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宇宙线的起源是高能天体物理的核心问题之一.一直以来,超新星爆发被认为是能谱膝区以下宇宙线的主要来源.多波段观测表明,超新星遗迹有能力加速带电粒子至亚PeV (10~(15)eV)能量.扩散激波加速被认为是最有效的天体高能粒子加速机制之一,而超新星遗迹的大尺度激波正好为这一机制提供平台.近年来,一系列较高精度的地面和空间实验极大地推动了对宇宙线以及超新星遗迹的研究.新的观测事实挑战着传统的扩散激波加速模型以及其在银河系宇宙线超新星遗迹起源学说上的应用,深化了人们对宇宙高能现象的认识.结合超新星遗迹辐射能谱的时间演化特性,构建的时间依赖的超新星遗迹粒子加速模型,不仅能够解释200 GV附近宇宙线的能谱反常,还自然地形成能谱膝区,甚至可以将超新星遗迹粒子加速对宇宙线能谱的贡献延伸至踝区.该模型预期超新星遗迹中粒子的输运行为表现为湍流扩散,这需要未来的观测以及与粒子输运相关的等离子体数值模拟工作来进一步验证. 相似文献
超新星遗迹(supernova remnant,简写为SNR)在早期阶段的结构和演化是与周围星际介质环境密切相关的,这些星际介质也就成为研究SNR.演化的探针.观测了SN1572方向周围的12CO(J=1-0)谱线,拟调查SN 1572周围CO气体的分布,为研究SN 1572与周围分子气体的关系以及该超新星遗迹的演化提供观测依据.观测结果表明,在视向速度VLSR=-69~-58km s-1范围内的CO分子气体与SN 1572成协,此速度成分来自一个大尺度分子云.分子气体沿着SNR的射电壳边缘连续地但非均匀地分布,形成一个包围着SNR的半封闭的分子壳层.整个东半边有着增强的发射,尤其是东北边缘处的CO发射最强.峰值发射位置的谱线呈致宽(>5km s-1)的速度特征,结合光学,红外、X-射线等其它波段在对应位置上的已有观测,都表明了快速的激波和抛出物质正膨胀进入东北边缘的分子气体中,与稠密的气体发生相互作用.这种相互作用将对SN 1572今后的演化有着重要的影响. 相似文献
《竹书纪年》记载尧``元年丙子帝即位'', ``四十二年景星见于翼''. 《论衡》记载``尧时景星见于轸''. 这可能是出现在翼宿和轸宿之间的超新星. 由已知的干支纪年推算尧帝四十二年是公元前2164年. 把足够宽的范围\lk($180^\circ\pm23^\circ$)作``翼、轸''之间的过渡区域, 在格林(Green)超新星遗迹表中搜索到20颗超新星, 只有高银纬遗迹PKS 1209-52 (G296.5$+$10.0)符合尧帝景星``状如半月''的亮度和年龄限制, 它是尧帝景星(SN-B.C.2164)的唯一候选体. 依据超新星的表面亮度$\varSigma$与线直径D之间的$\varSigma\propto D^{-\beta 相似文献
一般认为超新星遗迹是银河系内高能宇宙线粒子的主要源,粒子(轻子和强子)在超新星遗迹中通过扩散激波加速机制被加速到极相对论性能量.近年来,越来越多的观测特别是X射线和γ射线波段的观测支持了这一观点.阐述了超新星遗迹多波段非热辐射的含时模型的研究情况,并将模型应用于4颗超新星遗迹G347.3-0.5,G266.2-1.2,G8.7-0.1和G23.3-0.3,结果显示模型可以很好地解释这4颗SNRs的多波段观测. 相似文献
由于受射电望远镜分辨率的限制,观测视线方向上可能有多源重叠现象.观测目标源的法拉第旋率(rotation measure,RM)及偏振角(polarization angle,PA)的测量值就会受到方向束内其它背景射电源的影响.通过模拟研究发现,背景射电源对目标源偏振参量测量的干扰形式与干扰源的RM值有关.只运用两三个... 相似文献
射电偏振观测是研究星际介质性质的有力工具.一方面偏振巡天可以直接指示大尺度磁场的取向,有助于我们理解银河系的大尺度磁场结构和超新星遗迹的演化及其与星际介质的相互作用.另一方面通过结合其他波段偏振数据可以分析星际介质以及偏振源超新星遗迹里面的法拉第旋转,从而得到里面热电子密度、填充因子、规则磁场强度和扰动磁场的性质.之前的偏振巡天主要是在低频波段进行,受法拉第效应的影响很严重,探测到偏振辐射的距离(偏振视界)很近.在6 cm波段,偏振观测受法拉第效应影响很小,我们能够探测到更远的偏振辐射,更好地研究银河系星际介质整体的性质.通过对天区内法拉第屏的研究,可以揭示银河系同步辐射的空间分布以及这些屏本身的物理性质;另外6 cm波段的总强度数据是研究弥漫结构或者大尺度超新星遗迹(其它的大望远镜很难观测到这样大的超新星遗迹)在高频波段谱偏折行为的重要数据,这可以帮助我们理解银河系相对论电子能量分布、盘和晕的相互作用以及大尺度超新星遗迹晚期的演化. 相似文献
在标准的伽玛暴余辉模型中,电子通过费米一级加速后形成单幂律能谱分布dn/dγe∝γe-p(p≈2.3),但在某些伽玛暴事件中观测到了平缓的电子能谱分布(即p<2).在单幂律谱和分段幂律谱两种情况下,分别给出了具有平缓电子能谱的伽玛暴余辉的解析光变曲线,并以GRB 060908为例进行了讨论.同时提出了伽玛暴低能谱危机的... 相似文献
高能宇宙线的起源、加速和传播是重大的前沿科学问题,回答该问题需要对宇宙线的能谱、各向异性以及各类高能天体电磁辐射进行精确观测.通过空间粒子探测器对宇宙线各成分能谱的直接测量是研究宇宙线物理问题的重要手段.中国于2015年底发射并持续运行至今的暗物质粒子探测卫星以其大接受度、高能量分辨率等特点,在宇宙线直接探测方面取得了系列重要成果,揭示出质子、氦核、硼碳和硼氧比例等宇宙线能谱的新结构,为理解宇宙线起源等科学问题提供了新的依据.介绍了暗物质粒子探测卫星的仪器设置、运行状况、科学成果及其物理意义. 相似文献
很多伽玛射线暴应当是产生于极端相对论性的喷流.关于喷流,绝大多数的讨论都是围绕锥状喷流展开.然而有观测发现,一些天体中的喷流在很长距离上始终保持着几乎不变的截面积,即表现为柱状喷流.研究致密介质环境中有侧向膨胀的柱状喷流的余辉,描述其动力学演化和辐射过程,分别得到解析解和数值解,并对两者进行了对比.研究的暴周星际介质是光学厚的,在初始的主暴阶段,喷流辐射出高度准直的高能射线,升华了暴周介质,形成一个在光学波段光学薄的柱状通道.余辉阶段,由于喷流是有侧向膨胀的,观测者只能收集到视觉面积占比例越来越小的光学辐射,理论上可得到衰减极为快速的光变曲线,流量随时间的衰减约为Svα t-p-1(p为电子幂律分布的谱指数).如此迅速的衰减使得光学余辉将难以被观测到,提供了一种对暗伽玛射线暴的解释. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2020,44(1):1-31
The origin of cosmic rays is one of the key questions in high-energy astrophysics. Supernovae have been always considered as the dominant sources of cosmic rays below the energy spectrum knee. Multi-wavelength observations indeed show that supernova remnants are capable for accelerating particles into sub-PeV (10 eV) energies. Diffusive shock acceleration is considered as one of the most efficient acceleration mechanisms of astrophysical high-energy particles, which may just operate effectively in the large-scale shocks of supernova remnants. Recently, a series of high-precision ground and space experiments have greatly promoted the study of cosmic rays and supernova remnants. New observational features challenge the classical acceleration model by diffusive shock and the application to the scenario of supernova remnants for the origin of Galactic cosmic rays, and have deepened our understanding to the cosmic high-energy phenomena. In combination with the time evolution of radiation energy spectrum of supernova remnants, a time-dependent particle acceleration model is established, which can not only explain the anomalies in cosmic-ray distributions around 200 GV, but also naturally form the cosmic-ray spectrum knee, even extend the contribution of supernova particle acceleration to cosmic ray flux up to the spectrum ankle. This model predicts that the high-energy particle transport behavior is dominated by the turbulent convection, which needs to be verified by future observations and plasma numerical simulations relevant to the particle transport. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2022,46(4):426-432
Radio observations of young supernova remnants (SNRs) can shed light on the early evolution of SNRs. We selected G1.9+0.3 which is the youngest SNR in the Milky Way Galaxy for a study. We compiled the radio flux densities currently available and converted them to the same frequency, which leaves us the evolution of the flux density for the past nearly 50 years. We found that the flux density increased before 2008 and decreased afterwards, meaning the flux density reaching the maximum at an age of about 150–155 yr. We attributed the brightening of the SNR to the increase of either magnetic field or the accelerated high energy electrons. Based on the age at which the flux density reached the peak, combined with the previous numerical simulation, we discussed the ejecta mass of the supernova and kinetic energy released by the supernova explosion. 相似文献
O. Petruk V. Beshley F. Bocchino S. Orlando 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,395(3):1467-1475
The synchrotron radio maps of supernova remnants (SNRs) in a uniform interstellar medium and interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) are analysed, allowing for different 'sensitivity' of the injection efficiency to the obliquity of the shock. The very-high-energy γ-ray maps arising from inverse Compton processes are also synthesized. The properties of images in these different wavelength bands are compared, with particular emphasis on the location of the bright limbs in bilateral SNRs. Recent High-Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) observations of SN 1006 show that the radio and inverse Compton γ-ray limbs coincide, and we found that this may happen if (i) injection is isotropic but the variation of the maximum energy of electrons is rather fast to compensate for differences in the magnetic field, or (ii) the obliquity dependence of injection (either quasi-parallel or quasi-perpendicular) and the electron maximum energy are strong enough to dominate the magnetic field variation. In the latter case, the obliquity dependences of the injection and the maximum energy should not be opposite. We argue that the position of the limbs alone, and even their coincidence in radio, X-rays and γ-rays, as discovered by HESS in SN 1006, cannot be conclusive as regards the dependence of the electron injection efficiency, the compression/amplification of the ISMF and the electron maximum energy on the obliquity angle. 相似文献
O. Petruk F. Bocchino M. Miceli G. Dubner G. Castelletti S. Orlando D. Iakubovskyi I. Telezhinsky 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,399(1):157-165
We propose a method to synthesize the inverse Compton (IC) γ-ray image of a supernova remnant starting from the radio (or hard X-ray) map and using results of the spatially resolved X-ray spectral analysis. The method is successfully applied to SN 1006. We found that synthesized IC γ-ray images of SN 1006 show morphology in nice agreement with that reported by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) collaboration. The good correlation found between the observed very high energy γ-ray and X-ray/radio appearance can be considered as evidence of the fact that the γ-ray emission of SN 1006 observed by HESS is leptonic in origin, although a hadronic origin may not be excluded. 相似文献
O. Petruk G. Dubner G. Castelletti F. Bocchino D. Iakubovskyi M. G. F. Kirsch M. Miceli S. Orlando I. Telezhinsky 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,393(3):1034-1040
A number of important processes taking place around strong shocks in supernova remnants (SNRs) depend on the shock obliquity. The measured synchrotron flux is a function of the aspect angle between interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) and the line of sight. Thus, a model of non-thermal emission from SNRs should account for the orientation of the ambient magnetic field. We develop a new method for the estimation of the aspect angle, based on the comparison between observed and synthesized radio maps of SNRs, making different assumptions about the dependence of electron injection efficiency on the shock obliquity. The method uses the azimuthal profile of radio surface brightness as a probe for orientation of ambient magnetic field because it is almost insensitive to the downstream distribution of magnetic field and emitting electrons. We apply our method to a new radio image of SN 1006 produced on the basis of archival Very Large Array and Parkes data. The image recovers emission from all spatial structures with angular scales from a few arcsec to 15 arcmin. We explore different models of injection efficiency and find the following best-fitting values for the aspect angle of SN 1006: φo = 70o ± 4.2o if the injection is isotropic, φo = 64o ± 2.8o for quasi-perpendicular injection (SNR has an equatorial belt in both cases) and φo = 11o ± 0.8o for quasi-parallel injection (polar-cap model of SNR). In the last case, SN 1006 is expected to have a centrally peaked morphology contrary to what is observed. Therefore, our analysis provides some indication against the quasi-parallel injection model. 相似文献
A. M. Bykov Yu. A. Uvarov J. B. G. M. Bloemen J. W. den Herder J. S. Kaastra 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,399(3):1119-1125
Synchrotron X-ray emission components were recently detected in many young supernova remnants (SNRs). There is even an emerging class – SN 1006, RX J1713.72−3946, Vela Jr and others – that is dominated by non-thermal emission in X-rays, also probably of synchrotron origin. Such emission results from electrons/positrons accelerated well above TeV energies in the spectral cut-off regime. In the case of diffusive shock acceleration, which is the most promising acceleration mechanism in SNRs, very strong magnetic fluctuations with amplitudes well above the mean magnetic field must be present. Starting from such a fluctuating field, we have simulated images of polarized X-ray emission of SNR shells and show that these are highly clumpy with high polarizations up to 50 per cent. Another distinct characteristic of this emission is the strong intermittency, resulting from the fluctuating field amplifications. The details of this 'twinkling' polarized X-ray emission of SNRs depend strongly on the magnetic field fluctuation spectra, providing a potentially sensitive diagnostic tool. We demonstrate that the predicted characteristics can be studied with instruments that are currently being considered. These can give unique information on magnetic field characteristics and high-energy particle acceleration in SNRs. 相似文献
Denis Leahy 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2006,6(5)
Presented are new images of supernova remnants G114.3 0.3, G116.5 1.1 and G116.9 0.2 (CTB 1) at 408 MHz from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS). We also use the 1420 MHz images from the CGPS in a study of their 408-1420 MHz spectral indices. The flux densities at 408 MHz and 1420 MHz, corrected for flux densities from compact sources within the SNRs, are 12±6 Jy and 9.8±0.8 Jy for Gl 14.3 0.3,15.0±1.5 Jy and 10.6±0.6 Jy for G116.5 1.1, 15.0±1.5 Jy and 8.1±0.4 Jy for G116.9±0.2. The integrated flux density-based spectral indices (Sv∝v-α) areα=0.16±0.41, 0.28±0.09 and 0.49±0.09 for G114.3 0.3, G116.5 1.1 and G116.9 0.2, respectively. Their T-T plot-based spectral indices are 0.68±0.48, 0.28±0.15, and 0.48±0.04, in agreement with the integrated flux density-based spectral indices. New flux densities are derived at 2695 MHz which are significantly larger than previous values. The new 408, 1420 and 2695 MHz flux densities and published values at other frequencies, where images are not available, are fitted after correcting for contributions from compact sources, to derive their multi-frequency spectral indices. 相似文献