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Underground coal fires in China cause serious environmental problems, in addition to the loss of valuable coal resources. The present study aims at developing a quick and practical method to estimate the depth of coal fires using data integration techniques.
  In coal fields which have underground coal fires, the subsurface fires are associated with surface thermal anomalies. Airborne thermal infrared scanner data and colour infrared photographs were used in this study to depict the coal fire front and the outcrop of coal seams, respectively. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area was produced from topographic maps at 1:25 000 scale. Finally, taking into account the spreading direction of the coal fires and the relationships between thermal anomalies, relief factors and the occurrence of coal seams, the depths of the coal fires were obtained automatically by means of integration of remote sensing data and GIS techniques. This helped to target the fire fighting operations and made them more cost effective.  相似文献   

Coal seams burning underneath the surface are recognized all over the world and have drawn increasing public attention in the past years. Frequently, such fires are analyzed by detecting anomalies like increased exhaust gas concentrations and soil temperatures at the surface. A proper analysis presumes the understanding of involved processes, which determine the spatial distribution and dynamic behavior of the anomalies.In this paper, we explain the relevance of mechanical and energy transport processes with respect to the occurrence of temperature anomalies at the surface. Two approaches are presented, aiming to obtain insight into the underground coal fire situation: In-situ temperature mapping and numerical simulation. In 2000 to 2005, annual temperature mapping in the Wuda (Inner Mongolia, PR China) coal fire area showed that most thermal anomalies on the surface are closely related to fractures, where hot exhaust gases from the coal fire are released. Those fractures develop due to rock mechanical failure after volume reduction in the seams. The measured signals at the surface are therefore strongly affected by mechanical processes.More insight into causes and effects of involved energy transport processes is obtained by numerical simulation of the dynamic behavior of coal fires. Simulations show the inter-relation between release and transport of thermal energy in and around underground coal fires. Our simulation results show a time delay between the coal fire propagation and the observed appearance of the surface temperature signal. Additionally, the overall energy flux away from the burning coal seam into the surrounding bedrock is about 30-times higher than the flux through the surface. This is of particular importance for an estimation of the energy released based on surface temperature measurements. Finally, the simulation results also prove that a fire propagation rate estimated from the interpretation of surface anomalies can differ from the actual rate in the seam.  相似文献   

根据定西干旱气象与生态环境试验基地的麦田微气象观测和研究区的124个气象站常规资料,结合NOAA-16/AVHRR的资料,采用地表能量平衡算法的卫星遥感模型估算了中国西北地区东部4~8月的日蒸散量及其区域分布,并按气候和土地利用类型分别统计灌溉农田、干旱草地、冬春小麦农田、针阔混合林、常绿林和沼泽草甸等不同地表的蒸散量平均值和标准差,揭示了作物不同生育期自南到北由湿润的常绿林区至半干旱雨养农田直到干旱的荒漠地带的蒸散递减的分布特征.模型探索了卫星遥感无法得到近地层气温的难点,从而提高计算精度.经试验区54站蒸发皿推算的日蒸散量检验,相对误差为16.6%,与定西用LI500型CO2/H2O通量仪实测的日蒸散量误差仅16.2%.结果表明计算的蒸散量与实测值在整个试验区内有良好的一致性.  相似文献   

完善碳排放清单,是进行减排工作的基础,为了查明煤田火区对大气碳排放的贡献量,以煤氧复合作用学说为理论基础,从不同的研究思路出发,提出了烧失煤量法和排放通量法两种火区碳排放量计算模型。在明确模型中关键参数“释放因子”“排放系数α”“排放通量”“排放系数β”的具体含义的基础上,重点对各参数所对应的获取途径进行了研究论述:(1)释放因子通过在室内进行煤自燃模拟实验得出;(2)排放系数α通过煤岩吸附实验结合火区实地勘测得出;(3)排放通量通过对火区现场煤自燃气体排放及环境因素的实时监测得出;(4)排放系数β通过对遥感图像裂隙信息的提取得到。上述两种计算模型在我国乌达实验区进行了实际应用,并对其可实现性进行了检验。  相似文献   

内蒙古准格尔旗准格尔召镇富含优质煤炭资源,但区内煤层普遍存在自燃现象,致使生态环境明显恶化。以遥感为主要技术手段,结合物探验证、实地调查,查明区内明火点337个,燃烧区面积3.78km^2,潜在危险区达27.38km^2,并对主采煤层露天开采的合理性进行了初步分析,认为3^#煤层适合进行露天开采,既能最大限度开采资源.又能根治煤火;3^#、4^#煤层间距小,大部分4^#煤层可与3^#煤层联合开采。  相似文献   

郝世俊  姚克  方鹏  王龙鹏  邬迪  张锐 《探矿工程》2021,48(S1):29-32
经过近60年的发展,煤矿坑道钻探装备已经形成满足多种用途、适用于多种钻进孔深要求的多规格、多系列产品,但现有成熟钻探装备主要以全液压驱动和人工操作为主。随着我国煤矿企业在智能化方面建设的大力投入,传统全液压驱动的坑道钻探装备已无法满足当前煤矿智能化发展需要。结合坑道钻探的施工特点,分析了国外典型坑道钻探装备的技术现状和功能特点,以及存在的问题,重点针对国内坑道钻探装备不同施工需求的智能化方面的进展情况进行概述,分别介绍了常规自动化钻机、钻孔机器人、大功率自动化定向钻机、自动化防冲击钻机等方面的研究进展,提出了我国煤矿井下钻探装备智能化建设方面还需解决的关键问题,并通过分步实施方式,加快推进煤矿井下钻探装备的智能化水平。  相似文献   

东北地区MODIS和AMSR-E积雪产品验证及对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2002-2008年6个积雪季节的Terra-Aqua/MODIS积雪产品(MOD10A2、MOD10C2)和Aqua/AMSR-E雪水当量产品,分析了东北地区积雪覆盖面积的变化特征,以研究区气象站点观测的积雪数据为真实值来验证两种产品积雪信息的精度,探讨了云覆盖、土地利用类型和雪深对积雪覆盖精度的影响.结果表明:云的存在对微波数据积雪识别的影响较小,在积雪量较多的12月至次年的2月随云量百分比的变化,MOD10A2积雪覆盖面积比例大体出现负变化.因此,在有云情况下AMSR-E数据反演积雪精度最好.对比草地、耕地、林地和居民地4种土地覆盖类型对监测积雪覆盖精度的影响,发现林地对其影响最大,在林区3种积雪产品的积雪识别精度分别为55.8%、81.2%、85.4%;雪深对AMSR-E积雪产品识别精度影响较小,总体精度为97.8%;积雪深度对MOD10A2积雪产品识别精度影响较大,总体精度为57.3%.MOD10A2、MOD10C2和AMSR-E 3种积雪产品的总体反演精度分别为69.3%、76.6%、76.3%.有必要开发适用于东北地区的积雪覆盖算法,提高估算精度,为能量平衡估算、气候模型、农业生产、土壤墒情监测服务.  相似文献   

根据综放面巷道自燃环境及条件,提出自然发火预测思路、预测方法,以及煤层自燃特性参数和现场参数的定量测算方法;建立了巷道煤层自燃危险程度和最短发火期的预测模型;最后通过东滩矿4308综放面沿空轨顺的实际模拟及预测,证明其预测精度达90%以上   相似文献   

Today's highly productive coal mining systems represent large capital investments. Careful geotechnical planning and design are essential to protect these systems and to help ensure their overall success. Too often, however, the ability of the mine operator to adequately characterize the geotechnical environment and keep up with changing geologic conditions lags the advance rate of the mining equipment. Seismic tomographic imaging, based on the same principles as medical Computer-Aided-Tomography (CAT) Scans, offers the ability to identify changing geologic conditions, loading patterns, and the location of nearby abandoned mine workings. Although seismic tomography has been used for many years in the oil industry, until recently its practicality in the mining industry has been limited because the processes involved interfered with mining productivity and were labor-intensive in terms of data collection and interpretation. New advancements in signal processing have greatly enhanced the speed, resolution, and range of applications of tomographic imaging in underground coal mine settings.Many tomography applications in the mining industry use seismic velocity and/or attenuation tomography within a volume enclosed by the seismic source and receiver array. Although results obtained using this geometry work well in many situations, recent developments in reflection tomography show promise in eliminating the requirement that the target volume be surrounded by sources/receivers. For example, in-seam seismic reflection tomography may now be used to image structures and/or old workings from one general location in the mine (e.g., face areas of mains and panel developments) well ahead of planned developments—largely eliminating the need to probe-hole drill on regular intervals. These new developments have greatly expanded the ability of the mine operator to cost-effectively characterize previously inaccessible areas of the property.This paper gives an overview of the theories and processes involved in seismic tomography applicable to coal mine settings. Recent examples are presented of tomographic imaging applied to a variety of coal mine ground control problems and old works detection in the United States and Europe. The applicability of both seismic refraction and seismic reflection tomography is discussed.  相似文献   

煤矿井下地震勘探的炸药震源受火工品管控影响大,且无法实现煤矿开采动力地质灾害的监测预警;随采地震是以采煤机为震源的地震探测新技术。本文回顾了国内外随采地震技术的研究现状,介绍了随采地震的方法原理和独特优势,并开展了一些先导性的试验研究利用。结果表明:采煤机震源具有激发能量强、频带宽、安全绿色经济、可重复等特点,可以作为随采地震探测的被动震源;采煤机震源与炸药震源的地震炮集记录接近,后者单炮信噪比相对较高;随采地震数值模拟、大数据动态处理等关键技术急需协同攻关。尽管随采地震尚处于试验研究阶段,但是它将成为未来透明工作面三维动态地质建模、开采动力地质灾害监测预警等重要手段,代表了今后煤矿智能探测技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

自燃发火倾向性是煤自燃火灾的主要影响因素之一。通过对国内外煤自燃倾向性鉴定方法的分析, 指出了我国现行的煤自燃倾向性的不足之处。根据煤自燃机理的煤、氧复合理论,建立了依据煤在低温氧化过程中的吸氧率、放热强度和着火燃烧阶段的活化能作为鉴定煤自燃发火倾向性影响因素的模糊综合评判新方法。在此基础上,用热重分析方法测试了5种煤样在相同条件的指标参数,建立模糊综合评判模型,通过模糊运算得出评判5种煤样自燃发火倾向性的综合指标。验证表明,该方法有较强的实用性,其评判结果与5种煤样的实际自燃发火期趋势一致。  相似文献   

基于分形理论确定地下煤层自燃火区范围   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探测地下煤层自燃火区位置与范围较为有效的方法是地面氡气测量。针对传统地面氡气测量方法存在特定条件限制、地球化学意义不明显的不足,通过分析地下煤层自燃火区地面测氡采集到的数据,分别应用传统方法和分形理论的含量-总量法、含量-周长法确定氡值的异常下限。通过比较三者确定的异常下限以及所圈定火区范围的不同,发现分形方法圈定的火区范围更加合理。  相似文献   

磁法探测煤火区的外推解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟广庆 《中国煤田地质》2001,13(2):76-76,106
本文阐述了磁法探测煤层火区、在没有磁性的烧变岩烧烤部分,利用该地区的地质规律及煤层烧变的规律进行外推解释。  相似文献   

二项逻辑回归模型能够弥补样本量小、自变量类型不统一等不足, 对因变量数据假设的要求较低, 可用来预测具有二分特点的因变量概率值。以新疆现存的地下煤火火点与随机生成的控制点作为建立回归方程的样本, 以煤质指标中的灰分、挥发分、硫分、发热量, 煤层上覆岩层的地质年代、地表坡度与深大断裂带的分布, 以及干燥度、人口密度与矿区的管理水平等11个指标作为自变量, 以火点为1与控制点为0作为因变量值, 运用二项逻辑回归模型建立回归方程, 并预测了中国北方11个省区的地下煤层发火(地下煤火)概率。结果显示, 研究区内地下煤火发火概率的分布局势总体上为:东部等级高且集中;西部等级较低;在各大煤田中, 极高与高等级发火概率均有分布。经验证, 研究结果精度可达67.7%左右, 且预测高发区与原煤火发生区域相当匹配, 中国北方地下煤火的发火概率等级分布图可以作为灭火工程实施与火区治理的参考。  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data has significant potential use in analysis of natural hazards such as landslides. Relying on the recent advances in satellite remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper aims to map landslide susceptibility over most of the globe using a GIS-based weighted linear combination method. First, six relevant landslide-controlling factors are derived from geospatial remote sensing data and coded into a GIS system. Next, continuous susceptibility values from low to high are assigned to each of the six factors. Second, a continuous scale of a global landslide susceptibility index is derived using GIS weighted linear combination based on each factor’s relative significance to the process of landslide occurrence (e.g., slope is the most important factor, soil types and soil texture are also primary-level parameters, while elevation, land cover types, and drainage density are secondary in importance). Finally, the continuous index map is further classified into six susceptibility categories. Results show the hot spots of landslide-prone regions include the Pacific Rim, the Himalayas and South Asia, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Alps, and parts of the Middle East and Africa. India, China, Nepal, Japan, the USA, and Peru are shown to have landslide-prone areas. This first-cut global landslide susceptibility map forms a starting point to provide a global view of landslide risks and may be used in conjunction with satellite-based precipitation information to potentially detect areas with significant landslide potential due to heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

山东兖州东滩矿3#煤层自燃临界氧浓度指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用煤自燃的模拟试验装置,对兖州东滩矿3#煤层煤样在不同的氧浓度条件下(分别为21%、13%、10%、7%和5%)进行了煤样自燃过程的实验研究,分别得到了两煤样的一氧化碳浓度与煤温关系曲线、自燃氧化中氧浓度的变化曲线、不同氧浓度下的热力学特性曲线、煤样CO增率与煤温关系曲线和煤样耗氧速度与煤温关系曲线。经过分析研究得出,不同温度下反应生成的标志气体成分不同,以一氧化碳、乙烯和乙炔作为标志气体比较合适,能准确反映出煤的不同自燃阶段。对数据分析对比研究,得出东滩煤矿3#煤层的自燃临界氧浓度指标为10%。  相似文献   

基于遥感技术的煤炭勘查方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着煤炭资源的大量开发利用,其保有储量逐年降低,易于发现的露头矿、浅部矿日趋减少,尤其是经济发达的东部地区煤炭资源更为紧缺。当前找煤对象主要为地下隐伏矿床及盲矿体,找煤难度越来越大,因此探索如何发挥现代遥感及地理信息系统技术优势开展遥感找煤具有重要意义。本文从遥感找煤的理论基础出发,通过对以往中国遥感找煤实践的总结,系统阐述了遥感找煤的方法及存在的问题,提出了下一步遥感找煤的技术发展思路:即采用新型的多波段、多极化、多角度、多时相、多分辨率遥感数据,利用GIS工具对各种地理属性、地面属性、地球物理勘探、地球化学勘探、地质钻探成果、遥感影像数据进行空间综合分析,探索煤田地质背景和成矿规律,提取深层次煤田信息。  相似文献   

A detailed study was carried out on a piece of land that had been struck by lightning during the violent rainstorm that raged over the Island of S?o Miguel (Azores Archipelago) in late October 2006. Temperature and gas measurements (CO2, CO, H2S and CH4) were performed in four study trenches, dug in an area of ∼3 m2, where an underground fire had been initiated by the impact with a lightning stroke, followed by the emission of a column of gases and smoke. The soil under study was originally a well-pedogenized about 80 cm thick bed, made of volcanic clayey to silty tephra fallouts and contained 5.5–9.7% of organic matter. The underground fire was monitored for one week and revealed a peak release of 404 ppm CO and 3.4% CO2 originating from a horizon located about 45 cm under the soil surface. Measurements of temperature, performed one week after the impact, indicated a maximum value of 326°C inside the soil, while 516.5°C were measured on the surface of a lava block interred about 20 cm under the surface. Subsequently, a stratigraphic and sedimentologic study proved the role of the grain-size of the soil and of the organic matter content of the different horizons of the impact area, in determining the ratio between anoxic/oxidised combustion conditions and in the progress of the process itself. It was also noticed that combustion was not total all over in the soil bed and that the process had slightly migrated toward SW during the observation period. The combustion process went on for about ten days, in spite of several other violent rainstorms, until it was artificially extinguished through the excavations made to obtain study trenches. This particular circumstance evidenced the potential natural hazard represented by this kind of atmospheric event, especially in a land where the volcanic nature of the soil may easily mislead inexperienced observers and, consequently, delay proper action.  相似文献   

受高瓦斯/承压奥灰水威胁的工作面开采前,一般采取定向钻进技术在工作面底板开展压裂或注浆工程保障开采安全。利用底板定向钻孔开展孔中探测工作,可更加精细揭露工作面内隐伏构造,还可实现“一孔多用”。为解决定向钻孔内的探测问题,提出一种在水平定向钻孔中进行直流电阻率法探查的方法。定向钻孔施工完毕后,退出定向钻孔施工的通缆钻杆,送入内平钻杆,将孔中高密度电缆通过钻杆尾端特制水便送入钻孔,使孔中电缆平铺于钻孔中,在定向钻孔水平段,进行孔内直流电阻率法径向探测。在理论上通过数值模拟研究层状介质下单孔测量工作模式的接收信号衰减规律、视电阻率曲线变化特征、顶底板岩性对测量结果的影响等,并采用单孔测量数据对孔旁异常范围进行反演定位。数值模拟研究表明,孔中电阻率探测方法对隐伏的异常体有良好的探测效果。通过在陕西韩城某矿井下实际煤层底板探测试验,对研究区2个定向抽采钻孔孔中探测数据进行处理,反演结果异常区与工作面内隐伏小断层位置吻合,验证了定向钻孔中电缆布置的可行性和定向钻孔内通过孔内径向和孔间透视探测隐伏构造的可靠性。   相似文献   

通过对青海调查矿区多种高分辨率卫星数据处理后形成的图像进行解译和编图,掌握了合理选择遥感数据信息源、利用制图软件计算遥感影像图比例尺及编制野外调查和成果解译图的技术方法。得出在选择遥感数据时要考虑不同数据的技术参数、性价比及调查区面积;明确了当图像的出图分辨率确定后,其比例尺与图像的空间分辨率、像素大小、文档大小有直接关系,同时建立了计算遥感图像最佳比例尺和最佳出图比例尺的公式和方法;介绍了利用Photoshop和Mapgis软件,编制矿山野外调查用图和遥感解译成果图件的流程及方法。这些工作的完成对青海矿业开发地质环境效应调查起到了积极的指导作用,也充分体现了高分辨率遥感图像在工作条件艰苦地区的优势作用。  相似文献   

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