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珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区退化湿地分布及影响因素研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区为研究区,利用2000~2008年的增强型植被指数(Enhanced Vegetation In-dex,EVI)数据、气象数据和野外实地调查资料,对研究区退化湿地分布及其影响因素进行了研究.结果表明,2000~2008年期间,珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区湿地出现退化现象;退化湿地主要分布在吉隆县折巴乡、聂拉木县波绒乡和门布乡、定日县岗嘎镇和定结县多布扎乡;退化湿地面积约为71.3 km2,其占研究区湿地总面积的1.8%;退化湿地多分布在保护强度较弱的保护区的试验区内.人类过度放牧和连年的降水量偏少是造成研究区湿地退化的主要原因. 相似文献
介绍了湖北龙感湖国家级湿地自然保护区主要保护对象和建设管理现状,分析了保护区在保护和管理方面存在的问题和矛盾,从健全管理机制、加强资源管护与执法、科研监测、强化举措、综合治理等方面入手,提出了保护区可持续发展对策。 相似文献
1982-2009 年珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区植被指数变化 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
植被指数是指示植被变化的重要指标, 本研究基于1982-2009 年珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区(简称珠峰地区)植被指数(NDVI)时间序列数据、土地覆被和野外调查等数据, 采用时序变化趋势和空间分析法, 对珠穆朗玛峰地区植被的时空变化过程及保护区成效进行了定量分析。研究表明:①珠峰地区NDVI分布的总特征是南部和北部高, 中部低。②1982-2009 年珠峰地区NDVI年际变化趋势和空间异质性十分明显:1982-1997 年, 珠峰地区NDVI总体上呈显著上升趋势, 北部地区增幅较大;1998-2009 年, NDVI总体下降(56.96%的NDVI呈下降趋势), 其中, 珠峰地区中部和北部的NDVI下降最为明显, 而南部核心保护区森林和灌丛的NDVI则呈显著上升趋势, 且变化幅度较大。③长时间序列植被指数变化的过程和空间差异性推断:1998 年以来, 天然林保护等生态工程促使珠峰地区保护效果更加明显。 相似文献
达里诺尔国家级自然保护区湿地保护 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
达里诺尔湿地是亚洲重要湿地,是众多珍稀鸟类赖以生存的家园,对维护当地生态安全、促进社会经济发展具有重要意义。本文就达里诺尔湿地的保护现状、面临问题进行了分析,并提出一些具体建议。 相似文献
洪河保护区湿地生态需水量研究 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
以洪河保护区为例 ,按照湿地生态系统的结构和功能 ,把生态需水量划分为 4种类型 :湿地植被需水量、湿地土壤需水量、生物栖息地需水量、补给地下水需水量 ,分别确定了需水量的级别和相应的指标。根据公式 ,计算了保护区各级别的生态需水量。结果表明 ,洪河保护区湿地最小生态需水量为 1 .4 8× 1 0 8m3 ~ 1 .99× 1 0 8m3 ,最适宜生态需水量为 1 .99× 1 0 8m3 ~ 2 .9× 1 0 8m3 ,最大生态需水量为 3.72× 1 0 8m3 ~ 4 .5 2× 1 0 8m3 。 相似文献
扎龙国家级自然保护区景观格局变化研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以1989年6月、1999年9月的TM遥感影像和2006年6月CBERS(中巴资源卫星)影像为数据源,以Arc-GIS软件为数据分析平台,研究了扎龙国家级自然保护区的景观格局变化特征和景观组分转移。结果表明,扎龙国家级自然保护区景观以沼泽地为主,沼泽地是景观的基质,1989年、1999年和2006年沼泽地的面积分别为1279.3km2、1250.9km2和1238.4km2;该保护区景观破碎化程度加大,其景观格局由简单变为复杂;景观类型的转换以草地转变为耕地、沼泽地转变为耕地和沼泽地转变为盐碱地为主,由此导致该保护区沼泽地面积减少和生物多样性下降。 相似文献
A combination of sample surveys and questionnaires were used to investigate the harvesting of wild medicinal plants (WMP) in Wolong National Nature Reserve (WNNR) from August 2014 to July 2015. These surveys showed that up to 20 families and 45 species of WMP were harvested in WNNR. Gastrodia elata, Paris polyphylla, Fritillaria thun-bergli, Rheum officinale, Rhodiola rosea, Saussurea medusa, Notopterygium root, Radix Ginseng, Buddha’s palm were harvested intensely. The harvesting, which occurred mainly in autumn and winter (from June to October) in the test area, buffer area and core area, was located mostly in the residential and crop production areas of Wolong Town and Gengda Town, and in the timberline, alpine meadows and scree areas of Dengshenggou Ravine and Balangshan Mountain (specifically in Dengshenggou, Tangfang, Tizigou Ravine, Weijiagou Ravine and Reshuihe River areas). Among all the harvesters, 58% came from inside the WNNR, and 42% came from outside the WNNR; 87% were male, and 13% were female; 6% were under the age of 18, 69% were 19-45 years old, 19% were 46-65 years old, 6% were over 66 years old. The main purpose of harvesting was commercial sale to increase household income. Based on the analysis and discussion of the results, comprehensive management measures were introduced to strengthen the awareness and efficacy of laws and regulations, integrate the enforcement of these laws, establish and strengthen inspections. Skills training and the domestication of the wild medicinal materials were used to encourage the surplus labor force to avoid excessive harvesting and move into other agricultural endeavors. 相似文献
2008~2010年,在鱼类资源调查的基础上,分析了莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性特征。调查结果显示,莫莫格国家级自然保护区有鱼类物种5目11科42属49种,其中本区土著种5目10科38属45种,包括中国特有种4种,中国易危种5种,冷水种8种,国家II级保护动物1种。土著种群落中,有鲤形目(Cyprini-formes)鱼类32种,鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类29种,鮈亚科(Gobioninae)鱼类13种;古北界北方区黑龙江亚区黑龙江分区的物种为22种;源于东部平原和北方平原生态类群的鱼类有27种;适应于江—湖缓流环境和淡水定居生活的鱼类有33种;草上产卵和水层产卵繁殖的鱼类有37种;杂食性和初级肉食性种类有28种,它们均相对占优势。莫莫格国家级自然保护区与嫩江的鱼类群落物种结构Jaccard系数和Morisita-Horn相似性指数分别为0.918和0.838;稀有种(包括中国易危种)和常见种分别为14种和25种;物种多度格局近似于对数正态分布。这些结果表明,莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性与嫩江密切相关,鱼类区系复杂,物种组成与生态类型多样;群落结构相对较稳定,多样性程度相对较高,但仍面临着稀有种(包括中国易危种)尚占有一定比例而导致群落结构脆弱的潜在威胁。保持嫩江鱼类群落结构的稳定,对维护和发展莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性具有特别重要的意义。 相似文献
中国东北红河国家级自然保护区湿地植被空间格局与环境梯度关系(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Quantifying correlation between the spatial patterns of natural wetland plants and environmental gradient gives better understanding of wetland habitats, which is the fundamental for the strategy making on the protection and restoration of natural wetlands. In this study, the spatial patterns of wetland plants and the environmental gradient of wetland habitats were assessed in the Honghe National Nature Reserve (HNNR) in Northeast China, a wetland of international importance on the Ramsar list. Biophysical parameters’ values of wetland plants were obtained by field sampling methods, and wetland mapping at the community scale was completed using remote sensing techniques. Digital delineation of the surface water system, hydrological zoning and wetness index were produced by spatial analysis methods in Geographic Information System. An ecological ordination method and two clustering methods were used to quantify the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of wetland plants and the corresponding environmental gradients. Such quantitative analyses also present the specific diversity of different types of wetland plants based on the environmental attributes of their habitats. With the support from modern geo-information techniques, the experimental results indicate how four ecotypes of wetland plants spatially transit from forest swamp, shrub wetland and meadow into marsh wetland with increasing wetness index and water table. And they also show how wetland spatial distribution patterns are controlled by an environmental gradient of wetness. Another key finding of this research work is that our results present the exact fundamental differences between marsh and non-marsh plants of 11 wetland plant communities within the core study area. Hence, this case study gives a good sample for better understanding of the complex correlation between the spatial patterns of wetland plants and their environmental attributes using advanced digital analysis methods. It is also useful to show how to integrate geoinformatic techniques with statistical analysis methods based on the field data base. 相似文献
Quantifying correlation between the spatial patterns of natural wetland plants and environmental gradient gives better understanding of wetland habitats, which is the fundamental for the strategy making on the protection and restoration of natural wetlands. In this study, the spatial patterns of wetland plants and the environmental gradient of wetland habitats were assessed in the Honghe National Nature Reserve (HNNR) in Northeast China, a wetland of international importance on the Ramsar list. Biophysical parameters' values of wetland plants were obtained by field sampling methods, and wetland mapping at the community scale was completed using remote sensing techniques. Digital delineation of the surface water system, hydrological zoning and wetness index were produced by spatial analysis methods in Geographic Information System. An ecological ordination method and two clustering methods were used to quantify the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of wetland plants and the corresponding environmental gradients. Such quantitative analyses also present the specific diversity of different types of wetland plants based on the environmental attributes of their habitats. With the support from modern geo-information techniques, the experimental results indicate how four ecotypes of wetland plants spatially transit from forest swamp, shrub wetland and meadow into marsh wetland with increasing wetness index and water table. And they also show how wetland spatial distribution patterns are controlled by an environmental gradient of wetness. Another key finding of this research work is that our results present the exact fundamental differences between marsh and non-marsh plants of 11 wetland plant communities within the core study area. Hence, this case study gives a good sample for better understanding of the complex correlation between the spatial patterns of wetland plants and their environmental attributes using advanced digital analysis methods. It is also useful to show how to integrate geoinformatic techniques with statistical analysis methods based on the field data base. 相似文献
用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)、除趋势对应分析(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)研究了大青沟国家自然保护区32个样地36种地面生苔藓植物分布格局。TWINSPAN和DCA分析结果显示,地面生苔藓植物群落可以分成双色真藓(Bryum bicolor)-小石藓(Weissia controversa)群落、西伯利亚瘤冠苔(Mannia sibirica)+小石藓(Weissia controversa)群落、密叶绢藓短柄变种(Entodon compressus var.zikaiwiensis)-密叶绢藓(Entodon compressus)+反扭藓(Timmiella anomala)群落、绒叶青藓(Brachythecium velutinum)-鳞叶藓(Taxiphyllum taxirameum)+尖叶匐灯藓(Plagiomnium cuspidatum)群落和地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)+曲肋薄网藓(Leptodictyum humile)-鳞叶藓(Taxiphyllum taxirameum)-柳叶藓(Amblystegium serpens)+平肋提灯藓(Mnium laevinerve)群落5组,对应分布在羊草(Leymus chinensis)草地、西伯利亚杏(Prunus sibirica)灌丛、大果榆(Ulmus macrocarpa)林、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)林和水曲柳(Fraxinus mandschuria)林。CCA分析结果显示,影响苔藓植物分布的主要因子有土壤水分、乔木盖度、空气湿度、凋落物盖度、草本层盖度等。 相似文献
盐城国家级自然保护区人工湿地丹顶鹤的分布动态 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
通过盐城国家级自然保护区内生态工程及水产养殖区、水稻田、芦苇茬、盐田扬水滩等人工湿地丹顶鹤(Grusjaponensis)的分布动态调查结果,分析出丹顶鹤的最佳生境,进而提出对该种群与栖息地的管理举措。该项工作主要借助望远镜、照相机监测,采用直接计数法统计数量,历史数据则引用参考文献。结果表明:各类人工湿地中丹顶鹤的分布数量为528只,已超过越冬总数(967只)的一半,达到54.1%。其中生态工程及水产养殖区为丹顶鹤最佳生境,其次分别为水稻田、芦苇茬和盐田扬水滩。根据分布动态调查结果,对未来丹顶鹤的分布趋势进行了预测,并提出了管理措施。 相似文献