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Glonass Laser Ranging Accuracy With Satellite Signature Effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GLONASS satellites have been tracked by the worldwide laser ranging networkas well as by the GLONASS-borne microwave-based technique. Owing to thelarge size of their corner cube reflector arrays, the amount of ranging data is enough to determine their orbits from laser ranging data alone. We found, however, that the large size of the array affected the accuracy of measurement to an extent that is dependent on the characteristics of the ranging systems. An azimuthal variation of the reflector array response was also detected in observations from single-photon laser ranging. Orbital analysis reveals that the effect makes the measured range on average 22 mm shorter than expected in the absence of the large array, which explains more than half of the offset of 39 mm previously discovered between microwave and laser orbits.  相似文献   

The Chinese SLR Network consists of 5 fixedstations located in Shanghai, Changchun, Beijing, Wuhan and Kunming respectively and 2 mobilesystems. The single shot precision for Lageos for these stations is in therange of 12–30 mm. Improvements of system performance for all stations are under way.The Chinese SLR Network participates in the national project CrustalMovement Observation Network of China, and is actively supporting the global and regionalprojects, such as ILRS, IERS, WPLTN (Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network) andAPSG (Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics). The operation center and the datacenter for the Chinese SLR Network is located at Shanghai Observatory. The Lageos dataanalysis report for the global stations has been published every two weeks at the web siteof Shanghai Observatory since September 1999.  相似文献   

Lunar Laser Ranging: Glorious Past And A Bright Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), a part of the NASA Apollo program, has beenon-going for more than 30 years. It provides the grist for a multi-disciplinarydata analysis mill. Results exist for solid Earth sciences, geodesy and geodynamics,solar system ephemerides, terrestrial and celestial reference frames, lunar physics,general relativity and gravitational theory. Combined with other data, it treatsprecession of the Earth's spin axis, lunar induced nutation, polar motion/Earthrotation, Earth orbit obliquity to the ecliptic, intersection of the celestial equatorwith the ecliptic, luni-solar solid body tides, lunar tidal deceleration, lunar physicaland free librations, structure of the moon and energy dissipation in the lunar interior.LLR provides input to lunar surface cartography and surveying, Earth station and lunar retroreflector location and motion, mass of the Earth-moon system, lunar and terrestrial gravity harmonics and Love numbers, relativistic geodesic precession, and the equivalence principle of general relativity. With the passive nature of the reflectors and steady improvement in observing equipment and data analysis, LLR continues to provide state-of-the-art results. Gains are steady as the data-base expands. After more than 30 years, LLR remains the only active Apollo experiment. It is important to recognize examples of efficient and cost effective progress of research. LLR is just such an example.  相似文献   

昆明市地面沉降发展过程及其特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1979-1998年昆明市地面沉降监测资料分析昆明市南部地区,即二环南路以南地区大面积地面沉降。该地区形成两个明显的漏斗形沉降区,一个是以小板桥为中心的沉降区,其中在朱家村、巫家坝机场、广卫村、小喜村、六甲、官渡等地较为明显,在沉降中心(小板桥)沉降量达227.5mm(1985-1998年),平均下沉速率在17mm/a左右,最大达30.00mm/a;另一个沉降中心在海埂以北的河尾村、渔户村一逞地区,没降中心的沉降量达100.4mm(1993-1997年),下沉速度达到25.1mm/a。对昆明市地面沉降现象与古滇池松软的湖相沉积、局部地区的地下水资源长期超采以及该地区强震活动的因果关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Satellite laser ranging (SLR) has proven avery efficient method for contributingto the tracking of altimetric satellites anddetermining accurately their orbitalthough hampered by the non-worldwide coverageand the meteorologicalconditions. Indeed, in some cases it is the onlymethod available to determinethe satellite orbit (e.g., the orbits of the ERS-1and Geosat-Follow-On missions).Moreover, any operational and non-weather dependenttechniques, like GPS,DORIS, PRARE, can exhibit systematic errors inpositioning and orbitography. Acomparison with SLR results allows to evidence sucherrors and vice versa. Fordoing that, two different approaches for determiningprecise orbits can beconsidered: one based on global orbit determination,the other on a short-arctechnique used to locally improve a global orbitdetermined by another trackingtechniques, such as DORIS or GPS. We can thusvalidate a global orbit andachieve orbit quality control to a level of2 to 3 centimeters at present and expectto achieve a level of 1 to 2 centimeters inthe near future. Errors induced bystation coordinates or by the gravity field(geographically correlated errors, forexample) can be estimated from SLR tracking data.Colocation experiments withdifferent techniques in the same geodetic siteplay also a key role to ensure preciserelationships between the geodetic referenceframes linked to each technique. Inparticular, the role of the SLR technique is tostrengthen the vertical component(including velocity) of the positioning, whichis crucial for altimetry missions.The role of SLR data in the modelling of the firstterms of the gravity field has finally to be emphasized,which is of primary importance in orbitography,whatever the tracking technique used.Another application of SLR technology is thesatellite altimeter calibration. Examples of past calibrationand future experiments are given, including theaccuracy we can expect from the Jason-1 and EnviSatspace oceanography missions.  相似文献   

因地下水过量开采而引起的地面沉降是重要的地质灾害和生态环境问题,据最新统计资料,全国96个城市或地区发生了不同程度的地面沉降。苏南太湖流域由于城镇用水和工业用水的迅速增加,大量开采地下水,导致区域内出现了5000km^2的地区地面沉降,有些地区累计沉降量超过2.0m。地面沉降已经影响到区域的供水安全和生态安全,增加了基础设施建设成本,加快区域供水步伐,调整工业结构,加强水资源综合规划和管理是防治地面沉降的重要措施。  相似文献   

对比我国中西部成土年代相近的浅层风成黄土(不考虑地形地貌),针对不同成土环境下微观结构及其震陷性大小,初步将中西部黄土的微结构类型划分为五类:Ⅰ,近砂源快速降砂微结构;Ⅱ,强降尘弱成壤微结构;Ⅲ,冷干慢速降尘弱成壤微结构;Ⅳ,中湿成壤微结构;Ⅵ,温湿成壤微结构.微结构类型对于震陷性等工程性质分析有借鉴作用,具体体现在颗粒大小、粒径分布、排列方式,颗粒之间的胶结程度、接触方式等.通过分析黄土地区气候变化引起的地域性微观结构类型差异,区域性微观结构的气候形成机制来研究黄土的致灾特征,进一步获得黄土地区土层微结构的地域性差别导致的震陷变形强弱信息.这对于黄土建筑工程场地的设计以及提出针对性的防护措施有重要意义.  相似文献   

The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) was established in September 1998 as a service within the IAG to support programs in geodetic, geophysical, and lunar research activities and to provide data products to the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) in support of its prime objectives. Now in operation for 5 years, the ILRS develops: (1) the standards and specifications necessary for product consistency and (2) the priorities and tracking strategies required to maximize network efficiency. The service collects, merges, analyzes, archives and distributes satellite and lunar laser ranging data to satisfy a variety of scientific, engineering, and operational needs and encourages the application of new technologies to enhance the quality, quantity, and cost effectiveness of its data products. The ILRS works with: (1) the global network to improve station performance; (2) new satellite missions in the design and building of retroreflector targets to maximize data quality and quantity and (3) science programs to optimize scientific data yield. The ILRS Central Bureau maintains a comprehensive web site as the primary vehicle for the distribution of information within the ILRS community. The site, which can be accessed at: http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov is also available at mirrored sites at the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) in Tokyo and the European Data Center (EDC) in Munich.During the last 2 years, the ILRS has addressed very important challenges: (1) data from the field stations are now submitted hourly and made available immediately through the data centers for access by the user community; (2) tracking on low satellites has been significantly improved through the sub-daily issue of predictions, drag functions, and the real-time exchange of time biases; (3) analysis products are now submitted in SINEX format for compatibility with the other space geodesy techniques; (4) the Analysis Working Group is heavily engaged in Pilot Projects as it works toward an ILRS “standard” global solution and (5) SLR has significantly increased its participation in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) activity, which is important to the success of IGGOS.  相似文献   

GPS技术在上海市地面沉降研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
上海市自1998年开始开展了利用GPS技术监测地面沉降的研究,先后进行了可行性论证、GPS基准网建设、数据处理和平差方法的探索等一系列课题的研究,并布设了由34点组成的覆盖整个上海市的地面沉降监测基准网.为了进一步提高基准网的监测精度和沉降监测的时空分辨率,于2004年又布设了4个24小时连续运行的GPS固定站,对上海市地面沉降实施连续监测.为了考查GPS沉降监测的大地高可能达到的精度,研究合理的观测纲要与数据处理方案,本文在介绍并总结了上海市地面沉降GPS监测工作的同时,分析了GPS沉降监测基准网前后6期的观测数据.数据分析采用GAMIT/GLOBK软件包和GPS_NET软件,计算结果表明,在基线边长达到30~40km时,GPS在大地高方向上的中误差仍可控制在2mm左右,由此推算GPS监测地面沉降的分辨率在3mm左右,完全能够满足上海市地面沉降监测的需要.  相似文献   

Data acquired by the airborne Scanning Lidar Imager of Canopies by EchoRecovery (SLICER) laser altimeter provided high-resolution digital topographicdata over Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and several of the Lesser AntillesIslands. The instrument was developed by the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center.It has the capability of multibeam resolution of ground elevations beneath densecanopy areas. Data, therefore, can be used to generate a more accurate representation of the ground surface by removing the vegetation cover. Although internal precision is high (10 cm to 1 m), absolute accuracy is difficult to evaluate and depends on several factors, including the post-processed kinematic GPS (KGPS) flight path for the aircraft platform and clear identification of ground returns in the SLICER waveform. We compared topographic profiles from USGS 30 m and 1:250K DEMs for Puerto Rico with those generated by SLICER and with spot elevations derived from static and continuous GPS surveys. SLICER and KGPS surveys cross at six points in western Puerto Rico. Agreement between both elevation data sets is excellent and well fit (r = 0.921) by a linear model with a final residual bias of -0.501 m for SLICER ground returns relative to KGPS elevations. The agreement between SLICER and USGS 30 m DEMs is also very good with the largest errors associated with steep slopes and high vegetation cover. Residuals between KGPS and USGS 30 m DEMs are +1 ± 25 m, assuming a fixed uniform offset of +43.23 m between WGS84 and mean sea level.  相似文献   

Soil water systems have been severely degraded in coal‐mined and subsiding land, where a shallow groundwater table is also present. The present paper discussed the effects of fly ash (FA) and coal gangue (CG) as filling materials on the hydraulic properties and water content distribution in a profile for the purpose of rehabilitating subsided lands. The saturated water content, water characteristic curve, and water diffusivity of local soil, FA, CG, and a mixture of FA and CG (“mixed filling”) were characterized. A column experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of water content in profiles reconstructed from the combination of soil and filling materials, including soil only, FA, CG, and a mixture of FA and CG, which were used to fill the lower part of the reconstructed profile. The mixture of FA and CG was found to possess similar hydraulic properties to those of the soil, particularly high water‐holding capacity and permeability. Moreover, the volumetric water contents in the whole profile containing the mixture of FA and CG were consistent with those of the profile reconstructed with soil only. As a result, it is recommended to adopt the mixture of FA and CG for reconstructing the lower profile of the land to alleviate or rehabilitate subsided land in coal mines.  相似文献   

Towards the end of the 19th century, geodetic observation techniques allowed it to create geodetic networks of continental size. The insight that big networks can only be set up through international collaboration led to the establishment of an international collaboration called “Central European Arc Measurement”, the predecessor of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), in 1864. The scope of IAG activities was extended already in the 19th century to include gravity.At the same time, astrometric observations could be made with an accuracy of a few tenths of an arcsecond. The accuracy stayed roughly on this level, till the space age opened the door for milliarcsecond (mas) astrometry. Astrometric observations allowed it at the end of the 19th century to prove the existence of polar motion. The insight that polar motion is almost unpredictable led to the establishment of the International Latitude Service (ILS) in 1899.The IAG and the ILS were the tools (a) to establish and maintain the terrestrial and the celestial reference systems, including the transformation parameters between the two systems, and (b) to determine the Earth's gravity field.Satellite-geodetic techniques and astrometric radio-interferometric techniques revolutionized geodesy in the second half of the 20th century. Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and methods based on the interferometric exploitation of microwave signals (stemming from Quasars and/or from satellites) allow it to realize the celestial reference frame with (sub-)mas accuracy, the global terrestrial reference frame with (sub-)cm accuracy, and to monitor the transformation between the systems with a high time resolution and (sub-)mas accuracy. This development led to the replacement of the ILS through the IERS, the International Earth Rotation Service in 1989.In the pre-space era, the Earth's gravity field could “only” be established by terrestrial methods. The determination of the Earth's gravitational field was revolutionized twice in the space era, first by observing geodetic satellites with optical, Laser, and Doppler techniques, secondly by implementing a continuous tracking with spaceborne GPS receivers in connection with satellite gradiometry. The sequence of the satellite gravity missions CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE allow it to name the first decade of the 21st century the “decade of gravity field determination”.The techniques to establish and monitor the geometric and gravimetric reference frames are about to reach a mature state and will be the prevailing geodetic tools of the following decades. It is our duty to work in the spirit of our forefathers by creating similarly stable organizations within IAG with the declared goal to produce the geometric and gravimetric reference frames (including their time evolution) with the best available techniques and to make accurate and consistent products available to wider Earth sciences community as a basis for meaningful research in global change. IGGOS, the Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System, is IAG's attempt to achieve these goals. It is based on the well-functioning and well-established network of IAG services.  相似文献   

随着三维激光扫描技术的发展,其被广泛应用于震后同震位移参数等基础资料的获取。本文简要介绍了三维激光扫描仪的基本原理和工作流程,然后以2008年于田MS7.3级地震为例,介绍了三维激光扫描在正断层型地震的同震位移等参数获取中的应用,并分析了实际垂直位移与视垂直位移的比值(Vo/H)与地形坡度角(α)以及断层倾角(β)的关系。通过5个典型断错地貌的三维激光扫描,获得了2008年于田MS7.3级地震的垂直和水平同震滑移量,垂向和左旋位移均为1—3.5m左右,揭示出于田MS7.3级地震为一次正断与左旋运动分量大致相当的地震。由于断层走向的变化,在地表破裂南段表现为左旋位移大于垂直位移。5处测量点的地表变形带宽度介于10—25m之间。  相似文献   

中国地震报告数据处理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震观测报告是一份具有广泛使用价值的地震基础资料。中国地震报告数据处理系统是提高中国地震报告质量的关键一环。其主要水平反映在:数据采集和处理自动化;采用最先进的数值计算方法;采用最先进的激光照排技术;用磁介质进行数据传递。  相似文献   

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