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The U-Pb(Pb-Pb) age was determined for limestone from member III of the Sorna Formation out- cropped on the Azyr-Tal Range, Kuznetsk Alatau. The weighted average value from three calculated values is 523 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.02, 2σ). This age coincides with the Early Cambrian age interval determined with Sr isotopic chemostratigraphy (87Sr/86Sr ratio is 0.70850–0.70852). The low value of μ2 = 238U/204Pb for limestone is due to the evolution of diagenetic fluid containing lead from the mantle reservoir into the Sorna sediments.  相似文献   

Remnants of the Early Paleozoic gabbro and gabbromonzonite with an age of 514.6 ± 7.2 Ma (U-Pb, Zrn, SHRIMP-RG, Turka Massif) were identified among basites spatially associated with Late Paleozoic granitoids of Western Transbaikalia. Obtained geochronological data are close to those of felsic subvolcanic rocks of the Early Cambrian volcanotectonic structures of the Uda-Vitim paleoisland arc and gabbro of the Dzhida island arc in Central and Southwestern Transbaikalia. As compared to the Late Paleozoic analogues, the Early Paleozoic gabbromonzonite is characterized by the moderately low potassic alkalinity, fractionated REE pattern, and LILE enrichment relative to HFSE. The Early Paleozoic gabbro and gabbromonzonite are depleted in Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf and enriched in Pb and Sr, which is typical of suprasubduction magmatic rocks. Geochemical data indicate a contribution of crustal (subducted) material in a magma source. A combination of geological, geochemical, and isotope-geochronological data indicates that the Early Paleozoic gabbromonzonite was formed in the Uda-Vitim paleoisland arc system in a suprasubduction setting. The geochemical similarity of the Early Paleozoic rocks and Late Paleozoic basites, which are associated with the Late Paleozoic granitic rocks of the Angara-Vitim batholith and were formed 200 Ma later, is attributed to inheritance of mantle source.  相似文献   

We present new data on the U-Pb age of zircons, geochemistry of trace elements, and isotope (Nd, Sr, O) composition of rocks of the Kogtakh gabbro-monzonite complex on the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau Ridge. The established age of zircon in the rocks of the main intrusive phases (500-480 Ma) is taken as the time of formation of the Kogtakh complex in the Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician, during the accretion-collision stage of evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The distribution and ratios of LILE and HFSE in the rocks suggest that the intrusions proceeded under interaction of the PREMA + EM/OIB mantle plume and the suprasubductional lithospheric IAB mantle. The mantle-crust interaction led to the heterogeneous isotopic composition of neodymium in the magma source (?Nd(T) ~ 3.5-5.4). The mixing of different mantle and continental-crust materials resulted in an increase in isotope parameters: (87Sr/86Sr)T ~ 0.7039-0.7052, ?Sr(T) ~ 0-19, and δ18O ~ 6.5-8.8 (SMOW). The REE ratio in the least differentiated gabbroids indicates different depths of probable magma chambers and the formation of their primary (Tb/YbPM > 1.8) mafic melts at different degrees of melting of the model garnet peridotite.  相似文献   

Basaltoids of the Vendian–Cambrian Kulbyurstyug volcanic complex in the eastern part of Kuznetsk Alatau have a high content of titanium (TiO2 3–4 wt %). They are relatively enriched with LILE and HFSE (Ba 360–900, Zr 160–726, Nb 66–101, ΣREE up to 225–329 ppm), and demonstrate a fractionated spectrum of REEs (La/Yb ~ 13–17), high Nb/U (44–66), and low Th/Ta and Th/Nb. These features are comparable with derivatives of OIB (Ocean Island Basalts) magmatism. The rock geochemistry suggests the possible formation of an initial mafic melt in the garnet-bearing peridotite mantle with 2–4% degree of melting and the presence of a small amount of spinel. By the age and composition, the studied volcanics are correlated with the OIB magmatism products, occurring in the adjacent Gorny Altai and also considered to be derivatives of intraplate magmatism of Riphean–Early Cambrian age. This magmatism was caused by plume activity during formation of the Paleo-Asian Ocean.  相似文献   

Major, trace and rare earth element contents of Fe- and Al-rich metapelites from the Korda (Yenisey Ridge) and Amar (Kuznetsk Alatau) formations were determined to examine the nature, origin and evolution of their protoliths. Results indicate that these rocks are the redeposited and metamorphosed products of Precambrian kaolinitic weathering crusts, while the geochemical distinctions between the studied metapelites are determined by different weathering conditions in the source area and tectonic settings. The protolith of the Korda Formation metapelites was produced by erosion products of the post-Archean granitoid rocks, which accumulated under humid climate conditions in shallow-water basins along the continental margin. The geochemical characteristics of the deeper primary deposits of the Amar Formation suggest that volcanogenic material of mafic composition derived from an island-arc environment had a major role in supplying the erosion zone. These results agree with lithofacies data and with the geodynamic reconstruction of the evolution of the Yenisey Ridge and Kuznetsk Alatau during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, respectively. It was shown that REEs had limited mobility during contact metamorphism. The coherent mobility of REEs during collisional metamorphism may be attributed both to mineral reactions responsible for modal changes and to local chemical heterogeneity inherited from the initial protolith.  相似文献   

Middle Paleozoic magmatism at the eastern Siberian platform was related to riftogenic processes, which were most clearly expressed in the Vilyui Rift and led to the formation of rift depressions filled with sedimentary-volcanogenic rocks and extended basaltic dike belts in rift shoulders. Two fields of diamondiferous kimberlites were found along with basaltic dikes in the Vilyui-Markha dike belt surrounding rift in the northwest. Active subalkali basaltic magmatism predated the emplacement of kimberlite bodies, which occasionally (Nyurba pipe) are cut by dikes of potassium alkali basalts. Based on geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics, deep-seated sources were determined for the intrusive and volcanic basalts of the northwestern shoulder of the Vilyui rift. The REE distribution patterns of the studied rocks normalized to the primitive mantle are close to that of OIB, except for somewhat higher HREE. In the diagrams of indicator ratios of trace and rare-earth elements, the basalts are also plotted in the OIB field, being located between the end member of plume composition (FOZO) and enriched mantle sources. The rocks have positive εSr (+3.5 and +28.6) and εNd (+1.3 and +5.3). In a diagram εNd(T)-εSr(T), two fields with distinct content of radiogenic Sr are distinguished, which can be regarded as derived by mixing of the moderately depleted PREMA-type mantle and a source enriched in radiogenic Sr. Available isotope-geochemical data confirm that OIB type basalts of the region were generated by plume activity. The geodynamic setting of Middle Paleozoic magmatism and rifting in the eastern part of the Siberian platform is considered in light of plume-lithosphere interaction. The sequence of tectonomagmatic events during evolution of the Vilyui rift is consistent with the model of plume-lithosphere interaction or the model of active rifting.  相似文献   

We present paleomagnetic data on the Cambrian volcanosedimentary complexes of the Bateni Ridge, which correspond to the evolution of the Kuznetsk Alatau island arc. The paleomagnetic poles which served as the basis for the apparent polar-wander path (APWP) were determined. The paleomagnetic data were compared with those on the Cambrian poles for other fragments of the Kuznetsk Alatau island arc.For example, the APWP of the Bateni fragment corresponds to that of the Kiya (Martaiga) fragment of the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau. The distribution of the paleomagnetic poles suggests that the relative drift of the Kuznetsk Alatau arc fragments and the entire island arc system resulted from large-amplitude strike-slips. In the Cambrian, this paleoarc moved from ~10° N to ~10° S and rotated more than 50° clockwise. In the paleomagnetic record, its accretion is reflected in the coincidence of the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician poles on the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau with one another and the coeval poles for the Siberian craton. This coincidence also suggests that the general structure of the present Kuznetsk Alatàu formed as early as the Early Caledonian. Nevertheless, the differences in the position of the poles on the western and eastern slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau suggest that strike-slip activity along the Kuznetsk–Altai deep fault (the major one in the region) continued in the Late Paleozoic and, probably, in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

A few of our predecessors considered the Eastern Siberian Region to be a huge territory with similar geological history without hydrocarbon prospecting opportunities. It was also proposed to search for oil and gas in the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Not denying these search directions, we have offered to explore the Western Siberian Region by analysis of numerous deep wells, variable facial zones of Paleozoic complexes, and real prospects of searching for oil and gas fields.  相似文献   

藏北羌塘早古生代岩浆作用及其构造演化对研究青藏高原早期演化历史以及羌塘盆地基底性质结构等具有重要科学意义。本文在综述前人研究基础上,系统总结了藏北羌塘地区早古生代岩浆岩的时空分布特征及年代学格架,初步探讨了青藏高原早古生代构造-岩浆事件对冈瓦纳大陆北缘构造演化以及羌塘盆地基底属性的约束。羌塘地区早古生代岩浆岩主要分布在日湾茶卡、都古尔、戈木日、本松错等地区,岩性以变质辉长岩、变质玄武岩、安山岩、花岗岩、变质流纹岩以及花岗片麻岩等为主。基于区域地质调查和年代学研究结果,羌塘地区早古生代发生了多期岩浆作用,分别为~500 Ma、~482 Ma、~474 Ma、~455 Ma、~438 Ma。这些岩浆岩可能是泛非造山运动结束后,冈瓦纳大陆北缘岩石圈伸展减薄的产物,并构成了羌南-保山板块早古生代的结晶基底,但有关伸展减薄的机制问题仍需开展进一步的研究工作,这些地质记录对恢复和反演青藏高原冈瓦纳大陆北缘的陆缘性质具有重要约束意义。  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the structure, composition, and age of granitoid associations (Tokhtogeshil’skii Complex) composing the Kharanur and Sharatologoi polychronous plutons in the northern part of the Ozernala zone in western Mongolia. The Tokhtogeshil’skii Complex was determined to consist of a number of independent magmatic associations, which were formed at 540–450 Ma, within three age intervals (540–520, 510–485, and 475–450 Ma), have different composition, were derived from different sources, and were emplaced in different geodynamic environments. During the first, island-arc stage (540–520 Ma), high-Al plagiogranites were produced, which belong to tonalite-plagiogranite (531 ± 10 Ma) and diorite (529 ±6 Ma) associations in the Kharanur pluton, low-Al plagiogranites of the tonalite-plagiogranite association (519 ± 8 Ma) in the Sharatologoi pluton, and rocks of the Khirgisnur peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbronorite complex (Kharachulu and Dzabkhan massifs). The rocks of the diorite and plagiogranite associations of the Kharanur pluton have ɛNd(T) from +7.9 to +7.4, TNd(DM) = 0.65 Ga, and (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.7038–0.7039. The plagiogranites of the Sharatologoi pluton (tonalite-plagiogranite association) are characterized by ɛNd(T) from +6.5 to +6.6, TNd(DM) = 0.73–0.70 Ga, and (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.7038–0.7039, which suggest predominantly juvenile subduction sources of the parental melts at a subordinate role of ancient crustal material. During the second, accretionary stage (510–485 Ma), low-Al plagiogranites of the diorite-tonalite-plagiogranite association of the Sharatologoi pluton (494 ± 10 Ma, M type) were formed. The Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of these rocks ɛNd(T) = +6.6, (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.7039 are analogous to those of the plagiogranitoids of the early type. This suggests that the melted sources were similar in composition. During the third, postcollisional stage (475–450 Ma), rocks of the diorite-granodiorite-granite association were formed (459 ± 10 Ma, type I) in the Kharanur pluton. These rocks have ɛNd(T) = +5.1, TNd(DM) = 0.74 Ga, and (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.7096. The parental melts were supposedly derived by means of partial melting of “the Caledonian” juvenile crust with the addition of more ancient crustal material.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):2091-2101
In the Kuznetsk basin, south-central Siberia, regression of marine conditions promoted simultaneous existence of many environments during Carboniferous and Permian times. Different sequences of fades in different areas complicate correlation. Floral, faunal and lithologic data have been mapped to determine succession of biologic complexes for four intervals of late Paleozoic time: 1) middle Ostrog suite (maximum marine transgression); 2) middle Alykayeva subsuite of the lower Balakhonikha suite (maximum Balakhonikha coal formation); 3) upper Kuznetsk and lower Il'ya suites (beginning of second stage of coal formation); 4) middle Uskat subsuite of Il'ya suite. These intervals were selected because they correspond to the peak development of conditions typical of their stratigraphic subdivisions, they are most easily correlated, and contain the most information. — Nicholas Hotton, III.  相似文献   

北秦岭造山带的早古生代多期变质作用   总被引:2,自引:13,他引:2  
张建新  于胜尧  孟繁聪 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1179-1190
北秦岭造山带的秦岭岩群以高级变质岩石为特征,主要包括少量榴辉岩、高压麻粒岩和区域上广泛分布的麻粒岩-角闪岩相变质岩石。年代学研究显示秦岭岩群中不同岩石记录了多期变质作用。已有的定年资料给出北秦岭官坡地区的榴辉岩的年龄为500Ma左右,代表榴辉岩相的变质时代。结合岩相学资料,对两个高压麻粒岩样品的SHRIMP和LA-ICPMS U-Pb测定分别获得504±7Ma 和506±3Ma的年龄,应代表高压麻粒岩相变质时代。这表明高压麻粒岩和相邻的榴辉岩有相近的变质时代,但形成在造山带中不同的构热造环境中。西峡地区的角闪二辉麻粒岩的U-Pb定年给出两组早古生代年龄,一组为440±2Ma,可能代表了中低压麻粒岩相的变质时代,另一组为426±1Ma,应代表区域角闪岩相的变质时代。桐柏山北部的石榴二辉麻粒岩的U-Pb定年数据给出436±1Ma的年龄,为中压麻粒岩相的变质时代。这些资料表明北秦岭造山带经历了早奥陶世的俯冲和地壳增厚作用,并在晚志留世遭受了广泛的巴罗式区域变质作用。  相似文献   

Data on the composition, inner structure, and magma sources of giant batholith in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt are analyzed with reference to the Khangai batholith. The Khangai batholith was emplaced in the Late Permian–Early Triassic (270–240 Ma) and is the largest accumulations (>150000 km2) of granite plutons in central Mongolia. The plutons are dominated by granites of normal alkalinity and contain subalkaline granites and more rare alkaline granites. The batholith is hosted in the Khangai zonal magmatic area, which consists of the batholith itself and surrounding rift zones. The zones are made up of bimodal basalt–trachyte–comendite (pantellerite) or basalt-dominated (alkaline basalt) volcanic associations, whose intrusive rocks are dominated by syenite and granite, granosyenite, and leucogranite. Both the batholith and the rift zones were produced within the time span of 270–240 Ma. Although the rocks composing the batholith and its rift surroundings are different, they are related through a broad spectrum of transitional varieties, which suggests that that the mantle and crustal melts could interact at various scale when the magmatic area was produced. A model is suggested to explain how the geological structure of the magmatic area and the composition of the magmatic associations that make up its various zones were controlled by the interaction between a mantle plume and the lithospheric folded area. The mantle melts emplaced into the lower crust are thought to not only have been heat sources and thus induced melting but also have predetermined the variable geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the granitoids. In the marginal portions of the zonal area, the activity of the mantle plume triggered rifting associated with bimodal and alkaline granite magmatism. The formation of giant batholiths was typical of the evolution of the active continental margin of the Siberian paleocontinent in the Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic: the Khangai, Angara–Vitim, and Khentei batholiths were formed in this area within a relatively brief time span between 300 and 190Ma. The batholiths share certain features: they consist of granitoids of a broad compositional range, from tonalite and plagiogranite to granosyenite and rare-metal granites; and the batholiths were produced in relation to rifting processes that also formed rift magmatic zones in the surroundings of the batholiths. The large-scale and unusual batholith-forming processes are thought to have occurred when the active continental margin of the Late Paleozoic Siberian continent overlapped a number of hotspots in the Paleo- Asian Ocean. This resulted in the origin of a giant anorogenic magmatic province, which included batholiths, flood-basalt areas in Tarim and Junggar, and the Central Asian Rift System. The batholiths are structural elements of the latter and components of the zonal magmatic areas.  相似文献   

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