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初步调查了广州海珠区污水排放区污水中微藻的组成,表明该区微藻以蓝藻门颤藻科Oscillatoriaceae为主,以小颤藻Oscillatoriatenuis、两栖颤藻O.amphilia为优势种;测定了其在污水中的除磷脱氮能力,结果表明,两优势种处理污水氮、磷的能力随微藻的生长期和污水中氮、磷浓度的不同而有较大的变化。  相似文献   

本研究目的是检验市政污水厂尾水排放对海洋双壳类动物文蛤的内分泌干扰效应,判断其血浆中卵黄蛋白原(Vtg)水平作为尾水受纳海域雌激素效应生物标志物可行性。将文蛤在不同浓度的尾水-海水混合液(0%、1%、5%、10%、20%、40%)中持续暴露培养20d,定期测定雄性文蛤血浆中Vtg含量,分析暴露期间Vtg水平随尾水体积比(EVR)和培养时间的变化趋势。结果表明,暴露培养10d后,尾水体积比40%的处理组中雄性文蛤的血浆Vtg含量明显上升(P0.05),随着培养时间延长到15和20d,在较低的EVR(10%、20%)下也能监测到尾水对文蛤Vtg的明显诱导,表明污水处理厂尾水中存在一定数量的内分泌活性物质,对雄性文蛤具有显著类雌激素效应;Vtg最大值出现在EVR20%的尾水暴露15d以及EVR40%的尾水暴露20d,分别比对照组增加45.86%和47.40%。如果采用笼养文蛤监测尾水受纳海域的类雌激素效应,适宜的暴露时间为20d,此时采集的雄性文蛤Vtg可指示较大范围尾水的影响。  相似文献   

Fisheries management around the world has experimented with regulations to promote privatization, in order to reach such multifaceted goals as ending overfishing and reducing economic inefficiencies. This review surveys a wide range of empirical experiences in different contexts around the world to help provide a fuller picture of potential and sometimes disparate consequences from privatization in general and new ways of organizing around fishing that can follow in the wake of such measures. Looking at the many different participants in the fishing industry—from crew, small-boat owners, to households and communities—as well as the diverse sociocultural contexts in which fishing takes place, enables a better understanding of who and what is impacted, how they are impacted, why and with what further consequences, such that communities come to be seen less oppositional to economy, but rather constituted by multiple scalar processes and by economic relations comprising different motivations and behaviors.  相似文献   

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