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The hydrodynamics of Ems Estuary are dominated by tides and their interaction with buoyancy forcing. Such an environment is challenging for any effort to bring together observations and model results. In this study, we investigate how salinity measurements in the Ems Estuary affect the reconstruction of the salinity field. Similar to the traditional observing system experiments, the impact of specific observational arrays is simulated in the framework of statistical experiments. The experimental algorithm mainly relies on the model covariance matrix. Each experiment results in an estimate of the reconstruction error. The analysed observation configurations involve single and multiple, as well as stationary and non-stationary observing arrays. Generally, the reconstruction of the ocean state improves with increasing the density of observations. It appears that certain locations are more favourable for reconstruction than others. In fact, the regions separating the main dynamical realms resist strongest to the reconstruction effort. Extending the covariance matrix by the temporal cross-covariances between the model grid points enables to evaluate the impact of observations taken from a moving platform. This approach further improves the outcome of the experiments, resulting in reconstruction errors near zero with the exception of the tidal river. The cross-covariance information is able to tackle even the irregular dynamics arising on the border between the different physical regimes.  相似文献   

Field measurements have been carried out to obtain more quantitative knowledge on the longitudinal distribution of the fine-grained sediment dynamics in the Ems Estuary. Both the short-term (time scale < tidal period) and the long-term (tidally averaged) fine-grained sediment transports have been investigated. It is shown that the short-term erosion/sedimentation cycles are most characteristic and are the building blocks for the ultimate long-term transports. Herein, the macroflocs play a key role. The macroflocs had sizes in the range of 200 to 700?μm, sometimes more than 1?mm, and survived high current velocities. The settling velocities were in the range of 0.5 to 8?mm/s. Turbulence intensities and suspended sediment concentration are of utmost importance for the settling properties of the sediment, but the “flocculation ability??of the suspended sediment is shown to be of equal importance. The suspended sediment concentration is only important at low levels of turbulence. At high levels of turbulence, the limiting properties of turbulence dominate. It is demonstrated that the surface properties of the suspended sediment particles are of prime importance for the flocculation ability of the water/sediment mixture, as do the sizes of the resuspended microflocs. Special attention is given to the longitudinal distribution of the sizes and settling properties of the macroflocs as well as of the sediment transports. The flocculation ability was shown to vary almost one order of magnitude along the estuary. These higher flocculation abilities in the direction of higher salinities are responsible for the increase of the sizes of the macroflocs in the seaward direction. Therefore, notwithstanding the low suspended sediment concentrations at the seaward boundary of the Ems Estuary, large macroflocs and corresponding high settling velocities were observed in this area. It explains that, in the Ems Estuary, no distinct effect was determined of the suspended sediment concentration on the settling properties of the suspended macroflocs.  相似文献   

A holistic ecosystem simulation model has been developed for the Cumberland Basin and upper Chignecto Bay, a turbid macrotidal estuary at the head of the Bay of Fundy. This one-dimensional deterministic model has three compartments, three boundaries and three interacting submodels (physical, pelagic and benthic). Twenty-eight biological state variables represent broad functional groups of organisms and non-living organic carbon pools. All major components of the estuarine ecosystem are included. At the present stage of development, individual pelagic state variables give reasonable annual simulations which are in general agreement with available calibration data. Major problems remain with some benthic state variables, especially the subtidal ones about which little is known. In aggregate, the model performs well and output at the ecosystem level agrees with field observations. In the Cumberland Basin water column, annual community respiration exceeds phytoplankton net production (1–3 g C m−3) by a factor of 2–5 suggesting the importance of carbon imported from surrounding saltmarshes and the seaward boundary. Annual community respiration and microalgal net production (28 g C m−2) on the other hand are closely balanced in intertidal sediments. Respiration in subtidal sediments is entirely dependent upon sedimented carbon. The model supports the hypothesis that the Cumberland Basin is a heterotrophic ecosystem with low primary production which requires imported organic carbon to support the production and respiration of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the behaviour of fine sediments in the hyper-turbid Lower Ems River, with focus on the river’s upper reaches, a stretch of about 25 km up-estuary of Terborg. Our analysis is based on long records of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from optical backscatter (OBS) measurements close to the bed at seven stations along the river, records of salinity and water level measurements at these stations, acoustic measurements on the vertical mud structure just up-estuary of Terborg and oxygen profiles in the lower 3 m of the water column close to Leerort and Terborg. Further, we use cross-sectionally averaged velocities computed with a calibrated numerical model. Distinction is made between four timescales, i.e. the semi-diurnal tidal timescale, the spring–neap tidal timescale, a timescale around an isolated peak in river flow (i.e. about 3 weeks) and a seasonal timescale. The data suggest that a pool of fluid/soft mud is present in these upper reaches, from up-estuary of Papenburg to a bit down-estuary of Terborg. Between Terborg and Gandersum, SPM values drop rapidly but remain high at a few gram per litre. The pool of fluid/soft mud is entrained/mobilized at the onset of flood, yielding SPM values of many tens gram per litre. This suspension is transported up-estuary with the flood. Around high water slack, part of the suspension settles, being remixed during ebb, while migrating down-estuary, but likely not much further than Terborg. Around low water slack, a large fraction of the sediment settles, reforming the pool of fluid mud. The rapid entrainment from the fluid mud layer after low water slack is only possible when the peak flood velocity exceeds a critical value of around 1 m/s, i.e. when the stratified water column seems to become internally supercritical. If the peak flood velocity does not reach this critical value, f.i. during neap tide, fluid mud is not entrained up to the OBS sensors. Thus, it is not classical tidal asymmetry, but the peak flood velocity itself which governs the hyper-turbid state in the Lower Ems River. The crucial role of river flow and river floods is in reducing these peak flood velocities. During elongated periods of high river flow, in e.g. wintertime, SPM concentrations reduce, and the soft mud deposits consolidate and possibly become locally armoured as well by sand washed in from the river. We have no observations that sediments are washed out of the hyper-turbid zone. Down-estuary of Terborg, where SPM values do not reach hyper-turbid conditions, the SPM dynamics are governed by classical tidal asymmetry and estuarine circulation. Hence, nowhere in the river, sediments are flushed from the upper reaches of the river into the Ems-Dollard estuary during high river flow events. However, exchange of sediment between river and estuary should occur because of tide-induced dispersion.  相似文献   

Andrew Lane 《Ocean Dynamics》2005,55(5-6):541-548
The development and application of a Lagrangian particle-tracking model to simulate sediment transport in the Mersey Estuary (UK) is described. Each of the particles (up to a million in total) is advected horizontally by the 3-D tidal currents. Related vertical movements are: (1) downwards by settlement at a prescribed velocity w s and (2) both upwards and downwards by a distance related to the vertical eddy diffusivity. In a novel departure from traditional practice, where initial distributions of surficial sediments are specified, all particles are introduced at the seaward boundary of the model. Provenance studies indicate surficial sediments are overwhelmingly of marine origin. For the predominant fine sediments, ‘cyclical convergence’ in suspended sediment concentrations is approximated after about two spring-neap tidal cycles. Comparisons are shown between the suspended sediment concentrations and net deposition rates computed by this model against observed values and earlier computations utilising both 1-D and 3-D Eulerian models. While all of these results are in broad agreement, the flexibility of the Lagrangian approach for simulating flocculation, consolidation and mixed sediments illustrates its future potential.  相似文献   

At the hypothesis of big leaf, an ecosystem photosynthesis-transpiration coupling cycle model was established by the scaled SMPT-SB model from single leaf to canopy, and model parameterization methods were discussed. Through simulating the canopy light distribution, canopy internal conductance to CO2 can be scaled from single leaf to canopy by integrating to canopy using the relationship between single internal conductance and photosynthetic photon flux density. Using the data observed by eddy covariance method from the Changbai Mountains site of ChinaFLUX, the application of the model at the canopy scale was examined. Under no water stress, the simulated net ecosystem photosynthesis rate fitted with the observed data very well, the slope and R2 of the line regression equation of the observed and simulated values were 0.7977 and 0.8892, respectively (n = 752), and average absolute error was 3.78 μmol CO2 m-2s-1; the slope, R2 and average absolute error of transpiration rate were 0.7314, 0.4355 and 1.60mmol H2O m-2 s-1, respectively (n = 752). The relationship between canopy photosynthesis,transpiration and external environmental conditions was discussed by treating the canopy as a whole and neglecting the comprehensive feedback mechanism within canopy, and it was noted that the precipitation course affected the transpiration rate simulation badly. Compared to the models based on eco-physiological processes, the SMPT-SB model was simple and easy to be used. And it can be used as a basic carbon and water coupling model of soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.  相似文献   

We applied a three-dimensional ecosystem-physical coupled model including iron the effect to the Okhotsk Sea. In order to clarify the sources of iron, four dissolved iron compartments, based on the sources of supply, were added to Kawamiya et al.'s [1995, An ecological-physical coupled model applied to Station Papa. Journal of Oceanography, 51, 635-664] model (KKYS) to create our ecosystem model (KKYS-Fe). We hypothesized that four processes supply iron to sea water: atmospheric loadings from Northeastern Asia, input from the Amur River, dissolution from sediments and regeneration by zooplankton and bacteria. We simulated one year, from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2001, using both KKYS-Fe and KKYS. KKYS could not reproduce the surface nitrate distribution after the spring bloom, whereas KKYS-Fe agreed well with observations in the northwestern Pacific because it includes iron limitation of phytoplankton growth. During the spring bloom, the main source of iron at the sea surface is from the atmosphere. The contribution of riverine iron to the total iron utilized for primary production is small in the Okhotsk Sea. Atmospheric deposition, the iron flux from sediment and regeneration of iron in the water column play important roles in maintaining high primary production in the Okhotsk Sea.  相似文献   

The use of a mathematical model, describing the transformations of organic and mineral compounds of C, Si, N, and P for the generalization of hydrological, hydrochemical, and hydrobiological data on nine regions in the White Sea is demonstrated. The regions examined include the head of Kandalaksha Gulf, Dvina Gulf, Mezen Gulf, Onega Bay, the Solovetskie Islands’ area, the central, deep-water part (or Basin), Gorlo, Voronka, and the Chupa Estuary. The results of modeling the transformations of biogenic substances in the water areas of the Chupa Estuary, and other gulfs and bays in the White Sea are compared and analyzed. Calculated variations in the concentrations of biogenic substances and detritus, microorganism biomasses, characteristics of their activity (specific growth rates and biomass turnover times) within a year are presented and discussed. The estimated characteristics are shown to agree with observational data. Particular attention is paid to estimating the organic matter production rates by phytoplankton and calculating balances of biogenic compounds in the Chupa Estuary.  相似文献   

福建敖江流域水域生态系统健康评估   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以敖江流域为研究区,通过采集底栖动物、鱼类等样品,结合监测数据分析流域水域生态系统健康状况,并采用指标体系评估方法对水域生态系统进行评估.结果表明:敖江流域水质总体良好,但山仔水库总氮、总磷浓度长期超标,水体存在富营养化和藻类水华暴发生态环境问题;底栖动物种类呈现支流多于干流、河流多于水库的规律;鱼类种类上、中、下游各科物种组成差异不显著,鱼类区系特点具有较明显的热带、亚热带区系特点;流域上游、中游水域生态健康良好,下游水域生态健康一般.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of circulation in the Columbia River estuary and plume during the summer of 2004 is used to explore the mixing involved as river water is transformed into shelf water. The model is forced with realistic river flow, tides, wind stress, surface heat flux, and ocean boundary conditions. Simulated currents and water properties on the shelf near the mouth are compared with records from three moorings (all in 72 m of water) and five CTD sections. The model is found to have reasonable skill; statistically significant correlations between observed and modeled surface currents, temperature, and salinity are all 0.42–0.72 for the mooring records. Equations for the tidally averaged, volume-integrated mechanical energy budget (kinetic and potential) are derived, with attention to the effects of: (i) Reynolds averaging, (ii) a time varying volume due to the free surface, and (iii) dissipation very close to the bottom. It is found that convergence of tidal pressure work is the most important forcing term in the estuary. In the far field plume (which has a volume 15 times greater than that of the estuary), the net forcing is weaker than that in the estuary, and may be due to either tidal currents or wind stress depending on the time period considered. These forcings lead to irreversible mixing of the stratification (buoyancy flux) that turns river water into shelf water. This occurs in both the plume and estuary, but appears to be more efficient (17% vs. 5%), and somewhat greater (4.2 MW vs. 3.3 MW), in plume vs. estuary. This demonstrates the importance of both wind and tidal forcing to watermass transformation, and the need to consider the estuary and plume as part of a single system.  相似文献   

Tidal circulation in the Cochin Estuary, a moderately polluted estuary along the southwest coast of India, was studied using a 2D hydrodynamic model. The predicted tides and currents showed very good agreement with measured tides. Particle trajectories and residual currents computed from the model have been used to classify the study region into three zones: northern estuary, central estuary, and southern estuary. The central estuary is dynamic, whereas the other two zones are relatively weak. An amplification of measured tides in the south estuary during March indicates the presence of standing waves caused by the hydraulic barrier at Thanneermukkom. Model results suggest that the northern and southern zones are sensitive to environmental pollution. The present level of pollution in the northern estuary is due to the direct release of industrial effluents into the river Periyar, which can be minimized if they are brought down to central estuary for disposal. The concept of different zones in the estuary will be useful to planners in protecting the vulnerable regions of this productive ecosystem from human interventions.  相似文献   

The estuary of the Danshuei River, a hypoxic subtropical estuary, receives a high rate of untreated sewage effluent. The Ecopath with Ecosim software system was used to construct a mass-balanced trophic model for the estuary, and network analysis was used to characterize the structure and matter flow in the food web. The estuary model was comprised of 16 compartments, and the trophic levels varied from 1.0 for primary producers and detritus to 3.0 for carnivorous and piscivorous fishes. The large organic nutrient loading from the upper reaches has resulted in detritivory being more important than herbivory in the food web. The food-chain length of the estuary was relatively short when compared with other tropical/subtropical coastal systems. The shortness of food-chain length in the estuary could be attributed to the low biomass of the top predators. Consequently, the trophic efficiencies declined sharply for higher trophic levels due to low fractions of flows to the top predators and then high fractions to detritus. The low biomass of the top predators in the estuary was likely subject to over-exploitation and/or hypoxic water. Summation of individual rate measurements for primary production and respiration yielded an estimate of −1791 g WW m−2 year−1, or −95 g C m−2 year−1, suggesting a heterotrophic ecosystem, which implies that more organic matter was consumed than was produced in the estuary.  相似文献   

Occurrence number of red tides in Osaka Bay in Japan is more than 20 cases every year. Diatom red tide was dominant in Osaka Bay, but the non-diatom red tide was dominant in early 1990s. Therefore, the material cycling in Yodo River estuary in Osaka Bay during August from 1991 to 2000 was analyzed by using the numerical ecosystem model and field observation data to clarify the reasons of change in red tide species. Year-to-year variation in calculated concentration ratio of diatom to non-diatom corresponds to the variation in observed ratio of red tide days of diatom to non-diatom. Limiting nutrient of primary production is phosphate over the period. Diatom dominated from 1991 to 1993, but it was difficult for non-diatom to grow due to the limitation by physical condition. Non-diatom was able to grow because of good physical and nutrient conditions from 1994 to 1996. And diatom dominated again under the good physical condition, and phosphorus supply was not enough for non-diatom to grow from 1998 to 2000. Phosphate concentration in the lower layer of Yodo River estuary was important to the variation in red tide species in the upper layer of Yodo River estuary.  相似文献   

A variable mesh finite element model of the Irish and Celtic Sea regions with/without the inclusion of the Mersey estuary is used to examine the influence of grid resolution and the Mersey upon the higher harmonics of the tide in the region. Comparisons are made with observations and published results from finite difference models of the area. Although including a high resolution representation of the Mersey had little effect upon computed tides in the western Irish Sea it had a significant effect upon tidal currents in the eastern Irish Sea. In addition the higher harmonics of the M2 tide in near-shore regions of the eastern Irish Sea particularly the Solway and Mersey estuary together with Morecambe Bay showed significant small scale variability. The Mersey was used to test the sensitivity to including estuaries because high resolution accurate topography was available. The results presented here suggest that comparable detailed topographic data sets are required in all estuaries and near-shore regions. In addition comparisons clearly show the need for an unstructured grid model of the region that can include all the estuaries. Such an unstructured grid solution was developed here within a finite element approach, although other methods in particular the finite volume, or coordinate transformations/curvilinear grids and nesting could be applied.  相似文献   

Platinum contamination in estuarine and coastal sediments has been evaluated in three cores collected from the Tagus Estuary and Prodelta shelf sediments. Elevated concentrations, up to 25-fold enrichment compared to background values, were found in the upper layers of the estuarine sediments. The degree of Pt enrichment in the estuarine sediments varied depending on the proximity to vehicular traffic sources, with a maximum concentration of 9.5 ng g−1. A considerable decrease of Pt concentrations with depth indicated the absence of significant contamination before the introduction of catalytic converters in automobiles. Platinum distribution in the Tagus Prodelta shelf sediment core showed no surface enrichment; instead a sub-surface maximum at the base of the mixed layer suggested the possibility of post-depositional mobility, thereby blurring the traffic-borne contamination signature in coastal sediments.  相似文献   

The performance of the Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (PESERA) model was evaluated by comparison with existing soil erosion data collected in plots under different land uses and climate conditions in Europe. In order to identify the most important sources of error, the PESERA model was evaluated by comparing model output with measured values as well as by assessing the effect of the various model components on prediction accuracy through a multistep approach. First, the performance of the hydrological and erosion components of PESERA was evaluated separately by comparing both runoff and soil loss predictions with measured values. In order to assess the performance of the vegetation growth component of PESERA, the predictions of the model based on observed values of vegetation ground cover were also compared with predictions based on the simulated vegetation cover values. Finally, in order to evaluate the sediment transport model, predicted monthly erosion rates were also calculated using observed values of runoff and vegetation cover instead of simulated values. Moreover, in order to investigate the capability of PESERA to reproduce seasonal trends, the observed and simulated monthly runoff and erosion values were aggregated at different temporal scale and we investigated at what extend the model prediction error could be reduced by output aggregation. PESERA showed promise to predict annual average spatial variability quite well. In its present form, short‐term temporal variations are not well captured probably due to various reasons. The multistep approach showed that this is not only due to unrealistic simulation of cover and runoff, being erosion prediction also an important source of error. Although variability between the investigated land uses and climate conditions is well captured, absolute rates are strongly underestimated. A calibration procedure, focused on a soil erodibility factor, is proposed to reduce the significant underestimation of soil erosion rates. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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