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We present an analysis of short time-scale intensity variations in the coronal green line as obtained with high time resolution observations. The observed data can be divided into two groups. The first one shows periodic intensity variations with a period of 5 min. the second one does not show any significant intensity variations. We studied the relation between regions of coronal intensity oscillations and the shape of white-light coronal structures. We found that the coronal green-line oscillations occur mainly in regions where open white-light coronal structures are located.  相似文献   

We analyze the radioheliograph and SMM-C/P observations of 1986 November 3 mass ejection event. The metric radio emissions are the only detected activity associated with the mass ejection, but are adequate to study the evolution of the event. The start time of the ejection seems to precede a possible flare behind the limb indicated by the early type III bursts. We discuss the physical relation between various types of bursts and the CME. We interpret moving type IV bursts as a plasma emission process. It is also shown using white-light coronagraph data that the density in the source region of the moving type IV is sufficient to support second harmonic plasma emission at the observed frequency of 50 MHz.  相似文献   

A study on the differences of rotation properties, based on the lifetime of coronal features, has been performed for the period 1972–1974. The short-lived component of the green corona associated with solar activity is differentially rotating, while long-lived coronal features persisting more than one synodic rotation period, show little or no differential rotation. These two components coexist at a same latitude within a wide latitude range at least in one of the solar hemispheres.  相似文献   

Donald F. Neidig 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):261-269
The basic results of white-light flare (WLF) photometric and spectrographic observations are reviewed. WLFs represent the most extreme density conditions in solar optical flares and are similar to stellar flares in many respects. It is shown that WLFs originate in the low chromosphere and upper photosphere, and that their huge radiative losses remain difficult to explain within the context of known mechanisms of energy transport.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. Partial support for the National Solar Observatory is provided by the USAF under a Memorandum of Understanding with the NSF.  相似文献   

We derive an occurrence frequency for white-light flares (WLF) of 15.5 ± 4.5 yr?1 during a 2.6 year period following the maximum of solar cycle 21. This compares with a frequency 5–6 yr?1 derived by McIntosh and Donnelly (1972) during solar cycle 20. We find that the higher frequency of the more recently observed WLFs is due to the availability of patrol data at shorter wavelengths (λ ? 4000 Å), where the contrast of the flare emission is increased; the improved contrast has allowed less energetic (and hence more frequently occurring) events to be classified as WLFs. We find that sufficient conditions for the occurrence of a WLF are: active region magnetic class = delta; sunspot penumbra class = K, with spot group area ≥ 500 millionths of the solar hemisphere; 1–8 Å X-ray burst class ≥ X2.  相似文献   

A crossed Yagi antenna array at 35 MHz was employed in conjunction with a polarization switch so as to enable spectral observations of solar noise storm activity in R and L polarizations. Intense decametric solar noise storms were recorded during the third week of November 1975 and fourth week of March 1976 with the help of a high resolution spectroscope operating near 35 MHz.The paper describes some of the new microscopic spectral features observed during these two noise storms. Three sets of high resolution dynamic spectra of decametric solar bursts, two of which are explained in terms of induced scattering of Langmuir waves by thermal ions and the third in terms of additional propagation effects through dense coronal irregularities, are presented. The microscopic bursts, classified as inverted U U and dots, represent small-scale (104 km) phenomena with durations of less than a second.Some burst spectra appear as chain of dots with individual bandwidths 40 kHz and durations 0.3 sec. It is suggested that the bandwidth of such dot emissions (40 kHz) provides an evidence that they might indeed be generated by the process of induced scattering of plasma waves which predicts emission bandwidth f × 10–3, where f is the center frequency.Some bursts are observed as a chain of striations showing curvature along the frequency axis which is attributed to dispersion in propagation delays through the dense coronal irregularities.  相似文献   

We present an automatic algorithm to detect coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) C2 running difference images. The algorithm includes 3 steps: (1) split the running difference images into blocks according to slice size and analyze the grayscale statistics of the blocks from a set of images with and without CMEs; (2) select the optimal parameters for slice size, gray threshold and fraction of the bright points and (3) use AdaBoost to combine the weak classifiers designed according to the optimal parameters. Experimental results show that our method is effective and has a high accuracy rate.  相似文献   

We present spectral data for three white-light flares (WLFs) showing Balmer continuum at wavelengths 3700 Å. These flares also have a weaker continuum extending toward longer wavelengths, from which, in one flare where this continuum is sufficiently bright, we are able to identify a Paschen jump near 8500 Å. The presence of the latter suggests that the Paschen continuum may be a substantial contributor to the WLF continuum at visible wavelengths. We note the possibility, therefore, that the entire continuum of this particular flare may be dominated by H fb emission.In all three flares the head of the Balmer continuum, as well as the head of the Paschen continuum in the flare where it was identified, is advanced toward longer wavelengths as a result of the blending of the hydrogen emission lines of the respective series. The principal quantum number of the last resolvable line of the Balmer or Paschen series is approximately 16. The electron density, as measured from the halfwidths of the high Balmer lines in two of the flares, is approximately 5 × 1013 cm–3. Due to possible misplacements of the spectrograph slit, however, the electron density in the brightest kernels of the WLFs may not have been obtained.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The onset of coronal transients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model for the motion of transients in the high corona, recently given by Anzer (1978), is extended to include also the onset of a transient, associated with prominence destabilization. A comparison is made with flare instabilities, and some relevant observations are considered.  相似文献   

Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Observations were made during the period 1984–1990 using a single radio telescope at 103 MHz situated at Thaltej (Ahmedabad), India. Solar wind speeds were estimated using a recently developed method based on matching the observed IPS spectra with model solar wind spectra for Kolmogorov turbulence. The best-fit speeds derived are traced back to a source surface, and average velocity maps are made for each year, averaging over a number of Carrington rotations. It is found that the resulting single-site, large-scale IPS speed structure agrees well with that derived from 3-site observations from earlier workers. The IPS speed structure during this period was compared with other coronal features. Nearly 85% of the observed high-speed regions were associated with coronal holes. At solar minimum, in 1986, a quasi-sinusoidal, narrow belt of slow solar wind was observed which matched well with the neutral line structure of the solar magnetic field and the belt of active centers. Near solar maximum, in 1990, the speed structure was chaotic, similar to that of the neutral line, with low speed regions appearing all over the source surface.  相似文献   

Observations of the outer solar corona obtained by the High Altitude Observatory's coronagraph aboard Skylab reveal the presence of dark, ray-like structures in the corona. A systematic identification of these voids, which exist for periods of about 24 hr, is presented and their existence as a coronal phenomenon, as opposed to a subtle photographic effect, verified. Photometric analysis indicates that these features represent reductions in the coronal radiance on the order of 5% - or about 2–3 × 10?10 B at 3 R . The use of a previously determined model of the electron component of the corona permits specification of the electron density in the voids over the range 2.5–4.5 R . In spite of the inevitable uncertainties regarding their longitudinal extent, we estimate that their electron density is comparable to, or less than, that in coronal holes at similar heights. Projection of the phenomena onto synoptic surface maps indicates a close relationship with filaments and neutral lines; a potentially significant temporal correlation between the void formation and that of the underlying prominence is noted. The spatial and temporal resolution of the data set places stringent restrictions on any model which may be used to infer the physical processes of formation or decay of voids; several possibilities are suggested which involve either changes in the coronal base temperature or the magnetic flux.  相似文献   

With the advent of space telescopes, coronal magnetic loops, both within and outside active regions, are being observed with renewed interest. This paper is an attempt to outline some general physical considerations pertinent to such loops, as a prelude to more sophisticated modelling. For example, a loop that is stretched (or possibly twisted) too much may be subject to a thermal instability that cools its core to a new equilibrium below 105 K. Also a simple consequence of hydrostatic balance along an equilibrium loop is that, under some circumstances, the density inside a cool loop can be comparable with that outside, despite the much smaller scale height. Finally, when the equilibrium loop density is less than the ambient density, several small scale magnetohydrodynamic instabilities are sometimes efficient enough to generate a circulation that tends to equalize the densities.  相似文献   

Z. B. Korobova 《Solar physics》1992,139(1):205-207
A white-light-flare (WLF) was recorded on March 27, 1991 at Tashkent. The WLF occurred at the penumbra of a large, complex sunspot group. The energy released by the WLF per unit time was 2.4 × 1028 erg s-1.  相似文献   

At the 1980 total solar eclipse, we searched for high-frequency (0.1–2 Hz) oscillations in the intensity of the 5303-Å coronal green line, as a test of predictions of theories of coronal heating via magnetohydrodynamic waves. Portions of the image 2.5- or 5-arc sec across were fed to cooled photomultipliers using fiber-optic probes. We detected excess power in Fourier transforms of the data for the region between 0.5 and 2 Hz at the level of 1% or 2% of the incident power. Such oscillations could be associated with Alfvén waves that are trapped on loops a few thousand kilometers long or with fast waves that are trapped on loops a few thousand kilometers in diameter. Additional observations at the 1983 eclipse are planned to resolve atmospheric and instrumental contributions.  相似文献   

The evolution of coronal magnetic fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Slow photospheric motions can produce flow speeds in the corona which are fast enough to violate quasi-static evolution. Therefore, high-speed flows observed in the corona are not necessarily due to a loss of equilibrium or stability. In this letter we present an example where the flow speed increases indefinitely with, height, while the coronal magnetic energy increases quadratically with time.  相似文献   

This study addresses the onset of coronal mass ejections. From examination of sensitive X-ray images from the Solar Maximum Mission around the projected onset time of coronal mass ejections we identify two important new features: (1) there is usually a weak, soft X-ray enhancement 15–30 min prior to the linearly extrapolated chromospheric departure time of the ejection; (2) this activity is generally from two widely separated ( 105 km) parts of the Sun. Possible physical mechanisms for these phenomena are examined and it is concluded that a plausible explanation is that the initial energy release is converted first into kinetic energy of suprathermal protons, 102–103 keV. The protons are trapped in a large magnetic loop which later breaks open as the mass ejection; Coulomb losses are the destabilizing agent but the mass ejection is probably magnetically driven. Protons that escape into the loss cone will impact the loop footpoints to heat the upper chromospheric material to a sufficiently high temperature to generate the weak soft X-ray emission. There will also be an H signature, and this is observed in a number of events. There is in general no radio emission or hard X-ray emission accompanying the soft X-ray precursor. When the coronal mass ejection is followed by a flare, then this is generally from a point close to, but not identical to, one of the points with the earlier soft X-ray enhancement.NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We present the second part of a complete theory for the plasma and field structure of a cool coronal arch, corresponding to those observed in the EUV from Skylab. The global magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) stability of a previously described equilibrium-loop model is evaluated, and compared with that of an unmodified ambient force-free field. The influence of the photospheric boundary condition is also evaluated, producing a specification of stability limits which depend on the relative field and plasma pressures and scale widths. The resulting restrictions on the allowable field configuration of a coronal loop are then compared with observed values. The implications of this general method for deducing small-scale coronal magnetic-field structure from the measured plasma profile of an emissive feature are also described.  相似文献   

The evolution of coronal loops in response to slow photospheric twisting motions is investigated using a variety of methods. Firstly, by solving the time-dependent equations it is shown that the field essentially evolves through a sequence of 2-D equilibria with no evidence of rapid dynamic evolution. Secondly, a sequence of 1-D equilibria are shown to provide a remarkably good approximation to the 2-D time-dependent results using a fraction of the computer time. Thus, a substantial investigation of parameter space is now possible. Finally, simple bounds on the 3-D stability of coronal loops are obtained. Exact stability bounds can be found by using these bounds to reduce the region of parameter space requiring further investigation. Twisting the loop too much shows that a 3-D instability must be triggered.  相似文献   

A four-parameter model which assumes a Gaussian dependence of both temperature and pressure on distance from center is used to fit the compact part of coronal active regions as observed in X-ray photographs from a rocket experiment. The four parameters are the maximum temperature T M, the maximum pressure P M= 2NMkTM, the width of the pressure distribution σ P, and the width of the temperature distribution σ T = α1/2σP. The maximum temperature T M ranges from 2.2 to 2.8 × 106K, and the maximum density N M from 2 to 9 × 109cm?3. The range of σ P is from 2 to 4 × 109 cm and that of α from 2 to 7.  相似文献   

The relative populations of levels of highly ionized Fe, Ni and Ca ions have been calculated for physical conditions appropriate to the solar corona. The results are presented in the form of tables. Line intensity ratios in the EUV and visible that are sensitive to electron density are discussed and compared with observations.  相似文献   

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