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目标的完备性搜索是开展近地小行星预警和防御的前提. 为量化评价近地小行星观测效能, 提高监测设备使用效率, 提出一种综合望远镜参数和测站天文条件的观测效能评估方法. 以观测目标信噪比作为检测指标, 设定检测条件形成目标检测方法, 定义评价指标用于评估近地小行星观测效能. 再基于近地小行星轨道数据和尺度分布模型, 建立近地小行星轨道数据模拟样本库. 最后选取中国科学院紫金山天文台盱眙观测站和中国科学院国家天文台冷湖观测台址, 仿真分析近地天体望远镜对直径0.01--30km近地小行星的观测效能, 结果表明: 不考虑两观测站年有效观测时间差异, 近地天体望远镜在冷湖观测全尺寸模拟样本的效能比在盱眙提高了5.21倍, 其中对1km以上直径目标的观测效能相当, 对1km以下直径目标的观测效能差异开始显现, 对0.1km以下直径目标冷湖优势更显著.  相似文献   

为更明确近地小行星撞击地球威胁的监测预警需求, 提出了"短期威胁小行星"的概念, 即未来100yr内可能对地球造成撞击威胁且等效直径大于10m的近地小行星. 以目前已发现的756颗短期威胁小行星为基础, 分析短期威胁小行星的轨道分布特点, 研究显示其与一般近地小行星的轨道分布存在差异, 短期威胁小行星的轨道半长轴更集中于1au, 轨道面更集中于黄道面. 基于近地小行星的数量模型, 初步建立了短期威胁小行星的数量估计模型, 并预估了未来100yr内存在撞击可能的短期威胁小行星的总体数量. 短期威胁小行星的特定研究对制定近地小行星搜巡监测策略有重要意义.  相似文献   

针对地基光学监测系统对近地小行星在近太阳方向的监测存在盲区的问题,提出了远距离逆行轨道(Distant Retrograde Orbit,DRO)天基光学平台对近地小行星进行跟踪定轨的方法.通过可视性分析,筛选仿真观测数据,利用美国宇航局喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL)公布的小行星初始轨道信息对不同轨道类型的目标天体进行轨道确定,将计算结果与参考轨道对比分析.仿真结果表明:在测量精度2角秒,定轨弧长3年的情况下,DRO平台对仿真算例中所选择的近地小行星的定轨精度可以达到几十公里量级,其中Atira型轨道精度可达10公里以内.由此可见,DRO天基平台对近地小行星具有较好的监测能力,定轨精度能实现对目标小行星的精确跟踪,并对其进行轨道预报.  相似文献   

YORP (Yarkovsky-O''Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack)效应是小行星长期动力学演化的机制之一. 与碰撞、引力摄动等因素相比, YORP效应作用量级小, 短时标观测效应不明显, 这给直接测量YORP效应带来了很大的困难. 利用小行星光变数据库中已知的小行星数据, 统计了小行星的自转速率分布, 使用核密度估计以及Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验分别分析了近地小行星和主带小行星自转速率的分布特性, 分别给出了在近地小行星和主带小行星中寻找受YORP效应影响减速自转的最佳样本群; 基于7颗已被探测到YORP旋转加速度的近地小行星, 利用YORP强度估计方法和光变探测条件建立了筛选模型, 给出了未来可直接通过光变数据探测\lk YORP效应的10颗近地小行星.  相似文献   

田伟 《天文学报》2021,62(2):16-62
作为一颗与地球共轨道的小行星,(469219)Kamo'oalewa是一个具有很高研究价值的近地小天体,也是中国首次小行星探测计划的目标天体之一.针对其轨道特性,建立了兼顾太阳、地球和月球非球形引力作用的小行星动力学模型.并在该模型的基础上,利用国际小行星中心(Minor Planet Center,MPC)提供的2004|2018年间的光学观测数据对该小行星的轨道进行确定.拟合后观测残差的均方根误差约为0:2″(与美国喷气推进实验室的Horizons在线历表系统相当),其中2004年期间数据的观测残差有所改进.最后,对小行星(469219)Kamo'oalewa的轨道误差进行了详细分析,并预报了2020-2025年期间该小行星的轨道误差.  相似文献   

地基光学天文望远镜是人类探索与研究宇宙的重要手段, 对已有地基光学台址的光学观测环境进行监测分析, 可以为后期设备针对性改造以及观测者调整观测策略提供参考依据, 对提升地基光学设备的观测效能具有重要的意义. 吉林天文观测基地(简称``基地'')隶属于中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站, 位于吉林省吉林市大绥河镇小绥河村南沟约5 km处(东经126.3\circ, 北纬43.8\circ, 海拔高度313m). 基地大气视宁度均值范围约为1.3$''$--1.4$''$、天顶附近V波段的天光背景亮度为20.64magcdotarcsec-2、年晴夜数最高可达270余天, 具有良好的天文观测条件. 吉林天文观测基地于2016年投入运行, 现有1.2m光电望远镜、迷你光电阵列望远镜、大视场光电望远镜阵列、新型多功能阵列结构光电探测平台等多台(套)光电望远镜设备. 利用上述设备, 主要围绕空间目标探测与识别、精密轨道确定、光电探测新方法以及变源天体的多色测光等开展相关研究工作, 与多家国内高校及科研院所保持着良好的合作关系.  相似文献   

WISE首次发现近地小行星 美国宇航局的大视场红外巡天探测器(WISE)新发现了它的首颗近地小行星,而预计在整个工作寿命中它总共会发现大约数百颗。:这颗直径1千米的小行星编号为2010 AB78,发现于2010年1月12日。发现时它距离地球大约1.58亿千米,不会对地球构成威胁,在未来的几个世纪中它也不会接近地球。这颗小行星在一条椭圆轨道上绕太阳运动,而它的轨道面也并不和地球公转轨道面重合。  相似文献   

近地天体望远镜是巡天望远镜, 具有短焦距、大视场、低空间分辨率的光学特点. 望远镜只有一个主焦点, 焦距1.8 m, 底片比例9um/'', 像斑几何能量集中度EE80 ≤2''(像斑环绕能量的80%,即80% encircled energy, 记为EE80), 有效视场直径为4.28-°(14.3deg2), 目前配10k times 10k的STA1600LN CCD (charge-coupled device) camera, 观测视场为9deg2. 通过光学系统设计, 在原光学系统上增加副镜及场改正镜, 获得了焦距9m的卡氏焦点和内氏焦点,底片比例43.6 um /",在直径15''的可用视场内,像斑EE80≤0.5",为近地天体望远镜实现多终端观测提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

回顾了中国用小望远镜进行的一些科研项目,如小行星的天体测量和测光观测,近地天体的观测和天然行星卫星的天体测量观测.介绍了小行星和近地天体轨道的测定,以及行星/月球历表的编制.简述了天体测量标准区的建立,从射电源光学对应体推算光学和射电参考架的联系,双星轨道的测定,以及星团成员星自行的测定.提出了改进GSC2.3的新项目...  相似文献   

小行星族作为灾变碰撞的残留物,其基础物理性质提供了其母体以及后续演化信息.其中轨道以及自转特性分别反映了Yarkovsky效应以及Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack效应(YORP效应)对于小行星族演化的影响.基于小行星光变数据库(Asteroid Lightcurve Database),通过对Flora小行星族自转速率分布进行研究,发现随着直径减小,族成员自转速率倾向于主要集中在3–5 d-1的范围内.同时,可以注意到Flora小行星族整体表现出更倾向于顺行自转状态的现象,但对于轨道半长轴小于2.2au的成员来说,其顺行自转与逆行自转状态成员数目比接近于近地小行星中顺逆行自转状态源1:3的比例;此外,对于轨道半长轴大于2.2 au且具有顺行自转状态的部分族成员,在轨道半长轴-绝对星等分布中表现出聚集现象,并在聚集区域中有9颗成员展现出类似Slivan状态特征.  相似文献   

The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was used to search for fast-moving objects in the inner Solar System. The selection effects and limitations of the search are examined with particular reference to the objects which may be present in the moving-object data base at JPL. It is shown that the two new Apollo asteroid discoveries are in fair agreement with the discovery rate by ground-based telescopes. IRAS discovered six comets which is also consistent with the discovery rate for ground-based searches. It is estimated that there are 20–30 comets but no Apollo asteroids in the hours-confirmed moving-object data base established by the IRAS project.  相似文献   

Confirmed observations of meteoroids from the Leonid stream impacting the Moon in 1999 and 2001 have opened up new opportunities in observational and theoretical astronomy. These opportunities could help bridge the gap between the ground-based (atmospheric) sampling of the smallest meteoroids and the larger objects observable with ground-based telescopes. The Moon provides a laboratory for the study of hypervelocity impacts, with collision velocities not yet possible in ground-based laboratories. Development of automatic detection software removes the time-intensive activity of laboriously reviewing data for impact event signatures, freeing the observer to engage in other activities. The dynamics of professional-amateur astronomer collaboration have the promise of advancing the study of lunar meteoritic phenomenon considerably. These three factors will assist greatly in the development of a systematic, comprehensive program for monitoring the Moon for meteoroid impacts and determining the physical nature of these impacts.  相似文献   

We report on the follow-up and recovery of 100 program NEAs, PHAs and VIs using the ESO/MPG 2.2 m, Swope 1 m and INT 2.5 m telescopes equipped with large field cameras. The 127 fields observed during 11 nights covered 29 square degrees. Using these data, we present the incidental survey work which includes 558 known MBAs and 628 unknown moving objects mostly consistent with MBAs from which 58 objects became official discoveries. We planned the runs using six criteria and four servers which focus mostly on faint and poorly observed objects in need of confirmation, follow-up and recovery. We followed 62 faint NEAs within one month after discovery and we recovered 10 faint NEAs having big uncertainties at their second or later opposition. Using the INT we eliminated four PHA candidates and VIs. We observed in total 1286 moving objects and we reported more than 10,000 positions. All data were reduced by the members of our network in a team effort, and reported promptly to the MPC. The positions of the program NEAs were published in 27 MPC and MPEC references and used to improve their orbits. The OC residuals for known MBAs and program NEAs are smallest for the ESO/MPG and Swope and about four times larger for the INT whose field is more distorted. For the astrometric reduction, the UCAC-2 catalog is recommended instead of USNO-B1. The incidental survey allowed us to study statistics of the MBA and NEA populations observable today with 1–2 m facilities. We calculate preliminary orbits for all unknown objects, classifying them as official discoveries, later identifications and unknown outstanding objects. The orbital elements a, e, i calculated by FIND_ORB software for the official discoveries and later identified objects are very similar with the published elements which take into account longer observational arcs; thus preliminary orbits were used in statistics for the whole unknown dataset. We present a basic model which can be used to distinguish between MBAs and potential NEAs in any sky survey. Based on three evaluation methods, most of our unknown objects are consistent with MBAs, while up to 16 unknown objects could represent NEO candidates and four represent our best NEO candidates. We assessed the observability of the unknown MBA and NEA populations using 1 and 2 m surveys. Employing a 1 m facility, one can observe today fewer unknown objects than known MBAs and very few new NEOs. Using a 2 m facility, a slightly larger number of unknown than known asteroids could be detected in the main belt. Between 0.1 and 0.8 new NEO candidates per square degree could be discovered using a 2 m telescope.  相似文献   

Adaptive optics: a breakthrough in astronomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until the 1970s, atmospheric seeing was considered as an absolute limitation for angular resolution of ground-based optical telescopes, exactly at the time of the conception of the new generation of giant optical telescopes, as the VLT and the Keck. Emerging in the context of the cold war with many constraints due to the research being classified, but with the new possibilities of digital control, astronomical adaptive optics was shown to be feasible in 1989 and gradually convinced an initially skeptical astronomical community of its potential. Twenty years later, it is a mandatory ingredient for the planning of Extremely Large Telescopes on the surface of the Earth, and has allowed many discoveries concerning galactic and extragalactic objects. Some directions for new developments are discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence and visibility of meteoroid impacts on the moon as seen from the earth were little more than speculation prior to November 1999. The best evidence of present-day impact activity came from the seismic experiments left on the Moon during the Apollo era. Past systematic attempts at earth-based observations to document lunar impacts revealed nothing conclusive. However, during the Leonid storms of 1999 and 2001, lunar impact events were for the first time confirmed by multiple independent observers. A total of 15 meteoritic impact flash events have been verified during these storms, with an additional 12 unconfirmed but likely events awaiting confirmation. Estimates of the mass of these meteoroids range from less than one gram for the faintest flashes to more than 10 kg for the brightest observed flash. The fraction of visible light to total energy produced by these events, a quantity known as luminous efficiency, averages about 0.001 for the established events. The confirmation of lunar meteoritic events on the Moon opens a new avenue in lunar and planetary research, one which could help bridge the gap between atmospheric sampling of the smallest components of meteoroid streams and interplanetary debris to the larger scale objects accessible to ground-based telescopes.  相似文献   

The population of binary asteroids numbers over 160 systems, and they can be found amongst near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), Main-Belt asteroids (MBAs), Jupiter Trojans, Centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). The discoveries have been made with space missions, radar observations, photometric lightcurves, and high resolution imaging from the ground and space. The properties of each population are widely different due to varying formation mechanisms and discovery techniques for each group. Future large-aperture telescopes will be capable of imaging both components for nearly all known systems and will drastically improve prospects for discovery of smaller and more tightly bound systems throughout the Solar System. The study of binary asteroids has provided valuable estimates on asteroid density and structure, a better understanding of the radiative YORP-effect, insights on catastrophic collisions, and may prove to be a key diagnostic for understanding the formation and evolution of the Kuiper Belt population.  相似文献   

Earth, Moon, and Planets - One meter class telescopes could bring important contributions in the acquisition of lightcurves of near earth asteroids (NEAs), based on which rotations and other...  相似文献   

Abstract— Any permanent presence on the Moon will require use of materials from the lunar regolith, the surface soil layer on the Moon. Thus, knowledge of the thickness of the lunar regolith is essential. It has been proposed that crater counts obtained from high Sun angle photography give larger estimates of impact crater equilibrium diameters than for low Sun angle photography, and thus deeper estimates of lunar surface regolith than were previously made using crater morphology, size of blocky rimmed craters, and equilibrium diameters determined on low Sun angle images. The purpose of this comment is to evaluate this result as a means of resolving this important question before planning for future lunar missions is undertaken  相似文献   

During the last decade, very high energy astrophysics emerged as a new branch of astronomy with major discoveries achieved by the present ground-based gamma-ray Cherenkov telescopes. The sample of cosmic sources firmly detected at very high energy (VHE) now exceeds two hundred objects, including active galactic nuclei (AGN), pulsar wind nebulae, and several other types of sources of which a significant number are unidentified ones. The scientific return from recent VHE data is particularly interesting for AGN science, shedding new light on particle acceleration and emission processes around supermassive black holes, and probing the intergalactic space by the analysis of VHE photons propagating from bright remote sources to the Earth. The perspectives of this research field are promising with new generation VHE instruments such as CTA, a project of open observatory at extreme energies at the horizon 2023, allowing a deep analysis of the sky in the highest part of the electromagnetic spectrum, from 20 GeV to 300 TeV.  相似文献   

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