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Heterotrophic potentials and trophic status of ten New Zealand lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A comparative study of the heterotrophic potentials of ten New Zealand lakes was carried out. Two sampling periods were chosen, one during late August and early September 1972 (late winter, minimal thermal stratification) and another during February 1973 (mid summer, strong thermal stratification in all but two lakes). A wide range of heterotrophic potentials occurred which enabled the lakes to be placed in the following basic groups according to descending trophic levels:

Group I: Rotowhero (thermal, acid lake) >Rotorua>Okaro

Group II: Rotokakahi> Tikitapu >Okareka

Group III: Rotoma = Rotoroa (S.I.) = Rotoiti (S.I.) = Okataina

Maximum values for heterotrophic potential (Vm a x ) in micrograms of glucose per litre per hour were: Maximum heterotrophic activities were found within the metalimnion, except in Lakes Tikitapu and Rotokakahi, where maximum activities occurred within the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

Availability of soil and sediment phosphorus to a planktonic alga   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chlorophyll production by Chlorella vulgaris Beij. var. vulgaris was used to estimate alga‐available phosphorus in clays, soils, and lake sediments suspended in water at concentrations appropriate to lake inflows during floods (100–500 g/m3). Chlorella apparently used 24–81% of 0.5M H2SO4 extractable phosphorus in clays from topsoils, about 25% from lake sediments, and 0.3–1.0% from, subsoils low in phosphorus and with high phosphorus retention.

The presence of suspended soil material did not reduce the availability to Chlorella of inorganic phosphorus added to the cultures. Increasing the Chlorella population by adding inorganic phosphorus resulted in an apparent increase in availability of phosphorus from the soil, possibly as a result of enzymic mineralisation of organic soil phosphorus. The amount of available phosphorus in lake sediments was not a reliable guide to the trophic condition, of the lake.

Suspended material from sediments, soils, and especially clay eroded from fertilised topsoils may provide phosphorus for algal growth in lakes. If allophanic clays are applied to lakes to sorb phosphorus and hence control eutrophication, the particles must settle out before planktonic algae in the photic zone can use the adsorbed phosphorus.  相似文献   

The water chemistry, flora, and fauna of Lake Ngahewa are described. Its waters are coloured by humic material from a flax swamp and the mean carbon: nitrogen ratio of the sediments lies in the range for dystrophic lakes. Thermal stratification is very weak or absent during summer, although deoxygenation occurs at depths below 3 m in late summer. The lake is highly productive and has a diverse phytoplankton and zooplankton population, which is different in species composition from other nearby eutrophic lakes; some algal species common in nearby eutrophic lakes are absent, and there is a high ratio of rotifers to cladocerans and copepods.

The high levels of dissolved phosphorus (42.2 mg.m‐3) and nitrogen (up to 36.1 mg.m‐3 NO3‐N) in the lake waters, and the differences in the flora and fauna compared with neighbouring lakes give only weak support to its tenuous classification as a dystrophic lake on the basis of water colour and sediment carbon values. The concept of dystrophy is discussed.  相似文献   

The comparative limnology of some New Zealand lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The morphometry, environmental conditions, and some physical and chemical data are given for twenty‐four New Zealand lakes: seven are in the southern part of the South Island, the others, excluding Lakes Waikaremoana and Waikareiti, are in the “thermal region” of the central North Island. These lakes form two separate groups and include the largest and deepest lakes in both islands.

The lakes in which stratification was established were found to belong to the class known as warm monomictic Two lakes, Rotorua and Rotoehu, were found to be homothermous throughout the year. Open water surface temperatures did not exceed 23°c in the North Island lakes or 19°c in the South Island, and minimum temperatures recorded were 7°c in the northern lakes and 5°c in the southern. In deep lakes the range of temperature was much less: Wakutipu had a range of 16–8.85°c.

The disappearance level of a Secchi disc varied from 18 m (Lake Taupo) to 0.8 m (Lake Rotongaio). The transparency of the water in the glacial and volcanic lakes was comparable to that of similar lakes in other parts of the world.

It was found that total ions, measured by the ion‐exchange resins reached high concentrations in lakes fed by thermal waters: Rotomahana 14.32m.e./l. By contrast Tikitapu, a seepage lake, had the low concentration of. 0.28m.e./l, and Wakatipu, a glacial fed lake, a concentration of O.58m.e./1. The pH range was 8.1–5.8, the lowest value being in Tikitapu, a volcanic lake. Slightly lower pH values were recorded in the bottom waters of lakes when stratified. Lakes were usually supersaturated with oxygen at the surface, and only a few small lakes showed a hypolimnial deficiency. Silica and phosphate were found in high concentrations in some thermal lakes but nitrogen in the forms measured, was found to be low.  相似文献   


Knowledge of trophic status is fundamental to understanding the condition and function of lake ecosystems. We developed regression models to predict chlorophyll a concentrations (chl a) in New Zealand lakes for reference and current states, based on an existing dataset of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations for 1031 lakes. Models were then developed to predict Secchi depth based on chl a and a sediment resuspension term applicable to shallow lakes. Estimates of all four Trophic Level Index (TLI) variables (chl a, TN, TP and Secchi depth) were analysed to estimate reference and current state TLI for the nationally representative sample of 1031 lakes. There was a trend of eutrophication between reference and current states, with systematic differences among lake geomorphic types. Mean chl a increased 3.5-fold (2.42?mg?m?3 vs. 8.32?mg?m?3) and mean Secchi depth decreased (indicating lower clarity) by approximately one-third (9.62?m vs. 6.48?m) between reference and current states. On average, TLI increased by 0.67, with the TLI increase >1 in approximately one-third (31%) of lakes. This study informs the status of lake ecosystems in NZ and provides benchmarks to guide management and assessment.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in water level and the growth of the introduced exotic Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss have significantly influenced the submerged vegetation of Lake Rotoma over the period 1973–80. Low lake levels temporarily reduced the proportion of native vascular plants by removing available shallow‐water habitats through erosion, siltation, or desiccation. High lake levels have allowed native vascular plants to re‐establish from seed and rhizomes. Fluctuations in water level appear to have reduced the long‐term replacement of native species by L. major, which has none the less spread progressively around the lake. Water‐level fluctuations enhanced its rate of fragmentation, and thus its dispersal and establishment. The annual increase in the proportion of L. major has been primarily at the expense of the shallow‐water characean algae, but also partly by competitive displacement of native vascular plants. The southwest inlet of Lake Rotoma had an exceptionally high plant density, with up to 3518 g/m2 dry weight of L. major (believed to be a world record for submerged plant biomass); this is attributed to local enrichment and protection from wave exposure.  相似文献   

From 12 rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) taken from each of three lakes (Rerewhakaaitu, Opouri and Okataina) in the Rotorua district, N.Z., samples of liver, skeletal muscle and, from mature fish, the gonads were examined for organochlorine insecticides.

Lindane, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide were not detected in any of the samples. Traces of dieldrin were detected only in trout taken from Rerewhakaaitu Lake. In all fish examined, pp'‐DDT, pp’DDD and pp’‐DDE were detected in all three tissues. The highest concentrations were found in some of the ovaries of fish from Rerewhakaaitu Lake, the catchment area of which had been extensively topdressed with DDT. Although most of the catchment area of Lake Okataina had never been topdressed with DDT, fish from this lake contained small amounts of DDT and its metabolites.  相似文献   

Four lakes (Okataina, Rotoehu, Ngapouri and Okaro), near Rotorua, New Zealand, were studied in 1960–66 and their physical features noted. The seasonal changes in water temperature and heat budgets throughout the depth of the lakes were followed through several cycles, and differences between lakes correlated with the altitude and size. The status of the lakes ranged from oligotrophic to eutrophic; changes in values for dissolved oxygen, both diurnal and seasonal, are interpreted in terms of their primary production. The partition of some dissolved substances during thermal stratification and immediately after overturn is described and the biological consquences are noted. The hypolimnetic oxygen deficit, however, was found to be correlated with primary production only when a depth factor was incorporated in the expression.

The data were compared with those from lakes in other parts of the world. The value of various published correlations with biological production is discussed; a possible explanation is put forward for the comparatively high heat budget of Lake Okataina.  相似文献   


Thirty sites were sampled in three New Zealand rivers (Waikato, Maitai, and Wakapuaka) during late summer 1977. Samples were collected from just below the surface at mid river or in the tailraces below hydro‐electric dams.

Parameters measured included bacterial numbers (direct counts), heterotrophic potential (Vmax ), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), chlorophyll a (Chi a), and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

Bacterial populations per millilitre fluctuated threefold (6.4–19.4 × 105) along the Waikato River and were lower and more consistent in the two South Island rivers (1.46–2.55 × 105). In contrast, Vmax varied 5000‐fold in the Waikato River, from a characteristically oligotrophic value of 0.0035 μg. l?1·h?1 (Lake Taupo outlet) to a eutrophic value of 18.4 μg. l?1·h?1 at the Mihi bridge. Vmax for the two South Island rivers ranged from 0.0091 to 0.189 μg. l?1 · h?1.

ATP, Chi a, Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentrations for the 20 sites on the Waikato River varied in a similar way to the Vmax and bacterial data. There were large peaks at the Mihi bridge, lower values for the dam tailraces and significant increases for the sites below Hamilton. Concentrations for these parameters were lower and more consistent along the lengths of the two South Island rivers.

Most parameters were significantly correlated with each other for the Waikato River samples. The strongest correlations were between Vmax and bacterial numbers and between Vmax and nitrate nitrogen. In the Maitai and Wakapuaka River series these correlations were also significant, but the only other significant correlations recorded there were between ATP and nitrate nitrogen, and between ATP and bacterial numbers.  相似文献   

Anaerobic salt marsh sediments were amended with a variety of organic pollutants and the effects on methanogenesis, sulfate reduction and carbon dioxide evolution were examined. Addition of 1000 μg g?1 (dry weight sediment) Arochlor 1221, lindane, endrin, benzene and phenanthrene resulted in no significant effects on the activities studied. Methanogenesis was inhibited by 1000 μg g?1toxaphene, PCP, chlordane, naphthalene, DDT, Kepone and heptachlor and by 100 μg g?1 PCP and toxaphene. At 1000 μg g?1 naphthalene and toxaphene and 100 μg g?1 PCP, a period of initial inhibition of methanogenesis was followed by stimulation relative to controls. Arochlor 1254 (1000 μg g?1) and Temik (500 and 10 μg g?1) stimulated methanogenesis from the outset. Temik at 500 μg g?1 gave the greatest stimulation of methanogenesis (900% of controls) of any of the compounds studied. Sulfate reduction was inhibited by 1000 μg g?1 PCP, toxaphene, naphthalene and chlordane and by 500 μg g?1 atrazine and 100 μg g?1 heptachlor. Sustained inhibition of sulfate reduction by naphthalene, toxaphene and PCP may have contributed to the stimulation of methanogenesis. Carbon dioxide evolution was not significantly affected by most of the compounds studied except for 100 μg g?1 PCP and 1000 μg g?1 aphthalene, each of which gave significant inhibition in only one of three experiments.Concentrations of individual organic pollutants required to cause observable effects were high. It is concluded that, except for highly polluted sediments, methanogenesis, sulfate reduction and CO2 evolution would not be affected by the compounds studied here at concentrations typically found in the environment.  相似文献   

Neothrix armata is recorded for the first time from Lakes Rotorua and Rotokakahi, and Streblocerus serricaudatus from Lake Tikitapu.  相似文献   

Lake Waikaremoana, the North Island's deepest lake (248 m), lies in a natural forested catchment, but the lake itself has been modified for hydro‐electric power generation and by the introduction of trout, smelt, and adventive aquatic plants. The lake is a warm monomictic water body of low conductivity (82 μS cm‐1) and a high seasonal water column stability. The waters are oligotrophic, with epilimnetic dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations typically < 1 mg m‐3. The concentration of NO3‐N is seasonally variable but generally high in winter and spring with maximum epilimnetic values approaching 70 mg m 3. This contrasts with other central North Island lakes. Horizontal variability in surface chlorophyll a is low as are the absolute values (< 1–2 mg m‐3). A notable feature is the formation of a deep chlorophyll maximum within the metalim‐nion comprised largely of Sphaewcystis schweteri as opposed to diatoms and flagellates which normally dominate the epilimnion. Vascular macro‐phytes (maximum biomass 659 g m2 dry weight) extended to 9 m and characeans (maximum biomass 447 g m2dry weight) to 16 m. Total phyto‐plankton primary production was calculated as 4524 tCy‐1 and macrophyte production as 578 t C y‐1. The proportion of macrophyte to phy‐toplankton production (0.14) is higher than in the other deep lakes of the central North Island.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):923-935
As part of the Programme National d'Océanographie Côtière, the nutrient dynamics of the Bay of Seine were studied between 1992 and 1994 in order to complement work on ecological modelling. Firstly, the River Seine's nutrient fluxes were established: 80 000–130 000 t a−1 of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 6 400–8 4001 a−1 of dissolved phosphorus and 20 000–77 000 t a−1 of dissolved silicium. Estuarine processes were taken into account. Consequences of nutrient loading for the bay were then evaluated at the pelagic level (nutrient and chlorophyll enrichments) and the benthic level (distribution of various phosphorus fractions in superficial sediments). The large continental inputs always induce concentration gradients in the water from the mouth of the river to the northwest of the bay. The northward spreading of fine particulate matter controls the distribution of adsorbed phosphate and iron-aluminium bound phosphate in sediments. In contrast, calcium bound phosphate, the main fraction in sediments, is not affected by river inputs. Organic phosphorus in sediments is related to phytoplankton blooms, with increasing concentrations during productive periods; afterwards the fast recycling prevents sedimentary accumulation. The nutrient depletions observed beyond the turbid plume during spring 1992 enabled the calculation of nutrient uptake rates, and the comparison of these rates with phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a + phaeopigments). Ratios of nutrient consumption to pigment concentration were estimated at 1 μmol μg−1 for nitrogen, 0.05 for phosphorus and 0.5 for silicate. These values, as N/P and Si/N uptake ratios (respectively 17.5 and 0.4), were similar to usual values.  相似文献   


Runoff of phosphorus, nitrate, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulphate was measured in 15 storms and at low flows in 3 “nested” experimental catchments converted from scrub to pasture. Multiple regression analysis suggested that over 2#fr1/2> y, fertiliser application had a cumulative effect on the concentrations of calcium, potassium, and sulphate in storm waters leaving the experimental basin, but only in the flood waters from the small wholly‐grassed sub‐catchment (Pukeiti) was there an increase in phosphorus concentrations. A similar pattern was observed at baseflows. Reactive phosphorus losses of up to 1 kg.ha?1 left Pukeiti in post‐fertiliser storm events but mean losses from the whole basin were only about 0.004 kg.ha?1 per storm and there was little evidence of any fertiliser effect. The stream below Pukeiti has well developed riparian vegetation with marsh and scrub.

The phosphorus losses from the basin seem of little significance agriculturally and environmentally. Although the losses from Pukeiti sub‐catchment were of siufficient magnitude to have a strong impact on water quality in waterways and lakes (mean total phosphorus concentration in post‐fertiliser floods 1.91 g.m?3) this sub‐catchment appeared to have little effect on the quality of water eventually leaving the whole basin.

The results are discussed in relation to sub‐catchment differences and it is suggested that they give support to the use of riparian zones along streams to reduce phosphorus runoff.  相似文献   

A limited survey was undertaken to determine the concentrations of copper, lead, and chromium in sediments of the upper Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. The concentrations of copper and chromium (33–70 and 70–107 μg g‐1 respectively) were of the same order of magnitude as those reported for other New Zealand harbours. However, lead concentrations (98–247 μg g‐1) were higher than those found for the other harbours. This may be a consequence of higher traffic densities in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

The chemistry and mineralogy of the sediments of Lakes Rotoroa and Rotoiti, South Island, New Zealand (41° 51 S, 172° 38 E and 41° 50 S, 172° 50 E respectively) , were studied. In general, the cation exchange properties, element concentrations, and mineral compositions of the sediments show little variation between samples from each lake. However, some nutrient concentrations, notably exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and total nitrogen and sulphur, are higher in sediments from weed beds than in sediments underlying deeper water; iron and manganese concentrations tend to show the opposite trend. Concentrations of exchangeable calcium and total nitrogen, sulphur, manganese, and iron generally decrease down the sediment profiles from the sediment/water interface. Differences between lakes, notably higher concentrations of illite and of the elements potassium, aluminium, titanium, and zirconium, and lower concentrations of calcium in the sediments of Lake Rotoiti than in those from Lake Rotoroa, are probably due mainly to the different geological settings rather than to differences in the diagenetic processes operating within the lakes. Mineralogical analyses indicate that the lake sediments are derived mainly from the valleys of the major inflow rivers rather than from the slopes at the sides of each lake.  相似文献   

Water quality of a lowland stream in a New Zealand dairy farming catchment   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A small stream in a predominantly dairying catchment in the Waikato region of New Zealand was monitored for 2 years at three sites. Total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were up to 7.09 g m‐3 in winter, with the bulk comprising nitrate nitrogen (NO 3‐N). During summer NO 3‐N was near zero and TN mostly comprised organic nitrogen. Maximum concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) were 1.64 and 0.555 g m‐3, respectively, and peaks coincided with spring and autumn applications of phosphorus fertiliser. Ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations exceeded 1 g m‐3 on several occasions and mean concentrations at the three sites were 0.165–0.272 g m‐3. Faecal coliform and enterococci bacteria concentrations were 64–26000 and 7–23000 cfu per 100 ml, respectively. Specific yields of TN and NO 3‐N (35.3 and 30.7 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were much greater than any previously reported for New Zealand pasture catchments, whereas TP and DRP yields (1.16 and 0.54 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were more in accord with other studies. Greater use of land treatment of liquid wastes will reduce stream inputs of faecal organisms, NH4‐N and P.  相似文献   

Intertidal zone of Delaware Inlet,Nelson, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A study was made of Delaware Inlet (41° 10'S, 173° 26’ E), Nelson, New Zealand, during February—April 1976. The catchment contains sparse animal and human populations, and supplies unpolluted influent waters.

Over 90% of the inlet was intertidal, with surfaces of predominantly sand interspersed with mud, gravel, cobbles, and shell. Less than 10% of the sediments were colonised by macroscopic vegetation, principally Juncus spp. with Salicornia australis, Zostera muelleri, Viva lactuca and Enteromorpha spp. Two microscopic organisms (Euglena obtusa and Oscillatoria ornata) were studied. Dense aggregations of molluscs, particularly Amphibola crenata (mud snail) and Chione stutchburyi (cockle) were present in specific areas.

Salinity of the water fluctuated widely from <4‰ at the river mouth to 35.0‰ in the main channel at high tide. Nitrogen levels (N02‐N, NO3‐N, NH4‐N, Kjeldahl‐N) were determined on influent and waters of the inlet. For the main channel, levels of NO3‐N, NH4‐N and Kjeldahl‐N tended to be substantially higher around low water than at high tide; respective maxima and minima were 0.016 and 0.001 g.m?3, 0.050 and 0.001 g.m?3, and 0.35 and 0.10 g.m?3. For water from river and streamlets, average levels of nitrogen components were similar to those for the main channel at low tide.  相似文献   

In order to characterize our study area and to provide reference values to be used in the future to measure the changes produced by an increase in contamination, the concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons have been investigated in fifty-one samples of seawater, taken at four different depths: air-sea interface, surface, one metre and bottom waters, and in twenty-three samples of surface sediments from Blanca Bay, Argentina. Of eleven organochlorine compounds we were looking for (α BHC, lindane, heptachlor, δ BHC. aldrin, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, o-p′DDD, p-p′DDD, o-p′DDT and p-p′DDT), seven could be detected in seawater and three in surface sediments with the following mean concentrations: α-BHC=48·2 ng l?1; lindane=54·2 ng l?1; heptachlor=45·0 ng l?1; δ BHC=12·5 ng l?1; aldrin=61·8 ng l?1 and ΣDDT=67·0 ng l?1; and δ BHC=3·2 ng g?1; lindane=4·2 ng g?1 and heptachlor=1·0 ng g?1 for seawater, regarding the surface waters, and sediment samples, respectively.Concentration factors among the different water layers were also studied to see if there was any correlation between chlorinated hydrocarbon contents and the water depths from which the samples were taken. As a mean value, the air-sea interface water contains 18 times more of these compounds than that of the water near the bottom. A comparison of the values corresponding to seawater and surface sediments from our study area with those levels measured in samples from other geographic locations is also presented.With the purpose to detect a relationship between chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations and the contents of particulate matter (PM) on the one hand, and particulate organic material (POM) on the other hand, four groups of samples containing different amounts of PM and POM, respectively were formed. From a comparison of the results obtained, lindane, heptachlor and δ BHC showed a tendency to lower concentrations in those samples containing little PM whereas α BHC and aldrin remained without important changes. No significant correlation was found between organochlorine levels and contents of POM.  相似文献   

Concentrations of mercury were determined for the waters, suspended matter and sediments of the Tagus and of major French estuaries.The Tagus estuary is one of the most contaminated by mercury derived from the outfalls of a chloralkali plant and from other industrial sources. In deposited sediments the median level, 1·0 μg Hg g?1, is twenty times higher than the natural background and Hg contents depend on the sediment grain-size, age and the distance from waste-outfalls. Suspended matter is more regularly and highly contaminated (median value: 4·5 μg Hg g?1). In the French estuaries Hg levels in the suspended material decrease with salinity due to dilution and/or remobilization processes. In June 1982, in the Loire estuary, high values of Hg are observed in the middle estuary and attributed to urban and industrial sources.In the Tagus estuary, the general distribution of total dissolved Hg confirms the contamination: it increases seaward from 10 ng 1?1 in the river to 80 ng 1?1 in the estuary outlet. The dissolved Hg is almost totally organic in the river, inorganic in the middle estuary due to inorganic Hg effluents and again organic in the lower estuary. This variation is related to the dissolved organic carbon values. The dissolved Hg levels in the Loire Estuary (5–300 ng 1?1) are much higher than in the Gironde estuary (3–6 ng 1?1) and of the same order as those observed in the Tagus estuary.  相似文献   

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