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 A well-developed drainage network is carved in the hard calcretized and gypcretized gravelly sand of the Pleistocene Dibdibba Formation in northern Kuwait. The present-day aridity suggests that these drainages were developed during pluvial episodes that took place in the post-Pleistocene time and, therefore, are considered as paleo-drainage. Detailed morphometrical analysis of the endoeric drainage systems was performed and the degree of correlation among their different morphometric parameters was investigated. Based on these parameters, the studied drainage basins are statistically grouped into three groups. Such grouping was confirmed by discriminant analysis. The categorical data analysis demonstrated the dependence of these groupings on the surface geology, regional topography, and local geomorphological settings. Infiltration measurements revealed that the drainage bedrocks have a low infiltration rate (<20 cm h–1), whereas the drainage fill deposits have a relatively high infiltration rate (67–30 cm h–1). The impact of the drainage system pattern and morphometry on the hydrological conditions is discussed and potential near-surface low salinity to freshwater aquifers is delineated. The role of the studied drainage systems in the occurrence of mobile sand and sand dunes, rainwater harvesting, and land capability are discussed. Received: 8 September 1995 · Accepted: 24 October 1995  相似文献   

Watershed development and management plans are more important for harnessing surface water and groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid regions. To prepare a comprehensive watershed development plan, it becomes necessary to understand the topography, erosion status and drainage patterns of the region. This study was undertaken to determine the drainage characteristics of Pageru River basin using topographical maps on a scale of 1:50,000. The total area of the Pageru River basin is 480 km2. It was divided into X sub-basins for analysis. The drainage patterns of the basin are dendritic and include a sixth order stream. The quantitative analysis of various aspects of a river basin drainage network characteristics reveals complex morphometric attributes. The streams of lower orders mostly dominate the basin. The development of stream segments in the basin area is more or less affected by rainfall. The elongated shape of the basin is mainly due to the guiding effect of thrusting and faulting. The erosional processes of fluvial origin have been predominately influenced by the subsurface lithology of the basin.  相似文献   

作为一种描述地形起伏特征的数据模型,数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)通过有限的地形高程数据实现对地形曲面的数字化模拟(即地形表面形态的数字化表示),为研究地表的演化过程提供了数据基础。文章归纳梳理了DEM在基本地形因子、流域地貌特征、古地貌面的重塑、构造地貌发育模式、地貌分类与制图以及地形特征提取算法等领域的应用现状。总的来看,DEM研究对象以陆地为重点,以河流地貌和山地地貌为主要内容;研究过程从早期对地貌形态的定性描述向多种地貌参数的半定量、定量分析转变;研究尺度空间上从某个小流域到整个造山带,时间上从数小时向百万年扩展。构造地貌演化时间序列的不确定性、地貌参数获取的复杂性、地形模型算法的多样化以及DEM生成过程中的误差因素,这些均影响构造地貌定量分析结果的准确度,因此在归纳梳理已有研究成果的同时,对DEM在构造地貌研究领域的应用进行了一些思考。   相似文献   

The comparison of two multiple regression models is based on the assumption that geochemical composition of the drainage basin alluvial sediments is derived primarily from the underlying bedrock lithology. The parent material is integrated with both stream sediment and overbank sediment geochemistry via the two essentially different approaches as regards the drainage basin geomorphological data: (1) as the relative area of influence representing a portion of the catchment basin occupied by a specific rock type and (2) as the relative “line” of influence representing a narrow zone of the underlying bedrock traversed by the perennial streams which form the active stream network. The model comparison is established on the goodness-of-fit test for both experimental designs and for the same set of data. Both experiments converge on the linear approach as the more appropriate model in evaluating the lithologic influence on the analysed sample media in small mountainous watersheds.  相似文献   

Tectonic transition from a syn-rift stage to subsequent post-rift stage is an important mechanism in the evolution of extensional basins. The sedimentary infill records the crustal response to this process. We have obtained new detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf signatures from the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic successions encompassing the commonly accepted syn- to post-rift transition boundary, the T4 unconformity, in the Songliao Basin, NE China. These constrain the Songliao Basin’s evolution from its center to distal margins, providing insights into the sediment provenance and dispersal pattern over the tectonic transition. Analysis of zircons from the syn-rift (the Shahezi and Yingcheng formations) and immediate post-rift (the Lower and Middle Denglouku Formation) stages reveals Phanerozoic age populations with positive ?Hf(t) values, which were derived from the proximal juvenile mantle-derived melt origin bedrocks of the Songliao Block. In contrast, the overlying samples from the Upper Denglouku Formation deposited in the subsequent post-rift stage contain exotic and ancient zircon populations with ages of 2.5 Ga & 1.8 Ga and complex hafnium signatures, characteristic of a mixed origin. These are interpreted to be transported from distant cratonic terranes via larger drainage networks. It is obvious that the sediment dispersal pattern switched from being a local and hydrologically closed “intraregional” pattern to a “transcontinental” pattern during the transition. The time lag between the development of the T4 unconformity and the drainage reorganization also ensures a distinguishable ~3 Myr (106103 Ma, Late Albian) transition period of regional extent. During this transition stage, syn-rift faulting was replaced by post-rift thermal subsidence, exhibiting a uniform sag configuration. Our new findings are important for understanding other continental rift basins during syn- to post-rift transition, which often demonstrates a complex interaction between the linkage and integration of sub-basins, and the reorganization of fluvial drainages and catchment systems.  相似文献   

The Sis conglomerate body represents the Middle Eocene to Oligocene transfer‐zone trunk palaeovalley fill of the Sis fluvial system, a drainage system established within the Pyrenees during Late Palaeocene times. The spatial stability of the fluvial transfer zone (active for at least 38 My), and hence the longevity of its aggradational palaeovalley component (>19·5 My), was controlled by its location between long‐lived pre‐existing structures. Coarse‐grained fluvial facies dominate the palaeovalley fill, with alluvial fan facies shed from its defining marginal structures. The detailed sedimentology of very proximal fluvial facies deposited within the dominantly erosional realm of an active mountain belt has rarely been documented before because of their poor preservation potential. The Sis conglomerate body contains a robust internal stratigraphy with stratigraphic units defined by distinct bounding surfaces, across which there are pronounced changes in facies and provenance. These mark the reorganization of the headward portions of the Sis fluvial system during the evolution of the Pyrenean Axial Zone antiformal stack. Major changes in discharge resulted, demonstrating the highly variable nature of even mountain belt‐scale fluvial systems when viewed on timescales of several to tens of millions of years. Provenance details indicate that initial unroofing of Hercynian granitoids, situated within the Pyrenean Axial Zone, occurred around 54·5 Ma (early Ypresian) immediately before the first significant exhumation event within the drainage basin of the Sis fluvial system. This is earlier than previously constrained by apatite fission track studies. Rock uplift accelerated in the Lutetian and Bartonian with the initial aggradation of the palaeovalley fill (the Cajigar and Cornudella Formations and Sis One and Two Members). This became marked in the Priabonian (Sis Three and Four Members), with significant activity on local structures including the Morreres backthrust. An increase in basement‐derived clasts and a headwater decapitation event also indicate pronounced Axial Zone antiformal stack development at this time. Axial Zone development intensified further in the Oligocene with the deposition of the Collegats Formation and the switch in the main depositional loci of the system from the Tremp‐Graus thrust‐sheet‐top basin to the Ebro Basin to the south.  相似文献   

In the management of water resources, quality of water is just as important as its quantity. In order to know the quality and/or suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation in upper Gunjanaeru River basin, 51 water samples in post-monsoon and 46 in pre-monsoon seasons were collected and analyzed for various parameters. Geological units are alluvium, shale and quartzite. Based on the analytical results, chemical indices like percent sodium, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index (PI) and chloroalkaline indices were calculated. The pre-monsoon waters have low sodium hazard as compared to post-monsoon season. Residual sodium carbonate values revealed that one sample is not suitable in both the seasons for irrigation purposes due the occurrence of alkaline white patches and low permeability of the soil. PI values of both seasons revealed that the ground waters are generally suitable for irrigation. The positive values of Chloroalkaline indices in post-monsoon (80%) and in pre-monsoon (59%) water samples indicate absence of base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline disequilibrium), and remaining samples of negative values of the ratios indicate base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline equilibrium). Chadha rectangular diagram for geochemical classification and hydrochemical processes of groundwater for both seasons indicates that most of waters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. Assessment of water samples from various methods indicated that majority of the water samples in both seasons are suitable for different purposes except at Yanadipalle (sample no. 8) that requires precautionary measures. The overall quality of groundwater in post-monsoon season in all chemical constituents is on the higher side due to dissolution of surface pollutants during the infiltration and percolation of rainwater and at few places due to agricultural and domestic activities.  相似文献   

利用"中国冰川资源及其变化调查"项目最新冰川编目成果和中国第一次冰川编目结果, 对中国叶尔羌河流域1968-2009年冰川变化进行了分析. 结果表明:叶尔羌河流域冰川总体上处于退缩状态, 面积减少了927 km2, 年平均面积减少23.2 km2, 年均面积缩小比例为0.36%·a-1, 与中国其他地区冰川退缩程度相比属于中等水平. 叶尔羌河流域不同规模冰川的退缩幅度存在差异, 小冰川大幅萎缩, 甚至消失; 规模较大的冰川相对变化幅度较小, 一些冰川出现过跃动. 从朝向分布来看, 位于南坡的冰川退缩最为严重, 而西坡较小. 冰川集中分布在海拔5 100~5 500 m和5 500~5 900 m区间, 海拔4 700~5 100 m区间的冰川面积减少最为显著. 消失冰川大多数为面积在0.2~0.5 km2的小冰川, 且朝向东北坡的冰川消失数量最多. 研究区有冰川分裂现象, 也出现了支冰川前进超覆现象, 统计表明该流域有13条冰川在前进后形成6条冰川. 1968-2009年研究区气温升高、降水增加, 总体上看, 降水增加缓解了因升温而导致的冰川退缩.  相似文献   


二道泉剖面(39°01' 34″N, 95°52' 49″E) 位于党河盆地腹地, 呈北南向展布, 长790m, 党河盆地位于祁连山腹地, 是研究青藏高原北部构造沉积与地貌演变的理想地区。本研究在野外地层观测、古流水重建及砾石组分分析的基础上, 对党河盆地中西部二道泉剖面新近系白杨河组顶部-玉门砾岩底部河湖相沉积物进行磁化率测量与等温剩磁实验分析。结果显示, 剖面沉积物的磁性矿物主要有磁铁矿和赤铁矿, 其中赤铁矿相对含量较高。通过对比发现剖面中黄色调粗粒沉积物中的赤铁矿含量显著高于红色调细粒沉积物。砾石成分和向南的古流向结果显示, 白杨河组晚期至玉门砾岩早期地层沉积物主要源自于二道泉剖面北部的野马南山地区。磁化率及沉积相揭示出源区物理风化作用逐渐增强, 赤铁矿是从源区直接搬运沉积的, 而非自生形成; 这一过程未受外界气候环境的影响, 赤铁矿多为碎屑, 岩石颜色发黄。综合分析认为, 二道泉剖面疏勒河组到玉门砾岩组早期沉积时党河盆地发育一条规模逐渐变大、水动力逐渐变强的由北向南流动的河流, 现今流向为北西向的党河水系可能最早在新近纪玉门砾岩沉积中期以后才形成。


淮河流域防汛实时水情信息传输系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
欣金彪 《水科学进展》1997,8(3):288-291
详细介绍了淮河流域防汛实时水情信息传输系统的形成,系统的信道、构成和功能,系统硬件配置及软件开发,运行情况和系统的效益。  相似文献   

矿产地发布辅助筛选系统是以地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)为基础,利用VB6.0开发而成。系统界面友好,反应速度快,可以直接读取现有的矿产地空间数据库、探矿权数据库、采矿权数据库中的数据进行空间分析,实现了重叠面积、重叠率自动计算,裁剪重叠区后矿产地新范围拐点标注与坐标的自动求取,重叠图自动生成,并用自定义窗体模版直接打印分析结果。  相似文献   

This study deals with the weathering processes operating at the scale of a small catchment (Nsimi-Zoetele, Cameroon) and is focused on the role of organic colloids on mineral weathering and transport of elements in natural waters. Samples of river, spring and groundwaters from Nsimi-Zoetele were filtered through membranes of decreasing pore size (0.22 μm, 0.025 μm, or: 300,000 Da, 5000 Da) to separate colloidal fractions from the truly dissolved one. Major and trace elements and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were analysed in each fraction. Two kinds of waters can be distinguished in the catchment: clear and coloured waters. Clear waters exhibit low concentrations of major and trace elements and DOC. Elements are carried in these solutions in a true dissolved form except Al and rare earth elements (REEs). By contrast, the higher abundances of Al, Fe and trace elements in coloured waters are controlled by the colloidal fraction. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations show that clear waters are in equilibrium with kaolinite and iron oxi-hydroxide which are major minerals in the weathered soil. For coloured waters, the aqueous speciation of Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Al, La and Th was calculated taking into account the complexes with humic acids. Speciation calculations for Cu, Fe, Al, La, Th show a strong complexation with humic acids, in good agreement with the results of the filtration experiments. By contrast, although filtration experiments show a strong control of major cations by organic matter (for example 75% for Ca), speciation calculations reveal that their complexes with humic ligands do not exceed a few percent of total dissolved elements. This discrepancy is explained as an artefact induced by the organic colloids and occurring during the filtration procedure. Finally, both filtration experiments and speciation calculations show that organic matter plays an important role in natural DOC-rich waters. Organic acids increase significantly the dissolution rates of silicates and oxi-hydroxides and thus the amounts of solutes and of complexed elements leaving the catchment.  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of the geographic information system (GIS) technology to a ground stability assessment in the karst area of Dzerzhinsk, Russia. In the stability analysis, the groundwater level changes in the karst aquifer could cause suffosion sinkholes when the gravitational force was greater than the soil strength. The GIS technology was used to combine various data and to delineate the zones of potential gravitational collapse and suffosion collapse in the area.
V. V. TolmachevEmail:

An attempt has been made to study the relief aspects from three different sources of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) viz., Survey of India (SOI) topographic map (1:25,000), Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM-90 m and SRTM-30 m) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER-30 m). These aspects are evaluated to examine differences among them and their influence on time of concentration (TC) of runoff at Moolbari Experimental Watershed (MEW), Sub Himalayan region (Shimla, District of Himachal Pradesh) India. For detailed study of relief aspects, morphometry parameters, SOI topographic map (as base map) were used. The results show that the relief aspects morphometric parameters derived from the SRTM30m and ASTER30m lie between SOI topographic map, and SRTM90m. We estimated TC of 21 micro watersheds from different sources DEMs by using Kirpich, Johnstone, Témez, and Barnsby equation only. Témez and Barnsby equation demonstrate high potential for the identification of TC from SOI Topographic map, SRTM90m, ASTER and SRTM30m DEMs. TC_Topo has a positive relationship with TC_SRTM90m, TC_ASTER and TC_SRTM30m for both Témez, and Barnsby equation with R2=0.804Topo & SRTM90m, 0.810Topo & ASTER & 0.839Topo & SRTM30m and 0.712Topo & SRTM90m, 0.747 Topo & ASTER & 0.785 Topo & SRTM30m. Further statistical test of Témez, and Barnsby equation based TC, only Témez equation based TC qualify/satisfy the statistical test. by considering all freeware DEMs a Semi-empirical model (SEM) has been developed, where TC predicted in term of TC_Topo is a function of TC_SRTM90m, TC_ASTER and TC_SRTM30m. This SEM has R2=0.883 and adjusted R= 0.874, Multiple R=0.907 and with Standard Error =2.131 at 95% confidence level. Comparison of the TC derived from the multiple regressions among three DEMs with TC_Topo shows an RMSE of 3.803, R-RMSE of 0.169, NRMSE of 0.342, R2 of 0.89, and RMSE% of 3.296 for Témez equation.  相似文献   

Sustaining the human ecological benefits of surface water requires carefully planned strategies for reducing the cumulative risks posed by diverse human activities. The municipality of Aksaray city plays a key role in developing solutions to surface water management and protection in the central Anatolian part of Turkey. The responsibility to provide drinking water and sewage works, regulate the use of private land and protect public health provides the mandate and authority to take action. The present approach discusses the main sources of contamination and the result of direct wastewater discharges into the Melendiz and Karasu rivers, which recharge the Mamasın dam sites by the use of artificial neural network (ANN) modeling techniques. The present study illustrates the ability to predict and/or approve the output values of previously measured water quality parameters of the recharge and discharge areas at the Mamasin dam site by means of ANN techniques. Using the ANN model is appreciated in such environmental research. Here, the ANN is used for estimating if the field parameters are agreeable to the results of this model or not. The present study simulates a situation in the past by means of ANN. But in case any field measurements of some relative parameters at the outlet point “discharge area” have been missed, it could be possible to predict the approximate output values from the detailed periodical water quality parameters. Because of the high variance and the inherent non-linear relationship of the water quality parameters in time series, it is difficult to produce a reliable model with conventional modeling approaches. In this paper, the ANN modeling technique is used to establish a model for evaluating the change in electrical conductivity (EC) and dissolved oxygen (DO) values in recharge (input) and discharge (output) areas of the dam water under pollution risks. A general ANN modeling scheme is also recommended for the water parameters. The modeling process includes four main stages: (1) source data analysis, (2) system priming, (3) system fine-tuning and (4) model evaluation. Results of the ANN modeling scheme indicate that the output values are agreeable to the water quality parameters, which were measured at the field in the static water mass of the Mamasın dam lake. Water contamination at the dam site is caused by the continuous increase of nutrient contents and decrease of the O2 level in water causing an anaerobic condition. It may stimulate algae growth flow in such water bodies, consequently reducing water quality.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated measurement technique based on DC methods (vertical electrical sounding, electrical resistivity tomography) which was used to identify faults and determine their geoelectric parameters in the western part of the Chuya basin. New information on the structure of the Chagan River valley located in the zone of the disastrous 27 September 2003 Chuya earthquake has been obtained from the results of these methods. Geoelectric cross-sections of the sedimentary sequence and the upper part of the basement were obtained from VES data, showing the block structure of the study area. Electrical resistivity tomography sections confirm the presence of a major fault between basement blocks of different heights and indicate the presence of faults bounding the valley on its right side and in the southwestern part.  相似文献   

随着黑河流域时空数据的快速增长,已有的黑河信息系统在共享效率、数据分析及平台架构等方面存在缺陷,已无法满足现实的需要。本研究针对目前平台的缺陷重新设计新版数字黑河信息系统(NDHRIS)的整体框架,从观测、数据及模型三个角度实现新版数字黑河信息系统的新功能。首先从基础设施、服务及应用三个层面介绍系统整体设计,其次详细阐述系统实现的关键技术及功能改进,最后,讨论了该系统仍然存在的问题及未来发展方向。目前该系统已业务化运行,数据量超过5 T,共1 058条元数据,向大约100个研究所和50个项目提供了大约8 TB数据集和5 000个数据服务,有效提升了黑河流域科学数据的共享效率,支撑全球寒区监测计划的实施。  相似文献   

徐刚  郑达兴  乔子江  于新兵 《地质通报》2009,28(8):1047-1052
DEM和RS技术是研究滑坡地质灾害的重要资料和手段。近年来,随着高空间分辨率遥感卫星和高精度雷达卫星的上天,可以获取现时性高精度的DEM,使滑坡地质灾害的研究由二维向三维提升。利用IRS-P5数据生成的5m精度的DEM,借鉴GOOGLE的三维可视性原理,将其和高空间分辨率QuickBird(0.61m)数据叠置到数字地球之上,制作成三维可视性图像,进行滑坡环境指标参数提取方法研究。研究结果表明,该方法可直接读取滑坡环境指标的三维参数,具有客观、准确、快速的特点,可为滑坡灾害评估和区域地质灾害危险性评价提供定量化资料。  相似文献   

水资源是干旱区内陆河流域环境与发展的主导因素, 其承载力是评判水资源与经济社会及生态环境之间协调发展的重要依据。从承载程度和承载能力两方面构建评价指标, 对黑河流域张掖市县区尺度的水资源承载力进行评价, 结果表明: 承载程度方面, 张掖市从2015 - 2017年用水总量承载状况整体好转, 但民乐县用水总量面临超载, 各县区地下水承载状况明显改善, 地下水超采得到有效管控与治理。从2015 - 2017年, 张掖市水资源的承载状况整体上改善, 从2015年甘州区、 临泽县、 高台县、 山丹县4县区的超载转变为2017年临泽县、 高台县、 山丹县、 肃南县4县区的临界超载状况, 反映出张掖市近年来水资源开发利用的管理成效初步显现; 承载能力方面, 全市各县区2020年和2030年水资源可承载人口均小于2017年水平, 可承载的经济规模约是2017年90%; 提出了农业节水效率提升和耕地灌溉面积缩减两种未来水资源承载力提升情景, 并以此提出了张掖市水资源承载力提升的对策建议。  相似文献   

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