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H. M. BLIJENBERG P. J. DE GRAAF M. R. HENDRIKS J. F. DE RUITER A. A. A. VAN TETERING 《水文研究》1996,10(11):1527-1543
Rainfall was simulated on unconfined plots on regolith in debris flow source areas using a portable simulator. In total, 351 simulations were carried out on steep slopes (27–54°) with rainfall intensities of 28–291 mm/h. From these rainfall simulations the infiltration parameters sorptivity (S) and steady-state infiltration capacity (K) of the regolith, and a threshold for the occurrence of micro-scale mass movements, were obtained. Two evaluation methods were used to obtain the infiltration parameters K and S. The ‘infiltration envelope’ method uses rainfall intensity and time to ponding from multiple tests and fits an infiltration envelope through the data from which K and S can be obtained. The ‘constant runoff’ method uses rainfall intensity and overland flow intensity to calculate K, after which S can be calculated in several ways by using time to ponding. The constant runoff method produced K values of 16.6–128 mm/h, which usually show a log-normal distribution. K values depend on the regolith parent material and rainfall intensity. Using this method, S values are 0.088–0.381 cm/min1/2. The infiltration envelope method produced K values of 9.8–131 mm/h and S values of 0.14–0.32 cm/min1/2. It can be argued that both methods overestimate K as well as S, but quantitative relations between measured/calculated and actual values of K and S have not yet been obtained. At high rainfall intensities, typically 100 mm/h or more, micro-scale mass movements sometimes occur. A lower threshold curve for the occurrence of these micro-scale mass movements has been constructed. It is a function of both slope angle and rainfall intensity. The micro-scale mass movements could play an important part in the initiation of debris flows in the study area, possibly by delivering sediment to overland flow. On the very steep slopes, the sediment-rich overland flow can easily mobilize coarse material. 相似文献
基于ArcGIS和3DS Max的砖平房震害三维可视化方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
震害预测系统可为防震减灾提供良好的技术支持,并随着GIS技术和震害预测理论的不断完善日趋成熟。但传统的震害预测软件的结果大都以表格、曲线、直方图等二维形式进行显示,很难直观地反映建筑物震害的实体特征。因此,文中针对如何使用主流的3D建模软件建立房屋震害模型进行了研究,有效地将房屋纹理与震害信息进行合成,并结合主流的GIS软件——ArcGIS9.0,以砖平房震害为例实现了房屋震害的三维可视化,进一步促进了三维可视化技术在防震减灾方面的应用,为房屋震害可视化提供了一条新的思路,也为基于GIS的3D震害预测软件的建立提供了一条新的思路,具有一定的现实意义 相似文献
本文根据青藏高原东北部震源深度、震源机制及其周边断裂晚更新世晚期以来的运动特征等大量资料分析,讨论了本区地壳浅部块体物质运动的基本特征、西秦岭北缘断裂带构造地貌滞后效应现象及其原因,同时探讨了大闸口内强震成因,成带等问题。 相似文献
YUN Long ZHANG Jin WANG Ju LING Hui ZHANG Jing-jia ZHANG Bei-hang ZHAO Heng 《地震地质》2019,41(6):1333-1349
The northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is currently the leading edge of uplift and expansion of the plateau. Over the years, a lot of research has been carried out on the deformation and evolution of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and many ideas have been put forward, but there are also many disputes. The Altyn Tagh Fault constitutes the northern boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and there are two active faults on the north side of the Altyn Tagh Fault, named Sanweishan Fault with NEE strike and Nanjieshan Fault with EW strike. Especially, studies on the geometric and kinematic parameters of Sanweishan Fault since the Late Quaternary, which is nearly parallel with the Altyn Tagn Fault, are of great significance for understanding the deformation transfer and distribution in the northwestward extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Therefore, interpretation of the fault landforms and statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement on the Sanweishan Fault and its newly discovered western extension are carried out in this paper. We believe that the Sanweishan Fault is an important branch of the eastern section of the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is located at the front edge of the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is a left-lateral strike-slip and thrust active fault. Based on the interpretation of satellite imagery and microgeomorphology field investigation of Sanweishan main fault and its western segments, it's been found that the Sanweishan main fault constitutes the contact boundary between the Sanweishan Mountain and the alluvial fans. In the bedrock interior and on the north side of the Mogao Grottoes, there are also some branch faults distributed nearly parallel to the main fault. The main fault is about 150km long, striking 65°, mainly dipping SE with dip angles from 50° to 70°. The main fault can be divided into three segments in the spatial geometric distribution:the western segment(Xizhuigou-Dongshuigou, I), which is about 35km long, the middle segment(Dongshuigou-Shigongkouzi, Ⅱ), about 65km long, and the east segment(Shigongkouzi-Shuangta, Ⅲ), about 50km long. The above three segments are arranged in the left or right stepovers.
In the west of Mingshashan, it's been found that the fault scarps are distributed near Danghe Reservoir and Yangguan Town in the west of Minshashan Mountain, and we thought those scarps are the westward extension of the main Sanweishan Fault. Along the main fault and its western extension, the different levels of water system(including gullies and rills)and ridges have been offset synchronously, forming a series of fault micro-geomorphology. The scale of the offset water system is proportional to the horizontal displacement. The frequency statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement shows that the displacement has obvious grouping characteristics, which are divided into 6 groups, and the corresponding peaks are 3.4m, 6.7m, 11.4m, 15m, 22m and 26m, respectively. Among them, 3.4m represents the coseismic displacement of the latest ancient earthquake event, and the larger displacement peak represents the accumulation of coseismic displacements of multi-paleoearthquake events. This kind of displacement characterized by approximately equal interval increase indicates that the Sanweishan Fault has experienced multiple characteristic earthquakes since the Late Quaternary and has the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes greater than magnitude 7. The distribution of displacement and structural transformation of the end of the fault indicate that Sanweishan Fault is an "Altyn Tagh Fault"in its infancy. The activities of Sanweishan Fault and its accompanying mountain uplift are the result of the transpression of the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, representing one of the growth patterns of the northern margin of the plateau. 相似文献
为了解决应力和应变三维模拟问题,研讨了建立里海沿岸地壳和上地幔弹性参数信息数据库的结果及里海沿岸盆地的地球动力学模型。创建了研究区资料信息数据库,得到了研制地壳应力应变状态的计算法。 相似文献
本文介绍了自行开发的解决Diseetor应用问题的计算机图像处理软件系统及关键技术、算法。本系统能依照Disector原理对多层组织细胞的电镜及光镜图像中的目标进行正确的分割,各层之间图像的人工交互及自动配准。针对每个目标的上下层关系实现目标的Disector自动计数及参数计算,并对每个目标进行体数据的提取和三维重建显示,通过切片级表面重建出曲面表面,再借助OpenGL的显示功能把曲面显示出来。使用Disector分析系统对多种粒子(细胞等)进行三维分析,可以简化寻找新出现粒子的过程,克服切片采集过程中的形变,在统计分析之后,立体地观察粒子结构,能够使操作者从繁琐的手工操作中解脱出来。自动统计新出现的粒子。文中同时还给出了用该系统对小白鼠神经细胞个数的Disector分析,肾小球个数统计分析和三维重建显示实例。 相似文献
城市地震活断层的探测应用了多个学科(地球物理学、地球化学、地质学、地震学、大地测量学、遥感等)中的多种不同方法,形成了类型、格式各异的三维地质空间的探测成果数据。文中以乌鲁木齐目标区为研究实例,提出了一套活断层探测成果的三维可视化方法,并综合显示在ArcGIS扩展模块3DAnalyst提供的三维空间交互环境中,为活断层探测成果的三维综合分析奠定了基础 相似文献
介绍了利用ArcGIS系统的三维分析模块实现山区水库项目选址的三维可视化。基于GIS、航测、水工设计等基础资料,通过多个软件工具处理数据,在ArcGIS系统下整合与分析。最终实现了库区的三维地形漫游、水库蓄水、淹没等三维动态过程,为论证工程规模与工程选址提供决策依据。 相似文献
本文在矿井直流电法理论基础上,推导环工作面三维直流电法测量深度公式,得到环工作面三维直流电法记录点坐标位置.基于以上理论,建立了环工作面三维直流电法异常体模型,分析了环工作面三维直流电法二极装置、三极装置、四极装置异常体响应特征,得出环工作面三维直流电法各装置敏感度低的主要原因是缺少必要的数据采集点.为了提高环工作面三维直流电法分辨率,最大限度增加工作面内侧的采集数据点.基于以上原因本文提出了对角偶极装置采集模式及多装置的数据叠加反演处理方法,以增加工作面内采集数据点,提高三维勘探的精度.本文通过某矿8802工作面底板富水性探查实例,说明该方法的有效性. 相似文献
In this paper,an inversion has been made of 3D S-wave velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in the northern China and its adjacent areas from long and middle period Rapleigh wave data respectively.The results show that the lateral inhomogeneity is very evident in crust,the characteristics of the active tectonics areshown in many district,but the leteral change of uppe mantle velocity structure has been lessened relatively.The crustal thickness In the studied region increases gradually from eastto west.The crustal average veloclty distribution framework corresponds with the distribution of the crustal thickness.The abrupt variation belt of crustal thickness and average velocity are basically identical with the distribution tendency of gradient belts of Bouguergr avity anomaly.From the value variation,the identity of Bouguer gravity anomaly and crustal thickness distribution is much higher than that of gravity anomaly and average velocity.Therefore,we candetermine that the fluctuation of Moho discontinuity is the main factor controlling Bouguer gravity anomaly. 相似文献
本文用覆盖中国的358条勒夫面波路径资料,研究了10.45—113.80s范围内中国西部的三维SH波速度结构.结果表明,各构造单元的SH波速度结构均有明显的差别.作为稳定块体的塔里木盆地,壳内重力分异程度较高,上、中、下地壳厚度差别小,壳内无明显的低速层,地壳平均速度比较小;上地幔低速层埋深大且层中速度大;区内横向变化小.构造活动区如天山、青藏高原,其突出的特征是下地壳厚度大且速度大,上地幔盖层速度值相当高.这与西伯利亚、印支板块的挤压有密切的关系.青藏高原东部及其北、东边缘地区壳内存在低速层,上地幔低速层埋深浅,一些地区存在壳幔过渡层.面波各向异性研究表明,青藏高原、天山及印支板块北缘下存在明显的各向异性,以构造边缘地区及上地幔低速层附近最为突出.印度板块、西伯利亚板块与中国大陆间的碰撞引起强大的水平压力和一定的下插作用,是造成青藏高原隆起、地壳增厚、天山隆起的最根本的因素,同时也促成壳幔中辉石、橄榄石的定向排列和物质运移,因而出现明显的各向异性现象. 相似文献
利用国家重大科学工程"中国地壳运动观测网络"、"中国构造环境观测网络"和相关项目1999—2011年GPS区域站观测资料,获得了青藏高原东缘地区现今地壳水平运动速度场图像;结合地质构造动力环境和区内发生的特大地震事件,初步分析了GPS观测反映的水平运动空间分布的分区差异性和时间变化的阶段性;进而与本研究区1970s—2011年水准测量获得的垂直运动背景场进行综合对比,进一步研究和探讨了区域现今三维地壳运动的时空分布特征及其机理.结果认为:①青藏高原东缘不同构造地带水平运动强度和方式的差异,受控于青藏高原向北挤压、向东挤出和绕东构造结旋转作用;而运动状态随时间变化的阶段性(尤其是汶川地震发震断裂及其相关构造地带)与特大地震的孕育、发生有关.②现今三维地壳运动呈现的高原山地挤压缩短隆升、盆地伸展下沉的山、盆构造活动分异与构造动力环境和深部物质活动有关,反映了新构造活动的继承性.③龙门山汶川发震地段长期受压、闭锁积累的应变能经Ms8.0特大地震集中释放之后处于松弛调整运动状态,但与之相关联的构造部位以及外围的西秦岭、川滇菱形块体东边界等构造地带应变积累仍在持续. 相似文献