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Tintinnids from the surface plankton of New Zealand coastal waters are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. Brief notes are given on their taxonomy, and their use of silica grains, diatom valves, and coccoliths in construction of the lorica is discussed. Distributional data are given for each species and these are related to the hydrological regime.  相似文献   

Recent cruises to the Chatham Rise and to the Challenger Plateau have provided new material of 3 species of xenophyophores: Reticulam‐mina labyrinthica Tendal, 1972; Syringammina fragillissima Brady, 1883; and S. tasmanensis Lewis, 1966. These records confirm the occurrence of S. fragillissima in New Zealand waters, indicate a wide distribution of S. tasmanensis, and amend our knowledge of species variation and depth range of the New Zealand xenophyophores.  相似文献   

Habitat information, frequency of occurrence at depth ranges, collections and sight records, and live colours of Echinodermata from The Snares (48 ° 07′S, 166 ° 36′E) are recorded. Forty species are now known from the islands, 16 of which are new records. The Snares appear to be an ecotone between southern New Zealand (Forsterian Province) and the southern islands (Antipodean Province) having stronger affinities with southern New Zealand.  相似文献   


Rates of coastal erosion and accretion for New Zealand are calculated for the period since early European colonisation. Methods used for calculating rates from cadastral plans, vertical aerial photographs and field measurements are described, evaluated, and illustrated with examples. The most natural reference line for measurements of shoreline changes and for defining the seaward boundary of land is the seaward limit of land vegetation. Measurements made from air photographs and plans at scales larger than 1:4000 have errors less than ± 1 m. As scales become small, errors increase proportionately. Along depositional shorelines, erosion and accretion generally occur at 0.5–4.0 m.y?1. Maximum erosion and accretion rates are 25.4 m.y?1 at North Kaipara Head and 68.9 m.y?1 at Farewell Spit respectively. Cliff recession generally occurs at 0.25 ‐ 1.0 m.y?1 with maximum rates of 2.25 m.y?1 for mudstone cliffs at Cape Tumagain and 3.46 m.y?1 for conglomerate cliffs at Ngapotiki.  相似文献   

Neothrix armata is recorded for the first time from Lakes Rotorua and Rotokakahi, and Streblocerus serricaudatus from Lake Tikitapu.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations is often shaped by the reproductive system and larval properties of the species. The waratah anemone (Actinia tenebrosa) reproduces through both asexual clones, which have very short-distance dispersal, and sexual larvae, which are believed to disperse much greater distances. The impact of this mixed strategy on the New Zealand population structure of Actinia tenebrosa was investigated using microsatellite markers. The analysis incorporated 24 sampling locations from around New Zealand and one Australian location, using four microsatellite markers, n = 420. We observed low connectivity and high genetic differentiation between all locations sampled, with a distinct pattern of isolation by distance. The most distinct grouping of locations sampled was the north-east of the North Island from Cape Reinga to East Cape, which was identified by SAMOVA and STRUCTURE analyses as being moderately diverged from the remainder of the country. A tentative correlation was observed between genetic clustering and biogeographic regionalisation, where the distribution of a number of genetic clusters matched previously defined biogeographic regions. Within each location sampled, large numbers of clones were present and a latitudinal cline was observed in the relative contribution of asexually and sexually generated recruits, with an increase in asexual recruits on the South Island's east coast.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hatschekia Poche, 1901 are described from New Zealand specimens of Allomycterus jaculiferus (Cuvier, 1818) and Lepidopus caudatus (Euthrasen, 1878) respectively. Comment is made on the need for revision within the genus Hatschekia.  相似文献   

Multi‐channel Advanced Very‐High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images of sea surface temperature (SST) in the New Zealand region have been archived since 1989. A comparison of these data with conductivity‐temperature‐depth (CTD) and expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data shows that the AVHRR temperatures are about 7% too high (when expressed in °C). Once the AVHRR temperatures have been corrected, they measure SST with an uncertainty of about 0.7°C.  相似文献   

The temperature and salinity of the water at the ocean floor has been estimated by extrapolation of selected serial station data. Plots of extrapolated bottom water temperatures and salinities against bottom depth are presented, together with a chart showing the regional distribution of bottom water temperature. Discussion of the results in terms of water masses is offered.  相似文献   

Stability of some New Zealand coastal inlets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The relation of tidal compartments to entrance cross‐sectional areas is examined for 20 coastal inlets. Sixteen inlets conform to a linear relationship, which is consistent with stable entrances the sizes of which are determined by the ability of the tidal flow to transport sediment. Based on this criterion deposition should be taking place at the entrances of the other four inlets: Wellington, Lyttelton, and Akaroa harbours, and Paterson Inlet. Available data confirm this for Wellington and Lyttelton Harbours.  相似文献   

The MAST II WAVEMOD Project aimed at improving stochastic modelling of ocean waves and currents in coastal waters. In order to supplement existing data, two measurement campaigns were carried out, one on the Atlantic coast of Portugal, and, secondly, on the northern coast of Crete in the Mediterranean. The Portuguese measurements covered 7 months during winter 1993–1994, while off Crete, measurements started early in February 1994 and continued for 10 months. In both sites, two directional Waveriders and one non-directional Waverider were deployed along a transect out from the coast in water depths between 10 and 100 m. In addition, the Mediterranean site also incorporated measurements of mean current velocities. Available satellite data were analysed to supplement the buoy data. In this paper, both measurement campaigns are described together with a presentation of some of the data collected.  相似文献   

Plaxiphora boydeni n.sp. from wave‐exposed rocky shores of southern New Zealand is described and illustrated. This is the first published record of the genus from the New Zealand mainland. P. boydeni is readily distinguished from the 2 other New Zealand species of the genus, which occur in the subantarctic region, by the absence of bristle‐tufts on the girdle.  相似文献   

During the past 30 years, 42 molecular studies have been undertaken in New Zealand to examine the phylogeography of coastal benthic invertebrates and plants. Here, we identify generalities and/or patterns that have emerged from this research and consider the processes implicated in generating genetic structure within populations. Studies have used various molecular markers and examined taxonomic groups with a range of life histories and dispersal strategies. Genetic disjunctions have been identified at multiple locations, with the most frequently observed division occurring between northern and southern populations at the top of the South Island. Although upwelling has been implicated as a cause of this disjunction, oceanographic evidence is lacking and alternative hypotheses exist. A significant negative correlation between larval duration and genetic differentiation (r2 = 0.39, P < 0.001, n = 29) across all studies suggests that larval duration might be used as a proxy for dispersal potential. However, among taxa with short larval durations (<10 days) there was greater variability in genetic differentiation than among taxa with longer pelagic periods. This variability implies that when larval duration is short, other factors may determine dispersal and connectivity among populations. Although there has been little congruence between the phylogeographic data and recognised biogeographic regions, recent research has resolved population subdivision at finer spatial scales corresponding more closely with existing biogeographic classifications. The use of fast‐evolving and ecologically significant molecular markers in hypothesis‐driven research could further improve our ability to detect population subdivision and identify the processes structuring marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The phase distributions of the M2, S2, K1, and O1 tidal constituents around New Zealand are plotted from existing harmonic analyses of tidal heights. Both semidiurnal constituents exhibit a complete 360° range of phase around New Zealand, with complex areas of rapid phase change through or near the strait separating the two main islands. The K1 amphidrome and that for O1, which previously were thought to be centred on New Zealand, are shown to be located cast of New Zealand. The distributions plotted highlight areas where tidal observations are lacking.  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity observations at 17 stations off the east coast of New Zealand are presented. Geostrophic current stations just north of the Subtropical Convergence suggest the presence of an anticyclonic eddy similar to but east of that found by Garner in the period February‐March 1963 (Garner 1967). Ridgway (in press) has suggested that eddies formed at East Cape proceed down the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand giving rise to the East Cape Current. It is proposed here that these eddies move east after leaving the coast in the vinicity of the southern limit of the Hikurangi Trench.  相似文献   

The male of Abergasilus amplexus Hewitt, 1978 is described for the first time. Previous records of A. amplexus are discussed and a new locality, Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Islands, is reported.  相似文献   


Plankton includes the primary producers and consumers that are critical for healthy ecosystem function in the marine realm. My objective was to identify the major contributions of the Leigh Marine Laboratory to our broader understanding of planktonic assemblages. Significant contributions were made prior to 1990 on the ecology of larval fishes. From the 1990s the focus changed to the sensory biology of larval invertebrates and fishes, with a strong emphasis given to the role of reef sound in attracting potential settlers. Both early and post 1980s research has been highly influential in a paradigm shift away from passively drifting larvae that have little control over their fate. Important contributions have also been made on the dynamics of nutrient–phytoplankton interactions, larval development and aquaculture. Opportunities abound for future research on the dynamics of planktonic assemblages in shelf waters and in changing seas.  相似文献   

Present knowledge of the geopotential topography of the ocean surface around New Zealand with respect to the 1,000 decibar isobaric surface is summarised and its relation to the geostrophic circulation of surface waters is discussed.  相似文献   

During 1966 and 1967, paraquat was applied on three occasions at 2 ppm for 30 min to control aquatic weeds in the South Branch experimental stream, a tributary of the lower Waimakariri River, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. Effects on the invertebrate fauna of the stream were studied before, during, and after the applications, by Surber and drift‐net samples.

After a heavy initial kill, the paraquat treatment reduced the number of amphipods caught in the drift fauna to 5% of the pre‐treatment level, and there was a slight reduction in the numbers of hemipterans. The total numbers in Surber samples increased markedly a year after treatments ended, mainly due to increased numbers of trichopterans.  相似文献   

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