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针对海流作用下,某潜标系统动力响应过大导致所载测试装置无法进行正常工作的问题,在分析该潜标系统所载装置前期海试数据基础上,采用现场测试和深水水池试验等方法,对现有潜标-系留系统耦合动力特性及系统的减振优化进行研究,得到了海流作用下,潜标系统耦合动力特性,提出了减振优化措施。  相似文献   

某岛筏式液压波浪发电装置系留系统动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究某波浪发电装置系留设备的系泊性能,参考某岛筏式液压波浪发电项目规划和该系留系统的布局设计,利用OrcaFlex建立了系留系统简化模型。通过调节不同海况下的浪流参数,实现了对该系留系统的动力学分析,对比了不同工况下锚泊系统有效张力的变化,结合改变辅缆上端链与浮筏主体的连接位置,给出了该系留系统的优化设计方案。结果表明,不同系泊缆索上的系泊张力分布情况及风载荷对系留系统的影响很微弱。  相似文献   

浮体间距对多浮体系统水动力系数的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据三维线性势流理论,采用格林函数法,对多浮体系统的水动力系数进行了数值分析。数值算例中给出了在固定波频下水动力系数与浮体间相对位置关系曲线。水动力系数的变化幅度随着浮体间距离增大而变小。随着浮体间距的变化,水动力系数极值的出现具有明显的规律,相邻的极大值(或极小值)的间距为半个波长或一个波长。  相似文献   

本文以一种新型波浪能发电平台为研究对象,分别采用基于三维势流理论的软件Sesam和基于有限体积法的Flow3D软件,对平台和发电浮子进行水动力分析。应用Sesam-HydroD模块计算了平台和发电浮子在频域内的运动响应,将平台和发电浮子的垂荡运动响应进行对比分析,结果表明,在正常海况下,平台与发电浮子垂荡运动相对幅值满足捕能系统的发电需求。应用Flow3D软件对平台整体进行水动力分析,结果表明,平台与发电浮子相对运动振幅在0.3~0.4m间,可满足发电需求。在此基础之上,应用Orcaflex软件,通过时域耦合动力分析的方法,计算了平台在自存工况和作业工况下的运动响应和系泊缆动张力响应,结果表明:在自存工况下,平台锚泊线的安全系数符合规范要求,平台具有良好的安全性能,能够适应恶劣的海洋环境;在作业工况下,平台的垂荡运动响应对波浪方向变化并不敏感,捕能系统不受波浪方向变化的影响,满足发电需求。另外,本文的研究结果能为类似的海洋平台的研究提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

以半潜式超大型浮式结构在动力响应分析中的各水动力系数为研究对象,经理论推导得到D’Alembert动力学方程中的移动式海上基地(MOB)单模块运动的结构质量、结构附加质量、静恢复力系数的简易计算公式。以MOB的"三模块模型"为例,研究其在6级海况浪向角为0°~90°条件下,各模块的附加质量系数及静恢复力系数的历时规律,以实例MOB中的第1个模块为代表展示了计算结果,并统计其最大值与文献资料中的结果进行对比。结果表明:运用本理论公式计算的结果与文献中所得结果相似,可验证本理论公式的正确性、可行性与合理性,为求解半潜式超大型浮式结构模块动力响应位移及转角提供简便的方法。  相似文献   

张力腿平台水动力参数计算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张力腿平台作为一种深水平台 ,其半顺应半固定的运动特征 ,成为在复杂的深海海洋环境中进行海洋石油勘探、开采一种重要结构型式。在张力腿平台波浪载荷的计算中根据产生波动流场的因素不同将波浪载荷分为绕射效应和辐射效应。本文对辐射效应深入研究并以附加质量、附加阻尼等水动力参数的形式计算了辐射效应对张力腿平台的载荷影响。在计算水动力参数时将平台简化为浮式直立柱群 ,采用势流理论 ,引进改进平面波法计入柱体间水动力相互作用得到辐射波速度势的半解析解 ,引入大间距假设、通过非平面波修正 ,精确地求解了柱群的辐射波的载荷作用  相似文献   

柔性尾鳍推进装置的水动力计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于柔性尾鳍推进装置的水动力计算在理论和实际上涉及到许多复杂的问题,本文对装置的实验模型作了理论上的抽象和简化,并依据试验图谱,运用机翼理论和襟翼舵原理,建立了该装置的水动力数学模型  相似文献   

波能装置-浮式防波堤是将浮式防波堤与波能转换装置集成,兼具防波消浪和捕获波浪能的集成装置,能够有效降低单一功能波能转换装置的成本。研究者们提出了许多波能装置-浮式防波堤的结构型式,其中非对称式浮体结构相比于对称式浮体结构,在单向入射波的水动力性能方面拥有一定的优势。本文针对导桩锚泊的非对称式方箱-三角形挡浪板和方箱-垂直挡浪板两种浮体结构型式,通过数值模拟的方式,对比分析其水动力特性和波能俘获特性。数值模型基于黏性流体理论,以Navier-Stokes方程为控制方程,并采用VOF方法和浸没边界法求解自由面边界和流固耦合作用,探究不同入射波周期、水深和浮体排水条件下集成装置水动力性能(消波特性、能量耗散特性和波能俘获特性)变化趋势。结果表明,在近岸波浪条件下(5~8 s),垂直挡板型式集成装置适用于较小周期波浪(5~6 s),而三角挡板型式集成装置适用于较大周期波浪(6~7.5 s)。随着水深增大,波能俘获比总体上呈现缓慢增长的趋势。在主浮体吃水相同的情况下(排水量不同),两种结构的透射系数基本一致;而在排水量相同(主浮体吃水不同)的情况下,垂直挡板结构型式的防波效果更好,三角挡板结构型...  相似文献   

单点系留式垂直剖面测量系统通过放置在主潜标上的绞车来控制升降平台上下运动,从而实现剖面的测量和数据传输。为辅助系统设计,文中介绍了通过OrcaFlex软件对该系统的水动力建模与仿真,并算出给定海况下几个重要部件的位置姿态和受力情况。结果表明:根据各节点拉力计算结果,选用合适的结构来满足各工况下的强度要求;仓体耐压和其它性能应满足主潜标最大下潜深度;升降的系缆所缠长度应满足平台运动过程释放的最大值。在实际配置系统时可以参考这几个重要数据辅助设计。  相似文献   

为研究京津冀沿海地区海水淡化取水适宜性,于2016年对京津冀沿海地区的海水淡化项目和海洋地质环境进行详细调查,并对我国海洋取水现状进行综合研究。通过综合研究发现:从海洋自然属性角度出发,沧州和天津沿海地区属于淤泥质海滩,水浅坡缓、深水区离岸远、风浪作用下水体中泥沙含量高,适合开发大型(10万m3/d)海水淡化工程,取水方式适宜在海上建设沉淀池、采用潮汐式取水;唐山大清河口以西唐山沿海近岸海域属于淤泥质海滩,深水区离岸较远、水体中泥沙含量较高,适合开发大型(10万m3/d)海水淡化工程;大清河口以东唐山和秦皇岛近岸海域大部分属于砂质岸滩,深水区离岸较近、水质较好,适宜各种规模的淡化工程,且取水方式可采取开挖埋管道的形式采集深水区的海水;沿海海港码头工程岸段由于水深条件较好,适合建设各种规模的淡化项目。  相似文献   

设计了一种新型网箱浮架系统,利用SESAM对其进行了频域水动力分析以及考虑不规则波浪、风、流载荷和系泊共同作用的时域耦合分析,并与传统双浮管网箱浮架系统进行了分析对比,得到方形网箱与圆形网箱的水动力特性的差异以及各自的优缺点,对实际中网箱的开发设计有一定的借鉴意义;通过计算,证明新型网箱浮架系统在工作海况能正常工作,在极端海况下也能满足安全性的要求;最后对4种常见系泊方式进行了时域耦合分析,得到了四种系泊方式的系泊特性,对实际工程中系泊方式的选择有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Design Curves for Mooring Lines of Turret Mooring Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a series of design curves to aid in the selection of turret mooring systemsfor tankers based Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)systems.These curves are appropri-ate to water depths ranging from 100m to 600m.The curves can be used as a preliminary design tool,al-lowing the designer to quickly evaluate alternative mooring system configurations,including the numberof mooring lines,the characteristics of chain and wire rope to be deployed and the initial tension.With aknowledge of the total environmental force and vessel motion characteristics,the designer can determinethe appropriate system for closer evaluation.  相似文献   

As the main load-bearing component of fish cages, the floating collar supports the whole cage and undergoes large deformations. In this paper, a mathematical method is developed to study the motions and elastic deformations of elastic floating collars in random waves. The irregular wave is simulated by the random phase method and the statistical approach and Fourier transfer are applied to analyze the elastic response in both time and frequency domains. The governing equations of motions are established by Newton’s second law, and the governing equations of deformations are obtained based on curved beam theory and modal superposition method. In order to validate the numerical model of the floating collar attacked by random waves, a series of physical model tests are conducted. Good relationship between numerical simulation and experimental observations is obtained. The numerical results indicate that the transfer function of out-of-plane and in-plane deformations increase with the increasing of wave frequency. In the frequency range between 0.6 Hz and 1.1 Hz, a linear relationship exists between the wave elevations and the deformations. The average phase difference between the wave elevation and out-of-plane deformation is 60° with waves leading and the phase between the wave elevation and in-plane deformation is 10° with waves lagging. In addition, the effect of fish net on the elastic response is analyzed. The results suggest that the deformation of the floating collar with fish net is a little larger than that without net.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively studies the transient dynamic response of a semi-submersible production platform with the loss of one or several positioning mooring lines.A semi-submersible platform,production risers,and positioning mooring lines are all included in the numerical simulation.Increased motion of the semi-submersible platform,tension variation of the remaining mooring lines/risers and the risk of mooring line or riser clashing are all investigated through fully coupled time-domain analysis.Combined environmental loads are selected from irregular waves and the steady current varying from very rough to extreme sea conditions.Three dimension radiation/diffraction theories and Morison’s equation are applied to calculate first-order wave force and second-order mean drift force of floating semi-submersible platform.Nonlinear time-domain finite element methods are employed to analyze the behavior of mooring lines and risers.Results show that the failure of mooring lines seriously reduce the platform’s stability performance.The tension of the rest lines is also increased accordingly.Remaining lines which are closer to the failed lines will have larger tension increase to compensate.Line-Line distance provides practical information for the risk of clashing investigation.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of impact dynamics, the motion equations for a mooring line-floating body system before and after impact loading are established with consideration of the viscoelastic property of mooring lines. The factors that influence the taut-slack conditions of a mooring system are analyzed through classifying the taut-slack regions, which are defined by non-dimensional ratios of displacement, frequency, and damping of the system. The mooring system of Jip spar platform is analyzed, and the snap te...  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact analysis of air gap concerning the parameters of mooring system for the semi-submersible platform is conducted. It is challenging to simulate the wave, current and wind loads of a platform based on a model test simultaneously. Furthermore, the dynamic equivalence between the truncated and full-depth mooring system is still a tuff work. However, the wind and current loads can be tested accurately in wind tunnel model. Furthermore, the wave can be simulated accurately in wave tank test. The full-scale mooring system and the all environment loads can be simulated accurately by using the numerical model based on the model tests simultaneously. In this paper, the air gap response of a floating platform is calculated based on the results of tunnel test and wave tank. Meanwhile, full-scale mooring system, the wind, wave and current load can be considered simultaneously. In addition, a numerical model of the platform is tuned and validated by ANSYS AQWA according to the model test results. With the support of the tuned numerical model, seventeen simulation cases about the presented platform are considered to study the wave, wind, and current loads simultaneously. Then, the impact analysis studies of air gap motion regarding the length, elasticity, and type of the mooring line are performed in the time domain under the beam wave, head wave, and oblique wave conditions.  相似文献   

Mooring system is a significant part of very large offshore floating structures(VLFS). In this paper, a single module pontoon type VLFS model considering four mooring types is studied through physical model tests to determine the effects of mooring conditions on the hydroelastic response, mooring force, incident coefficient, reflection coefficient and energy dissipation coefficient. Eight mooring cables are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the model. The floating body model satisfies the ...  相似文献   

文章基于波浪力时域频域的运动理论,采用变换锚链夹角的方法,通过水动力软件AQWA进行仿真耦合分析的方式,得出针对特定研究对象即双浮筒漂浮式浪流发电装置的最佳锚泊方案,进而探讨类似的漂浮式海洋装置载体锚泊系统方案的设计。  相似文献   

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