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利用1951—2022年ERA5再分析大气环流资料和国家气候中心全国站点气温和降水资料,将33个常用的东亚冬季风(EAWM)指数划分为海陆差异类、高压特征类、大槽特征类、低层风场类、中高层风场类和综合类6类,按类别对比分析了它们的线性变化趋势和年际、年代际变化特征,并就各指数对中国冬季气温、降水时空变化的表征能力以及与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)、北极涛动(AO)等气候系统主要内部变率的关系进行了评估分析。结果显示:(1)在趋势变化方面,中国冬季气候暖湿化特征明显,但仅大槽特征类和综合类指数反映出季风的减弱趋势,其余类型指数则多呈现微弱的增强趋势,表明EAWM各子成员对当前全球变暖的响应存在差异;(2)在年际、年代际变化方面,EAWM指数主要表现为准4 a、准8 a和准16 a的周期振荡,基本都能刻画出20世纪80年代中后期EAWM的年代际减弱,对于21世纪第1个10年中期EAWM的年代际增强,考虑了南北气压差的海陆差异类指数以及高压特征类、大槽特征类和中高层风场类指数能较好表征;(3)在反映中国冬季气温变率的能力方面,除低层风场类指数外,各类指数表现良好,尤其是高压特征类指数的表征能力最佳,而在降水变率方面,高压特征类指数的代表性较差,低层风场类指数的指示意义最好;(4)在与气候系统主要内部变率的关系方面,大多数指数能较好反映ENSO与EAWM之间的关系,其中低层风场类指数的表征能力最好。而在反映AO与EAWM的关系上,则是高压特征类和大槽特征类指数的表现更佳。总体而言,除趋势变化存在较大差异外,各类EAWM指数能够一致地反映中国冬季气候变化的主要特征,但不同类别指数所表征的侧重点存在差异。因此,在分析EAWM相关科学问题时应根据研究的目的选择合适的指数。 相似文献
The method is proposed for assessing the wintering conditions of winter crops with the accuracy to separate sown areas based on the joint use of the data of remote sensing and ground-based observations. The dependence is revealed between snow depth and snow albedo in the red band (MOD09GQ data). Geoinformation mapping of wintering conditions of winter crops cultivated in the Belgorod oblast is carried out for the winter period of 2012/2013. 相似文献
This study investigates the space–time evolution of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and its relationship with other climate subsystems. Cyclostationary Empirical Orthogonal Function (CSEOF) analysis and the multiple regression method are used to delineate the detailed evolution of various atmospheric and surface variables in connection with the EAWM. The 120 days of winter (November 17–March 16) per year over 62 years (1948–2010) are analyzed using the NCEP daily reanalysis dataset. The first CSEOF mode of 850-hPa temperatures depicts the seasonal evolution of the EAWM. The contrast in heat capacity between the continent and the northwestern Pacific results in a differential heating in the lower troposphere. Its temporal evolution drives the strengthening and weakening of the Siberian High and the Aleutian Low. The anomalous sea level pressure pattern dictates anomalous circulation, in compliance with the geostrophic relationship. Thermal advection, in addition to net surface radiation, partly contributes to temperature variations in winter. Latent and sensible heat fluxes (thermal forcing from the ocean to the atmosphere) increase with decreased thermal advection. Anomalous upper-level circulation is closely linked to the low-level temperature anomaly in terms of the thermal wind equation. The interannual variability of the seasonal cycle of the EAWM is strongly controlled by the relative strength of the Siberian High to the Aleutian Low. A stronger than normal gradient between the two pressure systems amplifies the seasonal cycle of the EAWM. The EAWM seasonal cycle in the mid-latitude region exhibits a weak negative correlation with the Arctic Oscillation and the East Atlantic/West Russia indices. 相似文献
Interdecadal changes in the Asian winter monsoon (AWM) variability are investigated using three surface air temperature datasets for the 55-year period of 1958–2012 from (1) the National Centers for Environmental Prediction- National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis 1 (NCEP), (2) combined datasets from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-yr reanalysis and interim data (ERA), and (3) Japanese 55-year reanalysis (JRA). Particular attention has been paid to the first four empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes of the AWM temperature variability that together account for 64% of the total variance and have been previously identified as predictable modes. The four modes are characterized as follows: the first mode by a southern warming over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean associated with a gradually increasing basin-wide warming trend; the second mode by northern warming with the interdecadal change after the late 1980s; the third and fourth modes by north-south triple pattern, which reveal a phase shift after the late 1970s. The three reanalyses agree well with each other when producing the first three modes, but show large discrepancy in capturing both spatial and temporal characteristics of the fourth mode. It is therefore considered that the first three leading modes are more reliable than the rest higher modes. Considerable interdecadal changes are found mainly in the first two modes. While the first mode shows gradually decreasing variance, the second mode exhibits larger interannual variance during the recent decade. In addition, after the late 1970s, the first mode has a weakening relationship with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) whereas the second mode has strengthening association with the Artic Oscillation (AO). This indicates an increasing role of AO but decreasing role of ENSO on the AWM variability. A better understanding of the interdecadal change in the dominant modes would contribute toward advancing in seasonal prediction and the predictability of the AWM variability. 相似文献
ModelStudyontheInterannualVariabilityofAsianWinterMonsoonandItsInfluenceJiLiren(纪立人),SunShuqing(孙淑清)InstituteofAtmosphericPhy... 相似文献
Climate Dynamics - The East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) exhibits significant variability on intraseasonal, interannual, and interdecadal time scales and the variability can be extended to Holocene... 相似文献
Climate Dynamics - Analyses of in situ and reanalysis output are performed to examine linkages between surface sensible heat fluxes over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau (CETP) and indices... 相似文献
A simple method is described for estimating the sensible heat flux by using a Doppler sodar system and a thermal probe. This method, which can be applied to a convective boundary layer in morning hours, is based on knowing the zero heat flux level from the reflectivity and the vertical wind speed. 相似文献
Climate Dynamics - The prediction skill for the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) in early (November–December, ND) and late winter (January–February, JF) is investigated based on the... 相似文献
利用1979—2013年ERA-interim再分析资料,通过均方差分析、功率谱分析、带通滤波及合成分析等统计方法系统地分析了东亚季风区冬季经向风的季节内变化及其可能机理。结果表明,东亚季风区冬季经向风异常在我国华南一带变化显著,振荡周期为10~20 d(准双周振荡)。在准双周尺度上,水平方向上,850 h Pa异常北风主要呈现从高纬向低纬传播的特点,60°N附近异常经向风向东南方向传播,副热带30°N附近弱的异常经向风向东传播,二者在华南汇合,随后分为两支中心,分别向南和向东继续传播,我国华南一带存在基本气流向准双周尺度波动的能量转换,因此异常经向风在华南会显著增强;垂直方向上,对流层上层、中层、下层的经向风呈现强—弱—强的异常中心特征,对流层下层850 h Pa和上层200~300 h Pa均存在经向风大值中心;我国东部上空300 h Pa上,副热带地区波动比850 h Pa更明显,60°N附近波动向东南方向移动,同样在我国东部地区合并,波动辐合导致波动能量增强。 相似文献
Vertical tilt structure of the East Asian trough (EAT) and its interannual variation mechanism in boreal winter are studied using NCEP/NCAR, ERA40, and NCEP/DOE reanalyses. A vertical tilt index (VTI) is defined as the mean slope of vertical trough line on the longitude-height cross section to describe the tilting extent of the EAT, with high index indicating a more west-tilted trough and vice versa. The VTI series derived from the three reanalysis datasets are highly correlated with each other during the corresponding periods. A significant positive correlation is found between the VTI and the zonal range of the vertical trough line. Based on the close relation, a possible physical mechanism is proposed to explain the interannual variation of VTI. It demonstrates that positive (negative) temperature anomalies within the mean zonal range of the EAT result in expansion (contraction) of the zonal range and lead to high (low) VTI years. The composite analyses based on the three reanalysis datasets well support the proposed mechanism. Furthermore, the general relationship between the VTI and the zonal temperature gradient is discussed based on the proposed mechanism. It is revealed that the asymmetric change of temperature gradient on the western and eastern sides of the EAT plays an important role in the variation of VTI, which suggests that the tilting extent of the EAT is strongly affected by the two-order zonal change of temperature instead of the zonal temperature gradient (i.e., one-order change). Climate variability not only in the simultaneous winter but also in the following spring and summer over East Asia is closely related to the variation of the VTI. This study on the vertical tilting of the EAT may enrich knowledge of the East Asian winter monsoon and the climate variability over East Asia and may be helpful in improving the regional climate prediction in East Asia. 相似文献
在全球变暖的背景下,近年来东亚冬季气温存在复杂的季节内变化.本文研究了2020/21年东亚冬季气温的月际转折及可预测性.结果 表明,2020/21年东亚冬季气温前冬(2020年12月-2021年1月中旬)偏冷,后冬(2021年1月中旬-2月)偏暖.西伯利亚高压强度在前冬和后冬也出现转折变化.在前冬,由于2020年9月巴... 相似文献
对近年来中外关于东亚冬季风(EAWM)年代际变化问题研究进展做了回顾和评述,主要包括以下3个方面内容:(1)东亚冬季风明显受到全球气候变化的影响,从20世纪50年代开始,中国冬季气温经历了一次冷期(从20世纪50年代延续到80年代初中期),一次暖期(从20世纪80年代初中后期延续到21世纪初)和近10-15年(约从1998年开始)出现的气候变暖趋缓期(也称气候变暖停顿期)。(2)东亚冬季风主要表现出强-弱-强3阶段的特征,即从1950年到1986/1987年,明显偏强;从1986/1987年冬季开始,东亚冬季风减弱;约2005年之后,东亚冬季风开始由弱转强。与东亚冬季风的年代际变化特征相对应,东亚冬季大气环流以及中国冬季气温和寒潮都表现出一致的年代际变化。(3)东亚冬季风的年代际变化与大气环流和太平洋海表温度(SST)的区域模态变化密切相关。当北半球环状模/北极涛动(NAM/AO)和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)处于负(正)位相,东亚冬季风偏强(弱),中国冬季气温偏低(高)。此外,北大西洋年代尺度振荡(AMO)对东亚冬季风也有重要影响,在AMO负位相时,对应东亚冷期(强冬季风),正位相对应暖期(弱冬季风)。因而海洋的年代际变化是造成东亚冬季风气候脉动的主要自然原因,而全球气候变暖对东亚冬季风强度的减弱也有明显影响。 相似文献
基于气候态定义了西伯利亚高压指数(SH index)、东亚大槽指数(ET index)和高低压系统间的东亚经向风指数(V index),使用回归分析探究西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽在季节内尺度上对东亚地区冬季温度的影响机理,构建线性模型对冬季华南地区季节内尺度温度进行延伸期预报。结果表明:西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽系统变化中最显著的是季节内尺度信号;季节内尺度SH index和ET index对V index的贡献分别为82.6% 和42.2%;3个指数的回归模态在对流层中层对应西北-东南向低频罗斯贝波列缓慢东南传播,低层水汽、近地面层环流、降水及2 m温度场配置良好,当西伯利亚高压深厚或东亚大槽发展时,经向风关键区北风强盛,有利于冬季高纬度地区干冷空气向东亚输送;V index对华南地区冬季季节内尺度2 m气温的有效预报时效达25 d。 相似文献
利用国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(CMIP6)的全球气候模式历史模拟试验资料,通过旋转经验正交函数分析得到了CMIP6模式中的我国冬季气温变化主要的区域空间模态。结果表明:CMIP6多模式集合平均中我国冬季气温有4个主要的区域空间模态,分别为中原—西北型,华南型,东北型以及滇藏型。其中,东北型与滇藏型是较为稳定的空间模态,在所选CMIP6模式及观测资料中都稳定存在,这也是前人研究中一致性较高的模态。而我国新疆、西北、华中及华南地区的冬季气温在空间分型上存在分歧,这些地区的分型在以往研究中的一致性也较差。华南型在所选CMIP6模式内是一致存在的模态,中原—西北型在模式内部的差异性较大。在近40 a观测资料中,新疆及西北到我国南方为统一的空间分型,在CMIP6多模式集合平均的结果中新疆及西北地区气温空间分布与我国中原地区的联系更为紧密。CMIP6模式能较好地模拟出与低温空间分布有直接联系的对流层中层的槽的位置,当CMIP6模式和观测中的冬季气温都表现为同一个空间模态时,该模态所对应的对流层中层的主要环流系统在观测和CMIP6模式中也是一致的。 相似文献
全球及中国区域长时间序列卫星数据集(CG-LTDR)包括地表反照率、叶面积指数、土地覆盖分类、植被指数和积雪覆盖产品。为了应用CG-LTDR和其他卫星气候数据,基于WEBGIS技术建立了CG-LTDR系统,实现对卫星气候数据集的在线管理和显示分析功能。本文介绍了CG-LTDR卫星气候数据集及显示分析系统,并利用NDVI数据对中亚及周边核心区的植被状况和长期变化进行分析。结果表明:哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦地区及新疆西部和北部植被平均状况较好。中亚地区的植被在20世纪90年代和2000年代整体状况较好,20世纪80年代相对较差,2010年后空间变化不均。特别是从21世纪开始我国西部沙漠化程度加重,一些地区地表植被严重破坏,生态环境变化不容乐观。由于中亚地区常规观测少,利用CG-LTDR卫星气候数据集对中亚地区进行应用具有很好的意义,CG-LTDR可以为农牧资源和生态环境提供有效信息。 相似文献
Heat flux density at the soil surface ( G 0) was evaluated hourly on a vegetal cover 0.08 m high, with a leaf area index of 1.07 m 2 m ?2, during daylight hours, using Choudhury et al. (Agric For Meteorol 39:283–297, 1987) ( $ G_0^{\text{rn}} $ ), Santanello and Friedl (J Appl Meteorol 42:851–862, 2003) ( $ G_0^{\text{s}} $ ), and force-restore ( $ G_0^{\text{fr}} $ ) models and the plate calorimetry methodology ( $ G_0^{\text{pco}} $ ), where the gradient calorimetry methodology ( G 0R ) served as a reference for determining G 0. It was found that the peak of G 0R was at 1 p.m., with values that ranged between 60 and 100 W m ?2 and that the G 0/Rn relation varied during the day with values close to zero in the early hours of the morning and close to 0.25 in the last hours of daylight. The $ G_0^{\text{s}} $ model presented the best performance, followed by the $ G_0^{\text{rn}} $ and $ G_0^{\text{fr}} $ models. The plate calorimetry methodology showed a similar behavior to that of the gradient calorimetry referential methodology. 相似文献
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及国家气象局整编的中国160站逐月降水和气温资料,定义了一个北半球冬季500hPa东亚大槽强度指数( IEAT),并分析了该指数所反映的冬季东亚大槽强度的年际变化规律及其与同期中国冬季降水、气温的关系.结果表明: IEAT指数反映了对流层中层冬季亚洲大陆高压脊与西北太平洋上空的低压槽系统之间的平均经向风强度,且能够较好地反映冬季东亚大槽的强度.东亚大槽的强度在20世纪80年代之前相对较弱,并存在2-3年和准4年的年际变化周期.冬季东亚大槽强弱变化可能与源自地中海地区的罗斯贝波动能量沿亚洲急流东传有关,且这种西风带中的扰动具有准正压结构. IEAT指数与青藏高原东部地区的冬季降水和气温相关显着.当 IEAT指数为正(负),东亚大槽偏强(弱),对应着中国华中地区以及华东大部分地区冬季总降水量偏少(多),且华中地区冬季平均气温偏高(低).进一步研究发现,在东亚大槽偏强年,华中地区冬季平均气温异常升高主要是由于异常非绝热加热和下沉运动导致的异常动力增温所致.这些研究结果有助于更好地理解由于东亚大槽强度的变化而导致的中国冬季气候变化特征及其原因. 相似文献