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V M Nakariakov and E Verwichte put seismology to work in the study of the solar corona, the hot atmosphere of the Sun.  相似文献   

A method for determining the basic atmosphere O/N2 based on the solar observations is described. It is shown that, on XUV images of the Sun received by transillumination of the atmosphere, it is possible to observe its state controlling the O/N2 ratio. The method allows local inhomogeneities of the upper atmosphere to be studied. Its abilities were demonstrated according to the SPIRIT complex on board the Coronas-F satellite.  相似文献   

Within the global context, Antarctica has a key role to play in understanding long-term change in the upper atmosphere, both because of its isolation from the rest of the world and because of its unique geophysical attributes. Antarctic upper atmosphere data can provide global change observations regarding the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, plasmasphere and magnetosphere. It will not only provide trend estimates but, just as importantly, it will define the background variability which exists in the upper atmosphere and against which these trends must be resolved. Upper atmospheric change can be driven both from within the Earth's near environment primarily through changing atmospheric composition, dynamics or geomagnetic field, or it can be driven externally, predominantly by the Sun. Recent observations are discussed in the light of increasing interest in global change issues and sun-weather relationships.  相似文献   

The time varying conditions in the near-Earth space environment that may affect space-borne or ground-based technological systems and may endanger human health or life are referred to as space weather. Space weather effects arise from the dynamic and highly variable conditions in the geospace environment starting from explosive events on the Sun (solar flares), Coronal Mass Ejections near the Sun in the interplanetary medium, and various energetic effects in the magnetosphere–ionosphere–atmosphere system. As the utilization of space has become part of our everyday lives, and as our lives have become increasingly dependent on technological systems vulnerable to the space weather influences, the understanding and prediction of hazards posed by these active solar events have grown in importance. In this paper, we review the processes of the Sun–Earth interactions, the dynamic conditions within the magnetosphere, and the predictability of space weather effects on radio waves, satellites and ground-based technological systems today.  相似文献   

The flow of energy from the Sun, through the atmosphere, to the Earth's surface and oceans, and ultimately back to space, controls the weather and climate of the planet. Since the dawn of the Space Age, the energy balance of the planet has been measured by orbiting satellites. Over the past 40 years the technology and the scientific understanding have developed to the point where we can measure not only the energy balance of the entire Earth and its atmosphere but also of the various regions of the atmosphere including the troposphere, the stratosphere, and the mesosphere. With the planned space-based observations of the sources and sinks of energy in the mesosphere, the energy balance of this region of the atmosphere may soon be better understood from observations than the energy balance of the troposphere on seasonal to annual timescales. Fundamental to this assertion is the fact that the primary sources and sinks of radiative and chemical potential energy, the thermal structure, and the winds in the mesosphere are to be directly observed by space-based instrumentation at high vertical resolution, in contrast to the troposphere. In this paper we review some of the planned measurements of the energy budgets of the atmosphere from existing and future space-based platforms. We particularly show how the airglow can be used to determine many of the key sources of energy in the mesosphere. These ideas provide the basis for interpretation of new space-based measurements of the mesosphere planned in the near future.  相似文献   

The spectra of the coronal hole radio emission in solar cycles 23 and 24 have been studied based on RATAN-600 data in the 4–16.5 GHz range at frequencies of 5.7 and 17 GHz and 327 MHz. It has been found that bright features of coronal hole microwave emission at 17 GHz and dark features at 5.7 GHz can exist in coronal holes when the spectral index is 1.25–1.5 in the 6.5–16.5 GHz range; the radio spectrum in this range is flat when coronal holes are indiscernible against the background of a quiet Sun. The possible vertical scale of the solar atmosphere over coronal holes is discussed.  相似文献   

SOLAR2000 is a collaborative project for accurately characterizing solar irradiance variability across the spectrum. A new image- and full-disk proxy empirical solar irradiance model, SOLAR2000, is being developed that is valid in the spectral range of 1–1,000,000 nm for historical modeling and forecasting throughout the solar system. The overarching scientific goal behind SOLAR2000 is to understand how the Sun varies spectrally and through time from X-ray through infrared wavelengths. This will contribute to answering key scientific questions and will aid national programmatic goals related to solar irradiance specification. SOLAR2000 is designed to be a fundamental energy input into planetary atmosphere models, a comparative model with numerical/first principles solar models, and a tool to model or predict the solar radiation component of the space environment. It is compliant with the developing International Standards Organization (ISO) solar irradiance standard. SOLAR2000 captures the essence of historically measured solar irradiances and this expands our knowledge about the quiet and variable Sun including its historical envelope of variability. The implementation of the SOLAR2000 is described, including the development of a new EUV proxy, E10.7, which has the same units as the commonly used F10.7. SOLAR2000 also provides an operational forecasting and global specification capability for solar irradiances and information can be accessed at the website address of http://www.spacenvironment.net.  相似文献   

From the coldest period of the Little Ice Age to the present time, the surface temperature of the Earth increased by perhaps 0.8°C. Solar variability may account for part of this warming which, during the past 350 years, generally tracks fluctuating solar activity levels. While increases in greenhouse gas concentrations are widely assumed to be the primary cause of recent climate change, surface temperatures nevertheless varied significantly during pre-industrial periods, under minimal levels of greenhouse gas variations. A climate forcing of 0.3 W m−2 arising from a speculated 0.13% solar irradiance increase can account for the 0.3°C surface warming evident in the paleoclimate record from 1650 to 1790, assuming that climate sensitivity is 1°C W−1 m−2 (which is within the IPCC range). The empirical Sun–climate relationship defined by these pre-industrial data suggests that solar variability may have contributed 0.25°C of the 0.6°C subsequent warming from 1900 to 1990, a scenario which time dependent GCM simulations replicate when forced with reconstructed solar irradiance. Thus, while solar variability likely played a dominant role in modulating climate during the Little Ice Age prior to 1850, its influence since 1900 has become an increasingly less significant component of climate change in the industrial epoch. It is unlikely that Sun–climate relationships can account for much of the warming since 1970, not withstanding recent attempts to deduce long term solar irradiance fluctuations from the observational data base, which has notable occurrences of instrumental drifts. Empirical evidence suggests that Sun–climate relationships exist on decadal as well as centennial time scales, but present sensitivities of the climate system are insufficient to explain these short-term relationships. Still to be simulated over the time scale of the Little Ice Age to the present is the combined effect of direct radiative forcing, indirect forcing via solar-induced ozone changes in the atmosphere, and speculated charged particle mechanisms whose pathways and sensitivities are not yet specified.  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the study of the oscillation properties of the magnetic and velocity fields of sunspots with typical periods of up to about 104 min. These oscillations were revealed at the beginning of the 1980s (Gopasyuk, 1981) but remain understudied. Using SOHO MDI data and a technique that allows for measurements of magnetic field H and the heliographic coordinates of sunspots φ and λ with higher accuracy than direct measurements of individual pixels, we have studied 72 sunspots observed on the Sun’s visible hemisphere during no less than 9–11 days (±60–70° from the central meridian) with a time resolution of 1 min. Estimates of random errors of a measurement give σ H ≈ 60 Gs, σφ ≈ 0.055°, and σλ ≈ 0.050°. It is found that the main periods of the maximum superlong-period oscillations of sunspots are equal to eight days, according to earlier ground-based measurements. Space observations allow the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere to be totally eliminated; therefore, on the basis of recent data, one can conclude that long-period oscillations of sunspot parameters are a real Sun phenomenon.  相似文献   

The main results of the experimental and theoretical studies of the Earth’s plasmasphere physics obtained until the present are reviewed. The review is aimed at attracting attention of scientists to studying this region of the Earth’s magnetosphere since many problems of the plasmasphere physics, first of all, the problems of plasmapause formation and plasmasphere filling and erosion, which are of importance in understanding the relation of the processes proceeding in the Sun and solar wind to the processes observed in the Earth’s ionosphere and atmosphere, remain unclear.  相似文献   

Bill Chaplin and Istvan Ballai review developments in helioseismology – the resonant choir of the Sun – a discipline that now probes the Sun from core to corona.  相似文献   

Based on the published analysis of the average monthly variations in solar activity and temperature of the upper atmosphere in the region of the mesopause and lower thermosphere (after elimination of the average long-term variations during different 11-year cycles), it was indicated that the periods and amplitudes of the observed quasibiennial variations monotonically decrease in the course of time. The regularity of these variations is described by the Airy function, which represents a wave train with decreasing amplitude and period and reflects cyclic hydrodynamic processes in the Sun’s interior. A spectral analysis of the quasibiennial variations modelly described by the Airy function has been performed. It has been revealed that the period amplitudes near the average value for 2.25 years (27 months) are distributed normally with a dispersion of ~0.5 years. According to several publications, similar periods are obtained by analyzing measurements of long-term variations in solar activity and parameters of the lower and middle atmosphere. This indicates that the values of the periods are obtained randomly. Therefore, a standard Fourier analysis does not make it possible to determine a real character of the quasibiennial variations since a real physical process is not revealed in the course of this analysis.  相似文献   

Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models are used to compare long-range temporal variability of the total solar irradiance (TSI) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and surface air temperature series. The comparison shows that one and the same type of the model is applicable to represent the TSI and air temperature series. In terms of the model type surface air temperature imitates closely that for the TSI. This may mean that currently no other forcing to the climate system is capable to change the random walk type variability established by the varying activity of the rotating Sun. The result should inspire more detailed examination of the dependence of various climate series on short-range fluctuations of TSI.  相似文献   

The gravitational interaction in the Earth–Moon–Sun system is considered from the standpoint of influencing the formation of time variations in the geophysical fields and some natural processes. The analysis of the results of instrumental observations revealed the main periodicities and cycles in the time variations of subsoil radon volumetric activity with the same periods as the vertical component of the variations of the tidal force. The amplitude modulation of seismic noise by the lunar-solar tide is demonstrated. It is shown that the intensity of relaxation processes in the Earth’s crust has a near-diurnal periodicity, whereas the spectrum of groundwater level fluctuations includes clearly expressed tidal waves. Based on the data on the tilts of the Earth’s surface, the role of tidal deformation in the formation of the block motions in the Earth’s crust is analyzed. A new approach is suggested for identifying tidal waves in the atmosphere by analyzing micropulsations of the atmospheric pressure with the use of adaptive rejection filters.  相似文献   

Using calculations of the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere in the potential approximation, it is shown that, (1) as distance R from the Sun’s center grows, the area of the positive magnetic field (S +field) in 10-deg latitude zones tends to 100% (0%) in the neighborhood of the solar minimum. At the distance R = 2.5R (R is the solar radius), these values of the positive field are observed during ≈(12–55) Carrington rotations (CRs) for solar minima between neighboring cycles; (2) polar magnetic field reversals can occur repeatedly. Note that a polar reversal at large heights ends by 6–16 Carrington rotations earlier than on the Sun’s surface. On the Sun’s surface, a field polar reversal begins earlier at lower latitudes than at high ones; (3) for each longitude at different Rs and separately for each solar hemisphere the radial component of the field was averaged on synoptic maps in the 0°–40° latitude range. It is established that the T R rotation periods of the boundaries between the sectors (areas of longitudes with the same sign of the averaged field) can be shorter than, longer than, and equal to Carrington solar rotation period T CR. It turned out that boundaries with T R < T CR are observed at all heights, while boundaries with T R > T CR are observed at relatively small heights.  相似文献   

We discuss the results of a study of microwave radiation from three flare-active regions??NOAA 10300, 10930, and 11158??with powerful eruptive events (X-class flares and coronal mass ejections) recorded on July 15, 2002; December 13, 2006; and February 15, 2011, when the regions were in the central part of the disk. There exists evidence of a ??-configuration in the structure of the photospheric magnetic field formed one or two days prior to the eruptive process as a result of the emergence of a new magnetic flux and shifting movements of the sunspots and accompanied by changes in the spectral characteristics of the microwave radiation of the active regions (ARs), which suggests the development of a peculiar radio source. The analysis of these regions continues a series of studies of eruptive events carried out at RATAN-600 in the 1980s?C1990s and gives a reason to conclude that early detections of peculiar sources in the microwave radiation of ARs, which are essentially areas of high energy release in the solar atmosphere, can be used as a factor in predicting powerful eruptive (geoeffective) processes on the Sun.  相似文献   

Solar disturbances are observed to have significant effects in near-Earth space. Over the past half-century of observation, a relatively clear picture has developed of how and why the typical solar wind — as well as the most extreme solar events — drive geospace responses. It is clear that magnetospheric substorms, geomagnetic storms (both recurrent and aperiodic events), and even certain atmospheric chemical changes have their origins in the solar–terrestrial coupling arena. High-speed solar wind streams and fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can often have strong interplanetary shock waves and southward magnetic fields which can initiate strong storm responses. We demonstrate in this review that available modern space-observing platforms and ground facilities allow us to trace drivers from the Sun to the Earth's atmosphere. This allows us to assess quantitatively the energy transport that occurs throughout the Sun–Earth system during both typical and extreme conditions. Hence, we are continuously improving our understanding of “space weather” and its effects on human society.  相似文献   

Summary The gravitational potential energy of the Sun and its corresponding internal energy have been estimated on the basis of the standard model of the Sun's internal structure. It is demonstrated that the principal moment of inertia of the Sun, computed from the model, does not fit the hydrostatic equilibrium limit.  相似文献   

The suprathermal particles, electrons and protons, coming from the Sun and precipitating into the high-latitude atmosphere are an energy source for the Earths ionosphere. They interact with the ambient thermal gas through inelastic and elastic collisions. Most of the physical quantities perturbed by the precipitation, such as the electron production rate, may be evaluated by solving the stationary Boltzmann transport equation, which yields the particle fluxes as a function of altitude, energy, and pitch angle. This equation has been solved for the three different suprathermal species (electrons, protons and hydrogen atoms). We first compare the results of our theoretical code to a coordinated DMSP/EISCAT experiment, and to another approach. Then, we show the effects that pure proton precipitation may have on the ionosphere, through primary and secondary ionization. Finally, we compare the effects of proton precipitation and electron precipitation in some selected cases above EISCAT (Tromsó) and ESR.  相似文献   

Propagation of shock related Moreton and EUV waves in the solar atmosphere is simulated by the nonlinear geometrical acoustics method. This method is based on the ray approximation and takes account of nonlinear wave features: dependence of the wave velocity on its amplitude, nonlinear dissipation of wave energy in the shock front, and the increase in its duration with time. The paper describes ways of applying this method to solve the propagation problem of a blast magnetohydrodynamic shock wave. Results of analytical modeling of EUV and Moreton waves in the spherically symmetric and isothermal solar corona are also presented. The calculations demonstrate deceleration of these waves and an increase in their duration. The calculation results of the kinematics of the EUV wave observed on the Sun on January 17, 2010 are presented as an example.  相似文献   

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