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Overlap of Karoo and Ferrar Magma Types in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A suite of mafic dykes from the Underberg region of southernKwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) were intruded at 178 Ma, coincidentin age with the major Okavango Dyke Swarm of Botswana, and alsocoincident with minor Karoo-related intrusions of the northernand central Lebombo. The dykes are all low-Ti–Zr tholeiites,they trend NW–SE and are presumed to continue into theKaroo central area of the Lesotho Highlands. In many respects,the Underberg dykes are similar to the majority of the low-Ti–Zrvolcanic and subvolcanic intrusions of the Karoo; however, their87Sr/86Sr and Nd isotope ratios are either ‘Ferrar-like’(87Sr/86Sr 0·710; Nd < –3) or transitional betweenKaroo low-Ti–Zr and Ferrar low-Ti magmas. A potentialFerrar source for at least some of the Underberg dykes is supportedby anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses of the dykesuite, which demonstrate absolute flow direction from the SEto the NW, consistent with Gondwana reconstructions. The roleof crustal contamination and combined fractional crystallizationis also demonstrated to have played a key role in the petrogenesisof the Underberg dykes, involving a local upper crust contaminant.However, the composition of the ‘Ferrar-like’ dykescannot be easily explained by AFC processes, but they do demonstratethat melting of a lithospheric mantle source enriched to a smalldegree by subduction-derived fluid was also important. KEY WORDS: dyke; basalt; crustal contamination; large igneous province  相似文献   

Xenoliths record two distinct events in the mantle below theQuarternary West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany. The first, duringthe Hercynian Orogeny, led to widespread formation of secondary,Ti-poor amphibole, clinopyroxene and phlogopite. The signatureof the second event, related to Quaternary volcanism, variesacross the field. At Dreiser Weiher and Meerfelder Maar, thisevent is characterized by amphibole–phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, hosted in lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths broughtto the surface by sodic olivine nephelinite–basanite suitelavas. These veins formed from crystallization of sodic magmathat flowed along fractures in the mantle. At Rockeskyller Kopf,Gees and Baarley, the Quaternary event is characterized by wehrlitexenoliths, many of which have phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, that were transported by potassic foid suite lavas. Wehrliteformed by reaction of lherzolite–harzburgite, with a largevolume of potassic magma that flowed along grain boundariesrather than in fractures. During reaction, orthopyroxene wasconsumed and secondary clinopyroxene, olivine and phlogopiteprecipitated. Veins formed in wehrlites only during periodicover-pressure events. The composition of the magmas parentalto the veins is similar to the lavas that carried the xenolithsto surface, indicating that the source of foid and olivine nephelinite–basanitesuite magma is domainal, as was the flow regime and magma flux. KEY WORDS: Eifel; mantle xenoliths; metasomatism; trace elements  相似文献   

Flood and Shield Basalts from Ethiopia: Magmas from the African Superswell   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
The Ethiopian plateau is made up of several distinct volcaniccentres of different ages and magmatic affinities. In the NE,a thick sequence of 30 Ma flood basalts is overlain by the 30Ma Simien shield volcano. The flood basalts and most of thisshield volcano, except for a thin veneer of alkali basalt, aretholeiitic. In the centre of the province, a far thinner sequenceof flood basalt is overlain by the 22 Ma Choke and Guguftu shieldvolcanoes. Like the underlying flood basalts, these shieldsare composed of alkaline lavas. A third type of magma, whichalso erupted at 30 Ma, is more magnesian, alkaline and stronglyenriched in incompatible trace elements. Eruption of this magmawas confined to the NE of the province, a region where the lavaflows are steeply tilted as a result of deformation contemporaneouswith their emplacement. Younger shields (e.g. Mt Guna, 10·7Ma) are composed of Si-undersaturated lavas. The three maintypes of magma have very different major and trace element characteristicsranging from compositions low in incompatible elements in thetholeiites [e.g. 10 ppm La at 7 wt % MgO (=La7), La/Yb = 4·2],moderate in the alkali basalts (La7 = 24, La/Yb = 9·2),and very high in the magnesian alkaline magmas (La7 = 43, La/Yb= 17). Although their Nd and Sr isotope compositions are similar,Pb isotopic compositions vary considerably; 206Pb/204Pb variesin the range of  相似文献   

We report major and trace element abundances for 147 samplesand Sr, Nd, Hf, and Pb isotope compositions for a 36 samplesubset of basaltic lava flows, sills, and dykes from the Karoocontinental flood basalt (CFB) province in Botswana, Zimbabwe,and northern South Africa. Both low- and high-Ti (TiO2 <2 wt % and > 2 wt %) rocks are included. MELTS modeling showsthat these magmas evolved at low pressure (1 kbar) through fractionalcrystallization of gabbroic assemblages. Whereas both groupsdisplay enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) relativeto heavy REE (HREE) and high field strength elements, and systematicnegative Nb anomalies, they differ in terms of contrasting middleREE (MREE) to HREE fractionation, which is greater for the high-Tibasalts. This reflects different depths of melting of slightlyenriched mantle sources: calculations suggest that the low-Tibasalts were generated by melting of a shallow spinel-bearing(2 % spinel) lherzolite, whereas the high-Ti magmas originatedfrom a deeper-seated garnet-bearing (2–7% garnet) lherzolite.In most isotope plots, the high-Ti lavas together with the picritesdefine a common trend from Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) to compositionswith strongly negative Ndi and Hfi akin to those of some nephelinitesand lamproites. The low-Ti rocks are shifted from BSE-like tomore radiogenic Sr isotope ratios, indicative of upper crustalcontamination. Trace element and isotope characteristics ofthe Karoo magmas require a combination of enrichment processes(subduction induced?) and long-term isolation of the mantlesources. We propose two distinct scenarios to explain the originof the Karoo province. The first calls for polybaric meltingof spatially heterogeneous, partially veined, sub-continentallithospheric mantle (SCLM). Calculations show that mixing betweenSCLM (BSE) and a strongly Nd–Hf unradiogenic nephelinite-likecomponent (sediment input?) could account for the compositionalvariations of most of the high-Ti group lavas, whereas the mantlecomposition responsible for the low-Ti magmas is more likelyto be similar to a vein-free, metasomatically enriched SCLMcomponent. The second scenario involves mixing between two end-membersrepresented by the SCLM and its deep-seated alkalic veins anda sub-lithospheric (asthenospheric- or ocean island basalt-like?)mantle plume. In this case, the data are compatible with anincreasing mantle plume contribution as the plume rises andexpands through the lithosphere. Regardless of which of thetwo scenarios is invoked, the spatial distribution of the low-and high-Ti magmas matches the relative positioning of the cratonsand the Limpopo belt in such a way that strong control of thelithosphere on magma composition and distribution is a mandatoryrequirement of any petrogenetic model applied to the Karoo CFB. KEY WORDS: Karoo; large igneous province; flood basalts; dyke swarms; major and trace elements; Sr; Nd; Hf; and Pb isotopes  相似文献   

Laser ablation microprobe data are presented for olivine, orthopyroxeneand clinopyroxene in spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenolithsfrom La Palma, Hierro, and Lanzarote, and new whole-rock trace-elementdata for xenoliths from Hierro and Lanzarote. The xenolithsshow evidence of strong major, trace element and Sr isotopedepletion (87Sr/86Sr 0·7027 in clinopyroxene in themost refractory harzburgites) overprinted by metasomatism. Thelow Sr isotope ratios are not compatible with the former suggestionof a mantle plume in the area during opening of the AtlanticOcean. Estimates suggest that the composition of the originaloceanic lithospheric mantle beneath the Canary Islands correspondsto the residues after 25–30% fractional melting of primordialmantle material; it is thus significantly more refractory than‘normal’ mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle. Thetrace element compositions and Sr isotopic ratios of the mineralsleast affected by metasomatization indicate that the upper mantlebeneath the Canary Islands originally formed as highly refractoryoceanic lithosphere during the opening of the Atlantic Oceanin the area. During the Canarian intraplate event the uppermantle was metasomatized; the metasomatic processes includecryptic metasomatism, resetting of the Sr–Nd isotopicratios to values within the range of Canary Islands basalts,formation of minor amounts of phlogopite, and melt–wall-rockreactions. The upper mantle beneath Tenerife and La Palma isstrongly metasomatized by carbonatitic or carbonaceous meltshighly enriched in light rare earth elements (REE) relativeto heavy REE, and depleted in Zr–Hf and Ti relative toREE. In the lithospheric mantle beneath Hierro and Lanzarote,metasomatism has been relatively weak, and appears to be causedby high-Si melts producing concave-upwards trace element patternsin clinopyroxene with weak negative Zr and Ti anomalies. Ti–Al–Fe-richharzburgites/lherzolites, dunites, wehrlites and clinopyroxenitesformed from mildly alkaline basaltic melts (similar to thosethat dominate the exposed parts of the islands), and appearto be mainly restricted to magma conduits; the alkali basaltmelts have caused only local metasomatism in the mantle wall-rocksof such conduits. The various metasomatic fluids formed as theresults of immiscible separations, melt–wall-rock reactionsand chromatographic fractionation either from a CO2-rich basalticprimary melt, or, alternatively, from a basaltic and a siliceouscarbonatite or carbonaceous silicate melt. KEY WORDS: mantle xenoliths; mantle minerals; trace elements; depletion; carbonatite metasomatism  相似文献   

IONOV  DMITRI 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(2):343-367
Peridotite xenoliths in a Miocene picrite tuff from the Vitimvolcanic province east of Lake Baikal, Siberia, are samplesof the off-craton lithospheric mantle that span a depth rangefrom the spinel to garnet facies in a mainly fertile domain.Their major and trace element compositions show some scatter(unrelated to sampling or analytical problems), which is notconsistent with different degrees of partial melting or metasomatism.Some spinel peridotites and, to a lesser degree, garnet-bearingperidotites are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREE)relative to middle REE (MREE), whereas some garnet peridotitesare enriched in HREE relative to MREE, with Lu abundances muchhigher than in primitive mantle estimates. Clinopyroxenes fromseveral spinel peridotites have HREE-depleted patterns, whichare normally seen only in clinopyroxenes coexisting with garnet.Garnets in peridotites with similar modal and major elementcompositions have a broad range of Lu and Yb abundances. Overall,HREE are decoupled from MREE and Hf and are poorly correlatedwith partial melting indices. It appears that elements withhigh affinity to garnet were partially redistributed in theVitim peridotite series following partial melting, with feweffects for other elements. The Lu–Hf decoupling may disturbHf-isotope depletion ages and their correlations with meltingindices. KEY WORDS: garnet peridotite; lithospheric mantle; Lu–Hf isotope system; Siberia; trace elements  相似文献   

In the Speik Complex (Eastern Alps, Austria), highly melt-depleted,metamorphosed harzburgites with abundant pods and layers ofchromitite are interlayered with a suite of metamorphosed orthopyroxenites,clinopyroxenites and gabbros. Coarse-grained orthopyroxenitesoccur as centimetre- to metre-wide veinlets and pods, but alsoas intrusive plugs several tens of metres wide. Intimately associatedmetaclinopyroxenite and metagabbro are present as bodies upto several metres thick at a distinct stratigraphic level withinthe complex. In the ultramafic rocks, relict magmatic olivine,orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel have been overprintedby a metamorphic assemblage of forsterite, diopside, tremolite,anthophyllite, chlorite, serpentine, talc and Cr–Fe-richspinel. Hornblende, epidote, zoisite and chlorite dominate themetamorphic paragenesis in metagabbros, in addition to rarerelicts of clinopyroxene and two phases of Ca-rich garnet. Thepolymetamorphic evolution of the Speik Complex includes rarelypreserved pre-Variscan (400 Ma) eclogite-facies conditions,Variscan (330 Ma) amphibolite-facies conditions (600–700°C,>5 kbar) and Eoalpine (100 Ma) greenschist- to amphibolite-faciesconditions reaching 550°C and 7–10 kbar. Orthopyroxenitesare characterized by high concentrations of SiO2, MgO and Cr,and by U-shaped chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE)patterns similar to those of their harzburgite hosts. The REEpatterns of the clinopyroxenites are flat to slightly enrichedin light REE. Metagabbro compositions are variable, but generallycharacterized by low SiO2 and high mg-numbers (61–78).Their REE patterns all have GdN/YbN > 1; some samples havelarge positive Eu anomalies implying the original presence ofcumulus plagioclase. In the orthopyroxenites, clinopyroxenitesand some peridotites, Pt, Pd and Re are distinctly enrichedcompared with Os, Ir and Ru, whereas most harzburgites haveunfractionated to slightly fractionated platinum-group element(PGE) patterns with respect to average upper mantle. The Re–Osisotope compositions of the pyroxenites define an errorchronat 550 ± 17 Ma and a supra-chondritic 187Os/188Os of0·179 ± 0·003. An isochron age of 554 ±37 Ma with Nd(i) +0·7 is indicated by the Sm–Ndisotope compositions of whole-rock pyroxenite and gabbro samples,whereas the harzburgites plot on an errorchron of 745 ±45 Ma and Nd(i) +6. The pyroxenites and gabbros probably representa cogenetic suite of magmatic dykes intruded into uppermost,highly depleted, suboceanic mantle below the crust–mantletransition zone in an oceanic basin close to the northwesternmargin of Gondwana. KEY WORDS: pyroxenite; metagabbro; geochemistry; Re–Os isotopes; Sm–Nd isotopes  相似文献   

Kimberlites from Southern Africa, along with their low-Cr megacrysts,have unusual Hf–Nd isotopic characteristics. Group I andTransitional kimberlites define arrays trending oblique to,and well below, the Nd–Hf isotope ‘mantle array’,defined by oceanic basalts, i.e. they have negative  相似文献   

The Origin and Evolution of the Kaapvaal Cratonic Lithospheric Mantle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A detailed petrological and geochemical study of low-temperatureperidotite xenoliths from Kimberley and northern Lesotho ispresented to constrain the processes that led to the magmaphileelement depletion of the Kaapvaal cratonic lithospheric mantleand its subsequent re-enrichment in Si and incompatible traceelements. Whole-rocks and minerals have been characterized forRe–Os isotope compositions, and major and trace elementconcentrations, and garnet and clinopyroxene for Lu–Hfand Sm–Nd isotope compositions. Most samples are characterizedby Archaean Os model ages, low Al, Fe and Ca contents, highMg/Fe, low Re/Os, very low (< 0·1 x chondrite) heavyrare earth element (HREE) concentrations and a decoupling betweenNd and Hf isotope ratios. These features are most consistentwith initial melting at 3·2 Ga followed by metasomatismby hydrous fluids, which may have also caused additional meltingto produce a harzburgitic residue. The low HREE abundances ofthe peridotites require that extensive melting occurred in thespinel stability field, possibly preceded by some melting inthe presence of garnet. Fractional melting models suggest that30% melting in the spinel field or 20% melting in the garnetfield followed by 20% spinel-facies melting are required toexplain the most melt-depleted samples. Garnet Nd–Hf isotopecharacteristics indicate metasomatic trace element enrichmentduring the Archaean. We therefore suggest a model includingshallow ridge melting, followed by metasomatism of the Kaapvaalupper mantle in subduction zones surrounding cratonic nuclei,probably during amalgamation of smaller pre-existing terranesin the Late Archaean (2·9 Ga). The fluid-metasomatizedresidua have subsequently undergone localized silicate meltinfiltration that led to clinopyroxene ± garnet enrichment.Calculated equilibrium liquids for clinopyroxene and their Hf–Ndisotope compositions suggest that most diopside in the xenolithscrystallized from an infiltrating kimberlite-like melt, eitherduring Group II kimberlite magmatism at 200–110 Ma (Kimberley),or shortly prior to eruption of the host kimberlite around 90Ma (northern Lesotho). KEY WORDS: Kaapvaal craton; lithospheric mantle; metasomatism; Nd–Hf isotopes; Re–Os isotopes  相似文献   

Alaskan-type platinum-bearing plutons and potassium-enrichedmafic to ultramafic volcanic rocks are temporally and spatiallyassociated within the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene Achaivayam–Valaginskiiintra-oceanic palaeo-arc system, allochthonously present inthe Koryak Highland and Kamchatka Peninsula (Far East Russia).The compositions of the parental magmas to the Alaskan-typecomplexes are estimated using the Galmoenan plutonic complexas an example. This complex, composed of dunites, pyroxenitesand minor gabbros, is the largest (20 km3) in the system andthe best studied owing to associated platinum placer deposits.The compositions of the principal mineral phases in the Galmoenanintrusive rocks [olivine (Fo79–92), clinopyroxene (1–3·5wt % Al2O3, 0·1–0·5 wt % TiO2), and Cr-spinel(5–15 wt % Al2O3 and 0·3–0·7 wt %TiO2)] are typical of liquidus assemblages in primitive island-arcmagmas in intra-oceanic settings, and closely resemble the mineralcompositions in the Achaivayam–Valaginskii ultramaficvolcanic rocks. The temporal and spatial association of intrusiveand extrusive units, and the similarity of their mineral compositions,suggest that both suites were formed from similar parental magmas.The composition of the parental magma for the Galmoenan plutonicrocks is estimated using previously reported data for the Achaivayam–Valaginskiiultramafic volcanic rocks and phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions.Quantitative simulation of crystallization of the parental magmain the Galmoenan magma chamber shows that the compositions ofthe cumulate units are best modelled by fractional crystallizationwith periodic magma replenishment. The model calculations reproducewell the observed mineral assemblages and the trace elementabundances in clinopyroxene. Based upon the estimated compositionof the parental magmas and their mantle source, we considerthat fluxing of a highly refractory mantle wedge (similar tothe source of boninites) by chlorine-rich aqueous fluids isprimarily responsible for both high degrees of partial meltingand the geochemical characteristics of the magmas, includingtheir enrichment in platinum-group elements. KEY WORDS: subduction; platinum-group elements; clinopyroxene; trace elements; fractional crystallization; Alaskan-type plutons  相似文献   

Distinct equilibration temperatures, deformation and trace elementcharacteristics are observed in amphibole-bearing and amphibole-freeperidotite xenoliths from Nushan, Sino-Korean Craton, easternChina. Amphibole-free peridotites are predominantly deformed,fine-grained (  相似文献   

Layers of Ca-rich garnet–clinopyroxene rocks enclosedin a serpentinite body at Hujialin, in the Su–Lu terraneof eastern China, preserve igneous textures, relict spinel ingarnet, and exsolution lamellae of Ca-rich garnet, ilmenite/magnetite,Fe-rich spinel, and also amphibole in clinopyroxene. In termsof their major and trace element compositions, the studied samplesform a trend from arc cumulates towards Fe–Ti gabbros.Reconstructed augite compositions plot on the trend for clinopyroxenein arc cumulates. These data suggest that the rocks crystallizedfrom mantle-derived magmas differentiated to various extentsbeneath an arc. The Ca-rich garnet + diopside assemblage isinferred to have formed by compressing Ca-rich augite, whereasthe relatively Mg-rich cores of garnet porphyroblasts may haveformed at the expense of spinel. The protolith cumulates weresubducted from near the crust–mantle boundary (c. 1 GPa)deep into the upper mantle (4·8 ± 0·6 GPaand 750 ± 50°C). Negatively sloped P–T pathsfor the garnet–clinopyroxene rocks and the corollary ofcorner flow induced subduction of mantle wedge peridotite arenot supported by the available data. Cooling with, or without,decompression of the cumulates after the igneous stage probablyoccurred prior to deep subduction. KEY WORDS: arc cumulates; Ca-rich garnet; garnet–clinopyroxene rocks; Su–Lu terrane; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   

Bulk-rock geochemical compositions of hypabyssal kimberlites,emplaced through the Archaean Kaapvaal craton and ProterozoicNamaqua–Natal belt, are used to estimate close-to-primarymagma compositions of Group I kimberlites (Mg-number = 0·82–0·87;22–28 wt % MgO; 21–30 wt % SiO2; 10–17 wt% CaO; 0·2–1·7 wt % K2O) and Group II kimberlites(Mg-number = 0·86–0·89; 23–29 wt %MgO; 28–36 wt % SiO2; 8–13 wt % CaO; 1·6–4·6wt % K2O). Group I kimberlites are distinguished from GroupII by their lower Ba/Nb (<12), Th/Nb (<1·1) andLa/Nb (<1·1) but higher Ce/Pb (>22) ratios. Thedistinct rare earth element patterns of the two types of kimberlitesindicate a more highly metasomatized source for Group II kimberlites,with more residual clinopyroxene and less residual garnet. Thesimilarity of Sr and Nd isotope ratios and diagnostic traceelement ratios (Ce/Pb, Nb/U, La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Th/Nb) of Group Ikimberlites to ocean island basalts (OIB), but more refractoryMg-numbers and Ni contents, are consistent with derivation ofGroup I kimberlites from subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) that has been enriched by OIB-like melts or fluids. Sourceenrichment ages and plate reconstructions support a direct associationof these melts or fluids with Mesozoic upwelling beneath southernAfrica of a mantle plume(s), at present located beneath thesouthern South Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the geochemicalcharacteristics of both on- and off-craton Group II kimberlitesshow strong similarity to calc-alkaline magmas, particularlyin their Nb and Ta depletion and Pb enrichment. It is suggestedthat Group II kimberlites are derived from both Archaean andProterozoic lithospheric mantle source regions metasomatizedby melts or fluids associated with ancient subduction events,unrelated to mantle plume upwelling. The upwelling of mantleplumes beneath southern Africa during the Mesozoic, at the timeof Gondwana break-up, may have acted as a heat source for partialmelting of the SCLM and the generation of both Group I and GroupII kimberlite magmas. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; geochemistry; petrogenesis; mantle plumes; South Africa  相似文献   

Neogene basanite lavas of Kozákov volcano, located alongthe Lusatian fault in the northeastern Czech Republic, containabundant anhydrous spinel lherzolite xenoliths that providean exceptionally continuous sampling of the upper two-thirdsof central European lithospheric mantle. The xenoliths yielda range of two-pyroxene equilibration temperatures from 680°Cto 1070°C, and are estimated to originate from depths of32–70 km, based on a tectonothermal model for basalticunderplating associated with Neogene rifting. The sub-Kozákovmantle is layered, consisting of an equigranular upper layer(32–43 km), a protogranular intermediate layer that containsspinel–pyroxene symplectites after garnet (43–67km), and an equigranular lower layer (67–70 km). Negativecorrelations of wt % TiO2, Al2O3, and CaO with MgO and clinopyroxenemode with Cr-number in the lherzolites record the effects ofpartial fusion and melt extraction; Y and Yb contents of clinopyroxeneand the Cr-number in spinel indicate 5 to 15% partial melting.Subsequent metasomatism of a depleted lherzolite protolith,probably by a silicate melt, produced enrichments in the largeion lithophile elements, light rare earth elements and highfield strength elements, and positive anomalies in primitivemantle normalized trace element patterns for P, Zr, and Hf.Although there are slight geochemical discontinuities at theboundaries between the three textural layers of mantle, theretends to be an overall decrease in the degree of depletion withdepth, accompanied by a decrease in the magnitude of metasomatism.Clinopyroxene separates from the intermediate protogranularlayer and the lower equigranular layer yield 143Nd/144Nd valuesof 0·51287–0·51307 (Nd = +4·6 to+8·4) and 87Sr/86Sr values of 0·70328–0·70339.Such values are intermediate with respect to the Nd–Srisotopic array defined by anhydrous spinel peridotite xenolithsfrom central Europe and are similar to those associated withthe present-day low-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle beneathEurope. The geochemical characteristics of the central Europeanlithospheric mantle reflect a complex evolution related to Devonianto Early Carboniferous plate convergence, accretion, and crustalthickening, Late Carboniferous to Permian extension and gravitationalcollapse, and Neogene rifting, lithospheric thinning, and magmatism. KEY WORDS: xenoliths; lithospheric mantle; REE–LILE–HFSE; Sr–Nd isotopes; Bohemian Massif  相似文献   

A suite of dolerite dykes from the Ahlmannryggen region of westernDronning Maud Land (Antarctica) forms part of the much moreextensive Karoo igneous province of southern Africa. The dykecompositions include both low- and high-Ti magma types, includingpicrites and ferropicrites. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinationsfor the Ahlmannryggen intrusions indicate two ages of emplacementat 178 and 190 Ma. Four geochemical groups of dykes have beenidentified in the Ahlmannryggen region based on analyses of60 dykes. The groups are defined on the basis of whole-rockTiO2 and Zr contents, and reinforced by rare earth element (REE),87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope data. Group 1 were intrudedat 190 Ma and have low TiO2 and Zr contents and a significantArchaean crustal component, but also evidence of hydrothermalalteration. Group 2 dykes were intruded at 178 Ma; they havelow to moderate TiO2 and Zr contents and are interpreted tobe the result of mixing of melts derived from an isotopicallydepleted source with small melt fractions of an enriched lithosphericmantle source. Group 3 dyke were intruded at 190 Ma and formthe most distinct magma group; these are largely picritic withsuperficially mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like chemistry (flatREE patterns, 87Sr/86Sri 0·7035, Ndi 9). However, theyhave very high TiO2 (4 wt %) and Zr (500 ppm) contents, whichis not consistent with melting of MORB-source mantle. The Group3 magmas are inferred to be derived by partial melting of astrongly depleted mantle source in the garnet stability field.This group includes several high Mg–Fe dykes (ferropicrites),which are interpreted as high-temperature melts. Some Group3 dykes also show evidence of contamination by continental crust.Group 4 dykes are low-K picrites intruded at 178 Ma; they havevery high TiO2–Zr contents and are the most enriched magmagroup of the Karoo–Antarctic province, with ocean-islandbasalt (OIB)-like chemistry. Dykes of Group 1 and Group 3 aresub-parallel (ENE–WSW) and both groups were emplaced at190 Ma in response to the same regional stress field, whichhad changed by 178 Ma, when Group 2 and Group 4 dykes were intrudedalong a dominantly NNE–SSW strike. KEY WORDS: flood basalt; depleted mantle; enriched mantle; Ahlmannryggen; Karoo dyke  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths in Eocene minettes of the Bearpaw Mountainsvolcanic field (Montana, USA), derived from the lower lithosphereof the Wyoming craton, can be divided based on textural criteriainto tectonite and cumulate groups. The tectonites consist ofstrongly depleted spinel lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites.Although their mineralogical compositions are generally similarto those of spinel peridotites in off-craton settings, somecontain pyroxenes and spinels that have unusually low Al2O3contents more akin to those found in cratonic spinel peridotites.Furthermore, the tectonite peridotites have whole-rock majorelement compositions that tend to be significantly more depletedthan non-cratonic mantle spinel peridotites (high MgO, low CaO,Al2O3 and TiO2) and resemble those of cratonic mantle. Thesecompositions could have been generated by up to 30% partialmelting of an undepleted mantle source. Petrographic evidencesuggests that the mantle beneath the Wyoming craton was re-enrichedin three ways: (1) by silicate melts that formed mica websteriteand clinopyroxenite veins; (2) by growth of phlogopite fromK-rich hydrous fluids; (3) by interaction with aqueous fluidsto form orthopyroxene porphyroblasts and orthopyroxenite veins.In contrast to their depleted major element compositions, thetectonite peridotites are mostly light rare earth element (LREE)-enrichedand show enrichment in fluid-mobile elements such as Cs, Rb,U and Pb on mantle-normalized diagrams. Lack of enrichment inhigh field strength elements (HFSE; e.g. Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf)suggests that the tectonite peridotites have been metasomatizedby a subduction-related fluid. Clinopyroxenes from the tectoniteperidotites have distinct U-shaped REE patterns with strongLREE enrichment. They have 143Nd/144Nd values that range from0·5121 (close to the host minette values) to 0·5107,similar to those of xenoliths from the nearby Highwood Mountains.Foliated mica websterites also have low 143Nd/144Nd values (0·5113)and extremely high 87Sr/86Sr ratios in their constituent phlogopite,indicating an ancient (probably mid-Proterozoic) enrichment.This enriched mantle lithosphere later contributed to the formationof the high-K Eocene host magmas. The cumulate group rangesfrom clinopyroxene-rich mica peridotites (including abundantmica wehrlites) to mica clinopyroxenites. Most contain >30%phlogopite. Their mineral compositions are similar to thoseof phenocrysts in the host minettes. Their whole-rock compositionsare generally poorer in MgO but richer in incompatible traceelements than those of the tectonite peridotites. Whole-rocktrace element patterns are enriched in large ion lithophileelements (LILE; Rb, Cs, U and Pb) and depleted in HFSE (Nb,Ta Zr and Hf) as in the host minettes, and their Sr–Ndisotopic compositions are also identical to those of the minettes.Their clinopyroxenes are LREE-enriched and formed in equilibriumwith a LREE-enriched melt closely resembling the minettes. Thecumulates therefore represent a much younger magmatic event,related to crystallization at mantle depths of minette magmasin Eocene times, that caused further metasomatic enrichmentof the lithosphere. KEY WORDS: ultramafic xenoliths; Montana; Wyoming craton; metasomatism; cumulates; minette  相似文献   

Major- and trace-element and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositionsof garnet and clinopyroxene in kimberlite-borne eclogite andpyroxenite xenoliths were used to establish their origins andevolution in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneaththe central Slave Craton, Canada. The majority of eclogitescan be assigned to three groups (high-Mg, high-Ca or low-Mgeclogites) that have distinct trace-element patterns. Althoughpost-formation metasomatism involving high field strength element(HFSE) and light rare earth element (LREE) addition has partiallyobscured the primary compositional features of the high-Mg andhigh-Ca eclogites, trace-element features, such as unfractionatedmiddle REE (MREE) to heavy REE (HREE) patterns suggestive ofgarnet-free residues and low Zr/Sm consistent with plagioclaseaccumulation, could indicate a subduction origin from a broadlygabbroic protolith. In this scenario, the low REE and smallpositive Eu anomalies of the high-Mg eclogites suggest moreprimitive, plagioclase-rich protoliths, whereas the high-Caeclogites are proposed to have more evolved protoliths withhigher (normative) clinopyroxene/plagioclase ratios plus trappedmelt, consistent with their lower Mg-numbers, higher REE andabsence of Eu anomalies. In contrast, the subchondritic Zr/Hfand positive slope in the HREE of the low-Mg eclogites are similarto Archaean second-stage melts and point to a previously depletedsource for their precursors. Low ratios of fluid-mobile to lessfluid-mobile elements and of LREE to HREE are consistent withdehydration and partial melt loss for some eclogites. The trace-elementcharacteristics of the different eclogite types translate intolower Nd for high-Mg eclogites than for low-Mg eclogites. Withinthe low-Mg group, samples that show evidence for metasomaticenrichment in LREE and HFSE have lower Nd and Hf than a samplethat was apparently not enriched, pointing to long-term evolutionat their respective parent–daughter ratios. Garnet andclinopyroxene in pyroxenites show different major-element relationshipsfrom those in eclogites, such as an opposite CaO–Na2Otrend and the presence of a CaO–Cr2O3 trend, independentof whether or not opx is part of the assemblage. Therefore,these two rock types are probably not related by fractionationprocesses. The presence of opx in about half of the samplesprecludes direct crystallization from eclogite-derived melts.They probably formed from hybridized melts that reacted withthe peridotitic mantle. KEY WORDS: eclogites; pyroxenite xenoliths; mantle xenoliths; eclogite trace elements; eclogite Sr isotopes; eclogite Hf isotopes; eclogite Nd isotopes  相似文献   

The Miocene–Quaternary Jemez Mountains volcanic field(JMVF) is the site of the Valles caldera and associated BandelierTuff. Caldera formation was preceded by > 10 Myr of volcanismdominated by intermediate composition rocks (57–70% SiO2)that contain components derived from the lithospheric mantleand Precambrian crust. Simple mixing between crust-dominatedsilicic melts and mantle-dominated mafic magmas, fractionalcrystallization, and assimilation accompanied by fractionalcrystallization are the principal mechanisms involved in theproduction of these intermediate lavas. A variety of isotopicallydistinct crustal sources were involved in magmatism between13 and 6 Ma, but only one type (or two very similar types) ofcrust between 6 and 2 Ma. This long history constitutes a recordof accommodation of mantle-derived magma in the crust by meltingof country rock. The post-2 Ma Bandelier Tuff and associatedrhyolites were, in contrast, generated by melting of hybridizedcrust in the form of buried, warm intrusive rocks associatedwith pre-6 Ma activity. Major shifts in the location, styleand geochemical character of magmatism in the JMVF occur withina few million years after volcanic maxima and may correspondto pooling of magma at a new location in the crust followingsolidification of earlier magma chambers that acted as trapsfor basaltic replenishment. KEY WORDS: crustal anatexis; fractional crystallization; Jemez Mountain Volcanic Field; Valles Caldera; radiogenic isotopes; trace elements  相似文献   

Site 1201D of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 recovered basalticand volcaniclastic units from the West Philippine Basin thatdocument the earliest history of the Izu–Bonin–Marianaconvergent margin. The stratigraphic section recovered at Site1201D includes 90 m of pillow basalts, representing the WestPhilippine Basin basement, overlain by 459 m of volcaniclasticturbidites that formed from detritus shed from the Eocene–Oligoceneproto-Izu–Bonin–Mariana island arc. Basement basaltsare normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB), based on their abundancesof immobile trace elements, although fluid-mobile elements areenriched, similar to back-arc basin basalts (BABB). Sr, Nd,Pb and Hf isotopic compositions of the basement basalts aresimilar to those of basalts from other West Philippine Basinlocations, and show an overall Indian Ocean MORB signature,marked by high 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb and high176Hf/177Hf for a given 143Nd/144Nd. Trace element and isotopicdifferences between the basement and overlying arc-derived volcaniclasticsare best explained by the addition of subducted sediment orsediment melt, together with hydrous fluids from subducted oceaniccrust, into the mantle source of the arc lavas. In contrastto tectonic models suggesting that a mantle hotspot was a sourceof heat for the early Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc magmatism,the geochemical data do not support an enriched, ocean islandbasalt (OIB)-like source for either the basement basalts orthe arc volcanic section. KEY WORDS: back-arc basalts; Izu–Bonin–Marianas; Philippine Sea; subduction initiation; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195  相似文献   

Xenoliths hosted by Quaternary basanites and alkali basaltsfrom Marsabit (northern Kenya) represent fragments of Proterozoiclithospheric mantle thinned and chemically modified during riftingin the Mesozoic (Anza Graben) and in the Tertiary–Quaternary(Kenya rift). Four types of peridotite xenoliths were investigatedto constrain the thermal and chemical evolution of the lithosphericmantle. Group I, III and IV peridotites provide evidence ofa cold, highly deformed and heterogeneous upper mantle. Textures,thermobarometry and trace element characteristics of mineralsindicate that low temperatures in the spinel stability field(750–800°C at <1·5 GPa) were attained bydecompression and cooling from initially high pressures andtemperatures in the garnet stability field (970–1080°Cat 2·3–2·9 GPa). Cooling, decompressionand penetrative deformation are consistent with lithosphericthinning, probably related to the development of the Mesozoicto Paleogene Anza Graben. Re-equilibrated and recrystallizedperidotite xenoliths (Group II) record heating (from 800°Cto 1100°C). Mineral trace element signatures indicate enrichmentby mafic silicate melts, parental to the Quaternary host basanitesand alkali basalts. Relationships between mineral textures,P–T conditions of equilibration, and geochemistry canbe explained by metasomatism and heating of the lithosphererelated to the formation of the Kenya rift, above a zone ofhot upwelling mantle. KEY WORDS: East African Rift System; Anza Graben; in situ LA-ICPMS; peridotite xenoliths; thermobarometry  相似文献   

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