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联合Jason-1/2、T/P、Envisat、ERS-1/2、Geosat等多代卫星测高数据计算中国近海及邻域(0°~42°N,100°~140°E)2′×2′重力异常。对卫星测高数据分别进行共线处理和自交叉点平差,并以T/P卫星测高数据为基准进行多星数据联合平差,有效削弱了卫星测高数据的时变影响和不协调性;利用逆Vening-Meinesz公式计算重力异常,与船测重力相比,均方根误差为5.4mGal。结果表明,通过引入高精度的卫星测高数据,结合多项平差处理手段,提高了海洋重力异常的计算精度。  相似文献   

In March of 1997, a shallow water experiment was conducted near the Scripps Pier in La Jolla, CA, USA. The goal was to determine the dynamics, distribution, and acoustic effects of bubbles just offshore from active surf. A major component of the experiment was the “Delta Frame”, an apparatus that supported two acoustic sources and eight receivers. Acoustic intensity was measured at frequencies between 39 and 244 kHz over the resulting 16 horizontal ray paths. Paths ranged in length from 2.5 to 8.6 m. In the present paper, a tomography algorithm is developed and implemented using Delta Frame data. Measurements are combined to produce quantitative cross-sectional images of the attenuation associated with the bubble cloud. Numerical simulations predict that the Frame ran resolve details of the field down to about 2 m. Images constructed at different acoustic frequencies are scaled and compared. A 5-min sequence of images is studied in detail. Swell waves are shown to cause rapid fluctuations in the images  相似文献   

A method for the reconstruction of missing data based on an EOF decomposition has been applied to a large data set, a test case of Sea Surface Temperature satellite images of the Adriatic Sea. The EOF decomposition is realised with a Lanczos method, which allows optimising computational time for large matrices. The results show that the reconstruction method leads to accurate reconstructions as well as a low cpu time when dealing with realistic cases. The method has been tested with different amounts of missing data, artificially adding clouds ranging from 40% to 80% of data loss, and then compared to the same data set with no missing data. A comparison with in situ data has also been made. These validation studies show that results are robust, even when the amount of missing data is very high. The reconstruction of the data from the Adriatic Sea shows realistic features and a reliable temperature distribution. In addition, the method is compared to an Optimal Interpolation reconstruction. The results obtained with both methods are very similar. The main difference is the computational time, which is reduced nearly 30 times with the method presented here. Once the reconstruction has been performed, the EOF decomposition is analysed to show the method’s reliability, and a cold event on the Albanian coast is studied. The reconstructed data reflect the effect of wind on the Albanian coast, that led to a cold-water episode in this zone for a 6-day period.  相似文献   

利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料分析东中国海的风、浪场特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用TOPEX卫星高度计和日本气象厅浮标观测资料,对东中国海的有效波高和风速进行比较,分析了卫星高度计资料的有效性。利用有效波高和风速的3种概率密度函数分布,结合TOPEX卫星高度计资料,并采用最大似然方法对统计分布参数进行估计,结果表明,有效波高的对数-正态概率密度分布与观测资料的直方图在有效波高的整个范围内符合较好,风速的直方图与Weibul概率密度分布符合较好。同时,分析了有效波高大于4 m的巨浪在东中国海的时空分布特征,表明巨浪多出现在冬、秋两季,平均有效波高最大值出现在夏季,且主要分布在东中国海东南部。  相似文献   

卫星高度计实现了对全球性或区域性的海洋参量的实时监测,TOPEX卫星高度计提供了迄今为止时间序列最长、数据质量最高的全球海面风速和有效波高的同步观测资料。利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料,分析了有效波高4 m以上的巨浪在台湾岛周边海域的时空分布特征,结果表明台湾岛周边海域巨浪的分布具有明显的季节特征。每年平均有效波高最大值大多数出现在夏季,春季是1 a中有效波高最小的季节,而秋季和冬季是巨浪出现频率最高的季节。波高大于6 m的巨浪大都出现在台湾岛东部及东北部海域,在南部海域出现较少。  相似文献   

卫星高度计实现了对全球性或区域性的海洋参量的实时监测,TOPEX卫星高度计提供了迄今为止时间序列最长、数据质量最高的全球海面风速和有效波高的同步观测资料。利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料,分析了有效波高4m以上的巨浪在台湾岛周边海域的时空分布特征,结果表明台湾岛周边海域巨浪的分布具有明显的季节特征。每年平均有效波高最大值大多数出现在夏季,春季是1a中有效波高最小的季节,而秋季和冬季是巨浪出现频率最高的季节。波高大于6m的巨浪大都出现在台湾岛东部及东北部海域,在南部海域出现较少。  相似文献   

The method of two-dimensional isopycnic analysis is applied to study the distribution of inorganic phosphates and nitrates in the Black Sea. The effect of winter-time ventilation in the central sea on the formation of chemical fields is examined, as well as the outcropping of biogenic elements from the layer of high concentrations (σ t∼14.5–16.0). It is demonstrated that the amount of nitrates entering the upper active layer of the sea as a result of winter-time convective ventilation may attain values comparable with their overall annual input by river discharge, and that they control the intensity of winter-spring phytoplankton blooming in the central sea. The spatial variability of the vertical phosphate distribution is analysed. For the annual cycles with fairly cool winter conditions, an occurrence of three peaks on the phosphates vertical profile in spring has been documented over a vast sea area where the rim current represents an external dynamic boundary. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The subsurface water beneath the summer mixed layer is important to air–sea carbon flux, while its geochemical properties are not frequently observed. A data assimilation method is applied to determine the geochemical fields in the subsurface (i.e., 100 m) from the data collected at the surface in the North Pacific. This method, in the family of the inverse methods, is constructed on a one-dimensional bulk mixed layer model. In addition to temperature and salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity are also considered as model variables, whereas biological productivity is omitted. The geochemical properties increase from the fall to the winter, which is the period simulated by the model, as the mixed layer develops and entrains subsurface water rich in DIC and alkalinity. Consequently, the geochemical fields in the mixed layer must have extremely sharp north–south gradients in the western region of the North Pacific and can be reproduced only by enhancing the north–south gradients in the subsurface. The fields reconstructed by the data assimilation provide useful information about the biogeochemical cycles. It is suggested that the large difference in DIC between the surface and the subsurface in the northwestern region is produced by transporting DIC from the mixed layer to the subsurface in the summer, implying extremely high biological productivity. Furthermore, it is suggested that high DIC in the ambient water is maintained by the upwelling of lower layer water.  相似文献   

In the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, the Dok Do seamount group comprises Dok Do (Dok Island), consisting of very small islets/rocks and a large submerged volcanic edifice, and two voluminous tablemounts, Simheungtaek and Isabu. We attempted to reconstruct the evolution of these seamounts, using virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) determined by the least-squares and the seminorm magnetization methods, with 1,500 m upward continued magnetic anomalies. The VGPs of Dok Do with normal dipole anomaly, and of Simheungtaek with normal dipole anomaly are located near the present magnetic pole. The VGP of Isabu with normal dipole anomaly is located at low latitude, presumably due to overprints of reversals in the Tertiary, and the distortion of magnetization and structures associated with volcanism after its formation. In contrast to the tablemounts, magnetic anomalies over Dok Do are a combination of both normal polarity and reversed polarity dipoles in the northern hemisphere, indicating that Dok Do has had at least two major eruptions, one during normal and another during reversed polarity intervals. From these results, and information on the ages of the seamounts (either published radiometric ages of subaerial volcanic rocks, or ages reconstructed in terms of reported elastic thickness incorporated into an existing cooling plate model), we tentatively propose that (1) Isabu formed first, during a normal polarity interval after the opening of the East Sea had ceased; (2) this was followed by an initial and subsequent large eruption of Dok Do during a normal polarity and a reversed polarity interval after about 5 Ma; and (3) the formation of Simheungtaek occurred in between that of Isabu and Dok Do in a normal polarity interval. The pattern of normal/reversed magnetization is not inconsistent with the geomagnetic polarity timescale for at least the last 5 Ma. Nevertheless, precise ages of formation would need verification by additional geophysical/geochemical constraints. Evaluating various possible models explaining the successive formation of the Dok Do seamounts, we currently favor fracturing and volcanism related to compression-induced weakening of the extensional field from the late Miocene to Pliocene after the opening of the East Sea.  相似文献   

Wind stress fields with high temporal resolution over the North Pacific have been constructured by using ERS-1 scatterometer data. A simple objective analysis, a successive correction method, was used to construct the fields. Several necessary parameters used in the method are examined by a simulation based on the climatological data. The meridional decorrelation scale of the wind stress depends strongly on the season, while the zonal decorrelation scale is highly stable. We determined the decorrelation scale depending on the location and the time and applied to the successive correction method. The monthly mean field constructed by averaging the daily mean data is free from an aliasing error, which is a serious problem if a simple monthly averaging is applied. The daily wind stress data obtained in the present study represent small time- and spatial-scale variation and large amplitudes compared with data interpolated from simple monthly mean data. The satellite-derived data are also compared with in situ data obtained by meteorological buoys. The satellite wind speeds are lower than in situ wind speeds for every buoy. This underestimation is not due to the present objective analysis, but due to the original data, the ERS-1 Scatterometer Value-Added Product.  相似文献   

For the Black-Sea region, we perform the dynamic reanalysis of the data on atmospheric circulation for the period 1958–2001 by using the HadRM3P model with a space resolution of 25 km. We estimate the mean climatic atmospheric fields of vorticity and divergence of the wind velocity and study their space structure and seasonal variability. The climatic estimates of the annual course of vorticity of the wind velocity over the sea are presented. The obtained large annual average values of vorticity of the velocity reveal the predominant role played by the wind action in the generation not only of the seasonal variability but also of the mean cyclonic circulation of waters in the Black Sea.  相似文献   

In this paper, first we introduce the wave run-up scale which describes the degree of wave run-up based on observed sea conditions near and on a coastal structure. Then, we introduce a simple method which can be used for daily forecast of wave run-up on a coastal structure. The method derives a multiple linear regression equation between wave run-up scale and offshore wind and wave parameters using long-term photographical observation of wave run-up and offshore wave forecasting model results. The derived regression equation then can be used for forecasting the run-up scale using the offshore wave forecasting model results. To test the implementation of the method, wave run-up scales were observed at four breakwaters in the East Coast of Korea for 9 consecutive months in 2008. The data for the first 6 months were used to derive multiple linear regression equations, which were then validated using the run-up scale data for the remaining 3 months and the corresponding offshore wave forecasting model results. A comparison with an engineering formula for wave run-up is also made. It is found that this method can be used for daily forecast and warning of wave run-up on a coastal structure with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of incomplete satellite SST data sets based on EOF method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As for the satellite remote sensing data obtained by the visible and infrared bands inversion, the clouds coverage in the sky over the ocean often results in missing data of inversion products on a large scale, and thin clouds di?cult to be detected would cause the data of the inversion products to be abnormal. Alvera et al.(2005) proposed a method for the reconstruction of missing data based on an Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) decomposition, but his method couldn’t process these images presenting ex...  相似文献   

基于HY-1C CZI影像光谱指数重构数据MNF变换的红树林提取   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文基于广西山口国家红树林生态自然保护区的HY-1C卫星的海岸带成像仪(Coastal Zone Imager,CZI)影像,分析了红树林与一般陆地植被的光谱特征及其光谱指数的相关性,采用归一化差值植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)、归一化差异水分指数(Normalized Difference Water Index,NDWI)、大气阻抗植被指数(Atmospheric Impedance Vegetation Index,ARVI)及利用CZI波段构建的光谱斜率比(CZI Visible Spectrum Slope Ratio,CVSSR)4个指数替代CZI原始波段形成重构数据,基于重构数据的最小噪声分离变换(Minimum Noise Fraction Rotation,MNF)结果分量,建立决策树并实现了红树林信息的自动提取。研究结果表明:结合本文所选光谱指数重构数据及MNF变换方法,能够有效增强CZI影像上红树林与一般陆地植被的光谱差异,基于MNF变换分量建立的决策树可有效提取红树林信息,经与专家解译结果比对,本文方法面积准确率达90%以上;经随机样本点验证,总体检测精度为88%。  相似文献   

The distribution of the hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of seawater is analysed and their relationship with the mesoscale structure of geostrophic currents is described based on experimental data derived in 1984–1990 in the north-western tropical Atlantic Ocean. It is shown that anticyclonic eddies which are formed in the region of retroflection of the North Brazilian coastal current (NBCC) are displayed in a different manner in the field of hydrological characteristics at the surface and in the subsurface layer. Therefore satellite data, which reflect the qualitative pattern of the surface circulation, do not always represent correctly the circulation in the entire ocean's active layer or the integral processes. The observations that have been made up to now do not permit us to state that the eddy-wave transport plays an essential role in the outflow of warm equatorial waters in the north-western tropical Atlantic.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

We propose a gap-filling method for the data of remote sensing of the hydrophysical and biological characteristics of the water surface. The proposed method of reconstruction is based on the representation of the fields of surface characteristics as the sums of certain numbers of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) making the largest contributions to the total variance of the field. According to the fragmentary data obtained as a result of processing of the satellite images for the summer season, we construct estimates of the mean field and of the four-dimensional space covariance function of the surface temperature of the Black Sea. The coefficients of expansion are computed by the method of least squares or determined with the help of a genetic searching algorithm. The results of numerical experiments show that the proposed method is quite promising for applications in the problems of gap filling in the available satellite data.  相似文献   

利用SeaWiFS反演海水透明度的模式研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
海水透明度是描述海水光学特性的一个基本参数.根据水下光辐射传输理论及对比度传输理论,建立了海水透明度的半分析定量遥感模式.利用大量实测透明度资料对模式进行了验证,结果表明遥感反演透明度与实测透明度的相关系数为0.84,绝对平均误差为4.17m,相对平均误差为22.6%.最后利用建立的模式和Sea WiFS卫星资料制作了我国海域1999年的月平均透明度遥感产品.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a numerical modelling experiment on estimating the accuracy of four-dimensional analysis using the twins technique.In situ temperature and salinity data collected in the tropical Atlantic are treated using a special algorithm. Some features resulting from the disagreement between the hydrophysical fields at the time of assimilation are discussed.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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