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Relativistic models of radiating stellar collapse with shear require careful checking of all the equations and quantities involved. We illustrate this by showing that, in a recently proposed model, the metric ansatz is in fact too restrictive to allow any radial evolution to occur, and only tangential evolution is possible. Furthermore, the assumption of pressure isotropy is shown to reduce the model to the static case without radiation or shear.  相似文献   

The large-scale flow produced by classical and relativistic jets in a uniform external medium is explored using a combination of general arguments and numerical simulations. We find that in both cases, jets with finite initial opening angles are recollimated by the high pressure in the cocoon and that the outer flow becomes approximately self-similar at large times. However, if the opening angle is significantly less than 20°, then there is an intermediate stage during which the working surface propagates at a constant speed, which is of the same order as that in the jet. The behaviour of the relativistic and classical jets is very similar, except that the relativistic jets generate lighter cocoons. Application of the model to Cygnus A gives estimates of the source age and advance speed which agree very well with spectral ageing observations. Quantitative estimates and general arguments suggest that the regularly spaced knots in the Cygnus A jet can be interpreted as shocks associated with reconfinement of an initially free jet, knot 3 of the Cygnus A jet being identified with the reflection point of the reconfinement shock. However, the model predicts too large an initial opening angle for the Cygnus A jets. It is possible that this discrepancy is due to our imposition of axisymmetry which allows the numerical jets to become much better collimated after the reconfinement than they would be in the three-dimensional case. Further study is needed to test this idea.  相似文献   

Relativistic shocks can accelerate particles by the first-order Fermi mechanism; the particles then emit synchrotron emission in the post-shock gas. This process is of particular interest in the models used for the afterglow of gamma-ray bursts. In this paper we use recent results in the theory of particle acceleration at highly relativistic shocks to model the synchrotron emission in an evolving, inhomogeneous and highly relativistic flow. We have developed a numerical code that integrates the relativistic Euler equations for fluid dynamics with a general equation of state, together with a simple transport equation for the accelerated particles. We present tests of this code and, in addition, we use it to study the gamma-ray burst afterglow predicted by the fireball model, along with the hydrodynamics of a spherically-symmetric relativistic blast wave.
We find that, while broadly speaking the behaviour of the emission is similar to that already predicted with semi-analytic approaches, the detailed behaviour is somewhat different. The 'breaks' in the synchrotron spectrum behave differently with time, and the spectrum above the final break is harder than had previously been expected. These effects are due to the incorporation of the geometry of the (spherical) blast wave, along with relativistic beaming and adiabatic cooling of the energetic particles leading to a mix, in the observed spectrum, between recently injected 'uncooled' particles and the older 'cooled' population in different parts of the evolving, inhomogeneous flow.  相似文献   

In the standard fireball model of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the fireball starts with an optically thick phase. As it expands, the fireball becomes optically thin at some stage. The thermal radiation trapped in the originally opaque fireball then leaks out, producing a transient event. The appearance of the event is investigated in the framework of a homogeneous, spherically symmetric and freely expanding fireball produced instantly by an explosive process without continuous injection of mass and energy. We find that, generally, the event has a time duration shorter than that of the main burst, which is presumably produced by the internal shock after the fireball becomes optically thin. The event is separated from the main burst by a quiescent time interval, and is weaker than the main burst at least in a high-energy band. Hence, the event corresponds to a GRB precursor. The precursor event predicted by our model has a smooth and Fast Rise and Exponential Decay (FRED) shaped light curve, and a quasi-thermal spectrum. Typically, the characteristic blackbody photon energy is in the X-ray band. However, if the distortion of the blackbody spectrum by electron scattering is considered, the characteristic photon energy could be boosted to the gamma-ray band. Our model may explain a class of observed GRB precursors – those having smooth and FRED-shaped light curves and quasi-thermal spectra.  相似文献   

We study the influence of the matter content of extragalactic jets on their morphology, dynamics and emission properties. For this purpose we consider jets of extremely different compositions, including pure leptonic and baryonic plasmas. Our work is based on two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic simulations of the long-term evolution of powerful extragalactic jets propagating into a homogeneous environment. The equation of state used in the simulations accounts for an arbitrary mixture of electrons, protons and electron–positron pairs. Using the hydrodynamic models, we have also computed synthetic radio maps and the thermal bremsstrahlung X-ray emission from their cavities.
Although there is a difference of about three orders of magnitude in the temperatures of the cavities inflated by the simulated jets, we find that both the morphology and the dynamic behaviour are almost independent of the assumed composition of the jets. Their evolution proceeds in two distinct epochs. During the first one, multidimensional effects are unimportant and the jets propagate ballistically. The second epoch starts when the first larger vortices are produced near the jet head, causing the beam cross-section to increase and the jet to decelerate. The evolution of the cocoon and cavity is in agreement with a simple theoretical model. The beam velocities are relativistic  ( Γ ≃4)  at kiloparsec scales, supporting the idea that the X-ray emission of several extragalactic jets may be due to relativistically boosted CMB photons. The radio emission of all models is dominated by the contribution of the hotspots. All models exhibit a depression in the X-rays surface brightness of the cavity interior, in agreement with recent observations.  相似文献   

We calculate the structure of the accretion disc around a rapidly rotating black hole with a super-Eddington accretion rate. The luminosity and height of the disc are reduced by the advection effect. In the case of large viscosity parameter, α>0.03, the accretion flow deviates strongly from thermodynamic equilibrium and overheats in the central region. With increasing accretion rate, the flow temperature steeply increases, reaches maximum, and then falls off. The maximum is achieved in the advection-dominated regime of accretion. The maximum temperature in the disc around a massive black hole of M =108 M⊙ with α=0.3 is of order 3×108 K. The discs with large accretion rates can emit X-rays in quasars as well as in galactic black hole candidates.  相似文献   

We present gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves in X-ray, optical and radio bands for various distributions of accelerated electrons behind the shock. The effects of lateral expansion of the jet and of winds in typical Wolf-Rayet star on the evolution are discussed. The light curves in the radiative case decline more rapidly than those in the adiabatic case. Under the combined effect of jet expansion and wind environment, the light curves have the greatest deviation from those of the standard model. All these results refer to the relativistic phase.  相似文献   

We numerically examine centrifugally supported shock waves in 2D rotating accretion flows around a stellar mass  (10 M)  and a supermassive  (106 M)  black holes over a wide range of input accretion rates of     . The resultant 2D shocks are unstable with time and the luminosities show quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with modulations of a factor of 2–3 and with periods of a tenth of a second to several hours, depending on the black hole masses. The shock oscillation model may explain the intermediate frequency QPOs with 1–10 Hz observed in the stellar mass black hole candidates and also suggest the existence of QPOs with the period of hours in active galactic nuclei. When the accretion rate     is low, the luminosity increases in proportion to the accretion rate. However, when     greatly exceeds the Eddington critical rate     , the luminosity is insensitive to the accretion rate and is kept constantly around  ∼3 L E  . On the other hand, the mass-outflow rate     increases in proportion to     and it amounts to about a few per cent of the input mass-flow rate.  相似文献   

An increase in the central density of a neutron star may trigger a phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined quark matter in the core, causing it to collapse to a more compact hybrid star configuration. We present a study of this, building on previous work by Lin et al.. We follow them in considering a supersonic phase transition and using a simplified equation of state, but our calculations are general relativistic (using 2D simulations in the conformally flat approximation) as compared with their 3D Newtonian treatment. We also improved the treatment of the initial phase transformation, avoiding the introduction of artificial convection. As before, we find that the emitted gravitational wave spectrum is dominated by the fundamental quasi-radial and quadrupolar pulsation modes but the strain amplitudes are much smaller than suggested previously, which is disappointing for the detection prospects. However, we see significantly smaller damping and observe a non-linear mode resonance which substantially enhances the emission in some cases. We explain the damping mechanisms operating, giving a different view from the previous work. Finally, we discuss the detectability of the gravitational waves, showing that the signal-to-noise ratio for current or second generation interferometers could be high enough to detect such events in our Galaxy, although third generation detectors would be needed to observe them out to the Virgo cluster, which would be necessary for having a reasonable event rate.  相似文献   

Appearing in the composite spectral data of BATSE, EGRET and COMPTEL for GRB 910503, there is a bump at around 1600 keV. We perform a statistical analysis on the spectral data, trying to find out if the bump could be accounted for by a blue-shifted and significantly broadened rest frame line due to the Doppler effect of an expanding fireball surface. We made an F-test and adopted previously proposed criteria. The study reveals that the criteria are well satisfied and the feature can be interpreted as the blue shifted 6.4 keV line. Prom the fit with this line taken into account, we find the Lorentz factor of this source to be P = 116-9+9 (at the 68% confident level,△x2 = 1) and the rest frame spectral peak energy to be E0,p- 2.96-0.18+0.24 keV. Although the existence of the emission line feature requires other independent tests to confirm, the analysis suggests that it is feasible to detect emission line features in the high energy range of GRB spectra when taking into account the Doppler effect of fireball expansion.  相似文献   

We analyse the general radiation emission mechanism from a charged particle moving in a curved inhomogeneous magnetic field. The consideration of the gradient makes the vacuum magnetic field compatible with the Maxwell equations, and adds a non-trivial term to the transverse drift velocity, and, consequently, to the general radiation spectrum. To obtain the radiation spectrum in the classical domain a general expression for the spectral distribution and characteristic frequency of an electron in arbitrary motion is derived, by using Schwinger's method. The radiation patterns of the ultrarelativistic electron are represented in terms of the acceleration of the particle. The same results can be obtained by considering that the motion of the electron can be formally described as an evolution caused by magnetic and electric forces. By defining an effective electromagnetic field, which combines the magnetic field with the fictitious electric field associated to the curvature and drift motion, one can obtain all the physical characteristics of the radiation by replacing the constant magnetic field with the effective field. The power, angular distribution and spectral distribution of all three components (synchrotron, curvature and gradient) of the radiation are considered, in both the classical and the quantum domain, within the framework of this unified formalism. In the quantum domain the proposed approach allows the study of the effects of the inhomogeneities and curvature of the magnetic field on the radiative transition rates of electrons between low-lying Landau levels and the ground state.  相似文献   

We discuss the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), allowing for γγ pair production and synchrotron self-absorption. The observed hard spectra suggest heavy pair-loading in GRBs. The re-emission of the generated pairs results in the energy transmission from high-energy gamma-rays to long-wavelength radiation. Due to strong self-absorption, the synchrotron radiation by pairs is in optically thick regime. Thus, the re-emission would appear as a thermal-like spectral bump in the extreme-ultraviolet/soft X-ray band, other than the peak from the main burst. The confirmation of the thermal-like feature and the double-peak structure by future satellites, such as Swift, would indicate that the dominant radiation mechanism in GRBs is synchrotron rather than inverse-Compton radiation.  相似文献   

In normal one-temperature plasma the motion of ions is usually ne-glected when calculating the Bremsstrahlung radiation of the plasma. We calculatethe Bremsstrahlung radiation of a two-temperature plasma by taking into accountof the motion of ions. Our results show that the total radiation power is alwayslower if the motion of ions is considered. We also apply the two-temperatureBremsstrahlung radiation mechanism for an analytical Advection-Dominated Ac-cretion Flow (ADAF) model; we find the two-temperature correction to the totalBremsstrahlung radiation for ADAF is negligible.  相似文献   

Internal shocks propagating through an ambient radiation field are subject to a radiative drag that, under certain conditions, can significantly affect their dynamics, and consequently the evolution of the beaming cone of emission produced behind the shocks. The resultant change of the Doppler factor combined with opacity effects leads to a strong dependence on the viewing angle of the variability pattern produced by such systems; specifically, the shape of the light curves and the characteristics of correlated emission. One implication is that objects oriented at relatively large viewing angles to the observer should exhibit a higher level of activity at high synchrotron frequencies (above the self-absorption frequency), and also at gamma-ray energies below the threshold energy of pair production, than at lower (radio/millimetre) frequencies.  相似文献   

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