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With the rapid development of the marine economy industry, human exploitation of marine resources is increasing, which is contributing to the growing trend of eutrophication and frequent occurrence of red tide. Accordingly, investigations of seawater quality have attracted a great deal of attention. This study was conducted to construct a seawater environmental quality assessment model based on the variable fuzzy recognition model. The uncertainty and ambiguity of the seawater quality assessment were then considered, combining the monitoring values of evaluation indicators with the standard values of seawater quality. Laizhou Bay was subsequently selected for a case study. In this study, the correct variable model for different parameters was obtained according to the linear and nonlinear features of evaluation objects. Application of the variable fuzzy recognition model for Laizhou Bay, water quality evaluation and comparison with performance obtained using other approaches revealed that the generated model is more reliable than traditional methods, can more reasonably determine the water quality of various samples, and is more suitable for evaluation of a multi-index, multi-level, nonlinear marine environment system; accordingly, the generated model will be an effective tool for seawater quality evaluation.  相似文献   

The fundamental principle for differentiating water masses is a strict consideration of their “relative interier homogeneity” and obvious exterior differences with others in characteristics. The conceptions of water type, water mass and water system are dealt with on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets. A proposal to apply the theory of fuzzy sets to define the water mass and its core, independent area, boundary and mixing area is put forward. As an example, the membership function of the surface water masses in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea in August, 1979, are considered. Their cores, independent areas, boundaries, mixing areas and the approximation degrees between different water masses are calculated respectively. The water masses are ranged according to their fuzzy degrees. This paper was published inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 1986,17(2): 102–110. This study was financially supported by National Natural Sciences Foundation of China.  相似文献   

基于粗集理论的教学质量评价模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了克服用线性模型对教学质量进行评价存在的不足,提出一种基于粗集理论的智能专家系统作为教学质量评价的模型。利用Salvatore Greco等提出的补齐算法,可以将知识表达系统中缺失的数据进行补齐。实例数据表明,该模型在保持教学质量评价模糊性的同时,能对教学质量做出比较一致的评价。  相似文献   

Since land and labor force are primary resources to be used and controlled by rural households, the allocation of labor forces will influence land uses, and further lead to land use conversion. The present study used the Binary Logit model to investigate the influence of labor force transfer, characteristics of rural households, location, and land market on agricultural land use conversion at rural household level. This study was conducted based on 329 valid questionnaires, which were obtained in Changshu, Rudong, and Tongshan counties, respectively representing the southern, middle and northern areas of Jiangsu Province. The results showed that land market participation, location, zonal difference and labor transfer had strong influences on agricultural land use conversion. The participation of land market had a strong positive effect on land use conversion, especially for the farmland converted to the fishpond. The nearer to the county seat, the more conversion of land use occurred. Particularly, the labor force transfer caused by wage employment decreased this conversion probability, while the labor transfer caused by self-employment led to more conversion; and the increasing of income from labor transfer increased the conversion. Moreover, land use conversions demonstrated zonal difference, which were more in Rudong and Changshu counties than in Tongshan County, and the factors influencing this conversion were different in the three regions.  相似文献   

介绍了AprioriHybral算法,针对算法前期工作效率的不足,提出一种基于项目集矩阵的改进算法ISMa-trix-AprioriHybral(ISMA).新算法(ISMA)主要从使用项目集矩阵生成一阶和二阶频繁项目集的角度,对Apriori-Hybral算法进行了优化.还对改进后算法的性能进行了简要的分析,最后通过使用实际数据的测试,验证了改进后算法的效率优于AprioriHybral算法.  相似文献   

Four images of 1991 AVHRR, 2003 and 2007 MODIS were used to extract waterlogging inundated water of three years, and three inundated water maps were overlaid to estimate waterlogging affected frequency. Based on waterlogging affected frequency, waterlogging hazard of pixel scale was assessed. According to the weighed score of area percentage of different waterlogging affected frequency in 13 counties/cities of Lixiahe region, waterlogging hazard rank of every county/city was assessed. Waterlogging affected frequency map and 1 km× 1 km grid landuse map were used to assess waterlogging risk of pixel scale; and then waterlogging risk rank of every county/city was assessed by the similar method by which waterlogging hazard rank of every county/city was assessed. High risk region is located mainly in core zone of Lixiahe hinterland, medium risk region is adjacent to high risk region, and low risk region is located in the most outlying area of risk zone and mainly in south to middle part of Lixiahe region. Xinghua and Gaoyou belong to high risk city, Jiangyan belongs to medium risk city, and the other counties/cities have low or lower waterlogging risk. The method of assessing waterlogging risk in this paper is simple and applicable. This paper can provide guidance for the waterlogging risk analysis in broader area of Huaihe River Basin.  相似文献   

提出基于模糊Hopfield神经网络的大气降水粒子分类,它是通过计算样本间的模糊关系的相似程度,再加上Hopfield网络所特有的高稳定性,对大气降水粒子进行分类.通过对各降水粒子所对应雷达回波数据的分析,验证了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

分析现有GIS产品的可靠性方法没有考虑GIS产品的模糊性,首次提出了一种基于梯形模糊数算术运算的可靠性分析方法,论述了GIS产品模糊可靠性分析的意义,简单介绍了梯形模糊数的基本概念和运算规则,阐述了梯形模糊数用于GIS产品可靠性分析的步骤,并用实例进行分析,最后总结并指出了需要解决的问题。结果表明,该方法可以较好地表达GIS产品的不确定性,而且计算也十分简单。  相似文献   

针对一类多变量非线性控制对象的轨迹跟踪问题,设计一种模糊迭代学习控制器,利用模糊控制器动态调节迭代学习律增益矩阵参数,通过反馈线性化算法和信息融合技术降低模糊控制器输入变量维数,实现多变量非线性系统轨迹跟踪控制.结果表明:与固定增益型迭代学习控制器相比,采用模糊迭代学习控制器学习速度提高,控制稳定性改善,两自由度机械臂的轨迹跟踪控制仿真结果也验证模糊迭代学习控制器的优越性.  相似文献   

基于模糊C均值聚类和数学形态学的图像分割   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心肌细胞钙离子实时激光扫描共聚焦光学切片呈现为点状分布的荧光图像并且受到噪声的严重干扰,单独利用模糊C均值聚类不能对这种图形进行有效分割。针对这种特定的图像提出了一种基于模糊C均值聚类和数学形态学的图像分割算法。首先利用邻域平均对图像预处理,然后利用模糊C均值聚类做分割,最后利用数学形态学的方法对图像做了平滑、连通和去噪处理。这种方法,不但有效地抑制了噪声,而且分割出的图像边缘连续、清晰。  相似文献   

根据模糊集原理,提出了一种数量型数据挖掘关联规则的方法,并通过试验证明了算法的合理性.  相似文献   

集成Spring与Hibernate框架技术构建基于J2EE的Web应用可以提高J2EE项目的可重用性.介绍了使用技术的原理及组合Spring Hibernate框架的Web应用.并给出在该框架下设计的农业信息化平台系统的实现,为相关Web应用系统设计提供了范例.  相似文献   

基于模糊控制的快速循迹智能车的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出基于模糊控制的快速循迹智能车的实现方法.利用转速传感器、线阵CCD、舵机等构成一个闭环控制系统,并采用PI算法控制智能车后轮速度.采用模糊控制算法将线阵CCD返回的误差模糊化,然后按照MAX-MIN规则进行逻辑推理,最后将推理结果反模糊化后以控制舵机转向.实验结果证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Extreme weather events have played an important role in driving the ecosystem dynamics in high altitude areas,but the underlying mechanism remains unclear.To understand if and how the soil processes of an ecosystem react to extreme drought,we manipulated a once-in-a-century meteorological extreme drought in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau,which is also known as the "forerunner of global weather changes".The extremity was determined by statistical extreme weather events with respect to a historical reference period from April to September during 1962-2004,where the local historical precipitation data was calculated and intensified to 100-year recurrent drought event with GumbelⅠdistribution.The indicators we measured included soil microbial biomass C/N/P and soil enzymatic activities of phosphatase(AP) disbounding organic phosphate,cellobiohydrolase(CBH),βglucocidase(BG),N-releasing enzyme N-acetylglucosaminidase(NAG) as well as soil respirations,during and after the treatments.It was found that the manipulated event induced a rapid shift in microbial biomass and activities,indicating a lower resistance of the underground process.However,the microbial and biochemical parameters saw rapid recovery after the event,which meant the soil processes enjoyed high resilience.The high responsiveness and lag-time effects of the soil indicators rendered new horizons for us to evaluate the interaction between the extremes and the ecosystem stability.Our study indicated that the once-in-a-century extreme drought induced very short term response in the soil biotic process,and the soil processes worked to buffer against such events under the observation period.  相似文献   

根据用户的访问记录,以及每次检索输入的关键词、用户的动作来动态更新用户的兴趣点.提出了一个能较好吻合这一思想的数据挖掘模型,以用户的停留时间、访问频率和用户输入的检索关键词为数据对象,进行用户兴趣分析,动态跟踪用户需求意向,简化检索过程,提高WEB资源的使用效率.  相似文献   

提出了一种扩展客体层次的权限策略模型,通过重新定义客体域、扩展安全定义和操作规则,更加适应多级复杂客体权限系统的要求.  相似文献   

土地覆被是地球科学研究中的重要参量,评价土地覆被数据的制图精度是保障数据合理使用的前提。本文提出了一种基于伪纯像元的精度评价策略(伪纯像元策略),即当低空间分辨率栅格窗口内对应的高空间分辨率数据中优势类别(面积最大的地类)的占比高于伪纯像元纯度阈值(代表像元纯度,取值范围:35%~100%,步长为5%)时,以此栅格窗口为基准生成土地覆被类型为优势类别的伪纯像元用于精度评价。以澜沧江-湄公河(澜湄)流域为试验区,选择GlobeLand30为参考数据,并基于混淆矩阵精度评价方法对比分析了伪纯像元策略与重采样法(最近邻法和众数法)在CCI-LC(300 m)和MCD12Q1(500 m)2套全球土地覆被数据精度评价中的差异。结果表明:(1)伪纯像元策略在35%~100%纯度阈值下对CCI-LC和MCD12Q1在澜湄流域评价的精度分别为72.76%~55.26%和71.44%~45.41%,比重采样法评价的单一精度(众数法:71.21%和70.54%、最近邻法:71.48和69.87%)能更好地反映像元纯度对土地覆被数据精度的影响;(2) CCI-LC的总体精度高于MCD12Q1,且2套数据的...  相似文献   

详细讨论了基于矿体轮廓线的三维建模方法中涉及的匹配对应、分支和构面建模等主要问题.针对轮廓线匹配问题提出了一种以矿体整体走向为投影方向,以相邻剖面中轮廓线总面积之比为缩放比例的等角度变比例投影算法,将不共面的轮廓线投影到同一平面中以完成共面轮廓线的匹配拓扑分析,从而解决轮廓线的对应问题.为了解决轮廓线的分支问题,设计了一种距离反比加权平均和样条函数相结合的自适应插值算法.最后通过采用实际矿山数据建模,对本文所提出的方法进行了有效性验证.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional, depth-integrated model proposed by Lynett and Liu (2002) was checked carefully, and several misprints in the model were corrected after detailed examination on both the theory and the numerical program. Several comparisons were made on wave profile, system energy and maximum wave amplitude. It is noted that the modified model can simulate the propagation of the internal solitary waves over variable bathymetry more reasonably to a certain degree, and the wave profiles obtained based on the modified model can better fit the experiment data reported by Helfrich (1992) than those from original model.  相似文献   

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