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The detection of extrasolar planets by measuring a photometric drop in the stellar brightness due to a planetary transit can be statistically improved by observing eclipsing binary systems and photometrically improved by observing small component systems. In particular the system CM Draconis, with two dM4 components, would allow the detection of extrasolar planets in the size range of Earth-to-Neptune requiring a ground-based photometric precision of about 0.08% to 1.1% (photometric precision of about 0.3% is routinely achievable with 1-meter class telescopes at the magnitude of CM Draconis, 11.07 inR-filter). In addition, the transit of extrasolar planets in a binary star system provides a unique, quasi-periodic signal that can be cross-correlated with the observational data to detect sub-noise signals. We examine the importance of making such observations to an understanding of the formation and evolution of terrestrial-type planets in main-sequence star systems. Terrestrial planets could have formed with substancially shorter periods in this lower luminosity system, for example, and might be expected to have accreted essentially in the binary orbital plane (however, non-coplanar planets may also eventually be detectable due to precession). We also report on a network of medium-sized telescopes at varying longitudes that have been organized to provide such constraints on terrestrial-planet formation processes and discuss the extention of near-term observations to other possible binary systems, as well. Finally, we discuss a more speculative, future observation that could be performed on the CM Draconis system that would be of exobiological as well as astrophysical interest.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss some of the new and exciting developments in the study of binary stars. Recent technological advances (such as CCDs) now make it possible (even easy) to study faint, astrophysically important binaries that in the past could only be done with large 4 + meter class telescopes. Also, the panoramic nature of CCDs (and the use of mosaics), permit large numbers of stars to be imaged and studied. At this conference, most of the observational material discussed was secured typically with smaller aperture 0.5 – 2 m telescopes. Excellent examples are the discovery of over 104 new ~13 – 20 mag eclipsing (and interacting) binaries now found in nearby galaxies from the EROS, OGLE, MACHO and DIRECT programs. As briefly discussed here, and in more detail in several papers in this volume, a small fraction of these extragalactic eclipsing binaries are now serving as “standard candles” to secure accurate distances to the Magellanic Clouds, as well as to M31 and M33. Moreover, the discovery of increasingly larger numbers of eclipsing binaries has stimulated the development of automatic methods for reducing and analyzing the light curves of thousands of systems. In the near future, hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of additional systems are expected to be discovered by Pan-STARRS, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescopes (LSST), and later by GAIA. Over the last decade, new classes of binary systems have also been found which contain Jupiter-size planets and binaries containing pulsating stars. Some examples of these important binaries are discussed. Also discussed are the increasing numbers (now eight) of eclipsing binary planet–star systems that have been found from high precision photometry. These systems are very important since the radii and masses of the hosted planets can be directly measured. Moreover, from the upcoming COROT and KEPLER missions hundreds of additional transiting planet-star systems are expected to be found. All in all, we hope in this paper to highlight some of the current developments and new directions in the “Brave New World” of binary star studies.  相似文献   

We present here simulations of extrasolar planets detections obtained using a combination of extreme adaptive optics and integral field spectroscopy. The simulation code, written for IDL, provides images and, in particular, spectra, taking into account realistic Speckle Noise, AO correction effects and specific instrumental features. A detailed study has been done for ESO VLT telescopes (8.2 m), within the Phase A of the CHEOPS project, but the code is particularly flexible and can be updated for larger telescope diameters (ELTs) in order to give a realistic estimate of the detection limits, for giant telescopes, in standard conditions of seeing.  相似文献   

The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) will come on line with unprecedented radio sensitivity and resolution between 10 and 240 MHz. Such a system will provide a factor of 10–30 improvement in sensitivity in the pursuit of the weak radio emission from extrasolar planets. To date, previous examinations of extrasolar planetary systems with the most advanced radio telescopes have yielded a negative result. However, the improvement in sensitivity by LOFAR over current systems will increase the likelihood of extrasolar planet detection in the radio. We apply radiometric models derived previously from the study of planets in our solar system to the known extrasolar planets, and demonstrate that approximately 3–5 of them should emit in the proper frequency range and with enough power to possibly become detectable at Earth with LOFAR.  相似文献   

Published discussions of photometric observations of VZ Hya and CM Lac disagree as to whether the deeper eclipses are transits or occultations. The evolutionary histories of these systems are critically dependent on a resolution of the disagreement. The luminosity ratio of the components of VZ Hya, inferred from spectrograms, shows unequivocally that the deeper eclipse is a transit. The case of CM Lac is less definitive. While the photometric observations favor primary minimum as a transit, the ratio of the radii is close to unity, and neither the spectrograms nor the photometry leads to an unequivocal result. Some confusion in notation appearing in a discussion of the components of EI Cep is noted. In each of the three cases the observational evidence favors a straightforward evolutionary interpretation in which the more massive star is the larger.  相似文献   

Several eclipsing binary systems have been selected for combined spectral and photometric observations using the Bulgarian NAO 2 m telescope and several smaller telescopes located at various places in the CESE region. Preliminary results, based on a pilot study started in 2001, about radial velocity and light curve variations of the active W UMa system LS Del are presented here.  相似文献   

We investigate the geometry concerning the photometric method of extrasolar planet detection, i.e., the detection of dimunition of a parent star's brightness during a planetary transit. Under the assumption that planetary orbital inclinations can be defined by a Gaussian with a of 10° centered on the parent star's equatorial plane, Monte Carlo simulations suggest that for a given star observed at an inclination of exactly 90°, the probability of at least one Earth-sized or larger planet being suitably placed for transits is approximately 4%. This probability drops to 3% for a star observed at an inclination of 80°, and is still 0.5% for a star observed at an inclination of 60°. If one can select 100 stars with a pre-determined inclination 80°, the probability of at least one planet being suitably configured for transits is 95%. The majority of transit events are due to planets in small-a orbits similar to the Earth and Venus; thus, the photometric method in principle is the method best suited for the detection of Earthlike planets.The photometric method also allows for testing whether or not planets can exist within binary systems. This can be done by selecting binary systems observed at high orbital inclinations, both eclipsing binaries and wider visual binaries. For a real-world example, we look at the Centauri system (i = 79°.2). If we assume that the equatorial planes of both components coincide with the system's orbital plane, Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the probability of at least one planet (of either component) being suitably configured for transits is approximately 8%.In conclusion, we present a non-exhaustive list of solar-type stars, both single and within binary systems, which exhibit a high equatorial inclination. These objects may be considered as preliminary candidates for planetary searches via the photometric method.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We present the high angular resolution technique of colour-differential interferometry for direct detection of extrasolar giant planets (EGPs). The measurement of differential phase with long-baseline ground-based interferometers in the near-infrared could allow the observation of several hot giant extrasolar planets in tight orbit around the nearby stars, and thus yield their low- or mid-resolution spectroscopy, complete orbital data set and mass. Estimates of potentially achievable signal-to-noise ratios are presented for a number of planets already discovered by indirect methods. The limits from the instrumental and atmospheric instability are discussed, and a subsequent observational strategy is proposed.  相似文献   

The photometric method detects planets orbiting other stars by searching for the reduction in the light flux or the change in the color of the stellar flux that occurs when a planet transits a star. A transit by Jupiter or Saturn would reduce the stellar flux by approximately 1% while a transit by Uranus or Neptune would reduce the stellar flux by 0.1%. A highly characteristic color change with an amplitude approximately 0.1 of that for the flux reduction would also accompany the transit and could be used to verify that the source of the flux reduction was a planetary transit rather than some other phenomenon. Although the precision required to detect major planets is already available with state-of-the-art photometers, the detection of terrestrial-sized planets would require a precision substantially greater than the state-of-the-art and a spaceborne platform to avoid the effects of variations in sky transparency and scintillation. Because the probability is so small of observing a planetary transit during a single observation of a randomly chosen star, the search program must be designed to continuously monitor hundreds or thousands of stars. The most promising approach is to search for large planets with a photometric system that has a single-measurement precision of 0.1%. If it is assumed that large planets will have long-period orbits, and that each star has an average of one large planet, then approximately 104 stars must be monitored continuously. To monitor such a large groups of stars simultaneously while maintaining the required photometric precision, a detector array coupled by a fiber-optic bundle to the focal plane of a moderate aperture (≈ 1 m), wide field of view (≈50°) telescope is required. Based on the stated assumptions, a detection rate of one planet per year of observation appears possible.  相似文献   

Of the known transiting extrasolar planets, a few have been detected through photometric follow-up observations of radial velocity planets. Perhaps the best known of these is the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b. For hot Jupiters (periods less than ∼5 d), the a priori information that 10 per cent of these planets will transit their parent star due to the geometric transit probability leads to an estimate of the expected transit yields from radial velocity surveys. The radial velocity information can be used to construct an effective photometric follow-up strategy which will provide optimal detection of possible transits. Since the planet-harbouring stars are already known in this case, one is only limited by the photometric precision achievable by the chosen telescope/instrument. The radial velocity modelling code presented here automatically produces a transit ephemeris for each planet data set fitted by the program. Since the transit duration is brief compared with the fitted period, we calculate the maximum window for obtaining photometric transit observations after the radial velocity data have been obtained, generalizing for eccentric orbits. We discuss a typically employed survey strategy which may contribute to a possible radial velocity bias against detection of the very hot Jupiters which have dominated the transit discoveries. Finally, we describe how these methods can be applied to current and future radial velocity surveys.  相似文献   

Transiting planets manifest themselves by a periodic dimming of their host star by a fixed amount. On the other hand, light curves of transiting circumbinary (CB) planets are expected to be neither periodic nor to have a single depth while in transit. These propertied make the popular transit-finding algorithm Box Least Squares (BLS) almost ineffective so a modified version of BLS for the identification of CB planets was developed – CB-BLS. We show that using this algorithm it is possible to find CB planets in the residuals of light curves of eclipsing binaries that have noise levels of 1 per cent and more – quality that is routinely achieved by current ground-based transit surveys. Previous searches for CB planets using variation in eclipse times minima of CM Dra and elsewhere are more closely related to radial velocity than to transit searches and so are quite distinct from CB-BLS. Detecting CB planets is expected to have significant impact on our understanding of exoplanets in general, and exoplanet formation in particular. Using CB-BLS will allow to easily harness the massive ground- and space-based photometric surveys in operation to look for these hard-to-find objects.  相似文献   

The direct images of giant extrasolar planets recently obtained around several main sequence stars represent a major step in the study of planetary systems. These high-dynamic range images are among the most striking results obtained by the current generation of high-angular resolution instruments which will be superseded by a new generation of instruments in the coming years. It is, therefore, an appropriate time to review the contributions of high-angular resolution visible/infrared techniques to the rapidly growing field of extrasolar planetary science. During the last 20 years, the advent of the Hubble Space Telescope, of adaptive optics on 4- to 10-m class ground-based telescopes, and of long-baseline infrared stellar interferometry, has opened a new viewpoint on the formation and evolution of planetary systems. By spatially resolving the optically thick circumstellar discs of gas and dust where planets are forming, these instruments have considerably improved our models of early circumstellar environments and have thereby provided new constraints on planet formation theories. High-angular resolution techniques are also directly tracing the mechanisms governing the early evolution of planetary embryos and the dispersal of optically thick material around young stars. Finally, mature planetary systems are being studied with an unprecedented accuracy thanks to single-pupil imaging and interferometry, precisely locating dust populations and putting into light a whole new family of long-period giant extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

The scientific output of the proposed EChO mission (in terms of spectroscopic characterization of the atmospheres of transiting extrasolar planets) will be maximized by a careful selection of targets and by a detailed characterization of the main physical parameters (such as masses and radii) of both the planets and their stellar hosts. To achieve this aim, the availability of high-quality data from other space-borne and ground-based programs will play a crucial role. Here we identify and discuss the elements of the Gaia catalogue that will be of utmost relevance for the selection and characterization of transiting planet systems to be observed by the proposed EChO mission.  相似文献   

The Monitor project
  • 1 www.ast.cam.ac.uk/∼suz/monitor/monitor.php
  • is a large scale photometric monitoring survey of ten star forming regions and open clusters aged between 1 and 200 Myr using wide‐field optical cameras on 2–4 m telescopes worldwide. The primary goal of the project is to search for close‐in planets and brown dwarfs at young ages through the detection of transit events. Such detections would provide unprecedented constraints on planet formation and migration time‐scales, as well as on evolutionary models of planets and brown dwarfs in an age range where such constraints are very scarce. Additional science goals include rotation period measurements and the analysis of flares and accretion‐related variability. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

    The observation of apsidal motions in eclipsing binaries is a very rewarding area of research which requires only moderate or small telescopes equipped with a photoelectric photometer. Important contributions can be made to the study of stellar internal structure through these observations, as well as the verification of the theory of general relativity using the equations of orbital motion. The main objectives of such an observational effort are described, together with a list of candidate binary systems. An appeal to photometrists with small telescopes around the world is made to observe these eccentric and well-detached eclipsing binaries.  相似文献   

    Direct observation of exoplanets will make it possible to clarify many principal questions connected both with extrasolar planets and planetary systems and to measure atmospheric spectra of the planets. Obtaining an exoplanet image not distorted by the light from a star is at the cutting edge of present-day optical technologies owing to the combination of tremendous brightness contrasts and small angular distances between the planet and star. To observe the exo-Earth, it is necessary to weaken the brightness of the parent star image by 9–10 orders of magnitude (in the optical and near-IR ranges). To compensate the influence of the atmosphere, ground-based (e.g., 8–10 m) telescopes intended for observing exoplanets are equipped with adaptive optics systems, the spatial and temporal resolutions of which are not yet sufficient. A meter-class space telescope equipped with a star coronagraph will make it possible to observe the nearest exoplanets. In this paper, an improved tool for star coronagraphy is considered, namely, the achromatic interferometric coronagraph with a variable rotational shear. It is fabricated according to the optical scheme of the common path interferometer for studying extrasolar planets by direct observations. Theoretical and experimental estimations for the main characteristics of the scheme were carried out. Laboratory experimental measurements were carried out on a coronagraph model.  相似文献   

    New ground-based BV RI CCD observations of the eclipsing binary systems NN Vir and YY CrB are analyzed and illustrated. New times of minima are given and new ephemerides are proposed. The light curves are analyzed with the Wilson-Devinney light curve synthesis code and new geometric and photometric elements are derived. These elements are used together with the available spectroscopic data to compute absolute elements. The evolutionary status of each system is studied by means of mass-radius diagrams. The systems NN Vir and YY CrB are found to be A-type and W-type W UMa systems, respectively.  相似文献   

    This paper summarizes the limits of ground-based interferometry for differential astrometry as well as ground-based interferometry for direct detection of exo-planets and exo-zodi dust levels. For direct detection, ground-based interferometry at near IR wavelengths using large telescopes with adaptive optics offers a significant advantage over single telescopes with adaptive optics. Ground-based differential astrometry for exo-planet detection is extremely accurate with sufficient accuracy to detect Neptune mass planets around 400–600 nearby stars. Ground-based interferometry using large (>6m) telescopes is also capable of detecting the 10 m emission of the zodiacal light around nearby stars with zodi levels similar to our solar system  相似文献   

    Over the last twenty years, the search for extrasolar planets has revealed the rich diversity of outcomes from the formation and evolution of planetary systems. In order to fully understand how these extrasolar planets came to be, however, the orbital and physical data we possess are not enough, and they need to be complemented with information about the composition of the exoplanets. Ground-based and space-based observations provided the first data on the atmospheric composition of a few extrasolar planets, but a larger and more detailed sample is required before we can fully take advantage of it. The primary goal of a dedicated space mission like the Exoplanet Characterization Observatory (EChO) proposal is to fill this gap and to expand the limited data we possess by performing a systematic survey of extrasolar planets. The full exploitation of the data that space-based and ground-based facilities will provide in the near future, however, requires knowledge about the sources and sinks of the chemical species and molecules that will be observed. Luckily, the study of the past history of the Solar System provides several indications about the effects of processes like migration, late accretion and secular impacts, and on the time they occur in the life of planetary systems. In this work we will review what is already known about the factors influencing the composition of planetary atmospheres, focusing on the case of gaseous giant planets, and what instead still need to be investigated.  相似文献   

    We investigate the migration of massive extrasolar planets caused by gravitational interaction with a viscous protoplanetary disc. We show that a model in which planets form at 5 au at a constant rate, before migrating, leads to a predicted distribution of planets that is a steeply rising function of log( a ), where a is the orbital radius. Between 1 and 3 au, the expected number of planets per logarithmic interval in a roughly doubles. We demonstrate that, once selection effects are accounted for, this is consistent with current data, and then extrapolate the observed planet fraction to masses and radii that are inaccessible to current observations. In total, approximately 15 per cent of stars targeted by existing radial velocity searches are predicted to possess planets with masses  0.3< M p sin( i )<10 M J  and radii  0.1< a <5 au  . A third of these planets (around 5 per cent of the target stars) lie at the radii most amenable to detection via microlensing. A further  5–10  per cent of stars could have planets at radii of  5< a <8 au  that have migrated outwards. We discuss the probability of forming a system (akin to the Solar system) in which significant radial migration of the most massive planet does not occur. Approximately  10–15  per cent of systems with a surviving massive planet are estimated to fall into this class. Finally, we note that a smaller fraction of low-mass planets than high-mass planets is expected to survive without being consumed by the star. The initial mass function for planets is thus predicted to rise more steeply towards small masses than the observed mass function.  相似文献   

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