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Marco Bonini   《Tectonophysics》2009,474(3-4):723-735
The relations between earthquakes and the eruption of mud volcanoes have been investigated at the Pede–Apennine margin of the Northern Apennines and in Sicily. Some of these volcanoes experienced eruptions or increased activity in connection with historical seismic events, showing a good correlation with established thresholds of hydrological response (liquefaction) to earthquakes. However, the majority of eruptions have been documented to be independent of seismic activity, being mud volcanoes often not activated even when the earthquakes were of suitable magnitude and the epicentre at the proper distance for the triggering. This behaviour suggests that paroxysmal activity of mud volcanoes depends upon the reaching of a specific critical state dictated by internal fluid pressure, and implies that the strain caused by the passage of seismic waves can activate only mud volcanoes in near-critical conditions (i.e., close to the eruption). Seismogenic faults, such as the Pede–Apennine thrust, often structurally control the fluid reservoirs of mud volcanoes, which are frequently located at the core of thrust-related folds. Such an intimate link enables mud volcanoes to represent features potentially suitable for recording perturbations associated with the past and ongoing tectonic activity of the controlling fault system.  相似文献   

A multi‐method approach (palaeothermal and thermochronological analyses; thermal modelling) is applied to reconstruct the exhumation history of the Altotiberina Fault (ATF), a representative example of crustal‐scale active low‐angle normal faulting in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Thermal maturity and thermochronological data yield similar burial histories but different exhumation patterns for the sedimentary successions in the hangingwall and the footwall of the ATF. Since 3.8 Ma, the ATF footwall has exhumed at rates of 0.90 mm a?1. Exhumation led to bending and deactivation of the ATF uppermost portion as a result of tectonic unloading and isostatic adjustment, followed by migration of extension and the development of a set of domino‐like, east‐dipping normal faults, rooting on the buried portion of the ATF. ATF activity and isostatic rebound exhumed Triassic rock units from depths of about 4 km. We suggest that isostatic instability is accommodated at shallow crustal levels, in a similar way to what is observed on larger structures at mid‐low crustal levels.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possible influence of syn-sedimentary structures on the development of orogenic structures during positive tectonic inversion in the inner Northern Apennines (Italy). Examples from key areas located in southern Tuscany provided original cartographic, structural and kinematics data for Late Oligocene-Early Miocene thrusts, organized in duplex systems, verging in the opposite direction of the foreland propagation (back-thrusts), which affected the Late Triassic-Oligocene sedimentary succession of the Tuscan Domain, previously affected by pre-orogenic structures. These latter consist of mesoscopic-to cartographic-scale Jurassic syn-sedimentary normal faults and extensional structures, which gave rise to effective stratigraphic lateral variation and mechanical heterogeneities. Structural analysis of both syn-sedimentary faults and back-thrusts were therefore compared in order to discuss the possible role of the pre-existing anisotropies in influencing the evolution of the back-thrusts. As a result, it can be reasonably proposed that back-thrusts trajectories and stacking pattern were controlled by relevant syn-sedimentary normal faults; these latter were reactivated, in some cases, if properly oriented. Such an issue adds new inputs for discussing the potential role of structural inheritance during tectonic inversions, and helps to better understand the processes suitable for the development of back-thrusts in the inner zones of orogenic belts, as it is the case of the inner Northern Apennines.  相似文献   

The relationships between thrusts and normal faults represent primary constraints in the reconstruction of the modes and timing of pre-, syn- and post-orogenic deformation events in fold-and-thrust belts. Such relationships are well exposed in curved orogenic belts where the thrusts are oblique to the trend of normal faults.We study the NNE–SSW-trending Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini oblique thrust and its crosscutting relationships with NW–SE-trending normal faults in order to constrain the Neogene–Quaternary deformation history of the Central-Northern Apennine (Italy). The analysis of structural and geological data allowed us to reconstruct the geometric and kinematic constraints of two inversion events: 1 – During the Pliocene, positive inversion reactivated the NNE–SSW-trending pre-existing Ancona-Anzio normal fault as the Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini oblique thrust ramp and caused the shortcut of NW–SE-oriented normal faults; 2 – During the Quaternary, negative inversion reactivated NW–SE-trending pre-thrusting normal faults.The growth of the NW–SE Quaternary normal faults causes seismicity and is responsible of the development of wide Quaternary intramontane basins. Their distribution and the related seismicity have been controlled and compartmentalized by NNE–SSW-trending oblique thrusts. Thus, the crosscutting relationships between thrusts and normal faults are crucial in seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Meso- and micro-structural studies of the well-exposed Balduini Thrust (Northern Apennines, Italy) indicate that the structure formed during a single folding event, contemporaneous with diagenesis, and is a zone comprising curved, en-échelon fault segments. The geometry of each segment is arcuate with pure compression at one end and right-lateral displacement along the other. The thrust developed during the Tortonian within a single mud-rich formation, the Upper Eocene–Upper Oligocene Scaglia Cinerea, but rheological variations within the unit led to differences in deformation style; zones of scaly fabric are discontinuous and calcite veins vary in abundance. The mesoscopic morphology of the veins and the distribution of calcium carbonate along the formation indicate variations in the distribution of fluids at the time of deformation, which affected both diagenesis and the structural response of the material. Systematic variations of mechanical properties within the thickness of the Scaglia Cinerea Formation account for the curvature of the propagating thrust. Together with the heterogeneity of the stress field, the confinement of the arcing thrust to this single, weak unit lead to repeated initiation of new fractures and hence segmentation of the propagating thrust. Geometric analysis of the calcite veins and their microscopic characters suggests that hydrofracturing was involved, with the Scaglia Cinerea Formation experiencing high fluid pressure followed by rapid water expulsion. The Balduini Thrust is therefore an example of a fluid-driven, refracted compound shear zone. The analysis presented here provides insights into the three-dimensional arrangement of fault zones and fluid-migration patterns during regional faulting.  相似文献   

Extensional deformations are common within foredeep basins and generally consist of hinterland-dipping normal faults located at the foredeep–foreland transition zones. Foreland-dipping normal faults at the belt–foredeep boundaries, by contrast, are far less documented and their occurrence is not predicted by simple orogenic load models. New surface data integrated with seismic reflection profiles across the Central Apennines of Italy reveal the occurrence of foreland-dipping normal faults located in the inner edges of foredeep depressions. Extensional deformations are systematically found within sequentially younger Tortonian, Messinian and Early Pliocene foredeep basins, thus suggesting that normal fault development was an intrinsic feature of the evolving belt–foredeep–foreland system and could have influenced the stratal architectures of the host syn-orogenic deposits. Foreland extension is consistent with existing geodynamic models for the Apennines and could represent the effects of lithospheric bending: its recognition and documentation elsewhere could provide significant insights to improve our understanding of syn-orogenic basin dynamics.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive study of the recent and active tectonics of the external part of the Northern Apennines (Italy) by using morphotectonic, geological–structural, and stratigraphic analysis, compared with the current seismicity of the region. This analysis suggests that the external part of the Northern Apennines is characterised by presence of three major systems of Quaternary compressive structures corresponding to (1) the Apenninic watershed, (2) the Apennines–Po Plain margin (pede-Apenninic thrust front), and (3) the Emilia, Ferrara, and Adriatic Fold systems buried below the Po Plain. Geological data and interpreted seismic sections indicate a roughly N–S Quaternary deformation direction, with rates <2.5 mm/year. The shortening decreased since the Pliocene, when our data indicate compression in a NNW–SSE direction and rates up to 7 mm/year. The trend and kinematics of the structures affecting the Apennines–Po Plain margin and the Po Plain subsoil fit well the pattern of the current seismicity of the area, as well as recent GPS and geodetic levelling data, pointing to a current activity of these thrust systems controlled by an overall compressive stress field. Close to the Apenninic watershed, earthquake focal mechanisms indicate that shallow extension is associated to deep compression. The extensional events may be related to a secondary extensional stress field developing on the hangingwall of the thrust system affecting the Apenninic watershed; alternatively, this thrust system may have been recently deactivated and overprinted by active normal faulting. Deeper compressive events are related to the activity of both a major basement thrust that connects at surface with the pede-Apenninic thrust front and a major Moho structure.  相似文献   

Bonini (2009, Structural controls on a carbon dioxide-driven mud volcano field in the Northern Apennines (Pieve Santo Stefano, Italy): relations with pre-existing steep discontinuities and seismicity. Journal of Structural Geology 31, 44–54) presents a 2D mechanical analysis to infer the failure conditions responsible for the seismicity distribution during an Mw = 4.6 seismic sequence nucleating during 2001 in the Northern Apennines. In my view the mechanical analysis presented in this paper has some weakness or is not well constrained, in particular: 1) the assumption of a dip angle of 50°, is not consistent with the activated structures; 2) the Pf = σ3 condition, difficult to be attained along a cohesionless fault dipping at 50°; 3) the isotropic stress state, i.e. σ2 = σ3, that is not consistent with the active or recent stress field in the area.  相似文献   

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide—earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5–15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.  相似文献   


The definition of the active fault geometry and kinematics in young evolving orogens may be difficult owing to changes in the structural architecture which may occur with a frequence of few hundred thousand years. Cases from the central Apennines well illustrate this problem. The Avezzano-Bussi and Vallelonga-Salto Valley fault systems (65 and 85 km long, respectively) show clear evidence of Pliocene-early Pleistocene activity and have been responsible for the formation of intermontane basins. Available geological data, however, indicate that only minor segments (the Tre Monti and Trasacco faults, both 7 km long) of the mentioned faults have to be considered active during the late Pleistocene-Holocene, as faults accommodating minor deformations inside an intermontane basin. The L'Aquila fault system underwent significant geometrical and kinematic modifications during the Quaternary, with the reactivation of minor portions of parallel normal faults to draw a new system of en-echelon normal-oblique left-lateral faults. The Laga Mts. fault experienced an along-fault activity migration. The portion of the fault which was active earlier during the Quaternary shows a significant decrease or end of the activity while a portion previously not active displays impressive evidence of late Pleistocene-Holocene displacements. Structural changes in the intermontane basins bounded by the Colfiorito fault system also indicate that the intensity of the tectonic activity decreased during the Quaternary. Not defining the structural evolution in the above mentioned cases would imply wrong conclusions for both the fault geometry and kinematics which may be delivered for seismotectonics and seismic hazard assessment. This typically leads to overestimate the fault length and the expected magnitude or to the increase in the number of seismogenic sources affecting an area. Finally, the definition of the structural evolution permits to select between different geometrical options in terms of active faulting framework (e.g. a system of parallel normal faults vs. a system of en-echelon normal oblique faults as in the case of the L'Aquila fault system) related to different geometries at depth (detachment normal fault vs. high-angle oblique fault). © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

A low-angle extensional fault system affecting the non metamorphic rocks of the carbonate dominated Tuscan succession is exposed in the Lima valley (Northern Apennines, Italy). This fault system affects the right-side-up limb of a kilometric-scale recumbent isoclinal anticline and is, in turn, affected by superimposed folding and late-tectonic high-angle extensional faulting.The architecture of the low-angle fault system has been investigated through detailed structural mapping and damage zone characterization. Pressure-depth conditions and paleofluid evolution of the fault system have been studied through microstructural, mineralogical, petrographic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope analyses. Our results show that the low-angle fault system was active during exhumation of the Tuscan succession at about 180°C and 5 km depth, with the involvement of low-salinity fluids. Within this temperature - depth framework, the fault zone architecture shows important differences related to the different lithologies involved in the fault system and to the role played by the fluids during deformation. In places, footwall overpressuring influenced active deformation mechanisms and favored shear strain localization.Our observations indicate that extensional structures affected the central sector of the Northern Apennines thrust wedge during the orogenic contractional history, modifying the fluid circulation through the upper crust and influencing its mechanical behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the reactivation mechanism of ancient earth flows, with a view to gleaning information that can subsequently be utilized to formulate a risk-reduction strategy. All considerations made herein are the result of direct experience and observation of actual events which have occurred over the past few decades in the Northern Apennines. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the evolution of landslides during actual reactivation, acknowledging a typical, recurring succession of events that precede the failure of the slope. The hazard assessment of these large landslide bodies, which are of slope scale, constitutes a thorny problem, especially in view of the inapplicability of traditional deterministic models such as limit equilibrium stability analysis. Nevertheless, a site-specific assessment of probability of reactivation of these large and ancient earth flows is fundamental to effective land-use planning.  相似文献   

Direct observation of active emission of fluids and mud from a submarine mud volcano were made for the first time in an extensive field of mud diapirs and mud volcanoes on the Mediterranean Ridge using a video camera towed 2 m above the seafloor in 1800 m of water. This recent research using both long range and deep-towed sidescan sonar systems indicates also that diapirism and eruption of mud along the crest of the ridge is more common than previously thought. The southwards increase in age of rock fragments carried within the erupted mud supports the hypothesis that the fluid mud becomes overpressured within a southward-dipping backthrust from the Inner Deformation Front of this accretionary prism.  相似文献   

The Miano borehole, 1047 m deep, is located close to the river Parma in the Northern Apennines, Italy. A measuring station has been installed to observe the discharge of fluids continuously since November 2004. The upwelling fluid of this artesian well is a mixture of thermal water and CH4 as main components. In non-seismogenic areas, a relatively constant fluid emission would be expected, perhaps overlaid with long term variations from that kind of deep reservoir over time. However, the continuous record of the fluid emission, in particular the water discharge, the gas flow rate and the water temperature, show periods of stable values interrupted by anomalous periods of fluctuations in the recorded parameters. The anomalous variations of these parameters are of low amplitude in comparison to the total values but significant in their long-term trend. Meteorological effects due to rain and barometric pressure were not detected in recorded data probably due to reservoir depth and relatively high reservoir overpressure. Influences due to the ambient temperature after the discharge were evaluated by statistical analysis. Our results suggest that recorded changes in fluid emission parameters can be interpreted as a mixing process of different fluid components at depth by variations in pore pressure as a result of seismogenic stress variation. Local seismicity was analyzed in comparison to the fluid physico-chemical data. The analysis supports the idea that an influence on fluid transport conditions due to geodynamic processes exists. Water temperature data show frequent anomalies probably connected with possible precursory phenomena of local seismic events.  相似文献   

The Marnoso–arenacea basin was a narrow, northwest–southeast trending, foredeep of Middle–Late Miocene age bounded to the southwest by the Apennine thrust front. The basin configuration and evolution were strongly controlled by tectonics.

Geometrical and sedimentological analysis of Serravallian turbidites deposited within the Marnoso–arenacea foredeep, combined with palaeocurrent data (turbidite flow provenance, reflection and deflection), identify topographic irregularities in a basin plain setting in the form of confined troughs (the more internal Mandrioli sub-basin and the external S. Sofia sub-basin) separated by an intrabasinal structural high. This basin configuration was generated by the propagation of a blind thrust striking northwest to southeast, parallel to the main trend of the Apennines thrust belt.

Ongoing thrust-induced sea bed deformation, marked by the emplacement of large submarine landslides, drove the evolution of the two sub-basins. In an early stage, the growth and lateral propagation of a fault-related anticline promoted the development of open foredeep sub-basins that were replaced progressively by wedge-top or piggy-back basins, partially or completely isolated from the main foredeep. Meanwhile, the depocenter shifted to a more external position and the sub-basins were incorporated within an accretionary thrust belt.  相似文献   

Abstract Mg-gabbros from East Ligurian ophiolites (Northern Apennines, Italy) display a high-temperature/low-pressure recrystallization localized along ductile shear zones. In deformed gabbros, the igneous diopside is recrystallized into granoblastic aggregates of neoblastic diopside and minor red-brown amphibole. The latter displays a pargasitic composition, with high amounts of AlIV Na(A) and Ti (± 1.8, 0.7 and 0.4 atoms per formula unit, respectively). Major element composition of neoblastic minerals highlight equilibration temperature conditions in the range 800–950° C. Red-brown Ti-pargasite also occurs as a minor interstitial constituent, presumably growing from a residual trapped liquid, in the differentiated lithologies (Fe-Ti-diorites) of the plutonic ophiolitic complex. By means of ion microprobe (SIMS technique), rare earth (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb) and selected trace elements (Sr, Y, Cr, V, Sc, Zr, Ti) have been analysed in igneous and neoblastic diopside, as well as in Ti-pargasites. Ti-pargasites have also been analysed for F and Cl, and compared with the halogen composition of the amphiboles, mainly hornblendes to actinolites, which are related to the subsequent low-temperature brittle evolution. Neoblastic Ti-pargasite from deformed Mg-gabbros bears close compositional similarities with igneous Ti-pargasite from undeformed Fe-Ti-diorites, whereas it is geochemically distinct from the amphiboles post-dating the ductile event. In particular, Ti-pargasites have relatively high contents of F, REE, Y, Zr and Sr, which are not consistent with crystallization in the presence of seawater-derived hydrothermal fluids. High-grade recrystallization probably developed in the presence of volatile-rich igneous fluids, either trapped between the cumulus minerals or injected into the ductile shear zones from outside the local system. An alternative hypothesis comprises the absence of fluid phase and the development of ductile shear zones in Ti-pargasite-rich layers. The petrological features of deformed gabbros recovered from present-day slow-spreading ridges and fracture zones bear close similarities with the investigated ophiolitic metagabbros. In East Ligurian ophiolites, high-grade ductile shear zones have been related to the initial stages of the uplift of the gabbro-peridotite complex to the sea-floor.  相似文献   

Active faults that rupture the earth's surface leave an imprint on the topography that is recognized using a combination of geomorphic and geologic metrics including triangular facets, the shape of mountain fronts, the drainage network, and incised river valleys with inset terraces. We document the presence of a network of active, high-angle extensional faults, collectively embedded in the actively shortening mountain front of the Northern Apennines, that possess unique geomorphic expressions. We measure the strain rate for these structures and find that they have a constant throw-to-length ratio. We demonstrate the necessary and sufficient conditions for triangular facet development in the footwalls of these faults and argue that rock-type exerts the strongest control. The slip rates of these faults range from 0.1 to 0.3 mm/yr, which is similar to the average rate of river incision and mountain front unroofing determined by corollary studies. The faults are a near-surface manifestation of deeper crustal processes that are actively uplifting rocks and growing topography at a rate commensurate with surface processes that are eroding the mountain front to base level.  相似文献   

The Umbria-Marche foreland fold-and-thrust belt in the northern Apennines of Italy provides excellent evidence to test the hypothesis of synsedimentary-structural control on thrust ramp development. This orogenic belt consists of platform and pelagic carbonates, Late Triassic to Miocene in age, whose deposition was controlled by significant synsedimentary extension. Normal faulting, mainly active from Jurassic through Late Cretaceous-Paleogene time, resulted in significant lateral thickness variability within the related stratigraphic sequences. By Late Miocene time the sedimentary cover was detached from the underlying basement and was deformed by east-verging folds and west-dipping thrusts. Two restored balanced cross sections through the southernmost part of the belt show a coincidence between the early synsedimentary normal faults and the late thrust fault ramps. These evidences suggest that synsedimentary tectonic structures, such as faults and the related lithological lateral changes, can be regarded as mechanically important controlling factors in the process of thrust ramp development during positive tectonic inversion processes.  相似文献   

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