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This work describes short-term responses of sandy-bottom infaunal macrobenthic communities to environmental disturbances, such as episodic storms and the intertidal sewage discharge of the Mar del Plata City (38° S, 57° W, Argentina). Sewage discharge increases by up to 60% every summer due to tourism pressure. Episodic storms affect the area during autumn-winter and arguably have a cleaning effect on the water and sediment quality. Quantitative data on benthic communities (based on Van Veen grab samples), water and sediment variables were obtained in November 1999 and March 2000. During March the sampling was carried out before and after a storm. Parametric and non- parametric tests showed highly significant differences in both environmental (pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, grain size and total organic carbon of sediments) and biological data (species distribution and abundances, density, species number, diversity and evenness), reflecting changes that might be related to increasing sewage discharge between November and March, and to storm effects of March. High values of pH and dissolved oxygen, including a slight stratification in the water column, as well as high values of mean grain size and total organic carbon were observed in March with the increasing sewage volume. Nevertheless, diversity and evenness showed low values, but higher density. The ratio crustacean/polychaetes + molluscs also showed low values compared to November data. Maldanid polychaetes (indicator of low content of organic matter in sediments) dominated in November, but they were replaced by the polychaete Prionospio spp. (indicator of organic enrichment in subtidal areas) and the tanaidacean Kalliapseudes schubarti in March. Before the storm event, values of both environmental and biological data returned to relatively normal conditions, but without reaching the November values, reflecting the disturbance produced by a moderate northern storm. In spite of an inappropriate replication in time, the present results strongly suggest that these changes were related to both sewage disturbance and storm effects. These data are in agreement with and explain the pattern observed in shallow-shelf benthic communities of the SW Atlantic. Implications for environmental management and decision making are discussed, because a pulse disturbance (storms) becomes a press disturbance, keeping the environment healthy in spite of strong pressure and pulse sewage-disturbances.  相似文献   

We used non-destructive methods to study the bi-monthly changes in standing stock, turnover, and net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) of Spartina alterniflora in the Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina, from 2005 to 2007. Tillers were tagged and counted bimonthly and a weight:height relationship developed for the live and dead stems in a regularly flooded zone (low marsh, LM) and an irregularly flooded one (high marsh, HM). The annual tiller natality in year one compared to year two decreased from 440 ± 68 to 220 ± 58 new individuals m–2 yr–1 in the HM and from 500 ± 103 to 280 ± 97 new individuals m−2 yr−1 in the LM (μ ± 1 SE). Tiller mortality averaged 670 ± 70 individuals m−2 yr−1.  相似文献   

Macrofaunal assemblages inhabiting the intertidal zone surrounding an input of secondary treated effluent were sampled in order to determine how the pollution impact varied temporally and spatially. Assemblages varied along the pollution gradient formed by the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant outfall in Gulf St Vincent, South Australia. While the abundance of some species did not vary, the abundance of juvenile western king prawns (Melicertus latisulcatus) and blue crabs (Portunus pelagicus) progressively decreased with proximity to the outfall. Species richness and diversity also decreased towards the outfall. An increase in nutrient content in the water adjacent to the outfall is likely to explain these changes. At distances of 4 and 5 km away, species diversity increased and the abundance of M. latisulcatus decreased, possibly due to a change in habitat from sand to seagrass. The occurrence of a storm prior to sampling on one occasion masked the effects of pollution and habitat changes. The results of this study suggest that the disposal of treated effluent into Gulf St Vincent is having a localised effect on the faunal assemblages surrounding the discharge point.  相似文献   

Analyses of the compositions of benthic foraminifera and sediment, observations of tidal level and salinity, and a geographic survey of the tidal salt marsh in Suncheon Bay were conducted to examine the vertical distribution of foraminifera and evaluate their potential use for sea level studies. The salt marsh is composed mainly of fine-grained silty clay sediment and its salinity is below approximately 11 psu. The tidal current flows in the southwest-tonortheast direction with an average velocity of 26.57 cm/s. A total of 33 species of foraminifera (17 agglutinated and 16 calcareoushyaline) belonging to 24 genera was identified. The species diversity (1.1 on average) was relatively low. Dominant species were Ammonia beccarii, Miliammina fusca, Haplophragmoides wilberti, and Jadammina macrescens. Calcareous foraminifera (29.5%) were dominantly represented by the Ammonia beccarii assemblage, which characterized the region between mean tide level and mean low high water (MLHW). Agglutinated species (70.5%) were represented mostly by Miliammina fusca, Miliammina fusca-Haplophragmoides wilberti, and Haplophragmoides wilberti assemblages, which characterized the MLHW–mean high water (MHW), MHW–mean highest high water (MHHW), and MHHW–Approx. highest high water tide levels, respectively. In particular, the Haplophragmoides wilberti assemblage is believed to represent the highest elevation zone of foraminifera in the salt marshes of Suncheon Bay and is considered to be a reliable indicator of sea level as a result of its narrow vertical range.  相似文献   

Studies of tidal flows in salt marsh creeks have shown velocity pulses on certain tides, although these have often been overlooked in considering temporal sampling designs for the measurement of discharge asymmetry. Velocity measurements for both spring and neap tides were taken at 5-min intervals at Bridge Creek in south-east Essex. The importance of temporal sampling interval in determining measured discharge asymmetry is examined using these data, integrating at intervals of between 5 and 30 min. The results indicate that sampling at 30-min intervals can underestimate discharge when velocity pulses on spring tides are not accurately monitored. Both under- and over-estimation of discharge on neap tides suggests that temporal sampling is also an important consideration when velocity pulses do not occur.  相似文献   

Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 11 and 12 transports across the transoceanic World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) A25 section in the subpolar North Atlantic are derived from an inverse model using hydrographic and ADCP data (Lherminier et al., 2007). CFC and anthropogenic carbon (CANT) advective transports contrary to expected are uncoupled: CANT is transported northeastwards (82±39 kmol s?1) mainly within the overturning circulation, while CFC-11 and CFC-12 are transported southwestwards (?24±4 and ?11±2 mol s?1, respectively) as part of the large-scale horizontal circulation. The main reason for this uncoupled behaviour is the complex CFC vs. CANT relation in the ocean, which stems from the contrasting temperature relation for both tracers: more CANT dissolves in warmer waters with a low Revelle factor, while CFC’s solubility is higher in cold waters. These results point to CANT and CFC having different routes of uptake, accumulation and transport within the ocean, and hence: CANT transport would be more sensitive to changes in the overturning circulation strength, while CFC to changes in the East Greenland Current and Labrador Sea Water formation in the Irminger Sea. Additionally, CANT and CFCs would have different sensitivities to circulation and climate changes derived from global warming as the slowdown of the overturning circulation, increase stratification due to warming and changes in wind stress.  相似文献   

Trends in the abundance, diversity and taxonomic composition of ‘live’ (rose Bengal stained) foraminiferal assemblages (0-1 cm layer, >63-μm fraction) were analysed in replicate multiple corer samples collected at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (48° 50’ N, 16° 30’ W, 4850 m water depth) over a 13-yr period (1989-2002). Total densities were significantly higher in 1996-2002 compared to 1989-1994, a change coincident with a spectacular rise in the density of the holothurian Amperima. However, total densities exhibited no significant relation to seasons or any significant correlation with modelled organic matter flux, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, Amperima densities, or megafaunal assemblage composition. Over the same period, species richness and diversity measures decreased and dominance increased, although not significantly. Multivariate analyses revealed three assemblages represented by samples collected in 1989-1994, 1996-July 1997 and October 1997-October 2002. These reflected temporal changes in the densities of higher taxa and species. Trochamminaceans, notably a small undescribed species, increased from 5-9% (1989-1994) to 29-40% (1996-2002) of the assemblage with a corresponding rise in absolute abundance. Species of Hormosinacea and Lagenammina also tended to increase in density from 1996/1997 onwards. Rotaliids, dominated by Alabaminella weddellensis and Epistominella exigua, showed a bimodal distribution over time with peak densities in May 1991 (32%) and September 1998 (28%) and lowest densities in 1996-1997. Responses by these species to seasonal phytodetritus inputs probably explain the relative abundance of E. exigua, and to a lesser extent A. weddellensis, in 1989 and 1991 when phytodetritus was present. A qualitative change in the phytodetrital food, repackaging of food by megafauna, increased megafaunal disturbance of the surficial sediment, or a combination of these factors, are possible explanations for the dominance of trochamminaceans from 1996 onwards. The miliolid Quinqueloculina sp. was virtually absent in multicore samples (0-1 cm, >63-μm fraction) from 1989-1994, peaked in September 1996 (22%) when degraded phytodetritus was present on core surfaces, was less common in March 1997, and thereafter was relatively uncommon. However, horizontally sliced box-core samples (0-5 cm, >250-μm fraction) revealed that large specimens were more abundant in March 1997, and also were concentrated in deeper sediment layers, than in September 1996. We suggest that Quinqueloculina sp. migrated to the sediment surface in response to a 1996 flux event, grew and reproduced, before migrating back into deeper layers as the phytodetrital food became exhausted. Overall, the abyssal time-series revealed decadal-scale changes among shallow-infaunal foraminifera, more or less coincident with changes in the megafauna, as well as indications of shorter-term events related to seasonally-pulsed phytodetrital inputs.  相似文献   

The relationship between age and oxygen is one that is often assumed in oceanography to be relatively simple. Because oxygen utilization rates are difficul  相似文献   

Examination of a time series of foraminiferal assemblage distributions on the continental shelf and slope of Santa Monica Bay from 1955 to 1997-1998 suggests that the benthic microfauna have been greatly affected by the quality and character of the municipal sludge and wastewater discharged into the bay over the last half-century by the Hyperion Treatment Plant serving the greater Los Angeles area. Five species dominate both the living and dead foraminiferal assemblages of the 1997-1998 surface samples, including Eggerella advena, Trochammina pacifica, Bulimina denudata, Buliminella elegantissima, and Epistominella bradyana. Temporal patterns of relative species abundances for both living and dead assemblages, as well as toxicity tests measuring amphipod survival and sea urchin fertilization success, show improvement since the sewage treatment program was enhanced in 1986. None of these trends are evident 10 years earlier, coincident with the onset of a Pacific Decadal Oscillation warming trend. This fact suggests that remediation, and not climate change, is responsible for the faunal changes observed. Even with remediation, however, all foraminiferal faunal trends have not returned to early-outfall levels. The organic-waste indicating species T. pacifica shows a slow decline in abundance as sewage treatment and sludge disposal activities have improved, whereas a dramatic increase in the abundance of the pioneer colonizer of impacted regions, E. advena, has occurred, often with a reciprocal response by B. denudata. Also evident is a dramatic shift in the abundance of the once-dominant species Nonionella basispinata and Nonionella stella, which were unable to recolonize Santa Monica Bay since the two major outfalls (5- and 7-mile) began discharging. Temporal variations in species abundances, as well as range expansions, contractions, and the inability to recolonize areas previously, or presently, impacted, suggests that foraminifers are a useful tool in defining areas affected by waste discharge.  相似文献   

Tidal marsh exchange studies are relatively simple tools to investigate the interaction between tidal marshes and estuaries. They have mostly been confined to only a few elements and to saltwater or brackish systems. This study presents mass-balance results of an integrated one year campaign in a freshwater tidal marsh along the Scheldt estuary (Belgium), covering oxygen, nutrients (N, P and Si), carbon, chlorophyll, suspended matter, chloride and sulfate. The role of seepage from the marsh was also investigated. A ranking between the parameters revealed that oxygenation was the strongest effect of the marsh on the estuarine water. Particulate parameters showed overall import. Export of dissolved silica (DSi) was more important than exchange of any other nutrient form. Export of DSi and import of total dissolved nitrogen (DIN) nevertheless contributed about equally to the increase of the Si:N ratio in the seepage water. The marsh had a counteracting effect on the long term trend of nutrient ratios in the estuary.  相似文献   

The nannofosssil assemblages have been analyzed in five cores taken from the Titanic area of the northwestern Atlantic (∼41°–42° N, ∼47°–50° W, water depths >3500 m) during cruises 41 and 43 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 1998 and 2000. They correlate the host sediments with the upper Pleistocene-Holocene Emiliania huxleyi zone. The changes in the structure of the nannofossil assemblages and the lithological characteristics such as the content of biogenic CaCO3, the abundance of ice-rafted debris, and the grain-size composition were used for the high-resolution stratigraphy of sections with defining marine isotopic stages 1–3 of the last 24 kyr. A characteristic feature of the nannofossil assemblages from this area is their enrichment with the cold-resistant species Coccolthus pelagicus during the warm climatic stages and the lack of allochthonous coccolitophorid remains.  相似文献   

The continental margin of SW Africa is typical of a volcanic rifted margin associated with a hotspot trail characterized by a large volcanic ridge, the Walvis Ridge, defining the hotspot migration, and extensive extrusive volcanism that produced seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR). Previously unpublished seismic data show two significant anomalies of the SW African Margin when compared to other typical volcanic rifted margins: (1) Hyaloclastitic outer highs are rare, and (2) the SDR in the North dip towards the Walvis Ridge. We explain these anomalies by a major transform segment close to the centre of volcanism combined with pulsed volcanism. The Walvis Ridge represents an east-west striking extrusive centre which produced a SDR sequence. Following break-up the northern boundary of the Walvis Ridge became a left lateral transform fault. Our data support the idea that a transform fault system interacting with a ridge jump were responsible for the accretion of the São Paulo Plateau to the American plate.  相似文献   

Gettysburg and Ormonde are two shallow peaks located on the Gorringe seamount about 200 and 240 km WSW off Cape St. Vincent (Portugal, NE Atlantic), within the Portuguese Economic Exclusive Zone. Despite the ecological importance of the biological assemblages on these peaks and the need to preserve seamounts as valuable habitats, no management plans have been yet implemented at this site, which only recently has been included in the list of Sites of Community Importance of Portugal. Video imagery collected using a ROV during the 2011 Oceana campaigns was used here to analyse qualitative and quantitative patterns of benthic assemblage composition at the summit of the seamount (between 30 and 230 m depth). The results suggest that Ormonde is a biologically important area made up of vulnerable marine ecosystem elements that change significantly with depth. These include: kelp beds, in the euphotic zone; encrusting coralline algal communities and solitary colonies or mixed associations of suspension‐feeders (scleractinians, gorgonians, antipatharians, encrusting demosponges and ascidians), at the lower limit of the euphotic zone; mixed coral gardens and erect sponges, in the disphotic zone; and dense sponge aggregations, on the upper slope. These results were further used to propose amendments to the European Nature Information System habitat classification as a tool to work towards resolving the seamounts management issue. The results also provide information on taxa and habitats with high ecological value and classified as threatened or vulnerable, which is essential for the implementation of the cornerstones of Europe's biodiversity conservation policy, namely the OSPAR Convention and the EU Habitats Directive.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to compare epiphyte assemblages of leaves and rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica exposed to different levels of concentration of nutrients. The same design including a potentially impacted meadow and two reference meadows was used in each of two locations, characterized by the presence of a city or of suspended cages of a fish farm, respectively. This allowed to test for the consistency of responses of epiphytic assemblages to different sources of eutrophication. In both studies, results documented differences in patterns of composition and abundance of epiphytic assemblages on leaves between disturbed and reference meadows, while assemblages on rhizomes did not appear sensitive to this kind of disturbance. Moreover, in potentially impacted meadows, both assemblages showed different patterns of spatial variability compared to reference assemblages. Species composition and abundance of epiphyte assemblages seemed suitable for detecting moderate nutrient increases, even if adequate sampling designs are needed to separate patterns related to the large natural spatial variability of these systems from those related to changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, precise and reproducible procedure is described for sample preparation, extraction and measurement of total mercury in peaty sediments, plants and animal tissues. Various amounts of a heavy metal containing dried sewage sludge were applied to experimental plots in a New England salt marsh. This treatment resulted in elevation of mercury levels in the surface 5 cm of the soil. Discrepancies in the bulk density of marsh sediments corresponded with interparticle spaces and detritus/mineral ratios in the peat matrix. Mass balance calculations showed that wetlands covered with tall Spartina alterniflora lost mercury considerable faster than higher marsh locations which retained virtually all mercury added. The shortest halflife of mercury calculated was four years. Grain size analyses of peat and sewage sludge suggested that mercury in the higher intertidal range remained associated with sludge components. Biochemical and physical processes affecting the dissipation of mercury from creek side sediments are discussed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the composition, abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton in the inner shelf area off Bahía Blanca Estuary on the SW Atlantic Ocean during late spring. Eggs and larvae of Brevoortia aurea, Engraulis anchoita, Parona signata, Sciaenidae spp. – such as Cynoscion guatucupa and Micropogonias furnieri –, and Odontesthes argentinensis were found. Species richness was low probably as a result of season and shallow depths. Ichthyoplankton abundance reached values close to 10 000 per 10 m−3 (eggs) and 4000 per 10 m−3 (larvae) and displayed a spatial distribution pattern with maximum abundance values restricted to a band parallel to the coast. Differences between egg and larval patterns, probably derived from a different displacement and hydrodynamic behavior, were observed. Egg and larvae distribution patterns were found related with spawning areas and to directly depend on salinity and mesozooplankton. The larvae distribution pattern, in particular, was found to inversely depend on particulate organic carbon. In addition, the geographic location of egg and larvae maxima strongly coincided with a saline front reported for this area in springtime, thus suggesting a direct relationship with it.  相似文献   

The persistence of the anthropogenic halogenated tracers, CFC-11 (CCl3F), CFC-12 (CCl2F2), CFC-113 (CCl2FCClF2), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) in oxygen-depleted waters was investigated in the anoxic fjord Framvaren in southern Norway. A model for the ventilation of the water in the fjord was created based on tritium and CFC-12 profiles. The results suggest that CFC-12 is stable in this environment, although still affected by particulate scavenging, while the other four halocarbon species shows signs of significant removal in the oxic/anoxic interface. The first-order removal coefficients were calculated to be 0.35, 0.19, 1.23 and 0.31 year−1 for CFC-11, CFC-113, CCl4 and CH3CCl3, respectively. Significant downward flux of halogenated tracers by sinking organic matter is suggested by the model; the tracers are subsequently released to the water column by the remineralisation of the particles. This process acts as a sink of halogenated tracers in the surface waters, whereas it is a source for the deep waters. Our results points to bioaccumulation factors (BF) for the CFC tracers in the order of 4.4–5.4 (log BF), which is 100–600 times those previously reported. This might be of significance to near-shore, semi-enclosed, basins with a high flux of organic matter, but would still have little importance in open ocean basins.  相似文献   

The objective was to estimate the seasonal and inter-tidal variability of dissolved and particulate mercury fluxes between the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) and the Atlantic Ocean. The mercury fluxes were estimated by means of a two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic model. Results showed that the particulate fraction plays an important role in the transport of mercury while the contribution of the seston fraction to the transport of mercury was always <0.5%. During spring tides, in summer, about 2% of mercury transported in seston was present in an organic form. The mass balance for the mercury fractions revealed that the mercury export to the Atlantic Ocean varied with season and tidal regime, mainly in terms of the relative importance of the dissolved and particulate fractions. An approximate range of values for the annual mass balance between 42 and 77 kg shows that the export of dissolved and particulate mercury makes little impact on the near shore region of the Atlantic Ocean and that the recovery of the lagoon from mercury contamination is likely to remain a long-term issue.  相似文献   

The community structure of the decapod crustaceans inhabiting Le Danois Bank (Cantabrian Sea, NE Atlantic Ocean) was studied on two cruises performed in October 2003 and April 2004. Otter and beam-trawls were used to collect this fauna. At depths ranging between 455 and 1048 m, we found distinct decapod assemblages on the bank summit and deeper in the inner basin (between the bank and the continental shelf). The faunal discontinuity between these groups appeared at around 600 m (e.g. between 612 and 642 m in the basis of species replacement). The summit assemblage was characterized by low diversity (in terms of number and relative abundances of species) and by the dominance of hermit crabs (Pagurus alatus, Anapagurus laevis, Pagurus excavatus), the crangonid Pontophilus spinosus and the squat lobster Munida sarsi. Species characterizing the deeper assemblage, which was richer in terms of diversity, were Munida tenuimana, Parapagurus pilosimanus, Pontophilus norvegicus, the crab Geryon trispinosus and a number of bathypelagic shrimps (Sergia robusta, Acanthephyra pelagica and Pasiphaea tarda). Changes in decapod composition characterized by multidimensional scaling analyses were correlated with different variables, e.g. %mud and %organic matter (OM), temperature and salinity close to the bottom. Among those the %OM and %mud in sediments affected decapod distributions the most. The summit of the bank was covered by fine sediments with low proportion of mud (13.9–29.3%) and OM (2.55–3.50%). By contrast, sediment of the inner basin had a higher proportion of OM and mud (64.1–84.2%; 6.26–7.00%, respectively). The low proportion of mud at the summit of Le Danois Bank may explain the absence or scarcity of burrowing species (e.g. the lobster Nephrops norvegicus, the shrimps Calocaris macandreae and Alpheus glaber and the crab Goneplax rhomboides), that are dominant at similar depths (400–500 m) in the upper muddy assemblage on the mainland-continental slope in the Bay of Biscay (44–46°N). The dominance of certain species on the summit of submarine mounts can probably be related to their biology and feeding ecology. For example, pagurids are deposit feeders, even consuming marine snow (e.g. Chl-a identified in guts of Pagurus alatus), and they have low gut fullness (probably indicating a capacity to withstand long periods under starvation), that would favour their adaptability to a rather unpredictable habitat such as Le Danois Bank summit. Regarding prey availability, zooplankton/micronekton and infauna distributed around Le Danois Bank showed different depth-related patterns. Among zooplankton, mesopelagic decapods, mysids, and fishes were absent at the bank summit, while euphausiids exhibited high abundances over the summit. No significant trends with depth were found for infauna abundance, and for instance polychaete densities were similar both at the summit and the inner basin. Therefore, prey availability was lower for summit assemblages regarding zooplankton/micronekton. Patterns in mean size vs. depth were species specific for decapods, and the possible role of the bank summit as a recruitment area was not general for the whole decapod assemblage.  相似文献   

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