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根据东西大巴山奥陶纪地层的差异性,划分为两个地层小区:宁强—西乡地层小区(西大巴山小区)和城口—巫溪小区(东大巴山小区)。对区内各剖面进行了划分和对比以后,分别建立起两小区内的综合地层分类系统。宁强—西乡小区分为三统、八组和十二个生物带(动物群),城口—巫溪小区分为三统、九组和十一个生物带(动物群)。将宁强—西乡小区宝塔组顶部的瘤状泥灰岩分出,与原涧草沟组合并,改称临湘组;并在剖面相互对比的基础上,讨论了七个有关问题。  相似文献   

鄂西南宣恩地区牯牛潭组瘤状灰岩与宝塔组龟裂纹灰岩为整合接触,相变缺失了庙坡组.通过对牯牛潭组和宝塔组界线附近牙形石样品的采集和鉴定,发现代表庙坡组开始沉积的 Pygodusserrus牙形石带的Eo.FoGliaceaus亚带初现于牯牛潭组顶部瘤状灰岩中,而消失于宝塔组龟裂纹灰岩,说明牯牛潭组为中奥陶世地层(O2),宝塔组为中-晚奥陶世地层(O2G3).   相似文献   

归纳总结了四川盆地珍珠冲组植物化石7类50属128种,须家河组植物化石10类71属267种,并将珍珠冲组植物群划分为上、下两个组合.通过分析两组植物群的发育特点及演化规律,结合区域有关资料,对侏罗系与三叠系界线进行了厘定.在四川盆地北部大巴山前缘地区,依据珍珠冲组(白田坝组)的岩性特征和所含植物化石特征,将侏罗系与三叠系的界线置于含Coniopteris植物化石的珍珠冲组(白田坝组)底部石英质砾岩或石英砂岩之下的假整合面或剥蚀面上;在四川盆地东北部的云阳、奉节及长江以南万县地区,侏罗系与三叠系的界线划在云阳南溪剖面上含Coniopteris murrayana植物化石8.3 m之下的珍珠冲组黄绿色泥质粉砂岩夹粉砂质泥岩地层之底.  相似文献   

内蒙迪彦庙地区早二叠世寿山沟组地层发育良好,岩性相对稳定,变质、变形程度较低,是研究区范围内早二叠世地层层序研究的理想地区。该课题逐层实测了寿山沟组剖面,从剖面的岩性地层入手,着重分析了迪彦庙地区早二叠世的岩性组合特征、基本层序、沉积旋回特征;同时根据古生物化石类型和组合,推断该区域形成的地质时代和沉积环境。研究表明:寿山沟组剖面厚度为9598.98m,根据岩性和粒度的大小,可分3个岩段:一段为滨浅海浅海陆棚沉积;二段、三段为一套浊流沉积岩系,发育特征性浊流沉积构造,为典型的复理石建造。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省文县关家沟组剖面的系统采样,获得大量微古植物化石,鉴定出16个属28个种。依据中国南方及其他地区南华系、震旦系资料,将本区关家沟组的微古植物化石组合特征与峡东、川西北等地区的晚南华世南沱期的微古植物化石组合进行对比,确认关家沟组地层时代为晚南华世南沱期。这一结果对研究关家沟组地层对比、时代划分提供了依据。  相似文献   

党河南山组是指分布于党河南山和疏勒南山等地、位于阿木尼克组之上的地层体。下部为兰灰色、白色石膏层,杂色泥岩及粉砂岩;上部为灰—深灰色泥灰岩、白云岩及灰岩,含腕足、珊瑚等化石。其界线层型下部以石膏层的始现与下伏阿木尼克组碎屑岩整合分界;上部以本组碳酸盐岩的消失与上覆羊虎沟组、巴音河群或下环仓组分别为假整合或不整合接触作为分界。格曲组是指分布于东昆仑山—阿尼玛卿山的一套碎屑岩及灰岩沉积的地层体。下部为碎屑岩段,主要由灰—灰绿色砾岩、岩屑砂岩、变砂岩、火山岩及板岩等组成,含腕足、双壳、菊石及植物化石;上部为灰岩段,主要由浅灰—灰黑色不纯灰岩、生物灰岩、砾状灰岩组成,偶见碎屑岩及火山岩夹层,丰含蜓、腕足及珊瑚等化石。大都未见底,有时与老地层呈假整合接触;未见顶,有时被新地层所不整合。  相似文献   

本文介绍了陕南西乡峡口地区上二叠统地层问题,着重研究了其在大巴山西段的发育规律。据其组合类型,可划分出台地相区、台坡相区和台沟相区等三个沉积相区。对长兴期的大隆组与吴家坪组的相变问题,本文则进一步提出:在横向上,它们是同期异相;在纵向上,它们在过渡的台坡相区内表现为大隆组在上,并随着背离台地相区距离的增加,大隆组的厚度比增大。根据(竹蜒)和有孔虫的产出,对晚二叠世地层提出了分带意见,并依据岩性、岩相、古生物以及沉积间断现象存在与否,指出了二叠系与三叠系在台地相区是平行不整合,在台坡或台沟相区是整合的结论。  相似文献   

西乡县境内的大巴山为大巴山西段的最东端,汉南隆起的最东部,古生代地层为典型的地台型沉积。这里二迭纪地层发育齐全,层序清楚,化石丰富,蜒类、珊瑚类、腕足类及头足类等海相动物混生,顶底还偶而可见古植物化石。岩性、岩相和南郑梁山颇为相似,除顶底及中间有不厚的页岩外,几乎全为浅海相碳酸盐岩建造,总厚度约350米左右。分布在白勉峡——三郎铺——堰口——峡口一线之南,呈NE——SW方向延伸,大致向SE倾斜的单斜构造,与三迭纪灰岩共同构成了牛岭山、午子关、盖仙寺至贯山的一条高耸的刃状山岭,阻隔南北,依靠峡谷相通,地势甚为险要。在此线之南,另一主要由三迭纪地层构成的向斜的两翼仍有二迭纪地层零星出露。  相似文献   

吉南候家屯组与辽东小东沟组在辽东北部连成一体,以往地层划分和对比上的分歧,皆由王钰等定义小东沟组含有熔岩——“为小岭期火山喷发初的火山活动产物”所致。小东沟组、候家屯组为独立于辽东小岭组,吉南果松组火山岩之外的地层体,为干旱炎热气候条件下的河湖相沉积。辽东梨树沟组建立时未明确定义,建组剖面仅共分二层,为凝灰岩、凝灰质砂岩夹砂页岩,多数研究者将其理解为小岭期火山喷发的尾声产物,无疑是正确的,但近年已人为地演义为“远火山相和湖相”(沉积),并与辽西九佛堂(沙海)组对比,已失去岩石地层单位组的客观性、物质性及组内岩性、岩相的一致性。现据“组应概分,不易细分”等有关原则,建议废弃梨树沟组名称,将与小岭组有成因联系的远火山相产物(包括夹层)划归小岭组,其上部确与小岭期火山喷发无关的河湖(沼)相沉积归于聂尔库组  相似文献   

本文研究选取的地质剖面分别位于邛崃市邛芦公路沿线和蒲江市擦耳岩公路沿线。从宏观而言,研究区域主要岩性以砖红色、紫红色钙质泥岩、含粉砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩、石英粉砂岩、白云质泥岩、泥灰岩为主,部分层位夹有含砾砂岩。根据剖面的岩性组合特征将邛崃—蒲江地区上侏罗统地层由下而上划分为遂宁组和蓬莱镇组,详细讨论了各组段的岩性组合特征、厚度及接触关系。依据古生物化石组合的时代,将遂宁组和蓬莱镇组归为上侏罗统。  相似文献   

Conodont samples were collected from three localities in the Onoo Tolgoi area, Mongolia, and many conodonts have been found. Conodonts from the Onoo Tolgoi Formation (M288-M294) lack index fossils; its age could be Late Silurian. Samples from the Hutul us hudag Formation (M295-M299) contain Ozarkodina pandora alpha Morph. ( P element), clearly indicating that this formation is Early Devonian late Lochkovian in age. Samples collected from so-called Silurian Onoo Tolgoi Formation at other localities (M300-M303) yield many Ordovician conodonts, including Icriodella baotaensis, Icriodella cf. baotaensis, Eoplacognathus fianyeen- sis, Eoplacognathus protoramosus ; Baltoniodus alobatus ; and ? Ambalodus triangularis ; the age is Late Ordovician, more precisely, early-middle Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

本文根据三个地层剖面,对西乡地区的志留纪地层进行了较为深入的研究。将该地区的志留纪地层划分为龙马溪组和崔家沟组,且首次建立起该地区志留纪的生物地层系统——笔石分带。但龙马溪组底部的笔石带则属奥陶纪。还将西乡地区的志留系与国内外有关的几个地区的志留系进行了对比。  相似文献   

Conodont samples were collected from three localities in the Onoo Tolgoi area,Mongolia, and many conodonts have been found. Conodonts from the Onoo Tolgoi Formation (M288-M294) lack index fossils; its age could be Late Silurian. Samples from the Hutul us hudag Formation (M295-M299) contain Ozarkodina pandora alpha Morph. (P element), clearly indicating that this formation is Early Devonian late Lochkovian in age. Samples collected from so-called Silurian Onoo Tolgoi Formation at other localities(M300-M303) yield many Ordovician conodonts, including Icriodella baotaensis, Icriodella cf.baotaensis, Eoplacognathus jianyeensis, Eoplacognathus protoramosus; Baltoniodus alobatus; and ?Ambalodus triangularis; the age is Late Ordovician,more precisely, early-middle Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

辽东地区第四系不发育。近年,由于旧石器时期遗迹的发掘,积累了较丰富的古动物、古人类资料,使得我们有可能应用这一成果建立辽东地区中、上更新统的标准剖面。辽东地区中更新统称庙后山组(太子河地区)和牛心山组(丹东—营口区);上更新统称山城子组(太子河地区)和金牛山组(丹东—营口区),代表了0.377—0.017Ma期间的堆积。古生态分析表明,庙后山期(牛心山期)为温暖湿润的森林—疏林草原型自然景观;山城子期(金牛山期)为寒冷的干旱草原—半荒漠型自然景观。  相似文献   

Abstract A new geological section recognized in Baishantou of Jiayin, Heilongjiang Province, China, was studied preliminarily in searching for the K/T boundary. An early Paleocene florule characrerized by abundant Tiliaephyllum tsagajanicum leaves and its associated plants, was collected from the Baishantou Member (new member representing the lower part of the Paleocene Wuyun Formation) overlying the possible K/T boundary. A tuff bed was found from the upper part of the Furao Formation (uppermost Cretaceous) in this section. The new findings imply that the K/T boundary is probable lying in the interval between the base of the Baishantou Member and the tuff bed, based on the correlation of the present strata with the stratotype of the Tsagajan Group spanning the K/T boundary in "Belaya Gara" of the Bureya Basin, Russia. The early Paleocene florule from the Baishantou Member and the early-middle Maastrichtian dinosaurs found from the Yuliangzi Formation underlying the Furao Formation suggest that the Baishantou section is more promising for searching for the K/T boundary in this area. Further studies of the section is needed, integrating paleontological, biostratigraphic, geochemical, paleomagnetic, and sedimentary research would benefit our understanding the mass extinction event and biotic recovery in the Heilongjiang River area, China, and even all of northeast Asia during the K/T boundary interval.  相似文献   

石界河群小寨组主要为砂、泥质碎屑沉积,按岩性可分为四个组合,下部黑云母石英片岩与变质杂砂岩组合及变质副砾岩与变质杂砂岩组合为浊流及碎屑流沉积,上部的变质砾岩与变质含砾砂岩组合及变质杂砂岩、千枚岩组合为扇三角洲沉积。综合上述沉积相组合,提出小寨组并非大洋或深海盆地,而应为靠近陆源地的断陷盆地中的碎屑沉积。  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation is a series of volcanic-sedimentary rocks in Biepiao area of Liaoning Province.It is mainly composed of basic and intermediate-basic volcanic lava,pyroclasts and terrestrial sedimentary rocks.Based on the regularity of volcanic activity,the Yixian Formation was divided by the present authors into four members in ascending order:the first member is of basal conglomerate,basic and intermediate-basic volcanic rocks;the second member is of lake phrase sedimentary rocks,or in another word,precious fossil-rich sedimentary beds;the third is of basic volcanic rocks;and the fourth is of upper conglomerate.Field mapping and comprehensive study also indicate that there are abundant vertebrate fossils (mainly of Psittacosaurus) in the first member of the Yixian Formation,and the Jehol Biota (including Sinosauropterxy,Confuciusorns sanctus,Archaefructus,etc.) is yielded in the second member of Yixian Formation.From west to east,the volcanic activity of Yixian Formation changed regularly from early to late,and from basic and intermediate-basic to acid (alkali).  相似文献   

Sedimentary facies of the Tsagayan Formation is distributed in the eastern Zeya-Bureya Basin has been analyzed. The formation is of the Maastrichtian to Danian in age and characterized by the cyclicity of the fining-upwards successions. Analysis of environmental changes during the K/T boundary is the focus of this study. Five facies have been identified: Facies A, thick and laterally extensive coarse-grained to medium-gained sandstone units, interpreted as channelfill deposits; Facies B, parallel-laminated to massive mudstone units interpreted as interchannel lakes and flood plain deposits; Facies C, sheet-like medium-grained to fine-grained sandstones interpreted as crevasse splay deposits; Facies D, coal to coaly mudstone beds interpreted as deposits of peatlands; Facies E, very poorly sorted sandy mudstone beds interpreted as debris flow deposits. Fluvial environments with the low-relief fiat topography was inferred. A channel transported large volumes of clasts, and a flood basin with interchannel lakes and peatlands was deciphered. Any distinct change of sedimentary environments has not been identified throughout the Tsagayan Formation (including the K/T boundary). However, two beds of debris flow deposits were identified. The one occurs at the uppermost part of the lower Tsagayan Subformation and contains dinosaur fossils. The other is intercalated in the upper Tsagayan Subformation.  相似文献   

Sedimentary facies of the Tsagayan Formation is distributed in the eastern Zeya-Bureya Basin has been analyzed. The formation is of the Maastrichtian to Danian in age and characterized by the cyclicity of the fining-upwards successions. Analysis of environmental changes during the K/T boundary is the focus of this study. Five facies have been identified: Facies A, thick and laterally extensive coarse-grained to medium-grained sandstone units, interpreted as channelfill deposits; Facies B, parallel-laminated to massive mudstone units interpreted as interchannel lakes and flood plain deposits; Facies C, sheet-like medium-grained to fine-grained sandstones interpreted as crevasse splay deposits;Facies D, coal to coaly mudstone beds interpreted as deposits ofpeatlands; Facies E, very poorly sorted sandy mudstone beds interpreted as debris flow deposits. Fluvial environments with the low-relief flat topography was inferred. A channel transported large volumes of clasts, and a flood basin with interchannel lakes and peatlands was deciphered. Any distinct change of sedimentary environments has not been identified throughout the Tsagayan Formation (including the K/T boundary). However, two beds of debris flow deposits were identified. The one occurs at the uppermost part of the lower Tsagayan Subformation and contains dinosaur fossils. The other is intercalated in the upper Tsagayan Subformation.  相似文献   

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