrecciated lava flows of this phase pass outwards into thick conglomeratic formations. The volume of this primitive volcano represents the essential part of the Nevado. After an intense periode of erosion, the second phase is of very short duration (about 100.000 years) and is dacitic in nature. Three main episode can be distinguished:
  1. Eruption of important ash and pumice pyroclastic flows related to caldera collapse above a shallow magmatic reservoir.
  2. Extrusions of several dacitic domes within and outside the caldera with numerous associated «nuées ardentes» surrounding the volcano.
  3. Plinian eruption leading to widespread pumiceous air-fall and to the opening of the present crater inside the caldera. Extrusion of a new small dacitic dome and late phreatic explosions.
This second sequence of events can be interpreted as the progressive emptying of the crustal magmatic chamber without refilling by a new magma supply. The most recent activity in the area is represented by monogenic cones and flows of basic andesites outside the central vent system of the Nevado.  相似文献   

Sixteen arcuate intrusions have been emplaced at extremely high levels into the basaltic shield volcanoes of Saint Helena. These intrusions are of special interest because of their small size and modes of emplacement. The arcuate masses are of three distinctive types:
  1. Irregular, steeply inward-dipping, basic sheets with diameters of 150 m to 450 m infill tensional fractures originating at depths of about 500 m beneath the volcano surface.
  2. Strongly curved sheets from 25 m to 750 m in diameter are cross-sections of inclined intrusions which in three dimensions resemble single sticks of celery. These intrusions, varying from basalt to trachyte in composition, are infilled tensional fractures originating at « point » pressure sources, inclined to the horizontal, at depths of about 500 m below the surface.
  3. Salic intrusions with near-vertical sides and gently inclined roof-infillings have outer diameters of 350 m to 1070 m. Pressure exerted onto the flanks of the volcano by domed, convex upwards, areas of a magma chamber roof, at a depth of about 2 km, caused near-vertical ring fractures to form. Formation of a sub-horizontal cross fracture and subsequent intrusion of magma produced the « roof-infillings » by updoming the overlying basalts or sinking of the enclosed block, or combinations of the two processes. Two intrusions of this third type are multiple.

Since the collision of Indian subcontinent to Eurasia, a huge quantity of crustal materials from India has been penetrated into the crust or mantle of Eurasia. Investigation of the place, on which those materials have been deposited is a key problem for constructing a model of collision between continents. The results of three-dimensional seismic velocity structure obtained from seismic tomography technique may provide an evidence of the deposit of anomalous materials in the crust and upper mantle of the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring areas. A detailed analysis of the results from the seismic surface wave tomography has deduced a new model of the continental collision from India to Eurasia. It is compatible to the velocity data obtained from other geological and geophysical observations. The main points of the new model of the continental collision from Indian to Eurasia can be summarized as follows:
  1. The Indian crust has been penetrating into the lower crust of Tibetan Plateau, instead of into the uppermost mantle beneath the crust or the asthenosphere of Tibetan Plateau;
  2. The surplus materials from the Tibetan lower crust have been squeezed and thrusted into the asthenosphere of its eastern neighboring areas (Qinghai-Sichuan-Yunnan) through the broken Moho;
  3. Some hot materials were intruded into the crust from the uppermost mantle in Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan-Yunnan provinces. The intruded hot materials may reach the ground surface (such as the Tibetan Plateau) or a depth about 25 km (such as Sichuan-Yunnan provinces) depending on the different local environmental conditions. The extensional geological structures in those regions are closely related to the intrusion of hot materials.

A particular nuée ardente type (Merapi-type avalanche nuée) has been defined at the Merapi volcano because of its prominent role in the recent activity of the volcano: gravity plays a significant role during the eruption. However, some other eruption styles occur too producing surges and ashfalls. Three types of tephra, deposited in a very short time-span (15 years) are compared: chemistry and mineralogy are similar, but grain-size analyses are different. There is no vesicular glass, and it is concluded that there is an absence of new magma. This example shows clearly the variety of volcanic styles, with similar chemistry in a very short period. Avalanche nuées from collapsed domes or flows are separated into two types:
  1. Merapi-typesensu stricto, without any fresh glass, derived from a wholly solidified dome.
  2. Arenal-type, containing pumiceous glass, derived from a dome, the interior of which is still liquid.

Results obtained by means of an ultrasonic current meter in the plume of the Rhone river are summarized as follows:
  1. Currents of Rhone river water entering the lake were clearly discernible up to a distance of about 1 km from the river mouth. The interflow was observed at depth of 10 to 30 m.
  2. Interflow velocities decreased with increasing distance from the river mouth: from 40cm/s at a distance of 350 m to about 15 cm/s at 1 km.
  3. Short-term variations of current velocities and directions documented the highly turbulent nature of the interflow.
  4. The entering river water (inflow direction to the NNW) interfered with a persisting northeastward current of the lake water. At a distance of 1–2 km from the mouth the interflow gradually assumed the same direction, possibly due to deflection by Coriolis forces.
  5. Current velocities showed considerable variations within a time scale in the order of hours at the same measuring position. The reasons for these fluctuations remain unclear. Possible causes may be lateral oscillations of the entering river water or its deviation by river mouth bars during periods of reduced river discharge. Variations of the discharge alone cannot explain these current fluctuations.

The Erta Ale range is the main volcanic unit in the Danakil rift. It is located along the axis of the northern part of the Depression, in a zone clearly related to the Red Sea rift. The detailed study of the tectonics, volcanism and petrographic succession of the whole range allows one to draw the following conclusions.
  1. A compl3te, tectonically controlled evolution is observed in the subaerial volcanism from simple fissure activity, to small shield volcanoes built along open fissures, and to more complex central volcanoes. The emitted products form a complete differentiation series from basalts to rhyolites, with a remarkably regular volume decrease from basic to silicic terms.
  2. The close relationships existing between petrological and volcanological evolution suggest that the magma fractionation has been realized at relatively shallow depth, at the emplacement level of magmatic reservoirs. The importance of a time factor in the differentiation processes in volcanic conditions is clearly stressed.
  3. All collected data strongly support the subcrustal origin of the whole volcanic series and the hypothesis of crustal separation with formation of new oceanic crust along the axis of the Northern Danakil Depression.

The December 1981 — January 1982 eruption which started in the Christmas night on the SE side of Nyamulagira, gave the longest historical flow (26 km) representing the highest production rate of this volcano in this century (280×106m3 of erupted magmas in 19 days). This eruption built Rugarambiro, a composite spatter cinder-cone. The ejected lava is a K-hawaiite (kivite) whose basicity decreased during the eruption (first emission: D.I. = 40; last products: D.I. = 35). This chemical evolution is reflected by:
  • --the modal composition of lavas. The first emissions are poor in ferromagnesian phenocrysts (olivine + clinopyroxene: 3%) and rich in plagioclase (12%); the contrary is observed in the last ejected lavas (livine + Cpx: 16%; plagioclase: 1%);
  • --the nature of the crystallizing minerals in the groundmass. In fact, only the first ejections include alkaline feldspars, nepheline and Tiphlogopite;
  • --the glassy phase composition which is more differentiated in the first lavas (D.I. 68–84) than in the last ones (D.I. 42–61).
  • A stratification of the Nyamulagira magmatic chamber is proposed where magmatic differentiation has probably occurred for fractional crystallization. Mineralogical thermobarometers lead to locate this magmatic reservoir at the depth of 6–7 km that we had already hypothesized. The presence of phenocrysts of bytownite, basic chrysolite, diopside and salite indicates a basaltic paragenesis which marks a hawaiitic magma chamber feeding.  相似文献   

    The Ridracoli Dam has been operating since 1981. Around the reservoir ISMES installed and operated for 10 years a seismic network, now reduced to a 3-D station. Earthquakes were recorded with completeness from magnitude 0.8 onwards. In the same period, all the parameters relevant to the dam and the environment were measured. This provided a complete data base for RIS studies, unique in its kind in Italy. The main findings of the analyses performed are the following:
    1. The filling of the reservoir has not influenced the seismicity of the area for most significant events (M L>3.5).
    2. Lesser seismicity around the reservoir seems to be correlated with water level in the reservoir, but also shows to be dependent on regional seismicity.
    3. b value shows a slight increase with time. This may indicate an increase in rock fracturing, which is known to precede the disappearing of Type II RIS.

    Microearthquake digital data collected at Campi Flegrei during the recent (1982–1985) ground uplift episode have been analyzed in order to infer source and medium seismic properties. The main results obtained from these analyses are:
    1. Hypocenter distribution and the size of the seismic zone do not change with time and do not depend on the ground uplift rate. Events occurred clustered in time with no simple causal relations between the cluster occurrences and their energy.
    2. Anelastic attenuation does not depend strongly on frequency, showing a constant pattern at high frequencies. The observed values of low and high frequency attenuation, due to the short source receiver distances, do not seriously affect the spectral content of signals radiated by the sources.
    3. A constant Brune stress drop pattern (~4–5 bars) as a function of seismic moment is observed. This indicates that the manner of fracturing is almost independent on magnitude of earthquakes (hypothesis of self-similarity (Aki, 1967)). Seismic processes in a prefractured medium can explain the observed small stress drop values.
    4. Focal mechanisms from moment tensor estimates show that radiation patterns are mostly well interpreted in terms of double couple source models.
    5. The scaling of peak ground motion parameters (A max andV max vs seismic moment) can be explained by an ω2 source model (constant stress drop) multiplied by an exponential function with a small decay parameter, which takes into account the measured attenuation.
    These results support the hypothesis of earthquakes generated by simple shear fractures along prefractured structures as a response to changes in the stress field due to the ground deformation.  相似文献   

    The paper gives a summary of geophysical aspects of man-made electromagnetic noise in the Earth as follows:
  • - EM distortion effects of man-made constructions below and over the Earth's surface defined as ‘passive-noise’,
  • - field observation of EM disturbances due to ‘active’ man-made sources,
  • - EM source mechanism of some important active sources from a geophysical point of view,
  • - efforts in order to improve the signal-to noise ratio by instrumental, methodological and dataprocessing ways,
  • - application of man-made EM noise for geophysical prospecting.
  • The paper is based on world-wide EM noise survey studies published mainly in geophysical journals.  相似文献   

    One of the problems associated with massif-type anorthosite in high grade metamorphic terranes is the absence of anorthositic extrusives. However, if anorthosite formed by crystal segregation, volcanic equivalents of the final fluid differentiate might occur. Massive, stratiform hornblende-garnet granitic gneisses occur between two metasedimentary sequences in asynclinorium south of the main Adirondack anorthosite massif and north of the Thirteenth Lake anorthosite dome. The granitic gneisses are divided into three stratigraphic units on the basis of mineralogy. The entire stratigraphic configuration has been traced 70 kilometers laterally, and the interpretation of the literature indicates that it may extend for over 100 kilometers. Earlier workers considered the granitic gneisses to be sill-like intrusives. The following evidence suggests a volcanic origin for these gneisses:
    1. A thin (3 to 5 meters) but continuous zone of cale-silicates and quartzite occurs within the sequence of granitic gneisses at the same horizon for some 25 kilometers laterally and does not appear to be truncated nor intruded by the gneisses. This observation virtually precludes an intrusive origin.
    2. 2V, of plagioclase (An24,25) in granulated, augen-shaped zones in the granitic gneisses variesfrom 109° to 120°, whereas 2V, for groundmass plagioclase (also An20, 25) is 84° to 88°. According to the data of Slemmons, the 2V of the granulated augen is characteristic of volcanic (high temperature) plagioclase and that of the groundmass is characteristic of plutonic (low temperature) plagioclase.
    3. The great lateral extent of the granitic gneisses suggests that the materials were deposited as volcanic ash or pyroclastics.
    4. The stratigraphic coherency of metasedimentary sequences and granitic gneisses indicates that the gneisses are an integral part of the stratigraphy.
    A jotunite-mangerite-charnockite suite of intrusives in this area is related to the main anorthosite massif. Since plagioclase augen or their remnants exist in both the granitic gneisses and in the intrusive suite, it is possible that the granitic gneisses and the intrusives were derived from the same magma. It has been suggested that differentiation of the anorthosite suite occurs at considerable depth whereas differentiation of the same magma at shallow depth produces the rapakivi-laboradorite porphyry association of the Fennoscandian region. If the stratiform granitic gneisses and the anorthosite suite in the Adirondacks are comagmatic, differentiation of the magma must have occurred at moderate depth and the parental magma may have been granodioritic and thus more silicic than presumed by most workers.  相似文献   

    Some trace element data for volcanic rocks found at different levels, from Tertiary to Holocene, in south-eastern Sicily (Iblean Plateau and Mt. Etna) are presented and discussed in the present paper in order to better the information about the origin and relationships of the various rock types. Four groups of volcanic rocks have been recognized on the basis of their major element chemistry: 1) low-K tholeiites, 2) associated alkali basalts to nephelinites of the Iblean Plateau (Upper Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene), 3) the basal subalkaline lavas of Mt. Etna, and 4) the alkalic suite rocks that make up the bulk of the volcano. The distribution of Rb, Sr, Ni, Cr, Co, Cu, REE, Th and Sc suggests:
    1. an origin of the Iblean magmas by a different degree of partial melting of a Rb-poor and possibly slightly hetereogeneous mantle;
    2. quite distinct source compositions for the Etnean magmas, relative to those of the Iblean area, on the basis of their Rb and Sr contents;
    3. an origin of the alkalic rocks of Mt. Etna from independently generated magma(s) rather than by crystal fractionation of the Etnean subalkaline magmas or of a magma having the geochemical features of the Iblean alkali basalts; evidence for this is given by the distribution features of the incompatible elements showing an origin for these rocks from compositionally different parent magmas and/or an evolution under widely variable environmental conditions;
    4. the primary character for the chemical differences observed in some of the Etnean subalkaline rocks that can be accounted for by different physico-chemical conditions at their source rather than by crystal fractionation processes.

    Concentrations in uranium, thorium and potassium were determined by gamma spectrometry in more than 100 samples of volcanic rocks from the material obtained during the French-Italian expedition in Dankalia (Afar-Ethiopia) (December 1967 – February 1968). These samples were taken from two geographically distinct areas:
    1. the danakile depression (Erta Ale range, Pierre Pruvost massif, Alayta, Afdera, Borawlu).
    2. Ethiopian high lands (Adigrate — Axum).
    The values we obtained give the following contents:


  • in the Erta Ale range, for basalts, K: 0,5%, U: 1,3 ppm, Th: 3,3 ppm, Th/U: 2,6.
  • for alkaline rhyolites, U: 4,1 ppm, K: 2,3%, Th: 15,2 ppm, Th/U: 3,7.
  • in the Pierre Pruvost massif, for acid rocks, K: 3,9%, U: 3,6 ppm, Th: 13,5 ppm, Th/U: 3,8.
  • in the Borawlu centre, K: 2,8%, U: 4,6 ppm, Th: 14,7, Th/U: 3,4 for the rhyolites, K: 0,6%, U: 0,9 ppm, Th: 3,1 ppm for the basalts.
  • on the Ethiopian high lands, for the Adigrate basaltic trap rocks, K: 0,6%, U: 0,6 ppm, Th: 1,1 ppm, Th/U: 1,7 and for the Axum zone of phonolitic pinnacles, K: 3,9%, U: 2,7 ppm, Th: 14,9 ppm, Th/U: 4,9.
  • The Th/K and U/K ratios are particularly high compared with the usual data, except for the Pierre Pruvost massif which seems to be different from the others. The difference of Th/U ratios for basic rocks and acid rocks is meaningful. For the magma which gave the volcanism of the studied area, one can think of an evolution more especially connected with transfers of volatile elements. The strong correlations existing between potassium, uranium and thorium probably indicate the presence of groups which are distinct from a geochemical point of view in the Dankalia lavas.  相似文献   

    Liparitic volcanism is a typical feature of the orogenic phase giving rise to the Kazakhstan, Middle Asia and Caucasus folded systems. The main characteristics of the liparitic volcanism common to these three regions are the following:
    1. Geo-structural zonation of the volcanic structures.
    2. Dismembered Moho surface within the volcanic structures.
    3. Synchronous, yet independent evolution of liparitic and andesitic volcanisms.
    4. Ignimbritic character of the liparitic volcanism.
    5. Lateral petrochemical zonation with some features common to the liparitic and andesitic rock series.
    Geo-structural and petrochemical zonations are likely governed in the regions studied by a deep-seated plutonic body.  相似文献   

    Origin of rhyolites by anatectic melting of granitic crustal rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Rhyolitic pumice deposits on some East Aegean Islands are the remnants of a tuff sheet which covered formerly more than 2500 km2. The rhyolites originated by melting of granitic crustal rocks. The petrological properties leading to this conclusion are as follows:
  • -mineralogical composition of the pumice being 60 wt % of glass and 40 % of relictic granitic minerals (quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar, biotite) in «phenocrysts» up to 1 cm Ø.
  • -phenomena of strong corrosion, resorption and melting of all light colored «phenocrysts» in the rhyolitic pumice.
  • -mineralogical and chemical identity between pumice and granitic xenolites found in great quantity in the pumice tuff.
  • -structurally transitional types between pumice and the granites in different state of melting.
  • -eutectic composition of the pumice glass for a pressure of 2 kb.
  •   相似文献   

    Four volcanic units have been distinguished on the islanf of Fayal. In order of decreasing age, these are:
  • the eastern rift, and products of the activity preceding the collapse of the caldera visible at the summit of the stratovolcano, characterized by an alkaline series: basalt-hawaiite-mugearite-trachyte;
  • the products of the explosive and postcaldera activity where only evolved lavas occur (benmoreites and trachytes);
  • the recent basaltic activity of the Horta region;
  • the western fissural activity — recent and historical.
  • The two last units are characterized by exclusively basaltic, frequently picritic, eruptions. The lava groups cannot be distinguished by chemical criteria and have thus been treated as a single suite. Ninety samples have been analysed by X-ray fluorescence, and the mineralogy of 6 representative specimens has been determined by microprobe. The data were used to work out the evolution of the lava. The series is shown to have been produced by crystal fractionation under moderate water pressure from an alkali basalt. Moderate fractionation of amphibole during the last stages allow the liquids to remain weakly undersaturated from initial basalts until final trachytes. Mineralogical and chemical diversity between the most evolved lavas, benmoreites and trachytes, is an evidence of the strong influence ofpH2O and/orfO2 on the composition of such residua.  相似文献   

    Some recent calc-alkaline andesites and dacites from southern and central Martinique contain basic xenoliths belonging to two main petrographic types:
  • The most frequent one has a hyalodoleritic texture (« H type ») with hornblende + plagioclase + Fe-Ti oxides, set in an abundant glassy and vacuolar groundmass.
  • The other one exhibits a typical porphyritic basaltic texture (« B type ») and mineralogy (olivine + plagioclase + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + Fe-Ti oxides and scarce, or absent hornblende).
  • Gradual textural and mineralogical transitions occur between these two types (« I type ») with the progressive development of hornblende at the expense of olivine and pyroxenes. Mineralogical and chemical studies show no primary compositional correlations between the basaltic xenoliths and their host lavas, thus demonstrating that the former are not cognate inclusions; they are remnants of basaltic liquids intruded into andesitic to dacitic magma chambers. This interpretation is strengthened by the typical calc-alkaline basaltic composition of the xenoliths, whatever their petrographic type (« H », « I » or « B »). The intrusion of partly liquid, hot basaltic magma into colder water-saturated andesitic to dacitic bodies leads to drastic changes in physical conditions. The two components; the basaltic xenoliths are quenched and homogeneized with their host lavas with respect to To;fO2 andpH2O conditions. « H type » xenoliths represent original mostly liquid basalts in which such physical changes lead to the formation of hornblende and the development of a vacuolar and hyalodoleritic texture. The temperature increase of the acid magma depends on the amount of the intruding basalt and on the thermal contrast between the two components. The textural diversity which characterizes the xenoliths reflects the cooling rate of the basaltic fragments and/or their position relative to the basaltic bodies (chilled margins or inner, more crystallized, portions). In addition to physical equilibration (T, fO2) between the magmas, mixing involves:
  • mechanical transfer of phenocrysts from one component to another, in both directions;
  • volatile transfer to the basaltic xenoliths, with chemical exchanges.
  • It is here demonstrated that a short period of time (some ten hours to a few days) separates the mixing event from the eruption, outlining the importance of magma mixing in the triggering of eruption. The common occurrence of basaltic xenoliths (generally of « H » type) in calc-alkaline lavas is emphasized, showing that this mechanism is of first importance in calc-alkaline magma petrogenesis.  相似文献   

    Research on the principle and methodology of seismic zonation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Based on the cognizance of the temporal-spatial inhomogeneity of seismicity in North China, adopting the results of earthquake prediction in the past two decades and the currently used methods of seismic hazard analysis, and after some zonation trials in North China, some improvements on the zonation principle and methodology were made:
    1. Seismic zones were taken as statistic units where seismicity parameters were obtained. Tendency analysis was introduced. Earthquake annual average occurrence rates were estimated corresponding to the seismicity level in the future period;
    2. Average annual earthquake occurrence rates for a given magnitude interval of a specific seismic zone were assigned to potential sources considering the relative risk level among these sources. Thus, the risk of great earthquakes can be estimated.
    3. The probabilistic spatial distribution function under the condition of magnitude interval was suggested to reflect the temporal and spatial inhomogeneity of seismicity.
    4. An orientation function in the seismic hazard analysis model was adopted, which reflects the real condition of earthquake foci in China.

    Nisyros is a totally volcanic island located at the eastern limit of the quaternary calc-alkaline island arc system of the South Aegean Sea. Its age is rather young since K/Ar dating has given an age of 0.2 m.y. B.P. for one of the oldest outcropping products of this volcano. The volcanological evolution of Nisyros has tentatively been reconstructed as follows:
    1. after a period (from 3.0? to 0.2 m.y. B.P.) of submarine activity, evidenced by the presence of pillow-lavas and hyaloclastites, the volcano grew above sea level;
    2. effusive and explosive subaerial activity from different vents built up a complex stratovolcano, probably around 0.2 m.y. B. P.;
    3. at the end of an intense explosive activity (between 0.2 m.y. B.P. and Present) the top of the volcano collapsed forming a caldera which is still perfectly preserved. A post-caldera activity with eruptions of huge and viscous domes and lava flows of uniform composition, both inside and outside the caldera, concluded this stage of the volcano evolution;
    4. in historical times, spectacular phreatic explosion craters formed on the caldera floor;
    5. presently, a large area of the caldera floor is affected by a considerable hydrothermal activity. The hypothesis is formed that Nisyros volcano is not yet extinct.
    Four small volcanic islets — Yali, Stronjili, Pakia and Perigusa — located a few miles on the North and West of Nisyros, although volcanologically independent of one another, are composed of products which are attributable, from the petrologic point of view, to the Nisyros magma. The volcanic rocks of Nisyros and of its neighbouring minor islands as well as the volcanics of the coeval volcanoes of the South Aegean Sea arc (Aegina, Milos, Santorini, etc.) belong to a typical orogenic calc-alkaline series (from basic andesites through andesites-dacites-rhyodacites to strongly silicic rhyolites) with normal K2O contents. The potassium contents of these rocks are compatible with the depth of 150 km (as inferred from geophysical data) for the inclined seismic zone underneath the active volcanic arc. The existence of a top-caldera as well as the occurrence of a huge amount of xenoliths (hornblende-rich cumulates and contact-metamorphic calcareous rock derivatives) suggest the presence of a magma chamber at a relatively shallow depth beneath the volcano. The rhyolitic obsidians of Yali can be considered as residual liquids from the Nisyros rhyodacites, thus representing the end-members of a fractionation process. Volcanological and petrological arguments are in favour of fractional crystallization as the most probable genetic process for the calc-alkaline differentiation series of Nisyros and of its neighbouring minor islands. However, the lack of any rock with a high alumina basalt composition makes it difficult to define exactly the nature of the parent magma. According to recent geophysical data, continental collision is already in progress at the Hellenic trench. Therefore, Nisyros and the other active volcanoes of the South Aegean Sea arc are approaching the senile stage. What would follow could be a transition to shoshonitic magmatism as a consequence of the deepening of the lithospheric slab under the Aegean microplate. The limited extension and the relatively short-lived calc-alkaline activity of the South Aegean Sea arc could be related to the particular geodynamic pattern of the Mediterranean area which is characterized by a microplates mosaic between the two converging African and Eurasian major plates.  相似文献   

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