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A modified 2DH morphodynamical model was employed to simulate the evolution of large-scale features with major implications for beach nourishment. The study was focused on modelling the evolution of material artificially placed in different parts of the profile, extracting or adding material to the natural bars, and quantifying how the profile responds to different wave climates and nourishment placements. The simulated results were compared with field data from a Mediterranean beach.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to evaluate different ways of estimating the extent of pollution in coastal areas, using data relating to Greece. The investigation reveals basic faults in the procedures. The concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients do not necessarily reflect the amounts of domestic wastes discharged into the location. The levels in the sea or marine organisms of impurities from industrial effluents may alter greatly in the same region from one date or spot to another. The metal content of unsullied sediments depends on its granulometric composition. Phytoplankton density varies according to, not only the availability of nutrients, but also the season and the rate of grazing. On the contrary, macrozoobenthos, being much less influenced by transient changes in the environment, affords a reliable picture of its average state. This fact enables the development of a method for the assessment of the degree of pollution on the basis of the diversity and abundance of the biocenoses, as well as other factors.  相似文献   

Elemental mercury is associated with industrial wastes discharged through the main effluent pipe of the Chlorine-Alkali plant at El-Max area west of Alexandria. The minimal mercury value of 0.1 ppm dry weight is assumed to be the background level for uncontaminated sediments in the area. Mercury level ranged from 8.02 to 15.5 ppm in the beach sands from the polluted area beyond the plant, and from 0.14 to 1.4 ppm in the bottom sediments off Alexandria.The Chlorine-Alkali plant is obviously the major source of mercury pollution. The contribution of land drainage, agricultural and domestic wastes is insignificant.  相似文献   

The authors have listed 85 species of macrophytes that have probably been introduced to the Mediterranean. Among them, nine species can be considered as invasive, i.e., playing a conspicuous role in the recipient ecosystems, taking the place of keystone species and/or being economically harmful: Acrothamnion preissii, Asparagopsis armata, Lophocladia lallemandii, Womersleyella setacea (Rhodophyta), Sargassum muticum, Stypopodium schimperi (Fucophyceae), Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa taxifolia and Halophila stipulacea (Plantae). These data fit well the Williamson and Fitter's "tens rule", which states that, on average, 1 out of 10 introduced species becomes invasive. Though some features (e.g. life traits, geographical origin) can increase the likelihood of a successful invasion, the success of invaders is far from being predictable. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the number of introduced species to the Mediterranean has nearly doubled every 20 years. Should these kinetics continue, and according to the tens rule, it can be expected that 5-10 newly introduced macrophytes shall become invasive in the next 20 years.  相似文献   

The present contribution considers the dynamics of beaches occupied by outcropping/buried beachrocks, i.e. hard coastal formations consisting of beach material lithified by in situ precipitated carbonate cements. The dynamics of a Greek microtidal beach with beachrocks (Vatera, Lesbos) are examined through the collection and analysis of morphological and sedimentary field data, a 2-D nearshore hydrodynamic model and a specially constructed 1-D morphodynamic model. The results showed that the beachrock-occupied part of the beach is characterised by distinctive morphodynamics as: (i) its beachface is associated with large slopes; (ii) there is a good spatial correlation between the sub-aerial and shallow submerged mean beach profile and the buried/outcropping upper beachrock surface; and (iii) the seaward margins of the submerged beachrock outcrops are always associated with a ‘scour step’ i.e. a submerged cliff. The results also showed that beachrock outcrops can bias cross-shore sediment exchanges by impeding onshore transport due to the presence of the scour step. In this sense, beachrock outcrops may be considered as offshore transport ‘conduits’ for the beach sediments. A conceptual model of beach sediment transport, based on the field data and the hydrodynamic modelling is proposed. According to this model, fresh beach material from adjacent terrestrial sources is transported alongshore, towards the central part of the embayment, where a littoral transport convergence zone occurs under most wave conditions. There, the laterally supplied sediments are lost offshore.  相似文献   

The distribution of Polychaetous Annelids (Serpulidae excluded) from infralittoral rocky shores of the French Mediterranean coast has been studied for 18 yr. Several hundred rock scrapings, each measuring 400 cm2, have been made and the results analysed for species composition, Shannon-Weaver index of diversity and Sanders' similarity coefficient. These mathematical measures are well correlated with the degree of pollution. In the levels considered, the annelid settlements are structurally identical. No unique group of species was associated with the degree of pollution as is typical in the sediments. An index of biological detectors is proposed which is based on the premise of the sensitive modification of the polychaete population as a whole and is defined as the ratio of the amount of dominances of ‘polluted waters biological detectors’ (Platynereis dumerili, Theostoma oerstedi, Dorvillea rudolphi, …) to ‘pure water’ ones (Syllis spp., Amphiglena mediterranea). This ratio increases with the intensity of pollution and is always higher than 1 in a polluted environment.  相似文献   

The complex morphodynamic interactions between nearshore, shoreface and dune systems are usually simplified by studying these zones and their associated processes in isolation. However, the established relationships between each of them suggests that an integrated approach is required to examine the genesis, evolution and adaptation of the entire morphodynamic system. The Cabopino dune system in the southern Spanish Mediterranean Sea provides a clear example of a linked morphodynamic system in which a relatively large dune system has been generated and grown through the supply of sediments from an adjacent littoral supply environment. Here, we present a conceptual model of how the nearshore has provided suitable conditions for beach and dune development. We purport that synchronization of sediment activation in the marine and aeolian sections of the system have played a major role in this microtidal setting in which temporal aspects are not only tied to storm action, but to large sedimentary features moving alongshore. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trichonis Lake is the largest natural freshwater body in Greece with a surface area of 97 km2. It receives pollutants from numerous anthropogenic activities, especially from intensive agricultural practices, urban sewages, stock grazing land and small industries. In this study, hydrologic and chemical parameters are assessed during two periods (1990–1991) and (2001–2002) to evaluate the effects of the climatic changes on phosphorous trends and consequently on the trophic status of Trichonis Lake. Even though large quantities of fertilizers are applied in the lake's catchment, phosphorus loads are still in the permissible level as estimated according to Vollenweider's relationship based on total phosphorus concentration. Due to relatively higher rainfall precipitation during the last years, an increased amount of the phosphorus entering into the lake system is flushed out, thus keeping the trophic status of the lake in oligotrophic levels. In contrast, lower rainfall rates during the first period (1990–1991) have led to the decrease in phosphorus flush out and its detainment into the lake water and sediment resulting to mesotrophic conditions. As the trophic status of the lake is mainly hydrologically dependent and thus unpredictable, effective management plans targeting the elimination of nutrient pollution loadings are necessary.  相似文献   

Assessing the extent of local trace metal pollution in marine atmospheric particulates presents a number of difficulties, and one potential approach to the problem has been evaluated by reference to a series of aerosols from the lower troposphere over the Eastern Mediterranean. This region, which is less remote from the continents than open-ocean areas, has two significantly different atmospheric particulate catchments: being bordered in the north by nations having industrialized, semi-industrialized and rural economies, and in the south by the North African desert belt. The elemental chemistry of the particulates is illustrated in terms of the distributions of Fe and Pb, which are presented in the form of enrichment factor diagrams, and is shown to be essentially controlled by the dilution of a ‘European’ background material, common to ‘remote’ regions of the latitudinal belt, with crust-derived, desert components. Major local perturbations in the dilution relationship can occur when either crust-derived or pollutant components strongly dominate the total particulate population. The extent of these local perturbations can be tentatively assessed using appropriate enrichment factor diagrams, which offer a framework within which to interpret the elemental chemistry of marine atmospheric particulates providing sufficient data is available for their construction. By using such an EF diagram it is suggested that the Eastern Mediterranean atmospheric particulates have not suffered local pollution on a gross scale with respect to Pb.  相似文献   

MOON (Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network http://www.moon-oceanforecasting.eu) provides near-real-time information on oil-spill detection (ocean color and SAR) and predictions [ocean forecasts (MFS and CYCOFOS) and oil-spill predictions (MEDSLIK)]. We employ this system to study the Lebanese oil-pollution crisis in summer 2006 and thus to assist regional and local decision makers in Europe, regionally and locally. The MEDSLIK oil-spill predictions obtained using CYCOFOS high-resolution ocean fields are compared with those obtained using lower-resolution MFS hydrodynamics, and both are validated against satellite observations. The predicted beached oil distributions along the Lebanese and Syrian coasts are compared with in situ observations.The oil-spill predictions are able to simulate the northward movement of the oil spill, with the CYCOFOS predictions being in better agreement with satellite observations. Among the free MEDSLIK parameters tested in the sensitivity experiments, the drift factor appears to be the most relevant to improve the quality of the results.  相似文献   

Mercury levels of Audouin's gull are amongst the highest for Mediterranean seabirds, and have been mainly attributed to its piscivorous habits in these naturally Hg rich waters. Moreover, two additional factors could enhance its mercury intake: the consumption of discarded fish (which attain higher concentrations) and/or feeding in areas receiving Hg anthropogenic inputs. In order to differentiate the relevance of both sources we analysed Hg and stable isotopes of chick feathers from different breeding locations in western Mediterranean: one in its northern part (Ebro Delta) and two southern (Chafarinas Isl. and Alborán Isl.). The results from stable isotopes indicate that consumption of discards is higher at Alborán Isl., followed by the Ebro Delta and Chafarinas Isl. Thus, the higher mercury levels found in the Ebro Delta cannot be explained uniquely by the contribution of discarded fish to diet, but local pollution caused by the river Ebro waters accounts for Hg differences observed.  相似文献   

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